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mhr3Saviq, ok for me to build new scopes stuff in ppa:unity-team/ppa?08:37
mhr3Saviq, want to have latest stuff available for trusty08:37
mhr3Saviq, re the no form factor thing - ultimately you still have "currentShellConfiguration", don't you? that is enough for us09:03
mhr3we don't care how you make the decision09:03
mhr3and if that doesn't match the device type... we don't care09:03
Saviqmhr3, you won't be able to build u8 on trusty without new qt package names09:22
Saviqmhr3, wth is "currentShellConfiguration"? ;)09:23
mhr3Saviq, i just want scopes, trusty u8 will have to be enough for now :)09:25
mhr3and it's whatever layout type your smart thing + user decided to use09:26
Saviqmhr3, grep comes up empty ;), or is that in the API simply?09:28
mhr3Saviq, that's what i just decided to call it now09:29
mhr3Saviq, as i said ^^ shell's current layout09:29
Saviqmhr3, yeah, we'll need to come up with a proper name for that09:29
Saviqmhr3, I'd leave it be formFactor for now09:29
mhr3a bit misleading, but fine by me09:30
Saviqmhr3, the values will be different anyway, so we'll deprecate that part of the API in due time09:30
Saviqmhr3, and introduce a new, proper one for the new thing09:30
mhr3Saviq, any clue already what the new values will be?09:30
mhr3or what they'll look like?09:31
mhr3will it be things like "touch-optimized" etc?09:31
Saviqmhr3, if I have my way, it will be touch, windowed, 10feet, or some such09:34
Saviqmhr3, names TBD09:34
Saviqmhr3, we're sending frameworks to the store atm anyway, right?09:34
mhr3no idea09:35
mhr3pstolowski, ^?09:35
Saviqmhr3, so for the most important thing - apps - form factor or The Other Thing™ is not enough anyway09:35
pstolowskiSaviq, yes, we do09:35
Saviqso TBH I'd drop formFactor from the API sooner rather than later09:35
mhr3but that'd be api break :P09:36
MirvSaviq: will tsdgeos be around today? I built the 5.3 qtdeclarative with delegate patch and the tsdgeos' unity8 branch, but I'm getting just a crash loop over there09:44
SaviqMirv, no, he's out09:44
SaviqMirv, ok, let's leave it until Monday then09:45
SaviqMirv, maybe we'll get feedback upstream09:45
Mirvon 5.2 with the backported qtdeclarative patch and the same unity8 branch I have stuff running, although there might be something wrong (I've only just started tests, but a _lot_ of UI Toolkit tests failed, unless my cats interfered or something)09:45
SaviqMirv, ah, so it could be 5.3 specific then?09:46
MirvSaviq: well the crash thing yes. it just may be that it's faulty also on 5.2.09:46
MirvSaviq: for reference, qt5-beta2 has the "normal" stuff still regarding 5.3 (unity8 starts, but scopes broken), while qt5-daily has the same otherwise but updated qtdeclarative + unity809:47
SaviqMirv, ok thanks09:47
Saviqseb128, bug #132016009:48
ubot5bug 1320160 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Sorting by size in "storage" doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132016009:48
seb128Saviq, thanks ... likely not our bug, that code didn't change since january and was working fine09:50
seb128but I can try having a look at what change09:50
seb128likely qt09:50
Saviqseb128, k09:52
Saviqdednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/cmake-plugin-cleanup/+merge/218171 Approved → Needs Review for a reason?10:01
dednickSaviq: i switched to Approved, but there's still alberts review pending.10:02
dednickso i switched back10:02
Saviqdednick, he only complained about a conflict ;)10:03
Saviqbut yeah, your call10:03
dednickSaviq: "Are the approvals equal to or greater than the disapprovals?"  -NO!10:03
* Saviq kicks the bot :P10:03
Saviqit should be working this morning10:04
dednickSaviq: couldnt be bothered. just approved it10:04
pete-woodsCimi: just letting you know that I revised the path that the fake json file needs to go in10:12
pete-woodsCimi: instead of the cache directory (naughty pete), the hooks are supposed to install stuff in ~/.local10:12
pete-woodsso you'll now need to create ~/.local/share/libusermetrics/sources/foo.json instead10:13
Cimipete-woods, thanks10:28
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mt_caretIs anybody here?11:23
mt_caretI'm new to IRC, but I problems with unity, it'll be great if someone could help me11:24
mt_caret*I have problems11:24
Saviqmzanetti, you said there was still an issue with short appid, greyback just ACK'ed the branch, so what's the deal?11:26
Saviqmt_caret, just ask your questions11:26
mt_caretk, well I just booted and the launcher was gone.11:26
mt_caretso I switched to a terminal and started ccsm11:27
greybackSaviq: I approved the unity8 changes because they're good. It's unity-mir which needed fixing. I pushed fix for it, we're testing it now11:27
mt_caretchecked all the options, but nothing happened.11:27
Saviqgreyback, kk11:27
mzanettiSaviq: packages building, testing soon11:27
Saviqmt_caret, if you press against the left edge, does it show up?11:27
mt_caretwell, I tried unity from the command line, and it failed11:27
mt_caretsaying compiz couldn't load opengl11:28
mt_careteven though ccsm says its on.11:28
mt_caretbut then when I just executed 'compiz'11:28
mt_caretopengl loads normally, and I get a unity launcher11:28
Saviqmt_caret, if you log in to the guest session from the greeter, does everything work?11:28
mt_carethaven't tried that, I'll check...11:29
mt_caretjust tried it out, and it looks like i do get unity in the guest session11:34
mt_caretbtw, exec unity, then ctrl-c and then compiz gets my launcher back, but without any of the indicators in the top right11:35
Mirvok there was something wrong with my previous AP run, now UITK passed this time11:36
mt_caret_oh, and I also can't launch the terminal emulator after getting a launcher, it disappears in a flash11:42
greybackSaviq: gentle reminder: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/fix-upstart-closed-apps2/+merge/218721 :)11:48
Saviqgreyback, on it right now11:48
greybackSaviq: thanks11:48
Saviqgreyback, only just found that unity8 crashes under wrong locale so want to file a bug on that first11:48
Saviqwell, aborts, not crashes11:49
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mhr3saviq, btw will you add the scope-tool update to any of your u8 landings, or are you excepting me to do it?12:21
Saviqmhr3, I will12:21
mhr3k, ty12:21
Saviqmhr3, might not be today, Monday latest12:21
mhr3i waited a week, can do one more day :P12:22
Saviqmhr3, pfft! it only got approved... 3 days ago ;P12:22
Saviqmhr3, it's mzanetti's and greyback's fault! I tell you!, they've been hogging a unity8 silo for 3 days now!12:23
mzanettiand still hogging it12:23
mhr3saviq, tell them off then, you're their lead! :)12:23
Saviqmhr3, good news is that there's no more manual intervention required to migrate unity8 from -proposed12:23
Saviqmhr3, hint hint, I just did! ;D12:24
mhr3saviq, too subtle :)12:24
mzanettiyes. too subtle12:24
mzanettino seriously... we're working on it... but we shouldn't land it before issues are fixed12:25
Saviqmzanetti, no indeed, but we might need to switch it into override mode, when we can land stuff in parallel12:26
Saviqmzanetti, or get it out of the silo for that matter, until you confirmed fixes locally12:26
mzanettiSaviq: what's the issue actually?12:26
mzanettiSaviq: why can't we have multiple silos?12:26
Saviqmzanetti, because you have to serialize *somewhere*12:27
Saviqmzanetti, and currently silos are where we try to serialize12:27
mzanettiah I see12:27
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. a single component in-flight in multiple silos is meant to be an exception, not a rule12:27
mzanettimhm... ok12:27
Saviqbecause then you land one of them and have to rebuild / retest the rest anyway12:27
mzanettiI really hope we have it soon. but just found another issue in what I thought would be the last test run. but fix already committed and its rebuilding12:28
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Saviqmzanetti, FWIW, it actually takes longer to rebuild in silo than cross-build locally12:30
mzanettiyeah... you might be right there12:30
mhr3saviq, but setting up and keeping cross-building working... :(12:31
Saviqmhr3, huh?12:31
Saviqmhr3, if we don't use it, it won't work, that's how it is12:31
Saviqmhr3, not the other way around12:31
mhr3true, but it still feels overly complicated12:32
mhr3i can't imagine regular developers actually doing it, and somehow we expect them to12:32
mzanettiI tend to agree with that12:32
Saviqmhr3, "click chroot create foo"12:32
Saviqmhr3, that's what regular developers do12:32
Saviqmhr3, *we* need a bit more for dpkg reasons12:32
Saviqmhr3, and what's more, click chroot support is integrated into qtcreator12:33
mzanettiyep, true. there's definitely progress12:33
mzanettialtough I haven't managed to use it from qtcreator yet.12:33
mzanettihaven't send too much time trying tho12:34
Saviqmhr3, mzanetti, it's a 15-minute set-up time for multi-hour savings over the course of a cycle... really?12:34
mzanettiI have the sbuild thing running...12:34
mhr3saviq, yea, i noticed, but honestly when i tried to build an app that used a lib that we have in archive but isn't qt, i couldn't figure out how i'd do that12:34
mzanettiand I even use it sometimes12:34
Saviqmhr3, right, BYOB is still a problem12:35
Saviqmhr3, but is a problem whether you're cross-building or not12:35
Saviqbring your own binaries12:35
mhr3yea, but apps are pretty useless without those :)12:36
mhr3qt has things... but12:36
mhr3not those 10k of libs that we normally have :)12:36
Saviqmhr3, yeah, again, how is that related to cross-building? ;)12:36
mhr3diverged a bit :)12:37
mhr3saviq, but yea the problem is that even your simple sbuild is 3 A4 pages of instructions :P12:37
Saviqmhr3, most of which optional12:38
mhr3saviq, time for RealSimpleSBuild then :)12:38
Saviqmhr3, and again, it's only 15 mins setup, for multi-hour savings over the cycle12:38
mzanettiits 15 mins to setup when you know what you're doing. certainly not the first times you set it up12:39
mzanettibut yes... I still agree we should do it12:39
mzanettibut also agree with mhr3 that its not easy enough yet12:39
dednickSaviq: i'm going to miss standup today. I'll put my notes in.12:39
Saviqdednick, kk12:39
Saviqmzanetti, if there are issues in the wiki, needs fixing - it indeed mentioned --arch= instead of --target=, which was your main issue12:40
mhr3saviq, could you maybe do a cross-building presentation in malta?12:41
Saviqmhr3, wonder if a workshop would be of better ues12:42
mhr3take vanilla trusty/utopic and have armhf binaries of u8 or something by the end12:42
SaviqI wonder if I could use the click chroots, that would simplify things a bit12:42
SaviqI'll see what I can do12:43
Saviqgreyback, we're ignoring the fact that you can see the old app when respawning for now?12:47
greybackSaviq: no change there, it was like that before12:48
Saviqgreyback, less visible since we were never respawning, but yeah12:48
Saviqhmm I just lost one app again...12:48
Saviqgreyback, the weird thing is that sometimes you can see black, sometimes old app... not sure what's that about12:49
Saviqmaybe if both old and new were killed I think12:49
Saviqxnox, you're in Malta second week, could we have you for a bit in a "Cross-building workshop" session so that you explained Multi-Arch: and Dep qualifiers?12:51
Saviq+tried to12:51
xnoxSaviq: ok.12:52
Saviqxnox, awesome, thanks12:52
Saviqlooks like we could use click chroots indeed12:56
Saviqgreyback, hmm, app with --desktop_file_hint... Ctrl+C, app gets restarted, that expected?13:11
greybackSaviq: no13:12
Saviqgreyback, this must be a fallout of the last fix :|13:12
greybackSaviq: how you mean get restarted?13:14
Saviqgreyback, I believe it takes the .desktop file and relaunches based on that13:14
Saviqgreyback, so I don't have the app in console any more13:14
Saviqgreyback, but it launches the one by desktop file13:15
greybackSaviq: if you Ctrl+C something you manually launched with dfh, it does stay in the list of apps13:15
Saviqgreyback, yeah, it does13:15
greybackwhich is unfortunate, but I can't fix that *and* the issue you found yesterday13:15
greybackthey conflict13:15
Saviqgreyback, and then it gets restarted when I tap on it...13:15
Saviqgreyback, yeah I figured as much :/13:15
Saviqgreyback, just not sure which is worse...13:16
greybackSaviq: I had thought it would be an ok compromise , but now i'm not so sure13:16
Saviqgreyback, it *might* actually be ok13:17
Saviqgreyback, it's a rather special case, too - more special than webapps13:17
greybackSaviq: if you open accounts from Settings, can you close it? Does it act "normal"13:17
greyback(I suspect accounts launches with desktop_file_hint somehow)13:17
Saviqgreyback, it does13:17
* Saviq tries13:18
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Saviqgreyback, seems to behave fine13:18
greybackSaviq: I'll have to leave it to you as a judegment call. Right now, I don't have any bright idea on fixing it (not so say such a possibility exists).13:18
Saviqgreyback, weird thing, though... accounts exit fine (after their 5s grace period)13:19
Saviqgreyback, and they go away from the stack... why wouldn't a manually started app :/13:19
Saviqgreyback, does it depend on exit code?13:20
greybackSaviq: no. Now I'm confused, that should not be possible.13:20
Saviqgreyback, same for mediaplayer app, if you launch it, it closes and goes away from the stack13:20
Saviqgreyback, maybe because they're focused?13:21
Saviqgreyback, I'll write down unexpected things on the MP13:22
Saviqgreyback, yeah, as long as they exit when focused, they just go away13:23
Saviqgreyback, but if they're suspended in the mean time, they get relaunched on focus13:23
greybackSaviq: makes sense, unity-mir assumes if an app that's focused closes, then it cannot be lifecycle restored13:23
greybackbut if unfocused, the app has been given time to save state, so in theory it can be resumed13:24
Saviqgreyback, right, so accounts will be problematic if you swipe them away13:24
Saviqgreyback, they confuse the stack for sure13:24
greybackSaviq: I really don't think unity-mir get's enough information to make the correct decision, if upstart is not involved13:25
Saviqgreyback, yeah I know13:25
Saviqgreyback, could the fix you implemented last13:25
Saviqgreyback, only have exceptions for known things - like QtWebProcess, signon-ui?13:26
Saviqgreyback, it's not tragic, nothing dies etc., and only the corner cases get weird, but maybe we could limit the amount of corner cases then?13:27
greybackSaviq: it could be done I suppose. Though note https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/unity-mir/signonui-with-oxide/+merge/21684513:27
greybacksignon-ui will improve shortly13:27
Saviqgreyback, sure, when it improves we'd remove the special-case for it13:28
Saviqgreyback, in both places13:28
greybackSaviq: will give it a go13:28
greybackSaviq: please add the strange behaviour you notice to the MR, I'll see what i can do13:30
Saviqgreyback, https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/fix-upstart-closed-apps2/+merge/218721/comments/52495713:46
mzanettiSaviq: ok. green light on Silo 514:18
mzanettisorry for the delays14:18
Saviqmzanetti, kk14:18
mzanettido I still need to ping someone from the landing team?14:18
mhr3Saviq, finally wrote down my take on departments -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7473209/ comments?14:19
Saviqmzanetti, no14:19
Saviqmzanetti, ACK the branch, though https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/shortAppIds-0.1.9/+merge/21937714:19
Saviqmhr3, hmm hmm14:20
Saviqmhr3, didn't request for departments require the canned query itself?14:21
mhr3Saviq, maybe... let's say that depId == cannedQuery14:21
mhr3afterall canned query is serializable14:22
Saviqmhr3, so it looks like my original plan basically stands ;)14:22
mhr3with some tiny changes14:22
Saviqmhr3, only you don't want a separate Model14:22
Saviqmhr3, but just make Department a model, fine with that14:23
mhr3need to dig up your proposal again :)14:23
Saviqmhr3, http://pad.ubuntu.com/dash-departments-shell-api14:23
Saviqmhr3, not sure we need hasDepartments, though14:24
Saviqmhr3, and I think it should be the object itself straight away14:24
mhr3yea, it's wildly similar to yours :)14:24
mhr3Saviq, i actually wanted to hide it more there14:25
Saviqmhr3, why? we'd be loading it straight away anyway?14:25
mhr3Saviq, you wouldn't be able to use it anyway, cause it would update to always the current query, and you couldn't do your transition thing14:25
Saviqmhr3, sure I could14:25
Saviqmhr3, ah well, ownership14:26
Saviqmhr3, ok14:26
Saviqmhr3, but let's drop the bool14:26
mhr3the bool is necessary :)14:26
Saviqno it isn't, just make the departments prop empty if there's no department ;)14:26
mhr3Saviq, i'm not sure i can, it will be probably serialized canned query, and empty could mean either not loaded yet, or parent, or no departments14:27
mhr3too much ambiguity14:27
SaviqhasDepartments would have the exact same ambiguity14:28
Saviqit'd be false until loaded14:28
Saviqwithout knowing whether they'd ever be loaded14:28
mhr3but you can nicely bind to the widget's visible prop14:29
Saviqyeah, with department != "", too ;)14:29
Saviqor whatnot14:29
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mhr3yea.. no :)14:29
Saviqmhr3, this just adds another property to be listened to Changed signals14:29
mhr3Saviq, should be the only one really14:30
Saviqmhr3, "department" will be a property, too14:30
Saviqmhr3, will have a Changed signal14:30
mhr3but you don't need change notifications on the currentDep14:30
Saviqmhr3, bleh14:30
Saviqmhr3, please no bool14:30
mhr3bools are good!14:31
Saviqmhr3, sure, when they're not useless ;)14:32
mhr3i wouldn't add it if i thought the other prop is enough14:32
Saviqmhr3, you still haven't convinced me why it's not enough14:32
mhr3i told you14:33
mhr3department == "" is either no departments or root14:33
mhr3no way to distinguish14:33
Saviqmhr3, yeah, and? you won't know whether there are departments until you receive them anyway14:33
Saviqmhr3, anyway, not sure what's "or root", root has departments, doesn't it?14:34
mhr3Saviq, sub-, yes, but id-wise, it can't be distinguished from no-departments14:34
sil2100mzanetti: publishing 005 - double checking, is everything ok?14:35
Saviqmhr3, hmm you mean the root node won't have a department id?14:35
mhr3Saviq, yes14:35
mhr3it won't14:35
Saviqmhr3, bleh :|14:36
mzanettisil2100: yep. all good14:36
Saviqmhr3, so anyway, the actual arg to getDepartment() will be a string will it? serialized canned query?14:37
mterrySaviq, you mentioned catching up and planning silo 002's landing.  So I've gotten all the branches approved except two: the unity8 one (which Albert said he'd approve with one small tweak, made the tweak, and then he went EOD I think :) and indicator-network, and a developer of that said he'd review today).  I'm rebuilding the silo today, should be all good14:37
mhr3Saviq, yep14:37
Saviqmhr3, bleh for not being able to do null QString ;)14:38
mhr3Saviq, or dep id, i still need to check the api expects... anyway.. some kind of string14:38
Saviqmterry, awesome, so let's plan for Monday for testing and landing?14:38
mterrySaviq, sure.  I'll continue poking at it in the meantime14:38
Saviqmterry, I'll try and clear the current queue before then14:39
Saviqmhr3, ohkay ohkay, have your bool ;(14:39
Saviqmhr3, please MP against unity-api (prereq on Albert's)14:40
mhr3Saviq, i'll do it in -shell first to see whether it really fits14:40
Saviqmhr3, sure, just make it so that they all land together (-api, -shell and unity8)14:40
Saviqmhr3, or well, -api lands before the other two14:41
Saviqat least14:41
mhr3Saviq, yea.. thx for making that harder :P14:41
Saviqmhr3, that's the whole idea! (to make it harder to break API) ;P14:41
mhr3your evil plans!14:41
mhr3oh i missed the loaded prop14:43
Saviqmhr3, yeah, status14:45
Saviqmhr3, I'll modify the pad then14:46
Saviqmhr3, to get on the same page14:46
mhr3ok, thx14:46
mhr3Saviq, why did you want special error state for departments?14:48
mhr3errors are per-search, not dep-specific14:48
mhr3shouldn't be there imo14:48
Saviqmhr3, right, this was probably when I thought a query for departments could fail14:48
Saviqmhr3, when now it'd just be a generic query fail14:49
CimiSaviq, I changed the animation of the crossfade with a parallel animation composed of two animation for the different 2 images running in parallel - I'd like to disable one of these when I am using the two different transitions, how would you disable one NumberAnimation without hacks?14:50
Saviqmhr3, WHAT DID YOU DO! ;P\14:50
mhr3whoops :)14:50
mhr3it's back :)14:50
Saviqmhr3, think we need Model in DepartmentModel? I'm fine without it14:51
Saviqok, no, then14:51
SaviqCimi, what are they triggered by?14:51
CimiSaviq, swapImage function calling start14:52
SaviqCimi, then don't call start :)14:52
CimiSaviq, but I put them inside a parallelAnimation14:52
CimiSaviq, and I can't call start on a not-root animation14:53
SaviqCimi, right, then just unset the target probably14:53
Cimiso if I have Parallel { Number { image1 } Number { image2 } }14:53
CimiSaviq, which was what I called "hack"14:53
SaviqCimi, you could override the animations parent14:53
SaviqCimi, so Number { parent: foo ? something : parallel }14:54
SaviqCimi, that should work I think14:54
CimiSaviq, so this is the code I am talking about14:55
Saviqmhr3, do we need "id" at all then?14:55
CimiSaviq, what I want is not to run currentImageFadeOut when I ran the parent14:55
SaviqCimi, yeah, put "parent: realCrossFade ? nextImageFadeIn : somethingElse" in  currentImageFadeOut14:57
CimiI try14:57
SaviqCimi, I'm not *sure* that will work, but you can try14:57
SaviqCimi, otherwise you could create that animation dynamically and destroy it on realCrossFadeChanged14:58
mhr3Saviq, hm, the api has both ids and canned queries, so i think the plugin will expose just the ids14:58
SaviqCimi, but not sure that'd really be that much better14:58
Saviqmhr3, ah so you'd handle queries down there?14:58
CimiSaviq, I might be able to change the property affected14:58
mhr3Saviq, yep14:58
Cimior change target14:59
SaviqCimi, that was what you called "hack" just a second ago ;)14:59
Cimiyeah but who cares :D14:59
Cimiunless we have better idea14:59
SaviqCimi, apparently you do :D14:59
SaviqCimi, the only "better" idea was to move the animation outside of the parallel14:59
SaviqCimi, so that it doesn't get ran at all14:59
CimiSaviq, I could have two animations running15:00
Cimiand call what I want15:00
Saviqmhr3, so we don't need runQuery, it will just be "close" basically15:00
Ciminot sure which is better15:00
Saviqmhr3, ah, leaf nodes15:00
mhr3Saviq, we still need activateDepartment()15:00
mhr3which is pretty much runQuery()15:01
Saviqmhr3, yeah, renamed15:01
Saviqmhr3, made it gotoDepartment(string id), k?15:01
mhr3i'm still wondering how that one could be merged with getDepartmentModel()15:01
Saviqmhr3, well, in theory I could getDepartment() and close15:02
mhr3i mean gotoDepartment could return new DepartmentModel15:02
Saviqmhr3, scary15:02
Saviqmhr3, I'd rather you departmentChanged15:03
mhr3Saviq, well cause right now you're expected to do getDepartmentModel(foo); gotoDepartment(foo)15:03
Saviqmhr3, hmm as long as ids are static15:03
mhr3feels wrong15:04
mhr3but if getDepModel is gone, i'm not sure how to the initial query for departments15:04
Saviqmhr3, not really15:04
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Saviqmhr3, I do gotoDep(foo); closeUI()15:04
Saviqmhr3, you then do depChanged() → I do getDep()15:05
mhr3Saviq, what if it's a hasChildren node?15:05
Saviqmhr3, same15:05
Saviqmhr3, ah you mean when you press "all foo"?15:05
mhr3but you shouldn't close the dep ui when navigating15:05
mhr3at least that's what mike said as some point15:05
Saviqmhr3, yeah, I'd only close when it's a leaf node15:05
Saviqmhr3, well, I'd close on press on "All foo" *or* leaf node *or* the top button15:06
Saviqmhr3, on leaf node I'd *also* do gotoDep()15:06
mhr3Saviq, i'm not sure about the gotoDep() -> depChanged() -> getDep()15:07
mhr3i was thinking getDep() -> gotoDep()15:07
mhr3cause the first one will take long15:07
Saviqbut why would I getDep15:07
Saviqmhr3, I wouldn't need gotoDep() then15:07
Saviqmhr3, since getDep() would already give me everything15:08
mhr3Saviq, cause you can get the subtree right away and it will be filled15:08
Saviqmhr3, gotoDep() would at that point equal closeUI15:08
Saviqmhr3, since you'd already have loaded results for it15:08
Saviqbecause of getDep()15:08
Saviqmhr3, the only problem I see with that is15:09
Saviqmhr3, when I go getDep(), you query the scope15:09
Saviqmhr3, you want me to gotoDep() on _every_ dep change? why?15:09
mhr3no, i'll just snapshot what i know about the dep tree at that point15:10
Saviqmhr3, if you don't know anything about the tree, you'd query it anyway15:10
Saviqmhr3, and got deps and results back15:10
mhr3but i can't just query the tree, i'll get results too15:10
Saviqmhr3, so whether you query scope or cache - your call15:10
Saviqmhr3, exactly15:10
Saviqmhr3, we *need* the results, too15:10
Saviqmhr3, as they're meant to update all the time when you browse deps15:11
mhr3so you wanted to call gotoDep only when going to a leaf?15:11
mhr3why do we even need that then :)15:11
Saviqmhr3, so, again15:12
mhr3i don't care about the close15:12
mhr3you own the model, just destroy it when you don't need it15:12
Saviqmhr3, yeah, but my only problem was Scope.departmentChanged15:12
Saviqmhr3, which you'd emit, would you15:12
mhr3i would, but i didn't think you'd actually need it15:13
Saviqmhr3, I wouldn't *need* it15:13
dandradermzanetti, so you're planning on make lp:~mir-team/qtmir/trunk use cmake instead of qmake?15:13
Saviqmhr3, that's exactly my point :)15:13
Saviqmhr3, I'd have to differentiate between "standard" depChanged when you change searches and such15:13
mzanettidandrader: we definitely should do that at some point. greyback already has a branch for that, but said there would be roadblockers15:13
mzanettidandrader: I haven't tried myself yet15:14
Saviqmhr3, and "browse" depChanged when you just load the dep for current query15:14
dandradermzanetti, so I should now start pushing my changes there?15:14
Saviqmhr3, *but*15:14
mzanettidandrader: yes15:14
mhr3Saviq, right, right, i kinda forgot about that15:14
Saviqmhr3, since it's a string, I could in theory ignore it15:14
Saviqmhr3, in case my current dep is equal to it15:14
dandradermzanetti,ok,  because that s/qmake/cmake is a quite intrusive, potentially clashing with my changes. so it scares me a bit :)15:15
mhr3Saviq, i wanted to just update the model i gave you, but i can't really do that15:15
greybackdandrader: mzanetti: I mostly hit walls with cmake as I don't think people usually use it to compile a QPA. Have struggled a bit with it15:15
Saviqmhr3, well, you could, if you could, but you can't if you can't ;)15:15
Saviqmhr3, I saw your note15:15
mzanettidandrader: if you push soon enough you'll be first anyways :D15:15
Saviqmhr3, but I think it might be too tricky15:15
greybackdandrader: I'd consider cmake a nice to have, it's far from required IMO. It's not going to land any time soon anyway15:15
mhr3Saviq, indeed15:15
mzanettidandrader: if you do changes, please either ask me to upload a new version to the ppa, or do it yourself, however you see fit. but its not automatically updated so far15:16
Saviqmhr3, basically, I will only ever *keep* two models at most - when transitioning up or down15:16
dandradergreyback, yeah, qpa's are very tied to qt, so it makes sense to stick with qmake as it has all the secret rules for getting it installed properly15:16
mzanettigreyback, dandrader: I agree too15:16
Saviqmhr3, and whenever current changes, you'd let me know and I'd load it there and then15:16
greybackmzanetti: dandrader 2 against one, motion defeated (I'm not that upset either)15:16
Saviqmhr3, so, with that in mind... I should probably call gotoDepartment on every click15:17
Saviqmhr3, and getDepartment on departmentChanged15:17
mhr3Saviq, i think you'll need to keep comparing the currentDepId with what you last requested in getDep()15:17
mzanettigreyback: huh? I thought we all 3 agreed15:17
Saviqmhr3, indeed15:17
greybackmzanetti: yeah I do. Just being theatrical :)15:17
Saviqmhr3, feels like the only way, otherwise we'd reload it unnecessarily15:17
Saviqmhr3, in which case... gotoDeparment can go away indeed15:18
mzanettigreyback: anyways, I'd like to ask you too to push upcoming changes to lp:~mir-team/qtmir/trunk15:18
mhr3Saviq, ok, enough for now, think we went far enough, let's sort out details once we have some code :)15:18
Saviqmhr3, or we could rename getDepartment to gotoDepartment15:18
Saviqmhr3, yeah15:18
Saviqmhr3, but I agree, let's try and get rid of goto15:18
mzanettigreyback: also, as you're the one that registered the qtmir project, I think only you can set the alias for lp:qtmir to that branch15:18
greybackSaviq: haveyou the power to assign branches as the devel focus? https://code.launchpad.net/qtmir15:18
Saviqmhr3, removed it15:18
greybackmzanetti: unfortunately not, the Maintainer group can only do that, which I'm not on (I gave the power away)15:19
mzanettiah, I see15:19
Saviqgreyback, mzanetti, done15:19
mzanettithanks Saviq15:19
greybackSaviq: ta15:19
Saviqmhr3, you really want "current" in "currentDepartment"?15:21
mhr3Saviq, yes!15:21
Saviqmhr3, :D15:21
mhr3although not really consistent with searchString :/15:21
Saviqoh oh, published already! :D15:22
mhr3then again, searchString isn't async15:22
Saviq:| just unity-mir15:22
Saviqmzanetti, greyback, is it ok that unity-mir got published alone (did one depend on the other)?15:23
Saviqgreyback, if you didn't add version dependencies between them, they won't get migrated together15:23
mzanettiSaviq: shouldn't break anything (except not fixing the launcher issue yet)15:23
Saviqor bumped ABI or whatnot15:23
Saviqmzanetti, ok15:23
Saviqunity8 is still in autopkgtest15:24
mzanettiSaviq: what exactly would have been the right thing to do here?15:24
mzanettiSaviq: bump version on unity-mir and depend on that in unity8?15:24
mzanetti >=15:24
Saviqmzanetti, that, and15:24
Saviqmzanetti, Breaks: unity8 <= foo15:24
Saviqmzanetti, in unity-mir15:24
mzanettiok... well, if it did break it, yes. in this case its actually correct not to have the Breaks15:25
Saviqmzanetti, and/or, if ABI changed, just bump ABI15:25
Saviqmzanetti, indeed15:25
Saviqmhr3, ok, the pad is good then, I think15:26
Saviqpaulliu, you around?15:28
Saviqpaulliu, lp:~paulliu/unity8/logout still has tags, please strip with http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.sh15:28
Saviqmhr3, you cleared the "unity8 dependencies" ppa did you?15:31
mhr3Saviq, yea, had saucy pkgs mostly anyway15:31
Saviqmhr3, good, I'm dropping the recipes15:31
mhr3Saviq, keep the scopes-related ones pls15:31
mhr3plus i just took over some of the -saucy ones :)15:32
Saviqmhr3, were they named -saucy? ;)15:32
Saviqmhr3, then they're gone, sorry15:32
mhr3eh, nw15:32
Saviqmhr3, could've renamed them...15:33
mhr3i did... they're -trusty now15:33
Saviqmhr3, ah then those are fine15:33
Saviqmhr3, I only dropped the -saucy ones15:34
Saviqgood, so everyone did right!15:34
Saviqexcept launchpad...15:34
mhr3we're just awesome15:34
Saviqfooking timeout :|15:34
mhr3grr, so ditching this stupid wifi over the weekend15:36
mhr3hopefully i won't kill my laptop :)15:36
mhr3otherwise i'll consider it Cimi's fault :P15:37
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paulliuSaviq: ok15:53
paulliuSaviq: BTW, How to push if I clear the tags?15:55
Saviqpaulliu, you need to run the script passing lp:~paulliu/unity8/foo to it15:55
Saviqpaulliu, it will iterate over the arguments15:55
paulliuSaviq: ah.. ok15:56
Saviqpaulliu, so you can just run it with "/path/to/your/local/checkout lp:~paulliu/unity8/foo"15:56
=== tedg is now known as ted
mhr3mhall119, ping? the 14.04 docs didn't get updated16:00
dandradermzanetti, since you're on the packaging etc16:04
dandradermzanetti, have you notice that if you make qtmir with e.g.  -j4 it eventually breaks. then you issue make once again and it continues finishes successfully16:05
greybackdandrader: one of the reasons cmake is better16:06
dandraderlooks like some missing build dependency. building in the wrong order I guess16:06
greybackdandrader: there's a qmake ".depends" command which can specify that one target requires another one16:07
mzanettidandrader: fixed already16:09
greybackmzanetti: yes you did, yay for you16:09
mzanettidandrader: although only pushed to my packaging branch16:09
mzanettiI think16:09
mzanettianyways. its fixed and will land in a ppa near you soon16:09
mzanettigreyback: yeah, you had the depends the wrong way round16:11
greybackmzanetti: ah was that it? Bah16:11
mzanettiyep. at least in the ppa it builds now16:11
mzanettiand that's building with -j816:12
mzanettiyay! unity8 built too!16:13
mzanettionly keyboard to go16:13
greybackmzanetti: keyboard not needed, I landed the change needed16:13
mzanettioh! awesome!16:13
mzanetti=> ppa ready to be installed for the first time16:13
greybackDon't expect any miracles16:13
mzanettino. I expect breakage16:14
greybackthe surface management in unity8 needs a bit of work still16:14
mzanettibut hey, that's what we have the ppa for. find the breakage16:14
dandradermzanetti, what about the changes from the "Getting it up and running" session?16:15
mzanettidandrader: right... still to be done16:15
dandraderlikely need to branch some other packages to get them in16:16
greybackdandrader: where is that doc again?16:16
dandraderhow come it's not in your faves list? :)16:17
greybackdandrader: mzanetti I'd argue those changes are not necessary just yet. I'd like to test using the standard client QPA plugins from qtubuntu first16:17
* mzanetti doesn't know enough about what's changed, so doesn't argue in this case16:18
mzanettigreyback: but afaiu it won't even boot without that, no?16:19
greybackmzanetti: it will16:19
greybackmzanetti: ubuntuclient QPA plugin is the equivalent of the ubuntumirclient QPA plugin from qtubuntu16:20
greybackmzanetti: both are used by Qt applications to connect to Mir16:20
mzanettioh i see16:20
greybackubuntuclient just a tidied up version of ubuntuMirclient16:20
mzanettigot it16:21
greybackubuntuclient  has a couple of small changes, which will probably make the experience better16:21
greyback(e.g. ubuntumirclient adds a white strip to the top of the application surface - which is usually hidden under the panel)16:22
greybackubuntuclient removes that16:22
greybackbut I've a branch of qtubuntu that does the same, which might be a lot easier to land - longer term16:22
mzanettiand you're still unsure if you want to replace the ubuntumirclient with ubuntuclient, or upstream changes to ubuntumirclient16:23
mzanettiI see. makes all sense16:23
mzanettijust let me know which one you want in the ppa and you'll get it16:23
greybackmzanetti: I've not tested my qtubuntu branch yet, so let's leave that decision until monday16:24
mzanettiyeah... I'm EOWing soon now16:25
greybackno worries, Have a good weekend!16:25
greybackthanks for all your help today16:25
mzanettino problem... finally I see progress16:25
mzanettifelt really slow the last 3 days16:25
greybackoh yeah16:26
dandraderyes, reflashing got my rotation back \o/ (god knows what I f**ed up on the previous image)16:28
dandradergreyback, whall I remove qpamirserver repo to avoid confusion?16:33
greybackdandrader: ok16:33
dandraderwill just bring  your recent "Establish object ownership with more care" commit into qtmir and them nuke it16:35
greybackdandrader: thanks!16:38
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mhall119mhr3: can I just copy the 14.10 docs over top of the 14.04 docs?16:42
mhr3mhall119, yes16:42
mhall119mhr3: if there's anything that was removed between 14.04 and 14.10, I'll need to manually remove it16:42
mhr3mhall119, just added afaik16:43
mhall119ok, putting it up on 14.04 on staging first16:44
mhall119mhr3: please verify and then I'll push them to 14.04 on production16:44
mhr3mhall119, +116:45
mhall119ok, going to production now16:46
mhr3mhall119, i hope the new scripts aren't going to revert it back?16:46
dandradergreyback, so I can remove DBusScreen from qtmir as unity-system-compositor has it, right?16:47
greybackdandrader: right16:47
dandraderok, will do16:47
mhall119mhr3: once it's automated it'll only update the development version, not stable version16:51
mhr3mhall119, ok16:51
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mhall119mhr3: please verify http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/sdk-14.04/17:05
mhr3it's ok17:06
mhall119thanks, let me know if there are any other changes you need17:06
* greyback eow o/17:34
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