
bluesabreanybody around?00:01
bluesabrebrainwash: poke00:01
ochosibluesabre: sorry, already heading to bed00:02
bluesabrequick, link to lid-close bug00:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Confirmed]00:03
bluesabreyay, thanks!00:03
ochosi(just bookmark this page: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-14-04-point-1 )00:03
bluesabrefinished with adjusting the patch, will upload the package in a few00:04
ochosidid you test it?00:04
bluesabrenot yet00:04
bluesabreagain, issue doesn't affect me00:04
ochosithis is extremely weird00:04
ochosii wonder how it can and cannot affect anyone with a laptop00:04
ochosiit should be consistent00:04
bluesabrerace condition most likely00:04
ochosithe only thing i *can* imagine is that your computer is "too fast"00:05
ochosiand older ones fail00:05
bluesabrebrand new gaming laptop :)00:05
ochosii guess if this works for "most" ppl, we should SRU it00:06
ochosi(as i said, some of the testers were obviously mistaken)00:06
ochosianyway, let's continue at the meeting00:06
ochosigotta hit the hay00:06
bluesabreseeya ochosi00:07
ochosiand thanks for the patch!00:07
bluesabreochosi: patched xfpm and light-locker-settings pushed to xubuntu-dev ppa01:23
Unit193bluesabre: There's some updates to be done to the xubuntu-artwork package, want to fix them?04:41
Unit193ochosi: Oh, so are we having another version of xubuntu-community-artwork?05:20
ochosiUnit193: depends, i personally don't want to invest the time for another call and the follow-up work, i have enough on my plate this cycle i guess...06:17
ochosiso if somebody else from the team wants to take that on, we can do another version, otherwise we can just ship the same wallpapers again06:17
ochosi(knome: i just said "wallpapers" ^ , in case you don't have that on your highlight-list ;))06:18
Unit193Fine by me, so we don't have them.06:21
elfyI week in the job - excuses already :p06:21
ochosithat's an excuse from my other job though (artwork-lead)06:22
ochosi(the one i've been doing for a few years)06:22
Unit193"I would, but :effort:"06:23
ochosirunning the new call wouldn't be hard, but there's a bit maintenance and follow-up work06:23
ochosielfy: bluesabre uploaded an improved version to the xubuntu-dev PPA (xfpm+ll), could you give that a spin?06:24
ochosii gotta run off until the meeting06:24
elfyochosi: yep06:25
ochosii hope it works so we can get this over with :)06:26
elfyochosi bluesabre - upgraded to new xfpm/lls - still works for me07:00
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brainwashochosi: do we already know that light-locker-settings is not in sync with the .desktop files before hitting the apply button for the first time?08:29
brainwashI remember reading about this here08:30
brainwashwould be bug 130691708:30
ubottubug 1306917 in light-locker-settings (Ubuntu) "light-locker: screen always automatically locked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130691708:30
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knomeochosi, lets see if we really want that.09:03
knomehey bluesabre 09:03
knomeyou still or already awake?09:03
bluesabrewoke up just to be here, ochosi should feel loved09:03
bluesabre!team | Wake up!09:04
ubottuWake up!: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19309:04
Unit193It's 5am, no.09:05
knomeyeah, still an hour to go ;)09:05
bluesabredamn clock09:05
knomebluesabre, GO BACK TO BED ;)09:05
slickymasterWork!team | ~morning 09:05
ubottu~morning: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19309:05
bluesabreDST is not my friend09:05
slickymasterWorkbluesabre, don't poke Unit193 ;)09:05
bluesabre"Let sleeping dogs lie"?09:06
brainwashbluesabre: did you want to ask me sth?09:17
bluesabreI did, but ochosi popped up and answered09:17
brainwashelfy: did you also test with xscreensaver?09:19
elfybrainwash: no - why would I?09:20
ochosibrainwash: yes, that is something we also want to fix at some point09:21
brainwashelfy: isn't it obvious? :)09:21
elfynot at all - we don't seed xscreensaver09:22
ochosielfy: for upgraders, i'd prefer if we don't break xscreensaver09:22
ochosibut yeah, primary goal is fixing the situation for clean installs with light-locker09:22
brainwashand many have returned to xscreensaver09:22
elfythen someone should say something 09:22
elfysomewhere were people can find it easily ;)09:22
brainwashok, please do it then/now :)09:22
ochosibrainwash: "many" of a vocal minority though. we don't know anything about the majority of xubuntu users...09:23
ochosielfy: yeah, as it's a secondary goal, i wanted this to be tested first with light-locker09:23
ochosiin fact it should work fine with xscreensaver09:23
brainwashit's the no.1 workaround mentioned by users09:23
ochosibecause those users can switch back to the old behavior09:23
ochosiby flipping an xfconf switch in xfpm09:24
elfybrainwash: it's the no 1 workround mentioned by the noisy ones 09:24
brainwashand the silent ones will use it09:25
elfythe noisy ones want all sorts of things that they aren't going to get09:25
bluesabrewell, if they remove the light-locker package, light-locker-settings should be removed as well09:25
ochosibluesabre: yeah, but the setting is a hidden one and if lls modified it, they have to change it back by hand09:26
bluesabreI see09:26
ochosithe best thing would be if xscreensaver worked with that logind-suspend too09:26
ochosiif it does, then we have no problem09:26
ochosibut since up to now we had xfpm handle that, i don't know whether it does work this way09:27
ochosifrankly, this is all a bit messy and very very confusing09:27
ochosieven for me...09:27
ochosievery time i have to really focus in order not to forget how things should work exactly09:27
ochosii guess i should write a process diagram or something09:27
bluesabreI'm just trying to keep up09:27
elfybluesabre: join the club ... 09:28
ochosiyeah, i'll start something, give me a minute (or two)09:28
ochosidoes this help^ ?09:32
ochosi(another note: i don't know yet how things work with xscreensaver, but the save bet is to always go for option 2) as that is the "old behavior")09:33
ochosibluesabre: ^09:35
bluesabreso, "lock on suspend" TRUE, "inhibit logind" FALSE09:35
bluesabre"lock on suspend" FALSE, "inhibit logind" TRUE?09:36
ochosithere's a side-effect though, all the other events (power-button, suspend-button) will also be handled by logind in case 1)09:38
bluesabregtk-inspector is built in with gnome 3.14, and can be activated with a key combo... we might want to block that combo in the greeter when the time comes http://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/2014/05/15/introducing-gtkinspector/09:38
bluesabreok, I'll update the patch now.09:38
brainwashochosi: please no side effects :P09:39
ochosibrainwash: you can always come up with a better patch ;)09:39
bluesabrethat side effect already exists though, right?09:39
ochosiin the old, more hacky patch it doesn't09:40
bluesabreI see09:40
ochosithere only the lid-event is inhibited09:40
ochosior not inhibited09:40
ochosi(to be more exact)09:40
ochosiso shipping the hacky patch would be fine if it works with xscreensaver too09:40
brainwashbut how can you sru the patch if it breaks something which has been fixed previously?09:41
bluesabrebecause power buttons are minor in comparison to losing work09:41
brainwashlid-close event09:41
ochosii'll test now with xscreensaver...09:42
brainwashxfpm won't inhibit it anymore and run the action specified via the settings dialog09:42
brainwashthis is really confusing09:42
bluesabreI'll quickly push the tweaked lls09:43
brainwashso the user selects "do nothing on lid close", but the system will suspend due to logind being in command again09:44
ochosibrainwash: yeah, so stop spreading confusion! :)09:44
elfyochosi: anything I need to do with xscreensavr - other than install it and purge ll/lls ?09:44
brainwashjust doing my job.. brainwashing people09:44
ochosiyeah,i never thought of it that way ;)09:44
ochosielfy: install it and disable ll, that should suffice09:45
ochosibrb (hopefully)09:45
elfymmm 09:46
elfythat just comes back to the desktop with no password09:46
ochosiyeah, seems like it09:46
elfythat wfm - when people complain - we can tell them to install ll/lls as that's what we're using now :p09:47
brainwashwhat about the normal Xfce session?09:48
elfyno idea brainwash - I use THAT as often as I suspend in real life ;)09:48
ochosiok, i'm trying with the less hacky patch now09:50
ochosibluesabre: i'll test now and control the settings by hand, just to be sure ;)09:50
brainwashI mean we don't want fix and break something at the same time09:51
bluesabreyeah, that usually comes with issues09:51
bluesabrewhy is the normal Xfce session usually so messed up?09:51
brainwashit is?09:51
brainwashthe xfce4 package does not depend on ll, but still uses xfpm09:51
bluesabreusually it messes with my panel layout, font rendering, and other things09:51
bluesabreochosi: good, the package probably won't be live for a while09:51
ochosibluesabre: hmmm09:54
ochosieither there's a problem in the package with the patch, or there's something wrong with the patch09:55
ochosig_object_set_property: object class 'XfpmXfconf' has no property named 'inhibit-logind'09:55
ochosidisclaimer: so the xfpm package 1.2.0-3ubuntu5~trusty~ppa2 doesn't work09:56
bluesabrethere might be something missing09:56
bluesabrethe branch was ahead of the 1.2.0 release09:57
ochosibut it confirms my suspicion09:57
bluesabreso the diff only applied to where it was at the time09:57
ochosithat xscreensaver isn't listening to logind, but needs to be called specifically by xfpm/xfsession on suspend09:57
bluesabreso there might be something that is needed that was committed between 1.2.0 and that branch 09:58
bluesabreI'll do some testing and figure out if something is missing09:59
knomemeeting time :)10:00
ochosiso this is how things are according to my findings and testing so far10:00
ochosi!team | meeting-time!10:00
ubottumeeting-time!: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19310:00
meetingologyMeeting started Fri May 16 10:01:10 2014 UTC.  The chair is ochosi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.10:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick10:01
ochosihi everyone, just to know for sure, who's around?10:01
ochosiok, just a small disclaimer, i'm still learning all this bot-business ;)10:02
ochosilet's start with what's left from last time and update those items10:03
ochosiknome: you had quite a few action-items from last time, want me to name them all or just wanna update them now?10:04
knomeall are done10:04
ochosii also ran the call for technical lead, so i guess the only open issue left is systemd ETA10:05
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ochosi#topic Open action items10:07
elfyI hate driving the bot too ochosi ;)10:09
ochosi#action Team: When is systemd landing?10:09
meetingologyACTION: Team: When is systemd landing?10:09
ochosiany news on that?10:09
Unit193ochosi: Define "landing"10:09
ochosielfy: sorry, i should've prepared better10:09
ochosiUnit193: well, i guess there are two interesting aspects10:09
elfyochosi: now worries - just letting you know I'd not be doing any differently :)10:10
ochosi1) when will utopic have a functioning systemd stack that we can test/use10:10
ochosi2) will utopic already fully switch to systemd10:10
elfy1 - now10:10
ochosielfy: please #info ;)10:10
Unit193ochosi: 1. It's in repo and usable.  2. It's not without quirks.  3. Not all service files are there, a couple ubuntu things only have upstart jobs.  4. Might not be default this cycle.10:10
ochosimeh, #info folks :)10:11
elfy#info systemd is in repo and usable - with quirks10:11
elfy#info not all service files are there10:12
Unit193I can name modemmanager and whoopsie.10:12
elfy#info no concrete idea of when it will be default10:12
brainwashbut how does this affect xubuntu-desktop?10:12
ochosii'm not entirely sure10:13
ochosifrom what i remember, upstart user-sessions can still be run10:13
ochosinot sure what happens to e.g. the indicators10:13
ochosibrainwash: wanna investigate that?10:13
Unit193user sessions are still upstart.10:13
brainwashisn't it too early?10:13
ochosi(or: does someone else know)10:13
ochosibrainwash: why would it be too early?10:14
ochosithe full stack is there and usable10:14
brainwashI mean the upstart user session10:14
brainwashif it will stay or go10:14
elfyquote from pitti's blog "To clarify, there is nofixed date/plan/deadline when this will be done, in particular it might well last more than one release cycle. So we’ll “release” (i. e. switch to it as a default) when it’s read"10:15
ochosithat can obviously happen any cycle then10:15
ochosiguess we need to follow the status of systemd in unity10:15
Unit193There's two blueprints to follow on that.10:15
elfyseems so10:15
ochosiwe could link those to one of our blueprints10:16
ochosijust to keep them on the radar10:16
elfythat makes sense 10:16
ochosielfy: blueprint-master, wanna #action that? :)10:16
elfyif you like :)10:17
Unit193There's info on trello.10:17
elfyUnit193: yep - thanks :)10:17
ochosi#action elfy will link the systemd-related blueprints to xubuntu's blueprint to keep development on the radar10:17
meetingologyACTION: elfy will link the systemd-related blueprints to xubuntu's blueprint to keep development on the radar10:17
elfyochosi: which xubuntu blueprint :)10:17
elfywe're missing a dev one ?10:18
ochosielfy: wait, i thought *you* are the master of blueprints? ;)10:18
elfyoh no ;)10:18
elfyI just built them for you :p10:18
ochosii think we oughta link it to the features blueprint10:19
ochosithere wasn't a separate development blueprint in the 14.04 cycle, iirc10:19
elfyok :)10:19
elfyyea - just looked at 14.0410:19
ochosirighty, so let's wrap this part up10:19
ochosior are there any more things wrt systemd?10:19
ochosi#Team updates10:20
ochosiare there any team updates?10:20
elfynot from me10:20
ochosineither from me :)10:20
slickymasterWorkneither from me10:20
bluesabre#info: menulibre 2.0.4 in unstable and utopic, will sru back into trusty next week10:21
bluesabrefixes a bunch of knome's bugs10:21
knome#info knome has a CSS update pending on IS/pleia210:21
bluesabreand the menu corruption10:21
ochosibluesabre: do you know whether our 1.8.5 greeter is synced to utopic already? (was in debian 9 days ago)10:22
knomethat is, my part is done10:22
ochosihm, doesn't seem like it is in utopic already10:23
bluesabredoesn't seem like it10:23
bluesabreI'll see whats holding it up10:23
bluesabreprobably stuck in m-o-m10:23
ochosi#action bluesabre to follow up debian-sync of lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.5 to utopic, then SRU back to trusty10:24
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to follow up debian-sync of lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.5 to utopic, then SRU back to trusty10:24
ochosiany other team updates?10:24
elfyochosi: you can mark my action item as done :p10:24
ochosielfy: i guess you can do that yourself :) thanks!10:25
ochosiif only all action items would be done so quickly ;)10:25
ochosi(i guess we just need to assign them all to elfy)10:25
ochosiok, carrying on10:25
bluesabre# action bluesabre to SRU menulibre-2.0.4 back to trusty10:25
bluesabre#action bluesabre to SRU menulibre-2.0.4 back to trusty10:25
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to SRU menulibre-2.0.4 back to trusty10:25
ochosiah, more items bluesabre?10:26
bluesabrejust attaching to my #info from before10:26
elfy#info features blueprint has links to systemd blueprints10:26
bluesabreI'm done10:26
ochosiok, ty10:26
ochosi#topic Announcements10:26
ochosi#info ochosi ran a call for Xubuntu technical lead on the mailinglist, there'll be a vote on the nominees in approximately two weeks at a meeting10:27
ochosiany other announcements or shall we start the discussions?10:27
knome#info knome handed ochosi over they keys to LP teams10:28
ochosiok, anything else?10:29
knomeno that i can think of10:29
elfynot from here10:29
ochosi#topic Discussion10:29
ochosi#subtopic Create a testing PPA common to -team10:30
knomeftr, i should probably be under -dev10:30
ochosiwe've already started using the xubuntu-dev PPA for testing10:30
slickymasterWork+1 on that knome 10:30
ochosibut i was wondering whether it would be helpful or too much if we had one PPA per release10:31
knomeespecially now that -team has the other privileges right (no access to LP team admin)10:31
ochosie.g. trusty-staging (for stuff we want to SRU)10:31
ochosior utopic-staging (for stuff that we want to get uploaded)10:31
knomeone per purpose sounds good to me10:31
ochosielfy: ^ ?10:31
elfylogically that sounds right10:31
slickymasterWorkit does makes sense10:31
knomeunless it's a lot of work10:32
elfythat ^^10:32
knome(it isn't)10:32
ochosibluesabre: what do you think?10:32
elfyI'm happy to go with the flow on this10:32
bluesabrewe'll just need micahg to create the PPAs, then members of xubuntu-dev can push packages to it10:32
ochosiknome: so one per purpose = xubuntu-staging (holding the bugfixes for all releases)10:32
knomeochosi, probably better to do it per release/purpose10:32
knomeochosi, as you already kind of proposed...10:33
ochosiyup, just wanted to make sure10:33
elfyjust one thought here 10:33
bluesabreteam members can also contribute packages and simon and I can sponsor them10:33
knomebluesabre, i'd argue ~xubuntu-project-lead should own ~xubuntu-dev10:33
ochosiwe can also do an additional PPA with new applications we're considering to include10:33
elfyif we've got a trusty one I assume that stuff that's been dealt with will be removed once it's released properly?10:33
ochosi(only if they aren't in the repos, obviously)10:33
ochosielfy: yeah10:34
ochosisame goes for any other release10:34
bluesabreknome: that would be a good, sustainable idea10:34
knomeelfy, or just get obsolete (newer version number in archive)10:34
ochosiif stuff to utopic has been uploaded, it'll be removed10:34
elfyok 10:34
ochosiis "-staging" a clear enough suffix?10:34
ochosiany other ideas?10:34
knomefor SRU's, it can be trusty-sru(-staging)10:35
ochosiwell, the question is will we really have so many packages that it justifies having a separate SRU PPA10:35
knomeas long as the name is communicated to the QA team, it's ok :P10:35
bluesabretrusty-proposed, utopic-proposed?10:36
knomei think it would be a good idea to have that, because then person X could install trusty and the -sru PPA10:36
bluesabre(following in step with upstream)10:36
knomeand see if there are still high-impact bugs that need fixing10:36
knomemixing -proposed there might be just confusing10:36
elfybluesabre: I'd rather not give people any chance of accidentally enabling standard proposed10:36
knome"i have the -proposed archive enabled"10:36
bluesabrefair points10:37
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ochosimhm, i agree, proposed is probably confusing10:37
ochosiwe can also call it -bugfix10:37
elfystaging works for me 10:37
knomethat's ambiguous ;)10:37
knomeeither -staging or -sru or -sru-staging10:37
knomebut see my point for a separate SRU PPA10:37
elfyknome: +1 to that and the thinking 10:37
ochosisure, i agree it *might* be useful, but that's mostly interesting for trusty10:38
ochosias it is LTS, we might want to SRU more to it10:38
knomesure, we could have -sru PPAs for LTS releases only or so10:38
ochosiok, so let's create a trusty-staging, utopic-staging and trusty-SRU ppa?10:39
ochosipackages that have been tested from trusty-staging can be moved to trusty-SRU10:39
ochosibluesabre: shoot10:39
knome...i'd probably make that trusty-sru-staging10:39
bluesabrethat answered it10:39
ochosiok :)10:39
knomethough not every update is SRU10:39
bluesabremaybe trusty-updates?10:39
knomeupdates is a used name as well10:40
ochosihumm, again with the confusion :)10:40
knomeso yeah, using -staging everywhere is a good idea10:40
ochosiok, let's wrap this up, we have a few more things to discuss10:40
ochosiknome: can i create those PPAs with my current LP rights or does micahg have to set them up?10:41
knomei don't know10:41
knomei never was involved with the -dev team10:41
bluesabreonly admins can create PPAs10:41
knomebut again, i'd argue ~xubuntu-project-lead should own ~xubuntu-dev10:41
=== qwebirc506388 is now known as slickymasterWork
ochosi#action ochosi to investigate and set up trusty-staging and utopic-staging PPAs10:41
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to investigate and set up trusty-staging and utopic-staging PPAs10:41
knometech lead can be an admin10:41
knomexpl necessarily doesn't need to be10:42
ochosilet's discuss the -sru PPA again when it becomes necessary?10:42
ochosior shall we just create it as well for trusty only10:42
knomelet's discuss it when we need it and when micah is around10:42
knomesince he's the owner/admin10:43
ochosi#info A PPA specifically SRUs shall be discussed with micahg 10:43
ochosielfy: i guess next up we could either talk trello or ML proposal by knome, any preference from your side?10:43
knomenot from me10:44
elfywell - not much to say about trello tbh - it's all been said previously :)10:44
ochosielfy: ok, so the idea is to use trello *additionally* to blueprints?10:45
elfyfor detail when it's necessary for other's to know that detail10:45
knomeochosi, want to #topic?10:45
ochosi#subtopic Use Trello10:46
knometo me it looks like trello boards can be useful for subteams10:46
knomeeg. the qa team/people can cooperate via those10:46
ochosielfy: so we would link the trello pages in blueprints?10:46
ochosior how would that work10:46
elfyochosi: I guess that would work 10:47
elfybut if some do and some don't then it's pretty much a dead end10:47
ochosias you can see from this scenario, it might lead to a slightly increased administrational overhead if we use 2 systems :)10:47
elfyand if sub-teams do - there's not really any cohesiveness10:47
ochosibut if the gain justifies it, it's ok10:48
elfyI'd say 10:48
elfyif we do it then - we'd be better to have a 'team' board - at least then people can see the whole picture10:48
elfysubteams if they want to have a board of their own could link it in the team one10:49
knomehow would that differ from the status site?10:49
elfywhat staus site?10:49
ochosiwon't we get a huge gigantic picture if we do one for team?10:49
elfyknome: that shows as much detail as the blueprint10:49
ochosielfy: yeah, i see your point on being able to add comments/detail10:50
knomeso you want a whole picture with all the details?10:50
ochosibut the problem is, having that in one huge trello page will probably also be overwhelming10:50
ochosiwhat do other members of the team think on this? slickymasterWork? bluesabre?10:50
elfyyou know what - I haven't got the energy for this - just take it off the agenda 10:50
knomei know some teams have used the bluepring whiteboards previously10:50
elfyI really don't care anymore10:51
knomeit's not exactly trello though...10:51
knomebecause no edit locks and stuff10:51
slickymasterWorkI really felt that trello was a good asset to -qa during the T cycle10:51
bluesabretrello is handy, as long as the links are discoverable10:51
ochosisuggestion: what if we set up a trello board for all the current blueprints items so we see how it would look in action?10:52
slickymasterWorkat least I rely more on trello than on the -qa blueprint10:52
knomeochosi, that's a good idea10:52
ochosii'm ok with trying this for one cycle and then evaluating it10:52
ochosiso seeing whether administration has increased significantly and how ppl feel about using it10:53
ochosione thing is important though: i still want blueprints to be updated, because those *do* help, with bugreports linked etc they have features that trello doesn't have10:53
ochosielfy: would you be ok with this ^?10:53
elfyochosi: the QA blueprint was kept up to date in the last cycle ;)10:54
ochosisure, just saying that using trello would still mean we have to keep the other (slow, clunky) website up to date too ;)10:54
ochosiyou can't just eat the fresh sandwich and let the old one rot10:55
elfyit didn't really add much to my workload tbh - and the QA blueprint had probably more on it than any of the others10:55
ochosiok, great10:55
knomeochosi, wait, are you upbringing us now? ;)10:55
elfyochosi: well - I can set it up if you want - just want people to get an account if they've not got one10:56
* knome eats the fresh sandwich10:56
ochosielfy: that'd be great. then send an email to the mailinglist about it?10:56
ochosii'd personally like to vote on it, if you're ok with this10:56
ochosiideally we could give ppl a chance to vote via the mailinglist too, this time10:57
elfyochosi: that's fine with me of course10:57
elfyBUT 10:57
elfycan we deal with the m/l and make it moderated first :p10:57
ochosiwell that's the next topic10:57
ochosi#action elfy to set up a trello "master" board for -team and send an email about it to the mailinglist10:58
meetingologyACTION: elfy to set up a trello "master" board for -team and send an email about it to the mailinglist10:58
elfyafter we decide to use it or not :)10:58
ochosi#info the team will vote on the trello board after it has been set up10:58
elfyoh right 10:58
ochosi#subtopic Mailinglist/s10:58
elfyI thought you wanted to do that the other way round?10:58
ochosierr, how?10:59
ochosifirst set it up, then let ppl test it10:59
ochosithen vote, no?=10:59
ochosiwe can still let ppl vote on the mailinglist anyway, btw10:59
elfywould it not be better for us to vote first - and then do the work?10:59
ochosiit was done already for the XPL election10:59
elfyI'm easy either way though :)10:59
ochosiyeah, but not all of -team might've used trello before11:00
knomei'd argue it's hard to take an informed vote unless you've seen how it'd turn out11:00
elfyok - makes sense 11:00
ochosii think it could be good for an informed decision to see it in action11:00
knomeis it echoing in here?11:00
ochosibut i understand it's work...11:00
knomewe don't have too many work items on blueprints yet11:00
ochosiok, let's get on the mailinglists11:00
elfyochosi: yea - ok - I'll get it set up soon and then go from there11:00
ochosi(as we're already going overtime)11:00
ochosithanks elfy 11:01
knomeovertime? who specified the meeting lasted for an hour? :P11:01
ochosi#info knome sent a proposal for mailinglists to the mailinglist11:01
ochosi(i like the repetition there ;))11:01
knome^ link above11:01
ochosiknome: well, link it?11:01
knomei did already11:01
ochosithe bot picks it up that way?11:01
ochosioh, great, wasn't sure11:02
ochosiso, any thoughts on this proposal?11:02
ochosibluesabre, slickymasterWork, elfy ?11:02
knomei think it's the awesomest proposal ever11:02
elfyI'm happy with it 11:02
elfyI'd not go as far as knome though :p11:02
slickymasterWorkI strongly give a +1 on knome's proposal11:02
bluesabreI agree with it11:02
ochosiyup, i'm also +1 on it11:03
elfyand I've got a +0.99 11:03
knomeon a more serious note, if it doesn't work, it's not a huge thing to revert11:03
ochosishould we have a formal vote?11:03
elfyochosi: I think so 11:03
knomewe have no quorum11:03
knomeso it'd have to continue on the mailing list11:03
slickymasterWorkyeah, so it's logged~11:03
elfyand then take it to the list for team to vote11:03
* elfy types slower ... 11:03
ochosiok, let's start here and let the others vote on the ML11:03
ochosi#vote Should we implement knome's proposal in our development mailinglist?11:04
meetingologyPlease vote on: Should we implement knome's proposal in our development mailinglist?11:04
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)11:04
meetingology+1 received from elfy11:04
meetingology+1 received from ochosi11:04
meetingology+1 received from slickymasterWork11:04
meetingology+1 received from knome11:04
meetingology+1 received from jjfrv811:04
ochosioh hey jjfrv8 :) didn't see you there11:04
elfyoooh a lurker :p11:04
knomeo hai jjfrv8 :)11:04
slickymasterWorkjjfrv8, o/11:04
meetingology+1 received from bluesabre11:04
meetingologyVoting ended on: Should we implement knome's proposal in our development mailinglist?11:05
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:011:05
meetingologyMotion carried11:05
ochosiknome: so much for not having a quorum :p11:05
knomewell we don't11:05
ochosiwait, how many are we? crap :)11:05
ochosiwe need two more11:05
slickymasterWorkwhere's Unit193?11:05
elfyochosi: shame you can set votes required in here11:05
ochosifell asleep maybe...11:05
elfythen it wouldn't have passed :)11:06
ochosi#action ochosi to send an email to the mailinglist to continue the voting on knome's mailinglist proposal11:06
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to send an email to the mailinglist to continue the voting on knome's mailinglist proposal11:06
knomedo we want to allow private voting? :P11:06
elfyperhaps that should be added to the bot in here - it's likely to happen everytime we vote on anything11:06
ochosi(that was directed at knome, not elfy)11:07
* knome gathered11:07
elfyochosi: I guessed too :p11:07
ochosiok, we have two more discussion-topics11:07
ochosii have to run in 10-15mins though11:07
ochosijust saying...11:07
* slickymasterWork also11:07
elfyboth mine - both quick11:07
knome#votesrequired <count>11:08
knomeSpecifies the number of votes needed until the vote will pass. Example: #votesrequired 2 means you either need an aggregate of +2 or -2 to pass. 11:08
ochosioh, :)11:08
ochosi#subtopic Planning for milestone images11:08
ochosielfy: you got the floor11:08
elfySo - we need to make a decision on whether to go with Alpha's or not this cycle11:08
elfyor one of them11:08
ochosiany pros/cons from your side?11:09
elfyI'd suggest I'll mail -team once we've got m/l moderated (or not)11:09
ochosithat's ok11:09
elfynot really - I just need to know as early as possible11:09
ochosii'm fine with that11:09
ochosishall we just make it an action item and move on?11:09
elfyyep - wfm11:09
ochosi#action elfy to send email to -team about planning for milestone images (e.g. shall we participate in alphas?)11:10
meetingologyACTION: elfy to send email to -team about planning for milestone images (e.g. shall we participate in alphas?)11:10
ochosi#subtopic Assistive tech testing11:10
elfyassistive tech is currently on the Settings Manager - I AM removing it from that test11:10
elfythe question is - do we need to actually test that or not - if not all I need do is remove it - if we do I'll need to build a test for it11:11
ochosiwhat does/did the test do?11:11
ochositest the settings manager itself or the subdialogs?11:11
bluesabregotta run, bbl11:11
elfyI spoke to Nick Skaggs - it seems that Ubuntu only test the install screen reader - no other tests done11:11
ochosibluesabre: ttyl!11:12
elfyochosi: it tests sticky keys and the like 11:12
slickymasterWorkand mouse emulation11:12
elfylast section of that11:12
elfyit does need to be removed from Settings Manager - but whether we test it or not is the issue for me11:13
ochosifrankly, i don't have a strong opinion on this11:13
elfyif there's something wriong with it - we'd not be fixing it 11:13
ochosiis that generally a rule for testcases, that we test stuff that we'd also fix11:14
elfynot as such11:14
* ochosi is a bit out of the loop with QA11:14
ochosii'd trust you as QA lead or others more involved in QA to discuss this and take an informed decision11:14
elfywe try to test things that we use - this is just a hang on in the wrong place11:14
elfyok - well as I said I WILL be removing it - today :p11:15
ochosiok :)11:15
elfyI'm easy to build a new testcase if needed 11:15
ochosisounds good to me11:15
ochosiwanna #info or äaction that?11:15
elfyI'll talk more to Nick11:16
elfynot really a need - I got the bug - and the MP waiting for me to send :)11:16
ochosiso we can move on?11:16
elfyyep - I'm good now thanks :)11:16
ochosiok, thanks elfy  :)11:16
ochosi#topic Schedule next meeting11:17
ochosias discussed previously, we could cycle meeting times this cycle11:17
ochosiso the next meeting could be at a different time of the day11:17
ochosii'm still happy that this worked so well and so many of you showed up today11:17
ochosiso thanks everyone!11:17
elfyochosi: so how about this 11:17
elfycycle it through team leads -  team name alphabetically 11:18
elfyputs QA at the end :p11:18
ochosimeh, artwork, i need to do the first one ;)11:18
ochosithat was your plan all along, right?11:18
ochosiwe could cycle through team leads and the respective team lead11:18
ochosi1) decides on the meeting time11:18
ochosi2) chairs the meeting11:19
slickymasterWorklol, I'm hanging by a thread on the one after artwork11:19
elfythat makes some sense - and people can call ad-hoc ones as is normal when needed11:19
ochosiso i can do another meeting at a different time of the day11:19
knomesounds like a good plan11:19
ochosiquestion is whether next week is too early11:20
slickymasterWorkI gotta run now, will be back after lunch11:20
elfyand XPL can call general meeting when he wants to 11:20
ochosithe 2 weeks rhythm worked fine in 14.04, no?11:20
elfyochosi: appeared to 11:20
knomewe had a one week interval at some point11:20
elfyand we'll have other avenues more useful - m/l without distraction 11:20
knomenear the end at least11:20
ochosimeh, i also wanted to discuss blueprints and ppl starting to fill them up11:21
ochositoo late now11:21
elfyochosi: m/l :D11:21
ochosi#action ochosi to send an email to the mailinglist about a proposal to do team meetings this cycle11:21
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to send an email to the mailinglist about a proposal to do team meetings this cycle11:21
elfyI assume you'll be doing what the last one did - talk to leads about blueprints11:21
ochosiyeah, i'm considering to wait with that until the mailinglist is closed11:22
ochosiblueprints are a dangerous mailinglist topic in terms of getting unasked responses11:22
ochosi(à la: "please implement *this*, this is sooo important.")11:22
ochosii'll announce the next meeting time at some point then11:23
ochosineed to check my calendar...11:23
elfyok 11:23
ochosiguess that's it11:23
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri May 16 11:23:41 2014 UTC.  11:23
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-05-16-10.01.moin.txt11:23
ochosithanks everyone!11:23
elfythanks ochosi 11:23
ochosiok, gotta go, have a nice day everyone!11:24
elfycya ochosi 11:24
ochosiseeya elfy 11:24
knomemeeting minutes are up11:26
elfyty knome 11:32
elfyknome: you got time to look at a MP?11:46
elfyor slickymasterWork 11:48
slickymasterWorkelfy, on it12:28
slickymasterWorkelfy: https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/1319137/+merge/21982212:33
elfyty slickymasterWork :)12:35
slickymasterWorknp elfy, my pleasure12:35
elfyall synced now12:38
* elfy wanders off again for a while12:38
jjfrv8elfy, my Trello account name is @jjfrv814:20
=== qwebirc603818 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfyjjfrv8: added you - assume it's jjfrv8 :)14:21
jjfrv8elfy, got it. Thanks.14:22
ochosielfy: re: team board, currently it seems to only hold links to the blueprints, is that what it should be?14:22
ochosior is it simply not complete yet?14:23
elfyochosi: yea, I'd say it was up to those in teams to do what they want with their lists - only way they'll know if it works for them14:23
ochosiright, but how are you planning to handle the qa list then?14:24
elfyI'm not at all sure ... 14:24
ochosiwell you should set an example for others, otherwise how would they know how they can benefit? (assuming that some havent used trello before)14:25
elfyI might just add people to the QA one 14:26
elfyif I add the QA lists to the team board it'll seem like a hostile takeover :p14:27
ochosiheh, no it might actually look like it should, no?14:31
elfyok - help for trello works \o/14:32
elfymoved all the QA lists to the team board14:33
elfyochosi: well sort of, depends how many lists sub-teams decide they need :)14:35
ochosihumm, that's a bit what i was afraid of to be honest14:36
ochosithat you cannot easily collapse these lists14:36
ochosiso if we want "the full overview", it'll be huge14:36
ochosiotherwise we might just end up with what knome mentioned earlier, boards per team14:37
=== qwebirc693416 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfywhich was why I left QA seperate - so if someone needs to know something specific look there14:37
elfymmm 14:38
elfylet me think 14:38
ochosiright, i presumed there was a nice way to get this "full overview", i thought you mentioned that as something you'd want in the meeting, but i might misremember that14:38
ochosi(the ideal solution would be a better, user-friendlier launchpad i guess)14:39
elfythat's probably a convergence of me not explaining and others thinking I meant something else :p14:39
ochosiwell at least it means that it makes sense to set trello up so others really understand what it means to use it :)14:41
elfyjust playing on the QA one14:41
elfynow that it's empty :p14:41
=== qwebirc207130 is now known as slickymasterWork
=== qwebirc808673 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfyochosi: played with that - ripped it apart - left some notes so people can see how filtering works14:54
brainwashochosi: reassign bug 1310264 to xubu default settings and apply the proposed workaround?15:02
ubottubug 1310264 in xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (Ubuntu) "Can't search/find items in the Settings Manager" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131026415:02
ochosibrainwash: i'm +1 on that as my comment suggests, i just have a few other things to do right now, can you take care of it? (link it to the utopic features blueprint and re-assign it to x-d-s)15:13
brainwashoh, so no chance to get it in for trusty?15:13
brainwashit's a bit tricky I guess15:14
ochosiwell even if we SRU it to trusty, it needs to go through utopic15:16
ochosiso we should target that first anyhow15:16
brainwashyes, but we could leave it assigned to the trusty blueprint, or?15:16
brainwashchanges will be carried on to utopic anyway15:17
ochosiyou can leave the bugreport linked to the 14.04.1 blueprint, but i'd want it to be assigned to utopic features too15:20
brainwashbug 1024482 too? it's the missing busy cursor problem caused by the greeter15:22
ubottubug 1024482 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor theme does not change from default after login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102448215:22
brainwashfeature or bugfix?15:22
ochosigive me a minute (or a few), haven't seen that one yet15:23
brainwashthe linked debian report explains the problem better15:23
ochosiok, will look at that15:25
ochosijust gotta finish something else first...15:25
brainwashali1234: is your mwm hints patch still needed for gtk 3.12?15:28
brainwashmaybe I'm just confused about what's going on15:29
elfyochosi brainwash - I'm going to assume I had a glitch or something with parole, reinstalled since - cpu usage appears to be normal http://pastebin.com/dcGcxWTJ15:41
brainwashelfy: same audio file?15:42
elfybrainwash: that's a few audio files 15:43
elfyand it doesn't matter if it's the same file - it wasn't just one - and if you think I'd remember which out of 36k music files it was ... 15:43
brainwashah ok15:44
elfysigh - bluesabre - that ping was supposed to be for you ^^ :)15:45
elfysorry brainwash - I wondered what blue sabre was doing here this time of the day lol15:45
ochosielfy: i told them before one of them should change nicks :D15:47
elfyha ha ha 15:47
brainwashbluesabre did15:47
brainwashmaybe he forgot about it again15:48
elfyelopio thinks I should change mine - no chance :p15:48
knomebrainwash, you could just /nick brainwashed15:53
brainwashI'm not brainwashing myself15:53
ochosior s/brainwash/brainwasher/15:54
brainwashbut only for 1 day :)15:55
ali1234brainwash: don't know/don't care17:25
ali1234i have no interest in supporting gnome's poor design decisions17:26
andrzejrwhat is the package name of the app-menu indicator triggering #1181134?19:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1181134 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "xfce4-indicator-plugin crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [High,Triaged]19:13

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