
morph__oro man i pm u01:12
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.01:32
cubed_rootmy trackpad is acting funny -- triggering the right-mouse-button menu randomly, right-clicking when i don't mean to, and not clicking when i want to. any suggestions on how to trouble-shoot?02:24
tierpodmonkeynaut: i have same problem with whiskey menu icon03:43
omgitsMATTmy vpn subscription expired, I need to buy a new one. anyone have any experience or reccomendations for something that works well with Xubuntu 14.04 and Android devices?04:10
holsteinomgitsMATT: i would ask the provider for specific operating system support.. but any should work fine from xubuntu, and xubuntu wont do anything to prevent any of them from working well04:11
omgitsMATTi should head to google then and get looking. thanks holstein04:11
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cubed_roothow does one determine the name of an app that you can launch from the command line?12:13
TheSheepdepends, what do you know about the app?12:13
cfhowlettcubed what is the app name?12:13
cubed_rootwell i want to replace the default screenshot tool with "screenshot" which i believe is a gimp tool12:14
cubed_rootjust dont know the name to put application shortcuts window12:14
TheSheepif you know what is the package name, you can list the files with dpkg -L12:15
TheSheepand the files on /usr/bin are the commanss12:15
cubed_roothm.. thanks TheSheep12:15
cubed_rootfortunately the help window of the app linked to the developer's site, i'm not used to that in windows (finding helpful info in the help options)12:22
cubed_roothas anyone noticed some glitchiness in the touchpad in 14?12:23
cubed_rooti'm not positive it's 14, but my touchpad lately either doesn't click when i want it to, or right-clicks when i dont want it to12:23
xubuntu678Good afternoon, i am working with xubuntu 14.04 on a Shuttle xs35v3l and I am having trouble with the setup of 2 monitors (VGA 22" Acer display & 23" samsung HDMI display). Xubuntu boots bij default on the HDMI (samsung) display and when i trie to configure/turn on the second VGA (acer) display it does see the display but it isn't sending any signals over the VGA output. and the display stays in idle.12:50
xubuntu678I would really apreciate it if someone could help me out with this and tell me what im doing wrong etc. (I am kind of a ubuntu/linux noob but i do know my way arround networks and computers)12:51
xubuntu678Hi there13:02
TheSheepxubuntu678: try to restart computer with all cablws unplugged13:02
TheSheepsomwtimes bios disables the otherboutput at boot13:02
xubuntu678i already checked my bios, i have integrated Intel 3650 graphics, It is a really locked bios where i can't even get a complete list of "onboard" devices13:04
xubuntu678all unplugged cables (dispaly cables?)13:04
xubuntu678when i plug in the hdmi/vga cable after booting without any display cables, it doesn't turn on either of the displays13:09
TheSheepalso, if you don't use it, xrandr is the best commandline tool for managing displays13:09
TheSheepthat's strange13:10
xubuntu678yeah, i already thought that maybe the P&P is bugged or broken..13:10
Poisoned_Dragonis the bios current?13:11
xubuntu678what i have found on the distributers website is that this is the newest bios,13:12
xubuntu678if i install xrandr will it overrule the default display manager of xubuntu? (lightdm) if i am correct13:13
Poisoned_Dragonxrandr has nothing to do with DMs13:14
Poisoned_Dragonit helps with configuring displays13:14
xubuntu678ohh alright,13:14
TheSheepans it's installed by sefault I think13:14
TheSheepxrandr --auto13:15
TheSheepusually fixes stuf13:15
xubuntu678xrandr: cannot find crtc for output VGA-013:15
Poisoned_DragonYes it is. Has come in handy when needing display names for writing Xorg conf files13:15
xubuntu678Xorg conf files? that's above my linux/ubuntu knowledge13:16
TheSheeplpoks like bios issue13:16
xubuntu678is there a good program for xubuntu to chek the bios?13:17
xubuntu678Cs from the vendor they only give the "default"/first bios installed13:17
TheSheepbios is up to the vendor13:17
TheSheeptry to contact them for support13:17
TheSheepjust don't tell them you are using linux13:18
xubuntu678for my curiocity what does crtc stand for?13:18
TheSheepfrom what i remember, it's how the monitor tells its max resolution and other stuff to the computer13:19
TheSheepbut check wikipedia13:20
xubuntu678alright thanx13:20
xubuntu678Good afternoon13:52
xubuntu678 i am trying to install the Chipset&VGA drivers on my shuttle xs35v3l running xubuntu 14.04. The requirements for the system to install are from windows 7 upto windows XP but it isn't able to install With wine13:53
xubuntu678Does anyone have any suggestions for another windows emulator or a diffrent way to install it?13:53
TheSheepyou can't install windows drivers on linux13:57
xubuntu678Do you have a idea for a replacement for the driver or an alternative?13:58
TheSheepnormally all the drivers are already included in linux, except for the proprietary ones13:59
TheSheepso you don't need to install anything13:59
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:00
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xubuntu678apologies for the late replys, but i am running a intel atom n2550 processor with a intergrated graphics 3650, and it just wont run14:26
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meek_geekhow r u14:42
meek_geekis there a free replacement for unrar ?14:42
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deltmeek_geek: unrar-free - Unarchiver for .rar files15:18
deltsudo apt-get install unrar-free15:18
meek_geekdelt, I did already also vrms is reporting virtual as prop15:19
xubuntu678how can i update my software etc from command prompt? (all at once)15:30
TheSheepsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:31
slickymasterWorkxubuntu678 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:31
vrkalaktry > sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:31
xubuntu678Cs when i try to search & install update through the update manager it says it fails, due to my internet connection while it stays active & stable15:33
xubuntu678hi there, when i try and update with sudo apt-get update it tries to connect to ppa.launchpad.net ( and this fails.. does anyone know why?15:54
xubuntu678pinging to this ip goess fine15:54
xubuntu678pinging to the hostname (ppa.launchpad.net) works fine to so, it shoudn't be a dns problem15:55
delt14.04 is supported until 2017 or 2019?15:57
cfhowlettdelt 201915:57
cfhowlettdelt 2017 - sorry15:58
deltis that just xubuntu or other *buntu distros?15:58
deltcause iirc ubuntu is supported until 201915:58
cfhowlettdelt xubuntu is for 3 years15:58
cfhowlettdelt IIRC due to XFCE support cycle15:59
xubuntu678does it make any difference for xubuntu if i turn max cpuid value limit ON ?16:04
cubed_rootdoes xubuntu use the dolphin window file manager by default?16:24
cubed_rootwhat does it use?16:26
slickymasterWorkcubed_root, it uses Thunar16:26
cubed_rootthanks slickymasterWork16:27
amigamagicsomeone knows if I can add a link to folder in the whisker menu? I mean, something like a "Downloads" icon, so that when you click on it, it will open thunar in the Download folder18:02
xanguaor you can add the places menu18:03
amigamagicI know how to do it in the panel, but I would like to place the folder link in the whisker menu.18:05
elfycreate a launcher - thunar /path/to/wherever18:07
amigamagicI'm trying, but I'm not able to make anything in the whisker menu...  I'm trying with menulibre, but nothing...18:10
elfyworks for me amigamagic18:11
amigamagicI created the launcher and placed somewhere in there, but then menulibre goes in crash18:11
amigamagicwhen I save the menu...18:11
amigamagicmenulibre crashed with AttributeError in basename(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rfind'18:13
amigamagic^^this is what tells me the bug report18:13
GridCubeamigamagic, thunar ´/path/to/directory´ ?18:14
amigamagicto start I tried just with "thunar"18:14
amigamagicin the command section18:14
amigamagicbut, no matter what I change, whenever I try to save my modded menu, menulibre will crash and doesn't save anything18:17
GridCubeamigamagic, thats bad... what if you try, exo-open /path/to/dir18:20
amigamagicGridCube, no matter what I do, it crash always whenever I change something (launchers, folders, anything) with menulibre18:23
GridCubehow weird. amigamagic what if you log out and log in using the guest session? does menulibre fails then?18:24
amigamagicI'm trying to add/remove whisker menu from the panel18:25
laldoballihi to everyone...this is my first time with xubuntu and it seems that xubuntu doesn't see my external hard disk.I tried with fdisk and lsusb but it doesn't recognize it18:25
elfyamigamagic: what version of it do you have18:25
amigamagicelfy, 1.3.2-118:26
elfythere is a test version available with some bug fixes18:27
elfyamigamagic: of menulibre :)18:27
amigamagicthere is a binary?18:28
elfyamigamagic: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-May/010187.html18:29
amigamagicthanks elfy, I want to try first to logout and login and check if this solves something, then I will apply the mods from your link18:31
amigamagicnothing... logout and login doesn't solve anything18:33
amigamagicok the new menulibre doesn't go in crash18:38
amigamagicbut I'm not able to add anything to it... I mean, I create the launcher but then I cannot see where it is in the whisker menu18:39
elfylook for it in All first - or even search for it18:39
amigamagicah, you have to search it...18:40
amigamagicso I cannot add something in the right column?18:40
elfyonce you've found it - right click add to favourites18:40
amigamagicthe right column is hard coded?18:40
elfyyou'd have to add a new directory - then move the launcher into there - but it will be in the menu18:41
amigamagicmmmh... I can move a launcher in there, but then I should have to do 3 clicks to open the downloads folder (1 click to open whisker menu, 1 to open downloads dir and another one on the launcher)18:44
elfythen don't do it - you asked how to - I told you what you can do ;)18:44
amigamagicof course, I was only trying to create a link to a folder in the right column of the whisker menu, but I think this can't be done with current whisker menu implementation18:46
amigamagicat least, now I can mod the menu with menulibre without crash... Thanks for the bugfixes! :)18:46
elfyamigamagic: just looking at something18:48
elfythat's not going to help18:49
elfyamigamagic: why not put launcher on the panel?18:50
amigamagicthere is an option to go inside the categories without click. It's useful! At least I can save a click! :)18:50
elfyoh yea - you can do that :p18:51
elfyamigamagic: not sure why you'd think you can do this anyway :)18:55
amigamagicelfy, I could put the launcher on the panel, it's true, but I was trying to place (and run) apps only from the whisker menu, so that I have more free space on the taskbar. I'm always looking for the (near)perfect UI for my needs and tastes. :)18:57
elfyput launcher on the desktop :p18:58
elfythough I'd shudder if I did that for myself ;)18:58
amigamagicAnd being that I'm used to windows 7 UI and start menu I always try unconsciously to recreate its interface.18:59
amigamagic(it has download folder in the start menu :p )18:59
elfyamigamagic: if I was going to want to do that I'd probably use a nested launcher and have all the 'places' I want to access in the same place18:59
elfyI *really* don't care what any windows OS has19:00
elfyat all19:00
amigamagicelfy, now I created a "home" folder inside the whisker menu (right column) and I'm creating all the launchers for the usual dir like documents, downloads, images, etc.19:01
amigamagicinside the "home" folder...19:01
amigamagicso that I can easily access to them with only one click (the click on the whisker menu icon)19:01
amigamagic(and of course I'm using the option to go inside a category without having to click with the mouse)19:02
elfyfrankly I'd use the places plugin on the panel - but there you go - you can choose here ;)19:03
amigamagicyes I could use that too, albeit it would take some space on the panel... Anyway, I like when you can customize the UI as you want. :)19:05
amigamagicelfy, maybe you are a little biased towards windows os?19:08
elfyamigamagic: that's not really a topic for here ;)19:11
amigamagicoh, that's true :P19:12
EugeneBanditHello! I'm currently running the latest version of xubuntu on a laptop. Since the distribution upgrade, my system seems to have issues with the power manager. Since then, 2 battery state icons are displayed and the system hibernates (i guess?) when the lid is closed, which is different from the settings in xfce's setting manager. Any ideas ?19:21
kupo_herro folks19:30
cubed_rootEugeneBandit: I had the same problem with duplicate battery state icons. you should be able to remove the second one new one as it appears as a separate widge20:11
EugeneBandityeah, i just guess that was relevant to the hibernation/power manager issue20:12
EugeneBanditlike there's two power managers running or something20:12
cubed_rooti think it"s just that there are was an icon in the indicators section/panel and now there"s one that"s a separate power mgmt widget20:13
deltthe laptop lid bug (shuts down screen) seems to be a bug in xfce and not xubuntu/ubuntustudio... it also happens in linux mint with xfce20:38
slickymaster!hi | meek_geek21:43
ubottumeek_geek: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:43
meek_geekI want to know how to stop a daemon from auto-start on reboot21:56
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xubuntu717I have a question, I hope someone can help me :(23:04
xubuntu717I can't install Xubuntu 14.04. I always get an unknown error.23:05
Unit193xubuntu717: Can't hit OK and next?23:11
xubuntu717No, then it returns to the menu where I can choose install beside of a other OS or stand alone, but this time it says there are more than one OS on the hdd23:12
xubuntu717because it created already the partitions23:13
xubuntu717I have 2 SSD in RAID023:13
xubuntu717maybe thats the problem?23:14
someone235hi, when my layout is not English most of the hotkeys doesn't work (basic hotkeys such as ctrl + c, ctrl + v etc). Anyone knows how can I fix it?23:17

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