
=== Chex is now known as Guest69144
=== Chex is now known as Guest94558
=== Chex is now known as Guest32568
BobJonkman2Hi Everybodeee! Seven_Six_Two is hosting an Ubuntu Hour along with the revived LOLUG in London at 7:00pm tonight in Milo's Craft Beer Emporium (Map: http://osm.org/go/ZXkOgdRM--?m )20:27
BobJonkman2Registration at http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/2805-ubuntu-hour-lolug-inaugural/20:28
Seven_Six_TwoWarning: I inadvertently scheduled during the Memorial Cup, which is a block away. It's still happening, but will likely be busy! Leave early!20:38
Seven_Six_Twooh, and thanks Bob!20:38
BobJonkman2Seven_Six_Two: Memorial Cup *and* Stanley Cup?21:02

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