
lderanknome, required vote count is a good idea, shall add it to the list :)08:37
elfyI thought so 08:44
knomelderan, it might exist already...11:41
lderanwill quickly check11:42
elfyit can be used in -meeting afaik - we were talking about it the other day in a meeting11:43
elfythat's the reason I knew and mentioned it yesterday :)11:44
meetingologyMeeting started Sat May 17 11:44:09 2014 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.11:44
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick11:44
knome#Vote tet11:44
meetingologyPlease vote on: tet11:44
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)11:44
knome#votesrequired 211:44
meetingologyvotes now need 2 to be passed11:44
meetingology+1 received from knome11:44
meetingologyVoting ended on: tet11:44
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:011:44
meetingologyMotion denied11:44
knomewell, denied isn't the right one either11:44
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat May 17 11:44:41 2014 UTC.  11:44
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-05-17-11.44.moin.txt11:44
lderanwhat should it say instead? required votes not reached?11:50
knomelderan, yeah, i guess11:53
elfytry it again - with 3 of us voting - one of each11:54
elfythat would be the right wording for only having one +1 11:54
knomeelfy, #votesrequired means11:55
knomeit actually means that N votes for or against is needed11:55
knomeso practically,11:55
knomeit'd need 3 -1 votes to be denied11:55
elfyno real use in our scenario :p11:56
elfyactually - we'd just set it to 8 I guess11:56
knomebut if there was no +8 or -811:56
knomethe bot would say "denied"11:56
knomewhich is wrong11:56
elfyit's right 11:57
elfythe bot doesn'tr know about the mailing list :)11:57
knomeit's not; there just isn't a decision yet11:57
knomebut with +7, no vote is exactly "denied" either11:57
elfywould the bot use different wording here to elsewhere?11:57
knomeit's just "not carried"11:57
knomeit could use the same wording everywhere :)11:58
elfythen we shouldn't go changing the wording willy nilly :)11:58
lderanfrom the code if the vote reqauired was 4, and 4 people voted +1 and 4 people votes -1, it would actualy be carried11:58
elfylderan: lol11:59
lderanmight have to changed that slightly11:59
knome_weblet's forget #votesrequired for a moment11:59
knome_webwhat if there was a #quorum11:59
knome_webset that to 811:59
elfygood point11:59
knome_weband if no -8 or +8 happens, then it says "no quorum"11:59
knome_webactually, it'd have to be able to count +0 votes12:00
elfyit should count vote - not vote value I guess12:00
knome_webyeah, that sounds correct12:01
elfyfor quorum at least12:01
knome_webcount the vote value, and if value is at least quorum, carry/deny12:01
knome_webif not, say no quorum12:01
knome_web(but nonetheless, output the votes)12:01
knome_webbut... that's not how we always want it12:02
elfythere was a conversation about all this with the membership board on Thursday - quorum and vote value12:02
knome_webthat's a fair case for regular votes12:02
knome_webwell, hmm12:02
knome_webthen just set quorum value to 14 :P12:02
elfyit'd not work for them - they need the 'value' to be +4 12:03
elfyanyway 12:03
knome_webwell that's why i was considering #quorum12:03
knome_webnot changing the existing functionality12:03
elfyquorum would be useful - people don't have to use it 12:03
knome_webbecause there clearly is use cases for that as well12:03
knome_webhow would the bot handle the situation when both are set?12:04
knome_web#quorum 512:04
knome_web#votesrequired 212:04
elfywould need at least 3 +1's and 5 votes total?12:05
knome_web2 +1's :P12:05
knome_webor 2 -1's12:05
elfyremove +0 12:05
lderanpoor +012:05
elfyno fences - too sharp :D12:05
knome_webi think it has some added value12:05
knome_webi mean, yeah, it definitely does12:06
knome_webit can help fill the quorum12:06
knome_web"i'm around, but don't want to vote either way212:06
knome_webi'm thinking a very specific situation..12:08
knome_web#quorum 812:08
knome_web7 persons vote +012:08
knome_web1 person votes +112:08
knome_webwell, the bot says it's carried12:09
elfyyea - which is an issue for lots of teams12:09
knome_webso... should #votesrequired always be quorum/2 when quorum is set?12:09
lderancan have it so it has to have a majority when used with quorum?12:09
elfyI'd argue that it's an issue for any team that isn't Ubuntu Mathematicians12:09
knome_weblderan: i guess yeah unless #votesrequired is explicitly set to something else12:10
elfylderan: a value majority or a votes majority12:10
knome_webelfy: question.. does the membership team really need it like this:12:11
knome_webif one votes -1, practically five need to vote +1 ?12:11
knome_webor would it be fine if they knew that there was at least four +1's ?12:11
elfyyea - though they too - take things to m/l if needed - but I don't want to get into the specifics right now - I'm not really here lol 12:12
elfyI just sat down to roll a smoke lol 12:12
lderanvote majority? so if 8 vote 0 and 1 votes +1 it would count it as not carried? 5 would need to vote +112:12
elfymmm 12:13
elfyhang on 12:13
knome_webthe real question is:12:13
knome_webif quorum is 8, the real team size is 14/1512:14
knome_webshouldn't the bot just understand that in the situation lderan pasted12:14
knome_weband say it needs more votes12:14
knome_webor should we actually not use #quorum12:14
knome_webbut #voters12:14
knome_webwhich would be the maximum amount of people voting12:15
knome_weband quorum would be calculated from that12:15
knome_webthen setting12:15
knome_web#voters 1412:15
knome_webwould practically work like the XPL voting12:16
knome_webbut if it was a regular vote, and we knew there would be 6 people around,12:16
knome_webwe could do12:16
knome_web#votesrequired 412:16
knome_webno, that doesn't work12:16
knome_webor does, but then #voters is useless12:17
elfywould it work if there was a 'voter' who could have a number set by chair - #voters is a list of names - but you might have 9 people away and then voting on m/l12:17
elfyso for example #voteexternal=912:17
knome_web#voters <nick> <nick> ... Set the qualified voters. Use '#voters all' to reset. 12:18
elfythen you have #voters = those present12:18
knome_webor just assign everybody to it?12:18
knome_weband the bot knows how many are off because they didn't vote12:18
elfyknome_web: but would that work if elfy is in the list - but isn't in -devel when the vote takes places12:19
elfydoes it not need the irc nick?12:19
knome_webit would work12:19
knome_webbecause it could just check if elfy voted12:19
knome_webwhether elfy was around or not12:19
knome_webwhat if we used that12:21
knome_weband then #quorum on/off12:21
knome_webis quorum is off, vote value within available people wins12:21
elfylogically sounds like it should work for us12:22
knome_webif it's off, vote amount wins if enough votes12:22
knome_webif it's on :P12:22
elfyand quorum=voters/2+112:22
knome_webbut yeah.12:23
knome_webbtw, we need to be able to remove voters12:27
knome_webiirc, #voters just adds voters12:27
knome_webcan't remove12:27
knome_web(except with #voters all)12:27
elfywhy would you need to remove voters during a meeting?12:27
knome_webif we use a factoid that outputs #voters12:27
knome_webthen knome suddenly has a "knome_web" nick12:28
knome_weband we don't want to break the quorum value12:28
elfymmm yea 12:28
knome_webthen we need to remove knome and add knome_web12:28
knome_web(and if voters are removed, their votes should be removed too)12:31
elfyfrom current vote I assume12:34
elfysounds good12:35
ochosisomehow i only receive a selection of the emails from the dev-mailinglist17:15
ochosianyone else here having trouble with receiving the emails17:16
elfyochosi: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-170514-181951.php17:20
elfythat's what I've received - what are you missing - they appear to match https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-May/thread.html17:21
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
ochosielfy: yeah, didn't receive GridCube's and pleia2's message...18:48
ochosivery odd18:48
ochosiknome's i did receive18:48
elfyochosi: perhaps the issue with your xfce mail address ?18:51
ochosii dunno, i sent a testmail to myself today, that arrived normally18:57
elfyno idea I'm afraid18:59
elfyknome can't let go then - still XPL on his mail sig :D19:01
benonsoftware /msg jose Hiyas23:32
benonsoftwareErr. -.-23:32

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