
xeno2Ok.  I'll start the teapot and be in earshot.00:00
Yeluxeno2, cloud is okay, but "knowing" stuff at detail level is much better (my opinion)00:00
* Yelu reads and searchs in the meanwhile ...00:00
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Yeluxeno2, => first hit (but only to create a new vm) => http://paste.ubuntu.com/7481044/00:13
Yeluxeno2, hit 2 (modifying/cloning a vm) is coming soon ...00:14
xeno2I got the pastie.00:14
xeno2That's not too long a sequence.  I think I can get 'em all right, probably on the first try.00:15
Yeluxeno2, you have to set execution bit (chmod 755) as root on these files, ut you sirely know ...00:15
xeno2Which files, and no I haven't done that for at least a decade, but go ahead...00:16
xeno2Please keep in mind that when I create it fresh, it works fine.  It's only the cloned version that fails like this.00:17
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Yeluxeno2, thanks for the heads up, I remember. - I'm interested in this issue, cause I wanted to deal with your current software (chef etc.)00:19
* Yelu hacks together some cloning script lines ...00:21
stonedI have mod_php/mpm_prefork (ubuntu default php setup) working00:21
stonedWhen I switch to mod fcgid, I get internal server error00:22
stonedI cloned the orignal server instance, I made my eidts/changes there, and everything seems tow ork00:22
stonedI make the same changes on the live server, and Internal server error happens00:22
stonedso I switched it back to mod_php for now00:22
stonedI mean, I can clone the server inifinite times, and make changes and switch to mod_fcgid and it works, but if i then makes the same changes on the original server where the site is running, I can't get it to work00:23
stonedi looked through the errorlog in apache, nothing. I look through ssl_error log nothing. same w/ access log00:23
stonedI changed the log level to be more verbose (debug) and still nothing00:24
stonedCurrently a clone of this server is runing the website on mod fcgid in apache 2.2 ubuntu 10.04 lts00:24
stonedworks fine00:24
stonedthe original server is 10.04 lts ubuntu apache 2.2 mod_php/mpm prefork00:24
stonedAny gurus wanna help me tackle this?00:25
stonedSince I can't take the server down00:25
stonedI considered creating a 64 bit chroot, and debootstrap a debian stable install in there, get apache and fastcgi to work on another port like 8080 and test it out00:26
stonedonce it's working and everything, redirect all incoming requests to that chrooted apache server00:26
stonedor just build apache 2.4 + php 5.6 etc. w/ fast cgi in /usr/local/bin and get it working on 8080 or somethign and then forward all to localhost:8080 and have that new apache instance run it00:27
stonedor just tell the new apache instance the same webroot as the other server00:27
stonedcan one ssl certificate on one domain listen on two separate server instances each serving on a diff port00:28
stonedsay 2.2 apache on 80 and 2.4 apache on 808000:28
xeno2Yelu:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7481090/00:31
xeno2Yelu:  On boot it complains we got the cpu wrong.00:32
xeno2It says it thinks it's i686 instead of x64.00:33
xeno2Going to find my wife.  BRB.00:39
Yeluxeno2, new pastebin with a "oneliner" for cloning a vm => http://paste.ubuntu.com/7481141/00:49
Yeluxeno2, for the i686/x64 discrepancy - I just can't understand it :(00:50
Yeluxeno2, I'm double checking the parameters now.00:51
xeno2Okay, but I can start from one that works with this clone command, right?00:51
Yeluxeno2, if the guest is running, then the clone should also run.00:52
xeno2Like ./VirtualBox VMs/$2 or ./VirtualBox VMs?00:55
Yeluxeno2, basefolder is something like /root/VirtualBox VMs/<your-new-vm-lives-inside-here/>00:55
xeno2Ok.  Thank you.00:55
Yeluxeno2, but take care: standard is /root as home NOT /home/xeno00:56
Yeluxeno2, I saw, you did nstall VBox into another home00:56
xeno2Hmm.  Perhaps that is my problem all along.  I have always installed on /home/xeno, never on /root.00:57
xeno2Machine has been successfully cloned as "ububhclone1"00:58
Yeluxeno2, you can do it this way, your user must own all files under his home00:58
Yeluxeno2, okay, we got a new clone, but is it running?00:58
xeno2Not yet...00:59
xeno2I am sorry I'm taking so long....01:01
Yeluxeno2, time is o your side01:01
* Yelu orders a new keyboard (better takes 2)01:02
xeno2Not according to my wife, my bank account, employment security, nor my hip bones.01:02
Yeluxeno2, :)01:02
Yeluxeno2, the order of your enumeration is very interesting for me (same here)01:03
xeno2But we're gonna take a long walk around the park later, and it's not really my hips.  It's actually my back cramping that makes them hurt.  The bones are strong.01:03
Yeluxeno2, movement in fresh air in ggod company is always a good thing - and leaving the tec stuff behind ...01:05
xeno2Okay, the clone does not come up in the GUI, even after restarting it.01:06
Yeluxeno2, what is in the log of vbox?01:06
xeno2Where do I find that?  I don't see a vbox log in /var/log01:07
xeno2There is an item in the GUI dropdown up above, but I see nothing related to the by hand vm.01:08
Yeluxeno2, ah, okay, you meant the GUI of the clone, which isn't starting yes? - Then forget about the GUI-log - the VirtualBox log is under the basefolder, I think ... just chekcig.01:08
Yeluxeno2, difficult to check for me, how about ubploding a screenshot if possible?01:09
xeno2No, I mean the menu GUI that lists all the clones.  The GUI menu for accessing the clones does not show ububhclone101:09
xeno2And here is the command I gave:  VBoxManage clonevm "ubuvm1" --mode all --name "ububhclone1" --basefolder "$HOME/VirtualBox VMs/ububhclone1"01:10
Yeluhow did you create the clone? as root or as user<x>01:10
xeno2Oh, as user.01:10
xeno2Maybe I need to go back and try both steps by root.01:11
Yeluxeno2, i agree01:11
Yeluxeno2, set it up clean as root (Virtualbox software) and do all commands as root (cloning etc.)01:12
xeno2Okay, well I will need to log out and change the desktop to root desktop so I can fully test.  I'm gonna do that on my laptop...01:12
* Yelu goes into stand-by for a little tea time ...01:13
xeno2Ubuntu won't let me do that.  Never mind.01:14
xeno2Okay, trying blindly from a terminal.01:14
Yeluxeno2, wait, just copy all your folders (VMs) to the /root folder, then get the ownership of it.01:15
Yeluxeno2, chown -R root:root /root/*01:16
xeno2Okay, I'll try that first.01:17
Yeluxeno2, no, this is a bad idea, the pathes are within the virtualbox definitions01:17
Yelusorry, my bad01:17
xeno2Okay, going back to the command sequence.01:17
Yeluxeno2, and I'm going for a tea01:18
Yeluxeno2, 10 minutes01:18
xeno2Best wishes.01:19
xeno2Okay, I have followed the sequences.  I don't know how to boot without the GUI, however, so I am stuck at this point.01:24
xeno2Looking up on the web.01:24
xeno2Okay, I used startvm to start my install of the by hand install on root, and I get the same complaint about wrong arch, i686.01:27
xeno2Doublechecked and my iso is correct.01:27
Yeluxeno2, 'm back. - Okay, this is of no good :(01:29
YeluI've installed a 14.04 Desktop 64bit (as a vm). - Then I installed VIrtualBox with apt-get install virtualbox (as root)01:30
xeno2Well, I feel we've learned something, but perhaps my hip says I need to rest.  Please keep my email:  xeno@eskimo.com01:30
YeluWait ...01:30
xeno2Ok...yes but `14.04 works for me too.01:30
Yelujust one seocnd, please01:30
xeno2Don't feel rushed.01:30
xeno2I can stay longer.01:30
YeluThen I tried to install in THAT VirtualBox Porgram a Ubuntu Server 14.0401:31
YeluBut it gave me ONLY 32 bit as choice ...01:31
YeluThanks for your time01:32
xeno2Ok, I get the ability, with the GUI to install an Ubuntu 64 bit server on my virtualbox Ubuntu Server 14.04, 14.04 on vbox on 14.04.01:34
xeno2Therefore it must be something else.  It could be that works that way just with VBoxManage, and the GUI has some edge on it.01:35
xeno2At any rate, thank you for your time too.  When you spend more time on it, please invite me.  I'll keep an eye out for emails with even rough time when you might want feedback.  Very best wishes, and good evening.01:36
Yeluxeno2, so your situation is as to be expected. - Your suggest to give it a rest is a wise one, I think. - Please ell free to email me under yelupic@gmail.com if you like.01:36
YeluAll the best to you.01:37
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mikey85message me if you want to join my channel. IT is for Christians, new Christians, and people interested In learning about Jesus03:36
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darkxploithello guys06:04
darkxploitANyone with experience on tunneling ssh through http proxies06:07
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wizard_Ahow do i install the ubuntu-desktop on ubuntu-server 14.0414:26
cfhowlettwizard_A sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:27
wizard_Ai do not want office and extras...14:28
cfhowlettwizard_A ah, so unity Desktop Environment only?14:28
cfhowlettwizard_A sudo apt-get install unity14:29
wizard_Aerror: unable to locate unity??14:30
cfhowlettwizard_A run this command    lsb_release -a14:31
wizard_Ayes thats 14.04 LTS14:31
wizard_Acfhowlett: you there??14:53
cfhowlettwizard_A yes.14:53
cfhowlettwizard_A probably easier to install ubuntu and add the server packages as opposed to the inverse14:54
wizard_Ayes thats a possible work around but, i want to hack around with ubuntu server, because may be installing ubuntu-dektop and the server packages on top of it, may take a lot of time and plus can go in vain...15:04
cfhowlettwizard_A suggest you ask in #ubuntu.  there's apparently a method to remove unity, so I imagine you can reverse that process.15:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 and up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:05
cfhowlettwizard_A and installing server packages in ubuntu is dead simple15:06
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rostamHI I am using ubuntu 12.04. How kernel module signing is support on ubuntu? thx16:28
bekksrostam: It works, why?17:10
rostambekks, I get this error :   http://paste.debian.net/100134/17:21
bekksrostam: "Entry was not found in database".17:23
rostambekks, sorry here is the correct one: http://paste.debian.net/100461/17:26
bekksrostam: http://askubuntu.com/questions/379714/error-backports-install-ath9k-using-12-04-lts17:27
rostambekks: according to that url, the kernel modules will get installed but in my case it doesnot.17:31
rostambekks, I apologize it is thanks17:33
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jak2001hi all22:49
jak2001why i acces to my servr with user: jak  and password but when try acces with putty on my windows laptop cant? access deneied? how to fix it? thanks22:50

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