[02:21] Is there a special repository for 3.11 low latency? [02:21] Trying to get it from a vanilla Ubuntu 12.04 install [02:25] ridethespiral: no [02:26] ridethespiral: there is no special repository for any of ubuntustudio.. ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu, and all of our pacakges and kernel is in the normal ubuntu repo [02:26] ridethespiral: you want 14.04 [02:26] How come I can only find lime low latency on fresh 12.04 install [02:27] ridethespiral: that is the kernel for 12.04.. correct? [02:27] Holstein if you knew the issues I've been having with 14.04 you'd understand [02:27] ridethespiral: the kernels dont get rev'd like that.. they just stay like the rest of them [02:27] ridethespiral: there is no reason to use 12.04 over 14.04.. if you have issues, i would address those, personally [02:28] ridethespiral: regardless, you are welcome to run whatever kernel you like in 12.04, but the versions dont update.. you just get the kernel that is in 12.04 and it gets security updates [02:28] I had 12.04 studio installed, tried to upgrade to 14.04 and it hated me. Tried to reinstall 12.04 studio and was having issues with that even so I went to vanilla again [02:28] 12.04 studio had 3.11.0.xx kernel [02:29] But vanilla doesnt [02:29] ridethespiral: i always try the live CD's first, and prefer the fresh install. any number of things could have given you a hard time with the upgrade [02:29] ridethespiral: there is no special repo, friend [02:29] It is a live USB boot which I did fresh install from [02:29] ridethespiral: if you added a PPA for a newer kernel, you need to add that again [02:30] ridethespiral: i read , you upgraded 12.04 to 14.04.. and didnt fresh install 14.04 [02:30] No one can figure why I'm having these anomalies so I wish to stick with 12.04 with unity known :/ [02:30] ridethespiral: regardless, allow me to stick with the facts [02:30] By upgrade I mean fresh install, sorry. Formatted root [02:30] ridethespiral: 14.04 is the version that is the most up to date, and currently developed [02:31] ridethespiral: the kernel for 12.04 ubuntustudio (and *any* ubuntustudio) is in the main ubuntu repos [02:31] But won't work for me, for a reason many can not solve [02:31] ridethespiral: your /home config [02:31] ? /home config? [02:32] ridethespiral: you state "formatted root", so, your home partition, and config could be breaking anything in the 14.04 [02:32] anyways.. im again, only stating facts [02:32] ridethespiral: if you are here to run 12.04, run it [02:32] Holstein I'm on my phone so no tab button. Forgive me if I don't type your name out each time [02:32] ridethespiral: the kernel for lowlatency is in the main repos.. if you had a differnt or newer one, you likely added a PPA>. maybe from kxstudio [02:33] So not formatting /home could be the issue??? [02:33] ridethespiral: thats pulling your /home config forward.. thats all im saying [02:33] ridethespiral: if you didnt test it live, or with another user account, then the /home config could have been causing you issues [02:33] I'm mediocre at Ubuntu so I only half understand the issues that could bring forth [02:34] It worked fine live [02:34] ridethespiral: well, your /home is the *only* thing you did bring forth, so it would be top of my list [02:34] Before I installed 14.04 live worked. Then 14.04 froze on login [02:35] sure.. you can login as guest.. or another user to test your config easily [02:35] or, just add whatever PPA you like to get whatever kernel you want in 12.04 [02:35] Eeep and I don't have my ext HDD at ho.e to back up my home [02:35] Yeah I've got 12.04 running so I'll try that [02:38] Holstein the latest linux-lowlatency in synaptic on fresh install of 12.04 is lol [02:41] ridethespiral: [02:41] ridethespiral: there is no special ubuntustudio repo for it.. you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist upgrade" and get the latest there is.. otherwise, as i said you used a PPA [06:27] morning [11:13] Who has ladspa-sdk installed (it includes utility listplugins) - does it crash for anyone? For me it crashes on all tap-plugins, excepting one (tap_reflector.so, tap_echo.so)... [11:14] As for tap_echo.so - it should be linked with libm.so (math lib), but under ubuntu is not. I have tap plugins version from kxstudio team repos, so don't know, is it common. Some may attach those repos without installing all kxstudio upgrades (desktop stuff, system adjustment). [11:14] tap-plugins version 0.7.2 [17:03] nick87720z: may attach those repos without installing kxstudio upgrades? [20:22] hey guys, how can I set up to watch vimeo videos === zequence_ is now known as zequence [22:16] help [23:35] i need some help decreaseing system latency?