
ScottKshadeslayer: kubuntu-driver-manager done.02:40
ScottKshadeslayer: I don't see a milou in New?02:41
soeegood morning06:10
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: is the qt sru out yet?07:22
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ovidiu-florinhello world10:04
ovidiu-florinplease give me a helping hand in promoting and add yourself and spread this around: http://goo.gl/wkWf7w10:04
ovidiu-floringive me your gmail address so I can add you as editor10:06
=== jono is now known as Guest73754
Riddellovidiu-florin: how do I add myself?10:11
ovidiu-floringive me your gmail address10:11
Riddellovidiu-florin: riddell@10:12
RiddellScottK: please review bug 1289600 for quantal and saucy10:12
ubottubug 1289600 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128960010:12
ovidiu-florinRiddell: you have received an email invite10:12
ovidiu-florinto add you select the add marker button under the search bar10:13
ovidiu-florinand click on your location10:13
ovidiu-florintype your name and you're done.10:13
Riddellovidiu-florin: voila10:16
ovidiu-florinKubuntu thanks you10:19
ovidiu-florinyou live in the park :P10:19
ovidiu-florinon a rock10:20
jussiunder a rock...10:21
Riddellin the glen there, best place to hunt haggis10:26
sgclarkRiddell: I improved kwin if you could review it when you get a chance10:29
* Riddell looks10:29
Riddellsgclark: nope nothing committed to bzr10:30
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:30
Riddellsgclark: do a bzr update to bring in my changes then commit or push yours10:30
sgclarkRiddell: I seem to be having issues with bzr, also in experimental, will try to figure out my my stuff is committing10:30
sgclarkwhy my stuff is not commiting rather.10:31
* sgclark needs coffee10:31
Riddellsgclark: do you have a checkout or a branch? (bzr info will say checkout or standalone tree)10:32
sgclarkRiddell: yeah bzr update says Tree is up to date10:32
sgclarkRiddell standalone, how do I fix this?10:33
Riddellsgclark: not a problem, just means you need to do bzr pull (to get stuff from the launchpad branch); bzr commit; bzr push (to send to launchpad branch)10:33
sgclarkRiddell: ah ha, thank you10:34
Riddellbzr can either work with local branches a bit like git or with checkouts of branches a bit like cvs/svn10:34
RiddellI like that it can do both although sometimes it's confusing to know what you are working with10:34
sgclarkRiddell: ok so there is a conflict, I fix and push or commit?10:38
Riddellsgclark: yep, fix, commit, push10:40
sgclarkRiddell: think I got it pushed now10:56
Riddellsgclark: Recommends: kwin-decoration-oxygen, libqt5multimedia5   why does it need libqt5multimedia5?11:06
sgclarkThe build log said it was a runtime dependency. Wrong place?11:08
Riddellsgclark: no you could well be right11:08
RiddellI wonder what it uses it for11:08
Riddell"Runtime-only dependency for effect video playback"11:09
Riddellhttp://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2014/05/20/qt-5-3-released/  5.3 out!11:26
Riddellsgclark: kwin needed a dbus interface file moved from -data to -dev, those files are only used when compiling some code against it, I've made that change and uploaded!11:49
sgclarkRiddell: thanks!11:50
ScottKSo who told Kevin Ottens I was full of it regarding Kubuntu shipping KF5 releases post-release and neglected to mention that to me?12:56
ScottK(See KDE release list)12:57
Riddellthat's not his exact words (but wasnae me)12:58
Riddellyofel: is kde-l10n 4.13.1 anywhere?12:59
Riddelloh yes, updates, of course13:08
ScottKI realize I'm paraphrasing. 13:08
Riddellit's sounding a bit bad tempered, but you're winning me over to your view (when previously I didn't have much of an opinion)13:10
apacheloggerthat discussion is still going on? :O13:11
Riddellervin restarted it13:11
apacheloggeroi that mail is too long13:14
ScottKDon't worry. It doesn't say anything new.13:19
yofeljust read it, at least nothing new that would apply to us13:21
RiddellI'm moving all the language pack files to /usr/share/locale-kdelibs4/13:52
Riddellsgclark: ta da! http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_4.96.0_trusty.html14:42
Riddellsgclark: also I've moved kdelibs4 language pack files to /usr/share/locale-kdelibs4 so they won't clash with kf5 packages now14:42
shadeslayerW: libkdepim4: icon-size-and-directory-name-mismatch usr/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/mimetypes/x-mail-distribution-list.png 128x25614:57
Riddellthose are pretty common14:59
Riddellalthough that one is more mismatched than most :)14:59
Riddelleasily fixed if you can be bothered15:02
Riddellsgclark: what's the magic script you use to make a copyright file?15:02
sgclarkRiddeell: git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/users/modax/copyright-helper.git15:22
sgclarkRiddell: not perfect and still needs fiddling, but it helps alot15:22
shadeslayerRiddell: yofel mind having a look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepim/revision/35716:11
shadeslayermy head hurts from that16:12
yofelhm, does maxy use wrap-and-sort now?16:13
shadeslayerit certainly looks like it16:15
shadeslayerbut in some places, not16:15
shadeslayerfwiw from the lintian output E: kmail: conflicts-with-dependency depends libkdepim4 (<< 4:4.13.0-ubuntu2)16:15
yofelcan't really do a full review now, but did you add breaks/replaces for all the moved files?16:17
Riddellsgclark: I've put oxygen packaging in lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/oxygen  please review and if you're happy dput ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental16:18
Riddellshadeslayer: sorry about to go and hablar espanol16:18
yofelshadeslayer: and we don't need the headers anymore? Weren't they needed for... kleopatra or what was it?16:18
sgclarkRiddell: will do16:21
mamarleyCan I be taken off the list for Kubuntu Ninjas?  My "real job" is taking up enough time now so that I don't have time to effectively test anymore.16:24
shadeslayeryofel: I thought I did install the headers16:24
yofelshadeslayer: I see a patch missing from series16:24
shadeslayeryofel: right, fixed16:27
shadeslayerRiddell: bueno, hasta luego!16:28
yofelbut wait before uploading a bit, I think there's some breaks/replaces missing. I'll take a close look later16:28
shadeslayersure, entirely possible I missed something16:29
shadeslayersince the merge was done in like 2-3 days16:29
yofelhow lazy are you? I did digikam in like one evening :D16:41
shadeslayerW: kdepim source: intra-source-package-circular-dependency libincidenceeditorsng4 libkdepim4 libmailcommon4 libmailimporter4 libmessagecomposer4 libmessagecore4 libmessageviewer4 libpimcommon4 libtemplateparser416:43
yofelwell, that's not new ^^16:44
shadeslayeralso, re laziness, I can't remember what else I did last week :O16:44
shadeslayerI have very poor memory :/16:44
* shadeslayer makes a actual note to write things down from tomorrow16:45
shadeslayerand cya tomorrow :)16:45
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valorieovidiu-florin: please send me an invite! valorie-zimmerman@kubuntu.org23:34
valoriealso Riddell, if you really want help with kubuntu-devel I need the mod password23:37
valorieah, if you need google address ovidiu-florin, that is valorie.zimmerman@gmail.com23:41

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