
cjohnstonwgrant: can you look at what I have and explain to me what your wanting things to look like please?01:02
cjohnstonwith all your changes, I'm not sure that I know01:02
wgrantcjohnston: My branch doesn't impact publish-ic-link at all01:06
wgrantI only changes stuff inside the diff table.01:06
cjohnstonI'm talking about your branch01:06
wgrantOops, missed the fact that the MP you linked was more than two hours ago, not relevant to this convo.01:07
wgrantcjohnston: What do you have?01:08
wgrantI don't see a branch.01:08
cjohnstonwgrant: I have it up (plus one small change) at
wgrantcjohnston: The main issue I see is the width.01:10
wgrantcprov's comment blows things up, and opening a draft comment (at least in Firefox) has ridiculous padding on the right.01:10
cprovwhat ? who ? me ?01:11
cjohnstonyes, you01:11
wgrantcprov's comment is actually fine, until the draft super-padding appears.01:11
cjohnstonwgrant: so, the IC's, should they be 100% of the table.diff width?01:11
wgrantcjohnston: I deliberately added some horizontal margin to make the comments not just look like another line of the diff.01:14
wgrantMy intent (feel free to do something less terrible) was to have them always fit inside the normal diff width01:14
wgrantThat all works well until you invoke a draft editor01:15
wgrantThe editor isn't meant to change the width at all.01:15
cjohnstonok.. so you like the width as it is..01:15
cjohnston(except the edit)01:15
wgrantIt's marginally the least bad so far, IMO.01:15
wgrantBut I'm very much open to suggestions.01:16
wgrantAnd it's easy to change now we're not tied to the table-based layout.01:16
cjohnstonpersonally, I liked it the way it was.. but as we aren't designers, I don't care to play for hours on this01:16
wgrantIt was really hard to see the comments in the old one.01:17
cjohnstonI want a new icon for adding a comment01:21
cjohnstonI don't like that one01:21
cjohnston(not your fault, just my opinion)01:21
wgrantOh yeah, that's by no means even vaguely final, I just needed one to throw in the CSS for experimentation.01:28
wgrantAnd I remembered the name of that one :)01:28
cprovwgrant: can you check qastaging mbox ? there should be a MP email with non-ascii diff content.01:36
wgrantcprov: There are errors, rather01:37
wgrantSee #launchpad-ops; DB perms not there yet.01:37
wgrantcprov: Fixed now, can you try again?01:41
wgrantI just ran an ASCII one through, and the email worked fine.01:41
wgrant> +Now let's mess with encoding áéíóúçã02:02
wgrantcprov: Looks good02:03
cprovwgrant: great!02:03
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cjohnstonwgrant: any chance you can look at adding a draft comment on my instance?13:44
wgrantcjohnston: !13:49
wgrantIt looks like not totally terrible13:49
wgrantWell done13:49
cjohnstonI just s/edit/add for the button, if you refresh you should be able to see that13:50
cjohnstonI think that's slightly better than edit13:50
cjohnstonwhat other changes are needed for this branch?13:51
wgrantcjohnston: We should monospace and fix the word breaking in the comments if possible.13:57
wgrantcjohnston: word-wrap: break-word; works if the div is width-constrained. Somehow convincing it to not extend outside the table would work.13:58
cjohnstonhey daker14:24
dakerwgrant: hi14:25
dakertechnically you can't set the width to px since launchpad is using a fluid layout (% & auto so no fixed width)14:27
dakeri those cases, i think we can use "calc"14:27
dakercalc(100% - Xpx)14:28
dakerwidth : calc(100% - Xpx);14:28
wgrantdaker, cjohnston: Or what about setting table-layout: fixed on table.diff, and then a fixed px or % width on table.diff .line-no?14:34
wgrantThat'll prevent the comment divs from causing the table to expand.14:34
dakercjohnston: can you test that ?14:35
wgrantThrow in a font-family: monospace and a word-wrap: break-word on the comment bodies, and it starts to look at bit more sane.14:35
wgrantThe only real problem with that approach is that the line-no column is no longer dynamically sized, but that's a bit weird anyway.14:35
cjohnstonwgrant: how's that look?14:38
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wgrantcjohnston: Not bad! The line-no needs to be able to cope with up to four digits plus space for the icon, but that's a trivial tweak.14:45
cjohnstondo you know how big that would need to be?14:47
cjohnstonand what happens when people give you 10000 + line MPs? ;-)14:48
wgrantI think we trim it after like 10000 lines14:48
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cjohnstonwgrant: would the problems from last night effect branch scanning at all?15:13
wgrantcjohnston: At the moment? No.15:14
cjohnstonjust LP being slow15:14
wgrantcjohnston: !! it finally scanned16:03
cjohnstonwgrant: just pushed a new rev.. now the big question... will it scan. lol16:16
wgrantThe button text doesn't show up in other places. Can you find out why?16:16
wgrantWe shouldn't be hiding it with an outrageous text-indent :)16:16
tasdomaslbox propose gives me this error: error: Failed to update merge proposal log: Server returned 401 and body: (<BranchMergeProposal at 0x2af0e8f83850>, 'description', 'launchpad.Edit') - no idea, what's it about, though..16:18
wgranttasdomas: You don't have permission to edit that merge proposal.16:18
tasdomaswgrant, you mean the merge proposal on launchpad?16:19
wgranttasdomas: Correct.16:20
tasdomaswgrant, how can that be possible? (or, in other words, what do I do to fix this?)16:20
dakerwgrant: and their is a nasty bug in caused by the help modal16:22
wgranttasdomas: Should you have permission to edit that merge proposal? Which is it?16:22
tasdomaswgrant, https://code.launchpad.net/~tasdomas/juju-core/ensure-availability-more-output/+merge/22030616:23
wgrant        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.registrant) or16:24
wgrant                user.inTeam(self.obj.source_branch.owner) or16:24
wgrant                self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(16:24
wgrant                    user, self.obj.target_branch) or16:24
wgrant                user.inTeam(self.obj.target_branch.reviewer))16:24
wgrantAre you sure your client was authenticated as the correct user?16:24
tasdomaswgrant, sorry to have bothered you - it was my own mistake16:30
tasdomasbut your replies pointed me in the right direction16:31
wgranttasdomas: What was the issue?16:32
wgrantWrong MP URL, or wrong creds?16:32
tasdomaswrong creds16:32
wgrantAh, great :)16:32
wgrantcjohnston, cprov: I'll be back in a few hours, please try to poke holes in inline comments.16:36
cjwatsonIs there some documentation somewhere of how to upgrade local development Launchpad instances to PostgreSQL 9.3, so that we can stay in sync with production?17:07
stubcjwatson: The production docs would walk you through it, but I suspect the pg_upgradecluster provided by the Debian package would work a treat.17:41
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stubcjwatson: https://pastebin.canonical.com/110495/ is the current draft for the production upgrades17:43
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cjwatsonThanks.  Will have a try tomorrow, maybe ...17:44
cjohnstoncprov: r17011 qa-ok19:31
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wgrantcjwatson: You can also just pg_dropcluster 9.1 main, install launchpad-database-dependencies-9.3, purge postgresql-9.1, and then rerun utilities/launchpad-database-setup and make schema23:53

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