
johndowI am having an issue.  My desktop has Ubuntu 13.10 on it.  I am trying to install Lubuntu from a USB bootable drive and also a CD....both the USB and the CD...boot fine..ask me what language I want to use, I choose English, after this, I see a cursor flash a few times in the upper left of the screen, and then it goes black and nothing else happens.04:24
johndowI have redownloaded the iso, reburt it twice. I have checked the MD5, its the same.04:24
johndowWhy won't this thing keep going with the installation?04:25
johndowI have also attempted Xubuntu, and it does exactly the same thing.04:25
johndowSo, its probably not lubuntu related, but some other issue, any ideas?04:26
ianorlinis it the correct architexture?04:26
johndowStandard PC 32-bit04:27
johndowianorlin, I am proud you are here.04:27
johndowI have a Windows 7 CD laying around, I popped it in there, and it wants to install that fine....04:28
ianorlinand your computer booted 13.10 32 bit fine04:29
johndowianorlin, Yes, Ubuntu 13.10 is running on it now.04:29
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »04:29
ianorlinand then upgrade could work04:29
johndowI see the screen, that gives me the options, to try lubuntu first, install lubuntu, check disk for errors, etc.04:30
johndowwhen i choose install lubuntu04:30
johndowthen i choose english04:30
johndowthen nothing.04:30
ianorlinthere is an option to install from live session but might be a little slower04:30
ianorlinif for some reason the install at doesn't work04:31
johndowMaybe I can try that.04:31
johndowI have not tried that yet.04:31
johndowI am not sure that link there will work for me.04:31
johndowgetting back to pure lubuntu...i've never had lubuntu04:31
johndownothing to get back to04:31
johndowbut neither the lubuntu or the xubunto will go past the english screen04:33
johndowbut anyway, i will try to use the live cd, and install from there and see how that goes.04:33
onlawhat web browsers are you guys using? The default firefox doesn't remember tabs from my last time, and I am thinking of installing chrome or chromium. The software chenter only finds chromium, but I heard that it doesn't have integrated flash player09:31
JohnDoe_71Rusonla: tab mix plus extension10:00
hateballonla: you can get flash with the pepperflash installer10:21
hateballin chromium, that is10:22
hateballonla: pepperflashplugin-nonfree10:22
profus2hi everybody10:31
profus2is anyone on 14.04 and using rdp to connect to wts server?10:31
profus2default one does not work here10:31
profus2and  remmina does not stop crashing :-(10:32
JohnDoe_71Rushttp://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/fresh-player-plugin-pepper-flash.html alfa10:34
profus2is anyone on 14.04 and using rdp to connect to wts server?  default rdp client (vinagree)  does not work here11:59
profus2and  remmina does not stop crashing :-(11:59
profus2any suggestions, how to solve this problem?12:00
leszekprofus2: vncviewer perhaps. There are dozens of them some has to work12:01
profus2@leszek: need rdp protocol12:03
profus2vinagree stopped working after upgrading to 14.0412:03
leszekah hmm...12:03
onlaanyone get siliverlight working in chrome?? I installed the pipelight, but the silverlight works only on firefox, chrome says "install silverlight" when I try open silverlight video19:30
onlaoops.. two ?'s19:30
wxlonla: that's microsoft garbage, sorry19:32
wxlonla: there's a mono implementation of it called moonlight or something but i don't even think it's in the repos anymore19:32
onlajust that I can watch this one finnish tv online from silverlight stream only damn :I19:32
wxlonla: anyone that's actively developing with silverlight is probably using the latest version and that mono implementation doesn't really well support that19:32
onlapipelight seems to be a new thing for that .. many 2013 posts on it, but still I can't get it to work on chrome19:33
Unit193I'd guess it's because chrome is PPAPI only now and not NPAPI?19:33
wxlonla: please consult the broadcasters and remind them that microsoft is the devil :)19:33
wxli see you need to have wine19:34
wxli trust yo uhgave that installed?19:34
onlaUnit193, oh ok. I wonder if I shuold find more people like me from google though :)19:34
wxlew and you need a usage agent switcher too19:34
onlaye, no help with that either19:35
onlawell, I guess I'll carry on for my next thing19:35
wxli trust you followed http://fds-team.de/cms/pipelight-installation.html ?19:35
onlastill need to install usb dvb-t dongle and set it up, and usb wlan adapter19:35
wxlseems like pretty complete instructions19:36
onlaor actually on another page first, but then checked this page later. Actually I did install those first which are now under warning in that page19:36
onlamaybe I'll remove and try re-install19:37
wxlthere is a pipelight channel here19:38
wxlgo chat with them :)19:38
onlaUnit193 was right. They say there that chrome version 35 has dropped NPAPI support and in fact just couple hours ago19:49
onlaI am running the chrome beta so I have the new stuff on me19:49
onlaat the end of this year that support is going to be dropped from windows chrome too.. interesting, maybe silverlight will lose the öast bits of popularity it managed to get19:52
vjacobhi all. my Lubuntu desktop environment is not showing/loading/crashing. how can I do a simple reinstall of all relevant packages for default X11 environment including standard Lubuntu window manager, etc?22:14
vjacobtried to google but none of the suggestions seem applicable in my case22:15
vjacob(LXDE I take it, no?)22:16
IdleOneyou can try sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop22:19
vjacob"lubuntu-desktop is already the newest version"22:19
vjacobno errors also22:19
IdleOnealright, so what video card do you have?22:20
vjacobIntel 945GM22:21
vjacobI think that it's worked before - not sure what changed this time around though22:21
IdleOneyou might check in /var/log and see if anything pops out at you.22:22
vjacobis there any command to force reinstall every package related here?22:22
IdleOnebut that card should just work22:22
vjacobbe back in a bit22:24
john_ramboHi I have selected Firefox as the default browser in default applications for lxsession but when I click on a link Epiphany opens ...How to fix this ?22:46
wxljohn_rambo: for one, uninstall epiphany ;)22:47
wxljohn_rambo: seriously, use update-alternatives and that should fix you up22:47
wxljohn_rambo: e.g. use firefox as x-www-browser22:47
john_rambowhy ? is epiphany insecure ?22:48
wxljohn_rambo: do you find it useful?22:49
john_rambowxl: I need a second browser and chromium wont work in 14.04 ....Cant type anything on it22:50
wxljohn_rambo: xombrero's as secure as it gets and very light22:51
john_ramboInstalling ...22:52

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