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arosalesI'll be chairing the server team as I forgot to send minutes last week16:01
arosales#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:02
arosalescome on bot16:02
arosales#startmeeting ubuntu-server-team16:02
arosaleshmm looks like the bot may be sick today16:03
arosalesanyone know of any ways to kick it ?16:03
rbasakLooks like meetingology isn't online at all.16:04
arosalesok I'll continue without the bot today16:04
rbasakAlanBell: help?16:04
arosalesrbasak: should I hold one for a sec?16:05
rbasakarosales: I guess he's not online, and I'm not sure who to ask. Best to proceed without I guess.16:05
arosalesrbasak: ok and thanks for the thelp16:05
gaughenarosales, you're up again?16:06
arosales#topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:06
arosalesno actions from last week16:06
arosalesit was a pretty brief call with it being post release and folks at ODS16:06
arosalesgaughen ya I forgot to send minutes so I am up again this week16:06
arosales#topic Utopic Development16:07
arosales#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule16:07
arosalesso we have the client sprint going on this week16:07
arosalesvUDS is June 12, mark your calenders16:07
arosalesAlpha 1 at the end of June on the 26th16:07
arosales#subtopic Release Bugs16:07
arosales#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-u-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server16:08
arosales3 high bugs under server16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1319555 in ec2-api-tools (Ubuntu Utopic) "update out-dated ec2-api-tools for 12.04" [High,New]16:08
arosalessmoser: utlemming ^16:08
smoseri'll triage that.16:09
arosaleslooks like utlemming is working16:09
smoseroh, yeah. looks like it16:09
arosales#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/131505216:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1315052 in lxc (Ubuntu Utopic) "lxc-attach from a different login session fails" [High,Triaged]16:09
arosaleslooks like hallyn did some triaging ealier this month16:10
arosaleshallyn: any comments here?16:10
hallynfixed upstream16:10
arosaleshallyn: sounds like you are wating for the lxc fixes pushed as well but testing is looking ok16:11
arosalesre comment 216:11
arosaleshallyn: will you be working to bring those into trusty and utopic, not current owners atm16:11
hallynupdated the status16:12
* arosales refresh16:12
hallynstgraber will merge those in with regular merge of stable16:12
hallyni expect he'l be doing that next week16:12
arosaleshallyn: ah ok, thanks16:12
hallyn(both for utopic and trusty)16:12
arosalesgood stuff, thanks for the update and bug status udpates16:12
arosales#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clamav/+bug/131758716:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1317587 in clamav (Ubuntu Utopic) "ClamAV 0.98.1 is Outdated" [High,In progress]16:12
arosaleslooks like scott kitterman has that in progress16:13
arosalesthat covers the high, any other bugs folks would like to bring up here?16:13
arosales#subtopic Blueprints16:14
arosales#link http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/group/topic-u-servercloud-overview.html16:14
arosalesnot found . . . .16:14
arosalesgaughen, smoser, jamespage: are utopic blueprints made?16:14
arosalesgiven you guys have been sprinting and at ODS _completely_ understandable16:15
arosales#topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)16:15
gaughenarosales, yes - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-u-server16:15
arosalesgaughen: ah nice16:16
arosalesI'll update the IRC command link16:16
arosalesgaughen: any points you would like to cover re blueprints?16:16
* arosales doesn't see caribou around . . .16:17
arosales#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)16:17
psivaaarosales: We had some issues on smoke test infrastructure for utopic. it's now fixed and i'm going to kick the runs now.16:17
arosalesgood to here there were fixes :-)16:17
gaughenarosales, like jamespage said they are a work in progress16:18
arosalesgaughen: ok, and thanks for the link16:18
arosales#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)16:18
* beisner thanks psivaa 16:18
* smb looks surprised and removes the towel16:18
smbFor EC2 there is some discussion upstream for network issues of newer kernels (3.8+) which drop packets if fragments are, err, too fragmented. Not final outcome, yet. And on a side note, I might be getting more "dangerous" soon as I succeeded in getting a few more upload rights.16:18
smbThat would be all if there are no questions16:19
arosalessmb are you working with smoser or utlemming on the EC2 network issues in 3.8+?16:19
smbarosales, No I was asking Xen / kernel upstream16:20
smosersmb, is there a bug for this ?16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1317811 in linux (Ubuntu) "Dropped packets on EC2, "xen_netfront: xennet: skb rides the rocket: x slots"" [Medium,In progress]16:20
arosalessmb thanks for the update16:21
arosalessmb: good luck on the additional upload rights too :-)16:21
arosales#topic Ubuntu Server Team Events16:21
arosaleseveryone rested from ODS?16:21
arosalesgreat demo btw16:21
gaughennot sure I'm rested but I'm ready for resting this holiday weekend, arosales16:22
arosales+1 to thtat16:22
arosalesany other upcoming events?16:22
* arosales not aware of any so I'll move on.16:22
arosales#topic Open Discussion16:22
arosalesany other topics16:22
arosalesok sounds like all topics covered then :-)16:23
arosales#topic Announce next meeting date and time16:23
arosalesNEXT MEETING: Tuesday 2014-05-27 at 1600 UTC16:24
smoserthank you arosales16:24
arosalesthanks all for attending16:24
jamespagethanks arosales16:24
rbasakThanks arosales!16:24
* arosales will not forgot to send minutes this time :-)16:24
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jsalisbury## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting.17:00
jsalisbury[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:00
jsalisbury[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Utopic17:00
jsalisbury# Meeting Etiquette17:00
jsalisbury# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:00
jsalisbury#       'o/' indicates you have something to add (please wait until you are recognized)17:00
jsalisburyRoll Call for Ubuntu Kernel Weekly Status Meeting17:00
jsalisbury[TOPIC] ARM Status (ppisati)17:01
ppisatiNothing new to report this week17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (jsalisbury)17:01
jsalisburyRelease metrics and incoming bug data can be reviewed at the following link:17:01
jsalisbury[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kt-meeting.txt17:01
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara)17:01
ogasawara[LINK] https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-distro-team/+upcomingwork17:02
ogasawara[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-u/canonical-kernel-distro-team.html17:02
ogasawaraHere's our todo list until we formulate a better plan for tracking work17:02
ogasawaranext week at our team sprint:17:02
ogasawara|| apw       || core-1405-kernel || 2 work items ||17:02
ogasawara|| ogasawara || core-1405-kernel || 2 work items ||17:02
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: Utopic Development Kernel (ogasawara)17:02
ogasawaraWe have uploaded our first v3.15 based kernel, 3.15.0-1.5, to the Utopic17:02
ogasawaraarchive.  It is currently based on the v3.15-rc5 upstream kernel.17:02
ogasawaraImportant upcoming dates:17:02
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule17:02
ogasawaraMon-Wed June 9 - 11, vUDS (~3 weeks away)17:02
ogasawaraThurs Jun 26 - Alpha 1 (~5 weeks away)17:02
ogasawaraFri Jun 27 - Kernel Freeze for 12.04.5 and 14.04.1 (~5 weeks away)17:02
ogasawara * NOTE: The PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule notes Kernel Freeze as Aug 9.  I believe this should be amended to Jun 27.17:02
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: CVE's17:02
jsalisburyThe current CVE status can be reviewed at the following link:17:02
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Trusty/Saucy/Precise/Lucid (bjf/henrix/kamal/arges)17:03
henrixStatus for the main kernels, until today (May. 20):17:03
henrix  *   Lucid - Prep week17:03
henrix  * Precise - Prep week17:03
henrix  * Quantal - Prep week17:03
henrix  *   Saucy - Prep week17:03
henrix  *  Trusty - Prep week17:03
henrix 17:03
henrixCurrent opened tracking bugs details:17:03
henrix  * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html17:03
henrixFor SRUs, SRU report is a good source of information:17:03
henrix  * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/sru-report.html17:03
henrix 17:03
henrix 17:03
henrixcycle: 18-May through 07-Jun17:03
henrix         16-May   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle17:03
henrix18-May - 24-May   Kernel prep week.17:03
henrix25-May - 31-May   Bug verification & Regression testing.17:03
henrix01-Jun - 07-Jun   Regression testing & Release to -updates.17:03
jsalisbury[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:04
jsalisburyThanks everyone17:05
apwjsalisbury, thanks..17:05
kamalthanks jsalisbury17:06
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=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
costalesHi! :)19:41
costalesSergioMeneses, \o/19:57
SergioMeneseshi everybody!19:58
costalesHi folks!19:58
costalesWho is here from from the Catalan Team? :)19:58
wagafoI am19:58
wagafoHI everybody!19:59
rafael_carrerasi am19:59
costalesHi wagafo! :) Hi rafael_carreras19:59
wagafoBona nit! in Catalan19:59
costaleshi alexm :)19:59
costalesBona nit!19:59
rafael_carrerashi costales19:59
alexmhi everybody19:59
SergioMeneseshello Catalan Team!20:00
joseok, let's get started.20:00
jose#startmeeting LoCo Council Meeting 14-05-2020:00
costaleslet's go jose! :)20:00
costalesThanks for coming!20:00
joseoh damn.20:00
josegive me a sec to put a meetingology clone live20:01
SergioMenesesgo for it20:01
PabloRubianeswait costales20:02
josesomeone needs to read backscroll!20:02
SergioMeneseswait for the bot :D20:02
costales:$ :P sorry20:02
jose2 more mins20:04
lluisanunezhello everyone20:05
costaleshi lluisanunez20:05
joselet's give this a try...20:06
jose#startmeeting LoCo Council Meeting 14-05-2020:07
JoseBotMeeting started Tue May 20 20:07:15 2014 UTC.  The chair is jose. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.20:07
JoseBotAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:07
=== JoseBot changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Ubuntu Developer Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Any other business | LoCo Council Meeting 14-05-20 | Current topic:
=== JoseBot changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Ubuntu Developer Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Any other business
JoseBotMeeting ended Tue May 20 20:07:27 2014 UTC.20:07
JoseBotMinutes:        http://people.ubuntu.com/~joseeantonior/Logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-05-20-20.07.moin.txt20:07
=== jose changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
jose#startmeeting LoCo Council Meeting 14-05-2020:07
JoseBotMeeting started Tue May 20 20:07:49 2014 UTC.  The chair is jose. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.20:07
JoseBotAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:07
=== JoseBot changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | LoCo Council Meeting 14-05-20 | Current topic:
josethere we go20:07
costalesthanks Joeb45420:07
costalesthanks jose20:08
josehello everyone, and sorry for the delay20:08
rafael_carrerashello again20:08
costaleshi rafael_carreras. Thanks for coming!20:08
josepgallarthello again20:08
alexmhello from barcelona!20:08
costalesHi everybody!20:08
jose#voters costales SergioMeneses PabloRubianes jose jose-as-smk20:09
JoseBotCurrent voters: PabloRubianes SergioMeneses costales jose jose-as-smk20:09
joseso, welcome to another LC meeting20:09
josecan any of the LC members give us an update for what today's agenda is?20:09
costalesHi jose, yes20:10
costalesit's the Catalan team Reverification20:10
josenothing else?20:10
costalesI think no20:11
joselet's move on, then20:11
jose#topic Catalan Team Re-Verification20:11
=== JoseBot changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | LoCo Council Meeting 14-05-20 | Current topic: Catalan Team Re-Verification
PabloRubianesbefore going with this20:12
PabloRubianesI'm afraid we can vote on this topic today as we need to finish the discussion of the availability of teams in smaller regions than countries20:14
rafael_carrerasi thought it was settled years ago20:14
PabloRubianeswe have at the moment a rule of one team per country20:15
alexmhow so? when did that change?20:15
joseit's always been like that20:15
wagafoBut we have been approved for 7 years, and carried a lot of activities20:16
PabloRubianesI know that the catalan team is a great one20:16
joseit's not because you are a 'bad' team or a team which does not demonstrate activities, but instead because of the rules that are in place at this current time20:17
wagafoThen only an Andorra team could be approved?20:17
PabloRubianesbut we need to fix this situation because we need to have rules for all teams not just for the spain teams and other for the rest of the world20:17
alexmwhere's that rule written, please?20:18
alexmno-one mention that rule on the meeting where we were approved as an official team20:18
wagafoAren't there teams in the US only for Michigan or so?20:19
josesorry, could you rephrase that, please?20:20
costalesA lot of people is here today for the reverification. I think we could vote for the reverification now and discuss that theme in a short future. Are you agree?20:20
wagafoWhen you discuss that just think that if the rule is one state = one team there will be no Catalan team any more20:21
josewell, there's Ubuntu Spain, isn't there?20:22
costalesI'm from Ubuntu Spain jose20:22
costalesI think it's perfect now20:22
alexmi'm not so sure that such one-team rule is so clear in the wiki mentioned before20:22
wagafoThat's in Spanish, we promote Ubuntu in Catalan20:22
costalesI think the Catalan team is the best team in Spain20:22
costalesand they are spreading Ubuntu in Catalunya in the best way20:23
costalesthat is the important20:23
joseI have already stated my point of view in those terms a couple lines above20:23
PabloRubianesalexm: "If you would like to set up a LoCo team for a smaller region (such as a county or town district), you should work to do this within the existing wider team. "20:23
alexmPabloRubianes: our team is much larger than a region, it has several countries included20:23
SergioMenesesguys why dont you want to be part of ubuntu Spain?20:24
josebefore that20:24
wagafoCatalan is spoken also in France and in Italy20:24
alexmCatalan language is spoken in several countries20:24
joselet's open a vote to decide if we should go ahead and proceed with the voting or not20:24
alexmi think you should read the minutes from the meeting where the catalan team was approved20:24
jose#vote continue with the re-verification process or not?20:24
JoseBotPlease vote on: continue with the re-verification process or not?20:24
JoseBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)20:24
costalesI think we (Loco Council) have to listen the teams in this important question20:25
costales+1 continue20:25
joseerm... JoseBot is awaiting votes20:25
JoseBot+1 continue received from costales20:25
PabloRubianes-1 we can't reapprove even we don't have a clear opinion about the rule20:25
JoseBot-1 we can't reapprove even we don't have a clear opinion about the rule received from PabloRubianes20:25
SergioMeneses0 I feel we need more information about why split the team20:26
JoseBot0 I feel we need more information about why split the team received from SergioMeneses20:26
jose-1 This could bring other consequences in the future, we need to address everything in one shot20:26
JoseBot-1 This could bring other consequences in the future, we need to address everything in one shot received from jose20:26
JoseBotVoting ended on: continue with the re-verification process or not?20:26
JoseBotVotes for:1 Votes against:2 Abstentions:120:26
JoseBotMotion denied20:26
costalesWe could tell that to the rafael_carreras' mail20:26
cubellsQué fuerte!20:27
PabloRubianeswagafo alexm this is not against the catalan team, but please understand that we have many other regions from the world that want to divide, but we have a fixed amount of resources20:27
costalesbefore the meeting :/20:27
joseso, the re-verification process has been suspended as of now, but let's move on with those questions20:27
joseresources are just one part of the whole we need to see20:27
joseso, SergioMeneses, I think you had a question?20:28
SergioMenesesI was asking about why the guys dont want to be part of ubuntu-spain?20:29
cubellsSergioMeneses: Because my culture is diferent,20:29
SergioMenesesis it a problem? language issues? demographic ? geographic?20:30
lluisanunezIt's a matter of language20:30
rafael_carrerasthere are some issues here, being the language the first one20:30
cubellsSergioMeneses: because my language is different20:30
alexmSergioMeneses: because Catalan is also spoken in Andorra, Italy and France20:30
alexmit doesn't make sense a regional locoteam20:30
PabloRubianesalexm: we don't have teams by language20:31
costalesalexm, will make sense a locale team?20:31
SergioMenesesthat is a huge problem!20:31
wagafoOne of the main points of the Catalan teeam is to have free software in Catalan, it doesn't make any sense to be within another language, and this said from somebody like myself who is originally Spanish speaker (Uruguay born)20:31
PabloRubianesif not latin america should be one team20:31
alexmPabloRubianes: yes you have, and it was approved several years ago, it's us20:31
joseI repeat, as the *current* rules state (you can check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamRegions to be *even more* specific), "Each team should cover a full country"20:31
PabloRubianesalexm: catalan team is form cataluña20:32
PabloRubianesno catalan the language20:32
alexmno way20:32
rafael_carrerasPabloRubianes: that's not true20:32
wagafoIn a lot of senses the Catalan speaking regions are a country, you should have a broader view, unless Ubuntu becomes partisan on this20:32
cubellsPabloRubianes: ah! you don't understand anything20:32
alexmit's for us to decide and we don't want to be a regional team20:32
cubellsPabloRubianes: I'm valencian20:33
costalesthis will be an interesting point about the "belonging" of a tem (the art of community of Jono Bacon)20:33
joseagain, we're not talking about languages, we're talking about countries20:33
cubellsPabloRubianes: I'm not from catalunya20:33
costalesUna y grande jose20:33
joseLoCo Teams are for countries20:33
costaleschange the rules then20:33
joseyou better than everyone should understand how this works, costales.20:34
wagafoFor states or for countries?20:34
cubellsyou are breaking a great community of ubuntu.20:34
joseit's not a matter of 'just do it'20:34
costalesthe Catalan Team did a really great work. Are we not recognized them???20:34
josecostales: for the fourth consecutive time, read what I said a few lines above.20:34
costalesJose: then unify USA20:34
josehave you read the rules?20:34
costalesyes, I did20:34
costalesI don't agree with them20:35
costalesabout this point20:35
PabloRubianescostales: but are the rules20:35
josedo you know how the LoCo Council works? because as far as I know you're a LoCo Council member, and we *all* know things have to be discussed20:35
costalesIt is unfair20:35
PabloRubianesyou have to change them before all this20:35
josewe're a team, not a single person trying to enforce things20:35
costalesI'm telling my position20:35
costalesas you20:35
josethen please try to calm down a bit :)20:36
costalesmy *personal* position20:36
joseyou're sounding a bit... aggresive20:36
costalesno :)20:36
josePabloRubianes, SergioMeneses: anything else to ask/say?20:37
joseanyone else, any other points to raise?20:39
SergioMenesesI want to invite these guys to join us in a talk about this case, maybe we can re-check some points that now are not too clear - imho -20:39
rafael_carrerasas you wish20:39
wagafoThese guys are really depressed, this Saturday we had a great release party, no I think frustrated20:39
SergioMenesesdont feel sad or mad about this, it is not the end of the world. We are here to help you guys but try to get our point of view as well20:40
SergioMeneseswagafo, I know but take this like the first step, we need more information in a complete context to get a good answer to you guys20:41
SergioMenesesit is more than +1 or -120:41
joseas of now there's nothing we can instantly do20:42
alexmyou should read the catalan team approval meeting minutes: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/05/15/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t03:5120:42
rafael_carrerasthank you alexm20:42
costalesthanks alexm. We'll do!20:42
joseanything else to say?20:43
joseotherwise we can go ahead and end the meeting20:44
SergioMenesesI tell you something,  guys send us an email to our mailing list a we might work there! and try to find the best way for all us!20:45
SergioMeneseswhat do you say?20:45
costalesSergioMeneses, what about ast and gl too?20:45
rafael_carrerasok, I'll send an email20:45
costalesand es-es20:45
josecostales: off-topic for this meeting's agenda20:46
SergioMenesesrafael_carreras, perfect!20:46
SergioMenesesjose, ++20:46
SergioMenesesI am done!20:46
rafael_carrerasjose: offtopic the topic you talked about today20:46
joserafael_carreras: pardon?20:46
rafael_carrerasthe meeting said reverification20:47
rafael_carrerasonly that20:47
josewe did a vote and explained why we wouldn't proceed on voting for that at this point20:47
alexmthis meeting it's been a downer20:48
alexmdefinitely not the best way to encourage building a community20:48
cubellsalexm: I agree with you20:49
josepgallart+1 alexm20:49
costales+1 alexm20:49
alexmwhere rules matter more than people something's wrong20:49
joseif you would like to take it from that point of view, go ahead, but we're taking it as a new start to see if we re-focus current rules20:49
lluisanunez+1 alexm20:49
wagafoI feel stupid having work so hard for last Saturday release party20:50
alexmjose: maybe, but this meeting wasn't the right place nor the right time20:50
wagafoExactly, what's the point  of calling for re-verification and slamming a door in our faces?20:50
SergioMenesesguys I understand your feelings but try to get our point too20:50
joseI think discussing it/not discussing it at this point is not going to get us anywhere20:50
josewe didn't call it, *YOU* guys did20:51
SergioMeneseswe want to do the thing right, just that20:51
josebut anyways20:51
wagafodo as you wish20:51
rafael_carrerasjose: we did call it because it was time to do it20:51
josepgallartdigueuli que per mi aquestes activitats quedan anulades:XX de novembre de 2014 Festa utòpica  a un lloc encara per determinar. 19 de setembre:Xerrada UBUNTU per usuaris Xerrada: Migració a Libreofice al ajuntament de Caldes a carrec de Josep Gallart DLP 2014 a la Palma de Cervelló,http://www.konfraria.org/dlp2013/index.html 24 de maig de 2014: festa d'instal·lació al Centre Ateneu democràtic i progressista in Caldes de Mon20:52
wagafojosepgallart is cancelling 4 activities he had in the coming weeks20:52
joseso, as per council decision, this is not leading anywhere, so we're calling this the meeting20:52
rafael_carrerasthat was josepgallart telling that his activities have been cancelled20:52
=== JoseBot changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
JoseBotMeeting ended Tue May 20 20:52:41 2014 UTC.20:52
JoseBotMinutes:        http://people.ubuntu.com/~joseeantonior/Logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-05-20-20.07.moin.txt20:52
joseI don't see any reason to, but you guys are the one handling the team20:53
cubellsliteralment ens han tancat la porta en la cara...20:53
josepgallartsi ja no tenim equip de que parla??20:54
cubellsalucino pepinos!20:54
rafael_carrerasjose: apparently we are not a team anymore20:54
joserafael_carreras: and why is that?20:54
wagafoThe rules, you said, jose20:55
PabloRubianeswagafo: we are not shutting the team20:55
SergioMenesesrafael_carreras, wagafo dont be drastic!20:55
costalesrafael_carreras, tomorrow you'll expire20:55
rafael_carrerasbecause we are a regional thing or something like that20:55
costalesi'm so sorry20:55
wagafoWell, we feel like that, don't send us the ballpens and such but do support the community20:55
lluisanunezwell, we are becoming unofficial after seven years of good activity!20:55
joseI can not give you any more advice but to follow your personal judgement, and recommend a 24h cooldown period before continuing this discussion further.20:55
wagafoThanks jose, good adivse, but let's see what's left of the Catalan team after this20:56
joselluisanunez: there's no 'unofficial' teams20:56
josebut anyways20:56
rafael_carrerasjose: well, not approved then20:57
joseI need to get back to other stuff, laters everyone20:57
joserafael_carreras: approved isn't the term either :) verified as of now20:57
costalesGood bye team20:57
lluisanunezgoodbye costales20:57
costalesmy personal apologies20:58
rafael_carrerasthank yu jose, things were different when sabdfl approved us20:58
wagafothanks for the support costales20:58
rafael_carrerasyes, thanks costales20:58
costaleswe'll working in the issue20:58
costalesI'm sure we'll find a solution20:58
costalesgood night20:59
wagafoBye costales20:59
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