
rwwi still don't know what the t-word is ;(00:15
FlannelWhy are we trolling the -ops list now?01:28
rwwbecause all staffers are trolls01:29
elkyTIL that putting the internet down to finish paid work is "not constructive"01:42
phunyguy^ indeed01:43
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (fraztanvir)03:13
ubottuBeldar called the ops in #ubuntu (mikey85__)04:23
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Priceyphunyguy: elky: I was referring to "if I told you that, it would defeat the purpose."07:58
Priceyrww: Just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean they are a troll, aggressive, rude, etc. etc. etc.07:59
PriceyIt just means they don't agree with you.07:59
DJonesAH well, bye bye Jono Bacon10:01
IdleOneGood for him :)10:42
Priceyvalorie: Have you ever heard the statement "You must be taking the piss?!" ?13:13
PriceyIt being pretty close to "You're taking the mickey", "You're taking the proverbial" etc. etc.13:15
PriceyOh wow, we have a wikipedia article on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taking_the_piss13:16
elkyyou still get surprised at what wikipedia has articles for?13:16
Priceyelky: I didn't think they'd have an article on such a specific phrase and it's origins.13:17
h00kwoah, jono13:45
h00kI missed this yesterday13:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops-team, k1l_ said: !vietnam is <alias> vn14:41
ubottuvietnam is <alias> vn - added by IdleOne on 2014-05-20 14:44:2114:44
ubottuĐể được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ14:44
IdleOnefixed it14:44
IdleOneI try14:44
k1l_@mark #ubuntu chenqisu123 <chenqisu123> goodnight gays15:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:18
bazhanghe installed ubuntu in less than five seconds16:23
jbroomepew pew pew16:48
k1lwait, now its a corrupted iso? i thought he checked that already17:08
bazhangI thought it was installed inside gentoo17:09
bazhanghis description of grub does not match that of ubuntu17:09
Jordan_Ubazhang: In what way?17:15
bazhang<Cheaterman1> Jordan_U: Oh ! I thought custom.cfg would have to be sourced by grub.cfg somewhat17:17
Jordan_Ubazhang: And custom.cfg is sourced by their grub.cfg, as it would be in Ubuntu (though their grub.cfg is from Gentoo, from whose grub install the Ubuntu iso is being booted).17:20
bazhangand he wants help using reaver/aircrack17:21
k1lhe told about his customers when entering the channel17:21
Jordan_UNo, they don't.17:21
k1lnow he talks about he got no other usb-drive in his bedroom and hacking wifi etc.?17:22
Picisomeone who does pentesting for a living should know whether it is illegal or not.17:22
PiciI don't remember the last time I saw a VCD.17:25
Pici1998 or something17:25
bazhangvery common in 3rd world17:25
Jordan_Ubazhang: Interesting. For use with VCD playing hardware or general purpose computers?17:27
bazhangJordan_U, that would be cd/dvd players17:27
bazhangnightmare to rip17:28
bazhang<[[lutchy]]> Is there Ubunter Server channel ?17:29
bazhangsuper bad news17:29
bazhang!info mate-desktop17:51
ubottumate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 95 kB17:51
bazhangis that not the mate of whatever derivative uses mate17:51
k1lfyi, the mute on seawolf_ will stay since he does not seem to have any interest to take part in the technical ubuntu support at all.18:32
k1lif someone got a different opinion feel free to clear that with him and take the responsibility of him not spoiling #ubuntu with his offtopic.18:34
tsimpsonquiets should be temporary, if you feel they deserve to be banned and/or removed then you should do that18:47
rwwPricey: I'm aware of this :P19:01
ubottuJohn O'Bacon is the former ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlYk4RlOnJY ) Ubuntu Community Manager at Canonical. When he's not writing blog posts and tweeting, he spends time manufacturing all the bacon on the planet while singing for death metal bands.19:04
rww!forget jono-#ubuntu-offtopic19:04
ubottuI'll forget that, rww19:04
IdleOnethat needs to be reworked in my opinion19:05
IdleOneI believe the best person to do that would be rww.19:05
rwwit said "former", which was actually accurate, so it needed to go19:05
ubottuIn ubottu, Seawolf_ said: yes, I guess bumbling is overall masochistic, I've had a hard life19:14
ubottuIn ubottu, Seawolf_ said: my email is miracles.seawolf57@outlook.com19:21
rwwubottu: tell Seawolf_ about drink-#ubuntu-offtopic19:22
ubottuIn ubottu, Seawolf_ said: it is not your own, but it is like it is at that level of significancee19:29
ubottuIn ubottu, Seawolf_ said: it is hard for me to have feelings19:33
ubottuIn ubottu, Seawolf_ said: that is behavior I am just learning19:34
rww19:34:42 <rww> @ignore Seawolf_ 10000019:34
rww19:34:43 <ubottu> The operation succeeded.19:34
ubottuLjL called the ops in #kubuntu (RepentOrPerish)21:09
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (RepentOrPerish again)21:12
RepentOrPerishyes indeed god does kill and he will you and send you to hell if you dont repent21:15
RepentOrPerish!ops | yes indeed god does kill and he will you and send you to hell if you dont repent21:16
IdleOneRepentOrPerish: Could you please stop now21:17
RepentOrPerishLjL: yes indeed god does kill and he will you and send you to hell if you dont repent21:17
RepentOrPerishIdleOne: unless you repent you will perish21:17
LjLi'm serious about what i said in #kubuntu - are you guys QUITE sure that raindog what your designated victim?21:17
LjLbecause i rather think it was the above hfsplus, and that other guy had done nothing21:17
IdleOneLjL: that may have been a mistab. I'll look21:17
LjLmay, eh21:17
RepentOrPerishhello IdleOne21:18
IdleOneRepentOrPerish: Anything I can help you with?21:19
RepentOrPerishban me21:19
IdleOneI would prefer you just left on your own21:21
IdleOnehave a nice day21:21
mikey85look at that log21:27
mikey85someone get me unbanned on the ubuntu21:27
mikey85I was accused wrongly21:27
mikey85someone made a nick of me in there21:27
mikey85only it is mikey85__21:27
mikey85and I was banned by ikonia because of that21:27
mikey85she told me I was never allowed in that room and she had banned all my nicks and ip21:28
mikey85even after I told her it wasn't me who cussed21:28
ikonialook mikey85 stop messing around21:29
ikoniayou where muted before, you evaded that mute to come in talking about supybots21:29
ikoniayou then got into a situation where multiple people where abused with bad language, I've explained to you at the last mute how to behave in #ubuntu21:29
mikey85=== andrex|on is now known as mikey85_21:30
mikey85look on the log21:30
ikoniaI do see that21:30
mikey85that was andrex21:30
mikey85I'm not andrex21:30
ikoniaI also see you - you, an identfied user, switching to other users such as slayride21:30
ikoniaand then using slayride in #ubuntu21:30
ikoniait all appears to be "you"21:30
mikey85yes, slayride was me21:31
mikey85but the that other guy wasn't21:31
ikoniaso as I said, I'd rather stop messing around playing silly games and just request you find another channel21:31
mikey85look at the name21:31
mikey85it says mikey85__21:31
ikoniaeven without this last issue, you seem unable to communicate in the channel,21:31
mikey85not mikey8521:31
ikoniathat's a nickname - you use different nicknames21:31
mikey85I have 2 nick names21:31
mikey85one for my bot room21:32
mikey85one for my bot on my channel21:32
mikey85and this one21:32
mikey85that's all21:32
ikoniaso again I believe you21:32
ikoniabut even before this issue you appear to struggle to communicate in line with the channels21:32
mikey85ikonia, should I be judged wrongly? Do you really need to rid me on this server?21:33
mikey85Am I that bad of a person that I should be judged :(21:33
ikoniaI have no interest in getting rid of you on this server21:33
ikoniayou are free to use any of the other channels on the server21:33
mikey85but why would I be banned?21:33
mikey85for what purpose?21:33
mikey85everyone has seen the log21:34
ikoniayou where already banned/muted21:34
mikey85I went in unknowingly with a question21:34
ikoniayou evaded that ban/mute and tried to use the account slayride also21:34
mikey85how did I evade?21:34
mikey85there is no evasion to an ip ban of a channel21:34
ikoniamikey85: lets keep it simple21:34
mikey85ikonia, I want to be unbanned and unmuted21:34
ikoniaI know you do21:35
ikoniaand I did that yesterday, but you again caused a problem, so got re-muted21:35
mikey85I caused no problem that I am aware of21:35
ikoniaand then again today you evaded the ban and tried to use the nickname slayride to also evade the ban21:35
ikoniaI spoke to you in a reasonable ammount detail about it21:35
ikoniaso I'm not sure how you can be unware of it21:35
mikey85by people imitating my mikey85 name?21:36
ikoniaforget that21:36
mikey85what about their justice?21:36
mikey85what justice is this?21:36
ikonialets say "I belive you" on that21:36
ikoniadid, or did I not explain to you how to use #ubuntu the other day, then remove the mute21:36
mikey85yes you have, and I haven't helped in there since21:36
mikey85I tried to help people in the beginning21:37
mikey85I admit that21:37
mikey85and I admit I was wrong for misusing that kind of help21:37
mikey85But still, there is no justice in ban/muting me for an error that many have made, I am sure21:37
ikoniaapologies, I don't understand ?21:38
mikey85can you take me off of ban and mute please? I will only ask Ubuntu help21:39
mikey85I will not misuse the help of that room by asking help for other things21:39
ikoniabut we spoke about this - I took you off the mute and you carried on21:39
mikey85carried on with what?21:39
ikoniayour behaviour21:39
mikey85what behavior?21:39
ikoniaif you hold on for a moment, I'll get it all together to be clearer21:39
mikey85the only behavior that was terrible was me being impersonated21:39
ikoniarather than working on previous discusion logs21:40
ikoniacan you hold on for a moment, so I don't sell you short21:40
ikoniathank you21:40
ikoniaok, so I spoke to you about how to use #ubuntu, after I muted you after a little bit of noise in #ubuntu ?21:42
ikoniaremember that ?21:42
ikoniaok, great21:43
ikoniaI removed the mute then you rejoined #ubuntu correct ?21:43
mikey85the same day? Also the noise was me helping people with computers like others were doing as well21:44
ikoniayou where not helping21:44
ikoniathat's one of the things we spoke about21:44
mikey85so if that is noise, then forgive me for helping at all21:44
mikey85I was helping with computers21:44
ikoniayou explained to me that you had no idea what ubuntu even was, and I clarified you should not help unless you know what you are doing21:44
ikoniado you remember that ?21:44
mikey85I understand that. But hear me out please. I helped because people in there needed help with computers and computers are my strong point21:45
mikey85How then should I plea?21:45
ikoniaplease let me finish21:45
mikey85can I not be unban and forgiven?21:45
mikey85go ahead21:45
ikoniaso you remember being explained to that as you told me - "I don't even know what ubuntu is" you should not help until you know the answer to a question for certain21:46
ikoniaremember that discussion ?21:46
mikey85Yes, and I haven't21:46
mikey85I helped with what I knew21:46
ikoniaok, thats great21:46
mikey85if you keep me on ban, that is a burden that I shouldn't have to bear. How then can I receive help on Ubuntu?21:47
ikoniahowever you did start pm'ing me and from what I can gather other users complaining about people such as daftykins21:47
ikoniasaying he couldn't help, he was rubbish, and if he could help there would be no people asking for help in the channel21:47
mikey85Was I incorrect? He tried to help on an area he knew nothing about21:48
ikoniaso I asked you not to cause a problem with bad help in the channel AND explained what you need to do to use the channel, and you started randomly pm'ing people in the channel calling other people names21:48
mikey85He was helping on a partdisk21:48
mikey85ikonia this is too much of a burden for me21:49
ikoniaI can appreciate that21:49
mikey85How can I use the channel?21:49
ikoniaapologies if I'm dragging it out, I'm just trying to be clear21:49
ikoniato use the channel, you need to stop doing the opposite if what you are doing21:49
mikey85ok, but if I pm you, that is my own thing. I wont pm you from the channel though21:50
mikey85If I'm not in there, I shouldn't be banned if I just want to speak to you :)21:50
ikoniastop helping / trying to help with things you know nothing about (you'll get better as you understand more) stop making offtopic comments/discussion in the channel, stop pm'ing users with random insults, listen to the ops when they tell you to do something (or other members of the channel) - don't evade mutes, don't do things you've already been told not to do21:50
mikey85ikonia I can feel some tention here21:51
ikoniaafter I patiently went through this with you - I find you are still causing a problem with rww in pm trying to evade mutes/get around them21:51
ikoniathere is zero tension, I assure you21:51
mikey85no, there is21:51
mikey85I am not pming anyone21:51
mikey85How do I evade a mute? hmmm?21:51
mikey85ikonia, I appreciate you flirting and all but........ I was not evading21:52
IdleOneI think you are done here now21:53
mikey85idleone I feel though that I do need a bit of justice :(21:54
mikey85was justice served :(21:54
IdleOneyes, you are not going to be unbanned at this time. come back in a week or so when you have had time to think about how your actions effect the users of the channel.21:55
mikey85ikonia was suppose to have dinner with me :(21:55
IdleOneuntil then please leave this channel and stop harassing us21:55
mikey85I think she's mad because we didn't eat steak at the steakhouse :(21:55
mikey85who am i harassing, my dear friend?21:56
mikey85I just watched justice turn in the hands of the wrong doings21:56
IdleOneright now you are harassing ikonia with silliness about imaginary dinners21:56
mikey85lol, awwww but she likes the steakhouse :(21:57
IdleOnejustice has been served in favor of the users of #ubuntu who want to use the channel properly21:57
mikey85well, I can see you waste no time21:57
IdleOneyou clearly just want to mess around.21:57
IdleOnePlease leave.21:57
mikey85well, after justice being served, I feel I should21:57
mikey85just like you served justice wrongly, so shall I21:58
mikey85let there be justice21:58
mikey85as for you ikonia, you really don't beat around the bush. I think she likes me, that's why she does this21:58
mikey85How else would I be wronged?21:59
IdleOneikonia: hope you were done. I saw no positive outcome.22:02
ikoniaapologies, something important/personal came up22:20
ikoniadidn't mean to leave him dangling22:20
IdleOneno worries. You took plenty of time to clearly explain.22:21
IdleOnehe had no intention of being anything but a waste of time22:21
ikoniait wasn't a good explination22:21
ikoniabut I also feel it wasn't honest,22:21
ikoniabased on what's just happened in -server while I was away I suspect this user is trying to be a problem, rather than the accidents/that are happening, but I appreciate it's not popular at the moment to say that22:22
ikoniaapologies thought, didn't mean to quit half way through trying to explain, however it was important, I wouldn't just walk away intentionally22:23
IdleOneI don't think you quit half way through.22:24
ikoniawell, I did, I had to step away22:24
IdleOnethe explanation for why he was banned was clear.22:24
IdleOneand then they took it to -server to continue being a problem22:24
Unit193(And -devel.)22:25
ikoniayes, but at the time I wasn't %100 sure it wasn't just a users missunderstanding the previous conversation/explaination of the rules,22:25
ikonia(I'm confident of it not being a missunderstanding now)22:25
IdleOneI don't see why we should be expected to spend our time explaining things to people who obviously have no intention to be productive22:25
ikoniayes, but I didn't know at the time if it was a genuine "I don't get it/didn't know" rather than "I know what I'm doing and playing dumb"22:26
ikoniait was the complains from people in pm from him that where people I trust that made me seriously doubt it,22:26
ikoniaeither way, I think it's been proven now he knows what he's doing,22:27
ikoniafor the record I've not banned him from any other channel or spoke to him outside of #ubuntu so I don't know why he's suggesting I'm trying to get him banned from every other channel (whatever that range is)22:28
ikoniabeyond trying to be a problem22:28
hggdhikonia: as far as I can see, your tried to reason. Also, as far as I can see the user was not really honest22:29
ikoniahggdh: that doesn't seem to matter any more22:29
hggdhikonia: it does, for me.22:29
ikoniawell, it does for me,22:30
ikoniagood night22:31
hggdhalthough people can always complain and nit-pick, of course. But that is part of the game, I guess.22:31
ikoniaI don't find it part of game22:31
ikoniabut must dash, good night22:31
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