
MACscrim running ubuntu 14.04 and spamassasin 3.4. Seems that spamassassin isnt creating the /var/run/spamassassin folder when the service tries to start. If i manually create it and start the service again, everything is fine. Any suggestions?00:01
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stonedis it possible to upgrade to 14 from 10?02:48
stonedfrom 10.04 lts to 12 or 14?02:48
ubottustoned: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:49
stonedThe problem is that I am stuck on a live server, 10.04 LTS, and I need a new apache version (2.4)02:49
stonedAny current solution that will suffice.02:50
stonedI have an idea03:10
stonedsetup a 64bit 14 lts chroot, setup apache 2.4/php/fastcgi there03:10
stonedlet's see03:10
Maceryou cant use lxc?03:15
Maceror vbox? :)03:15
dw1I installed sendmail and set confAUTH_MECHANISMS and TRUST_AUTH_MECH in sendmail.mc and ran sendmailconfig to regenerate sendmail.cf and added a user but still can't seem to authenticate for relaying.  What else do I need to do?  Install saslauthd, perhaps?03:38
stonedMacer, who me?03:47
stonedthis is a live server, rackspace, ubuntu 10 lts03:47
stonedI think I'll just debootsrap a 64bit debian stable chroot03:48
stonedI've never attempted to debootstrap ubuntu in my entire life03:48
stonedanyway, I guess I could 'jail' 2.4 apache inside a 64bit chroot03:48
stonedmake sure it's working on 8080 w/ fast cgi, php5, apache 2.403:48
stonedthen just disable the older httpd from 10.04 lts host03:49
dw1got it. had to install sasl2-bin which gave me saslauthd and saslpasswd2 where I didnt know I had to add the user ;)03:54
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MACscrstoned: or just get a second server that you upgrade and migrate things to and then retire the other one?04:21
stoned[22:46:47] <stoned> this is a live server04:21
MACscraka, like the proper way to do it =P04:21
stonedif I could .. I would.04:21
MACscrand why cant you?04:22
stonedtoo many reasons I can't get into right now.04:22
MACscrwell the hackish solutions you are looking for sound much worse04:22
MACscrespecially since its a live system04:22
dw1actually i was wrong didnt need saslpasswd2 just saslauthd04:23
stonedlinux chroots are a hack.04:23
stonedEver used BSD jails?04:23
stonedAnd yes, chrooting various server services in linux is also rather advisable.04:23
stonedSounds to me you're unfamiliar w/ this approach of service segregation.04:24
stonednot to mention, even if your webserver gets hacked, it's still chrooted. It's a somewhat of a more secure setup as well.04:24
stonedMaybe I'll switch to nginx/fastcgi/php instead.04:26
stonedit's mostly a static site.04:26
stonedjust high traffic.04:26
stonedwould you be willing to assist me in setting up fastcgi/mpm-worker/php5-cgi in apache 2.2 on 10.04?04:27
stonedThat's the one thing I'm having issues. If I could switch to that, problems solved.04:27
stonedCurrently the server is running Ubuntu 10.04 lts, apache 2.2 w/ mod_php(5) and apache mpm prefork04:28
stonedI make a clone of this server at this point04:28
stonedI then make changes to the clone (not the live server) and I successfully get fcgid/php5/cgi/apache 2.2 to work correctly04:29
stonedI then test my changes on the clone and it works04:29
stonedThen I do the exact same steps on the live server that i did on its clone (in theory it should work)04:29
stonedbut I get internal server error. I can't find anything in /var/log/apache2/error.log (all error log directives point to this file)04:29
stonedSo that's my current issue really.04:30
stonedIf anyone of you could help me troubleshoot fcgid and the internal server error, I'd be very grateful04:30
stonedhttps://library.linode.com/web-servers/nginx/php-fastcgi/ubuntu-10.04-lucid hmm.04:40
stonedI wonder04:40
sarkishey all, i added an upstart script and run initctl reload-configuration but i don't see my new script when i run initctl list05:05
sarkisweird thing is if i run service service-name start it is working05:05
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SiebjeeDoes any one know a good cronjob scheduler like application that is scalable (like rundeck or jenkins) but is not one of those 2 ?07:53
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hxmmonths ago I configured the port 25 to be opened for only localhost10:19
hxmbut I dont remember where I did configure that10:19
hxmin /etc/postfix not10:19
hxmi think I put in the config but dont remember where10:20
mardraumfor postfix? in main.cf10:40
nevercastI wish to partition RHEL and install Ubuntu Server, I then wish to recover the partitions in use by RHEL for use by Ubuntu Server and configure grub for only one operating system. I also need to do this without ever being without an operating system, as I do not have the ability to use recover from removable media11:32
nevercastSuggestions ?11:32
vfwSo you are going to create a dual-boot system?11:33
nevercastOnly temporarily until Ubuntu is configured to work in place of RHEL, at which point I would like to remove RHEL11:34
vfwnevercast: Use non-destructive partition manager to shrink existing partitions in order to leave free space for the new install.11:34
vfwnevercast: http://gparted.org/livecd.php11:35
vfwnevercast: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ... one example.11:38
nevercastvfw, that's for your guidence. It looks to be impossible anyway. As it is an OpenVZ VPS, and I do not have the typical block devices available11:38
vfwnevercast: Oh, a VPS.  Well, that is different.11:39
nevercastI'm uncertain how to accomplish even a simple repartition in an OpenVZ Guest11:39
vfwnevercast: You would just need to re-install.11:39
vfwnevercast: Or get another VPS11:40
nevercastUnfortunately for myself, they only offer RHEL11:40
vfwnevercast: How about VBOX?11:40
nevercastVM in a VM.. Not a terrible idea, bit more overhead11:41
nevercastvfw, as I am only allocated a single IP address, I might run in to some concerns. Though I guess I could run the networking in bridged mode and disable most host networking services11:43
sorensmoser: Before I start digging on my own, I was wondering if you have any idea where the time is spent when booting a cloud instance? How much is kernel, how much is initramfs, how much is fetching data from metadata service, how much is <each part of cloud-init>, etc.?11:45
sorensmoser: I just saw http://t.co/JqAg7vOqgv this morning and wondered what those numbers really should be. 75,000 instances across 380 hosts is 197 per host. 6.5 hours is 390 minutes. That's ~two minutes per VM. 30 seconds per VM should be *plenty*.11:56
sorensmoser: Also, it should be able to process a VM per core. A couple of million VM's should be doable in that timeframe on that many servers.11:59
jamespagesoren, 2 minutes per vm?12:04
sorenjamespage: Is my arithmetic off?12:04
jamespagesoren, let me think12:05
jamespagesoren, I had some stats on vm creation rate as well12:05
sorenjamespage: This is assuming each node only handles on VM at a time.12:05
sorenone VM, I mean.12:05
jamespagesoren, at peak we hit 4.5 instances per second being created12:06
sorenThen what the ¤!"#¤ is the rest of the time wasted on?12:06
jamespagesoren, but that did drop off as load on the compute nodes increased12:06
sorenjamespage: You shut VM's off again, right?12:06
jamespagesoren, the cloud controllers (all three of them) get insanely busy12:06
jamespagesoren, nope12:06
sorenjamespage: Or did you leave all 11,000 running.12:06
jamespagesoren, 75k running instances12:06
sorenSorry, 75k.12:06
jamespagesoren, I was surprised exactly how insanely busy they got12:07
sorenjamespage: Ok, so it's 200 VM's per host running at the same time.12:07
sorenjamespage: How many cores?12:08
jamespagesoren, 4 cores12:08
sorenjamespage: Ok.12:09
* soren is still not blown away12:09
sorenSure, there's a lot of zeros at the end of that number, but one more should be possible.12:09
jamespagesoren, to me it feels extremely intensive when setting up the instance12:09
jamespageprior to it actually being started12:09
sorenIt shoulnd't be.12:10
sorenThere's not much work to do.12:10
sorenCopy a small image, start it up. After 10-20 seconds, it's idling.12:10
jamespagesoren, that bit it quite quick12:10
sorenSo where's the bottleneck?12:10
jamespagesoren, I'm talking about all of the bit prior to that happening12:10
sorenOh, OpenStack itself? Scheduling and whatnot?12:11
sorenYeah, *that* does not surprise me.12:11
sorenBut it shouldn't be that way.12:11
sorenWe should have no problem scheduling a couple of million instances in a few hours.12:11
jamespagesoren, we actually started off running neutron networking - but the rabbitmq load was so high with both nova and neutron messages it started to reset connections12:12
jamespagesoren, had to drop back to nova-network12:12
sorenAlso not surprising :)12:12
* soren has to run12:12
jamespagesoren, lol12:13
hxmi keep receiving this messages in my ssh session fatal: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer [preauth]12:21
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zuljamespage:  i thought i would change the channel topic since you know...quantal has reached eol ;)13:08
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jamespagezul, for that we need a channel operator13:27
zulah shoot13:27
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tych0rbasak: have you used uvtool on the trusty i386 images?15:18
tych0i don't think it's picking up my nocloud data15:18
arosalesjamespage: smoser: apologies I didn't send last weeks meeting. Althought it was a quick one I didn't get minutes out so it looks like I will be chairing this week too.15:19
rbasaktych0: I think I've successfully used i386 images before. Not sure about the Trusty ones specifically.15:21
tych0any thoughts on debugging?15:21
dasjoeAh, people working on uvtool :) I asked this before, maybe you can answer this: "Hi, VMs created with uvt-kvm are not persistent, correct? What are possible use cases for uvtool, is there a way to make a VM persistent?"15:23
rbasaktych0: "virsh console <name>" just after starting the instance, and you should see console output. Then kill the instance, and examine logs on the disk using mount-image-callback on the file in /var/lib/uvtool/libvirt/images15:23
rbasakdasjoe: they are persistent.15:23
rbasakdasjoe: you may want them to automatically start. I can't remember if uvt-kvm does that or not, but you can adjust the autostart flag with virsh.15:24
dasjoerbasak: Oh, okay. Thanks! I assumed they got undefined when stopped15:25
rbasaktych0: I've just successfully created a trusty i386 VM using uvtool 0~bzr92-0ubuntu115:27
tych0i'm not on trusty :-)15:27
tych0or rather15:27
tych0my host isn't trusty15:27
tych0that is proably part of it15:27
rbasakI can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work.15:28
rbasakThe PPA (ppa:uvtool-dev/trunk) should have a recent version built for you.15:28
tych0i should really just upgrade to trusty15:28
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zulhallyn:  ill try to get to libvirt this week15:42
hallynzul: cool, it's starting to feel far behind :)15:42
zulhallyn:  or i can wait til 1.8.4 next week15:43
zulor whatever it is15:43
hallyn9.7.h3 ?15:43
smoserarosales, no one ins going to complain if you say you're chairing again. :)15:48
arosalessmoser: perhaps this time I'll remember to send the minutes.15:49
www2hi can any one know why i get this error May 20 18:15:50 localhost postfix/smtpd[22424]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms when i want send a test mail to my server?16:23
www2the email send form my gmail adress16:23
blu3ski3ssounds like you need to setup SASL - http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html16:24
patdk-wknot really16:29
patdk-wkthat says sasl is setup right16:29
patdk-wkbut his sasl backend doesn't support whatever auth method he is using16:29
hallynzul: feel like doing 1319717 while you package new libvirt? :)17:11
hallyni betcha rbasak will give you a smooch if you do17:11
hallynwait ,i mean he wont' do that17:12
zulno smooching17:12
mdeslaurhallyn: try bacon17:14
hallynbut not canadian bacon.  i hear that'll set off a bad reaction17:15
qhartmanI have a machine running 14.04 that I'm migrating a 12.04 apache config onto, and it's weirdly not writing a pid file.17:15
qhartmanEven though it's starting correctly, the init script bombs because it thinks it's not17:15
qhartmanthe permissions on /var/run/apache2 seem fine, and the pid is set to write there17:16
qhartmanbut it never appears, even though I end up with running apache2 processes that are correctly listening. Any ideas?17:16
qhartmanapache2ctl configtest seems to think everything is ok17:18
lordievaderqhartman: Might be the change from 2.2 to 2.4.17:18
rbasakqhartman: check /var/log/kern.log for any apparmor denials. Is the pidfile in the standard location for Trusty?17:19
qhartmanrbasak, don't see any apparmor entries, and I believe the pid is the standard place (/var/run/apache2)17:20
shaunoI appear to have it in /run/apache2/apache2.pid on mine?17:21
sarthorHI, My ubuntu stop on grub and must need to press "keyboard ENTER" button, How can i fix this issue?17:21
qhartmanshauno, /var/run is a symlink to /run17:22
qhartmanso they should be the same in effect (unless apparmor is getting in the way and not mentioning it)17:22
qhartmanlordievader, I'm sure that's the root of the problem at a high level, but I need to figure out something more specific to make it go17:23
shaunoah, I didn't spot that. seems you are looking in the right place then :)17:23
qhartmanso, setting "PidFile ${APACHE_PID_FILE}" in apache2 conf allows it to work17:27
qhartmaneven though $APACHE_PID_FILE is set to "/var/run/apache2/apache2.pid"17:27
qhartmanand that is what it was manually set to in the conf17:28
qhartmanthat's odd, but ok17:28
[[lutchy]]qhartman, What's odd?17:28
qhartmansetting the the PidFile directive to use the variable, instead of the string that is the same as the variable contents, allowed it to start correctly17:29
qhartmanwas: PidFile /var/run/apache2/apache2.pid17:29
qhartmanchanged to: PidFile ${APACHE_PID_FILE}17:29
[[lutchy]]On that topic, first time working with Ubuntu (has a few Ubuntu Servers), I find that postfix in ubuntu would remove bounce messages from queue without re-trying or returning to sender? Is this a behavior that has to do with Relay messages?17:30
qhartmanecho $APACHE_PID_FILE17:30
[[lutchy]]Is $APACHE_PID_FILE an Environment variable ?17:31
qhartman[[lutchy]], yes17:31
qhartmanGets sourced in the from the "envvars" config in /etc/apache2 by the init script17:31
[[lutchy]]Uh, if I am understanding this correctly, you want the init script to modify Apache configs during to startup to applye the Pidfile directive ?17:32
qhartmanno,m the standard config just uses the vars set in envvars so config changes that are global like that can be done in one place17:33
qhartmanI'm just puzzled at why setting it to the same value as the var causes it not to work. I must be missing something, like it's not actually the same value and I'm somehow misreading it or something17:34
qhartmanbut, it's working now, so I'm not going to argue, and setting it to ${APACHE_PID_FILE} is probably more correct anyway17:35
[[lutchy]]Your explanation is a bit 'garbled' for me to quite understand your problem17:39
qhartmandon't worry about it, it's under control now17:40
qhartmanIf anyone else is doing a 12.04 -> 14.04 server upgrade that involves apache2, this doc is helpful: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html18:00
sarnoldqhartman: funny enough, I -think- I saw exact opposite issues on some of my VMs -- something like the init script didn't report any errors but the server wasn't running when the init script finished.18:02
sarnoldqhartman: of course my apache configs in those VMs were pretty horrible at that point, I blamed it on the frankenmess I had created :)18:02
patdk-wkhaven't had any issues :)18:03
sarthorHI, My ubuntu stop on grub and must need to press "keyboard ENTER" button, How can i fix this issue?18:25
=== soren changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/ | Utopic (12.10) roadmap bugs, http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html
=== soren changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/ | Utopic (14.10) roadmap bugs, http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html
sorenzul: There you go.19:02
=== soren changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/ | Utopic (14.10) roadmap bugs, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-r-tracking-bug-tasks.html#s
sorenThere. Even better.19:03
sorenGah, except it's too long.19:03
sarnoldyou could probably trim the "Get involved: " text, it's in the url too19:03
=== soren changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support, try #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/ | Utopic (14.10) roadmap bugs, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-r-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server
sorensarnold: Good idea. Done.19:03
sorenOnly took 4 revisions.19:04
sarnoldnot bad :) hehe19:04
qhartmansarnold, heh, I have definitely been in frankenmess land with apache. At my last job I inherited one config that was over 3k lines (not including comments!) that was all in one massive file19:07
qhartmanOh the tears, they were bitter19:08
qhartmanapparently it was something that had been getting rolled forward in this company since apache 1.x days19:08
sarnoldqhartman: yikes. the pain.19:08
qhartmanThe one upside with that setup is there was one place to look to figure out what was wrong19:09
lordievaderWow, 3k lines. Purge and rebuild?19:10
qhartmanlordievader, yeah, I ended up setting up a temporary box and migrated every site by hand over to it individually to recreate a sane config, and then copied the config back to the production box19:11
lordievaderThat is what I like about Puppet, one place to configure all the servers/virtual-machines.19:11
qhartmanit took the better part of a week to tease all the pieces apart19:11
qhartmanyeah, this was back when your configuration configuration management choices were cfengine or SVN.19:12
jamespagemed_, seriously - bug 132096019:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1320960 in cloud-archive "Add Trusty Icehouse pkgs to UCA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132096019:12
med_jamespage, several folks I work with expected that type of behavior to be the default....19:13
* med_ explained that was not the default19:13
jamespagemed_, hmmmm19:14
med_jamespage, feel free to close with emphasis.19:14
jamespageI'll think about it19:14
jamespagewe might be able todo something transparent19:14
med_an empty repo might do the trick19:14
jamespageso it works but is actually a no-op19:14
keithzgOuch, my btrfs drive appears to be so screwed that it's going "Check tree block failed, want=1266349326848, have=18350744064220987392" and refusing to mount. Guess I learn about fixing/recovering btrfs now . . .19:30
wamkees: you got this i hope? https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Problem_FAQ19:43
wamkeithzg_: even19:43
keithzg_wam: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it isn't a "bug" per se though, the power in my building has been very wonky lately and apparently we can't afford more UPS' so although all the primary servers other folks use are on them, I don't have one for my testbed/personal one at the office, so it's been going down hard from time to time :(19:47
wamkeithzg_: have fun19:47
axisyswhy would swap in use when 25G memory not in use?19:55
axisysMem:  32909200k total,  7345056k used, 25564144k free,   181956k buffers19:55
axisysSwap:   499708k total,   290772k used,   208936k free,  2810712k cached19:55
axisysshould I change the swappiness to 0 ? currently it is 1019:55
axisysand do a swapoff/swapon ?19:55
sarnoldaxisys: it's probably not worth the effort19:57
axisysxymon alerting 95% swap in use.. even though tons of free ram.. what do you recommend?19:57
axisyssarnold: ^19:57
sarnoldaxisys: it might add another four or five seconds to shutdown to 'swapoff' the thing. otherwise it is probably not going to influence much of anything.19:57
wamaxisys: always use swappiness 0. Nothing else is sane if you have memory. Linux will then first use most of the memory.19:58
axisyswam: ok19:58
wamaxisys: and do a swapoff / swapon cycle after setting it. linux won't clean up otherwise.19:59
axisyswam: just did that.. swap use is now 019:59
wamaxisys: but you need to know - the used swap in your server is even cached, so not much penalty from it.19:59
wamaxisys: it's just that linux could just throw the cache away as soon as there's a bottleneck20:00
wamaxisys: and it's the bottleneck detection that might not be what you want.20:00
axisysso I really should not generate alert when swap usage is over 95%20:01
wamaxisys: let's say 50% swap usage doesn't say much about your memory.20:01
axisyssince I did not see any slowness with 25 gig ram around20:01
wamright, it's all cached.20:01
wamit's just cold pages that could be thrown away immediately and that would not have to be written to disk first.20:01
[[lutchy]]If you have 25GB of RAM20:02
wamhere, cold pages are not THAT cold. So swap always has to keep up. So we do swappiness=0. It's with occupied virtual machines.20:02
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[[lutchy]]With only ONE OS20:02
axisys[[lutchy]]: I have 32G total20:02
[[lutchy]]Turn of swap20:03
axisys[[lutchy]]: yes20:03
wamnever turn off swap20:03
wamyou will have NO time to fix oom20:03
[[lutchy]]Yes, Turn off swap20:03
wamand oom is ALWAYS wrong. Per definition20:03
[[lutchy]]The only you have to consider if you an programs that need more than 32GB20:03
[[lutchy]]s/only/only issue/20:03
axisyscurrently swap size is 512MB /dev/mapper/volg0-swap20:03
wameven 2-4 GB swap is ok. The more the better. Because you earn TIME when oom is active.20:04
wamexcept that a hard reset on every memory shortcoming is acceptable.20:04
[[lutchy]]Swap is a safety net but if you have programs running out of memory --- Which will be indicated, then consider swap20:04
[[lutchy]]Having Swap on, the Kernel have consider Swap while doing Memory management20:05
wamIt's all very complicated ;)20:05
sarnoldaxisys: much better would be to alert on swap in and swap out traffic20:06
wamcorrect ^^20:06
sarnoldaxisys: check the 'vmstat 1' output, read the 'si' and 'so' columns20:06
wamthis will hurt i/o performance.20:06
sarnoldaxisys: most of the time you shouldn't have any; a little is not too bad. a lot is bad.20:06
axisysyep they are 020:06
sarnoldaxisys: I don't know any good way to alert on high values, but it is a more reliable indicator of trouble than a lot of other metrics20:07
[[lutchy]]I really depends on what he/she is running20:09
axisysthis system has tons of scripts running and backup client.. thats all20:10
[[lutchy]]I can't see, one OS, with few functions having a lot of 'swap in' and swap out'20:10
axisysnothing bad20:10
sarnoldstill, if you're using much swap it's probably time to buy more memory :)20:10
[[lutchy]]Unless there is a memory leak20:10
[[lutchy]]sarnold, He/she says he has 32GB20:10
sarnold(and by 'using swap' i don't mean your swap space is in use; I mean the 'si' and 'so' columns have much use)20:10
axisyssarnold: no.. based on our metrics graph..only some app probably behaved bad for few minutes20:11
sarnold[[lutchy]]: good thing he wasn't using much swap :)20:11
axisyslot of rams20:11
sarnold[[lutchy]]: it gets expensive to add another 32 or 64, hehe20:11
axisys[[lutchy]]: he :-)20:11
[[lutchy]]I have only 6GB on my server20:11
[[lutchy]]Which is Windows, then Hyper V clients20:12
[[lutchy]]I have two Hype V clients running .. I have -- mild swap (after a few Windows Updates)20:13
Havenstanceis there an apt-get solution for ntopng on 13.10?20:13
[[lutchy]]Both are Ubuntu Servers20:13
axisysunderstand we don't have any slowness.. so disabling alert about swap measure is probably best bet20:13
[[lutchy]]Well, I think, you seem not to understand, I would say best bet is to have swap on20:14
sarnoldbut there's probably no point in alerting anyone about high swap allocation20:14
dw1Havenstance: do-release-upgrade :)20:14
[[lutchy]]Then look how at 'Swap in' and 'Swap out' account to what what sarnold mentioned20:14
[[lutchy]]right ...20:15
dw1Havenstance: oh you have til July nm20:15
[[lutchy]]That's probably the KERNEL on Heavy IO20:15
axisys[[lutchy]]: swap is on20:15
Havenstancedw1 just waiting for the newest release of zentyal to drop on  14.04 then i'll update it20:15
[[lutchy]]Is your DISK slow ?20:15
dw1Havenstance: https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/ntop-ng-installation-on-Ubuntu.html -- use checkinstall to create a package20:16
[[lutchy]]70MB is slow in a Server environment ... for me at least20:16
Havenstancethanks man20:16
axisys[[lutchy]]: how do I check if disk is slow? hdparm ?20:17
[[lutchy]]Harddrive can be handicap.. I am not familiar with raid setup, which can improve read/write performance20:18
[[lutchy]]Without OS Write Cache, my Hard Drive can only musta 9/MBs on write20:19
[[lutchy]]With OS Cache, I get about 70MB write cache20:20
axisys157.65 MB/sec read20:21
[[lutchy]]Looks like you have SSD drive20:21
axisysI dont think so.. how do I find out?20:23
axisysHP DL360p20:23
axisyssmartctl does not say since behind raid controller20:24
[[lutchy]]With 157.xxx, it's most likely SSD drive20:25
[[lutchy]]Ubuntu has lshw20:25
axisys *-disk:120:26
axisys                   description: SCSI Disk20:26
axisys                   product: LOGICAL VOLUME20:26
axisys                   vendor: HP20:26
axisys[   36.786112] hpsa 0000:02:00.0: RAID              device c2b0t0l0 added.20:31
axisys[   36.786319] scsi 2:0:0:0: RAID              HP       P420i            3.04 PQ: 0 ANSI: 520:31
fr36can anyone help me?20:31
wamfr36: probably not20:48
fr36why not? what is this channel for?20:48
RoyK!ask | fr3620:49
ubottufr36: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:49
wamfr36: for specific information or questions about ubuntu server somehow i guess20:49
RoyKwam: better give him the bot than asking him implicitly to leave :P20:50
wamI didn't want him to leave.20:50
RoyKwell, he didn't20:50
wamRoyK: though you're right of course. Didn't know the bot20:50
wamubottu: hello20:50
fr36I need to configure my ubuntu box to authenticate to an ActiveDirectory20:50
RoyKfr36: login or samba or what?20:51
wamfr36: the box or the users on the box?20:51
fr36the users on the box20:51
fr36my ubuntu box will be a client20:52
fr36I thought I should be using kerberos20:52
RoyKso users login to ubuntu and want their profile/homedir from a windows share?20:52
wamfr36: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+user+login+active+directory20:53
wamfr36: or is there anything specific?20:53
fr36basically users need to authenticate to a AD domain to be able to use the mail server20:54
wamfr36: mostly https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto20:54
wamfr36: and yes, kerberos is good.20:54
fr36my specific question is: how can I find the KDC server?20:55
fr36is there a way to locate it?20:55
RoyKfr36: it's the dc20:55
RoyKfr36: the domain controller20:55
RoyKfr36: the domain controller(s)20:56
fr36yes it is, but I have to know its name20:57
RoyKfr36: ask the sysadmin20:57
RoyKfr36: that's just a machine in the local network20:57
fr36that's not an option, it's a big company20:58
fr36however the KDC is the Key Distribution Center21:04
fr36it's not the Domain Controller21:04
RoyKfr36: it is21:05
fr36RoyK: I need a way to locate it21:05
RoyKfr36: it'll be a *very* large company to have a dedicated KDC21:05
fr36RoyK: it is21:06
RoyKhow large?21:06
fr36thousands of employees21:06
RoyKdig -t srv _kerberos._udp.XXXXXX.com21:06
fr36RoyK: thanks21:08
RoyKdidn't work here, though21:08
fr36why not?21:09
ArmadillosRoyK: While it's possible the DC and KDC are on the same server, most companies will have that seperate.  Are you on a windows computer that is currently logged into the domain?21:09
fr36Armadillos: I can get a hold of one21:10
fr36what should I do?21:10
Armadillosfr36: Go to that computer, and once your logged in, go to a command prompt.  Type in this command: echo %LOGONSERVER%21:11
ArmadillosThat will give you a DC21:11
fr36but not a KDC21:12
* wam learns21:12
fr36I need a KDC to configure a kerberos client21:12
wamI'd just use wireshark and see where traffic goes ;)21:13
ArmadillosKDC is a Key distribution system used to give out Windows Keys, not for Kerboros.21:13
RoyKArmadillos: I'm not the one asking questions. I work for a college with some 20k students and 2k employees. We have DC and KDC on the same servers.21:13
ArmadillosRoyK: Yeah, sorry about that. :)21:13
=== broder_ is now known as broder
fr36Armadillos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kerberos just says it needs21:14
Armadillosfr36: So the KDS they're talking about in that article is usually handled by a DC.  It's part of the Domain Controller.21:15
fr36I need to configure the Kerberos servers for my realm but I don't know their name21:17
wamfr36: you haven't told us if the dc works or not for this purpose.21:18
Armadillosfr36: Are you trying to build another Kerberos system, or trying to get the current server connected to an existing server?21:18
fr36just trying to act as akerberos client21:19
ArmadillosThen the current DCs in place should be fine.  You just need to have that server "point" to one of the DCs.21:20
fr36I just need to know what to write in the kdc and int hte admin_server properties of my realm21:20
Armadillosfr36: Run that command on a windows box, and it will give you a name of a DC that can handle the KDC requests.21:21
fr36should then put that name in the kdc line?21:21
Armadillosfr36: You'll probably want to use the FQDN, but yes.21:40
fr36Armadillos: thank you21:42
mikey85look at those logs22:01
mikey85I was accused wrongly22:01
mikey85press F3 and type in mikey8522:02
mikey85You'll see22:02
mikey85that's why I was banned from ubuntu22:02
mikey85by ikonia22:02
mikey85=== andrex|on is now known as mikey85_22:03
mikey85see that?22:03
mikey85that was in the log22:03
mikey85ikonia has bullied me time and time again22:03
Coreymikey85: That's not topical here.22:03
mikey85as well as weaseling her way out of dinner >:(22:03
mikey85ahhh lol22:03
mikey85i see lol22:04
mikey85so she has no say in here? :D22:04
=== MACscr is now known as Captain_Obvious
=== Captain_Obvious is now known as MACscr
phillwHi good people, I'm following http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs1.5/install.html#pkg-install and it seems very badly broken (the ppa doesn't work, the mass-dhcp and mass-dns do not exist. Is there a working set of instructions for installing cloud onto a trusty server?22:53
sarnoldphillw: you may have better success in #maas22:54
phillwsarnold: thanks :)22:55
sarnoldphillw: probably you can ignore the ppa advice..22:55
phillwsarnold: that'd be fine, but the 'installer does not start... maybe a tasksel command, let me go see22:56
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
fridaynextit looks like plex is no longer available to update via apt-get update / upgrade...23:40
fridaynextanyone else had this issue?23:40

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