
tsdgeosMirv: 5.3 is out, can you update the ppa with it?07:21
Mirvtsdgeos: yeah, just started working on it. I try not to remove symbols this time so it'll take some time, but I guess at least I can at least update the components as soon as they're ready (no such thing as component mismatches)07:23
MirvI mean version mismatches. so once qtbase is done, I can copy it to the usual PPA:s and s on.07:24
Saviqmzanetti, FYI, the nonmirplugins dir is prepended to the import path when not running on Mir (so under X11 for example)07:41
Saviqmzanetti, we needed it to be on some other path than the usual mocks, it's not a fortunate name or solution, I agree, we might want to rethink this setup07:41
Mirvtsdgeos: awesome! qt5-daily is just now uptodate again with qtdecl + unity8 and I have scopes07:51
Mirvtsdgeos: launcher is broken though among else07:51
tsdgeosMirv: but doesn't crash anymore on start?07:53
tsdgeosyes it does07:58
tsdgeosgood stuff07:58
tsdgeosand yeah launcher is all black :/07:58
tsdgeosand carousel stuff is borked too07:58
* tsdgeos shakes fist07:58
Mirvtsdgeos: doesn't crash. carousel seems ok though or am I missing something? (is carousel the music scope thing?:)08:01
tsdgeosMirv: the carousel of music08:02
tsdgeoshe bottom corners08:02
tsdgeosof the "grayish" square08:02
tsdgeosshould be cut08:02
tsdgeosby the shape08:02
tsdgeosthey are not08:02
Mirvtsdgeos: so I'll now rebuild some more stuff, qtubuntu-* and qtvideonode08:02
Mirvtsdgeos: ok I don't immediately see what's wrong but anyhow08:02
tsdgeosinterestingly the launcher works on the desktop :/08:03
Mirvtsdgeos: did you have any features you know are in 5.3 that we want? to add to the "why we want 5.3" list of things, in addition to newer/better/morestable?08:03
tsdgeosMirv: nothing obvious comes to mind tbh08:05
Mirvtsdgeos: ok. it was asked about.08:05
Mirvtsdgeos: so, hmm, we should probably go ahead with the landing-003 to get the 5.2 backport in?08:05
tsdgeosMirv: +108:05
MirvI rebuilt the unity8 there yesterday after another unity8 had landed on Friday08:06
Mirvok, I'll go back to 5.2 later today and look at it again08:06
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... just like I was expecting08:06
Cimitsdgeos, is this C++ in fake_categories correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7489256/08:14
tsdgeosCimi: what's wrong with it?08:15
Cimitsdgeos, I don't know08:16
Cimitsdgeos, I wrote it but my c++ knowledge is null08:16
Cimitsdgeos, I was wondering if there is a better way to write 1.1, 1.3...08:16
tsdgeosCimi: any reason you don't store the string but do all that weird stuff of turning it into a bytearray and then a char* ?08:17
Cimitsdgeos, I think artMap["aspect-ratio"] is a char08:23
Cimiexpects a char08:23
tsdgeoshow would it expect a char? are we from the past?08:24
greybackSaviq: you knew of work on improving the orientation sensor output, any idea who was doing it?08:53
Saviqgreyback, check with tvoss/ricmm08:54
Saviqgreyback, I don't think there's actual work happening08:54
SaviqCimi, it's a QVariantMap, it can virtually take anything08:54
CimiSaviq, indeed works with QString08:54
CimiSaviq, but yesterday compiler said it was expecting char*08:55
CimiSaviq, probably as a result of my bad way of concatenating variables08:55
CimiI just used QString and works now08:55
Cimimzanetti, init is called before every qmltest, right?08:57
SaviqCimi, it probably just said it couldn't deal with what you gave it, and that char* was one of the supported types (probably just the first one)08:57
CimiSaviq, yeah08:57
mzanettiCimi: yes, I think08:58
Cimimzanetti, ok so we have a lot of useless code in test DashContent08:58
mzanettiCimi: there's 2, init() and initTestCase(). one is called before every test, the other once before all the tests08:58
Cimimzanetti, init is before all?08:59
Cimime adds a console.log08:59
mzanettiI think the other way round. but Imo they are named wrong08:59
Cimiinit is before every test08:59
Saviqgreyback, hey, I'm doing a proper review of unity-mir now - first instalment is over here https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/fix-upstart-closed-apps2/+merge/218721/comments/52604509:01
Saviqgreyback, nothing major, mostly nitpicks and "your call"s09:05
greybackSaviq: as long as you found nothing broken functionally, I'm over the moon :)09:06
Saviqgreyback, I didn't indeed09:06
* Saviq is PITA09:06
Saviqbut that's my job ;)09:06
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CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/carousel-shadow-fixes/+merge/22021309:14
SaviqCimi, k09:18
CimiI noticed there's a console.log in this test09:18
Cimiany reason for that?09:18
Cimi            categoryListView.contentY = units.gu(11);09:19
Cimi            console.log("contentY", categoryListView.contentY);09:19
Cimitsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/carousel-shadow-fixes/+merge/22021309:24
apwlarsu, i see that PS jenkins Bot had a hissy fit about a lack of changelog on that append bubble merge09:25
tsdgeosCimi: why the qml/Dash/CardCarousel.qml change?09:28
Cimitsdgeos, that was the issue causing the wrong shadow in video carousel09:29
Cimitsdgeos, it was a typo of someone09:29
CimicardCarousel.components doesn't exist09:30
Cimiit's inside cardTool09:30
larsuapw: I'm on holiday09:30
larsuseb128: can you help apw out on that notify-osd thing please?09:30
tsdgeosCimi: oh right09:30
apwlarsu, heh no worries.  i shall just call you sad for even noticing while on holiday :)09:31
seb128larsu, apw: I put a commit message on the mp and I pinged MacSlow for review09:31
apwseb128, ahh that explains why the MP says commit message needed, and there seemed to be one ... strange system09:31
larsuseb128: thanks!09:31
tsdgeosCimi: clean your branch09:36
tsdgeosCimi: tags09:36
Cimiwhich tags to clean?09:37
tsdgeos0.1.16               ?09:37
CimiI don't have this locally09:37
tsdgeossomething infected by "clean" unity8 branch09:38
tsdgeossorry bout that09:38
Saviqgreyback, ok, two more small comments, otherwise good!09:44
greybackSaviq: thanks, am addressing right now09:44
* Saviq tries to revive unity8 session09:44
CimiI have to go for a blood test, catch you later!09:53
SaviqMirv, hey, https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2 says to install silo 006 on desktop, seems wrong?09:55
MirvSaviq: oops, copy-paste09:56
MirvSaviq: fixed09:56
SaviqMirv, the "ppa-purge" part also mentions landing 006?09:56
MirvSaviq: tsdgeos: btw qt5-beta2 now has a) qtdeclarative with delegate ranged patch + unity8 branch, and b) rebuilds of more of qtubuntu-* so it might be also camera, media playback etc works but I'm currently not able to test since I'm testing the 5.2 delegate range patch09:57
MirvSaviq: oops209:57
SaviqMirv, k, I'm checking whether the black launcher also happens on desktop (so all-mir), or only on phone09:58
Mirvdesktop not tested btw. the only problem there'd be is that not all modules are recompiled so you might be missing something. but at least Qt Creator doesn't anymore require the Qt Quick 1 so maybe it's all ok09:58
Saviq(on desktop+Mir that is)09:58
MirvSaviq: ok, great!09:58
tsdgeosSaviq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492381/10:03
tsdgeosif you use that as Shell.qml10:04
tsdgeosyou'll have a nice black recangle in the middle of the scren10:04
tsdgeosfor no particular reason10:04
tsdgeosSaviq: maybe http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492386/ is less "artificial"10:05
tsdgeosso you get a black vs red rectangle10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, easier to explain, thanks10:05
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tsdgeosSaviq: ok, i'll leave that in your hands for now and see if we can add some Mir people or something10:16
Saviqtsdgeos, Mirv, everything seems fine on Mir+desktop, installing on flo and manta now10:16
tsdgeosoh damn, that was fast :D10:16
Saviqtsdgeos, but yeah, I'll take it from here10:17
tsdgeosSaviq: oki10:17
Wellarkmzanetti: did you notice my comments in the pinlockscreen MR?10:20
mzanettiWellark: yes. already replied to them10:20
Wellarkoh, ok.10:20
Wellarkah, I see10:20
Wellarksorry for the interrupt10:20
mzanettino problem :)10:23
tsdgeosmhr3: Saviq: so what we do with the unity-api changes? land those first and then scopes-shell and unity8 in one go? or land the three in one go?10:24
Saviqtsdgeos, let's just land them all together, no need to split10:24
tsdgeosSaviq: well, splitting makes reviewing of the other stuff a bit easier maybe10:26
tsdgeosSaviq: so can we get a silo with the 3 things?10:26
mhr3tsdgeos, let's land it standalone, as you pointed out, it's not necessary to sync it, and the less sync required the better10:27
tsdgeosSaviq: ↑↑↑10:27
tsdgeosmhr3: will you review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-scopes-shell/use-unity-api/+merge/219221 ?10:27
Saviqtsdgeos, mhr3, ok, I'll put in a silo asap10:27
mhr3tsdgeos, sure10:28
tsdgeosmhr3: cool tx10:28
tsdgeosmzanetti: and will you do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/use-unity-api/+merge/219222 ?10:31
tsdgeosCimi: can you do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/noiconsfakeunity/+merge/219478 ?10:32
tsdgeosCimi: and https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/noiconpreviewheader/+merge/219502 that is already approved by mhr3 but he wants a second view10:32
mzanettitsdgeos: yes, can do10:37
tsdgeosmzanetti: g8, tx10:37
Saviqtsdgeos, Mirv, confirmed on both flo and manta, so it seems to be android-specific10:56
mhr3Saviq, do we have the sync meeting today with design?10:58
Saviqmhr3, good question, I doubt it10:58
Saviqmhr3, although Mike is still in London10:59
Saviqmhr3, mikenagle, are we doing the sync meeting today?10:59
mhr3ah, is he?10:59
mhr3interesting answer :)11:00
mikenaglesaviq mhr3 - we were just wondering the same thing :)11:00
mikenagleis thostr_ in Malta?11:01
mhr3not yet11:01
mikenagleright - decision time - should we do the meeting?11:01
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mhr3let's do it, and make it quick if there aren't things to discuss11:02
MirvSaviq: ok11:24
Mirvtsdgeos: I've finished running all image AP:s + unity8 manual test plan, so I'd publish the unity8 (+ qtdeclarative) now11:27
tsdgeosMirv: sounds good :) Saviq ↑↑↑11:29
SaviqMirv, hit it!11:29
* Mirv hits it11:29
Mirvnow I need to practice that -gles package update thingy11:30
Mirvbut I can also upgrade back to 5.3 and see if camera + videos work now with the rebuilds of qtubuntu-*  qtvideo-node in qt5-beta211:30
tsdgeosSaviq: why isn't a unity-ci job running for https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/carousel-shadow-fixes/+merge/220213 ?11:34
Saviqtsdgeos, because it failed?11:35
tsdgeosSaviq: what do you mean "failed"?11:35
Saviqtsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/carousel-shadow-fixes/+merge/220213/comments/52613911:35
tsdgeosthat's sad timing11:36
tsdgeoswasn't there 2 mins ago11:36
Saviqcouldn't move the launcher in a multimonitor setup11:40
Saviqwell, it did move, but moved right back11:40
Saviqcoupled with the fact that the barrier got b0rked and barely would let me through, I got a bit frustrated11:40
SaviqI'll be back, letting some steam off11:42
Cimitsdgeos, I read about this qt quick compiler of qt 5.312:03
Cimihow is it?12:03
mzanettiWellark: ok. fixed most of the things.12:15
Wellarkmzanetti: thanks!12:21
Wellarkmzanetti: ready for round 2? ;)12:21
mzanettiWellark: I even got jouni to have a look at it and agree :)12:27
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mzanettiWellark: but I promised him that he can come up with changes when he has more time to look at it12:28
Wellarkwell, as long as we can get the current one in while waiting :)12:30
Saviqgreyback, so, are we landing this thing or what? (I got a silo I could use)12:31
greybackSaviq: ok let's do it12:32
Wellarkmzanetti: we now have two magical values for the pin lenghts12:33
Wellarknamely 0 and -112:33
Wellarkshould we just use 012:33
Wellarkmzanetti: where is this autoconfirm behavior coming?12:35
mzanettiWellark: min == max && min > 012:36
greybackSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/land-devel-222/+merge/22024512:36
Wellarkmzanetti: I mean where is the requirement for it coming from?12:38
mzanettiWellark: design12:38
Wellarkit is so rare to have exact lengths on codes12:38
mzanettiWellark: I had tons of discussion about it already (I don't like it either)12:38
mzanettiWellark: design wants to restrict the phone lock code to 4 digits12:38
mzanettiWellark: I protested, I lost, I'm not going to discuss it again12:39
Saviqgreyback, hmm I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just MP devel into trunk? that's what others seem to be doing?12:39
Wellarkmzanetti: has this been raised with the security team?12:39
greybackSaviq: is it? Huh, lots of criss-cross merging there then.12:39
WellarkI'm sure they will protest12:39
greybackSaviq: ok let me re-do12:40
Saviqgreyback, yeah, it's not great either, but it's clear at least12:40
mzanettiWellark: they even wanted to restrict the SIM one to 4 digits. I managed to convince them for that at least12:41
cwayne1hm, unity-scope-tool failing for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492832/ any ideas?12:41
Wellarkmzanetti: well, I don't think we would have passed certification if we would have done that12:42
mzanettiWellark: to calm down the security team, you still can have longer passphrases for the phone lock code, but you have to use the alphanumeric one (which ignores the length settings)12:42
mzanettiWellark: yeah, that was my argument that convinced them12:42
Wellarkas the GSM spec clearly says that SIM PIN is between 4 and 812:42
Wellarkso what is this 4 digit code then?12:42
WellarkI'm confused12:42
mzanettiWellark: anyways... if you want a phhone lock code with only numbers, you're restricted to 4 digits.12:42
mzanettiWellark: if you want higher security, use an alphanumeric passphrase12:43
greybackSaviq: try that: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/unity-mir/development-branch/+merge/22024912:43
Wellarkmzanetti: so I have a checkbox when setting the thing "use alphabeticals" ?12:43
mzanettiWellark: I have no idea how settings is gonna handle that12:43
greybackSaviq: the "unmerged revisions" thing looks wrong now in LP12:43
Saviqgreyback, I can see that12:43
Wellarkmzanetti: sweet. ok.12:43
Wellarklet's see then :)12:43
mzanettiWellark: yeah... that might be the point when we can drop the autoconfirm again when designer see it sucks :D but right now there's no point in discussing it again12:44
Saviqgreyback, it merges fine, so...12:45
mzanettiWellark: and with the SIM pin you're not affected anyways12:45
Saviqgreyback, I think it'll sort itself out once we follow a certain workflow12:45
greybackSaviq: okey dokey12:45
Wellarkmzanetti: well, I'm just concerned about the PUK :)12:46
mzanettiWellark: why?12:46
mzanettiWellark: just set min: 8, max: 1612:46
Wellarkbecause it's fixed 8 digits12:46
mzanettiWellark: oh, is it?12:46
Wellarkno. it has to be 8 digits and allowing entering 9 would be an error12:46
Wellarkbut anyway12:47
mzanettiwell, in that case yes. I'm sure design *wants* the autoconfirm12:47
Wellarkwell, how many times have you typod a digit when using your phone?12:47
WellarkI'm doing it a lot12:47
Wellarkbut anyway12:47
mzanettiWellark: their argument is: "you don't want to make the user press the OK button when its clear that's the only allowed action anyways"12:47
Wellarkit's not fatal12:47
Wellarkthe user just has to cancel the dialog and start again if he notices he typoed the last one12:47
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mzanettiWellark: there's still a backspace12:48
Wellarknot for the last digit12:48
mzanettiWellark: you just can't make the typo on th every last character :D12:48
Wellarkas it's autoconfirm12:48
Wellarkdon't do it :)12:48
WellarkI just don't see any major value on the autoconfirm12:48
greybackSaviq: I need to change the commit message as there's a shutdown fix in there too12:49
Wellarkor the value is so minor that it's almost like design micro-optimization ;)12:49
Wellarkmzanetti: anyway. see my last comment on the MR12:49
Wellarkafter that I'm fine with it12:49
Saviqgreyback, didn't the shutdown change get released already?12:50
greybackSaviq: apparently not12:50
Saviqgreyback, I'll do12:50
greybackSaviq: LP is telling the truth12:50
Saviqgreyback, erm, sorry for jumping channels...12:55
greybackkeepin' me on ma toes12:56
tsdgeosCimi: it's a non free thing so no idea13:01
mzanettiWellark: huh? Dialog is always modal. At least I can't interact with anything behind it while the dialog is shown13:02
Wellarkmzanetti: well, there is a separate "modal" property and AFAIK it defaults to false13:08
mzanettiWellark: just looked it up. it defaults to true13:08
Wellarkmzanetti: is it documented to be the default?13:09
Wellarkcould you just humor me and make it explicit?13:09
mzanettiWellark: yes: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components.Popups.Dialog/#modal-prop13:09
Wellarkeven though it's the default. defaults can change quite rapidly :)13:09
Wellarkmzanetti: thanks!13:09
mzanettiWellark: pushed13:10
Wellarkmzanetti: thanks! btw, modal dialogs are generally evil. we should not default to them ;)13:14
mzanettiWellark: hmm... this type of dialog really is intended to be a modal one... as it puts a black overlay above the whole application13:15
Wellarkmzanetti: only if modal property is true13:16
Wellarkthe black overlay is controlled by the modal property13:16
mterrySaviq, hello!  Do you know if it's possible for me to fake SIM unlocking?13:16
Wellarkmzanetti: approved.13:16
mzanettiWellark: thanks13:16
Wellarkmzanetti: what's the convention with unity8 ?13:17
mzanettiWellark: regarding?13:17
Wellarkwill I top-approve now or only after the testing is done?13:17
WellarkI can't type that fast!13:17
tsdgeosmhr3: pstolowski: how's the departments api going? Is there anything i could start basing off? I remeber we had that API sketch but the you guys said you wanted to change it13:17
mzanettiWellark: no, you copy paste the checklist from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Unity813:17
tsdgeosSaviq: do you know if the api is done? ↑↑13:17
mzanettiWellark: and fill it in. Then you top approve13:18
Saviqtsdgeos, http://pad.ubuntu.com/dash-departments-shell-api should be up-to-date now13:18
mzanettiWellark: next time we get a wagon on the CI train, all the top-approved ones will get a ticket for the train13:18
Saviqtsdgeos, the "usage" part needs a bit fixing13:18
* tsdgeos clicks13:18
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Saviqtsdgeos, should we do a quick HO on how this should be used?13:21
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm afraid the QML part of that pad should probably be written from scratch13:22
Saviqsince when I wrote it I assumed wrong13:22
* Saviq deletes13:22
Saviqtsdgeos, mhr3 was writing the actual thing in -scopes-shell to see if everything fits, but we should be ok to start the UI13:24
Saviqmterry, let me know what I can do to help with the SIM lock thing13:27
mterrySaviq, pitti told me in #ubuntu-devel I can fake it with the ofono phonesim tools13:27
Saviqmterry, I was hoping that would be the case13:27
tsdgeosSaviq: sure, let's do it13:31
Saviqtsdgeos, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/grqpoxzwvq3rsrsdwfpnhbq2qia13:32
dandraderI should have only a single unity-system-compositor process running, right?13:50
* dandrader sees 5 after restarting unity8 a nmber of times during develpment13:50
dandraderafter "sudo stop lightdm" I now have 6...13:51
mterrySaviq, so using phonesim, unlocking appears to work in both greeter and session.13:53
mterrySaviq, so what was your sequence of actions?13:53
mterryUnless maybe the phonesim is masking some issue that real SIMs have13:57
dandradermzanetti, so the qt comp. ppa rebuilds automatically whenever it sees a new unity8 (or qtmir) revision?13:58
sil2100pstolowski, mhr3, pete-woods: hi guys!13:59
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sil2100pstolowski, mhr3, pete-woods: so, I did the landing of unity-scopes-api and unity-scopes-shell and it seems to be breaking autopkgtests for unity-scope-click13:59
MirvSaviq: tsdgeos: ok scrap it, I'll work with the symbols hell in parallel so that we'd actually have some packages ready soon13:59
sil2100pstolowski, mhr3, pete-woods: and to be more clear - it seems to not build correctly13:59
sil2100pstolowski, mhr3, pete-woods: it's failing on unit-tests14:00
pete-woodssil2100: that's the unity-scope-click tests that are failing?14:00
sil2100pete-woods: yes, you can see the failure here:14:00
Mirvmeaning that I'll disable symbols for one build and continue trying to get them all updated in the background14:01
pete-woodssil2100: yes, I think I can guess why, sorry about that, we'll get right on it14:01
sil2100pete-woods: where will the fix be needed? :)14:01
pete-woodssil2100: it's (probably) the test fixtures, we renamed some of the config file options14:02
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pete-woodssil2100: so in this case their test cases will need tweaking14:02
pete-woodssil2100: fortunately that won't affect the already released packages14:03
sil2100pete-woods: awesome, if it's unity-scope-click which will need a release, just fill a new landing with that and we'll try releasing14:03
mzanettidandrader|afk: it builds automatically once a day if there's a change14:05
mzanettidandrader|afk: if you want more builds, go to the build recipe and kick it manually14:05
pete-woodssil2100: will obviously have to confirm it's actually that first14:06
pete-woodsbefore we get too happy14:06
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mzanettidandrader|afk: e.g.: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/+recipe/unity8-qtcompositor14:06
sil2100pete-woods: thanks :)14:08
tsdgeosMirv: i'm confused, we released the new 5.2.1 with the displayMargin but didn't release the new unity8? I thought we were doing it together14:12
pstolowskipete-woods, I wonder if recently aded strict checks for empty values are not culprit as well, I see an exception for set_uri14:13
pete-woodspstolowski: I think you're right14:13
Saviqmterry, for me it seemed to be unlocked straight away (without me doing anything) when I booted the phone...14:13
pete-woodsthey don't have any ini file test fixtures14:13
Saviqmterry, but it was not, really14:13
Saviqmterry, I'll try again with the new packages soon14:14
mterrySaviq, huh, yeah I get the "unlocked" message at top appropriately, and it all seems to do the right thing (but I'm not familiar with unlocking SIMs and maybe the phonesim isn't matching your realsim behavior)14:15
Cimimhr3, office tomo?14:16
mhr3pete-woods, see #ferrets14:16
Saviqmterry, the "real" thing should be: 1. boot phone, panel says "SIM Locked"; 2. in network menu, tap "Unlock SIM"; 3. PIN UI shows up and you unlock your SIM; 4. the "SIM Locked" message is replaced with signal strength icon14:16
mhr3sil2100, the tests were misusing a mock feature, it's being fixed14:17
mhr3sil2100, tests in -click14:17
mhr3sil2100, do we just add it to that silo?14:17
mterrySaviq, yeah, that's what I see then14:17
sil2100mhr3: yeah, let's do that this way, I'll reconfigure14:17
Saviqmterry, ok, I'll test it again in a few14:17
sil2100mhr3: please build it then and test ;) Sicne we're low on silos, I wouldn't be able to assign a new one for you ;p14:18
mhr3sil2100, well i guess the test is that it builds14:18
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Mirvtsdgeos: so there's a problem with unity-scopes-api mhr3 and sil2100 are trying to deal with. the scopes-api broke unity-scope-click autopkgtests so it also prevents unity8 migration :(14:25
tsdgeosoh :/14:25
Mirvtsdgeos: and that's a problem of course since there wasn't a declared dependency, but let's see if it's sorted out quickly now14:25
sil2100Mirv, tsdgeos: yeah, so mhr3 and pete-woods have a fix in the works14:25
Saviqmterry, btw, the gatekeeper seems to disagree with you on the ap tests passing: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/140/label=daily-mako/testReport/junit/unity8.shell.tests.test_notifications/InteractiveNotificationBase/test_modal_sd_with_greeter_Native_Device_/14:28
Saviqmterry, I mean http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/140/#showFailuresLink14:28
Saviqmterry, this is a job that basically runs everything smoke testing runs14:28
Saviqmterry, on a silo14:29
mterrySaviq, ps-jenkins was passing the ap tests.  I'll retest14:29
Saviqmterry, looks like all the unity8 failures say the same - ligthdm mock seems to be misplaced or something14:29
Saviqmterry, yeah, please get the packages and use phablet-test-run -n unity8 to run them on deviec14:29
Saviqmterry, not sure -ci does the same (but probably should!)14:30
mterrySaviq, also I'm looking at that "unity8-greeter spins" issue you saw on manta -- looks like unity8-greeter is taking about 10% cpu constantly.  Unacceptable, and I'm trying to figure out why14:30
Saviqmterry, yah it was a whole core for me, so slightly different, but agree very relevant14:30
MirvSaviq: tsdgeos: sadly the qtubuntu-* rebuilds suggested by jhodapp did not bring functional video playback or a camera (still black) on Qt 5.314:31
Saviqmterry, maybe there's just an issue with how the gatekeeper runs tests, I'll actually run the suite here in a bit, too14:31
tsdgeosMirv: may it has to do with the same blackness that makes the launcher black14:31
jhodappMirv, do you get the mediaplayer-app's UI or is it completely black?14:31
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Mirvjhodapp: UI is there, and you can click play/pause which switches its mode14:33
jhodappMirv, ok14:34
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kgunnmterry: how critical is the life-cycle exposure for usc ?...like is that gonna hold up landing split greeter ?14:37
mterrykgunn, no14:37
kgunnmterry: thanks...camako has been "distracted" :)14:38
mterrykgunn, I think it was related to boot animations, which I dropped from the split landing14:38
kgunndandrader: are you testing on n4 and n7 ? or just n4?14:40
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MirvI now filed a bug against media-hub (the first place I can think of about that) bug #1321319 since media playback is definitely something is needed for testing 5.3 properly14:42
ubot5bug 1321319 in Media Hub "mediaplayer video playback does not work with Qt 5.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132131914:42
dandraderkgunn, just n414:42
Saviqmterry, hmm there's still something wrong for sure... don't you get a GSM icon on manta? (I do on both manta and flo)14:42
Saviqmterry, and managed to get black session on manta again14:42
mterrySaviq, I was testing sim unlock on mako...  Let me try manta14:42
mterrySaviq, black session?  you mean with an app up?14:42
kgunndandrader: ok, i'm seeing a bit more weirdness on n714:43
Saviqmterry, even with no app14:43
Saviqmterry, dash is black for me at the moment until full unlock is done14:43
dandraderkgunn, what?14:43
mterrySaviq, I'll resume testing on manta, maybe there is a device difference14:43
dandraderkgunn, i mean, like what14:44
Saviqmterry, k, and I'll look again on mako after I land silo 1814:44
kgunndandrader: in some case (not sure what makes it happen), the app area turns a full blank yellow14:44
kgunni thot maybe i launched notepad...14:44
kgunnbut then rotated it back, and view returned to normal14:45
dandraderkgunn, it's not yellow, it's khaki :)14:45
dandraderkgunn, it's the background color of the stage14:45
dandraderkgunn, I guess it should only appear when something goes really wrong, right mzanetti?14:45
* mzanetti ready scrollback14:47
kgunndandrader: also, i dunno how, but it got into spread mode (at least i didn't mean to enter it) and i couldn't get out of it14:47
mzanettidandrader: can't figure what the question is from the scrollback14:48
Saviqmterry, ah, and again on manta I get two voicemail messages that are only in session... and why are they there at all in the first place?14:50
mterrySaviq, oh you're saying that you never got calls at all -- I understand why the voicemails are odd to you14:50
Saviqmterry, well, it's manta and flo ;)14:50
Saviqmterry, no calls to be had there14:50
dandradermzanetti, if you see the khaki color of the stages Rectangle it means something is really broken14:51
mterrySaviq, right...  odd14:51
Saviqmterry, it looks like it's some test message injected14:51
mterrySaviq, is this with phonesim?14:51
Saviqmterry, no, fresh flash + silo 00214:51
Saviqmterry, at least not that I know of14:51
Saviqmterry, but yeah, it seems to think it has a phone14:51
Saviqmterry, and a voicemail14:52
Saviqmterry, on all my devices, for that matter14:52
Saviqmterry, which could explain my SIM issues as well14:52
mterrybut only with the split greeter version...  odd14:52
Saviqmterry, if there's a fake SIM inserted14:52
Saviqmterry, yeah14:52
Saviqmterry, carrier says "oFono (T-MeeGo)"14:52
Saviqmterry, so sounds like it's a fake SIM indeed14:53
greybackdandrader: yes something is really broken :)14:53
mterrySaviq, I assume you don't have ofono-phonesim installed (i.e. silo doesn't pull it in)14:53
Saviqmterry, you assume wrong14:53
Saviqmterry, I do have it installed, so silo must be pulling it in14:53
mterrySaviq, what?  We install phonesim?14:53
* mterry installs fresh to confirm14:53
mterrySaviq, well at least that's an explanation of something...14:54
Saviqmterry, indicator-network-autopilot pulls it in14:54
mterryWhy is the autopilot installed though?14:54
Saviqmterry, ah wait14:55
Saviqmterry, I think I see what's the problem14:55
Saviqmterry, robru's citrain-push installs *all* binary packages...14:55
Saviqmterry, from a silo14:55
Saviqinstead of just dist-upgrading from it :|14:55
mterryAh..  I use add-apt-repository14:55
* Saviq shakes fist at robru14:56
Saviqmterry, ok, ignore me for now, let me clear this thing up14:56
Saviqmterry, ah, I don't think I understood your "hack" for locale in greeter, though15:00
mterrySaviq, understood or understand?  Meaning you want clarification or you figured it out?15:00
Saviqmterry, if the current design is that user's locale should not affect the greeter, we should make it so (although we have no way to set system locale on phone do we)15:01
Saviqmterry, understand, sorry :)15:01
mterrySaviq, current design for multi-user and phone are a little different.  My design mandate on phone is "don't introduce any changes" and for tablet mode "by default do what the desktop does".  Hence my "hack".  But I need to see clarification from design on whether the inherited behavior of no-switching in multi-user is what they want or not15:02
Saviqmterry, well, I don't think we can keep it separate for much longer15:03
Saviqmterry, when we split the greeter, people will go into multi-user mode pretty soon15:03
Saviqon phone, too15:03
Saviqmterry, so we should converge on something (and if system language change is required to change the greeter language, we need to make this possible somehow)15:04
mterrySaviq, I get that.  But both behaviors create design problems (having two language settings or having greeter language flip-flopping)15:04
mterrySaviq, so we just need to lock a designer in a room15:04
Saviqmterry, let's!15:04
Saviqmterry, in the mean time I don't think we should introduce the hack15:05
Saviqmterry, as it's not going to affect the indicators anyway15:05
mterrySaviq, it will15:05
Saviqmterry, oh will it? so you pull in lang from user 32011 to the greeter session?15:05
mterrySaviq, yup15:05
Saviqmterry, oh ok then...15:06
mterrySaviq, silo as it is now, should have no language regressions15:06
Saviqmterry, big FIXME provided?15:06
mterrySaviq, yeah, there is a large comment15:06
Saviqmterry, ok, that's fine then15:06
Saviqmterry, that clears things up15:06
Saviqmterry, do we have a greeter session in Malta?15:06
Saviqre: locking a designer in a room15:06
mterrywell, I suppose it "regresses" in multi-user mode, but only because previous behavior was dumb and fake15:06
mterrykgunn, ^ do we have a designer meetup for greeter issues in malta?  That would be nice15:07
Saviqmterry, "split greeter design sign off"15:08
Saviqmterry, but it's only 15 mins15:08
kgunnmterry: yep, what he said15:08
mterrySaviq, eh, there's nothing to sign off for the current silo really15:08
Saviqmterry, that's good ;)15:08
mterrySaviq, oh that's a currently scheduled meeting?15:08
Saviqmterry, yes15:08
mterrythat means we can't land before that.  Bummer15:08
kgunnmterry: i spoke to john  he said land it15:08
Saviqmterry, we can expedite it15:08
mterrykgunn, then what is that meeting?  :)15:09
kgunnwe'll use malta as a followup, treat anything as bugs15:09
kgunnthat design finds to be an issue15:09
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Saviqrobru, one for you: bug #132133315:10
ubot5bug 1321333 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "citrain utils should not install *all* binary packages by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132133315:10
Saviqkgunn, btw, we talked with greyback this morning, you said unity-mir/devel should only be used to adapt to mir/devel, why do you think that?15:11
kgunnSaviq: b/c it would slow down landing other things (app closing bug is a good example)15:12
kgunnand i couldn't get ricardo to adopt the same15:12
kgunnwith papi devel15:12
kgunnso if i can't get all 3 (usc, papi, um)15:12
Saviqif only we used a proper VCS...15:13
Saviqwe could just cherry-pick into trunk15:13
kgunni know :-/15:13
Saviqat release time15:13
kgunnSaviq: its not that bad...just means discipline for those wanting to pre-build with staging to frequently rebase15:13
kgunn...or sorry, merge trunk15:13
Saviqkgunn, we felt like this would cause confusion on what to put into trunk, what into devel...15:14
Saviqkgunn, greyback, but maybe it's fine OTOH15:14
Saviqbut we should then rename lp:unity-mir/devel to "mirdevel" or something15:15
kgunnSaviq: i thot it was simple (which is unusual...that i think something is simple :)15:15
kgunnthat's what it becomes15:15
Saviqand not actually have it as a series15:15
Saviqthat branch is going to be neglected so much :|15:15
kgunnit should end up being used by mir devels...and a few on unity15:16
Saviqwell, sure15:16
Saviqbut I fear it's not gonna follow trunk15:16
kgunn...maybe ci airline magically happens and then this doesn't matter :)15:16
Saviqunless something breaks15:16
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Saviqand then someone will go "oh, we didn't merge trunk for a month, let's"15:16
kgunnyep, that is true...but iff no one is using staging15:17
kgunnwhich if that's the case...then15:17
kgunnits  not really useful/needed15:17
kgunnand actually....15:18
Saviqright, but you wanted devel to be built into Mir staging PPA15:18
tsdgeosmzanetti: i pushed a few small commits to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/use-unity-api/+merge/219222 to address your comments :)15:18
mzanettitsdgeos: ack15:18
kgunnyeah...but look at the recipe...its devel + merge trunk15:18
kgunnso you do get the whole thing15:18
Saviqyeah ok that helps15:18
greybackSaviq: kgunn: I don't have a strong opinion, I can go either way15:19
Saviqassuming greyback doesn't want lp:unity-mir/devel for non-mir reasons :)15:19
SaviqI'd actually be happier without /devel15:19
greybackit's not quite the traditional - work in devel, release to trunk when you want - method, but it's fine, I can live with it15:19
SaviqI don't see it solving much, while it does bring issues of its own15:20
Saviqlike having to prep a release branch15:20
greybackSaviq: sure, me too, if it wasn't for Mir changes. unity-mir/devel useful to keep up with mir/devel15:20
kgunnit mainly the mir team15:20
kgunni was just chatting with AlbertA, that maybe we should just work on good cross-compile scripts15:21
dandradergreyback, going work now on fixing the indicators bar. full screen vs. non fullscreen apps and have it behaving correctly on app launch and restore. is that gonna conflict with anything you're doing?15:22
dandraderor plan to do15:22
greybackdandrader: nope, go right ahead15:22
dandradergreyback, ok15:22
greybackdandrader: let's use this to keep track: http://pad.ubuntu.com/PfyWZQxyTs - do add other tasks you think need doing15:23
dandradergreyback, i've been using the blueptrint :) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1410-unity-ui-rotation15:24
Saviqgreyback, ok, I vote for dropping the devel series of unity-mir in that case, and keeping a lp:~unity-team/unity-mir/devel-mir or so, just for Mir adaptations, and synced landing with Mir releases15:24
greybackdandrader: the reason I hesitate to use a blueprint is that this code isn't being released just yet15:24
mterrySaviq, mzanetti: do you folks know good ways to debug what qml is doing?  I think some animation or something is sucking up CPU15:24
dandraderSaviq, kgunn, thoughts ^^15:25
greybackSaviq: I think that's an excellent topic for next week :)15:25
Saviqgreyback, ;)15:25
Saviqmterry, profile it15:25
dandraderkgunn, Saviq (on the blueprint vs pad discussion)15:25
mterrySaviq, oh!  we have console.profile() built in support. that's nice15:26
Saviqmterry, you pass -qmljsdebugger=foo15:26
Saviqmterry, and then you can connect to the port you selected with QtC15:26
Saviqmterry, it will show you what's happening15:26
Saviqmterry, our run_on_device does that for example15:27
mterrySaviq, oh dang nice15:27
josharensonkgunn, btw there was a noticeable performance drop running glmark2 with shell rotation enabled. There are many factors however, so I'm investigating.15:28
greybackjosharenson: I'd expect a performance drop, since rotated shell completely replaces the renderer15:29
greybackand we've not profiled/optimized the replacement renderer15:29
josharensongreyback, ack15:29
greybackbut I'd still expect a perf hit nevertheless15:29
kgunndandrader: greyback ...blueprints please if you don't mind15:30
greybackkgunn: ack15:30
kgunnremember white board section perfectly open for abuse15:30
kgunnjosharenson: greyback ..ack on the perf drop....the good thing is, now we're aware ;)15:31
greybackkgunn: indeed15:31
greybackjosharenson: can you give me a rough idea of the perf hit? Percentage?15:32
josharenson:-) kgunn, greyback it was't _huge_ and I think without framed dropping enabled, we still hit 60 FPS... I wanna say ~5%15:32
greybackjosharenson: that I can live with :)15:33
kgunnyep, not bad15:33
Saviqgreyback, btw, I feel like we should SIGCONT apps before upstart-stopping them15:35
Saviqgreyback, otherwise we wait 5s before upstart SIGKILLs them, and cause unnecessary dirty shutdowns15:35
Saviq_or_ we should make upstart SIGKILL them straight away, if we don't want to resume them on stop15:36
greybackSaviq: true, please log bug for that so I don't forget15:36
Saviqgreyback, will do15:36
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kgunnSaviq: i'm otp, but yeah agree with your vote on unity-mir/mir-devel15:42
greybackI'm ok with it too15:42
* tsdgeos does an early-ish EOD, need to go to the ophtalmologist15:48
tsdgeossee you tomorrows15:48
dandraderSaviq, btw rebased unity8/mirCompositor against latest trunk the other day and it still seems to take over a second to relayout due to a resize (landscape<->portrait)15:54
Saviqdandrader, ok, wanna file a bug or track it in a workitem in a silo?15:57
Saviqdandrader, ah, didn't answer on bp vs. pad15:57
Saviqdandrader, for things that progress really fast15:57
Saviqdandrader, I think it's fine to have a "big" item for unity-ui-team or so in a blueprint15:57
Saviqdandrader, and link to a pad with breakdown15:58
dandraderSaviq, I thought blueprint work items were meant for those "fast moving" items16:00
Saviqdandrader, I know, I know, you hate bps ;)16:00
dandraderlinking to a pad kinda defeats the purpose, imho16:00
Saviqdandrader, as we know the overhead of updating workitems is a bit big16:00
dandraderSaviq, I think that updating bp work items is fine in terms of overhead16:01
dandraderalthough it might spam people with e-mails :)16:02
greybackdandrader: helps you look busy ;)16:02
Saviqyeah, that, and then you can only put so much info in a workitem without it becoming unreadable16:02
dandraderSaviq, that's true. I've noticed that the "work items" field is rather inflexible when it comes to formatting16:03
Saviqindeed, and then it takes a few seconds to parse/confirm16:03
Saviqmterry, hmm "phablet, radio, system" showed up as available users on my flo :)16:04
Saviqand on manta, that expected?16:04
mterrySaviq, not expected, and I don't see that on manta16:04
Saviqok, I got more upgrades than wanted (distro moved to new qt, for example), maybe that's related again..16:05
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mhr3Cimi, oh, and yea, will probably come16:10
mhr3Cimi, maybe just for the afternoon16:10
Saviqmterry, these are the additional packages installed when I upgrade from the silo, is that expected http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7493587/ ?16:14
mterrySaviq, yeah16:14
Saviqmterry, ok16:14
dednickSaviq: hey. Shoud CI for merges into unity-mir/devel be building against mir/devel?16:15
Saviqdednick, not likely, no16:15
Saviqdednick, we'd need to put that in a stack with mir... not sure if stacks are at all supported still16:16
dednickSaviq: i c. so the devel in this case is a bit pointless?16:17
Cimidandrader, on https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/unusedBackgroundImage/+merge/22028816:17
Saviqdednick, feels like it, yeah16:17
Saviqdednick, maybe it should build against the staging PPA16:17
Cimishouldn't we have some wallpaper between the header and the rest of the mainview?16:17
CimiSaviq, too on ^16:17
Cimifrom designs I saw16:17
SaviqCimi, that's going awayt16:17
Cimiok then16:18
Cimilooked cool though16:18
Saviqmterry, so, unlock SIM indeed works when I don't have phonesim ;)16:19
Saviqmterry, only the UI (when unlocking in greeter) looks bad (on dark grey background for some reason)16:20
Saviqmterry, and edges are still available and such16:20
mterrySaviq, I didn't notice bad background, but I may have just been distracted by fact that it worked at all :)16:20
dednickkgunn: what is the mir staging ppa used for?16:21
kgunndednick: its meant to be a recent build of mir-devel & unity-mir/papi/usc to go with it...16:22
dednickkgunn: i c. so CI for mir depended devel branches (unity-mir/devel, usc/devel) should be using that ppa?16:23
SaviqI'd say so, yeah16:23
Saviqmterry, it's actually bad background inside session, too16:24
mterrySaviq, and that's specific to the silo?16:24
Saviqmterry, yeah, only common bug is bug #117191816:25
ubot5bug 1171918 in Ubuntu UX "[DASH] scrollable pushed down when swiping between lenses " [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117191816:25
Saviqbug #130801116:25
ubot5bug 1308011 in Unity 8 "SIM unlock UI shifts a half-gridunit when starting and breaks easily" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130801116:25
Saviqmterry, ↑16:26
mterryI will look at its background16:26
Saviqmterry, it should be the wallpaper16:26
Saviqmterry, "Shell.qml:406: ReferenceError: greeter is not defined" sounds relevant16:27
Saviqit's probably looking for the background there16:27
mterryhmm in Shell.qml?  Sounds like a missed reference in a merge16:27
mterryShell.qml is always trying to sneak in references to greeter  :)16:28
Saviqmterry, I'll sort my devices out and do a proper functional review tomorrow morning16:28
mterrySaviq, yeah, I'll fix this 10% cpu issue and background thing16:28
Saviqmterry, some update from distro must be causing the added system and radio users16:34
Saviqas I don't get those when upgraded just the silo packages16:35
mterrySaviq, but you do if you do a full dist-upgrade?16:36
Cimido-release-upgrade -d finally works /me upgrades16:36
Saviqmterry, yes16:36
* Saviq tries again16:36
Saviqmterry, yeah, accountsservice got an upgrade16:38
Saviqmterry, looks related16:38
mterryson of a16:38
Saviqmterry, when it happens, I can tap on users behind the edge demos16:39
mterrySaviq, noted...  will look into that16:39
robrumterry, gonna need to rebuild unity-mir in silo 2, you ready for that?16:40
mterryrobru, uh sure16:40
robrumterry, heh, k. just published unity-mir from silo 18, will rebuild once it lands16:40
Saviqblack screen :|16:40
mterrySaviq, behind the greeter?~16:40
Saviqmterry, whole16:40
mterrySaviq, after logging in?16:40
Saviqmterry, upstart and greeter .crash16:41
* mterry climbs to the roof to fiddle16:41
Saviqwait, those are old16:41
Saviqso I won't get the new crash files then...16:42
Saviqmterry, confirmed, accoutnsservice upgrade adds users16:43
Saviqaaand /me out16:44
mterrySaviq, bye16:45
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mterryHow do I connect QtCreator to my device?  I press the "Autocreate a kit" button in QtC but it doesn't do anything17:18
Saviqmterry, for profiling you don't need that17:55
mterrySaviq, aren't you supposed to be gone?17:56
Saviqmterry, shh17:56
Saviqmterry, for profiling you just need to select the remote connection from the menu bar... that I can't access now 'cause QtC crashes here due to 5.317:56
mterrySaviq, hmm, I don't have a menu bar.  I tried going to Analyze then Qml Profiler (External) but didn't have any luk17:57
Saviqmterry, yeah, that's it17:58
mterrySaviq, wasn't working for me, and it had the kit dropdown, so I figured kit was my problem17:58
Saviqmterry, nah17:58
mterrysomething else must be wrong then, I'll try and figure it out17:58
Saviqmterry, kits are for building17:59
Saviqmterry, ah, it looks like it changed indeed18:05
Saviqmterry, before you could just point it at a file18:05
Saviqmterry, but you can still fake it without a kit18:05
Saviqmterry, use qmlprofiler on the console to connect to the device18:05
Saviqmterry, and dump the trace18:05
Saviqmterry, then you can load it in QtC through Analyze → QML Profiler Options → Load trace18:06
mterrySaviq, ah cool, didn't know about qmlprofiler18:06
Saviqmterry, FYI: kicked unity-mir and unity8 rebuild in silo 002 as we landed two silos18:08
mterrySaviq, cool thanks18:08
Saviqmterry, in any case, if kit autocreation doesn't work for you, a bug against qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu would be in order18:16
ChrisTownsendluv: Hi, I have heard that you may be working on a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1063617 ?18:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1063617 in Compiz "1:0.9.8+bzr3319-0ubuntu1 regression: keeps setting gsettings keys to wrong values" [High,In progress]18:23
luvChrisTownsend: hiya ...18:32
luvgood to get in touch with you as the issue is assigned to you18:32
luvI can post my patch to the issue later today (in about two hours time)18:33
luvI spent about 30 hours in gdb on this one :-D18:33
ChrisTownsendluv: Whoa!  Thanks for looking at this.  I just want to make sure we don't duplicate effort here.18:33
luvI guess the patch will be a good starting point.18:34
ChrisTownsendluv: Ok, cool, thanks.  I'll look out for it and then we can go from there.18:34
ChrisTownsendluv: btw, I can't reproduce the issue, so I'm kind of going blind here, but it affects enough people to warrant trying to get this fixed.18:35
luvStrange. Easiest way to reproduce I think is to set a custom shortcuts for closing a window or "toggle maximization" or set "focus follows mouse" and then run "unity" few times or start "ccsm" or click "Advanced Search" in ccsm18:37
luvthe bug is in libcompiz and gnome integration (compiz-gnome) ... running ccsm proved to be the easiest way to reproduce for me (on up to date trusty)18:38
ChrisTownsendluv: Yeah, I've set some custom shortcuts and have rebooted the machine numerous times and it stays intact.  I even tried a new user with the same result.18:38
ChrisTownsendluv: I'll try just restarting Unity/Compiz a bunch of times, maybe that'll do it.18:39
luvThe code is clearly wrong (to my eye) though ... there is a function which is setting the gsettings backend keys ... and it compares if the new key and old key are same ... If they are not same, the new one is set. If they are same - it resets the key.18:40
ChrisTownsendluv: Uh, yeah, that doesn't sound correct.18:40
ChrisTownsendluv: Well, I look forward to the patch.  Thanks again!18:41
luvThe other bug is in updateSetting (gsettings/src/gsettings.c) - readOption is used when readIntegratedOption should be used (it's correct in readSetting) in the same file.18:41
luvYeah - the patch is chaning about 8 lines :-). Looking forward to (finally) post it online :-)18:42
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ChrisTownsendluv: Awesome!  That should also be SRUable too, so we can get this in 14.04.18:44
ChrisTownsendluv: Ok, just reproduced the issue.  Thanks for the hint.18:49
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robruSaviq, hey, you around? I've been working on a new citrain tool, it does dist-upgrades like you asked. let me know what you think: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7495022/22:21

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