
=== snap-l is now known as cmaloney
cmaloneyAnd Good morning again. :)11:18
brouschI miss snap-l11:51
cmaloneysnap-l is an asshole12:51
brouschWeird. chrome tagged the example code from Apache Solr Beginner's Guide as malware http://examples.oreilly.com/9781782162520/13:01
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/vp1NRq - Index of /978178216252013:01
mrgoodcati didn't get any flags13:03
mrgoodcaton chrome beta13:03
brouschYou downloaded the whole thing?13:05
brouschMine doesn't complain until the end13:05
mrgoodcatglad to see goo.gl link shortening is working13:10
mrgoodcatno complaints13:12
mrgoodcateven opened the zip from chrome13:12
mrgoodcatdon't know what to tell you man13:12
cmaloneyupload the file to virustotal to see what happens.13:14
brouschI'm sure it's a false positive13:14
* cmaloney is checking it now.13:14
brouschMS Security Essentials found nothing13:15
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/8gkVrx - Scan report for http://examples.oreilly.com/9781782162520/9781782162520_Code.zip at 2014-05-20 13:14:29 UTC - VirusTotal13:15
cmaloneyMalwware Patrol is calling it malicious13:15
cmaloneybut it's the only one13:15
mrgoodcatwonder how it determines malware13:15
mrgoodcatmight be some syscall that is suspicious or something13:15
brouschLooks like maybe a link to a malicious site?13:15
brouschThe response exceeds the maximum file size allowed by the application13:16
brouschSo it marked it as malicious because the file was too large for it to scan?13:16
brouschThat's some quality reporting13:17
mrgoodcatsounds like you need new scanning software13:17
brouschmrgoodcat: That's from the virustotal scan13:17
mrgoodcati was sort of wondering why you even had an antivirus13:18
mrgoodcatvirustotal makes sense13:18
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Q6pBb9 - FREE Online Website Malware Scanner | Website Security Monitoring & Malware Removal | Quttera13:18
brouschThat does look evil13:19
mrgoodcatit links to w3.org13:19
mrgoodcatthat's called out as potentially harmful13:19
cmaloneyA known hive of scum and villainary.13:20
cmaloneyThis is why wget was invented.13:23
cmaloneyor curl13:23
cmaloneycurl don't care.13:23
brouschI can override the Chrome block13:23
cmaloneycurl you know it's truuuuue.13:23
cmaloneybe my curl13:24
cmaloneycurl just wanna have fun.13:24
jrwrenI love curl. such a great tool.13:24
jrwrenand libcurl too. <313:24
cmaloneyMy only complaint about curl is it's not wget. :)13:24
jrwrenmy complaint about wget is often, its not curl.13:24
jrwrenI use wget if I want to recurse.13:25
cmaloneymy fingers type wget faster than curl http://blah > filename13:25
jrwrenif I don't want to recurse, I use curl13:25
jrwren> filename?13:25
jrwrenI curl -O or curl -o13:25
jrwrenand I leave off the http:// :)13:25
jrwrencurl -O cmaloney.com/music/newalbum.7z13:25
cmaloneyYeah, I'm not attuned to using it13:26
cmaloneybut yeah, curl is better than wget13:26
jrwreni don't know that I'd say better for all. its better for some.13:27
jrwrenwget is definitely better at recursing13:27
cmaloneywget is great for mirroring sites that you don't have rsync access. ;)13:27
jrwrenand it cna fix the links after you mirror13:28
mrgoodcathave to make sure you -L with curl if you are getting shortlinks13:28
cmaloneynobody uses shortlinks. :)13:29
jrwrenwtf is a shortlink.13:29
jrwrenyeah, follows redirects is helpful.13:29
jrwren.np evarlast14:43
bookiebotevarlast's current track - Millenium Petals (Thorn) by INDEX on Sky Laced Silver14:43
mrgoodcathmmm never heard of that14:55
* mrgoodcat goes to listen14:55
jrwren.np evarlast14:56
bookiebotevarlast's current track - Sorciere by La Floa Maldita on Orkus: The Best of 90's, Volume 3 (disc 2)14:56
mrgoodcatnot on spotify D:14:57
mrgoodcatneither of them on spotify....14:59
mrgoodcatoh well, guess i'll just listen to testament14:59
mrgoodcatdoesn't someone here work for wikimedia foundation?\15:19
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/HJNUzo - How a Raccoon Became an Aardvark : The New Yorker15:19
mrgoodcatnot very talky today18:08
cmaloneyrick_h_: http://m.nydailynews.com/news/crime/high-high-elf-stabs-portland-woman-car-sword-article-1.179715718:09
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Ry6riF - High ‘high elf’ stabs Portland woman’s car with sword - NY Daily News18:09
mrgoodcatdat title18:11
mrgoodcatnot even sure i need to read the article18:11
rick_h_cmaloney: I call that entertainment from the coffee shop18:11
mrgoodcatwouldn't role playing be way better on acid tho18:13
mrgoodcatinstead of pretending to fight a dragon, you can actually think you're fighting a freaking dragon18:13
greg-g"coffee" shop18:13
mrgoodcatno way jono bacon stepped down from canonical18:37
cmaloneyWow, just now reading about Jono moving to XPrize.18:37
cmaloneyYeah, apparently they need someone to build a community there or something. :)18:38
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/jPsN0s - Goodbye Canonical, Hello XPRIZE | jonobacon@home18:38
mrgoodcatapparently this was yesterday and i just missed it18:39
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I'm behind in my RSS feeds.18:39
cmaloneyActually I know the true secret18:40
mrgoodcatrick_h_: not sure how involved you are in juju community but you may want to be aware of the creation of this  subreddit http://www.reddit.com/r/juju18:40
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/xHRzDS - Too Many Requests18:40
mrgoodcataw damn18:40
mrgoodcatcan't use goo.gl obviously18:40
cmaloneyXPrize is looking to hold a contest with a noted Barbecue sauce purveyor to creat the ultimate sauce.18:41
rick_h_mrgoodcat: already going around18:41
rick_h_mrgoodcat: and I've subscribed18:41
cmaloneyand to smoke the living shit out of every piece of meat on planet Earth. :)18:41
mrgoodcathmmm... apparently "Too Many Requests" doesn't mean what i think it does.... because he hasn't even nearly hit google's rate limit18:42
mrgoodcatand i can still make shortlinks with pm18:42
rick_h_mrgoodcat: maybe that was from the upstream?18:42
cmaloneyreddit doesn't like you. :)18:42
mrgoodcati'm looking at the lxml tree right now18:42
greg-greddit does that every now and then18:42
greg-gscale, you know, it's hard18:43
cmaloneyI've noticed any reddit link you make gets a "Too many requests"18:43
mrgoodcati think digitalocean IP addresses are permanently ratelimited18:43
cmaloneyas they should be. :)18:44

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