
Kilosmorning peeps05:15
Kilosyou up early Trixar_za 05:16
Trixar_zaMorning Kilos - yeah, somebody is coming over early05:16
bduk1Morning all05:40
Kiloshi bduk1 05:40
jabberwocky_môre Kilos05:48
Kiloshi jabberwocky_ 05:49
Kilosspekko sick again05:49
Kilosohi Spekko missed you 05:50
Spekkomore Kilos05:50
mazalMôre mense05:58
Kilosmôre mazal 05:58
jabberwocky_môre mazal06:05
mazaljabberwocky_, jy't nog nie die nuwe Wolfenstein nie ?06:21
jabberwocky_nee ek besit geen id Tech 5 engine games, na hulle linux support remove het toe remove ek hulle06:27
jabberwocky_selfde met Unreal engine, maar ek sien hulle het nou darem support terug gebring06:28
Kilosboycot everyone that doesnt support linux06:28
Kiloshi Kerbero wb06:28
mazalEk het gelees iewers die nuwe Unreal Tournament gaan vir Linux ook wees ja06:28
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy 06:28
* jabberwocky_ can't wait for Star Citizen06:29
mazalWat my pla van daai een , hy gaan free wees. Free = online only. Ek hou nie van online only games nie06:29
jabberwocky_nee dan sal ek dit nie eers vat as iemand dit vir my verniet gee nie06:29
mazalOns Inet in die land is te stadig en onbetroubaar vir online only games06:30
Kiloshaai mazal het jy gehoor van die telkom starter pack06:35
Kiloshulle 3g vlieg06:35
mazalBedoelende hy is vinnig ?06:40
Kilosya man ek kry tot 1005kB/s06:41
mazal3G is nie opsie vir my nie. Geen seine nie en die bietjie data wat hulle gee gebruik ek in een aand op06:41
Kilosamper nooit onder 400kB/s06:41
Kilosah ok06:41
mazalHier het ons nou al probeer , Telkom , MTN , Vodacom en CellC , alles kry net patetiese edge06:41
mazalADSL uncapped is enigste opsie in ons dorp , maar die kabel word gereeld gesteel :(06:42
Kilosdie nuwe modem wat in die starter pack kom is 3.75g en lyk vir my of dit ook n sterker sein ontvangs het06:42
Kilosek het my seun die naweek gewys toe gaan koop hy vir hom een06:43
mazalIs lekker as 'n ou torings het06:43
mazalHoeveel data kry oom per maand ?06:44
Kiloskyk op die kaart of hulle daai gebied dek en bel en vra hulle om plan te maak hulle is baie hulpsaam06:44
Kilosas jy die pack koop kos dit R399 vir die modem en jy kry vir n jaar 200m vry maandeliks en dan sit ek die 2+2 bundle op06:45
mazalOi nee daai is nie eers genoeg vir paar uur nie06:46
mazalEk average so 120gig per maand met steam installs en updates06:46
Kilosman dis die vry data daarna sit jy wat jy kan bekostig op06:46
bduk1Hulle is om jou te bel dan vra hulle of jou lymn reg is. 10 min later sit hulle hom af dan sukkel jy 2 weke om dit reg te kry en dan nog 'n verder week om die adsl ook weer reg te kry. 06:46
inetprogood mornings06:47
Kilossjoe jy is een van die wat te veel data gebruik06:47
bduk1Morning inetpro 06:47
mazalIs als my wettige aankope06:47
Kiloshi inetpro where you been???06:47
mazalEn teen R300 vir uncapped kan 3G nie eers begin om te kompeteer nie06:48
Kilosja man maar 120g per maand is buitensporig06:48
Kilosis dit die regte woord06:48
mazalNie rerig nie oom. ! game vandag is 40gig , dis sonder updates06:48
mazal1 even06:48
Kilosprobeer minetest06:48
mazalDan sit jy klaar op 50gig en jy het net 1 game gekoop06:48
Kiloskos niks06:49
mazalEn ek is besig om my kolleksie op te bou op pc omdat ek nou onlangs oor gegaan het na pc gaming toe. So ek average so 3 games per maand afhanged van finansies06:49
Kilosen jy kan single player speel op jou pc of na n server gaan wat 8m in 2 hure gebruik06:49
mazalDan is jy op 120gig sommer gou-gou06:50
Kilossjoe jy het te veel geld man06:50
mazalNeewat , dis so R80 per game vir die oldies06:50
Kilostrou dan sal jou prioriteite verander06:50
mazalEk konsentreer op die ou classics meeste06:50
mazalEn wag tot die nuwes op specials uitkom teen halfprys of minder06:51
inetproKilos: I'm here all the time06:51
mazalMy game aankope is actually minder as kos aankope06:51
Kilosinetpro, i pinged you coupla times and you didnt answer06:51
inetprojaja, when I want to talk you sleep06:52
Kilosneeded your serch abilities06:52
mazalMaar dit gaan nou stabiliseer na so 1 per maand / 40gig toe omtrent. Het nou klaar die meeste wat ek gesoek het06:52
inetprogoogle is your friend06:52
Kilosman you were going to bed at 9pm, what changed06:52
Kilosno man dammit06:52
mazalKilos, die ergste van die projek is nie die geld nie , dis die moet Windooze gebruik wat ergste is lol06:52
Kilosgoogle doesnt know who installed ubuntu onto a mac here some weeks back06:53
KilosMaaz, that sucks06:53
MaazKilos: What?06:53
Kilosmazal, that sucks06:53
mazalAh well , is klaar gewoond daaraan06:54
mazalGebruik darem nog Ubu by die werk06:54
Kilossies man06:54
Kilosskaam jou06:54
* mazal shrugs06:55
mazalHulle maakie die goed vir Linux nie , wat kan ek maak06:55
mazalEn PS4 soek ek nie06:55
Kilossteam games work on buntu dont they06:55
mazalOnly the ones that is build vir Linux also06:56
Kilosah ok06:56
mazalNothing to do with steam. Is up to the dev of the game06:56
Kiloshi Xethron 06:56
XethronMorning Kilos06:58
mazalI am not happy with my 14.04 performance. Is 64bit Ubuntu. The overall unity and browsing and opening apps are all very slow06:58
mazalI do not have screen drivers installed. 06:58
mazalInstalling the drivers might help for unity , but will it help for overall other performance as well ? What you guys think ?06:59
Kilosi think mine is faster than 12.0406:59
mazalMine is slower06:59
Kilosbut got additional drivers for graphics installed06:59
Kilosgraphics drivers should improve speed07:00
mazalAnd the worst part is , my 12.04 ran from a usb disc. This one runs on the internal drive. Just that should make this one much faster07:00
Kilosand turn off some of the shade fade stuff whatever its called07:00
mazalMy worry is , it's and ATI card oom07:00
Kilosyes it should be faster than from usb07:00
mazalPreviously ATI drivers broke my pc beyond use07:01
mazalSo I am very reluctant to install it07:01
Kilosati have some drivers going for them just check07:01
mazalMaybe make an image first07:01
Kilosonly do it with the additional drivers function07:01
Kilosdont go get drivers on your own let ubuntu think for you07:02
mazalI'm gonna make image and then try that and see07:02
mazalbb laaaaaaater07:03
XethronKilos: think I'm going back to LM07:04
KilosXethron, talk to me07:05
XethronWaiting for the new LM to be released07:06
XethronThen I'm formatting again07:06
Kiloshave you tried just putting that gui on07:06
XethronMeh, why use Linux Mint's GUI on Ubuntu when its been designed for LM?07:06
Kilosmate on 12.04 was much faster than unity07:07
XethronI used Cinnamon last time :)07:07
XethronUnity seems buggy07:07
XethronVERY buggy07:07
Kilosunity is slow yes but not buggy07:07
XethronVERY buggy!!!07:07
Kiloswhat bugs getting you07:07
XethronBuggy as shit07:07
XethronYesterday, alt-tabbed to my desktop07:08
Kilosdid you do the 10 things to do07:08
Xethronand it overlay'd my desktop over eerything, I couldn't even see the unity menu07:08
Xethronor alt-tab menu07:08
Xethroneverything got behind the desktop07:08
XethronNow, when I alt-tab, it used to show when there where more than 1 item in a group07:09
XethronNow, it doesn't07:09
Kilossomething is disabled07:09
XethronI had it crash a few times too07:09
XethronMy 2nd screen07:10
Xethronthe bar at the top07:10
Xethronlooks messed up07:10
Kiloswow mine has been stable but i dont alt tab i use 10 workspaces then just choose what i want in the launcher07:10
XethronInstead of black, its this white crap and the text is unreadible07:10
Kilossomething in settings you can change07:10
XethronI sometimes get that the top white bar mixes with other apps. So when you close an app, the wrong app closes07:10
Kilosmine is black07:11
XethronKilos: well, my default monitor is the  black theme, but my 2nd monitor is a mixture of the black and white theme (White text (From black theme) and white background (From black theme))07:11
Kilosits all in the settings07:11
XethronSo yeah07:12
XethronNot having the best time with Unity07:12
Kilosoh and there is unity-tweak-tool in the repos you can install, there lotsa stuff there07:12
XethronOh, and don't like Nautilus much ether07:13
XethronNemo is much better :D07:13
Kiloshalf the stuff i dont even understand07:13
XethronMuch more configurable :P07:13
charl_good morning all07:13
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:13
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:13
Kilosok then LM it is for you07:13
charl_hi Kilos, Xethron 07:13
Kiloshi charl_ 07:13
XethronHi charl_07:13
charl_some nice activity here to early in the morning :)07:13
Kilosas long as its not win7 or 8 Xethron 07:14
Kiloshave you tried kde?07:15
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!07:17
mazalOk I have 2 options , don't know which one to install07:22
mazalfglrx or fglrx-updates ?07:23
charl_Maaz: thanks07:23
Maazcharl_: Sure07:23
mazalI'm thinking the 2nd one as that one gets updates and the other one don't ?07:23
Kilosya thats what i do07:26
Kiloshow much ram you have there mazal 07:27
mazal_16gig oom07:35
Kilossjoe dis lekker ne07:35
mazal_K , laak reboot en sien wat gebeur07:36
mazalhmmm , sien nie rerig 'n verskil nie07:39
Kilosen dan kyk in die unity-tweak-tool. baie goed wat jy daar kan doen07:50
Kilossit af animation goed07:53
Kilosek kon nog nie hulle almal kry nie07:53
Kilosdis die eye candy wat brieke aanslaan07:54
charl_so i tried tails today... this was a mistake07:58
charl_changed my mac address so i could not get onto the network anymore07:58
charl_idea is good... implementation is bad07:59
Kiloshi drussell Vince-0 08:15
ThatGraemeGuygotta love the magic of LVM :-D09:28
drussellKilos: yo!09:34
Kiloshi superfly 10:48
superflyhi Kilos11:05
kbmonkeysuperfly, that minetest is dangerous. I ended up staying a bit longer. 11:48
Kiloshahaha hi kbmonkey 11:49
kbmonkeyhi Kilos 11:49
Kilosi just got lost inna hole somewhere11:49
kbmonkeyoh noes Kilos 11:49
Kilosi just got the win version so sis can try it too11:50
Kilosbut its on my singleplayer so you cant even find me11:50
Kiloswe gotta work out a way so it uses less data11:50
Kilosbetter to get lost online then someone can find you11:51
kbmonkeyI found a valley where papyrus grows, I used it to make paper, then I made boos and finally a bookshelf! 11:51
Kilosoh i got some interesting links for it11:51
kbmonkeybut I found the valley by getting lost. so I want to find out where it is to go back there11:51
kbmonkeybecause I harvested the papyrus, and planted fields of it. so now we have plenty11:52
Kiloslike i said it needs gps added for us rigting dom mense11:52
kbmonkeylol farmer monkey11:52
kbmonkeyha ha11:52
Kilosoh you did it online11:52
Kiloslotsa info there11:53
Kiloseven /gimme commands i cant get to work here anyway11:54
Kilos  /giveme11:55
Kilossooner or later there must be war or something because one can make swords11:56
Kilosand even glass so glass skylights in roof will let the daytime in12:00
kbmonkeyI made some glass in the furnace last night!12:01
kbmonkeyI put a coal lump and desert sand in the furnace12:01
Kilosonline so much better than here12:02
Kilosno one to give me coal to make a lamp12:02
Kilosbut its quite a fun game methinks12:03
Kilosfor me anyway12:03
kbmonkeyare you practicing how to use tings Kilos ? how to make a pick, and how to use it.12:06
kbmonkeyI see there are mods to add sheep, cows, ostriches, vombies, slimes, blue/white fish, clownfish, wolves, boombombs, traders, gulls, chickens, rats, deer, big reds, oerkkis, archers and guards12:06
Kilosya thats what im doing but hunted for coal and then got lost inna dark cave or something12:07
Kiloswhen i tick mods here it crashes12:07
Kilosthe online mod repo dont work12:07
Kilosmaybe single players not allowed mods12:08
kbmonkeyI wonder how I can find my way back again12:17
Kiloswhen im there we will see each other12:18
Kilosso then you got rigting12:18
Kilosbut too much in and out here now to go online12:18
kbmonkeyI walked far, I think due north. but I got lost and  probably angled off12:19
Kiloslemme go quick and you can try find me12:19
mazalThis is like minecraft yes ?12:21
kbmonkeyKilos, no no not now it is okay, thanks matey12:22
kbmonkeymazal, yes it is an open source implementation like that12:22
kbmonkeythe fly host a server we play on12:22
mazalI heard so much about minecraft en when I saw screenshots I was put off immediately12:24
mazalSo never tried this type of game12:24
Kilosit actually grows on you12:25
Kilosand more fun playing with someone else online too12:28
mazalWhat do you actually do in the game ? What is the object ?12:29
mazalobjective even12:30
kbmonkeyI dont think it is a game, more like a sandbox exploratory world12:32
kbmonkeythe engine is "voxel", an isometric display style that was popular in early years12:33
kbmonkeyit means "big pixels"12:33
Private_Userafternoon all12:36
Private_Userhi Kilos, kbmonkey12:36
Private_Userhey anybody know unick?12:37
Private_Userits a thermal paste I found here on the tube it says meant for transistors and diodes but wondering if I can use it for a CPU?12:38
bduk1Private_User: is she good looking?12:38
Kilosmazal, you can make swords eventually so there must be war in the future12:39
Private_Userhi bduk112:39
bduk1hi Private_User 12:41
kbmonkeyhi Private_User, sorry I cannot help you there with the thermal paste12:48
kbmonkeyKilos, you can attack each other. so war is a possibility12:49
kbmonkeyanyway I am detaching now. be back later tonight12:49
Kilosdont you dare kbmonkey 12:50
kbmonkeyha ha, dare me!12:50
kbmonkeyyou respawn12:50
Kilosno fighting with old peeps12:51
kbmonkeybut have to find your bones to claim your inventory12:51
kbmonkeyalright 12:51
mazalBye everyone12:51
KilosFetched 56,1 MB in 1min 35s (587 kB/s) 13:31
Kiloshi Rynomster 13:59
superflykbmonkey: voxel = VOlume piXEL14:31
Kiloshi Cantide 14:40
Cantidehello :)14:41
superflyKilos: if you get lost, ping me in IRC and I'll try to get into the game. then you just look for my name and walk till you find me14:44
Cantidewhat game are you guys playing?14:44
Kilosi got lost on the single player one here ty superfly 14:45
Kilosbut in singleplayer i only get the minimal install working14:45
Kilosasked the guys at #minetest and they said i must check in the minetest folder if there is one called minetest_game14:46
Kilosi can only fing  .minetest14:46
Kilosdunno where the minetest folder might be14:47
Cantideaha, i played minetest once :D14:47
Kilosits fun if you play with someone14:47
Kilosvery funny at times14:47
Cantideyeah :)14:48
Kiloshere in single mode i end up flattening mountains to get anywhere14:49
Cantideyou sound dangerous :p14:49
Kilosand i dig water with a pick haha14:49
Cantidegood night! '-'/14:57
kbmonkeysuperfly, minetest: how can I find my way back to where we were? I have wandered too far..15:57
Kiloslemme connect then see if you see me15:58
kbmonkeyah by name label?15:59
Kilosya look for my name somewhere in the distance16:00
kbmonkeyKilos, too clever !16:00
Kilosthen dont go wandering off so far in the future16:00
kbmonkeywent exploring16:01
* theblazehen is no longer K-lined16:08
kbmonkeyhi smile 16:29
smilehi ;)16:29
kbmonkeywhat you doing in game Kilos ?16:29
smileif (sun.state == shining){ goto home;}; :p16:29
Kiloshi theblazehen smile 16:29
Kilosbuilding up the walls and making wood slabs16:30
kbmonkeyah good man16:30
theblazehenhey Kilos 16:30
Kilosbut i dont work inna dark16:31
Kiloscraft in the dark but dont wander around16:31
kbmonkeyhi theblazehen 16:35
kbmonkeywho wnats to join us in minetest?16:36
theblazehenhi kbmonkey 16:36
theblazehenAnyone here use xdmcmp or x2go?16:36
theblazehenkk :/16:39
* theblazehen <3's dual screen, but netbook isn't fast enough16:39
theblazehenWanna run apps in a VM with display on VM16:39
kbmonkeyKilos, whoops I pressed quit by mistake17:04
captineevening all17:10
charl_good evening all17:33
charl_hi theblazehen, captine, kbmonkey, Kilos 17:33
Kiloshi charl_ 17:33
Kiloshi captine 17:34
theblazehenhi charl_ 17:51
* Kilos sends 99 banana bunches to kbmonkey 18:51
kbmonkeythanks Kilos !18:58
magespawngood evening18:59
magespawnKilos ping19:03
Kiloshi my magespawn 19:03
Kilos\sorry was struck in minetest19:03
Kilosyou can install it on windows too and join us19:04
magespawnthen i will get stuck like  you19:05
Kilosno man wes ot the fly get me out 19:05
Kilosthey can see to run around at night19:06
magespawnthat game has serious addictive properties19:06
Kilosyeah it be very lekker19:06
Kiloswe have good laughs too19:06
magespawnmmm indeed19:09
magespawni only have a little data left for the rest of the month and at the moment i am too busy to play at work19:09
Kiloswe started last night for just under 2 hours used 8m data19:10
Kilosdid check tonight19:10
magespawnsounds light, but i only have about 200m left for the rest of the month and i need it for work19:15
Kilosnp next month or so. we arent going anywhere19:31
magespawnindeed, i need to manage my mobile data better19:35
Kiloswe all do i wont make near the end of next months with mine19:35
magespawni have been playing on my own server but that gets a bit boring 19:35
Kilosi have been thinking about that19:36
Kiloswhat about other pcs on your own network19:36
Kiloswill that work19:36
magespawnthat can work yup19:36
Kiloslike if i connect 2 here via router19:36
magespawnyou need other people to play but yes19:36
Kilosthen ill get a long cable and connect sis up19:37
Kilosand then no data will be used?19:37
magespawnyes one will be the server the other will connect to it and both will play in on the same map19:37
magespawnnot after you have set it up19:37
magespawnmaybe for updates but not for game play19:37
Kilosget your wife hooked and play on home net19:38
Kilosnot the kids they too fast19:38
magespawnneed to set up the network at home, something that has been on the todo list for sometime19:40
magespawnset up a seperate machine to run the server so that people can play when they want19:41
Kilosyip ill set one pc with 14.04 server soon19:41
Kilosthere wasnt much response to maia for dvds i think19:42
Kilosone or 2 peeps said they distribute19:42
Kilosno one in durbs19:43
magespawnmaybe most of the guys will just download it19:44
magespawni have to go now, good night Kilos 19:52
Kilosnight magespawn 19:53
Kilossleep tight19:53
kbmonkeyKilos, 19:59
Kilosyes kbmonkey 20:09
Kilosyou keep disconnecting20:09
kbmonkeymy game movement gets stuck.20:09
Kilosyou on 14.04?20:10
kbmonkeyno on crunchbang and using latest minetest client20:10
Kiloswell i always called it crashbang20:11
Kilostime you upgrade to 14.0420:12
kbmonkeyis debian rolling release20:12
Kilosubuntu better than debian20:12
kbmonkeydon't get this when going through the phone net20:13
Kilosmust be your cheap vodafone modem20:13
kbmonkeyit is mtn!20:13
Kilosthats even worse20:14
Kilosi told you get the telkom starter pack20:14
Kilosthis modem flies and dont lose connection20:14
Kilosand if you complain they sent a tech to you to sort the prob20:15
Kilosthey tried to tell me it was my modem and when he sat here with his lappy he had same prob so then they accepted the tower was sick and they fixed it20:16
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:25

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