
Beldarcyborgcygnus, Not something we would really km=know here per-say, this is support.00:00
loajrib, no00:01
loai have problem that rsync asking password00:02
loajob is running under cron00:02
loai use the same user.00:02
loaan there appear box asking password00:02
jrib!enter | loa00:02
jribloa: please keep replies on a single line00:03
jribloa: what is your exact crontab line?00:03
ki7mtcyborgcygnus, Ask / email Canonical Marketing or keep an eye on press releases.00:03
loajrib, i don't think it is matter00:04
principehow do i connect to freenode irc using tor?00:04
principei am using pidgin client btw00:04
loajrib, there is rsync -av .. ..00:04
=== Abhishek___ is now known as Abhishek_
jribloa: without details, no one can help you00:05
loajrib, i have problem, that keys not working under cronjob00:06
jribloa: good luck with your issue00:06
loajrib, hmm, i said command00:06
jribloa: if you have ".. .." in your crontab, then that is probably why it doesn't work00:07
=== Guest16058 is now known as z_inx
jrib!tor-sasl | principe00:07
ubottuprincipe: freenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.00:07
loajrib, there is paths...00:07
loaare you familiar with rsync?00:08
jribloa: i asked for the full line from your crontab00:08
loaok, nevermind00:08
jribloa: ok00:08
loajrib, main problem that it works under console00:11
loaand not in crontab00:11
jribloa: yes, it should work.  Thus why I ask for details.00:11
autocorrhi, i'm having some issues with GRUB on a dual-boot Macbook 5.2 Air after an upgrade on the OSX side did something to the bootloader on the pre-existing ubuntu partition00:16
autocorrI have  paste here http://paste.ubuntu.com/7490818/ that was output from the `boot-repair` program. i'm in a live-usb 14.04 environment right now. the main issue is that when selecting the ubuntu partition in grub, it simply hangs00:17
harumphhi guys. i'm still stuck on this problem: wifi and ethernet connections work when running off the install media, but once the os is installed, no go. here's the output from ispci -v: http://pastebin.com/fwJhumUv . anyone have any ideas what's going on?00:19
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:20
joaoHi guys, how can i reset my shortcuts to default? I changed the sound and media shortcuts what i need do?00:20
daftykinsharumph: the above will help for the wireless at least00:20
john_doe_jrI would like to examine the bytes that make up a file is there a bash command that will do that?00:20
harumphdaftykins: thanks, i'll give that a shot00:21
=== randolph` is now known as anal-master
buujohn_doe_jr: od, hd00:22
awqhey guys00:23
john_doe_jrbuu: I would like a binary dump though…is that possible?00:24
awqI have an 88MB file called "core" that just appeared in my home directory.00:24
Joshua^Dunamisawq: I remember in Mandrake Linux that was a file coredump created by a crash00:25
=== sz0 is now known as sz0`
awqJoshua^Dunamis: yes, but this file is a binary00:25
Joshua^Dunamisawq: yes maybe, now I don't remember perfectly, in the last years I never seen it again00:27
joaoHi guys, how can i reset my shortcuts to default? I changed the sound and media shortcuts what i need do?00:27
Joshua^Dunamisawq: Now I'm using Ubuntu 14.04, I used Debian Sid, Kubuntu and Chakra Linux but that file I remember was present in Mandrake occasionally00:28
buuawq: core files are created by segfaults assuming your ulimit is set to allow them00:29
buuawq: They can be read by gdb00:29
Snake2kjoao: All Settings -> Details -> Default Applications. That? or some other type of shortcuts?00:29
buuWell, other kinds of crashes also00:29
Snake2kjoao: Keyboard shortcuts?00:30
joaoSnake2k - yes man, keyboard shortcuts00:30
Joshua^Dunamisawq: If you are using a rpm based distro maybe is a tipical rpm beahvior00:30
joaoi changed the combination alt + up and alt + down to pause and play songs00:30
john_doe_jrbuu: found the command xdd00:30
joaowas a bad ideia00:30
joaobecause i use this combination to navigation in my folders00:31
z_inxjoao, don't you remember the past shortcut?00:31
Snake2kjoao: I believe you can do that with dconf-tools00:32
joaozinx - no dude. I forgot. I just want turn off this shortcuts00:33
=== dio_ is now known as dioioib_
joaoSnake2k - i have the dconf-tools but are much folders. Where is the option? do you know?00:35
Snake2kjoao: Install "dconf-tools"... open it... then navigate to org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings and there is a set to default button there00:35
Snake2kjoao: That should work00:35
joaoSnake2k - i will try.00:36
GeoHi, when setting up a samba share, do I need to enable a seperate samba pass to protect a share? Or should it auto-use my local user's info?00:37
GeoMaybe better put- how do I password protect a share point, using a system user's credentials00:37
mojtabaHi, Do you know how can I delete some parts of a movie and insert another movie in a specific time?00:37
Snake2kjoao: Other than that, I have no idea :|00:38
dovahhello can someone tell somebody in ubuntu there is a 50000 dollar app in the app store by mistake. the app is called eufloria hd00:38
mojtabaI am interested in a command line program.00:38
Snake2kdovah: Lol seriously?00:38
Snake2kOmg it is there O_o00:38
Maceris unity on an x64 using mir?00:38
Snake2k$5000 game! lmao00:39
dovahSnake2k, its 5000000:39
joaoSnake2k - Are you using ubuntu 14.04?00:39
Snake2kdovah: oh yea 50k :|00:39
Snake2kjoao: Yep00:39
rwwMacer: Ubuntu does not default to Mir yet, no00:39
dioioib_you want a command line program for video editing?00:39
Macer$50,000 eufloria hd00:40
Maceris it 4K 3D ?00:40
dovahits must be ai00:41
Macerit actually turns your laptop into the star trek holodeck00:41
dovahyes lol00:41
Macerwith 7 of 9 :P00:41
dovahactually apparently its also in a humble bundle no joke00:41
joaoSnake2k - i use trisquel based on ubuntu 12.04. So don't exist this option. I found something like that you say. But nothing changes.00:41
rwwjoao: Trisquel is not supported here. Ask your distribution for help.00:42
Snake2kjoao: Yyeeeaaa ^ :|00:42
Snake2kjoao: Try to hit them up :)00:42
z_inxjoao, I found a topic at AskUbuntu that can help you. Maybe you can try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17626/how-can-i-restore-default-keyboard-shortcuts00:42
dovahpopey, hey theres a 50000 dollar game in the ubuntu app store can you tell somebody its called eufloria hd00:42
Deihmosis there no way to install grub to the boot drive instead?00:43
z_inxThis answer is based on Ubuntu 12.0400:43
gt8ost4li need help with importing a pydev certificate any help00:43
joaorww - I understand but is the same system00:43
rwwjoao: No, it isn't.00:44
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:44
Macerdovah: maybe the devs believe their game is worth $50,000/download :P00:44
joaook ok... if you say..00:44
Macerthis is where you let economics sort it out lol00:44
joaoz_inx - thanks man00:44
Snake2kjoao: try #trisquel :)00:44
joaoand thanks - Snake2k00:44
Snake2kjoao: No problem00:45
dovahit makes the store look cheap like they would just let any app through00:45
z_inxis forbidden to put that insane price?00:46
Guest43008Can anyone help I can't download updates and get an error. I am also having trouble resolving addresses00:47
mojtabaHi, Do you know how can I delete some parts of a movie and insert another movie in a specific time?00:47
z_inxWhat's the error, Guest43008 ?00:48
Geohow do I password protect a share point, using a system user's credentials? I've installed libpam-smbpass, but not sure what else needs to be done to get it synchd00:48
Geo*samba share point00:48
Guest43008z_inx: it says "failed to download repository information" and I've tried updating repository through sudo apt-get update and it also fails to fetch some of them00:49
Guest43008Then I am unable to access some sites. It has something to do with DNS but I can access everything on other computers00:49
Guest43008For example one of them says Failed to fetch http://link.com Something wicked happened resolving domain.com no address associated with hostname00:51
=== Guest39780 is now known as esde
Guest43008I've also tried using different mirrors with the same result00:54
gt8ost4lanyone know how i could get permissions in  lib/permissions00:56
vfwgt8ost4l: What are you trying to say?00:56
gt8ost4lokay its a long story im just trying to import a certificate to eclipse via commanline00:57
gt8ost4lthis is what i got so far  bin/keytool -import -file pydev_certificate.cer -keystore /lib/security/cacerts00:57
vfwgt8ost4l: sudo00:57
gt8ost4li cant sudo00:58
vfwgt8ost4l: Then you can't do it.00:58
gt8ost4lso theres no way to get permission s00:58
Geohow do I password protect a samba share point, using a system user's credentials? I've installed libpam-smbpass, but not sure what else needs to be done to get it synchd00:58
vfw!samba | Geo00:59
ubottuGeo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html00:59
rwwpretty sure Geo already knows what samba is, vfw00:59
Geoindeed, thanks. Just stuck on the system-based password piece01:01
GeoI set guest ok = no , and restarted smbd/nmbd... not sure what else I need to do01:01
GeoI'm not getting a password prompt01:01
Geolets everyone right on in!01:01
Bashing-omGuest43008: Can you come up with a means to pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file and /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory ?// As you are able to browse web sites, maybe the package manager has a problem.01:02
YeluGeo, I don't know from where you open your samba share. When it's from Windows and you already logged in one time with remembering the credentials, and you try to reopen that share again, wou won't be asked for the password again.01:12
GeoYelu, it was a brand new user01:14
Geonever logged in with user or password on it before01:14
GeoSo there's no chance that Windows cached it (yes, I'm opening via a Windows browser)01:14
YeluGeo, ok, reboot the machine, add a new system user and try with that user to open a share.01:15
GeoI loaded libpam after the user was created, though... do I need to change the password to get samba to update?01:15
YeluGeo, reboot your WIndows machine, too.01:15
GeoI'm not going to reboot the server01:15
YeluGeo, this could be important, so yes.01:15
Geoguess I'll have to find some other way then :) thanks though01:16
GeoI'd be more interested to double check samba config settings or things like that first01:17
YeluGeo, you could set another password on CLI with => smbpasswd for that user (a "wrong" one) to test01:18
koellwill lubuntu switch to LXQt?? O_o01:19
DeihmosIs there a way to install the bootloader to a specific  partition01:20
holsteinDeihmos: yes01:20
mojtabaHi, Do you know how can I delete some parts of a movie and insert another movie in a specific time?01:20
daftykinsmojtaba: this channel is for ubuntu support, not "how can i do absolutely everything with a computer" support01:21
holsteinDeihmos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair will let you.. but, any grub documentation will work01:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:21
=== Lunar is now known as Guest76484
DeihmosWhen I select a partition it still installs to my windows partition01:21
mojtabadaftykins: Even if I am looking for ubuntu software? (command line version)01:22
vfw Geo I missed some of your comments but is your username and password the same on the Ubuntu machine and on the network drive?01:22
holsteinDeihmos: you can use the link i gave to specify *after* install..01:22
Geovfw: on the windows machine? no01:22
holsteinmojtaba: a video editor.. try openshot01:22
mojtabaholstein: Thanks01:22
vfwDid you look at the information on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently yet?01:23
Geovfw, no, judging by the filename thats not what I'm trying to do01:23
Geothere is currently NO password on the shares01:23
GeoI'm trying to implement it01:23
GeoI have intended for a password to be in place, but it is not01:23
joaoSnake2k - are you online man?01:24
GeoI've loaded libpam-smbpass, and set guest ok = no under the share point in the config01:24
Geoand restarted smbd/nmbd01:24
DeihmosThose links are no help really but thanks.01:24
holsteinGeo: for read/write? orare you just browsing?01:24
GeoI can read/write to the right now, all w/o a password requirement01:25
vfwGeo: https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages/smbpasswd.8.html01:25
Geovfw: again, yes, but i'm trying to use the ubuntu usersystem (pam?) to handle this, not have a seperate login system01:25
Geowhich is why I loaded libpam-smbpass01:26
vfwGeo: So the server grants access and does not ask for password?01:26
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Geocurrently, yes01:26
Guest76484Why am I not able to update my packages?01:27
Guest76484Is extremely frustrating01:27
C0CKSUCKERbecause you are an idiot01:27
holsteinGuest76484: share errors, please. open terminal, and run "sudo apt-get update" and share..01:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:28
holsteinGuest76484: if no errors, run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and do the same01:28
Guest76484OK, one second I will paste the errors01:28
YeluGeo, a "living" smb.conf for comparison, which asks for credetials => http://paste.ubuntu.com/7491050/01:28
Guest76484I can't even load several websites -__- so I can't paste it01:30
Guest76484Something with DNS but every other computer works fine01:30
Guest76484holstein: Here is the paste http://pastebin.com/HT4CmY8K01:32
holsteinGuest76484: then, that *is* why you cant update.. updating requires internet access01:32
Guest76484Every other computer works for me though01:32
GeoYelu, looks pretty much similar, thanks01:32
Guest76484The problem isn't my wifi :(01:32
Guest76484I am running Manjaro on my other computer and everything works just fine01:33
holsteinGuest76484: i didnt see anyone imply that its an issue with your wifi01:33
GeoGuest76484: no one blamed your wifi; theres much more that can be wrong with your network connection01:33
holsteinGuest76484: if you think its a DNS isssue, specifiy DNS manually and test01:33
vfwGeo:  testpram -s |pastebinit01:33
Guest76484I'm not exactly sure what to do I have tried reinstalling several times and nothing helps01:34
holsteinGuest76484: ok.. are you certain the netorking hardware is functioning properly on that particular machine? thats where i would start01:35
Guest76484holstein: I am sure of it. Just the day before I was running Windows and everything worked.01:36
holsteinGuest76484: if you say other machines seem normal, then, you are assuming your network is configured properly based on that.. i would see that you are connected.. and connecting.. otherwise, if not, then *everything* that requires network access will fail01:36
Geovfw: interesting... guest ok = no doesn't appear in that readout under that share mount01:36
holsteinGuest76484: windows drivers are different.. the machine manufacturer promised you windows support.. not linux01:36
Guest76484holstein: What should I do then. Is there some kind of drivers I can install?01:37
holsteinGuest76484: if there is a wired NIC, i would connect it, and update01:38
Guest76484Sometimes I can load sites then at times resolving them fails. Like pastebin it took 5 refreshes to load01:38
holsteinGuest76484: sounds like driver issues.. your hardware not supporting the drivers in linux01:38
Guest76484Sadly I would have to move my whole computer to do that. It's a desktop with a wireless card.01:38
holsteinGuest76484: thats waht i would do.. otherwise, you'll need to be much more informative01:39
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:39
YeluGeo, (dumb question), after setting "guest ok = no", you did restart the samba server?01:39
GeoYelu: and nmbd, yes01:39
YeluGeo, ok01:39
Geoodd though, even placing guest ok = no in the middle of the section, it gets skipped01:40
Guest76484holstein: I am ok with linux but I have no idea how to diagnose or give more information.01:40
SubstreamAIIs it significantly faster to mount a network drive with cifs than with sshfs?01:40
GeoI think thats the root of the issue01:40
Geocan that only go as a global setting, maybe?01:40
holsteinGuest76484: its your wifi NIC that is not "ok" with linux01:40
holsteinGuest76484: test and confirm that, as you please.. the link i gave will help you determine what chipset you have01:40
=== C0CKSUCKER is now known as _C0CKSUCKER
Guest76484holstein: Ok, will do01:43
* _C0CKSUCKER farts01:45
YeluGeo, try to use my smb.conf from the pastebin link (there is no special stuff in it) by moving away your current one in first place ...01:45
Guest76484holstein: I am running the Atheros Wireless 1525 (DW1525)01:46
vfwGeo: What method do you use to restart the server?01:48
jmalitzmy computer lost my admin password01:48
vfwGeo: service smbd ?01:49
Geoservice smbd/nmbd restart01:49
Geojust read more, guest ok = no doesnt show up b/c its a default setting01:49
Geoso thats ok01:49
Geo(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=890701 , last thread if interested)01:49
Geoso guest ok = no  is infact set... just not enforced properly01:50
vfwGeo: What is the output when you restart it?01:50
vfwGeo: Any errors?01:50
Geosmbd start/running, process 2416401:50
_C0CKSUCKERReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company 01:52
_C0CKSUCKERReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company 01:52
_C0CKSUCKERReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company 01:52
_C0CKSUCKERReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company 01:52
_C0CKSUCKERReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company 01:52
_C0CKSUCKERReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company 01:52
_C0CKSUCKERReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company 01:52
unopaste_C0CKSUCKER you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted01:52
Geohmm... the share dir is set 75501:54
Geocould that be why?01:54
Geoheh, that totally blocked me01:55
* Geo back to 75501:55
jankdombReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company dev01:55
holsteinGuest76484: everything im reading says that should just work.. i would plug into wired internet, and apply updates.. and while you are ther, you  can test the system01:55
jankdombReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company dev01:55
jankdombReykjavik is very proud of its LGBT community and has become quite the beacon of rainbow coloured light in the past few years. Apart from being the first country in the world to elect an openly gay head of state, all LGBT people in Iceland enjoy the same rights as everyone else regardless of their sexual orientation, including the right to marry. Reykjavik is also home to the award winning travel service Pink Iceland - a company dev01:55
YeluGeo, I just installed a fresh instance of a samba server on Ubuntu Server 14.04 with "tasksel" (as root), which also installs "libpam-smbpass") and opened the server from another machine, which asked for credentials. - Maybe you can deinstall the libpam and the samba server and reinstall with tasksel (if you're running a ubuntu server)?02:00
Geois tasksel a 14.04 thing?02:00
GeoI'm not familiar with it02:00
vfwGeo: I've never used libpam02:00
riesHey all, I feel like a dumbass for asking, but how does qtchooser work? I think in the past you just could execute qmake5 or something. Now I need to call qmake like this : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake -r qtchooser is suppose to solve it, but how?02:00
Geovfw: nor I, but I was following the documentation02:01
FlannelGeo: no, tasksel has been around forever02:01
Yelu!tasksel | Geo, 14.04 server02:01
ubottuGeo, 14.04 server: Tasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428702:01
vfwGeo: Send me the link to the documentation.02:01
vfwGeo: security=_______?02:06
YeluGeo, in case you got a 12.04 server, there is also "tasksel"02:07
Geosecurity = user02:08
GeoI'll look into it, yellowbig02:09
YeluGeo, :)02:09
* Yelu goes into stand-by02:09
vfwGeo: When restarting smbd, have you tried stop and then start?02:10
vfwGeo: service smbd stop  and then service smbd start02:10
vfwGeo: (I've found restart to be less that reliable at times.)02:11
=== lex is now known as Guest6109
Guest76484holstein: I just updated it over wifi after trying several times. All the latest stuff is installed but I still get connectivity issues.02:13
=== Guest6109 is now known as lex
holsteinGuest76484: yup.. could be, the hardware (wifi) is failing.. could be the hardware, since linux support was not promised, just doesnt have good linux support02:13
Vivekanandacan someone tell me the difference between a guard and a proxy firewall and why sometimes they are confused and point me to reading if possible esp for differences02:14
Guest76484holstein: Damn this is really disappointing ;(02:14
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo02:14
holsteinGuest76484: not really.. you *still* dont really know what the issue is..02:15
Guest76484I know it isn't DNS for sure02:15
holsteinGuest76484: ok.. so, make a list, and put a check by that *one* thing02:15
Geovfw: have not, I'll try it soon02:15
holsteinGuest76484: you can try live CD's, to see how other kernels/kernel drivers work02:16
Guest76484holstein: Is there a way I can install another driver?02:16
holsteinGuest76484: sure02:16
holsteinGuest76484: does the company you bought the device from provide one for linux? if so, like in windows, you will see instructions, and requirements02:17
Geovfw: well, it would have to, the sharepoint got added that way from nothing, so I don't think it would just load some and not the others02:17
blueingressHi, Now I am in 14.04, But I miss the 4 virtual windows in the old 12.04 I  have... How can I change the setting back?02:17
Geovfw / Yelu: what file permissions do you have set on your root share dir?02:17
Guest76484holstein: I checked their website for linux drivers (dell) they don't offer one for linux sadly.02:18
holsteinGuest76484: but, you typically dont need to do that with linux.. typically, when things can work, they just work.. when they dont, you can have trouble, or no luck.. and these days, when you can find those in the trash, i  wouldnt worry about it too much02:18
trismblueingress: does System Settings/Appearance/Behavior/Enable Workspaces work?02:18
blueingresstrism, let me try.02:19
Guest76484Like now when I do sudo apt-get update it actually works but then it sometimes doesn't02:19
holsteinGuest76484: imagine if you were trying to run OSX.. or android.. or iOS, on that same hardware.. in the big scheme of things, just having issues with that one thing, when you didnt install *any* drivers, is not "bad"02:19
Guest76484I guess I will have to deal with this annoyance02:19
holsteinGuest76484: i typically just replace with hardware that supports linux02:19
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zanehoodI play games that have certain keybinds to say chat...02:20
zanehoodbut since i have gotten linux it seems the keybinds stopped working02:20
Guest76181wow alot of people02:20
blueingresstrism, Many thanks... it works.02:20
zanehoodany ideas why this is02:20
Guest76484holstein: Thanks for helping me btw :)02:21
Guest76484I might look into some wifi card that is supported02:21
YeluGeo, you are working with system users and their homes? - Then it's 755 for <user> under "/home" the user and group are <user>:<user>02:22
Geoyep, thats what I have02:22
Geooh well02:22
Geoenough for one night02:22
Geothanks for trying everyone02:22
YeluGeo, you're welcome.02:22
JaysonIs anyone available to help me?02:23
=== Jayson is now known as Guest22762
Guest22762Is anyone available?02:23
holsteinGuest22762: just ask02:23
Guest22762I play runescape and have used a spammer for a while but since i have updated to ubuntu 14.04 it seems the spammer doesn't work at all I have used multiple they just don't work02:24
Guest22762Any ideas why this is?02:24
hpa620nwhats a spammer?02:25
holsteinGuest22762: i have no idea what a "spammer" is, but, ask whoever creates it for ubuntu14.04 support02:26
Guest22762it repeats an inserted message into chat02:26
holsteinor, do it with a native linux application or method.. like paste02:26
Guest22762paste is protected02:27
Guest22762tried it02:27
holsteinGuest22762: sounds like, you are not supposed to, or intended to do what you are doing02:27
holsteinGuest22762: could be that they game blocked you from doing it, and broke the "spmmer"02:27
hpa620ni guess 14.04 is incompatible with idiot spammers :P02:27
TheVoidi forgot the command thing used to enter another user from root02:27
Guest22762its not a bannable offence just looked down upon but i use it for automating commands02:28
TheVoidi haven't linuxed in a while lol02:28
holsteinGuest22762: anyways, this is more for the support of runescape or whatever "spammer" is..02:28
Guest22762so it isn't banned its actually supported02:28
holsteinGuest22762: if it were supported, you'd be able to do it02:28
Guest22762thanks ill submit it to the creators of the Spam Bot02:28
Guest22762Holstein it works fine on windows02:28
Guest22762linux it doesn't work02:28
hpa620nyeah, okay Jayson02:28
Guest22762my other computer it works on02:29
GTRsdkso it turns out that my system (probably a CPU not liking lower frequencies) runs much faster when the CPU is at 100% usage than at like 10% usage02:29
GTRsdkI figure that is due to the ondemand governor being the default governor02:29
GTRsdkI'm going to test out a performance-only kernel and see what I get02:32
HadsenWhy do we read from up to down? Clearly nobody looks at the sky first then looks at the ground...02:36
Deihmosfacebook online account not working with ubuntu02:36
Deihmosgetting this error App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not set up this app properly for Facebook Login.02:36
holsteinDeihmos: maybe the error is correct..02:38
FlannelHadsen: Please take questions like that to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for technical support.  However, to answer your question: if we read from the bottom up, we'd need to write sentences from the end to the beginning, and you might run out of room halfway through.02:38
Deihmosthis is the online account option in ubuntu02:39
HadsenThanks, Flannel. Don't know why I didn't think of that.02:39
Deihmosit worked the last time i tried ubuntu02:39
trismDeihmos: looks like you aren't the only one: bug 132103802:45
ubottubug 1321038 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Unable to connect to Facebook with Empathy/online-accounts in 14.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132103802:45
funhouseIs it bad to use upstart on centos?02:48
cfhowlettfunhouse this isn't centos support - ask elsewhere02:48
fraztanvireveryone quitting?02:49
blueingressHi, Is the any GUI tools to manage swap files?02:49
fraztanvirim not sure on tools to manage swap files02:50
funhousecfhowlett: well it looks ubuntu based, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ I thought someone might know here02:50
cfhowlettfunhouse we don't support centos.  ask in the centos channel.02:50
fraztanvirwhat is best way to dual boot ubuntu from a Mac?02:51
fraztanvirusing virtual box for school02:51
colinsheni got a question02:51
ubottufraztanvir: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:51
fraztanvirand it is horrible02:51
blueingressfraztanvir, ok , I am just lazy02:51
colinshenafter i plug in video card on the board. i can not get into system...02:52
fraztanvirany other links?02:52
colinshenthere is a underline at the let-top screen..02:52
colinshenwhat can i do?02:52
fraztanvirsorry I'm not sure for ur answer colinshen02:53
Deihmosi always heard ubuntu isnt good on mac02:58
xanguaI always heard a mac is not a pc02:59
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages03:00
holsteinDeihmos: i have linux on the mac's i own.. though, there are some issues, which are to be expected, since i was not promised linux support03:01
lrcaballeroxangua: I think that PC is a term people use to define a Windows OS running on a PC/Laptop03:01
rwwI think that some people are bad at words.03:02
Deihmosi was not promised ubuntu support on my hp either03:02
alleni have an HP lappy, the only thing i can't get running in Linux is the keys for the brightness control03:03
Deihmosthat seems to work for me03:03
lrcaballeroHave you guys consider System76...there computers run Ubuntu if you request it...so does Dell...03:03
colinshenhow can i open the grub after starting computer?03:03
allenwhat vid card is in yours Deihmos03:03
holsteincolinshen: shift03:03
vfwallen: Check keyboard layout settings03:03
Nothing_MuchI'm trying to run a game on x64 Ubuntu 14.0403:03
Nothing_MuchLibdumb.so.1 isn't being located for some reason03:04
Nothing_MuchErm.. libdumb.so03:04
Deihmosand intel03:04
allenvfw, what am i looking for, everything else works fine, just those two keys don't do anything03:04
vfwallen: And do you know how to toggle on/off Fn?03:04
vfwallen: Some setups will just toggle on/off Function key activation by hitting Fn, others you have to hold down Fn for activation.03:05
allenoh ok, well the rest all work, and i can't change the brightness using the button on the panel bar either03:06
vfwallen: Not sure, (just know that mine works).03:06
holsteinallen: could be graphics driver related.. what chipset?03:06
allenit doesn't work, i did a work around using shortcut keys running another command that does work03:07
Deihmosare you on 14.0403:07
holsteinallen: so, you *can* control the brightness, then?03:07
allenholstein, yep, i just had to get creative03:07
Nothing_MuchQuick question, how do I report a bug that's specific to libs?03:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:09
holsteinNothing_Much: if its not a repo game, you likely need to report the bug with the game developers03:09
Nothing_Muchholstein: Oh really? Well I downloaded a game and I'm missing libdumb, but it's installed03:10
holsteinNothing_Much: then, thats a problem with the application you downloaded not seeing a lib that is there, correct?03:11
JohnDorystrace might help you fnd out where it's looking for the lib03:11
* ewwwwbuntu wonders why03:11
Nothing_MuchI think so holstein03:11
ewwwwbuntuit's a mystery03:11
holsteinNothing_Much: then, let them know you are having an issue, and would like ubuntu 14.04 support03:11
ewwwwbuntu(8) come on scooby do where are youuuuuuuuuuu (8)03:12
Nothing_Muchholstein: It's a tiny little project from the game dev, he's testing it out and gave me a test of it03:12
ubottuewwwwbuntu: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.03:12
trismNothing_Much: do you maybe have the amd64 version and it needs the i386 version?03:12
holsteinNothing_Much: then, let him know its not working.. if its a test, its a failing test03:12
Nothing_MuchAlright lemme see03:12
holsteinNothing_Much: its not an ubuntu bug in this case..03:12
ewwwwbuntui am being helpful so piss off with your retarded suggestions03:12
cfhowlett Nothing_Much so it's a beta version, yes?  then the dev is responsible for supporting it.03:13
fraztanvirso much hate03:13
fraztanvirup in her03:13
fraztanvirjust chill nigger03:13
Nothing_MuchRight yeah, I got-03:13
ubottufraztanvir: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!03:13
Nothing_Muchfraztanvir: Watch your language03:13
holsteinfraztanvir: use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for chat. thanks03:13
ewwwwbuntuawwww aint that cute03:13
fraztanvirIRC blows03:14
fraztanvirtoo many crazies on here03:14
ewwwwbuntuas does holsteins mom03:14
Nothing_Muchcfhowlett: You sure it's not an Ubuntu bug? He said it's a 64 bit game and I have the multilib installed03:14
fraztanvirmmm hmmm03:14
Flannelfraztanvir, ewwwwbuntu: please help keep this channel on-topic (which is Ubuntu technical support), take offtopic chat elsewhere, thanks.03:14
holsteinNothing_Much: i am.. its not an ubuntu package, so its not an ubuntu bug03:14
JohnDoryNothing_Much: you could run it with strace and see what libs it's trying to open03:14
fraztanvirur right03:15
cfhowlettNothing_Much I'd bet the developer would very much like to know that his package has failed...03:15
Nothing_MuchJohnDory: How would I do that?03:15
hamiltontDoes anyone know what "--" means in the kernel boot options?03:15
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JohnDoryNothing_Much: hang on I'll try and find an easy syntax03:15
hamiltontUsually means stdin, but I'm not sure about this case03:15
fraztanviris ubuntu linux? or linux ubuntu?03:15
trismNothing_Much: what does the ldd look like on the binary?03:15
ewwwwbuntuit's an easter egg "--"03:15
Nothing_Muchtrism: How do I do it? Just ldd "elf"?03:15
holsteinfraztanvir: ubuntu uses the linux kernel.. please use the offtopic channel.. thanks!03:15
trismNothing_Much: ldd /path/to/binary03:15
Nothing_MuchGot it03:16
JohnDoryNothing_Much: strace -o trace.txt ./sc , that does a trace of sc for me03:16
hamiltontewwwwbuntu: you're joking, yes?03:16
ewwwwbuntuof course not03:16
Nothing_MuchYeah I got ldd down03:16
Nothing_MuchIt says that libdumb.so is not found03:16
JohnDoryNothing_Much: then have a look in the trace.txt to see where it's trying to do a open on the files03:17
ewwwwbuntuwell darn03:17
iampozHi everyone. I am not sure what is wrong. I am trying to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 (I have everything backed up via clonezilla so I am safe to do so). But the option to upgrade is not available. I clicked the settings thing in software updater and set it to show long term releases - nothing - then set it to show any releases - it shows 12.10. I tryed do-release upgrade -d: "No new release found". and sudo  update-manager -d - nothing03:17
Nothing_MuchJohnDory: Alright, will do, thanks03:17
iampozany ideas?03:17
* ewwwwbuntu wishes the Mystery Machine would roll up03:17
joseluis64hello! how may I configure the fonts of GTK applications i'm running in awesome?03:18
Nothing_MuchJohnDory: I don't know how to read this strace o.O03:19
Nothing_MuchOh wait, it's still saying that libdumb.so is missing03:19
holsteinNothing_Much: let the developer see it03:19
joseluis64this is a comparison between a KDE app and Gtk one, both have the same font: http://imgur.com/uweiCL103:20
joseluis64the KDE apps looks ok03:20
JohnDoryNothing_Much: look for open("/home/john/.sc_history", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) <- something like is an open, if it's trying to open libs, it'll do one or more of this, then exit. Btw you could give this to the dev as holstein says03:21
Nothing_MuchI gave it to the dev03:21
iampozAnyone here that can help me out with the problem stated above?03:21
Nothing_MuchHe says he doesn't know how to read strace files, but I have the strace posted03:21
vfwiampoz: $ tail /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades03:21
vfwiampoz: What does ^^^^ say?03:22
JohnDoryif he's a dev, it's well worth learning (for unix), but maybe he doesn't do C programming?03:22
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JohnDoryNothing_Much: anyways maybe the lib path is hardcoded or some jazz03:22
vfwiampoz: $ tail -1 /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades03:23
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Nothing_MuchJohnDory: I just want to be 100% sure, because I can't find libdumb in x86_64-linux-gnu03:24
rwwubottu: ltsupgrade | iampoz03:24
ubottuiampoz: LTS to LTS upgrades are not offered automatically until the .1 release has been issued. Ubuntu 14.04.1 is due for release on 24th July, and you will only see an option to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 after that date.03:24
Nothing_MuchIs it possible to be missing a lib like that?03:24
iampozvfw : http://pastebin.com/nKeERpmP03:25
iampozthanks rww03:25
loajrib, so i found this article http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2205282/ssh-agent-and-crontab-is-there-a-good-way-to-get-these-to-meet03:26
loaand it is.03:26
loassh keys don't work by default under cron03:26
iampozokay, so if not automatically. Any way to to try it manually? With out a full out reinstall. I would like to keep as much settings preserved as possible03:27
vfwiampoz: cat /etc/issue03:27
iampozcat /etc/issue ; Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l03:27
JohnDoryNothing_Much: do a search for it on your system. man find03:27
vfwiampoz: tail -1 /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades03:27
vfwiampoz: What does that say?   ^^^^^^^^^^03:28
vfwiampoz: Just paste it here.03:28
vfwiampoz: Ok.  There you go.03:28
JohnDoryNothing_Much: sprunge the trace.txt file03:28
vfwiampoz: (It should say Prompt=lts.)03:29
subhasi have learned about linux in bits and pieces over the years. any book recommendations or even recommendations for lectures/courses online to get a bigger picture perspective of how it all fits together?03:29
cfhowlettsubhas "linux from scratch"03:29
iampozvfw, I think it is because the updates are not automatic until 14.04.1... If I change the settings to as they were before then yes - prompt=lts is what shows up03:29
cfhowlettsubhas http://www.linuxine.com/linuxbooks03:30
iampozI changed it back to prompt = never when it was not showing up with prompt = lts03:30
vfwiampoz: If you want lts upgrade, set it to prompt=lts03:32
vfwiampoz: And you can do your release upgrade from the command line if you want.03:32
Nothing_MuchJohnDory: I can't find libdumb.so03:33
holsteinNothing_Much: you stated you had it installed03:33
Bashing-omsubhas: Books source: http://search.oreilly.com/?q=linux ...03:33
JohnDoryNothing_Much: pastebin the trace.txt03:33
Nothing_MuchWell the package libdumb is installed03:33
vfwiampoz: sudo do-release-upgrade03:33
shtrwlfsubhas: a good book would be: how essentially two companies monopolized development of hardware and softare systems used by the whole planet03:33
vfwiampoz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades03:34
Nothing_MuchJohnDory: http://pastebin.com/0C5SbhcD03:34
iampozsudo do-release-upgrade = No new release found03:34
Nothing_MuchThe package libdumb1 is installed, but "find /lib -name libdumb.so" gave nothing03:34
vfwiampoz: Probably because you have /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades set to prompt=never03:35
iampozno it is not, I changed that03:35
iampoztail -1 /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades03:35
trismNothing_Much: it is in /usr/lib/, dpkg -L libdumb103:36
FlannelNothing_Much: dpkg -l libdumb1 (it's /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdumb.so.1)03:36
Flanneland/or x86_64-linux-gnu03:36
rwwubottu: ltsupgrade | vfw03:36
ubottuvfw: LTS to LTS upgrades are not offered automatically until the .1 release has been issued. Ubuntu 14.04.1 is due for release on 24th July, and you will only see an option to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 after that date.03:36
rww"automatically" includes everything you're suggesting03:36
vfwiampoz: Well, there you go.03:37
rwwvfw: I factoided that to iampoz minutes ago03:37
Nothing_MuchWell 'find /usr/lib -name libdumb.so' shows nothing03:37
Nothing_MuchThe package is missing the .so file03:37
iampozI tried explaining that to him03:37
vfwiampoz: (I never do it until after the first point release anyway.)03:37
Nothing_MuchIs that not an Ubuntu bug or is that a package maintainer bug?03:37
JohnDorynot on his system it's not, the game tries to open /usr/lib/libdumb.so03:38
iampozBut what I want to know is how to manually upgrade it to 14.0403:38
iampozwith out doing a full install03:38
vfwiampoz: And besides that, 12.04's EOL is not until 2017 anyway.  So, no rush...03:38
trismNothing_Much: it's not missing, it is versioned, the unversioned link is in libdumb1-dev03:39
iampozyeah i know. but I just installed it on my desktop and it looks very nice so I thought I would go ahead and upgrade my laptop. I backed everything up with clonezilla so I am safe.03:39
Flanneliampoz: you can do that with `update-manager -d`03:39
Nothing_Muchtrism: What do you mean versioned or unversioned?03:39
trismNothing_Much: libdumb.so.1 versus libdumb.so03:39
iampozThanks Flannel, I tryed that like 20 mins ago and it did not work. Now for some reason it is working...03:39
Nothing_MuchOhh.. Okay so I fixed it by installing the dev file03:39
Flanneliampoz: glad I can help ;)03:40
Nothing_MuchThanks guys03:40
iampozThank you vfw, rww and Flannel, I have everything sorted now. Bye!03:40
vfwrww: Maybe iampoz is an alligator?03:40
mikey85I need help03:41
mikey85does anyone know how to use supybot?03:41
vfwmikey85: With ___________?03:41
ceed^Can someone please tell me where Nautilus/gvfs mounst Samba shares in 14.04?03:41
mikey85I tried putting the eggdrop in frist, then the supybot03:41
mikey85nothing happened03:42
mikey85I loaded mIRC up03:42
mikey85I'm just wandering if I did something wrong03:42
vfw!info supybot | mikey8503:42
ubottumikey85: supybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 430 kB, installed size 2676 kB03:42
mikey85but there were no commands03:43
vfwmikey85: Try irssi03:43
Flannelmikey85: You'll want to ask in #supybot03:43
mikey85I already did03:43
mikey85they're sleeping03:43
vfwmikey85: /server some.server.org03:43
vfwmikey85: /join #ubuntu03:43
ewwwwwbuntuyeah mikey85 this is the ubuntu support channel take this nonsense to the offtopic chan03:43
Flannelmikey85: This is an Ubuntu support channel, we know nothing of supybot, as you can tell my some of the half-baked answers you've gotten so far.03:43
mikey85I isntalled mIRC first. Then loaded eggdrop documents, then supybot documents03:43
* ewwwwwbuntu suggests mikey85 go get one of the supy spinoffs03:44
vfwmikey85: Oh, it is a bot.  I dono know.03:44
vfwmikey85: can't use it here anyway.03:44
mikey85what do you mean?03:45
mikey85can't use it here?03:45
mikey85but it's scripted in python03:45
Flannelmikey85: He's trying to say that you can't run a bot in this channel.  You weren't intending to, which is why you're confused.03:45
rwwmikey85: don't evade quiets in future, thanks03:46
lotuspsychjemorning to all03:47
spuddogglotuspsychje:  morning03:47
ewwwwwbuntumorning lotuspsychje03:47
spuddoggactually it's late here :/03:48
lotuspsychjespuddogg: i love the worldwide timezones on ubuntu, 24/7 support :p03:48
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bigbadbenLets say I have a file in /etc/apache2/sites-available and I want to move it to that same directory with a different name is there a shorter way than typing out the whole path again?04:03
dw1bigbadben: select the text then middle mouse button to paste :p04:04
dw1bigbadben: or change to the folder04:04
somsipbigbadben: cd there first04:08
questioni am having trouble finding the page on the ubuntu site for the terminal commands04:09
questiondoes anyone have a link too it ?04:09
=== andrex|on is now known as mikey85_
xangua!terminal | question04:11
ubottuquestion: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:11
mikey85__can anyone help me set up supybot?04:12
questioni know how to get to the terminal and i know how to see the commands in the terminal i am looking for the page on ubuntu that gives examples of the commands and how they are used04:13
googolhashwhy does 14.04 use openssl 1.0.1f with the heartbleed bug?04:14
xangua!heartbleed | googolhash04:14
ubottugoogolhash: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.04:14
mikey85__wtf was that?04:14
mikey85__some asshole stole my nick04:15
questionnvm i found it thanks though04:15
Beldarmikey85__, Please clean up the language. Was the nick registered?04:19
mikey85__i did clean it up i was gonna say whoever stole my nick was a prick04:22
Beldar!ops | mikey85__04:23
ubottumikey85__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!04:23
mikey85__fuck you Beldar ! how clean is that asshole?04:23
Flanneltag team!04:24
EazyEtag team back again check it top wreck it - lets begin04:25
angelica23can anyone help me this fucking thing will not update04:40
holsteinangelica23: please try and refrain from cursing in the channel04:40
holsteinangelica23: open a terminal, and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and paste errors..04:41
angelica23i have not cursed04:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:41
angelica23so fuck off idiot04:41
Flannelangelica23: Please keep this channel family friendly, thanks.04:42
everettForthI have a question.  If I have an encrypted hard drive on an ubuntu computer, and I sell it to someone, assuming they will wipe the drive and put a new os on, do I have to worry about them reading my drive?04:42
holsteineverettForth: it can be retrieved.. if someone cares enough to "crack" it.. you should wipe, or destroy the drive.. unless you are comfortable with the information potentially being recovered..04:44
angelica23everettForth:you should rephrase it to something more proper start off a bit more accurate lilke "I have a stupid question..."04:44
everettForthok, i have a stupid question, is it easily crackable, assuming the password is strong?04:45
holsteineverettForth: doesnt really matter, does it? it *can* be done..04:45
Hazzard_angelica23: try to be a little more possitive please04:45
FlanneleverettForth: The only way for them to read the information is to decrypt it, however, it's trivial to just zero the drive and not even have to worry about it, so I suggest that.04:45
holsteineverettForth: if its not so easy, and i have it now, and its mine, and i want the information, i can have it, if i try hard enough..04:45
rypervencheeverettForth: You should wipe the headers and then the data can't really be retrieved without that.04:46
Beldar+1 on zeroing04:46
Hazzard_Oh, he's gone :P04:46
n8laghi. how can i find hosts onmylocal network?  is it netstat or smbclient or what?04:48
dewsaagone up your moms fat ass04:48
n8lagi dunno their ips04:48
holsteinn8lag: sometimes, i just use the router or gateway, if it has a nice list of clients04:49
n8lagoh it gotta be commandline04:49
n8lagno gui here04:49
holsteinn8lag: the router you are connecting to..04:49
n8laghow u do that?04:49
n8laglol i cant find its ip either04:50
holstein!info arp-scan04:51
ubottuarp-scan (source: arp-scan): arp scanning and fingerprinting tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.1-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 207 kB, installed size 671 kB04:51
holsteinn8lag: ^ that might get you all the information you need via command line04:51
n8lagkewl thanks04:52
n8lagil try it04:52
* boodle_eepum burps up a little sperm04:53
bdonnahue2hey everyone04:53
bdonnahue2im new to ubuntu04:53
bdonnahue2trying to get ssh server installed and online04:54
bdonnahue2can anyone help me out?04:54
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:54
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)04:54
rwwtl;dr: sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:54
holsteinbdonnahue2: not sure what you mean by "online".. but, try installing openssh, and connect locally.. then, try on your local lan04:54
bdonnahue2i installed the package but when i run service ssh status i get "unknown job"04:55
holsteinbdonnahue2: you shouldnt need to run the service.. just try connecting04:56
holsteinbdonnahue2: in a terming, try ssh to localhost04:56
bdonnahue2oh i dindt realize i wouldnt need to start (im coming from centos land)04:56
bdonnahue2connection refused04:56
bdonnahue2i think iptables needs editing04:57
holsteinbdonnahue2: thats why i suggest connecting locally, localhost04:57
Flannelbdonnahue2: No, you shouldn't need to do that either.  What have you done so far, exactly?04:57
holsteinbdonnahue2: to remove the firewall from the equation04:57
bdonnahue2i havnt messed with the firewall yet04:57
bdonnahue2all i did was install the packages and then edit the ssd config file04:57
Flannelbdonnahue2: You shouldn't need to.  Which package(s) did you install?04:57
bdonnahue2to listen on port 2204:58
bdonnahue2openssh-server and openssh-client04:58
holsteinbdonnahue2: you edited what file?04:58
holsteinbdonnahue2: you'll want to restart sshd to make those changes take effect.. if you have changed the port04:58
bdonnahue2how can i do that? service ssh status says unknown job04:59
holsteinbdonnahue2: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html05:00
Flannelbdonnahue2: are you using sudo?  (sudo service ssh restart)05:00
bdonnahue2ahh ok. im in thanks05:02
=== Turaiel is now known as Turaiel[Offline]
=== Sway is now known as Sway|away
someHumanDoes using many workspaces cost more battery power?05:36
auscompgeekabout as much as using windows does; what matters is what you're actually running05:48
someHumanauscompgeek: Ah ok.05:51
someHumanWell I'm using 3 workspaces right now, one running two and the other only one.05:52
jackbrownDoes anyone knows how to make a partial search in google as in LINUX ?  example find / -name  stuff*05:59
llutzjackbrown: /j #google05:59
ki7mtjackbrown, http://www.binarytides.com/linux-find-command-examples/06:13
jj995is there a way to check on a ppa dput upload status besides email?  I did a dput about 20 minutes ago and have gotten no email response06:19
jj995I am new to ppa's and I'm doing a bit of trial and error with the uploads. I got two rejections yesterday and now no response today.06:20
ki7mtprobably best to ask in dev, motu or similar channels06:21
jj995ki7mt: thanks, the dev channel topic explained my propblem!06:24
n8lagim currently setup for dsl. id like to be able to use a telephone modem. there appears to be a modem built in this pc.  but how do i find the modem from the pc's pov?06:26
ki7mtjj995, cool .. wish it would explain mine, im stuck on dh-autoreconf :-(06:28
agent_whiteEvenin folks06:29
agent_white / early mornin ;D06:29
n8lagholy moly i flooded myself bbl06:29
=== Limit__ is now known as Limit_
=== Nixon is now known as Guest93332
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
someHumanHow do I make a heading in Libre Writer?06:39
puntoHi.. on 14.4 I'm getting a dialog every few minutes that says there was a "problem" and if I want to report it, but it doesn't say what the problem is. how do I find out?06:39
owhsomeHuman: Change the style of some text to Heading 1.06:42
someHumanowh: Right click?06:42
owhsomeHuman: No, toolbar.06:42
someHumanowh: Then?06:42
owhsomeHuman: Select the style in the pop-up menu on the toolbar.06:43
someHumanowh: I got it! Thanks anyway! ;)06:43
owhyay! | someHuman06:44
someHumanowh: Haha!06:44
owhVMware Fusion under OSX with multiple-monitors. Guest Ubuntu 14.04 full-screen causes VMware to crash hard. Xubuntu, Gnobuntu and Kubuntu don't crash the VM. Xubuntu is usable, Gnobuntu is unusable and Kubuntu is mostly usable. How do I determine what causes Ubuntu to crash the VM? I have it working fine under 10.04.06:44
owhpunto: Does it happen if you log out and log back in again?06:48
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
gartralcan someone please explain this.. I have a process "Find -mtime -60 that every day, for 4-5 hours a day, eats my hard drive's throughput live, almost rendering the computer unusable06:52
owhgartral: It's a process that's finding files that are newer than 60 minutes. Not sure where it's coming from. Have a look at cron.06:54
llutzowh: hours, not minutes06:54
owhllutz: Yes, my bad. gartral, it finds files that were modified in the last 60 hours.06:55
gartralowh: ugh06:56
owhgartral: Uh, no, 60 days.06:56
owhgartral: You can tell it's not an option I use often ;-)06:56
owhgartral: It could be some backup script.06:57
* gartral bangs head into desk07:00
gartralcron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 1859: Resource temporarily unavailable07:00
someHumanWhich should I consider when I am using Sys. Monitor to check my internet connection performance? Receiving or sending?07:02
owhgartral: What are you trying to do?07:02
gartralowh: sudo chron -l07:03
gartralsudo cron -l07:03
llutzgartral: crontab you mean?07:04
owhgartral: To do what?07:04
owhgartral: Do you mean Loglevel, rather than LSB?07:04
gartralowh: check your guess that it's cron, no crontabs exist system wide07:04
llutzgartral: crontab -l, check /etc/cron.*/* too07:05
owhgartral: None, not even in /etc07:05
owhgartral: As llutz points out, there's a whole cron directory tree under a standard Ubuntu install.07:05
owhgartral: It's generally launched by a crontab file in /etc07:06
gartralok, true07:06
owhgartral: I'd grep for mtime in the cron tree.07:06
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
mvairsÃîñïîäà! Âñå äîáðà !07:21
mvairsÊòî íèáóäü ñòàâèë Rhev Hypervisor + LSI MegaRaid ? Âîïðîñ èìåííî â ìîíèòîðèíãå ðåéäà åñëè íà í¸ì ñòîèò Hypervisor07:21
Flannel!ru | mvairs07:21
ubottumvairs: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:21
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== phil__ is now known as whoknows
=== whoknows is now known as phil12
dpkshrmacan i upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 without losing data?07:33
dpkshrmacan i upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 without losing data?07:33
wolsdpkshrma: sure07:33
dpkshrmacan i upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 without losing data?07:34
dpkshrmahow do i do that?407:34
dpkshrmawols: ^^^07:34
z8zdpkshrma: just open software update and press upgrade if not already suggested by daemon07:35
z8zdpkshrma: usually it suggest only when 14.04.1 is release07:35
dpkshrmaz8z: is there any risk of data loss and shud i backup before the upgrade?07:36
z8zdpkshrma: the first quality version of the current LTS release07:36
z8zdpkshrma: usually not.... as and upgrade is just an upgrade of all the software packages one by one with safe sequence07:37
=== Devrim_ is now known as Devrim
=== MohammadAG_ is now known as MohammadAG
=== Git|Nick is now known as GitNick
llutzdpkshrma: you always should backup data if you care about07:38
z8zdpkshrma: of course that's safer07:38
wolsdpkshrma: you should always backup. data that is not backed up is obviously worthless data07:38
z8zdpkshrma: Yeah i always believe everyone has already a data backup anyway no matter the upgrade issue07:39
z8zdpkshrma: Having non backed-up date is like not having it at all..... just volatile stuff!07:40
dpkshrmathanks all, still, didnt find that upgrade button, is it in software ubuntu software center? theres nothing in unity like software update (nor in system settings)07:43
ubuntu_phanHi friends I am indeep trouble APT(Advanced PACKAGING TOOL) stopped working07:43
ubuntu_phanfor me07:43
=== arctus is now known as Guest60760
llutzdpkshrma: until 14.04.1 is out, you'd use "do-release-upgrade -d"07:43
dpkshrmaz8z: ^^^07:43
dpkshrmawols: ^^^07:44
dpkshrmallutz: ^^^07:44
ubuntu_phanapt: symbol lookup error: apt: undefined symbol: _ZN11CommandLine10GetCommandEPKNS_8DispatchEjPKPKc07:44
ubuntu_phanis the response i get07:44
ubuntu_phanwhen i enter apt07:44
ubuntu_phancan someone help me07:44
llutz!apt | ubuntu_phan:07:44
ubottuubuntu_phan:: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)07:44
ubuntu_phan@ubottu: yes i understand what apt does but to install anything first apt should work07:45
z8zdpkshrma: there is also the option in the upgrade manager to enable upgrade for every new version of ubuntu but that would also suggest and upgrade to 14.10 version which is non LTS and you may not want to do that07:46
llutzubuntu_phan: so "sudo apt-get update" fails too?07:46
ubuntu_phan@llutz: yes any apt command fails07:46
ki7mtubuntu_phan,  see man apt && man apt-get07:46
ubuntu_phancan i install using some other means07:46
llutzubuntu_phan: dpkg, but you'd need to get the deb-files manually before07:47
ki7mtif apt-get ins't working, you should fix that issue before trying another package manager.07:48
ubuntu_phan@ki7mt: yes because synaptic etc., use apt-get backend07:48
ubuntu_phanwhen i type apt-get in command line i get this "apt-get: symbol lookup error: apt-get: undefined symbol: _ZN11CommandLine10GetCommandEPKNS_8DispatchEjPKPKc"07:49
phyzlocI installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a HP Compac dc7900 yesterday and I'm experiencing random total freezes. Is this a knows issue? Anyone knows?07:52
=== eduardo is now known as Guest88751
napcodeubuntu_phan: My guess is you interrupted a running update. try downloading the apt & libapt packages for your ubuntu version and install them via dpkg.07:54
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest10875
ubuntu_phan@napcode: thank you07:57
Guest10875Hello! I'm trying to make my installation boot in EFI mode. I ran boot-repair following the instructions but it reports an error and the system won't boot in Linux. Now I'm on a live. This is the report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7491960/. Anyone who can help? I see an error in a command at the end.07:57
=== Guest25145 is now known as kurZAiosif
=== step21 is now known as step21_
dfcnvtAnybody knows a solution to this error? (package needed to reinstall)  http://bpaste.net/show/cCLPgkJukf9e1o3kb0Ch/08:08
dfcnvtNote, my current version is 48, not 44.08:09
=== step21_ is now known as step21
z8zwhich is c++ public irc channel?08:11
llutz!alis | z8z08:11
ubottuz8z: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:11
DJonesdfcnvt: Which release of ubuntu are you using, from what I can see, none of the supported releases use that kernel08:12
DJonesdfcnvt: I'm guessing you're using 12.10 which stopped being supported about a week ago & the repo's look to have been removed now its out of support08:13
dfcnvtDJones, info for release -- http://bpaste.net/show/KmCVIBmtMagJjNyU50ek/08:14
DJonesdfcnvt: Seems odd, as far as I can see 13.10's kernel is version 3.11, not sure why something is looking for a 3.5 on 13.1008:17
DJonesdfcnvt: Hopefully somebody in the channel can help with that, its not something I can think of how to fix08:18
dfcnvtDJones, I am in a matter of fact in ##linux. Seem knowledgeable and is with me on this. I was hoping maybe somebody here in #ubuntu may know a solution to this.08:19
llutzdfcnvt: "aptitude why package-name" or just remove that package with "apt-get -s remove .." and check if it would affect anything important08:19
kanhiyaoxygen gtk engine 2.0 and 3.0 are not working on kde 4.13 and I am using ubuntu 14.04 , how to solve that issue08:20
kanhiyachrome and firefox etc are looking horrible08:21
dfcnvtllutz, alright onto it.08:21
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
dfcnvtllutz, error result -- http://bpaste.net/show/Su94VZHPCePG1u58oEAx/08:23
llutzdfcnvt: sudo dpkg -P <packagename>08:26
dfcnvtllutz,   'very bad consistent state'  -- http://bpaste.net/show/HIkppagkBuavSDzSSPuy/08:27
=== st is now known as Guest6163
RyNethey testing08:31
dfcnvtI got it. It removed well with this command -- "sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq linux-image-3.5.0-44-generic"08:32
=== leeyaa_ is now known as rstefanov
rstefanovi have a dchp server running on 12.04, but i cant find the init.d script for it08:35
rstefanovservice is running08:35
rstefanovjust need to restart it08:35
rstefanovi dont see it in rcconf either08:35
rstefanovhow to find out who is starting this dhcpd server ?08:36
geirharstefanov: maybe an upstart job (/etc/init/*.conf)08:37
rstefanovgeirha: nope08:37
rstefanovthis is from ps aux - dhcpd      649  0.0  0.1  19112   832 ?        Ss   May07   0:04 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -f -q -4 -pf /run/dhcp-server/dhcpd.pid -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf eth008:37
rstefanovah lmao08:38
rstefanovit is called isc-dhcp-server08:38
rstefanovgod i hate ubuntu some times08:38
robotdevilsudo apt-get install menu   what does this install?08:39
geirha!info menu08:39
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
ubottumenu (source: menu): generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.46ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 434 kB, installed size 1753 kB08:39
gshmuUsing "Unity Tweak Tool" change Zoom -- Desktop magnification  -- error!!!08:40
gshmusys Ubuntu 14.04 x6408:41
blueingressHI all, I know Ubuntu-One will be discontinued.. after I reinstalled ubuntu to 14.04. I can not find Ubuntu-One. How can I find my files back from Ubuntu-One?08:42
k1l_blueingress: use the webpage08:42
llutz!ubuntu-one | blueingress08:42
ubottublueingress: The Ubuntu One file and music service is being discontinued. The service will be unavailable starting 1 June 2014, and content available until 31 July, 2014. For more, see #ubuntuone08:43
blueingressubottu, k1l_ Thanks.08:43
AncientPCHow do you find the files installed by a package?08:44
llutzAncientPC: dpkg -L package08:44
AncientPCllutz: thx08:44
AncientPCeverything I searched gave me the file -> package answer using apt-file.08:45
llutzAncientPC: dpkg -L  only works on installed packages , apt-file with all08:46
=== o is now known as Guest6132
chulisi have installed nautilus in xfce but i dont find ¿where is it?08:50
blueingressk1l_, I check the web page... the files are still there. But I want to package all the files and download it. Can I ?08:52
=== sz0` is now known as sz0
jacobianI just switched to 14 and now I'm having quite a number of problems with keyboard settings09:02
jacobianThe way that they are set has changed, in particular, the Alt key is brining up the window manager search when I'm trying to do M-x in emacs09:02
jacobianAnd the compose key has ceased to function09:02
jacobianI've looked at the keyboard settings and it's not clear how to get the caps lock to function as a compose key (to me)09:03
jacobianThe compose key seems to work somewhat randomly, i.e. not in every window09:04
blueingressjacobian, me 209:06
jacobianWell, glad to know I'm not alone :)09:06
n88so i did some major damage to my 12.04 server running nginx09:17
n88i upgraded from php5.3 to 5.5, broke php5-fpm, tried to downgrade back to php5.309:17
n88and now i'm hitting this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492222/09:18
owhn88: What happens if you do: apt-get -f install09:19
n880 upgraded 0 installed09:20
n88150+ sites down currently ;(09:20
owhn88: How are you then hitting what you showed us?09:20
n88what do you mean owh09:21
owhn88: You showed us a pastebin. If the -f install did nothing, how are you seeing that error? What are you doing to generate the error?09:21
RubixRexis there a way to install a new version of ubuntu without putting it onto external media?09:21
n88apt-get intall php5-fpm09:22
RubixRexlike via terminal?09:22
=== tcpman is now known as Guest57244
owhn88: How did you attempt to upgrade in the first place?09:22
n88the upgrade actually worked fine09:23
n88had to switch php5-fpm from unix sockets09:23
n88to listening on a tcp connection09:23
n88then i was getting some error with ioncube and it wouldn't play nice09:23
owhn88: You'll need to be more specific.09:24
ubottupc-casa: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:24
RubixRexis there a way to install a new version of ubuntu without putting it onto external media?09:24
RubixRexlike via terminal?09:24
n88owh: i followed that upgrade guide to go from php5.3 -> php5.5, then I moved php5-fpm from using unix sockets to using a local tcp connection, then I had some issue with IonCube, which I believe ended up breaking php5-fpm because it would no longer start09:25
n88some how during the haze of php5-fpm not working, I tried to uninstall php5-fpm to reinstall it09:25
owhn88: Why did you move from unix sockets09:25
n88i have 150+ sites on this box and was hitting 502 bad gateway09:26
n88which I read is a common problem running nginx with lots of hosts on the same box09:26
n88so i switched it over to tcp and it was working perfectly09:26
gaspardwhy are "screen-like" key bindings in ubuntu actually not the sames as GNU screen ? can I restore that ?09:26
n88but the upgrade from php5.3 -> php5.5 broke ioncube09:26
owhn88: But now you cannot re-install fpm09:26
n88i did go into apt/sources.list.d/09:27
g-hennuxi have "up route add -net gw hdp9 dev eth0" in my /etc/network/interfaces for iface eth0, but if this is present, 1. routes are *not* set and 2. also the dns-nameservers option does not work any more. if i comment them out, the routes are (of course) also not set, but at least the dns-nameservers option has an effect09:27
n88and rm -rf * the two files in there09:27
g-hennuxdoes it need to be post-up or so?09:27
owhn88: did you make copies of those files?09:27
n88owh: no, i've been wreckless09:27
n88and frustratd09:27
owhn88: If you do apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade, it will offer to update stuff. Without saying Yes to the prompt, does it offer to update PHP?09:28
n880 installed...09:30
n880 upgraded. 0 installed09:30
owh<phone call>09:30
g-hennuxouch, i should not rely on DNS when setting up the iface...09:30
n88hmmm ok so I went back and added the ppa09:31
n88and apt-get update09:31
n88apt-get upgrade09:31
n88went through fine, was able to do apt-get install php5-fpm09:31
JO0sthey guys, because of storage problems I had to move my mysql database to an external disk. Is there a way to mount this disk as the mysql user at boot?09:31
n88now here is my dmesg error again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492277/09:32
nicolas1hi all, I have a question, I just debootstrapped a brand new server with 14.04 and I have no password prompt when I try to login on TTY0; if I type username "root" it just logs me in as root, this is not what I want obviously :) (doesn't do it with a regular user account)09:33
g-hennuxJO0st: you could add it to /etc/fstab09:33
g-hennuxwith auto flag09:33
Seveasnicolas1: then set a password :)09:34
owhn88: Google says: sudo killall php5-fmp && sudo start php5-fpm09:34
g-hennuxJO0st: which filesystem? if ext*, you don't need "as user", if vfat or so (dunno if this works at all with mysql), then setting a user or uid option should do it09:34
owhn88: s/fmp/fpm/09:34
owhn88: http://serverfault.com/questions/550882/mysterious-error-with-php5-fpm09:35
n88owh: if fpm was running09:35
n88i would love to kill it09:35
n88but it's killing itself09:35
n88that was one of the first threads i went through... no dice09:35
nicolas1Seveas: damnz, it's that simple, my password command failed, that's probably why, thanks for the tip! I was going nuts about this ;)09:35
JO0stg-hennex how do i specify the user to mount it for in fstab(it is vfat)09:35
owhn88: Note that the answer appears to have a typo in it (and mine had an additional one).09:36
owhn88: It says to killall php-fpm, but I suspect it needs to be php5-fpm09:37
n88owh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492300/09:37
n88i can see in the dmesg log that php5-fpm kills itself immediately after starting09:37
n88already rebooted the server...09:38
JO0stg-hennux: how do i specify the user to mount it for in fstab(it is vfat)09:38
g-hennuxJO0st: I think uid=yourusername in the option column should do it09:38
g-hennuxman mount09:38
n88god damnit... it was literally just working an hour ago09:39
owhn88: Did you see this: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=6241809:39
JO0stg-hennux: i'll try that, thank you09:39
g-hennuxJO0st: good luck09:40
n88owh: sec let me try switching epoll for poll09:41
n88owh: nope... same shit09:42
n88very thankful that php5-fpm's error output is non existent09:43
owhn88: You could remove the PPA and downgrade using ppa-purge. http://askubuntu.com/questions/307/how-can-ppas-be-removed09:44
=== o is now known as Guest40495
* owh needs to leave for dinner. You can also ask these kinds of questions in #ubuntu-server n88:09:45
n88owh: thanks for the help09:46
n88i'm gonna give it a rest for the night09:46
n88and deal with the shit storm in the morning09:46
owhn88: Hope it brings you closer. Good luck.09:46
owhn88: You saw my comment about ppa-purge?09:46
=== sz0 is now known as sz0`
efazatihi, i have new short key -> ctrl+f open xterm :/ how can disable it? i dont know which program have this config for shortcut. i use i3wm and there is no config like this in my app09:50
Guest40495what is the battery icon's files name ubuntu looks for when the power pluged in. my icons r missing in some themes.09:57
saniahey , i am using centos, i want to delete a package , so i used yum remove package name , but forget to use -c , thats why my 550 MB data due to dependency is removed, then it ask total data 550 MB, is it ok [y/N] then i enter N,09:57
saniapls help me09:57
saniawhat happen with my data09:57
IVBakeryour data should still be there09:58
saniahey , how can i check my data is done or not09:58
k1l_sania: this is the ubuntu support. please see the centos specialists09:58
IVBakercheck if the package you wanted to delete is still here09:58
saniak1l_: thanks , i am just panic, just confused09:59
IVBakerhi, I'm trying to launch a big number of really tiny processes. I was thinking I could launch the thousands of process. But currently I have a weird limit of 184 process (ps aux | grep robot | wc -l)10:00
TobbeHi, I'm having problems with an SD card. I'm running 14.04 off of a USB stick. When I plug it in it briefly shows up in Hardinfo ("System Profiler and Benchmark"), but never in "fdisk -l". What can I do to get more info about what's happening with the card?10:00
sania#join #centos10:00
IVBakerTobbe: what kind of computer is that?10:01
TobbeIVBaker: HP ProBook 5310m10:01
Tobbesome old Intel Centrino laptop10:02
TobbeIt's a 32GB SDHC SanDisk card btw10:02
IVBakerdid you try sudo fdisk -l?10:04
OerHeksTobbe,  did you ever succesfully used a 32 gb sdcard on that machine? maybe the sdcardreader cannot handle 32 gb, seen that before.10:04
Tobbeonly shows the internal disk and the usb I'm running from10:04
TobbeOerHeks: No, I haven't10:05
r3v3rbhi, I have a user (ftpusr) that looks like this: uid=1003(ftpusr) gid=113(ftp) groups=113(ftp),33(www-data) - why can they not add/edit/mkdir when logged into ftp?10:05
TobbeOerHeks: I'm not even 100% sure it can handle SDHC cards :/10:05
r3v3rbthe folders in /var/www have group www-data associated to them10:05
TobbeOerHeks: but I also don't know how to figure out the answer to those questions10:06
OerHeksTobbe hp got good usermanuals, should be in there.10:06
r3v3rbso that the CMS users can edit alter the files via the web but when trying via FTP I get 550 error’s for everything10:06
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IVBakerI'm trying to launch a big number of really tiny processes. I was thinking I could launch the thousands of process. But currently I have a weird limit of 184 process (ps aux | grep robot | wc -l)10:10
CatKillerIVBaker: What happens when you try to launch the 185th one?10:12
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IVBakerCatKiller: I'm actually trying to launch 200, but greping on ps -e keep giving me 18310:14
CatKillerIVBaker: So you can launch 200 but you just can't see them all on ps?10:15
davztoboyhow do i do linux ubuntu?10:16
TobbeOerHeks: From what I can find on Google it should support SDHC and SDXC cards. Haven't found anything about max capacity10:16
davztoboyi rly want linux ubuntu :(10:16
Pricey!download | davztoboy10:17
ubottudavztoboy: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Trusty, and help keeping the servers' load low!10:17
davztoboythanks u pricey :))10:17
IVBakerCatKiller: the application that should be triggered by these small applications doesn't show my the 20010:17
IVBakerCatKiller: isn't ps -e supposed to show me all?10:18
CatKillerIVBaker: Maybe there's a problem with ps, who knows, that's what I am trying to figure out10:18
davztoboypricey do u think i will make to use it10:18
CatKillerIVBaker: Are you sure you are running 200 processes?10:18
guest01kkrita2.8.3  Yet??10:18
mikhael_keehlI'm having problems creating a bootable usb flash drive for Windows 7 installer, in Ubuntu.10:21
IVBakerCatKiller: I launch by packet of 20, 9 packets is fine --> 180 processes, 10 packet --> 18310:21
IVBakerAs I don't record the output that's possible that after 183 the application crash, or seg fault directly...10:22
IVBakerI'll investigate10:22
mikhael_keehlI'm using GParted to format it to ntfs, then I used Unetbootin, but when I boot from flash drive, it only goes to Unetbootin with default option.10:22
MikerhinosI have 2 disks, 1 small fast and 1 big slow, if I want to optimize performances I have to put "/" and "/usr" on fast disk, and "swap"+"/home" on slow disk ? So my settings and personnal files won't be touched if I have to format system ?10:28
felixonmarshi everyone, today i fresh installed a ubuntu server 14.04 on ibm x3550, but getting xfs and btrfs "module has bad taint" messages. i also see someone else asked this on askubuntu but got no reply. any hints about what this means, and is the system still considered stable for a server?10:29
phyzlocWhat can GUI freezing/hanging be caused by? Graphics drivers? Where do I start troubleshooting? I'm on freshly installed Ubuntu 14.0410:36
Enjolrasphyzloc: or ram exhaustion. You have to check that you still have free memory10:37
phyzlocEnjolras: You  mean I cloud be running out of RAM? This happens randomly even when I'm not running any programs10:38
Enjolrasphyzloc: i mean that's the first thing you've to check.10:39
Enjolrasbecause if it's a more complex issue like graphic drivers, it's harder to debug. no point trying to debug drivers before being certain that it's not a simpler cause10:40
phyzlocEnjolras: I'll check the memory, thanks10:40
Enjolrasphyzloc: if it's not that, you could open the "terminal" application and type "dmesg" in it. It will print le log of kernel informative message10:41
Enjolrasyou could paste the last few lines somewhere10:41
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Enjolras(sorry for advicing to use the terminal but i just joined this chan to test my irc theme :P no clue on how to use ubuntu)10:42
phyzlocEnjolras: I was actually getting following message printed on the console "mei_me (bunch of numbers): reset: connect/disconnect timeout." But I read that it is something unrelated10:44
Enjolrasmight be related, i you're using the graphic card of the intel CPI10:45
phyzlocEnjolras: I'm using an additional Nvidia card10:46
Enjolrasiirc, MEI is the intel driver to access stuffs like thermal infos10:46
phyzlocI see..10:46
Enjolrasphyzloc: ok. To be sure, you could try to remove the MEI driver10:46
Enjolrasby doing sudo modprobe -r mei_me10:46
Enjolrasand check if the problem persists10:47
phyzlocOk, I'll remove it and also check RAM and see how far I get..10:47
zach_Could use some help getting my USB ports to detect devices. They are powered and will charge things like phones. They do not however detect the device (such as mass storage access, etc.). I think that perhaps it needs drivers, but I am not overly familiar with ubuntu or xubuntu.10:49
dfcnvt3.13 is unstable?10:49
dfcnvtWhat's the current stable version in xubuntu?10:50
zach_I am running 13.04 i believe.10:50
dfcnvtI see, I believe I must be referring to kernel image.   linux-image-3.5* & linux-image-3.13*10:52
dfcnvtzach_: if you don't mind, check in your uname -a to see what generic you have.10:52
Enjolrasdfcnvt: 3.13 is stable according to upstream10:52
dfcnvt(head scratch) huh, okay. I just had a kernel panic that kept crashing everytime I boot. It was after I apt-get dist-upgrade.10:53
dfcnvtCurrently I'm on the system with different version.10:54
Enjolraswell, stable does not mean bug free :p10:55
Enjolrasdfcnvt: did you manage to read the panic message ?10:56
dfcnvtEnjolras: yea, it was 'not syncing'10:57
Enjolrasdfcnvt: the full one :p10:58
sl33k_How do I create an FTP? Do I need to buy hosting?11:01
dfcnvtEnjolras: Uh, nope. Not this time.11:01
Ben64sl33k_: depends what you mean by ftp. you can run an ftp server on pretty much any computer. i'd also recommend using sftp instead, as it is much more secure and plays nicer with everything11:02
Enjolrasdfcnvt: not syncing is kernel saying probably means that the kernel is so badly paniced that it cannot sync data to disk. Or something like that11:03
Enjolrass/is kernel saying//11:03
efnaeffaeHow do I add a user on ubuntu server from the command line?11:05
vassie@efnaeffae sudo adduser <username>11:06
MikeGFRUbuntu 14.04, used Online Accounts feature and added Facebook to Empathy, am I supposed to see Facebook contacts in Empathy friends list?11:06
dfcnvtEnjolras: I'm in process of doing 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' on the system. Things look promising11:07
vassieefnaeffae: sudo adduser <username>11:07
EnjolrasMikeGFR: yes11:07
MikeGFRok thanks :)11:07
efnaeffaevassie, Thanks.11:09
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C0FFEEsoftware center's dropbox is the same dropbox in that official site ?11:28
nevercastHow would I go about installing Ubuntu on another partition, then removing the older partitions and reconfiguring grab to only use the one partition  ?11:28
nevercastCurrently running RHEL11:28
nevercastWould like to switch the VPS to Ubuntu11:28
vfwnevercast: Use gparted to create partition(s) as needed.11:29
vfwnevercast: Then just install to partition of your choice.11:29
nevercastvfw, gparted is not headless is it ?11:29
nevercastServer is headless11:29
vfwnevercast: /join #ubuntu-server11:30
YlvoaDISCLAIMER: No, I'm not replacing Ubuntu (<3). -- Is it possible to create a bootable Windows 8 USB on Ubuntu? If so, how? I need this for another PC. Thanks.11:37
vfwYlvoa: /join #windows11:46
vfwYlvoa: But the short answer is no. MS Windows is not as versitle as Ubuntu11:50
vfwYlvoa: Or not no but probably not. *(not sure what new inovations have come along these days but... pretty sure it's not gonna happen).11:51
vfwYlvoa: It has always been the case that MS Windows needed to be installed to the first partition on the bootable drive.11:52
Ylvoavfw: I'm not sure what you mean with "MS Windows is not as versitle as Ubuntu"...11:52
Ylvoavfw: All I want is to create a bootable Windows 8 USB drive on my Ubuntu PC. I need this USB drive for ANOTHER PC. :)11:52
Ylvoavfw: Or did you already understand all of that?11:53
vfwYlvoa: versatile11:53
vfwable to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.11:54
vfwYlvoa: Question is did *you* understand.11:55
Ylvoavfw: Whatever. I'll figure it out on my own. :)11:56
vfwYlvoa: /join #windows *(this is not a Ubuntu question)*11:56
yashhey guys11:59
yashwhere do i ask questions???12:00
icerootyaru22: here12:09
trijntjeIs there a way to recursively walk through all files in a (big) folder and print them in order of most recently modified?12:11
Humbedoohanybody know why Ubuntu doesn't ship mod_lua with the apache2 package? the config is there, but the .so file is missing12:11
Humbedooh(14.04 that is)12:12
Humbedoohand who do i complain to about it? :)12:13
trijntjeHumbedooh: ubuntu-bug apache12:16
SeveasHumbedooh: that looks like a bug.12:16
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:16
simpleuserHi there. I want to remove my system and reinstall a clean one. The problem is I have an ssh key on it to access my VPS. How should I proceed ?12:19
simpleuserShould I just copy it and paste it in .ssh in the new system ?12:19
Seveassimpleuser: yes, you can simply back up ~/.ssh12:19
simpleuserOk, cool ! Thanks Seveas12:20
ed8_hi, I just mistakenly format a SSD disk due to this issue : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/126519212:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Reinstallation wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Triaged]12:22
ed8_running 'sudo gpart /dev/sda' give me the right number of partition but all number are zero : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23754473/why-does-gpart-scan-return-0-size-type-chs/2375474812:22
sushili am having a problem in ubuntu and i feel its a bug because i observed this problem in 3 - 4 computers and with various applications, i am sharing a link where i uploaded the pic for refernece, somebody please clear my doubt wheteher it is really a bug12:27
sushili have launched excel help and this help window's top menubar is hiding behind ubuntu desktop12:28
sushiltop bar12:28
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Seveassushil: I don't see a bug there. hit alt and drag the window around to show the bar12:32
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sushilseveas as you told i tried with alt but except that excel help window all other windows are moving12:42
sushilthat excel help is as it is over there12:42
sushilseveas: as you told i tried with alt but except that excel help window all other windows are moving12:44
sushilseveas : that excel help is as it is over there12:45
sushili am having a problem in ubuntu and i feel its a bug because i observed this problem in 3 - 4 computers and with various applications, i am sharing a link where i uploaded the pic for refernece, somebody please clear my doubt wheteher it is really a bug12:47
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asumoi've installed both ubuntu server 14.04 and ubuntu desktop 14.04 on an ibm x345 server, for some reason when the system boots to the boot menu my monitor turns off and on with the auto config logo on the monitor showing13:03
asumothx for your help13:04
Macerawesome. my platter in my ubuntu laptop died lol13:06
Yeluasumo, I don't know your monitor, but I switched off auto-configuration in my monitor (see in the manual for it?)13:06
Macergood thing it has an ssd and platter13:06
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netbookclienti have a problem with my netbook13:08
netbookclienti have no sound13:08
netbookclientcould anyone please help?13:08
nichlasnetbookclient: hi13:12
justme123Hi guys, I have a problem installing Ubuntu (noob) that I would like to know if someone can help me.13:13
nichlasjustme123: noone can help you until you tell what the problem is.13:14
justme123I have an HP Proliant ML150 G2 server with 2 x Xeon processors and an Adaptec 7901A SCSI card. If I try to install Ubuntu server everything goes black after I choose install. Perhaps it is not detecting the SCSI card?13:14
nichlasjustme123: are you using the standard graphical installer?13:15
justme123I boot off the installation DVD and then select English and then scroll down to install and then all goes black and nothing.13:16
nichlasjustme123: i can't give you the solution, but i think you should have a look at the different options when installing.13:18
justme123Windows7 installls successfully to it but I don't want to use Win. I want to install Ubuntu.13:18
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justme123I will have another look then thx.13:18
wasilIs there a way to add a user to sudo without manually editing sudoers file? (trying to automate server setup)13:18
Guest34926i'm italian13:19
Yelujustme123, you checked the downloaded iso's checksums (maybe corrupted medium)?13:19
nichlasjustme123: you can also try with the "alternate installation" it does away with the live environment.13:19
justme123I have not checked the checksums. Ok I will try all the suggestions. Thx13:19
nullbyte_who understans raid13:21
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Seveaswasil: in a standard ubuntu system, users in the 'sudo' group can use sudo to become root. So add a user to the sudo group to give him access (sudo gpasswd -a username groupname)13:24
Zafranhello everyone13:27
theperfectpunkHow do i link a command to a shell script?13:27
theperfectpunkif i type that command in shell the script executes13:27
rootedis there an embedded version of ubuntu for raspberry pi ?13:27
nichlastheperfectpunk: you can put it in a bin directory and add that dir to your path.13:28
theperfectpunkyeah done that13:28
theperfectpunkdo i do it without sh extension?13:28
theperfectpunkmy file name is suspend-pc.sh13:29
nichlastheperfectpunk: as long as the script is executable you don't need the sh extension13:29
nichlasif it isn't executable run chmod +x <script>13:29
DJonesrooted: Not as far as I'm aware, there is the debian based rasbian13:29
Seveastheperfectpunk: rename it to suspend-pc :)13:29
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rootedbut there is a version of ubuntu for cubieboard and beaglebone13:30
theperfectpunkyea it's working all right13:31
theperfectpunkis it possible that i can add a keyboard shortcut for it?13:31
Seveastheperfectpunk: sure. Check the keyboard settings, you can map shortcuts to random commands13:32
Yelutheperfectpunk, yes, under "System Settings" => "Keyboard" => "Shortcuts"13:32
asumoanyone here ever have monitor issues installing ubuntu server on ibm x345 servers?13:33
asumoit boots to the menu and cursor icon appears, after that monitor auto config goes bezerk13:33
theperfectpunki've named the shortcut and command13:34
theperfectpunkbut can't add keys13:34
theperfectpunkthe bottom line says that just hold down the keys13:34
theperfectpunkbut it's not working13:34
Yelutheperfectpunk, just click directly on the column's text (where the key combination is displayed as text) in the line of your defined shortcut13:35
theperfectpunkyeah thank you :-)13:36
asumoany help is appreciated13:37
KentHello there13:38
asumohi kent13:39
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whyameyeI'm looking for a media player that will play full screen, stop with black screen or last frame at end of video, and when I hit a keep, retain full screen to play next random video in playlist. I cannot seem to find such a beast?14:00
whyameyekeep = key14:00
tech2Hi all, how do I permanently disable F-key support in byobu such that I can properly use things like htop etc. without closing tabs or whatever. I'm more than happy to use ctrl-a <whatever> shortcuts but it sometimes seems like the f-keys are still enabled on top of that.14:02
Jeeves_Mosshow can I forcea2dp on my bluetooth headphones?  I can select it from the sound settings, but I'm still only getting the low quality audio14:04
tech2Jeeves_Moss: I think several more modern features of bluetooth audio aren't supported by the version of bluez available with Ubuntu. Bluez made some big changes over time that weren't backward compatible which made it difficult for everyone.14:05
Jeeves_Mosstech2, damn it.  don't get me wrong, crappy cell phone audio is acceptable, but I didn't pay good $$ for crappy sound14:06
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload14:06
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tech2Jeeves_Moss: agreed, my boss bought some relatively nice headphones that he later regretted spending the funds on. Thankfully he can still use them with his phone.14:07
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, one sec14:07
Jeeves_Mosstech2, I'm going to be doing some embedded programming today, so I want to be able to crank up the tunes, and take an Adderall, and not bother people14:07
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip,  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c22d40408067eb7087bf856d2a1573f497b5963314:08
tech2Jeeves_Moss: When in doubt, use cables :) I may seem like a luddite at times, but years of experience have hammered the point home, cables are your friend.14:08
Jeeves_Mosstech2, lol.  I'd love to, but the embedded device is in the damn rack.  There is a lot of RF cables connected to it, and they all run into the rack. So in order to make sure the GPS/GSM works, I need those cables14:09
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: run the larg command on this link in step 1 and reboot:14:09
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure14:09
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, killing pulseAudio?14:10
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: the big comand, the big block of code in step 114:10
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Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, You seem to always know the "how to"14:11
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: comes with experience.14:11
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, are you any good with 3G cell modems?14:11
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: if you run: lsusb ,use the 8 character hex id to find guides14:12
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, I have it installed.  I'm just looking for instructions to get it to connect the cell network14:12
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: dont see the point really. I have a phone with 3G :-)14:12
Yelutech2, I just found this from the creator of byobu => Quote: "You can easily toggle on/off the use of the F-keys inside of Byobu (tmux) by pressing either: shift-F12 (in tmux) ctrl-a-! (in screen) Full disclosure: I'm the author and maintainer of Byobu."14:12
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, brb, rebooting14:13
tech2Yelu: thank you so much! :) Hopefully that will stick across reboots.14:13
Yelutech2, let's try ;)14:14
luome for china14:14
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, ok, I'm back.  the right/left works, but now it's alll choppy14:16
Yelu!cn | luo14:16
ubottuluo: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:16
Jeeves_MossI had the same issue under Windows.  So I'm betting it's the bluetooth radio in this laptop that's a pain in the ass14:16
tech2Yelu: sadly, I can't, got a lot of code to write and windows scattered _everywhere_ :)14:17
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/21288814:18
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, ok, thanks.  one sec14:18
Yelutech2, then take your time. - You always can toggle the F-keys by hand, if I understood correctly.14:18
motdd ls14:19
motddCommand 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls'14:19
motddThe command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.14:19
motddls: command not found14:19
BigRed_Hi.  I'm using ubuntu as an embedded DLNA server.  In the odd chance that power gets disconnected without clean shutdown, I get trapped at a boot menu, allowing me to recover.  Is there any way to add atime-out to automatically continue a normal boot if no options are selected after say 20 seconds?  I tried googling but I'm not sure what to call that boot menu.14:19
tech2Yelu: indeed, but thanks for the input, it's saved me a world of annoyance already.14:19
ActionParsnipMotdd: what is the output of: lsb_release -a14:19
Yelutech2, you're welcome.14:20
k1l_motdd: what did you do before that happend? what does "echo $PATH" give you?14:20
motdd ~/.bashrc14:20
motddadd this ?14:20
k1l_motdd: again: what did you do? what dies echo $PATH give you?14:21
ActionParsnipMotdd: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue14:21
motddcat /etc/issue14:22
motddCommand 'cat' is available in '/bin/cat'14:22
motddThe command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable14:22
ActionParsnipMotdd: oj try: /bin/cat /etc/issue14:22
motddUbuntu 13.04 \n \l14:22
ActionParsnipMotdd: raring is eOL and no longer supported in any way14:22
Yelumotdd, in termonal (as first aid) => set $PATH=$PATH:/bin14:23
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, I'm baaaaack14:23
lucasredsn0wmotdd, I recommend you to perform an upgrade14:23
ActionParsnipMotdd: i suggest a new install of Trusty. It is LTS and supported til April 201914:23
lucasredsn0wYou need the latest 14.0414:23
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, no luck, still choppy14:23
ActionParsniplucasredsn0w: why "need"14:23
lucasredsn0wBecause of EOL14:24
motddafter same error14:24
Yelumotdd, sorry it should read => set PATH=$PATH:/bin14:24
lucasredsn0wA system which is no longer officially supported may be dangerous14:24
ActionParsniplucasredsn0w: Precise is supported til 2017.... Could use that too, yeah?14:24
lucasredsn0wActionParsnip: Yes. But it's a bit too old14:24
lucasredsn0wI need the latest kernel to support haswell14:24
motddwait yelý14:24
lucasredsn0wlinux 3.5 won't do that14:24
Yelumotdd, I'm there14:25
anudaslsblk, nice command14:25
ActionParsniplucasredsn0w: doesnt matter, its rock solid will full community and developer support14:25
motdd"set PATH=$PATH:/bin"14:25
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, nm, i just had to kick the bluetooth service.  We're rockin' in full duplex now!  Thanks.14:25
motddsame error14:25
tech2lucasredsn0w: all the cool kids are using Utopic by now anyway ;)14:26
ActionParsnipMotdd: reindtall with Trusty and restore user data from your backups14:26
motddsame error .s14:26
ActionParsnipTech2: its not LTS, not very cool imho14:26
tech2ActionParsnip: I jest. However, for home use I'm not a fan of LTS other than the 6mo period in which it's the current release.14:27
Yelumotdd, last try (no "set") => PATH=$PATH:/bin14:28
ActionParsnipTech2: LTS is great for the average user who doesnt want to reinstall every 6 months14:28
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, now, onto this cell modem.  Where/how do I start?  I can get the OS to see it, and I get the /dev/ttyUSB0-3 connections, but I'm having hte issue getting it to connect to the Bell Canada network.14:28
* cfhowlett thinks LTS should be the default ubuntu download14:29
Yelumotdd, then check it with => echo $PATH14:29
motddok :)14:29
ActionParsnipYelu: if you run: echo $PATH ,you can just set the PATH variable to what you have14:29
motddyelu done14:29
motddyelu done14:29
motddthank you14:29
ActionParsnipMotdd: please upgrade. We cannot support your release, it is dead14:29
motddhm ok14:29
motddi use vps14:30
motddhave me 512 mb ram14:30
motddi can install kloxo ?14:30
motddgive me problem?14:30
cfhowlettmotdd kloxo?  no idea what the heck that is.14:31
AcidBurn__motdd: If you need a Linux distribution with long-term support, try Red Hat14:31
Jeeves_Mosswhat does " CAUTION: musb: Babble Interrupt Occurred" mean and how do I fix it?14:31
ubottuAcidBurn__: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)14:31
ActionParsnipMotdd: install xubuntu or lubuntu14:31
cfhowlettmotdd 512 ram?  Lubuntu.  or xubuntu.14:31
motddi use vps :)14:31
Jakey2is there a mac forum14:31
Jakey2i mean irc14:31
Pici!alis | Jakey214:32
ubottuJakey2: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:32
cfhowlettmotdd ?  so ?14:32
Jakey2on freenode14:32
k1l_cfhowlett: i dont think a desktop is the right thing for a server (vps)14:32
ActionParsnipJakey2: how do you mean?14:32
motddyes k1ng14:32
cfhowlettk1l_ ah.  didn't see that part.14:32
k1l_!alis | Jakey2 that is not a ubuntu support issue14:32
ubottuJakey2 that is not a ubuntu support issue: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:32
Jakey2this chat room is ubuntu is there one for mac hardware and software14:32
cfhowlettmotdd 32 bit ubuntu 14.04 server for 512 of ram14:32
ActionParsnipjacken: #apple or #mac14:32
ubottuJakey2: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:32
Jakey2ActionParsnip: thanbks14:33
motddcfhowlett i can install ?14:33
motddlxcenter ?14:33
cfhowlett!info|lxcenter motdd14:33
cfhowlett!info lxcenter14:34
ubottuPackage lxcenter does not exist in trusty14:34
k1l_motdd: kloxo is for redhat/centos14:35
k1l_motdd: so please ask the kloxo support14:35
cfhowlettmotdd right.  ask kloxo.14:36
motddfor ubuntu?14:36
cfhowlettmotdd kloxo will know if/how to install in ubuntu.14:36
module000kloxo is like letting a 16 year old with a learners permit drive your $250,000 tractor trailer rig. disaster will ensue. don't play sysadmin.14:37
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thing2342Hey guys is this the correct channel to asked support questions?14:37
BigRed_How do I get ubuntu to automatically boot all the way to login prompt after an unclean shutdown without user interaction?14:37
helios__cho em hỏi trong này có anh nào người Việt Nam không???14:37
cfhowlettthing2342 yes.  ask14:37
k1l_!vn | helios__14:37
ubottuhelios__: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ14:37
module000BigRed_: disable the fsck in fstab(this is a bad idea).14:38
BigRed_Hrm.  I was hoping that it would run fsck.  Just not prompt for user action to make it run.14:38
helios__how many people live in Viet Nam on there?14:38
thing2342ok.  Regarding Java on 12.04; what version is recommend to be installed 6 or 7 (openjre) and what are the advantages to Oracle Java compared to the openjre equivalent?14:39
OerHekshelios__, go count htem, it is not an ubuntu support question.14:39
cfhowletthelios__mmmmm - why would you expect any of us to know that?  go there.  ask your ubuntu support questions.14:39
module000BigRed_: no way that i know of to get fsck to run without user interaction from it's fstab bits14:39
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module000BigRed_: you could modify your initrd i suppose, and have it run fstab on the root partition without any interaction. then you could disable fstab's fsck bit and still get the fsck14:40
BigRed_K.  I was just hoping.  I keep getting a boot menu that wants me to select either a normal system boot or various revery options.  Was hoping to avoid that screen or at least add a timeout with default option.14:41
ActionParsnipBigRed_: easier to prevent unclean shutdown14:41
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ActionParsnipBigRed_: grub eventually times out and does the default14:41
module000BigRed_: you can change that part in your /etc/defaults/grub, set the default, set it to hidden, and change the timeout to a very short value(or 0)14:42
BigRed_ActionParsnip, yes but this computer is on a car with no console.  Usually, the power management works correctly,  Sometimes not.14:42
ActionParsnipBigRed_: consider a UPS.14:42
BigRed_module000, I think that's that I was looking for.  Thxu.14:42
thing2342hey guys..question for you.   Regarding Java on 12.04; what version is recommended to be installed 6 or 7 (openjre) and what are the advantages to Oracle Java compared to the openjre equivalent?14:42
YeluActionParsnip, thank you, but see @ HH:28:2114:43
module000BigRed_: if this is an embedded system...instead of worrying about fstab, why not have the root filesystem mount read-only? save the volatile data on something with no buffer(CF or SD), and then power loss won't be a bad day14:43
ixio100 concurrent users on a ubuntu server running chrome how much RAM you reckon it will need?14:43
ActionParsnipIxio: what is the maximum for your motherboard?14:43
ixiono maximum, amazon AWS14:44
BigRed_module000, that would be smarter and I probably should.14:44
ActionParsnipixio: oic, no scope to use a lighter browser like midori?14:44
bdonnahue2hey everyone. im trying to mount an nfs share but having some trouble14:44
bdonnahue2the command just seems to hang14:45
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: can you ping the server?14:45
bdonnahue2yea, i have mounted the endpoint on other machines also14:45
bdonnahue2mount /mnt/ZFSshare/14:45
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: does the client have a desktop UI?14:45
bdonnahue2yes but i am using ssh client atm14:46
motddfor ubuntu which web kontrol ?14:46
eugene_hello! I have the following problem: my Ubuntu recognizes only one core out of 4. I know that this is due the fact that I use 'nolapic' as my booting option, but this is the only way I know to boot properly on my iMac. Can anyone suggest other suitable booting option or any other solution to this problem?14:46
ubottunastia: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:47
ubottueugene_: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:47
zengetsuany one know zentyal 3.4? i need help14:47
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-nfs-client-configuration-to-mount-nfs-share.html14:47
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ActionParsnipMotdd: what are you wanting to achieve?14:47
linuxdevplease take this quick 3 questions survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3D2QVWP14:48
OerHekslinuxdev, wrong channel.14:48
linuxdevlets make CP write a book14:48
cfhowlettlinuxdev no.  to much spammy14:48
motddActionParsnip for ftp www14:48
motddim install webmin but very bad14:48
motddi dont like it14:48
ubottumotdd: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.14:49
motddi dont want webmin14:49
Guest30387Hey does somebody know how to start indicator-synapse via keyboard-shortcut? Even the default shortcut "<super><alt>space" is not working.14:49
motddalternatif have for ubuntu?14:49
ActionParsnipmotdd: webmin isnt compatible with Ubuntu. Thats why its not in the default repos now14:49
DJones!ebox | motdd14:49
ubottumotdd: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).14:49
ActionParsnipmotdd: if you want to manage ftp users, you can do that via ssh, its a config file.14:50
zengetsui've problem with vhost in zentyal14:50
ActionParsnipmotdd: ftp is massively unsecure and wasteful. Is there no possibilitt to use sftp?14:50
motddActionParsnip ým root14:50
zengetsuit's an ubuntu based14:50
ActionParsnipMotdd: so?14:50
cfhowlettzengetsu but it is not supported here  sorry14:50
PriceyActionParsnip: wasteful? I can't imagine that sftp's overhead is less than ftp.14:50
zengetsuok thank you14:50
ActionParsnipPricey: it uses 2 ports for a start...14:51
OerHekszengetsu, join #zentyal14:51
PriceyActionParsnip: oh sure, the protocol isn't exactly modern.14:51
ceed^Anyone know where Nautilus/gvfs mounts Samba shares in 14.04?14:51
ActionParsnipPricey: and the rest.14:51
ActionParsnipceed^: with the share mounted, run: mount14:52
ActionParsnipMotdd: is there no possibility to use sftp?14:52
k1l_ceed^: /media/user/14:52
Yelumotdd, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd14:53
ActionParsnipk1l_: is it not in /run/gvfs/$USER14:53
ActionParsnipMotdd: you wont be able to install packages in Raring. There are no packages for it14:54
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k1l_ActionParsnip: no14:54
ceed^ActionParsnip, It says it's in /run/user/1000/ (which is where it used to be) but I can not find it in that directory. Is it hidden somehow?14:56
ActionParsnipk1l_: i think it used to, i'm an sftp guy, makes things easier :-)14:56
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, hummm dee dum.  I forget, where on the planet are you again?14:56
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: uk14:56
Jeeves_MossActionParsnip, damn, if you were closer, I'd buy you a pint!14:56
k1l_ceed^: ActionParsnip ah wait, did overread "sambashares"14:57
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: no worries dude. Gotta love beers :-)14:57
cfhowlettbitcoin ....14:57
ActionParsnipk1l_: :-)14:57
soup-n-sandwichGuys, regarding Java on 12.04; what version is recommend to be installed 6 or 7 (openjre) and what are the advantages to Oracle Java compared to the openjre equivalent?14:57
Jeeves_Mosslol, damn right.  Here in Canada, the look at you funny when you toss back an entire pint of Guinness in one breath.14:57
ActionParsnipceed^: you can make a symlink to that folder in $HOME for easy access14:58
Jeeves_MossI have a rule, bring me one, and go pull another one.  And I usaly get attuide about it, So while she's standing there, I just down it.14:58
Jeeves_Mossbut, I think if I came over there for a drink, I'd never leave.  I love the accent (and my family is English).14:58
ActionParsnipJeeves_Moss: glad you got the gold :-)14:58
tech2Jeeves_Moss: "accent" singular? :)14:58
k1l_ceed^: "/run/user/1000/gvfs/... it is for my samba share14:58
ActionParsnipTech2: this old chestnut eh :-)14:59
ceed^ActionParsnip, I have done that in the past, but there's no mountpoint in that directory. I can browse the shares in Nautilus without problems.14:59
Jeeves_Mosstech2, har har har.  find me a natural strawberry blonde or redhead with the English accent (not lowlands), and I'm set for the night.14:59
tech2ActionParsnip: can't let fighting words go unanswered :)14:59
natediddysoup-n-sandwich, oracle's is the standard with (I think) some proprietary stuff that openjre doesn't have14:59
ActionParsnipceed^: not sure then, usually its accessed by the icon in the left panel.14:59
ceed^k1l_, I found that thanks, but there's no mount point in that directory14:59
k1l_ceed^: it is on my 14.0415:00
ceed^ActionParsnip, I would like to access it from the terminal so I can use fsync to transfer files.15:00
Jeeves_Mosshow do I make a modprobe stick after reboot?15:00
helios__everybody help me crack BricsCAD v1415:00
OerHekslol @ helios__15:01
ActionParsnipceed^: ahh. Then a symlink may work, once its mounted it wont be a broken link, or add the mount in /etc/fstab and you can mount it where you like15:01
cfhowletthelios__ no cracking here.  ask elsewhere15:01
k1l_!guidelines > helios__ stop that sort of stuff in here15:01
ubottuhelios__, please see my private message15:01
ActionParsnip!piracy | helios__15:01
ubottuhelios__: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:01
OerHeks!piracy | helios__15:01
Daghdhahi, i just installed system load indicator, i was expecting it also to display CPU temp. but it doesn't.15:02
DaghdhaI did previously install Sensors package, but have not rebooted with it installed yet.15:02
DaghdhaShoul installed system load indicator display CPU temp?15:03
helios__i'm student I need CAD to replace autoCAD but BriscCAD not free :(15:03
tech2Daghdha: maybe run sudo sensors-detect and answer YES to most of the questions15:03
tech2helios__: neither is autocad, the joy of studying a subject that involves expensive tools is you get to increase your student loan to the tun of the cost of the tools :/15:04
ActionParsniphelios__: then get saving, or get a better job or another job, or borrow the money15:04
ceed^ActionParsnip, If I mount it in fstab and it's not available (this is a laptop) will I still be able to boot?15:04
tech2It'd be like a photography student wanting a free DSLR and copy of lightroom/capture-one/dxo15:05
cfhowletthelios__ cry me a river.  meanwhile, we will not be helping you pirate anything.  man up, get a job, save your money, buy the package.  OR use free, opensource alternatives.15:05
ActionParsnipceed^: yes you can tell it not to mount at boot, then when it is available you can manually mount it using: sudo mount -a15:05
OerHekstech2, lightroom is for windows/mac, use DarkTables for linux/mac ( no windows version yet)15:05
k1l_Daghdha: i have that for temp: https://launchpad.net/indicator-sensors15:06
tech2OerHeks: I use capture one, and it sadly also doesn't have a Linux version, but I still love the results. Thanks for the info though, I'll give it a look.15:06
Daghdhatech2: I already had done that prior to installing the system load mmonitor15:06
MythGuyHey, quick question: if I put a user in a group, does that user have privileges inherited from the group immediately, or next login, or when? (Stupid question, I'm sure..)15:06
ActionParsnipMythGuy: next login, same as windows15:07
MythGuyThank you much.15:07
tech2Jeeves_Moss: red hair, check, english accent (with a hint of kiwi), check. Lowlands... well, almost all of the UK is low when you're used to NZ ;)15:07
tech2Daghdha: sudo service module-init-tools restart  maybe?15:07
ActionParsnipMythGuy: no worries15:07
helios__@cfhowlett in Viet Nam not job for student to by this app15:07
tech2Daghdha: after that, run "sensors" and see if it has meaningful output15:08
Jeeves_Mosstech2, lol.  did I mention over 5'8", and between 100-130#?15:08
Daghdhastop: Unknown instance:15:08
cfhowletthelios__ we will not help you steal software.  look at the free, opensource alternatives.15:08
ActionParsnipTech2: we're quite high up in Yorkshire :-)15:08
linuxdevcan linux software be sold?15:08
DaghdhaI have impressive list now15:08
linuxdevor linux users expect to have everything for free?15:08
cfhowlettlinuxdev yes15:08
ActionParsniplinuxdev: yes15:08
tech2ActionParsnip: no, no, you're not :) The UK definition of "mountain" always amuses me...15:08
ActionParsniplinuxdev: you have absolute freedom over the software, its free to modify, edit or sell as you desire15:09
maltheyo ... despite manage_etc_hosts: true ... I have sporadic behavior that its just ignored15:09
tech2Jeeves_Moss: I'm 6' and 174 :P15:09
malthe sometimes it's set on boot, sometimes it isn't ...15:09
helios__@cfhowlett Do you know more app to draw CAD?15:09
tech2Jeeves_Moss: 130 is ridiculous :P15:09
Jeeves_Mosstech2, are you a chick?15:09
cfhowletthelios__ start ubuntu software center.  search for CAD15:09
ActionParsnipTech2: id say considering we speak english in england, what we say is correct :-)15:09
tech2Jeeves_Moss: Oh, sure, _now_ we get to specifics. :)15:10
Jeeves_Mosstech2, lol.15:10
cfhowletttech2 Jeeves_Moss um, perhaps this discussion would be better #ubuntu-offtopic or pm?15:10
Jeeves_Mosscfhowlett, maybe, but it keeps the stream alive!15:10
tech2cfhowlett: indeed, I was going to leave it at that.15:10
designbybeckI'm trying to help my girlfriend install Intel drivers... Here is what her output was: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)15:10
linuxdevActionParsnip: i meant, if commercial software has decent profit on linux OS15:10
linuxdevfor example if adobe starts building their products also for linux15:10
linuxdevand sells them15:10
helios__@cfhowtett I know DraftSight and BricsCAD15:10
ActionParsniplinuxdev: they can, they have that freedon15:11
OerHekslinuxdev, that would be a binairy blob, linux users hate that15:11
cfhowletthelios__ good for you.15:11
helios__@cfhowlett but all not free15:11
Jeeves_Mossshould the AT commands be the same for every modem?  I have a http://pastebin.com/07QQ8Trq and I can't find a ref15:11
designbybeckWill that hardware benifit from the Intel install from: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/05/intel-linux-graphics-driver-installer-1-0-515:11
tech2steam seems to be doing okay on linux, as do the humble bundle releases15:11
cfhowletthelios__ see the alternatives in the software center?  all free15:11
helios__@cfhowlett I need app to replace autoCAD15:11
OerHekshelios__, stop wining about not free > http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/CAD_tools15:12
cfhowletthelios__ ^^^ this15:12
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: is your Intel GPU running 3D stuff ok?15:12
cfhowlettOerHeks perfect.  thanks.15:12
xanguaneither autocad is free15:12
designbybeckActionParsnip,  I'm not sure, this is her laptop15:12
designbybeckActionParsnip,  how do I check?15:12
module000xangua: 2d or 3d CAD? use whatever you are paid(this is your job, right?) to use.15:12
linuxdevOerHeks: and paying for a steam game , downloading a binary blob and runinng it to play a game in linux is also something that linux users hate?15:13
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: try some 3D games, like tux cart / tux racer15:13
linuxdevi beg to differ15:13
designbybeckand if it plays that then it support 3D? ActionParsnip ?15:13
helios__@cfhowlett kakaka15:13
cfhowlettlinuxdev do you have an actual support question?15:13
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: yes if it runs ok then i wouldnt fix it as its not broken...15:13
k1l_can we put the dicsussion into the #ubuntu-offtopic ? thanks linuxdev OerHeks15:14
ActionParsniplinuxdev: i dont hate binary blobs.....15:14
designbybeckah... ActionParsnip the main reason we were trying to get Second Life on her system15:14
linuxdevsorry, i thought this is generic linux chat15:14
linuxdevi see now it is only for ubuntu tech questions15:14
ActionParsniplinuxdev: no pure support is what this is15:14
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:14
helios__everybody help me ebook to lern terminal :)15:15
chenqisu123goodnight gays15:15
ActionParsnipdesignbybeck: there is a how to for second life. Playdeb may also help install it easily15:15
cfhowletthelios__ http://www.linuxine.com/linuxbooks15:15
ActionParsniphelios__: just use it instead of GUI stuff, lots of example commands online too. You'll be ok in no time15:15
designbybeckI'll give it a shot, thanks ActionParsnip15:15
k1l_!ot | helios__15:15
ubottuhelios__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:15
ActionParsniptech2: got a sec in PM dude?15:16
natediddyhas anyone had issues with google earth on 12.04? I'm using a fglxr and it used to work fine... but after an update a while back it now just constantly flickers15:16
helios__@cfhowlett I can't open this in sever Viet Nam15:16
tech2ActionParsnip: of course15:17
cfhowletthelios__ false.  I'm in China and I can see it.  try https://www.linuxine.com/linuxbooks15:17
bugs_buggerhi. can anyone reccomend a decent pdf reader, preferably gnome. evince is soo annoying me and, apart from the crappy feature set, constantly crashing. i hope im not off-topic (if so, which channel should i use?)15:18
cfhowlettbugs_bugger worst case: adobe reader for linux15:19
=== Satty is now known as Guest9020
helios__@cfhowlett :(15:20
helios__@cfhowlett  I can't15:20
bugs_buggercfhowlett: i'd like to avoid that. discontinued packages with security issues, you know :)15:20
cfhowletthelios__ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dow80p38a7g6fhi/AADckY389lBcyNIJJwNpojssa15:20
arthurfiggisbugs_bugger: it would be a bit of a roundabout solution, but google chrome (if i remember right) can open and read pdf's on its own now...i don't know how good their support is but i'd imagine it's at least comparable to evince, hopefully more stable in your case :)15:21
helios__@cfhowlett  What book for newber?15:21
cfhowletthelios__ full circle magazine15:21
cfhowletthelios__ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rdojg5enhnv3gxp/AADAn9ByplcOtJYIUKj35QFJa15:22
helios__@cfhowlett  ok! thank you very much! :)15:23
bugs_buggerarthurfiggis: mhh, i'm afraid thats no solution for me. i mainly need to view latex pdfs and syncing chrome will work even worse than evince...15:23
bah__anybody know if it is possible to map for example alt+a to @ ?15:23
=== Noxville1A is now known as NoxvilleZA
helios__@cfhowlett why sms by you for me red color?15:23
bugs_buggerarthurfiggis: thanks for the idea though15:23
ActionParsnipbugs_bugger: xpdf is super light. Chrome PDF viewer is decent imho15:23
k1l_!highlight | helios__15:24
helios__@kil Yes! I'm here!15:24
DaghdhaFor sensors, i have tem1-3, would it be safe to say the highest temp who's values go up and down in relation to CPU activity is the CPU core?15:24
helios__@k1l yes I'm here!15:25
compdocIm so glad your here15:26
k1l_helios__: if you put a nick in the line the line will be highlighted by the nicks client15:26
bugs_buggerActionParsnip: i read that somewhere before. i'll give it a shot, thanks15:26
somsipbugs_bugger: xpdf here. simple but fast15:27
Ghaleonis mirrors.service.networklayer.com  down  for ya all? apt-get not working15:30
tech2bugs_bugger: Do you also use firefox? The pdf-reader built in to that (pdf.js) I've found to be quite accurate and performant.15:31
natediddygoogle play books is great with pdf's if you want a web app15:32
IrisCourthi Guys.. need a help15:32
ubottuIrisCourt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:32
IrisCourtunable to do partition in my laptop... using gparted..15:33
bdonnahue2does anyone know how to change ti display resolution for vnc?15:33
module000IrisCourt: more details please, that doesn't give us any idea what is wrong (eg: unable to fly, using wings)15:33
IrisCourtwind7 installed.. using ubuntu 13.10.. unable to upgrade to 14.04 as i'm short of memory.. allocated 20 gb for ubuntu at first15:34
bugs_buggertech2: i use fx, yes. but i need something more feature ritch, allowing me to read and take notes on pdf and sync with latex output. guess i'll combine xournal and xpdf...15:34
IrisCourtunable to expand the memory now15:34
module000IrisCourt: using a livecd to repartition?15:34
IrisCourttried it.. but not working15:34
bugs_buggersmsip: ok, i just installed it. thanks15:34
module000IrisCourt: what error messages?15:35
Ghaleonis apt-get update working for anyone here now? seems ppa.launchpad.net is down15:35
IrisCourtneed about 1.26GB more for installation15:35
IrisCourttat was the error msg15:35
sl33k_I could not find drivers for pixma ip1188. Does any one have any experience for the same model or a related one for canon?15:35
module000IrisCourt: what error message from GPARTED?15:35
IrisCourtno.. i could add extra space using gparted..15:36
IrisCourtno error msg15:36
IrisCourti could not15:36
ActionParsnipIriscourt: remove old unused kernels and run: sudo apt-get clean15:36
module000IrisCourt: what does gparted tell you when you attempt to resize?'15:36
IrisCourtunable to resize..15:36
IrisCourt"resize option not enabled in gparted15:36
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: what is the output of: uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image15:36
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: use a pastebin like http://pastie.org15:37
IrisCourtLinux rpkrishh-HP-Pavilion-g4-Notebook-PC 3.11.0-20-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 2 21:32:49 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:37
aethow can i troubleshoot an ssh key not working15:37
kjgtIs there a Ubuntu chan for France ?15:37
module000aet: define "not working". turn on verbosity within ssh (-v argument) and tell us the error message15:38
IrisCourtthat was the output for uname -a15:38
=== [1]PxlVision is now known as PxlVision
module000IrisCourt: What format are the filesystems you are trying to resize? GParted on the ubuntu liveCD is capable of resizing15:38
IrisCourti think its ntfs15:39
module000IrisCourt: what format are the ubuntu partitions you are trying to grow? are any of them encrypted?(this will break resize)15:39
IrisCourtits ntfs15:40
module000IrisCourt: the ubuntu partition is not ntfs (your windows partition is). you need to tell us the filesystem types of all the partitions involved in your resize.15:40
ActionParsnipAet: ssh -v user@server15:41
IrisCourti'm trying to resize a ntfs partition and i'm trying to add it to ext415:41
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: still waiting for that pastebin....15:41
aethttp://pastie.org/9193015 i think this is the relevant bit15:43
IrisCourtcan you send me that pastebin command aggain15:43
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: dpkg -l | grep linux-image; uname -a; cat /etc/issue15:43
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: make a pastebin of all the output from there15:44
IrisCourtdpkg-query: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 12484 package 'kingsoft-office':  missing description dpkg-query: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 12484 package 'kingsoft-office':  missing maintainer ii  linux-image-3.11.0-12-generic                               3.11.0-12.19                            amd64        Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP ii  linux-image-3.115:45
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: each one of those is 120Mb15:47
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: so ten is about 1Gb space.....15:47
module000aet: either permissions aren't allowing the private key to be read, or it is corrupt/non-existant15:47
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-3.11.0-1*15:47
module000aet: also, why are you asking in #ubuntu for help with your mac?15:48
kchengueanyone try juju??15:48
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: also run: sudo dpkg -P linux-image-3.8*15:48
IrisCourtok.. will try15:48
aetmodule000 the server is ubuntu15:48
IrisCourtanything else i can do??15:49
aetsomebody else is having problems connecting to sftp and ive been given the task of troubleshooting it lol15:49
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: remove unecessary packages, those kernels will get you back a tonne of space. Did you say you gave 20Gb to Ubuntun15:49
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: then 1Gb is 5%15:50
ActionParsnipAet: can you connect on localhost, or from other systems?15:50
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: when the commands finish, pastebin the output of the command you ran before.15:51
module000aet: the error message is saying your private key can't be read. the error is on the client, not the server15:51
aetActionParsnip: I can ssh in but I'm using a dif key15:51
IrisCourtits still runnning15:51
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: itll be a while. Hdds are slow15:52
aetmodule000 i see....  so whats the best course of action... regen the key?15:52
module000aet: is this key you are using your own, or was it provided to you?15:52
ActionParsnipAet: you can use as many keys as you like, one for each system you connect from.15:52
aetActionParsnip yea I can connect using my key, but looks like this other one isnt working for anybody.  it is however working on the ec2 instance this server was cloned from15:53
aetI didn't have to create a new version of my key when the instance was copied... so what couldve gone wrong with the other one?15:54
ActionParsnipAet: sounds like a mac issue then15:54
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module000aet: wait wait, ec2? is the key a .pem file?15:54
aetActionParsnip: the issue is coming from a windows user, i just happen to have a mac15:54
aetno, i mean i have the .pem but this isn't15:54
module000aet: ssh -i <yourkey> ec2-user@remotehost15:55
module000aet: if you cloned the instance(eg you created an AMI), the first time you boot, it creates new keys. it's the 'cloud-init' upstart job15:55
ActionParsnipAet: yhen ##windows can help15:55
aetmodule000: Permission denied (publickey)15:56
module000aet: use the .pem key, any existing keys got nuked when you cloned the AMI. you should probably take this discussion over to ##aws also. this isn't a bug, everything is working precisely as intended15:57
aetyea i didnt think it was a bug, i just don't know much about this.    btw I used the pem key in that last command15:58
module000aet: do you have any way to access this host so you can fix the key snafu?15:58
aetyea my key is working and i can ssh in and sudo and all that15:59
nOgAnOohow do I install synaptic?15:59
xanguasudo apt-get install synaptic16:00
module000aet: in that case...login and sudo to root. then change to the user that is having the key problem and update their ~/.ssh/authorized_hosts to include the public key that is giving you a problem16:00
ActionParsnipnOgAnOo: why not use software centre? Why do you need synaptic at all?16:00
aetcat key > authorized_hosts16:01
aetlike that?16:01
module000aet: yep16:01
ActionParsnipAet: double redirect16:01
ActionParsnipAet: to add16:01
module000aet: dont' overwrite it, append it16:01
aetActionParsnip:  >>   ?16:01
ActionParsnipAet: yes, same as windows16:01
IrisCourtthe output after removing the old linux kernels16:01
aetlol sadly I know unix better than windows but thanks16:02
gi1'lo peepz16:02
gi1can i ask something regarding ubuntu for ppc?16:02
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-3.11.0-20-generic16:03
gi1i'm tryng to install on my old imac16:03
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: also: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-generic16:03
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: then you should have free space to breathe16:04
ActionParsnipGi1: using a PPC CPU?16:04
gi1ActionParsnip: yes, an old g3 imag16:04
IrisCourtok.. 'll check.. thanks for the help.. :)16:04
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: ok, run: df -h ,note the new free space16:04
gi1i was wondering which version of lubuntu i shoud try16:05
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:05
gi1i guess latest 14.04 is too much for it16:05
aetmodule000: ok did that, still getting Permission denied on client end16:05
module000aet: make sure permissions let you read the key you are trying to access16:05
IrisCourti think just 2.5 GB free now16:05
IrisCourtneed few more.. :(16:06
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: so 10.25% not bad16:06
IrisCourti Ok16:06
gi1ActionParsnip: which one do you suggest?16:06
module000aet: which users key is this by the way?16:06
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: if you install and run bleachbit as root and uset (close as many apps as possible) you can clean temp folders16:06
ActionParsnipIrisCourt: watch options you use or it can remove things you want to keep and avoid options that say they will take a long time16:07
aetmodule000: the user is "cuser"16:07
ActionParsnipGi1: i suggest Lubuntu if they have a PPC release, or puppy linux for a snappy light OS.16:07
module000aet: and the user isn't excluded (by AllowUsers) in sshd_config? and nothing in authorized_keys except for the correct public key?16:08
gi1i meant which version of lubuntu16:08
gi1is available a puppy version for ppc?16:08
nOgAnOoActionParsnip:  I'm having trouble finding libboost-all16:08
nOgAnOoThis is my first day using Linux16:09
nOgAnOoI have Ubuntu 14.0416:09
aetmodule000: correct on both16:09
module000aet: can you pastebin the ssh -v output?16:09
gi1i tought puppy was not ppc friendly16:09
ActionParsnipnOgAnOo: so how will installing synaptic help that, its just a different GUI to the exact same package system....?16:09
nOgAnOoOk I didn't know that16:10
aetmodule000: just to confirm its the .pub that gets added to the auth_keys ?16:10
nOgAnOoThank you16:10
module000aet: yep, add the .pub to auth keys. also you will need the corresponding private key on the client16:10
ActionParsnipGi1: macpup.org16:11
gi1checking now16:11
ActionParsnipnOgAnOo: how would a different application magically find more packages? Think about it...16:11
nOgAnOoI know 0 about linux.. this was just advice someone gave me16:11
OEPShould I be running "service samba start" or "service smbd start; service nmbd start"16:11
xangua!find libboost-all16:12
ubottuFound: libboost-all-dev16:12
ActionParsnipOEP: use tab to complete the word after 'service' you will see the options16:12
OEPActionParsnip: well I guess my concern is they both seem to do the same thing, except "service samba start" exits with status 1 and no output, and appears to just fail16:13
ActionParsnipGi1: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04/release/16:13
gi1i have it thnx16:13
ActionParsnipOEP: is one a symlink to the other...16:14
gi1but i guess is too heavy for my old 233 g3 imag16:14
OEPActionParsnip: it doesn't look like it, /etc/init.d/samba just calls /etc/init.d/{smbd,nmbd}, but it appears like /etc/init.d/nmbd will exit status 1 unless it was called explicitly like "service nmbd start"16:15
shunya_chakrahi is anyone using pyenv of python3.4 in ubuntu 14.0416:15
aetmodule000: yea i have no idea what's going wrong....  i just keep getting permission denied (public key) when i try to ssh16:17
gi1unfortunately puppy and macpup have no ppc support16:18
gi1i need to test lubuntu, starting from oldest release16:18
sam____I'm trying to learn sql injection don't want to get in trouble for it. does anyone know a website that allow me to test backtrack tools on it??16:19
k1lsam____: obviously ask the backtrack support :)16:20
sam____k1l: can't find them16:21
sam____k1l:  they don't have a node channel16:21
k1l!backtrack | sam____16:21
ubottusam____: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:21
bazhangit's kali now16:21
k1lsam____: but that is all not ubuntu support. so ask in #freenode if you have questions about the channels on freenode16:22
sam____ok k1l so lets change the question I installed sqlmap on ubuntu now I want to test it. do you know any websitie that allow me test on it????   :))~~~16:22
ActionParsnip!info sqlmap16:22
ubottuPackage sqlmap does not exist in trusty16:22
sam____Now its a ubuntu question now backtrack lol16:23
ActionParsnipSam____: its not an ubuntu paxkage16:23
ActionParsnipsam____: so is not supported here16:23
shtrwlfyou can run xamp to have a local sql system16:23
k1lsam____: and we still dont support "hacking" in here. if you really need to test that case for you read the documentation and set up own testing rigs. btw sqlmap is not in the repos and not in the focus of this channel anyway16:24
k1lshtrwlf: xamp is not supported in here too. ubuntu ships all packages needed to set up a webserver etc.16:24
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shtrwlfunfortunately this channels constantly goes off topic because it is one of the more active and social channels when it comes to open source16:26
shtrwlfthat can be good and bad16:27
bdonnahue2im trying to connect to my ubuntu box with vnc16:27
bdonnahue2i can conect but i cant change the resolution16:28
bdonnahue2using vncserver how can i do this?16:28
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: what are you wanting to do on the remote system which you are currently achieving with vnc?16:29
Cheaterman1Hello people16:31
BananaManUbuntuwhen I try and install ubuntu on my desktop PC, I make sure it can boot from the CD/DVD drive, it shows a purple screen for 5 minutes then it says something about read sector error in green writing. any idea? I have tried 12.04.4 too and that didn't work. I'm trying to install the 32bit OS but the 64bit one works fine???16:31
ActionParsnipHi Cheaterman116:31
Cheaterman1Sorry for disturbing, but Ubuntu disappoints me in front of customers and makes me look stoopid which I don't appreciate :(16:31
Cheaterman1The installer fails with "I/O error"16:31
Cheaterman1The drives should be OK, and I md5summed the ISO16:31
bdonnahue2im trying to use some gui programs16:31
ActionParsnipCheaterman1: have you tested your RAM16:31
Cheaterman1ActionParsnip: Good point sir!16:31
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: yes but to do what?16:31
k1lCheaterman1: I/O errors most times its hardware failure16:31
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ActionParsnipBananaManUbuntu: what GPU do you use?16:32
bdonnahue2use monodevelop and some other IDEs16:32
Cheaterman1k1l: :( I'm not so sure tho because grub-probe fails too and it should not16:32
Cheaterman1"unknown fs type"16:32
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: you mean edit files, text files?16:32
Cheaterman1Oh and16:32
trijntjeCheaterman1: check cd for defects16:32
BananaManUbuntusame raedon one16:32
BananaManUbuntuit's a cheap one16:32
bdonnahue2edit files and debug code and test ui etc16:32
Cheaterman1The installer says that the I/O error comes from the squashfs, there's something like "zlib error unexpected squashfs data probably corrupt"16:32
Cheaterman1trijntje: it's a USB pendrive16:33
ActionParsnipBananaManUbuntu: try the boot option: radeon.nomodeset=116:33
Cheaterman1I md5summed the ISO16:33
k1lso the usb is failing?16:33
sl33k_Is there ubuntu dev channel?16:33
Cheaterman1k1l: I don't think so, it works fine until a precise part of the install16:33
BananaManUbuntuit won't allow me to do anything, just shows a purple screen with green writing, can't type anything16:33
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: you can install openssh-server then connect to the SFTP server and edit files securely, using applications on the client16:33
k1lCheaterman1: all your points dont exclude hardware fails16:33
BananaManUbuntuthe 64bit OS works thogh16:33
trijntjeCheaterman1 check USB for defects ;)16:33
Cheaterman1k1l: Indeed, in particular RAM fail16:33
k1lCheaterman1: test another usb stick. stick it into another usb port. test hdd, test ram,....16:34
bdonnahue2i dont want to require clients be configured16:34
bdonnahue2id rather uer connects via vnc or x window16:34
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: much sleeker, also if you port forward port 22 o your router you can access the same data securely whilst out and about16:34
Cheaterman1k1l: It's just that the customer uses his PC regularly and never has had any "serious" issue, although some of the things he mentioned COULD go in this direction as well16:34
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: you've chosen a poor solution.16:35
k1lCheaterman1: at first i would change the usb-stick. that is the easiest one to do16:35
Cheaterman1trijntje, k1l: Thanks for the ideas, will do16:35
bdonnahue2im new to ubuntu and my users are not linux friendly16:35
bdonnahue2im switching from centos setup16:35
Cheaterman1k1l: tbh I trust my USB stick, it's running another live OS (Gentoo) just fine16:35
Cheaterman1k1l: but you're surely mentioning the hardware port on the comuter?16:35
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: they dont need to be, just have the clients mount the share and they can access data like they can on a loval system16:35
Cheaterman1bdonnahue2: You chose the right distro I believe :)16:35
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: it will appear as local data16:35
k1lCheaterman1: it could be just the sectors the ubuntu part is on.16:35
Cheaterman1k1l: Again that's possible, although very hard because the Ubuntu ISO is stored on the Gentoo FS in /boot/iso/ubuntu-amd64[...] .iso16:36
Cheaterman1and grub2 searches it16:36
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: you could try xrandr to change res in the vnc session but i suggest you configire a file server if all users are doing is openong text file16:37
Cheaterman1But thanks for all your advice - the customer doesn't have internet which makes the operation even harder16:37
Cheaterman1I'll first check all I can on my end, iso file, USB key, etc etc16:37
Ryth0nQuestion, anyone have performance issues with virtualization on Ubuntu?16:38
Cheaterman1However k1l and trijntje, if I succed doing a local install with my USB key, all that remains is h/w failure on my customer's end? ie, defective uSB port, defective RAM or HDD?16:38
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: this is why i ask, people use vnc for all sorts of stupid stuff. Even had a user connecting to a vnc session then opening a terminal and working there. Its madness16:38
Cheaterman1LOL ActionParsnip16:38
ActionParsnipCheaterman1: i can nearly always suggest a sleeker solution16:39
Cheaterman1I don't even VNC most of the times I ssh -X16:39
Cheaterman1But ssh -Xe gnome-terminal sounds funky xD16:39
bdonnahue2im using it because i have some remote developers who need to use some linux programs to develop .net applications for linux. they dont want to install linx and dont know how16:39
trijntjeCheaterman1: no, it could always be a problem with ubuntu16:39
Cheaterman1ActionParsnip: Go ahead if you can in this case16:39
bdonnahue2they're very software dumb16:39
ActionParsnipCheaterman1: just ssh over, you have the same16:39
Cheaterman1trijntje: :((((( that's the sort of things I don't wanna hear, nor do I want to say to my customer16:39
Cheaterman1ActionParsnip: ofc ^^ for 1/10th of the bandwidth16:40
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: as long as they ca mount sftp, they have an easy day. Try xrandr for your resolution issue16:40
Cheaterman1ActionParsnip: I was rather referring to my install sorry got mixed up xD16:40
tomodachihi,  after booting windows8 , i no longer seem to get grub, how is that possible, does win8 actually overwrite grub secretly and discretely?! Ive tried a full shutdown of the system16:41
trijntjeCheaterman1: hold shift while booting to check the USB. Also why is it inside gentoo? I've never heard of something like that16:41
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ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: you can even serup a samba share and they can connect like a windows share and edit files there, better, no?16:41
daftykinstomodachi: so you installed 8 after ubuntu? yes it likely killed it16:42
tomodachidaftykins: no thats the thing, i didnt, some package upgrades removed my win8 from grub, so i manually chainloaded into win8, now after a reboot i no longer see grub.16:42
lotuspsychjetomodachi: can you stll enter ubuntu, try sudo update-grub maybe16:43
ActionParsniptomodachi: omgubuntu has a guide named 'sticking it to grub', you can chroot to the installed OS and reinstate grub to the mbr16:43
tomodachiActionParsnip: i will have a look just cant conceptually understand that it actually touches my grub just booting win816:44
Jordan_Utomodachi: Is this a UEFI or BIOS based machine?16:44
bdonnahue2they dont have any of the client programs to edit16:44
tomodachiJordan_U: it has uefi, and thats how i chainloaded win8 from the grub shell also... Im using mostly macs with linux so this win uefi stuff is a bit new to me16:45
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: ahhh i see.16:45
bdonnahue2i want to take on all the environmental setups and bacially host a remote workstation for them16:45
ActionParsnipbdonnahue2: try xrandr. Id have setup a fileserver, so much betelter16:45
bdonnahue2ok thank16:45
Jordan_Utomodachi: What file did you chainload specifically?16:46
Cheaterman1trijntje: ^^" I have a multiboot USB key16:46
Cheaterman1trijntje: the point was to get a persistant install of all OSes I may need16:46
tomodachiJordan_U: /efi/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi16:46
Cheaterman1Ubuntu isn't really part of them - all I need was the bootable ISO16:46
Cheaterman1so I "integrated" it onto my key16:46
Cheaterman1and I added a custom menuentry on grub216:46
Cheaterman1grub2 <3 can chainload ISOs16:47
k1lCheaterman1: you tried an easy simple dd of ubuntu.iso onto a usb drive alone?16:47
Cheaterman1k1l: I don't wanna kill my work so no16:47
k1lCheaterman1: i bet there is a nother usb drive on the earth for that :)16:47
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Cheaterman1k1l: On Earth yeah, in my bedroom I'm afraid the only other one is faulty - or could be16:47
Cheaterman1Which would add to the uncertainty of this whole procedure lool16:48
Cheaterman1But I'll first check the USB key for defects just like I would for a CD16:48
Cheaterman1So I should hold shift when I see Ubuntu's Plymouth theme?16:48
k1lCheaterman1: ? no shift is for seeing grub on an installed ubuntu where there is no dualboot16:49
Jordan_Utomodachi: Please boot from an Ubuntu LiveDVD/USB and pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr".16:49
tomodachiJordan_U: willdo16:50
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Please pastebin the menu entry you're using to loop boot the Ubuntu iso.16:53
trijntjeCheaterman1: yes, or use dd to create a backup of your multiply USB first, which is a good idea anyway if it took you a lot of time to create it16:53
Cheaterman1trijntje: Yes it took quite a wihle ^^" Gentoo is very "manual"16:54
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: will do, wait a sec16:54
Cheaterman1http://bpaste.net/show/289447/ from line 139 Jordan_U16:56
Cheaterman1I added "persistent" but there's no partition with the appropriate label ATM16:57
Cheaterman1so I guess it just does nothing16:58
Cheaterman1Anything not normal Jordan_U?16:58
sl33k_Is gksudo gedit ~/.hgrc appropriate way to hg user settings file?17:00
Cheaterman1If there's nothing to facilitate it, yes17:01
Cheaterman1(like a "mercurial-graphical-configurator" or whatever)17:01
k1lsl33k_: why do you need sudo rights?17:01
Cheaterman1Oh very good point17:01
Cheaterman1You don't need sudo when editing anything in your ~17:01
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Please post the output of "md5sum /boot/iso/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso".17:01
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: sure wait a sec17:01
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sl33k_k1l, Cheaterman1: thank you. Today I learned17:02
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: I didn't have the internet so I couldn't check17:03
Cheaterman1I should be getting "dccff28314d9ae4ed262cfc6f35e5153" right17:03
Cheaterman1And I'm not17:03
Cheaterman1Wait a sec giving you the exact string + filename17:03
Cheaterman1so you can double-check17:03
Jordan_UCheaterman1: I personally prefer to use the loopback.cfg shipped on the iso, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F , and edit /boot/grub/custom.cfg rather than /etc/grub.d/40_custom but neither of those is relates to the IO errors you're getting.17:04
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: ^17:04
Irma18 You can find funny videos here. http://bit.ly/SeVxKg17:05
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Your iso is corrupt, mystery solved :)17:05
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: My grub doesn't work this way ^^' no custo.cfg17:05
Cheaterman1Yeah you're right ^__^ thanks!17:05
Cheaterman1Will redownload17:05
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Youe grub does work that way, it's an upstream grub feature. You just need to create a custom.cfg .17:06
YuLinhi there17:06
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: Oh ! I thought custom.cfg would have to be sourced by grub.cfg somewhat17:07
YuLinI would like to package binary kernel modules for corporate use. Is there a documentation specific to thatÉ17:08
Cheaterman1But what difference does it do, the way I generate my customized entry? Apart from the fact "my way" requires to regenerate grub.cfg at each change while yours is directly editing the file17:08
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Note that you need to drop all caches between downloading the iso and checking it, or else you're just getting back what's (correctly) cached in RAM instead of actually confirming what's on disk.17:08
pdo_fn14So VCD playing's not supported anyways?. I'm so tired to find solution.17:08
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: wow I'm not sure what you mean17:08
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Check your grub.cfg, it does source custom.cfg already.17:08
Cheaterman1I'm downloading to a different filename anyways17:09
Cheaterman1Oooooooooh okay17:09
Cheaterman1But Jordan_U, assuming download wasn't interrupted (because downloaded file is the right size), how could the corruption occur?17:10
pdo_fn14I need solution guys to facing that terrible VCD problem. :(17:10
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Bad drive.17:10
Cheaterman1(there's no "cleartext html headers" at the beginning of the file either)17:10
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: we're speaking of my brand new laptop HDD17:10
Cheaterman1I'll check SMART but I'm pretty sure it's not dead yet17:11
Jordan_UCheaterman1: I thought you were using a USB drive.17:11
k1lCheaterman1: no interruption doesnt automatically mean its 100% identical17:11
sl33k_What python version gets default installed on 14.04 and how to verify it?17:11
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: the Iso is first downloaded on hdd17:11
Cheaterman1then i transfer to the usb pendrive17:11
Cheaterman1because risks17:11
somsip!info python | sl33k_17:11
ubottusl33k_: python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 671 kB17:11
Cheaterman1k1l: good point, could you develop a bit? because there's lots of edac done when http streams are open right17:11
levifigrunning 14.04: vsFTPd doesn't seem to install a service17:11
somsip!info python3 | sl33k_  (so, both of them)17:11
ubottusl33k_ (so, both of them): python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB17:11
levifigany ideas?17:11
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: and the md5sums of file on drive and file on hdd are the same, that's the first thing I checked17:12
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Hence why you need to check the md5sum of the file after it's copied to the flash drive and you've cleared the cache.17:12
Cheaterman1however i didn't have the original md5sum to compare with :(17:12
k1lCheaterman1: we work on technical ubuntu support in here. theories about that will leave that focus :)17:12
Cheaterman1what you mean clearing my cache tho?17:12
Cheaterman1k1l: I understand ^^17:13
tomodachiJordan_U: efibootmgr is not installed17:13
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Copy the file to the USB drive, eject the USB drive, insert the USB drive again and *then* check the md5sum.17:13
tomodachiperhaps it boots in legacy mode when it comes to ubuntu17:13
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: You already mentioned clearing my cache, is it because md5sums would analyze the cached file? Would umount/mount cycle clear it?17:13
Cheaterman1Okay thanks17:13
Jordan_Utomodachi: What version of Ubuntu did you boot?17:14
tomodachino wait, this is the livcd, so it just basically does not have efibootmgr17:14
Cheaterman1first I'll md5sum the HDD file17:14
Cheaterman1becoming kinda paranoid17:14
Jordan_Utomodachi: 32 bit or 64 bit?17:14
tomodachiJordan_U:  hmm the usb livecd is 32bit17:15
Cheaterman1Knowing all of this dark UNIX wizardry, all to get pwned by a corrupt ISO file17:15
Cheaterman1I really feel dumb :(17:15
Cheaterman1But tonight I'll likely have a happy customer with a working Ubuntu install.17:16
Jordan_Utomodachi: Use a 64 bit image, the 32 bit image has no UEFI support.17:16
Cheaterman1While I'm at it, I need some help - the user in question doesn't have internet and needs some stuff that the DVD likely doesn't provide, such as wine/playonlinux/libdvdcss/restricted formats support(mpeg, jpeg, gif, etc)17:16
Cheaterman1Should I carry the individual packages and their dependencies, all freshly fetched from /var/apt/cache? Should I use apt-offline? Do you have other solution?17:17
Jordan_U!offline | Cheaterman117:17
ubottuCheaterman1: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD17:17
dbuggerHi guys. Can someone please recommend me a good keyboard + mouse that are: 1. Wireless, 2. Compatible with Ubuntu, 3. Doesnt need disposable bateries ?17:17
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: Wow that seems powerful. I guess I can do it from a booted live ubuntu dvd,17:17
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Out of curiosity though, why don't they have any internet access?17:18
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Yes.17:18
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: They're planning to get one, yet they have no spare money for it and they don't need it at the moment (and I couldn't get to give them a temporary free internet with reaver or aircrack)17:18
pdo_fn14No answer for my problem?17:19
daftykinsyou unlawfully gain access to neighbours wireless to provide your 'clients' with an internet connection?17:19
daftykinsCheaterman1: i hope you know that's against the law17:19
Cheaterman1daftykins: Did I say "unlawfully"?17:19
daftykinsit's pretty obvious given the software you describe17:20
Cheaterman1Nah, we had the authorization, it was just too late to go ask for the key17:20
Picipdo_fn14: What is your quetion?17:20
daftykinsCheaterman1: don't bring up that topic again in here please17:20
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Not in a country with Starbucks?17:20
Cheaterman1Jordan_U: Big desktop computer with a heavy chassis17:21
ShindigsI hope you're mothers have cancer today also17:21
Shindigsf_ucking bastards17:21
Cheaterman1daftykins: No worries, I was just giving a comprehensive answer17:21
Cheaterman1Not mentioning I sometimes do pentesting operations for my customers17:22
Cheaterman1Which isn't illegal afaik ^^17:22
pdo_fn14Pici: My Ubuntu can't playing VCD, Totem said that something "VCD Protocol Source" needed for playing, but it was not found anymore.17:22
Cheaterman1Yeaaaaaaaah got the right hash now ^__^ thanks a lot Jordan_U17:23
Picipdo_fn14: Have you tried using vlc?  I'm pretty sure that it can play VCDs.17:23
Cheaterman1I'll go check on his computer tonight, but I guess it's VERY LIKELY that it works better now, right?17:23
Jordan_Updo_fn14: Where did you find a VCD out of curiosity?17:23
Jordan_UCheaterman1: Yes :)17:23
Cheaterman1(And weirdly, the files have the EXACT (bit-precise) same size!!! It's just that some corruption happened somewhat :o)17:23
Cheaterman1Good news ^____^ thanks again Jordan_U really17:24
Jordan_UCheaterman1: You're welcome.17:24
somsippdo_fn14: there is a mpegav folder on the VCD. The .dat files in there can be played as mpegs.17:24
YeluCheaterman1, in the "good old days" it was just *normal* to take the customer's machine inhouse and set it up there from scratch => no hassle until running smooth => your customer will love you17:24
pdo_fn14Pici: No, VLC can't. Because it was failed to play with DAT.17:25
Cheaterman1Yelu: Exactly! That's my preferred way to go as well!!! It's just that the machine is very heavy and I would need to use public transport (and not only subway... likely bus + sub) to get home17:26
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pdo_fn14Not sure how ubuntu-restricted and libdvdcss worked to play DAT files.17:26
Cheaterman1Basically, if it was avoidable, I'd have avoided ^^17:26
[[lutchy]]Is there Ubunter Server channel ?17:26
somsippdo_fn14: they used to be an old format last I played on. Straight mpeg IIRC. No modern compression.17:27
pdo_fn14Jordan_U: Pardon me, I can't understand clearly.17:27
Pici[[lutchy]]: #ubuntu-server17:27
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pdo_fn14somsip: so do you mean it's needed to rename .dat to be .mpeg?17:29
Cheaterman1pdo_fn14: mplayer & vlc shouldn't care17:30
somsippdo_fn14: It shouldn't, but maybe try it17:30
Cheaterman1not sure about totem17:30
sl33k_Installing virtualenv causes failure through Permission denied error17:30
k1l!paste | sl33k_ what error?17:30
ubottusl33k_ what error?: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:30
Cheaterman1It's likely that "file /path/to/file" helps you identify it, pdo_fn1417:30
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sl33k_OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/virtualenv_support'17:31
pdo_fn14somsip: Forget about one, I can't rename it because I can't copy the .dat file. Likely to be corrupted file.17:32
k1lsl33k_: put the command the the whole output into a pastebin please17:32
somsipsl33k_: do you have permission to write to the folder where you are trying to create the venv?17:32
Cheaterman1pdo_fn14: Indeed, is it a ext* filesystem?17:32
YeluCheaterman1, already thought about taking only the drive with you, throw it into a machine of your's  and set up a basic machine, finally put it back? (didn't try this myself)17:32
somsippdo_fn14: I found VCD disk quality was always quite poor. Usually scratched and jumpy even in a VCD player17:33
Cheaterman1I'm not sure what you mean Yelu?17:33
sl33k_k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7493915/17:33
pdo_fn14Cheaterman1: Pardon me. Can you tell which program should I been played for me?.17:33
Cheaterman1What I'm doing now is - booting USB key, installing packages with Synaptics, and will do the trick I've been advised above to make them "offline-installable", and I will store the "offline" scripts on the USB key17:34
sl33k_probably no17:34
somsipsl33k_: sudo pip for a global install17:34
k1l!info python-virtualenv | sl33k_ why not use that ubuntu package?17:34
ubottusl33k_ why not use that ubuntu package?: python-virtualenv (source: python-virtualenv): Python virtual environment creator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11.4-1 (trusty), package size 1450 kB, installed size 1890 kB17:34
YeluCheaterman1, instead of carrying the customer's machine arounf, just take out the drive to your place and work with it in one of your nachnies to set up17:34
OEPsl33k_: you can also install virtualenv through apt: "sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv"; but it may not be the latest version17:34
Cheaterman1Yelu: that's a very good idea actually! I avoided it until now because the customer might need his PC (no matter how "unstable" of a state it is in yet)17:35
Cheaterman1But that's a very good solution if I have to17:35
pdo_fn14somsip: I'm tested in Windows and it's quite worked. I mean VCD which a CD as VCD project for edu propose.17:35
Cheaterman1oh and btw so you know, my client PC is booting Ubuntu in live mode atm17:36
Cheaterman1without persistence17:36
k1lsl33k_: and yes, if you really want to use pip, you need sudo for that to install globally. but again i suggest to use the ubuntu package install with apt-get17:36
Cheaterman1it was that or no OS at all, I couldn't chainload his win7 from Grub2 properly because no doc17:36
Cheaterman1(and os-prober/grub-probe didn't work, and I tried various tricks chrooting to my gentoo to use its grub2-probe, but... well basically it didn't work)17:37
Cheaterman1But something tells me the install procedure will work much better with a non-corrupt ISO :D and grub-probe should work too17:38
Jordan_UCheaterman1: What do you think grub-probe does?17:39
NeckBeardPrinceWorm probe?17:39
Cheaterman1I thought it was using os-prober and relaying the info to grub-mkconfig?17:40
Cheaterman1Or used by os-prober on EFI systems or something like that, which would be irrelephant on my client PC (MBR partition table, BIOS loader)17:41
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Cheaterman1Anyways what I'm sure of, is that Ubuntu's grub-mkconfig had failed because "grub-probe: unknown fs type"17:42
tomodachiJordan_U: pastebin.com/EakNHa9N17:42
tomodachiJordan_U: also , efibootmgr is not installed default on the 1404 livecd either, so i apt-get installed it17:43
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pdo_fn14Or perhaps I need to compile latest VLC version since I'm only using Ubuntu repo?.17:45
Fawzibneed help with postfix-dovecot +relayhost. Installed mail-stack-delivery, local email ok but relayhost is not working. I get "550 You must authenticate to use Dyn Standard SMTP" from remote server.  Password is configured (works in another server older version of ubuntu)17:46
Cheaterman1pdo_fn14: no no no17:46
WileTheCoyothello everyone17:46
Cheaterman1first, there have been no extra formats between the vlc version you have and the latest vanilla git17:46
Cheaterman1and second pdo_fn14, i'm afraid if vlc/mplayer can't read it, nothing else can17:47
Cheaterman1maybe the file is ciphered?17:47
Cheaterman1did you try xoring it?17:47
Fawzibi read this somewhere  "Dovecot SASL implementation does not provide client functionality", could that be the cause?17:47
WileTheCoyotis there an ubuntu 14.04 iso with mate desktop instead of unity?17:48
xanguaWileTheCoyot: no17:48
Fanthomas90I have a nvidia quadro nvs 3100m in my mashine and installing the proprietary nvidia 331 driver makes x fail to start on reboot.17:48
Fanthomas90this is my xorg log: http://pastebin.com/zViTZAFZ17:48
Fanthomas90can anybody help what might be going wrong?17:48
Fanthomas90my ubuntu version is 14.0417:48
k1lWileTheCoyot: no official one. but you can install the minimal and then install mate if you want17:49
pdo_fn14Cheaterman1: So do you mean my .dat file was ciphered and need to xoring?.17:49
Cheaterman1(thanks for having provided most of the relevant data, most users have a hard time knowing how to help us help them)17:49
Cheaterman1pdo_fn14: It's just a random guess17:50
sl33k_How do I delete the full command typed at once in terminal?17:50
WileTheCoyotk1l: can i find mate in the official repo?17:50
Cheaterman1I don't know what the file comes from or what it's supposed to correspond to17:50
foo_Hi guys i have problem when installing ubuntu 14.04 x64. I try to install it from usb stick and dvd. Have error : initramfs unable to find filesystem. In bios i set legacy boot. disable usb3.0 controller (i use only usb 2.0). i also try IDE and AHCI options. Windows 7 installed and works fine. / processor - AMD 6350, MB -Gigabyte 970/17:50
Cheaterman1and there are many ways of ciphering a file that are better/more secure than a xor17:50
k1l!info mate-desktop | WileTheCoyot17:50
ubottuWileTheCoyot: mate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 95 kB17:50
Cheaterman1pdo_fn14: ^^17:51
trismWileTheCoyot: that isn't going to work you are going to need a ppa or wait until 14.1017:51
Cheaterman1pdo_fn14: Where does the file come from, and what makes you think it should be a video? etc17:51
WileTheCoyottrism: are the mate ppa the stable version?17:51
Cheaterman1it cuold simply be a zip/rar file, hence me first suggesting to use the "file" unix command17:52
Cheaterman1If "file" says your file is "data", then you can start digging17:52
levifighow can I change the default ruby version in ubuntu?17:52
levifig(no rvm or rbenv, thank you)17:52
levifigboth 1.9.1 and 2.0 are installed; the main "bins" are just linked to one of them17:52
levifigI bet there's a way to change it17:53
pdo_fn14CheaterMan1: From CD (but I'm assuming that's VCD project). Hmm I'm saw it in mpegav folder.17:53
rypervencheCheaterman1: eh ben17:53
Cheaterman1levifig: (you could also ask it on a ruby-specific channel just in case)17:53
levifigCheaterman1, it's distro specific17:53
Cheaterman1levifig: I know but it's also language specific, hence my remark17:53
levifigCheaterman1, in Gentoo I do 'eselect ruby set <version>'17:53
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Cheaterman1Yes :D17:53
Cheaterman1Gentoo <317:53
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Cheaterman1AFAIK the equivalent to eselect is update-alternatives17:54
Cheaterman1May not work for ruby17:54
Cheaterman1But you can try that levifig17:54
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levifigCheaterman1, ya, trying that :)17:54
Cheaterman1Or maybe look up "update-alternatives ruby ubuntu" on Google or something like that, maybe it'll pop some stuff17:55
Cheaterman1But afaik update-alternatives ≃ eselect17:55
Cheaterman1It just doesn't have kernel/profile options because such things don't exist in Debian17:55
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daftykinscareful giving advice when you're cross-distro17:55
Cheaterman1(lol kernel doesn't exist in Debian... anyways you got what I meant)17:55
levifigCheaterman1, oh nice thanks! checking that now17:55
Cheaterman1daftykins: true, that's slippery17:56
Cheaterman1But afaik I'm more or less right about update-alternatives17:56
levifigupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for ruby -.-17:56
Cheaterman1Ah shet17:56
levifigeven though that apparently should work :\17:56
k1ltrism: mate-desktop is in the repos since 14.04 see the package mate-desktop17:57
Cheaterman1Did you try the --est?17:57
levifigalso, vsFTPd didn't install a service in /etc/init.d :X (so weird)17:57
Cheaterman1levifig: there's rc.x.d in Debians ^^'17:57
Cheaterman1Maybe it installed directly in some of those17:57
levifigCheaterman1, shouldn't service bring it up?17:57
Cheaterman1(Yes Gentoo is simpler when you dig into system stuff)17:57
levifigservice vsftpd <option>17:57
Cheaterman1Maybe there's a "virtual" ftpd service17:58
Cheaterman1or ftp service17:58
k1l!ot | Cheaterman117:58
ubottuCheaterman1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:58
[[lutchy]]Cheaterman1, In what way ?17:58
daftykinsCheaterman1: ubuntu doesn't use runlevels though17:58
Cheaterman1daftykins: O___O really?17:58
daftykinsit's becoming pretty apparent from all the other-distro references that it's a bad idea for you to carry on17:58
* [[lutchy]] is pretty scared to use Gentoo as a server (there isn't that much support)17:58
levifigany reason why the vsftpd service wouldn't be added?17:58
daftykinsno offence, i know you mean well, but unless you have direct experience it'll just mislead people17:58
k1l[[lutchy]]: please move that to #ubuntu-offtopic17:59
trismk1l: the mate-desktop package only has the mate-about dialog, we do not have mate-session-manager, mate-panel, mate-settings-daemon, or several other necessary packages, they were not imported from debian until 14.1017:59
Cheaterman1daftykins: k ;)17:59
levifigdaftykins, any reason why no vsftpd service was created?!17:59
daftykinslevifig: i have no experience with that17:59
rypervenche[[lutchy]]: Gentoo is amazing for servers. Very stable and very customizable.18:00
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levifigkinda regretting this choice of going ubuntu on this server vs debian :\ seems like I'm running into a lot of weirdness (last one was the whole passwd lock issue, where I manually had to remove all the locked files)18:01
daftykinslevifig: i wouldn't run FTP personally18:03
levifigdaftykins, this is a local ftp server18:04
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:04
levifigdaftykins, I don't have an option18:04
daftykinswhy not?18:04
levifigclient apps don't know anything but ftp18:04
levifigthis is for automation purposes18:04
levifigthe devices we're using only do ftp18:04
levifigagain, it's all local, no remote access18:05
Seawolf_Hi, I'm Paul, I go by Seawolf if you want a nickname18:07
levifigjust had to install ruby in update-alternatives (manually) :X18:07
Seawolf_whatubuntu are you running?18:07
levifig14.04 LTS18:07
levifigwhatever the latest LTS release is :)18:08
Seawolf_yes, I have 14.04 with extended18:08
Seawolf_extended Gnome desktop environment18:08
levifigserver here, no desktop ui18:08
Seawolf_how is everyone today?18:09
levifiggreat :P18:09
staplezebraAnyone know how to re-add a repaired drive to a HP array from command line? hpacucli is still listing the repaired physical drive as failed. There's an option to re-enable a logical drive but not a physical drive.18:10
Seawolf_I finally got a chat client, you wouldn't believe the trouble I've had, I'm kind of a beta tester for Microsoft an I've run afoul of the powers that be because I run a real truthful news and politics website18:10
daftykinsSeawolf_: that's offtopic.18:11
b1001Hi guys.. I extended a LVM Volume by adding another disk.. It says it's 50% full.. Yet when I try to compile kernel, it says it run out of space. Even though there is 19GB free..18:11
Seawolf_it's http://evans-politics.com/ here's one page on the menu is a Beatles video I call why and what is holy at http://evans-politics.com/why-and-what-is-holy-beatles-video#.U3uW2B_7EnQ18:11
bazhangSeawolf_, this is not the place for that18:11
Seawolf_OK sorry18:11
rawrmonsterI am trying to install packet tracer 6 in ubuntu 14.04 and it requires ia32-libs-gtk but as i have found out ubuntu has removed ia32-libs for 64 bit os. Is there any work around for this? I really need packet tracer for my school work18:11
Dreadlishb1001: df -i18:11
Dreadlishb1001: you could have no inodes left.18:12
Seawolf_I am well aware that different sorts of folks are here18:12
bazhangSeawolf_, #ubuntu-offtopic18:12
daftykinsSeawolf_: support questions only.18:12
b1001Dreadlish: IUse is 8%18:12
Seawolf_if I had a brrain I could think... I have an irrevent sense of humor some times18:12
Dreadlish8% used or 8% left? ;)18:12
coflazoglusa genclik18:13
b1001Dreadlish: /dev/mapper/ubusrv--vg-root 2624496 187266 2437230    8% /18:13
Dreadlishso it isn't what i thought18:13
Seawolf_does anyone here speak Russian?18:13
b1001Awww hang on..18:13
k1l!ot > Seawolf_18:14
ubottuSeawolf_, please see my private message18:14
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b1001Dreadlish: when I "make install" it tries to place the files on /boot.. which is 100% use.. Darn me..18:14
Dreadlishthat sounds better.18:14
KGM70Seawolf_, some love to remind us and fill the chat with offtopic warnings, rather than just letting an offtopic remark pass by without comment :)18:15
daftykinsKGM70: it wasn't one, it was a whole conversation.18:16
KGM70I rest my case18:16
daftykinsKGM70: please feel free to discuss it in offtopic :)18:16
raubRunning a dns box as a docker thingie: good or bad?18:20
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lmatI'm having trouble with apt-get. I have installed git from a PPA (to get a new version). When I installed git, it uninstalled bash-complete. Now I want bash-complete back, but apt-get is trying to uninstall git. What should I do ?18:31
Amy_Lu_WhoDoes the virus that changes wifi users to a proxy have a name?  Is Ubuntu vulnerable to said virus?18:31
duckchatlmat: Are there any error messages or anything helpful?18:33
rawrmonsterI know that kworker is a program that handles interuts but what does the numbers after it mean?18:33
lmatduckchat: no :(18:33
lmatduckchat: Simply   "The following packages will be REMOVED: git"18:34
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lmatIt is a feature of apt-get that it will uninstall conflicts automatically, right ?18:34
lmatWhere should I look to see where these two conflict ?18:34
duckchati think so.18:34
lmatOr maybe my PPA isn't allowing that bash-completion ?18:36
lmatHow can I view the PPAs that I have ?18:36
miquihey, what do people recommend for keypass client on ubuntu 13.10 ?18:36
miquii hope there is a pkg...18:37
duckchatlink to PPA?18:37
k1llmat: ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d18:37
lmatduckchat: I was just about to type it ^_^18:37
lmatk1l: there we go, I wasn't seeing it in the file, thanks!18:37
lmatduckchat: &18:38
lmatduckchat: I followed the instructions there.18:38
k1l!ppa-purge | lmat18:38
ubottulmat: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:38
lmatk1l: I'm not particularly interested in that ^_^  I want the new git *and* bash-completion ^_^18:39
k1llmat: seems that this PPA package got wrong depencies18:39
duckchatlmat: yeah, what kil said...18:39
lmatI installed bash-completion (and let it uninstall git)18:40
lmatNow I'm installing git and it says "The following packages will be REMOVED: bash-completion"  ... as expected.18:40
lmatk1l: How do I override the dependencies ?18:41
duckchatlmat: just a thought.  any time I try something new, i try it in a VM using virtualbox.18:41
lmatduckchat: yeah, if I do anything drastic, I'll do it there ^_^18:41
duckchatif it goes bad, then, no problems to my system.18:41
lmatduckchat: aye18:41
deadbrainvivlmat: try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/57892/how-do-i-ignore-a-conflicting-package-on-a-regex-match-in-apt-get18:41
ctmjrlmat: are you on ubuntu or debian because you are asking the same thing in #debian18:42
lmatctmjr: ubuntu 12.0418:42
lmatctmjr: I *was* asking the same thing on debian ^_^18:42
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lmatdeadbrainviv: That just says to run  apt-get install packages...18:45
lmatdeadbrainviv: Unless you're suggesting using aptitude...18:45
lmatAnyway, that gave me an idea:  apt-get install bash-completion git;18:45
b1001hi guys.. I compiled new kernel and updated the grub menu.lst. but when I boot the new kernel it says my root lvm vg doesnt exist. I extended the root volume group earlier.18:45
lmatIt says "git: breaks: bash-completion (< 1:1.90-1) but 1:1.3-1ubuntu8.1 is to be installed"18:45
lmatPerhaps I just need to install a newer bash-completion ?18:45
deadbrainvivi was suggesting to use aptitude18:46
lmatdeadbrainviv: ah, okay.18:46
lmatActually, I'd like to investige getting a newer bash-completion18:46
lmatYou know, what would be better...  I'm currently on Ubuntu 12.04.18:46
lmatI think I would like to upgrade to 14.04.  Is it violent or calm ?18:46
deadbrainvivlmat: also try apt-get install --no-deps fit bash-completion18:46
OerHeksmaybe that git is for 14.0418:46
lmatOerHeks: It's packaged for precise... but yeah, it's way newer than precise ^_^18:47
duckchatrecently moved to 14.04.  very little heartburn18:47
lmatduckchat: from 12.04 ?18:47
deadbrainvivlmat: tell me what is the output for that command18:47
duckchatlmat: yes18:47
lmatdeadbrainviv: sure18:47
lmatdeadbrainviv: --no-deps option not understood.18:48
lmatduckchat: What's the command ?18:48
lmatoh, do-release-upgrade ?18:48
duckchatlmat: actually, i did a fresh install18:49
lmatdo-release-upgrade;   "Checking for a new Ubuntu release   No new release found" :(18:49
lmatduckchat: hmm...seems like this should be automated... ^_^18:49
kostkonlmat, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-0418:49
lmatduckchat: I'm hoping to keep al my software, etc.18:49
lmatkostkon: on my way18:49
Amy_Lu_Who(second time asking, I am trying not to spam I just need a little help, please)  How do I know if I have the proxy changing virus, what is it called, and how do I get it off my computer?18:51
duckchatlmat: sudo update-manager -d18:51
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, why do u think u have one in the first place18:51
lmatkostkon: jackpot.  I clicked the button.18:51
lmatduckchat: yup18:51
deadbrainvivlmat: try this instead: apt-get install --no-install-recommends bash-completion git18:52
deadbrainvivlmat: other wise download the packages apt-get download git bash-completion18:53
Amy_Lu_Whothe wifi quit working, (so I couldnt come here for help) and a tech friend found the proxy settings were changed in firefox.  I changed it back but only got firefox to work for a few seconds at a time.  i am now connected via ehternet18:53
deadbrainvivlmat: then use dpkg --force-nodeps packagename.deb to install the package18:53
daftykinsAmy_Lu_Who: you are incredibly unlikely to get any kind of 'virus' or malware changing your proxy on ubuntu18:54
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, hav u tried another browser ?18:55
Amy_Lu_Whodaftykins, i get that.  the first thing I did with this laptop was to look into what virus protection was needed.18:55
Amy_Lu_Whodaftykins, (none)18:55
daftykinsAmy_Lu_Who: it's more than likely that installing something reconfigured the browser, or perhaps following a guide to do something obscure18:55
lmatdeadbrainviv: I'm upgrading to 14.04...18:55
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, no. firefox works great now on ethernet18:55
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, so problem occurs only on wifi ?18:57
BAMbandawhat's the command to update to ubuntu 14.04 from within the terminal18:57
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, yes.  only wifi.18:57
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, (thus defeating the point of having a laptop)18:57
BAMbandaim on 13.1018:58
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, well... thats really odd... i cannot imagine why would malware distinct between physical form of internet connection18:58
b1001Hi guys.. I compiled new kernel, but when I try to boot it, it says that it can't see my ubuntu--vg-root lvm volume group. the set root='hd0,msdos1' is the same as the old kernel.18:59
sergio-br2someone that uses firefox + youtube HTML5 videos and see cpu usage over 100% ?18:59
asking-problemthx. my problem was solved.18:59
asking-problemnow i have one problem again.18:59
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, you're telling me! I'm banging my head on a wall for a week with this.  stumped two techs including the one who built the laptop.18:59
asking-problemi play audio in firefox,how to find audio cache?19:00
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, try to reinstall firefox then and see what will happen19:01
asking-problemi'm use firefox, i play audio in this browser(with flash player). so, how i can find audio cache?19:03
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, the computer's wifi is messed up.  i was hoping it had to do with what changed the settings in firefox.  firefox's settings are correct.  i will uninstall and reinstall, if you want but I doubt that is going to make my wifi work again19:03
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asking-problemanyone here can help me?19:04
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, its not that i want, frankly i have no idea whats going on with ur proxy settings, but i can hardly imagine it it malware od some kind (as u saw people here are agreed about that)19:05
BAMbandaasking-problem, what do you need my friend?19:05
Jenna18 Hi! I give you some videos. I hope you like! http://bit.ly/Sfliu619:05
Whitorasking-problem, probably, what's up?19:05
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arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, so i just assumed it is something more obscure messing up things, and the simplest solution would be to reinstall firefox19:05
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, yes.  only on wifi and no internet operations work.  it is not the router, I turned OFF mobile data and ON wifi on my smartphone and was able to see intenet content.19:05
asking-problemhow i can find audio cache that i play audio in firefox?19:06
asking-problemBAMbanda, Whiskey , how i can find audio cache that i play audio in firefox?19:06
asking-problemin firefox use flash player19:06
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, or instead of reinstalling try another browser, there are plenty of them and we should be able to find at which point things go wild19:06
BAMbandaasking-problem, you need to make sure you have the lastest verson of flash installed for your distro19:07
sergio-br2any one with firefox heating problem ?19:07
b1001Im trying to boot a new kernel, but booting the new kernel doesn't find my /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root, why is that?19:07
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, no problem i will do that.  i thought about buying a new wifi card to try if that would work... but if that doesnt fix it i cant exactly return it.19:07
Amy_Lu_Whohow will I reinstall firefox without a browser?19:07
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, if I unplug this ethernet cable things will go wild! hehe19:08
asking-problemBAMbanda, that i mean. my condition now is i had play an audio in firefox using flash player. then when i find in .mozzila folder, i can't find audio cache , where is it?19:09
Amy_Lu_Whowhich browser should I try?19:09
theadminAmy_Lu_Who: Using the Software Centre, that's how you install/remove apps in Ubuntu19:09
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, well you could go with chromium of course, or install firefox again19:09
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BAMbandaasking-problem, sorry my friend, i actually don't know, i gotta go right now19:10
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, as theadmin said or simpler through terminal (if u re not scared of (and u shouldnt be))19:10
BAMbandaasking-problem, try getting support from Mozilla on their irc channgls19:10
Amy_Lu_Whotheadmin, oh right duh.  sorry that was a really dumb question.19:10
lmat kostkon: deadbrainviv:  thanks for the help! I'm on my way to 14.04 and hopefully Elysion fields!19:11
asking-problemBAMbanda, thx, i try it in that channel19:11
JokesOnYou77I'm Installing a shared server system on a Mac Pro and I want /boot on its own partitioin but I understand that /boot/efi should be FAT32?? Do I need to make all of /boot FAT32?  I usually use ext2 for boot but I don't think that will work this time.19:11
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, i'm not scared of the terminal, I like it.  (don't understand about 99% of it but willing to learn!)19:11
kostkonlmat, :)19:11
deadbrainvivlmat: ;) have fun19:11
rwwJokesOnYou77: you can make a partition for /boot and a partition for /boot/efi, if you want19:11
BAMbandaasking-problem, make sure you connect to the right server19:11
rwwJokesOnYou77: (one ext4 and one FAT32)19:11
BAMbandaasking-problem: irc.mozilla.org19:11
JokesOnYou77rww, excellent!  Is /boot/efi fixed size or does it change for each kernel?  Can I just make /boot/efi 20MB?19:13
rwwJokesOnYou77: I'm not sure, to be honest. I have a bunch of space, so mine is rather larger than it needs to be.19:14
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, firefox gone. (sniff sniff) and chromium dl now...19:14
b1001Im trying to boot a new kernel, but booting the new kernel doesn't find my /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root, why is that?19:14
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, that's good we re all learning constanly after all19:14
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, in terms of using terminal to installing stuff u should really learn to use apt-get19:15
JokesOnYou77rww, I'm perfectly fine with a large /boot.  I've got a 3TB drive to work with19:15
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, u can restrict urself just to installing/uninstalling software with it and it will do19:15
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, yes I should.  *looks for firefox so she can google "learn to use apt-get" *facepalm*19:15
theadminAmy_Lu_Who: "man COMMAND" will get you a detailed manual for COMMAND. Try: man apt-_get19:17
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, just type 'sudo apt-get install <package>'19:17
theadminAmy_Lu_Who: man apt-get19:17
Amy_Lu_Whoarlekin, so do you want me to unplug this ehternet cable?  i'm sure I will disapear when I do...19:17
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, that would be inconvenient19:17
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, and heed to theadmin advice19:17
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, i guess u could start with 'man man'19:18
arlekinAmy_Lu_Who, to see manual page about manual19:18
Amy_Lu_Whoi'll brb sorry19:18
phyzlocHi! When I try Nvidia drivers for my GeForce 8600GT Unity stops working. Is there a fix for this?19:19
Chaserb1001: I would make sure dm_mod module is loaded.19:19
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b1001Chaser: insmod dm_mod ?!19:19
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ActionParsnip!away > s3ri0us|away19:20
ubottus3ri0us|away, please see my private message19:20
Moony22What will the introduction of mir mean?19:20
phyzlocAny graphics driver expert here? :-)19:20
Moony22From a user perspective19:21
ActionParsnipphyzloc: for what GPU(s)?19:21
phyzlocActionParsnip: Nvidia geforce 8600GT19:21
theadminMoony22: From a user perspective it should hopefully just mean better performance19:21
Moony22theadmin: And it will take 2 years?19:22
ActionParsnipphyzloc: no intel gpu too? sudo lshw -C display ,will show you.19:22
theadminMoony22: Well, it's a whole new X server, after all. Long project, yeah19:22
Moony22theadmin: so the next LTS?19:23
phyzlocActionParsnip: product: G84 [GeForce 8600 GT]19:23
ActionParsnipphyzloc: what does it say after 'driver='19:23
theadminMoony22: I think that's what they said but I can't really remember19:23
phyzlocActionParsnip: It's Ubuntu default driver...driver=nouveau19:23
Moony22theadmin: is ubuntu hosted on github/19:24
theadminMoony22: Eh, no, the devs use Launchpad19:24
phyzlocActionParsnip: When i install Nvidia drivers Unity stops working19:24
theadminMoony22: http://launchpad.net19:24
ActionParsnipphyzloc: then run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:24
coreymanI installed apache2 and php5 on ubuntu. I created a phpinfo script but I'm not getting any output. There is nothing in /var/log/apache2/error.log that says anything about the php script failing or an error related. In /var/log/apache2/access.log it only shows me I get a 500 when I access phpinfo.php. What am I supposed to do to figure out why apache2 isn't serving php?19:24
ActionParsnipphyzloc: you can try: sudo nvidia-xconfig ,then reboot. May help19:25
Moony22theadmin: Can anyone use launchpad to host a project?19:25
phyzlocActionParsnip: isn't that the same this as installing from gui? In that case I'll probably have the same problem no?19:25
ActionParsnipphyzloc: no idea, i never use the GUI thing19:25
theadminMoony22: As long as it's free software, yes19:26
theadminMoony22: It's similar to github in many ways19:26
ActionParsnipphyzloc: did you try nvidia-xconfig to make an xorg.conf file?19:26
phyzlocActionParsnip: What was you idea with nvidia-xconfig?19:27
b1001Chaser: or does the kernel I compiled not have dm_mod kernel module enabled?19:27
coreymanWhat is going on with apache2 in ubuntu 14? I put test.txt in /var/www/html and when I visit I get a 50019:27
ActionParsnipphyzloc: it makes an xorg.conf file. Sometimes it helps, especially with cheap screens19:27
ActionParsnipcoreyman: what is the ACL on the file?19:28
rww500 is internal server error. ACL problem would be 40319:28
phyzlocActionParsnip: I didn't try that. What I did was select the nvidia driver from Software & Updates. Figured it will do what's necessary19:28
roydoes samba fron the software senter work on 14.04 ?19:28
ActionParsnipRoy: yes19:28
coreymanActionParsnip http://paste.ee/p/cYsg419:28
rwwcoreyman: read /var/log/apache2/error.log, see if there's something relevant in there19:28
coreymanrww there is nothing relevant there19:28
coreymanrww it just says apache started...19:29
ActionParsnipcoreyman: try restarting the apache service19:29
roywell for me it wont work, on 13.04 i had N0 problems19:29
ActionParsnipRoy: what does 'wont work' mean? Can you be more specific...19:30
coreymanActionParsnip: http://paste.ee/p/gLUMN19:30
ActionParsnipRoy: did you upgrade all the way from Raring to Trusty or did you clean install Trusty from CD?19:31
coreymanActionParsnip: hold on i didn't run that as sudo19:31
roywhen i click samba from the launcher it does nothing, i think i found its commandline "system-config-samba" and that gives issues19:31
coreymanActionParsnip: http://paste.ee/p/jwolx19:32
royi did a clean install, formated19:32
ActionParsnipRoy: how do you click samba from the launcher?19:32
roysingle click, what do u mean19:32
ActionParsnipRoy: you can share folders using nautilus?19:32
theadminActionParsnip: Yeah sure, there's a sharing thing in the properties of folders19:33
cat_fivehey, can anyone give me advice on how to get around this ssh bug? http://serverfault.com/questions/265244/ssh-client-problem-connection-reset-by-peer19:33
theadminActionParsnip: Much similar to what you see on Windows 7/819:33
roywith 13.04 first thing it would do is prompt for the admni pass, it wont even do that19:33
ActionParsnipRoy: right click a folder in nautilus and click the sharing option there. Job done19:33
phyzlocActionParsnip: I'm going to try reinstalling the driver. What's the easist way to revert back if the same thing happens?19:34
ActionParsnipphyzloc: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-current19:34
phyzlocActionParsnip: Ok thanks19:35
winterpkCould someone help me with a sendmail problem I'm having?  I ran ps aux | grep sendmail and I'm getting way too many results.  Some of them are very fishy looking. Does anyone konw what steps I can take to determine if this is apossible hacker attempt?19:35
royActionParsnip: that gave an error, but this error is more helpfull, ill pastebin it19:35
phyzlocActionParsnip: seems nvidia-xconfg never gets intalled. There is a nvidia-settings though19:35
coreymanCan anyone help me as to why apache is logging 500 on a .txt file and not displaying anything to browser when it is accessed?19:36
royActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7494415/19:36
ActionParsnipphyzloc: install it manually19:36
ActionParsnipphyzloc: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue19:37
phyzlocUbuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l19:37
ActionParsnipRoy: sounds like you need the default smb.conf yours seems missing19:37
phyzlocActionParsnip: there is a command nvidia-detector.. it returns none19:37
royhow do i get it19:38
roywhat can i reinstall?19:38
ToothMy ubuntu 14.10 having problem i cant start it!IT freez when its time to login user!   im started whit a ubuntu13.10 usb stick now! Is there a way to fix the 14.10?19:38
Cheaterman1Hi again, I'd like to install packages on an offline computer but Keryx or download script aren't acceptable because I can't get control over the to-be-installed offline computer. is it acceptable to copy /var/cache/apt from a liveCD with all packages downloaded onto an USB key, and then do something like # ls -1 | while read pkg; do dpkg -i $pkg; done19:38
Jordan_Ucat_five: Are you the author of that post?19:38
ActionParsnipRoy: not sure, if someone can pastebin theirs you will win19:39
Cheaterman1Will it do what I want it to do?19:39
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cat_fiveno Jordan_U but the workarounds in that post used to fix it for me19:39
cat_fivebut on this new install of OS X, even the same ssh config i used to use bombs out19:39
Cheaterman1There will also be upgrade to already-present packages inside the var/cache dir, will dpkg -i remove the older versions as well?19:39
phyzlocActionParsnip: there is no such package as nvidia-xconfig19:39
coreymanWhy is it that the only thing that works on my apache2 install is .html ? .txt and .php both return 50019:42
Cheaterman1The idea is: step 1) do all necessary upgrades & package installations from livecd while online; step 2) grap /var/cache/apt/ full of packages; step 3) on the offline machine, install all packages with dpkg -i and a bash script19:42
Cheaterman1Does that work?19:42
Bashing-omTooth: For starters, at the log-in screen -> key combo ctl+alt+F1 for a console, can you login here ?19:43
Toothno i tryed that  wanted to reinstall it so that command dont work19:43
Yeluroy, ActionParsnip, smb.conf => http://paste.ubuntu.com/7494435/19:44
ActionParsnip!find nvidia-xconfig19:44
ubottuFile nvidia-xconfig found in nvidia-173, nvidia-304, nvidia-304-updates, nvidia-331, nvidia-331-updates19:44
ChayceHello, need help to solve this issue,W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3xxxxxx. Any help?19:44
Bashing-omTooth: Odd ! .. ok, can you boot to the grub menu ?19:45
ActionParsnipChayca: why obfuscate the key?19:45
ActionParsnipChayce: do you even know what that is?19:45
Chayceyeah I know.. I am a newbie19:46
Toothhow do i boot to the grub meny?19:46
ActionParsnipChayce: no you are too paranoid for your own good19:47
ActionParsnipChayce: its the gpg key of a PPA. Doesnt identify you in anyway19:47
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=== Il is now known as runciter
Chayce<ActionParsnip> Do you know what the issues is? yeah its a public key, i don't know why i did it. NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119219:48
ActionParsnipChayce: you need to chillout just a little online dude. Surprised you even go online .19:48
Cheaterman1Can I copy a freshly populated /var/cache/apt from an updated live to an offline machine fresh install and run software-updater and expect it to work?19:49
Cheaterman1or should I dpkg -i each package from a script?19:49
ActionParsnipChayce: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C119219:49
lmatWell, 14.04 isn't working out as great as I hoped...19:50
ActionParsnipCheaterman1: sudo dpkg -i *.deb ,no need for a script. Bash can manage multiple files19:50
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lmatFirst things first. Compiz says it's running, but I can't tell that it actually is ^_^19:50
ActionParsniplmat: debateable19:50
Bashing-omTooth: As you cold boot, soon as bios screen clears, depress and hold the right shoft key -> frub menu, 'e' key for edit mode; arrow down to the "linux /boot/vmlinuz " line and insert the term "text". ley combo ctl+x to continue the boot process. Do you now boot to a terminal ??19:50
ActionParsniplmat: ps -ef | grep compiz19:50
lmatI run ccsm and verify some settings, try to use them and nothing :(19:50
Chayce<ActionParsnip> Thanks a lot. that helps to add missing keys right. Thanks a lot.19:50
pznplease recommend me some small-footprint (and may be inefficient) http server capable of cgi to use in ubuntu (embedded system)19:50
lmatActionParsnip: Exactly what i ran!19:50
wilhelm1How is the guest accounts defaults customised?19:51
theadminpzn: lighttpd, nginx19:51
ActionParsnipChayce: yes, again. Its the gpg key for the extra repo, so obfuscating it doesnt hide your identity at all.19:51
ActionParsniplmat: if you see an output that isnt grep itself running, then its running19:51
lmatActionParsnip: Right, it's running.19:52
lmatIt looks like I only have one workspace...19:52
ToothBashing-om i try the command u wrote and i come back thx for now19:52
wilhelm1Does ubuntu have a ftp site?19:52
ActionParsniplmat: make more, i personally only use one workspace19:52
lmatActionParsnip: Now how do I configure it ? ccsm doesn't seem to have any effect :(19:52
Bashing-omTooth: That is but to get us to where we can do some trouble shooting.19:53
lmatActionParsnip: How do I make more ? I tried to use CCSM > general settings, but it didn't have any effect19:53
ActionParsnipwilhelm1: ftp site for what? Iso files?19:53
lmatActionParsnip: Maybe I should uninstall then reinstall compiz ?19:53
ActionParsnipLmat: ive not used compiz in years, so no idea. Maybe others can advise. Is there something in dconf-editor ?19:53
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Cheaterman1ActionParsnip: Oh, this will manage package upgrades & resolve dependencies automatically? I intend to feed it an entire updated /var/cache/apt/archives19:54
trismlmat: is this unity? if so did you check System Settings/Appearance/Behavior/Enable Workspaces?19:54
Amy_Lu_Whoi am back.  typed "man apt-_get" and got message "no manual entry for apt-_get"19:54
ActionParsnip!away | s3ri0us|away19:54
ubottus3ri0us|away: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:54
lmattrism: Great idea! How do I get to that ?19:54
Chayce<ActionParsnip> It says connection refused with key server.ubuntu.com. I guess its because of proxies and firewalls it not letting me to connect?19:54
wilhelm1ActionParsnip: Downloading source code.19:54
lmattrism: oh wait, I think I can figure it out.19:54
ActionParsnipAmy_Lu_Who: its apt-get not apt_get19:54
lmattrism: okay checked19:55
ActionParsnipwilhelm1: you can use apt-get to get source debs19:55
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Bashing-omAmy_Lu_Who: The command shoulkd be "man apt-get" .19:55
Amy_Lu_WhoActionParsnip, Bashing-om I copied the log verbatum...19:56
wilhelm1ActionParsnip: The security policy here is too strict for apt-get. What is the url to browse the repository manually?19:56
=== ilGattoPuzzolone is now known as runciter
Amy_Lu_Whoman apt-get19:56
trismlmat: did it work?19:57
Bashing-omAmy_Lu_Who: Yeah, kick back for an interesting read.19:57
Amy_Lu_WhoBashing-om, ActionParsnip that worked.19:57
lmattrism: maybe19:57
lmattrism: no19:57
lmattrism: :)19:57
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Amy_Lu_WhoBashing-om, yup.  very cool (but what does it mean?)19:57
ActionParsnipwilhelm1: packages.ubuntu.com maybe19:58
lmattrism: I'm running ccsm not as root, and every time I change something I get   dconf-WARNING failed to commit changes to dconf: could not connect: Connection refused19:58
lmattrism: Every once in a while, it actually works, though ^_^19:58
lmattrism: When I start up, g_dbus_connection_register_object: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed19:58
lmattrism: Perhaps I should restart the computer... ?19:58
Bashing-omAmy_Lu_Who: apt-get is one way to deal with package managememt at the CLI level.19:59
trismlmat: which desktop environment are you using?19:59
lmattrism: unity19:59
lmattrism: I don't have the launcher, though, I use cairo-dock for that.20:00
lmattrism: and I have compiz, obviously :)20:00
lmattrism: When I say unity, I mean I have to type  sudo service lightdm restart to restart the DE20:00
ActionParsnipThe dm, not de20:00
jharleyhowdy.  I’m just testing out 14.04 and I see that I can’t do ‘service networking restart’ (or stop) any longer?20:01
lmatActionParsnip: Thanks ^_^20:01
lmatokay, I'm going to restart now :)20:01
jharleyis “ifdown -a && ifup -a” the new official way to restart all networking?20:01
jharleyI have a chef recipe that drops in network configs and then restarts networking20:01
theadminjharley: I'm pretty sure you want "network-manager" or "networkmanager" or "NetworkManager" orwhatitis20:02
jharleytheadmin: this is a server20:02
ax9Good player for basic music? No FLAC crap, just casual MP3.20:03
theadminjharley: Oh, er.20:03
lmattrism: Thanks for your time. It's working now.20:03
lmatyou know... mostly :)20:03
theadminjharley: A quick search turns up: "Turns out this is a "feature". The only supported way of restarting an interface in Ubuntu Server is sudo ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0"20:04
theadminjharley: Kind of strange, if you ask me20:04
jharleytheadmin: yep, I found the same.. they’re citing an issue with dbus getting upset if network interfaces go away or something20:04
lmatI negatived the screen, and no20:04
lmatnow cairo-dock is not transparent or something...20:04
mkaniCurrently seeking authors and editors for the ubuntu manual project20:04
rohancan i use some kind of checkpointing in apt? for example, i want to create a checkpoint before i install KDE, so i can rollback completely if need be20:05
Bashing-omjharley: A server would not have "Network-manager" installed by default, so yeah that service does not exist.20:05
mkanifor more details pls visit the ubuntu manual project page20:05
lmatI just realized! Rotating the cube doesn't flicker anymore :D :D20:05
lmatIt's about freakin time!20:05
ArmadillosIs there a way to make linux not go back into sleep mode when the battery on my laptop is fully charged? It's acting like it's changing power profiles, and when it does, it causes the laptop to go to sleep.20:05
lmat(I'm coming from 12.04, so it could have been fixed a long time ago :))20:05
theadminBashing-om: Earlier versions had a "networking" service20:05
jharleyBashing-om: “network-manager” is a daemon, ‘networking’ in an upstart job20:06
ax9Good player for basic music? No FLAC crap, just casual MP3.20:06
mkanifor opportunities visit http://ubuntu-manual.org/?lang=en_GB20:06
jharleytheadmin: oh, there’s still the service.  It just prints this: Stopping or restarting the networking job is not supported. Use ifdown & ifup to reconfigure desired interface.”20:06
bausi want to change to ubuntu linux. i have found replacements for most of the software, but i can't find a replacement for iCal. is there an ubuntu calendar that can subscribe to .ics files?20:06
theadminax9: Ubuntu's built-in Rhythmbox is pretty neat, I myself used to use Audacious20:06
ax9!info audacious20:07
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-1 (trusty), package size 240 kB, installed size 1498 kB20:07
jharleybaus: Mozilla lightning works alright20:07
ax9theadmin: Its tiny, i'll give it a try.20:07
wilhelm1ActionParsnip: It does not give an directory tree. What is the format for the directory according to ubuntu version?20:07
theadminax9: I like it because I can configure it to just sit in tray and not show any windows at all, lol20:07
Armadillos!info vlc20:07
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-0ubuntu14.04.1 (trusty), package size 1170 kB, installed size 3604 kB20:07
ax9There is a file manager for Ubuntu that support Miniatures? I'm tired of thunar...20:08
ghostconnHello all, I just did a fresh install and for some reason my system monitor is telling me I only have one cpu when I have two? has anyone ever in countered this20:08
theadminax9: Nautilus and Dolphin both support thumbnails if that's what you mean20:08
ax9theadmin: But it shows the thumbnail when i'm uploading something to web? Like a 4chan post.20:09
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype, go to System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations, or System Setting -> File Associations in KDE 4.5+20:09
theadminax9: um... I dunno what you mean tbh20:09
ax9theadmin: Like when you have to pick a file and the file manager pops out for it.20:10
theadmin...uh. I am confused.20:10
Amy_Lu_Whohow do I copy the command output from terminal?20:10
theadminAmy_Lu_Who: Right click and choose "Copy"20:10
ghostconnprint screen20:10
ax9theadmin: Go to imgur.com and try to upload a picture, you'll see.20:10
theadminax9: Oh, that has nothing to do with the file manager, that would be your desktop's picker dialog and you can't do much to change that20:11
theadminax9: (except using a different desktop)20:11
Amy_Lu_Whotheadmin, this is why i hate laptops. thanks!20:11
ax9theadmin: That's kinda sucks... but okay... i guess.20:12
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Guest75297hello, I recently installed Lubuntu in a virtual machine but I cannot get the resolution to be anything other than 640x480. Can anyone help? I tried using xrandr to add a new mode but it fails20:12
theadminGuest75297: What kinda VM?20:13
Guest75297theadmin: VirtualBox 4.120:13
mbalmerinstall virtual box guest additions.20:13
theadminGuest75297: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms and reboot the VM20:13
mbalmerand update to a recent virtualbox20:13
theadminAnd yeah 4.1 is ancient20:14
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wilhelm1How is the guest accounts defaults customised?20:14
theadminwilhelm1: It just creates a new account when you log in as a guest, basically, so the usual - it copies stuff from /etc/skel to the home folder20:15
Guest75297theadmin: Doing that now. Will it matter that I attempted to install from the ISO that oracle distributes with virtualbox?20:16
sockinmouthanyone use mypaint have a problem with the subwindows not open. The color picker etc. wont show.20:16
theadminGuest75297: You can do that too, it just is a bit more confusing20:16
wilhelm1theadmin: What about the desktop settings such as shortcuts.20:16
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theadminwilhelm1: That's there, too, those are just .desktop files in the "Desktop" folder20:17
the_drowHi guys, I've installed jemalloc thought apt-get but for some reason pkg-config can't find it20:17
ToothIm having problem whit my 14.10 desktop it freez when it time to login! i can boot in to grube! shall i try to start the ubuntu 3.13.0-24 generic (recovery mode)20:17
the_drowI'm on 14.0420:17
the_drowIs there anything else I should do?20:17
Guest75297theadmin: I had tried to get it working, but got errors about my X server version not being supported20:17
theadminGuest75297: yeaah, update virtualbox and try again20:17
theadminGuest75297: Seriously 4.1 is ancient20:17
wilhelm1theadmin: The default shortcuts and desktop settings are located in /etc/skel ?20:18
theadminwilhelm1: Pretty much all stuff for new user accounts is there, yes. Note that there's a bunch of hidden files/folders there tho20:18
theadminwilhelm1: Easy way to customise that - create a clean admin account, do whatever you want, copy the resulting home folder to /etc/skel20:18
Guest75297theadmin: Will do when I upgrade the whole box to 14.04, still running 10.04...... so many things to redo and I had been waiting for the next LTS20:19
wilhelm1theadmin: Does this include the default firefox and thunderbird profiles?20:19
Guest75297theadmin: the host I mean, the vm is 14.0420:19
wilhelm1theadmin: The entire home folder is located in /etc/skel ?20:19
theadminwilhelm1: Those are non-existent, FF creates a clean profile when it first starts, same for TB, but you can have the .mozilla directory there so that it will use the existing profile20:19
theadminwilhelm1: Yeah20:19
Bashing-omTooth: Booting via "recovery mode" will narrow things down a lot. If you are able to get to the desk top, will tell us a lot.20:19
Guest75297theadmin: thanks, the package from the repo fixed the issue, and I have plenty of normal resolutions to choose from now20:20
theadminGuest75297: yay20:21
theadminGuest75297: It should automatically adjust resolution to match the VMs window size so you don't have to pick one20:21
the_drowI also can't find the jemalloc binary file20:21
Toothok thx i try the recovery mode have a nice day20:21
Guest75297theadmin: added complication, the host is headless, so it's via VNC (using x11vnc -- any other vnc server you think would be better for this?)20:22
Bashing-omTooth: Report back with status, we still have yet to identify the problem .20:22
theadminGuest75297: Enable VRDP and connect over that, best for access to remote VMs20:22
theadminGuest75297: (it's virtualbox's built-in remote desktop server)20:23
winterpkI seem to have a PHP script that is envoking sendmail via cli, but I'm not sure what script is doing it.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to find the violator?20:23
Guest75297theadmin: When I use the built in vrdp, the screen updates are painfully slow, and the mouse updates lag. I've developed a distaste for rdp in general due to these symptoms20:24
theadminGuest75297: Oh, odd enough, it works well for me. Oh well, if you are using VNC and it works for you that's good20:24
Jordan_U!clone | rohan20:25
ubotturohan: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate20:25
wilhelm1theadmin: Only a few basic files are located in /etc/skel for quantal. The defaults are located elsewhere.20:25
Guest75297theadmin: thanks! Yeah I wrote a little script to start it up and restart it whenever it dies, and threw it in rc.local20:25
Guest75297theadmin: so far so good20:25
theadminwilhelm1: No, they are there. You should look at hidden files (those starting with ".", too). Those defaults that aren't there are just created by software when it starts, they are coded in.20:25
rohanJordan_U: does that also remove the excess packages?20:26
Guest75297theadmin: I'm going to speculate that maybe the vrdp is improved in the newer releases of vb, I'll give them another shot when I get around to updating everything20:27
roysamba from the software center, how can i call it command line, what is its command20:28
royit doesnt run20:29
randomlinuxroy: You need to start the samba server?20:29
randomlinuxtry sudo /etc/init.d/smbd start20:29
roythe easy gui that is a all in one dont work on 14.04 but my laptop 13.04 it works20:30
randomlinuxyou should be able to type in system-config-samba to open up the config gui i believe20:31
roythats what i thought it was, im getting a f-load of errors from that20:32
royill pastebin20:32
etropehola a todos20:33
royrandomlinux: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7494637/20:34
randomlinuxwhat's the permissiosn on RuntimeError: You do not have permission to execute /usr/bin/pdbedit.20:34
randomlinuxwhoops sorry20:34
centrxMy name is I AM THE GREAT UBUNTU20:34
randomlinuxwhat are the permissions on /usr/bin/pdbedit ?20:34
roywhats the question20:34
royif i dont how would i set them20:35
simpleuser_Hi there. I have a very very VERY strange problem. Before installing #!, I changed my partitions, and then Grub didn’t work anymore. No worries, I used Boot Repair Disk ( http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=5745281#p5745281 ), a live CD made to just repair Grub. It worked. Then I launched an install of CB, and replaced my Xubuntu. But guess what… ? Now when I start, in my GRUB, I can choose between Windows and Ubunt20:35
randomlinuxi would check with ls -l /usr/bin/pdbedit20:35
simpleuser_If I choose Ubuntu, it launches the boot screen of Boot Repair Disk (which I never installed…) and freezes. I tried again to use that live CD to repair GRUB, but same odd thing.Any idea what I should do ? I’m a bit lost here. I don’t get anything of what’s happenning.20:35
randomlinuxim not at a box where i can check what's right at the moment though20:35
UnhammerI'd like to get cmake 2.8.8 on a 12.04 system; it seems I can get this from https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports – but is there a way to avoid getting all the other packages from this ppa next time I type apt-get upgrade?20:36
centrxall hail the GREAT UBUNTU20:36
roy simpleuser is your / partition over 2TB20:36
ToothThx For the help earlier this evening Now my 14.04 is working again20:38
simpleuser_roy: Nope. 90GB.20:39
Unhammerah nvm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto seems to answer my question20:39
royany partitions over 2 TiB20:40
roysimpleuser_: ?^20:40
simpleuser_roy: Nope. Max is about 200GB.20:40
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royok i had a simer experance , install worked, and hanged on boot, and i had a swap and the rest all in one / 2.47 Tib, found out it cant be over 1.99 TiB or maybe the perfictly rounded 2 Tib, once i made that adjustment, it booted20:43
centrxI had the same experience before I discovered I AM THE GREAT UBUNTU20:43
k1lcentrx: please stop that and stick to the guidelines in here. thanks20:44
roycentrx: then fix this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7494637/20:44
roy... or else your not so great20:45
ikoniaroy: what's the permissions on /usr/bin/pdbedit20:45
royhow do i check that?20:45
ikoniaroy: ls -la /usr/bin/pdbedit in a pastebin20:45
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roy-rwxr-xr-x 1 roy roy 37512 May  1 17:22 /usr/bin/pdbedit20:46
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ikoniaroy: something has happened to your permisions on your machine20:47
ikoniaroy: roy:roy shouldn't own anything in /usr/bin20:47
k1lin /usr/bin/ stuff should belong to root. so you seem to have done something wrong at all20:47
royhow to fix20:47
ikoniaroy: what's happened to your permissions ?20:47
ikoniaroy: what have you done to your box before it stopped working ?20:48
roywqell its probly like that cause i was messing cause it didnt work to begin with20:48
doubledutchIs there a channel specifically for Ubuntu on Mac20:48
ikoniaroy: it didn't install like that - something has happened to it20:48
royi only messed with files in the error message20:48
ikoniaroy: I'd suggest re-installing ubuntu to a known "good" state to make sure youre file systems have the right pemrissions20:49
royas of now... -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 37512 May  1 17:22 /usr/bin/pdbedit20:49
Bashing-omTooth: A graphics driver issue ? look to see whsat is installed: -> sudo lshw -C display <- in the "configuation" field.20:49
sl33k_How do I redirect a command output to desktop? command > out.txt will place it into directory name ?20:51
sionroninthat creates a file out.txt and fills it with the stdout of your command20:52
sionroninif you want it in your Desktop you'll need ~/Desktop/out.txt20:52
Bashing-omsl33k_: That command would output to the "current working directory".20:52
motaka2hello I am trying to share a folder in ubuntu and I get this error:  'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission deniedYou do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.20:52
cYmenIs there something like xinitrc that is called by lightdm for "autorun" stuff?20:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:55
roynon-root runs /usr/bin/pdbedit -L and i get out put, so why cant it run in the script20:56
roythis is on my friends desktop, so i tried it on my laptop, same thing, and i havent messed with permissions on my laptop20:56
roybut with 13.04, its flawless20:57
ikoniaroy: I think you need to put the machine to a good known install20:57
ikoniathen move forward from there20:57
royso easy a baby can do it20:57
royit was just installed not to long agao, and this is my friends work desktop, its not afford to go down now20:58
ikoniaroy: it needs to go down and be re-installed to a known good working state20:58
royhis hard drive recently went bad, which had 13.04, so this sime we installed 14.0420:58
ikoniaok, it still needs to be put to a known good working state20:59
roywht does that mean exactly20:59
roywill all software installed stay along with settings20:59
mintyok hello, im running ubuntu 11.04 on mac and it crashes everytime at very little effort like for example after i move my card in solitaire little stuff20:59
ikoniaroy: it means a re-install to put things to a known good woing state20:59
ikoniaroy: no20:59
ikoniaminty: 11.04 is end of life/dead21:00
royikonia: i manually have ran chmod and chown, and i know what files i have messed with, so i can just restore those21:00
royran them only cause it didnt work out of box21:00
ikoniaroy: I don't believe you have21:01
roytrying to debug21:01
royoh yes i have21:01
ikoniaroy: as before I told you - you didn't know how to even list the permissions, so I'm not confident you know what you are doing in changing the permissions21:01
ikoniahence why I feel it recommended to put it to a known good state21:01
royfine ill pastebin my history...................21:01
ikoniaI don't want your history21:01
roymaking sure no passwords r in it21:02
roylet me proof read it21:02
ikoniaI don't want it21:02
ikoniaroy: I do not want your history21:02
ChayceI was trying to run <bundle install> to fix the incomplete packages. It is saying Gemfile not found. When I did <locate Gemfile>, it is showing multiple paths. I am trying to run <bundle install>. Any help?21:02
ramosI'm trying to add files to my Ipod but I'm getting the following errors: Error opening '/home/ramos.ext' for writing (Permission denied)....Can someone assist me with the fix for this please?21:03
roythem belive me when i said i manually did it caus it did not work "out of the box"21:03
ikoniaroy: I don't not believe you, but I don't have confidence in what you've done21:03
igorigor here so im running ubuntu 14.04 on my mac book pro and it keeps crashing even when im typing in irssi21:04
igorso i have to restart the computer all the time21:04
KavanSigor: :(21:04
igori cant get anything done21:05
ikoniaigor: you said it was 11.04 a minute ago21:05
igorsorry i didnt know21:05
igorlol i was wrong21:05
royikonia:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7494774/21:05
ikoniaroy: I don't want it21:05
igorand the i crashed lol:)21:05
ikoniaroy: I've said 3 times21:05
royi grep it21:05
royjust a few lines21:05
ramosI'm trying to add files to my Ipod but I'm getting the following errors: Error opening '/home/ramos.ext' for writing (Permission denied)....Can someone assist me with the fix for this please?21:05
igorand when i join it sais system erroe21:05
igorso can anyone help?21:06
igorhow do i get my ubuntu 14.04 to run propally on my mac book pro?21:07
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igorwhen i restart my ubuntu start up is distorted21:08
igorlike the logo but split into pieces21:08
arcskysometimes i install program.tar.gz with ./configure ; make; make install i wonder now how can i uinstall such programs?21:09
xrqdoes anyone have a decent guide to installing ubuntu on an mk809iv mini pc?21:10
k1l!arm | xrq21:11
ubottuxrq: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.21:11
ramosI'm trying to add files to my Ipod but I'm getting the following errors: Error opening '/home/ramos.ext' for writing (Permission denied)....Can someone assist me with the fix for this please?21:13
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letstrythisIs it possible to tell the system to use the swap partitions for tmp folders and files and cache?21:20
gareimhi, so I have ubuntu in a CLI-only environment and wanted to install adb, but all guides seem to use a graphical environment to install it21:23
gareimis there anyway to install adb without X?21:23
k1lgareim: use apt-get install on the cli21:23
gareimadb isn't a package in the repos though21:24
k1landroid-tools-adb is the package21:24
gareimhm, it doesnt seem to work for me21:24
rom1504how can I distribute a .deb so that I can do sudo apt-get install myapp ?21:24
gareimpackage not located21:24
k1lgareim: which ubuntu are you on exactly?21:25
creeperking447Hey people, I just downloaded this program21:25
gareimim actually running crouton on an acer c72021:25
gareimmaybe some of the repos are different cause of that?21:25
creeperking447See ya21:25
k1lgareim: well, we cant tell for other distributions. so please ask their support21:26
gareimokay, thanks21:26
gareimhm, checking the sources.list, it seems that im on ubuntu 12.0421:27
ramosI'm trying to add files to my Ipod but I'm getting the following errors: Error opening '/home/ramos.ext' for writing (Permission denied)....Can someone assist me with the fix for this please?21:27
gareimthe sources.list look normal21:27
k1lgareim: again: ask their support. we dont know what they change in there21:27
scottlilo2why did my ubuntu install without access to the dock ?21:28
scottlilo2hm idk.. i installed ubuntu for my first time - and the dock didnt show up21:28
scottlilo2installed it over virtualbox.. if that matters21:29
ubusermy asus laptop just happens to freeze up for a few seconds every now and then. Anoying! Help?21:33
scottlilo2atleast yu got it running :)21:33
ubuserscottlilo2 me?21:34
scottlilo2yes - i cant even get ubuntu running hehe21:34
creeperking447Im back21:34
ubuserscottlilo2 ouch!21:34
ubuserscottlilo2 what are you not yet running on?21:35
scottlilo2Ive installed ubuntu via Virtualbox - but when it loads up , its just a blank desktop with no dock or access to anything21:35
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ubuserscottlilo2 thats no good :) what happened during install in virtualbox? Who installed it as a virtual box?21:36
scottlilo2well i installed it via virtual box because my main system runs windows21:37
scottlilo2it seems to run fine21:37
scottlilo2until i get to the desktop21:37
scottlilo2honestly just gunna try a different version  - im pretty new21:38
vonsyd0whello! How would you clear the dns cache from the command line on a 12.04+ box?21:38
Cheaterman1Bashing-om: what about dpkg?21:39
Cheaterman1Oops I was backlogging21:39
Bashing-omCheaterman1: Exellent to handle single packages locally !21:40
ubuservonsyd0w: /etc/init.d/dns-clean start21:40
bdonnahue2how can i determine which port vncserver is listening to?21:42
vonsyd0wubuser, i just searched init.d for like 10 minutes and overlooked that... thank you!21:43
Cheaterman1Bashing-om: What about a full /var/cache/apt/archives dump?21:43
Cheaterman1(I'm installing Ubuntu on an offline system, downloading packages in advance on a live OS, then copying them to a usb key)21:44
Cheaterman1(I've been advised to use dpkg -i *.deb in the folder)21:44
vonsyd0wbdonnahue2, you could type "ss -anp | grep LISTEN" and look for vino-server on the command line21:44
vonsyd0wbut its typically 590021:45
Macermy platter drive in my dell laptop is totally trashed lol21:45
Macerso happy they decided to put 2 hard drives in the thing21:45
Bashing-omCheaterman1: apt-get clean -> It removes everything but the lock file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/.21:45
Macerwell.. 1 ssd and 1 platter21:45
vonsyd0wbdonnahue2, that is if you're using vino-server. otherwise the -p switch will list the listening port with process21:46
Bashing-omCheaterman1: I am aware that there exist better ways to xfer files for install, using the package manager, off the top of my head I do not reall the process.21:47
Cheaterman1Bashing-om: Oh very good point to clean the dump, thanks! Do you confirm the way I proceed is more or less correct, using dpkg -i on packages from a backup of the archives directory?21:47
Cheaterman1Okay thanks21:47
Cheaterman1I myself am very confused with GUI tools21:47
Bashing-omCheaterman1: Lemme peek at my system, see what it tells me for that xfer process.21:47
RalliasSo... uhm... I forgot my admin password to my ejabberd instance... how do I change it?21:48
SerK0nim using 14.04 x64..  and oscar goes for  "ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: failed to get modem status: -32" ? how can fix that21:54
melt_7777sekon google it21:55
SerK0noscar goes for melt_7777 " TX"21:55
melt_7777i fixed ALL my 14.04 issues with google-fu21:55
melt7777me too21:58
hploserI got a computer today, and i am not sure how to tell if this thing is a 32 bit or a 64 bit,how is that done exactly?21:58
Bashing-omCheaterman1: Did not find the info I had in mind, how about ->Use apt-offline ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware ...21:59
hploseri know the software that is currently running on it is 32 bit, but I am trying to figure out if it will run 64 bit21:59
k1lhploser: you mean the ubuntu system or the hardware?22:01
hploserk1l, i need to know if it will run 64 bit22:02
k1lhploser: see the exact cpu22:02
melt7777hploser: it's 64 bit22:02
hplosermelt7777, how do you know that?22:03
hploserk1l, it has 2.8gb ram..22:03
hploserk1l, not sure where to see the cpu info.22:03
k1lhploser: that has nothing to do with ram22:03
phil22cat /proc/cpuinfo ?22:03
k1lhploser: which OS are you on right now?22:04
hploserk1l, ok, tell me where to look for the info22:04
hploserk1l, Ubuntu 13.1022:04
melt7777hploser uname -a22:04
melt7777if you see amd64 its 64 if u see 686 it's 3222:04
k1lhploser:  phil22 gave you a command for the cpu. to see if the installed system is 32or 64 bit see "uname -a"22:04
phil22ok, thank you22:05
hploserArchitecture:          i68622:05
hploserCPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit22:05
hploserByte Order:            Little Endian22:05
hploseri know this software is 32-bit, just trying to see if could handle 64bit22:05
hploserCPU MHz:               2100.00022:06
k1l!paste | hploser22:06
ubottuhploser: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:06
hploserk1l, ok thanks for the rule clarification, now does that tell you anything?22:06
k1lhploser: put all that output there into a pastebin22:07
hploserk1l, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7494991/22:08
k1lyes, that should do 64bit ubuntu.22:09
hploserk1l, thank you22:09
mamece2Hello friends. When i hit suspend and i check my laptop after some hours I see it has been shutdown. it never returns from suspend. Then when i log in I can see a error message. whats happening?22:12
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bekksmamece2: Which error message?22:12
mamece2bekks: I reported it, where can i see the last reports i've sent ?22:13
bekksUhm, nowhere? :)22:13
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mamece2bekks: no way! really? i thought they were stored into a log or something22:14
Rich8989Hello, I'm trying to install "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" from the software center. A pop up opens and says To install ubuntu restricted extra's these items must be removed Web Browser>> Engine Library For qt, (oxideqt-codecs)I've looked for the this through Unity search and unable to locate said file. I'm using Ubuntu 14.01 LTS22:20
mamece2let me try again22:23
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=== synd is now known as syndrome
nukenhi all22:48
nukeni'm thinking in customize an ubuntu iso to install on my machines22:49
Amy_Lu_WhoI have just run into a problem.  I cannot download flash.  I found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash and I am stuck at the second step.  :(22:49
nukenis there already anyway to do this ?22:49
nukencustomize packages, wallpaper, menus and etc22:49
nukenso i'll have a "my standard ubuntu distro"22:50
Jordan_U!details | Amy_Lu_Who22:50
ubottuAmy_Lu_Who: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)22:50
Jordan_U!remaster | nuken22:52
ubottunuken: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility22:52
Amy_Lu_WhoJordan_U, I downloaded pepper flash plugin and the next step is "enable multiverse software repository" I opened the software center but I cannot find the "software and updates" screen pictured.22:52
nukenJordan_U, ubottu thank you guys !22:53
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, go to the terminal and type sudo apt-get update22:53
Jordan_Unuken: You're welcome.22:53
Amy_Lu_Whosudormrf, done.  but flash still doesn't work22:54
Jordan_UAmy_Lu_Who: "If it worked and you see a green check-mark, then you're almost done. Skip to Step 4." "If you tried to install the Flash player and the Software Center couldn't find it..."22:55
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, after doing the update you should be able to find it in software center22:55
Jordan_UAmy_Lu_Who: So you don't need to do steps 2 and 3.22:55
Amy_Lu_Whoafter the update I will see what?  adobe flash available in the software center?22:57
Amy_Lu_Whosudormrf, after the update I will see what?  adobe flash available in the software center?22:57
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, yes.  if you haven't installed it already.22:57
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, not sure if adobe22:57
Jordan_UAmy_Lu_Who: I'm confused. What do you mean when you say that you "Downloaded pepper flash"?22:58
john_ramboHow to install xombrero ? Cant find it in the repos22:59
Amy_Lu_WhoJordan_U, i got "pepperflashplugin-nonfree (1.3ubuntu1)" in the software center.  Step one in the link22:59
Jordan_UAmy_Lu_Who: Great. So why didn't you then skip to step 4, as the instructions say to do?23:00
kamiro87Hello i'm having some trouble with grub on my 13.10 install. I want it to not get stuck at grub when it fails to boot. I tried editing GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/grub but when i run update-grub the changes don't seem to be applied. I can still get the box to hang at the grub menu if i yank the power during boot and try to reboot.23:01
sudormrfkamiro87, does this happen during normal reboots or just when you invoke the reboot?23:01
kamiro87it happens when i yank the power during a normal boot. after this it always come sup in a grub menu23:02
kamiro87but will boot if i hit enter23:02
kamiro87normally, it works fine23:02
sudormrf....curious why you are yanking the power :S23:02
kamiro87trying to simulate a power failure. the box is kinda a server and i want it to come back.23:03
sudormrfkamiro87, did you run update-grub or update-grub2?23:03
sudormrfkamiro87, gotcha, I had the same thing happen to me.23:03
Amy_Lu_WhoJordan_U, no need for hostility.  i am a firts timer here trying to break the shackles of microsoft and I am having a heck of a hard time doing that.23:03
sudormrfkamiro87, try update-grub223:03
kamiro87one sec23:03
kamiro87(also, plugging a keyboard involves a 40 minute drive.. lol)23:03
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, he was not being hostile.  if you can see the package in the software center, are you unable to install it? do you receive an error?23:04
sudormrfkamiro87, lel23:04
sudormrfkamiro87, more info: http://askubuntu.com/questions/202309/cannot-get-grub-menu-to-timeout-or-go-away23:04
sudormrfkamiro87, also this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55551/how-can-i-force-ubuntu-to-boot-on-a-stuck-boot-menu23:05
sudormrfkamiro87, IIRC for my server I just changed the recordfail_timeout.23:05
sudormrfbut maybe not23:05
sudormrfbeen a while23:05
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, were you able to get it installed?23:06
Amy_Lu_Whosudormrf, i think so.23:06
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, so in software center if you search for that package it has a green check next to it?23:06
bdonnahue2is there a best way to host a vnc server on ubuntu?23:06
bdonnahue2im looking to be able to configure the resolution for users and offer desktop access23:07
Amy_Lu_Whosudormrf, the installer is there.  I just did the sudo update..... --install on it, restarted the browser and now looking for a site that needs flash.23:07
bdonnahue2i've seen a number of packages on ubuntu but nothing that solves my issue23:07
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, gotcha23:07
kamiro87hmm, don't seemn to have update-grub223:07
sudormrfkamiro87, you should :S.23:07
sudormrfkamiro87, check those links :)23:08
sudormrfkamiro87, I must have done the same thing at one point in time because I remember having the exact same problem.23:09
Amy_Lu_Whosudormrf, good grief.  I have no idea where that page was, how do I know if a page has flash on it? :/23:10
=== CarlFK is now known as spacemon1
damianoi am using ubuntu server 12.04 i need to configure ad additional ip address...but when i open /etc/network/interfaces i read23:12
damiano# WARNING: Do not edit this file, otherwise your changes will be lost.23:12
damiano# Please edit template /etc/network/interfaces.template instead.23:12
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damianoi can i configure all the things?23:12
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, sorry, I am not sure.  I would suggest youtube but I think chromium uses html5 for that23:12
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kamiro87gonna try and re-run grub-install23:13
Amy_Lu_Whosudormrf, oh well, i guess I will just "assume" it is fixed until another error pops up.23:13
sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, sounds good.23:13
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Amy_Lu_Whosudormrf, thanks.  sorry i got defensive.  i am not at the level of most linux users and it is so MUCH info to just up and learn.23:14
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sudormrfAmy_Lu_Who, don't worry about it.  we are all in some stage of learning and we all started just where you did.23:15
damianosomeone could help me?23:15
brickerIs it possible to have upstart restart a process when a specific file is touched?23:15
damianoi do not know if i have to modify interfaces directly23:15
damianoor not23:15
kamiro87hmm, doesnt look like that did anything.23:16
sudormrfbricker, try inotify-tools23:16
sudormrfkamiro87, you did the stuff in those links and it still doesn't work right?23:17
kamiro87erm, gimme a sec. looks liek there is more after the "use recordfail"23:18
brickersudormrf: thanks23:18
sudormrfbricker, good luck :).23:18
damianowhy can i not change interfaces file directly?23:19
damiano /etc/network/interfaces23:19
kamiro87tried grub-editenv create and it doesn't look like that worked23:19
sudormrfkamiro87, hmm.  that is odd :S23:20
kamiro87i don't want to use boot-repair cause i'd rather be able to push the change out remotley.23:20
kamiro87oh, another thing. This HDD was cloned from another using DD.23:21
kamiro87could that be messing something up?23:21
sudormrfkamiro87,  I don't think so.  This server has no gui?23:22
kamiro87it does, but a solution that can be done over the command line is prefferable.23:23
sudormrfkamiro87, I know.  was just asking :D.23:23
kamiro87ah k23:24
sudormrfkamiro87, http://ubuntuincident.wordpress.com/2013/05/19/grub-timeout-doesnt-work-sometimes/23:24
sudormrfkamiro87, http://askubuntu.com/questions/211797/how-do-i-make-ubuntu-power-loss-proof23:24
sudormrfkamiro87, not sure what else to say :S23:24
kamiro87no worries, thanks for your help23:26
damianosomeone read me23:27
democritus101could we be of any help?23:27
kamiro87i'll give boot-repair a shot23:28
lazarus_what is the correct way to use zenity --progress because i dont think im doing it right unless you assign the % values manually which isnt accurate23:28
damianoi have a problem with 12.04 ubuntu server23:28
damianoi need to configures interfaces...but i read23:29
damiano# WARNING: Do not edit this file, otherwise your changes will be lost.23:29
damiano# Please edit template /etc/network/interfaces.template instead.23:29
damianowhat is this?23:29
damianocan i not change interfaces directly?23:29
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democritus101why don't you set up the interfaces using ifconfig?23:30
damianodemocritus101, i always did it by editing interfaces file23:30
damianodemocritus101, at the moment i have the ip there...23:30
damianonow th e problem is that23:31
damianoi have TWO ips23:31
damianoi must to set the primary ip23:31
damianohow can i do it democritus101  ?23:31
democritus101to be honest I have never tried editing the interfaces file23:32
damianodemocritus101, ok23:32
democritus101but it should be pretty straightforward if you do it through ifconfig23:32
damianook i will do it via ifconfig...23:32
pakairdamiano, this might help http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/23:32
damianodemocritus101, the problem is that now i have two ip23:32
gustavo_Is this the Ubuntu chatroom???23:32
democritus101damiano, check this out on using ifconfig for multiple IPs http://code.seanodonnell.com/?id=223:33
Bashing-omgustavo_: ubuntu chat is #ubuntu-offtopic .23:33
gustavo_What chat is this???23:34
damianodemocritus101, at the moment the problem is not " how to configure a new ip"23:34
damianothe problem is how to set a primary ip23:34
Bashing-omgustavo_: This channel os ubuntu operating system support.23:34
damianoi have lo venet0 venet0:0 and venet0:123:34
gustavo_Can you help me with Linux Mint 17 Mate RC and xChat???23:35
damianodemocritus101, can i set the primary ip via ifconfig ?23:35
Bashing-omgustavo_: Sorry, not supported here, many differences we would not be aware of.23:36
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gustavo_Ah oh... thanks...23:36
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Bashing-omgustavo_: I would expect that mint has a channel .23:36
pakairgustavo_, #linuxmint-help23:38
democritus101damiano, the problem i guess is not to make a temporary change rather than a permanent one23:38
kamiro87looks like boot reapir did it23:38
damianodemocritus101, exactly23:39
damianoi have to do a permanet change23:39
damianodemocritus101, is this possible?23:39
democritus101damiano, everything is possible, we just have to figure it out23:39
damianodemocritus101, yes exactly23:39
fridaynextit looks like plex is no longer available to update via apt-get update / upgrade...23:40
fridaynextthe media server, that is23:40
fridaynextanyone else had this issue?23:40
damianodemocritus101, if i do ifconfig venet0:0 down23:41
damianois this not permanet?23:42
democritus101if you reboot any changes will be lost23:42
democritus101damiano, and in a server you should better do it using a file just to be on the safe side23:43
drfooanyone know how I can change the ethernet interface name ubuntu 1423:43
damianodemocritus101, yeah but i do not know what file to change to disable the first23:44
drfoothere is no /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ,.. just a readme file.23:44
democritus101damiano, so basically what you want to do is disable one vlan and keep the others, right?23:45
damianodemocritus101, exactly..23:45
damianoi have two ips23:45
damianoi have to disable ONE23:45
damianoifconfig venet0:0 down works...but it is not permanent23:46
damianodemocritus101, putting ifconfig in a startup file sounds ugly to me23:48
Artemis3damiano, i would define things in /etc/network/interfaces23:48
damianoArtemis3, yes me too23:48
democritus101damiano, maybe you cound have an interfaces file like the one in here https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration, under the /etc/network/interfaces section23:48
damianobut i do not understand why i see # WARNING: Do not edit this file, otherwise your changes will be lost.23:48
damiano# Please edit template /etc/network/interfaces.template instead.23:48
akurilin2quick question: does anyone have a guess for how to disable the default dropbox notification in ubuntu when files are added/removed?23:50
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