
funhouseHi there, is it a bad idea to use upstart on centos?02:45
desertedhey all, got an issue trying to create a custom upstart job that I'm hoping is me missing something obvious03:58
desertedhave tried using both exec and script to call a command that is passed an option of another file to launch, no short or long opts form before it, but get the result of "no such file or directory" despite both referenced files being present03:59
desertedjob can be seen at https://gist.github.com/deserted/704c1ca5e0a2bbc40cd6 along with the output error03:59
desertedany help would be greatly appreciated :)03:59
detroutdeserted: the error message in your gist looks like its coming from a sysv init script04:25
detroutline 24 in the upstart init script is the respawn limit04:26
deserteddetrout, ahh thanks, think you're spot on, as there's a /etc/init.d/casualbookings initscript as well :S04:28
detroutyou probably need a guard condition in the init script04:28
deserteddetrout, just tried removing the casualbookings sysv script, which flagged that casual-bookings.conf doesn't seem to be recognised as a service04:29
deserted~# service casual-bookings04:30
desertedcasual-bookings: unrecognized service04:30
detroutinitctl reload-configuration?04:30
deserteddone right before the paste sorry04:30
detrout(warning i don't know that much about upstart04:31
detrouti came here because I had a bug in someone elses upstart init script04:31
desertedno prob lol, you've already fixed one issue for me :)04:31
detroutI think initctl is the control utility for upstart04:32
detroutthere's probably something in its man page that's useful04:32
detroutfor your situation04:32
desertedyeah it is, but initctl check-config isn't flagging any issues with the job config04:33
desertedso little confused as to why not wworking lol04:33
detroutmy guess is that the system started with the sysv version and I was thinking maybe its still expecting to use the sysv version?04:33
desertedall good, cheers for the help, sysv version hasn't been used at all, was also only installed this boot, but i'm trying to replace it rather then go live with the old functionality04:34
detroutah ok04:34
desertedeven though tab-complete not working, querying as full string is, so I'll keep going from here :)04:34
deserted# service casual-bookings status04:34
desertedcasual-bookings stop/waiting04:34
desertedlooks like may be getting the same issue as the sysv though, where it's treating the cmd + options as a single cmd string04:35
detrouthm thats weird04:36
detrout the docs seem to think thats ok04:37
deserteddetrout, got it sorted in the end, thanks to debug logging06:15
desertedsetuid won't accept an env variable06:15
JoelThoughts on why this starts my script five times? I presume because of the respawn line, but what do I need to do to get this thing to realize it already started the script? https://gist.github.com/jjshoe/1d795c7169be2cb3038815:09
ionWhy do you use start-stop-daemon?15:14
ionInstead of the script block, try: exec /usr/bin/monitor.rb15:15
ionYou should have the output in /var/log/upstart/{jobname}.log automatically.15:15
ionAlso, remove the instance line.15:18
Joelion, same bahvior.15:21
JoelI wind up with six pid's.15:22
ionDoes monitor.rb daemonize?15:22
ionCan you make it not daemonize?15:22
Joelion, nope, runs in a while loop.15:22
ionDo you see errors in syslog or /var/log/upstart/{jobname}.log?15:22
Joelion, no file is created there.15:23
ionPlease pastebin the current job definition15:24
Joelcalling monitor.rb as root causes it to work correctly, it happily loops away.15:27
Joelion, any thoughts?15:33
ionIs there some output regarding the job in syslog?15:50
NeozonzHaving some issues starting a jar daemon, service xxx start seems to just hang (process starts but doesn't go back to cmdline)16:03
NeozonzUsing as a template http://blog.jineshmk.in/2013/09/running-jar-as-service-using-upstart.html16:03
=== broder_ is now known as broder
xnoxrefactoring is fun, when one has a fully passing test-suite \o/ =)22:01

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