
holsteinm1chael: its not so much a bug, as a specific issue related to your hardware01:11
cubed_rootis there a bug re: the minimum width a column can be in thunar?01:11
holsteinm1chael: keeping up with updates can help, since, a kernel update could address that01:11
sheerhey does anyone know why i can't find this on the software centre app: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/screencloud/01:27
sheerwhat extra repositories do I need to enable? I seem to have them all enabled01:27
holstein!info screencloud01:28
ubottuPackage screencloud does not exist in trusty01:28
holsteinsheer: the link you have states the supported versions of ubuntu01:30
sheeryeah, I see that now01:30
sheerthanks holstein01:30
holsteinsheer: im not seeing a PPA in a casual search here01:31
sheeryeah it's a bit weird, it has no PPA and instead uses an inbuilt update mechanism01:34
holsteinyeah, i would just get the .deb that xangua linked, sheer01:34
sheerwhich is probs why it's a few verions out of date on the software centre01:34
sheerthanks for the help guise01:34
holsteinsheer: ppa's are made by community members01:34
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MAbeeTTHi! I installed xubuntu 14.04 and I am searching for the GUI for setting proxy URI as global setting.06:27
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xubuntu941So in Xubuntu 14.04 - after logging out, I log back in to a blank desktop background (menus and all gone)10:12
xubuntu941This happens every time I log in now, even after reboot10:13
xubuntu955Hey does anyone know how to use synapse-indicator via shortcut. Even the default shortcut <super><alt>space is not working.10:17
nagevxubuntu955: did you upgrade to xubuntu 14.04 recently?  Synapse package gets removed on upgrade as it is not included in the 14.04 repositories :(11:02
ochosinagev: he has long left...11:03
baizonnagev: he meant the indicator-synapse package. That is a different problem :) but also not an xubuntu one11:03
baizonyeah, also hes left the channel :)11:03
thchipmunkCan anyone tell me how I can install Xubuntu from the minimal CD? I am not seeing an option for selecting Xubuntu anywhere.12:29
thchipmunkGoogle just keeps giving me results for doing Ubuntu then installing Xfce12:30
kgbnever installed minimal, bt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:34
adrianHello there.12:34
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thchipmunkWow! Sorry, next time I'll actually read the opening paragraph and not jump to the downloads. Thanks!12:35
Guest44723I have strange problem with ssh, I can't log from fresh xubuntu to my centos server12:35
Guest44723all I get is: debug1: Connecting to...12:35
Guest44723and it takes ages before it time out12:35
Guest44723Is there any option I need to tune to connect with ssh?12:36
Guest44723I found out that I can connect with ssh to computers inside my LAN, but not to outside. (in this case AWS external IP)12:37
Guest44723any ideas?12:37
kgbthchipmunk: idk., you know: if you can install xfce on top of it..12:37
kgb(or there are some blog-posts about actually installing xubuntu from minimal, but idk. :))12:38
thchipmunkYeah, I just found two. I think I just wasn't looking hard enough12:39
Guest44723no one else had same problem with ssh?12:40
thchipmunkThanks for the help12:41
kgbGuest44723: tried -4 option maybe12:44
Guest44723what -4 stands for? It didn't help anyway12:46
Piciforce ipv4 iirc.12:47
kgb.. because the time-out is long, it *could* suggest ipv6 issue; change it in the network settings to link-local only MAYBE12:52
MAbeeTTHi! I installed xubuntu 14.04 and I am searching for the GUI for setting proxy URI as global setting.13:35
baizonMAbeeTT: http://askubuntu.com/questions/150210/how-do-i-set-systemwide-proxy-servers-in-xubuntu-lubuntu-or-ubuntu-studio13:38
MAbeeTTbaizon: tanks, this is not a GUI, and acctually the procedure is not aceptable for a laptop computer.13:44
baizonMAbeeTT: ubproxy13:47
GridCubethere is no GUI to set up a proxy systemwide on x/l/ubuntu14:14
xubuntu689bonjour je viens d'installer xubuntu sur un portable (vieux)  et mon ecran ne marche pas à l'ouverture de la session.  au demarage tout va bien mais au demarrage de la session l'ecran s'eteind14:14
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:15
ochosixubuntu689: ^14:15
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak14:38
xubuntu991Hey does somebody know how to start indicator-synapse via keyboard-shortcut? Even the default shortcut "<super><alt>space" is not working.14:41
KekaiI run Xubuntu 14.04 lts and it will not mount my Usb Sticks14:55
KekaiI have tried using the terminal comands, but no luck I get an error.14:56
GridCubeKekai, is this with all usb sticks on all usb ports?14:58
KekaiI wanted to try Ubuntu but I ourged it through the pure xubuntu site. Now my network manager is gone and i can not connect.15:00
KekaiI thought I could fix this if i Made a new live usb.15:02
KekaiIm getting a "can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" error when i try to mount in terminal15:15
Kekai_I keep fetting a " can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" error when I use terminal to mount USB drives15:22
KekaiI keep getting an "can't find /dev/sdd1in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab15:46
xubuntu320Hi all. Running into a silly problem with the wireless GUI (nm-applet) not displaying. Is this the right place to ask questions about that?19:48
notwistxubuntu320: "don't ask about asking" is usually a pointer made in these kinds of channels19:58
notwistjust write what's up :)19:59
ochosinotwist: you can also use the !ask factoid ;)20:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:03
notwist...right, this is not a prompt20:03
notwistI need some sleep20:03
xubuntu320Okay. On 13.10 xubuntu it worked fine, after upgrading to 14.04 the process is running but not displaying. So no easy way to choose a network for example. This is the error I'm seeing when running it manually  "** (nm-applet:6071): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-mK7ElGSkVV: Connection refused"20:06
sergio-br2hey hello everyone20:07
sergio-br2someone using firefox, with html5 video in youtube?20:08
sergio-br2it uses over 100% of cpu, it gets 80ºC here (normally is 50ºC)20:08
khamerAnyone know if there is a SVG version of the Xubuntu trusty wallpaper? (blue, mouse in the middle)20:50
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Noskcaj_Does xubuntu hav an issue with uefi currently? My live usb is failing and going to an initramfs/busybox screen and won't let me type anything there22:04
bah_hi... I am not able to get the "special" key mapping then using alt-right key and US keyboard settings.  why ?22:04
xubuntu067Hi, I'm trying to import Eolution .ics calendar into Orage. Orage seems reading the file and then shows nothing in its own calendar. Anybody knows what might be a problem?22:15
bah_ok,,it seems the only US keybord mapping that works is English(US) for example English(US, with Euro on 5) does not work. why ?  This drives me mad !22:15
a5m0hey i've been trying to install nvidia proprietart driver on my gtx 670 but it only reboots to a completely red screen.. anyone have any suggestions?23:49

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