
AskUbuntujuju sync-tools on maas 502 bad gateway error | http://askubuntu.com/q/46986900:00
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
thumpero/ stub04:46
thumperstub: I'm looking at the postgresql charm04:47
thumperand considering two main things:04:47
thumper* what is the minimum reasonable things I need to configure for ec2 so the db exists beyond the machine04:47
thumper* how do I restore a backup that has been taken04:47
* thumper is looking at python-django, postgresql, and gunicorn04:48
thumperprobably going to use a subordinate charm for django for the app...04:48
stubthumper: two (or more) units means you have a replica of all your data. pg_restore is the command to restore a database, and the charm doesn't help you do it.04:59
josehey guys, do you think a charm for an archive mirror would be useful? I know it wouldn't be able to run in a t1.micro aws instance, for example, but I think it would be a good idea to have one for, as an example, private clouds04:59
stubThe backup design and scripts predates me - I need to go over it, adding in PITR options.05:00
lazyPowerhey stub, did you place test_hooks.py in hooks to work around stupid path munging?05:13
lazyPower(wrt the postgresql charm)05:13
stublazyPower: No, it ended up in there because that is where the person who wrote it put it :)05:13
lazyPowerstub: have a moment to lend your eyeballs to my path munging woes? I'm trying really hard in an area i just dont understand.05:14
stublazyPower: I tend to be an 'accept improvements, and polish them later' type gateway.05:14
lazyPowerwait, thats an outdated pastebin05:14
lazyPowerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7496027/ - there's my dir tree05:15
lazyPowerand the only reason i'm using nose, is because i've used it in context of a python project and it worked pretty well. it just 'knew' what was up. It was a similar layout - instead of hooks/ it was module_name/*  -- now the issue. When I run nosetests against tests, it fails under charmhelpers, importing stuff - but only in the context of testing05:17
lazyPowerwhen i'm running the hooks, they have no such import errors, so i can only assume its nose's path munging05:17
lazyPoweryeah, it gets to import hooks/common - from there it starts tree loading teh dependency chain and blows up05:18
lazyPower1 sec, let me push this branch to bzr and get you some output for context05:18
stubAt the top of your '10_test_common.py', you probably want something like 'import sys; import os.path; sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'hooks'))05:21
lazyPowerstub: i have hooks, and hooks/charmhelpers being added implicitly in the test file05:21
stubWith an absolute path, or a relative path?05:21
stubIf you use a relative path, the current working directory will hurt you05:22
lazyPowerit'll resolve to an abspath05:22
lazyPowerah i stripped that in the version i committed05:22
lazyPowerwhat i had was; http://paste.ubuntu.com/7496035/05:22
lazyPowersame error05:22
stubYou really want to calculate the path from __file__, as that is the only fixed absolute path you can start from IIRC05:22
stub'from hooks import' means you need the parent directory of 'hooks' in the path. You are putting the hooks directory itself in the path.05:24
* lazyPower looks shifty05:25
lazyPoweri knew that05:25
lazyPowerwell that'll resolve something later down the road, still failing. I think I'm going to follow the pattern of the pgsql charm and just move it to hooks05:25
lazyPoweri dont know what I did wrong, but there's something terribly wrong here.05:26
stubtry: [imports] except ImportException: print repr(os.getcwd()); print repr(sys.path); raise05:26
lazyPowertrying to get it to trigger, Its raising OSError which i've changed, but still not catching in the try/except block. Which means its probably raising from before this?05:32
lazyPowerstub: thanks for the help, its been food for thought. Doesn't seem to be working though05:39
stublazyPower: Yup. I'd need to see the traceback05:41
stubI can have another look in about an hour05:41
lazyPowerstub: i never got the path to print. whats up in the +junk repo is pretty much the same status of the code save for the try/except block.05:41
lazyPowerI'm calling it a night.. its extremely late05:41
lazyPowerthanks again for taking a look o/05:42
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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jamespagegnuoy, looking at tribaals resync branches now09:39
stublazyPower: btw. Make sure your hooks directory has a __init__.py or Python won't think it is a package and 'import hooks' will fail.09:43
jamespageTribaal, is there a bug for the apt race thing you fixed via charm-helpers?09:48
rbasakaxw: around?10:00
rbasakaxw: it should work with just juju-mongodb as it does in Trusty.10:00
rbasakaxw: we need to push this back in an SRU to Trusty, so I'm not sure we can just bring in a new dependency like that.10:01
rbasakaxw: any idea why the requirement changed?10:01
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
jamespagegnuoy, I made the publish target in Makefile run lint and test first10:12
jamespageif they fail you can't publish10:12
jamespagegnuoy, does that make sense? should help stop lint and test failures getting promoted10:12
jamespagegnuoy, tribaal's branches all landed10:17
gnuoyjamespage, landed to stable ?10:17
jamespagegnuoy, yes10:18
jamespagegnuoy, I've not enacted 'next' yet10:18
jamespagegnuoy, nsx fixups queued for review - https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/+activereviews10:35
jamespagegnuoy, if you like I can show you how to deploy that on serverstack10:36
gnuoythat would be great10:36
jamespagemarcoceppi, just so you know I've branched the ganglia, ganglia-node and ntp charms precise->trusty under charmers - but I've not promulagted10:39
jamespageneeded charm store accessible trusty versions10:39
axwrbasak: it works in Trusty without mongodb-server? ok then - I can take another look in my morning10:45
axwrbasak: why does it need an SRU in Trusty, if it's only an issue in Utopic?10:45
rbasakaxw: I believe so, yes - we have a dep8 test that passed when juju-core was last uploaded to Trusty, and it worked then.10:45
rbasakaxw: there are other fixes that we can't fix in Trusty, because the SRU process expects them to be fixed in Utopic first.10:45
axwah I see10:46
rbasakReally, juju needs to be fixed so that a copy-forward to the next development release Just Works without needing any code changes.10:46
rbasakI'm addressing that separately.10:46
axwrbasak: understood. if I get a chance I'll look tonight, otherwise in my morning. if it's urgent, better get onto someone else in juju-dev10:46
rbasakaxw: OK, thanks. This has been delayed by weeks now, so I don't think another day will really make any difference.10:47
axwokey dokey10:47
* axw bbl10:47
marcoceppijamespage: are they trusty ready? do they need to be promulgated?13:29
marcoceppitypically branches shouldn't live under ~charmers that aren't promulgated13:29
jamespagemarcoceppi, meh - probably13:39
jamespageI've been using them on trusty for ages13:39
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lazyPowerstub: so, i had a nose plugin that was causing 90% of my headache.14:58
* lazyPower burnt it with fire14:58
=== isviridov|away is now known as isviridov
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=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
hackedbellinihey guys16:42
hackedbellinisomething strange happened here: I cannot access juju-gui with the password on local.jenv16:42
hackedbelliniit was working until yesterday. Today I tried to login, using the password on the file, but it says "Unknown user or password."16:42
hackedbellinianyone has any idea of what it might be? Or even where can I get the "real" passowrd, since the one on local.jenv is not working?16:42
hackedbelliniworse. "juju stat" is giving me this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7498090/16:46
hackedbelliniAnd no, I can't use "juju bootstrap" to create a new environment since I'm on a production machine16:46
rick_h_hackedbellini: did you change the password in the jenv file from when the environment was created?16:51
rick_h_hackedbellini: and that looks like a local mongodb timeout?16:51
rick_h_hackedbellini: and the gui talks over the api to juju so if there's issues there it could be more a juju failure than the login16:52
hackedbellinirick_h_: no, I didn't change the password17:14
hackedbelliniand yes, I'm googling a little and found that it has something to do with mongodb. Do you have any tips on how can I debug this?17:14
rick_h_hackedbellini: can you start by explaining a bit on the environment here. It seems odd that it's timing out mongodb on localhost. Maybe that is from the state server machine 0? Can you ssh to that machine and see if mongo is running?17:16
rick_h_hackedbellini: maybe provide some info on the version and such of ubuntu, juju, etc this environment is on?17:16
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
hackedbellinirick_h_: well, I think we fixed it. We restarted juju-agent-juju-local and everything worked again17:37
hackedbellinireally strange though. In our logs, the service restarted itself at 10am (UTC-3). Nobody did nothing for it to happen17:37
rick_h_hackedbellini: well yay and hmmmm, wonder what that was17:37
hackedbellinirick_h_: hahaha exactly my reaction to this, "yay and hrmmmm". If I find something, I'll report here or open a bug ;)17:39
rick_h_hackedbellini: thanks, and glad it's working and not a bug in the GUI :)17:40
=== ryan is now known as Guest80317
lazyPowerGuest80317: o/ Hey Ryan18:10
Guest80317lol well i guess im guest18:11
lazyPowerjcastro: Guest80317 is the ILOC guy I was telling you about that may or may not be able to assist us in this endeavour18:11
Guest80317i need to get my nick registered but ill get to that18:13
=== Guest80317 is now known as ILOC
=== ILOC is now known as ILOC_guy
ILOC_guythat will have to work for a min18:15
lazyPowerhah, nice handle ILOC_guy18:17
ILOC_guyi figured that would work18:17
lazyPowerSo, we have some new stuff coming down the pipeline, and one of which is a HyperV virtualization solution for people interested in Juju. How do you feel about pioneering VM image creation with us on HyperV?18:18
ILOC_guyWell i think i could help ya out18:18
ILOC_guyi will of course need some detail18:18
lazyPowerjcastro: ^ drive my man. drive away.18:18
jcastroILOC_guy, yeah that would be awesome!18:20
jcastrobasically, we want hyperv users to have an out of the box box (heh) so they can turn around and deploy onto hyper-v if they want18:21
ILOC_guythat would be nice, since VMM isnt exactly the best software that i have used18:21
ILOC_guyi dont know if you have used it but its about as much fun as a sharp stick in the eye18:22
lazyPowerthat snap in based management console for the hyp-v stuff?18:23
lazyPoweri'd rather herd carts....18:23
ILOC_guyYea its part of M$'s system center18:24
jcastrowell, as long as it's repeatable ...18:24
ILOC_guyit can be but its not fast or flexable .... as im dealing with currently18:25
lazyPowerILOC_guy: hows the overarching experience with building machine images from powershell?18:26
lazyPowerThat's where we're going to see this go I would imagine. Building a base image with powershell and letting cloud-init handle all the heavy lifting inside the base box.18:27
ILOC_guyPS is better....18:28
lazyPowerILOC_guy: we should have a group sync at some point in the near future and talk about a path to success and get some feedback on how you would tackle this problem18:29
lazyPowerjcastro: thoughts?18:29
jcastroyeah sounds good to me!18:30
lazyPowerILOC_guy: pick a date thats not the 30'th through june 2nd.18:30
lazyPowerand a timeslot. I'll make a calendar invite and get everyone on board and we can go from there. give you a chance to talk to your boss if you want to do this on office hours or not.18:31
themonkmarcoceppi: hi18:32
themonkHello everybody18:33
ILOC_guyWell my boss is in the M$ camp so i dont know if i can use HER work time to do it.18:34
lazyPowerILOC_guy: no worries, if it's a hobby its a hobby :) Just a thought.18:35
ILOC_guywell im not saying that i wont push the subject but i need to have ammo to take to this fight18:36
lazyPowerILOC_guy: i'm crafting an email to the group of us that's responsible for our VM story. This way you can get answers out of band without tracking us all down on here. Thanks for agree'ing to help - we certainly appreciate the time to talk to us today.18:41
ILOC_guyof course any time, its nice to be distracted from the every day roll18:43
themonkhow to restart unit agent?18:44
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lazyPowerILOC_guy: you've got mail.18:49
lazyPowero/ sebas538418:49
sebas5384hey lazyPower o/18:50
ILOC_guywell look at that i do... lol18:50
l1lI have a region controller and I am trying to bootstrap node0 to precise, is that not possible?18:52
themonkmarcoceppi: need your help. in config-changed hook, i need to restart my server after configuration changed but do not want to run restart code for the first time like, install->config-changed-start18:58
themonkmarcoceppi: how to block restart code when config-changed runs after install hook?18:59
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
sebas5384themonk: whats the problem with restarting?19:07
sebas5384themonk: if you have, you can always make an intelligent function that knows about that rule19:08
themonksebas5384: problem is how can i restart before start hook because it is not started yet after install->config-changed19:09
sebas5384themonk: you can divide in others scripts19:10
themonksebas5384: how do i know that confir hook is running for the first time?19:10
sebas5384you can touch a file :)19:11
sebas5384touch .installed19:11
sebas5384if you don't started but you are doing: stop, start19:12
sebas5384will show something like a warning, but not an error19:12
themonksebas5384: :) i thought about touch like solution. but is there any think juju provide?19:13
themonksebas5384: *anything19:14
sebas5384themonk: well if juju can give you that i didn't know19:15
themonksebas5384: thanks :)19:15
sebas5384themonk: o/19:16
lazyPowerthemonk: juju doesn't have a concept of if a service is started or not. That's more the domain of whatever you're using to handle your process19:33
lazyPowereg: upstart19:33
Djgerar123WHERE IS JOJO?19:57
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
zerickIs juju for Openstack reliable as Packstack ?21:34
zerick(the juju charm)21:34
sebas538_lazyPower and jcastro alpha draws: https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipchat.com/45897/307411/beJXOwF8csdcR9C/info_taller_juju_maas-01.jpg21:39
lazyPowerthats an awesome infographic21:39
lazyPoweri wish i read spanish21:39
sebas538_nothing finished yet, we are going to do more series, etc...21:39
sebas538_lazyPower: portugues !!!21:39
lazyPowerthat ^21:39
=== sebas538_ is now known as sebas5384
sarnoldcool :)21:40
sebas5384jose maybe you understand hehe21:41
josesebas5384: spanish? :P21:42
lazyPowerjose: dont pull a lazypower mistake21:42
lazyPowerits protugues with three exclamation points.21:42
sarnoldportuguese usually is with three exclamation points21:47
lazyPowersarnold: ever the ambassador of the obvious :P21:48
* sarnold shines his Capt Obvious badge21:48
jcastrosebas5384, dude that is so cool!21:58
sebas5384thanks jcastro!! :)21:58
sebas5384jcastro: those are not the finals22:01
sebas5384so any feedback will be great!22:01
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