[00:01] off to dinner & dad's [00:35] Riddell: Could I be taken off the Kubuntu Ninjas list? My "real job" is taking up too much time for me to be an effective tester. [06:19] good morning [07:56] Riddell: please promote dev to admin https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+members [08:16] apachelogger: voila, remember with great power comes greater amounts of spam [08:20] thx I think everyone filters that to trash already ^^ [08:20] I certainly do [09:58] Riddell: can you give me the bug number for the Qt SRU [10:00] 'Morning folks [10:02] hmm [10:02] someone should be reviewing sgclark's work [10:02] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/ksysguard/view/head:/debian/rules#L9 [10:03] shouldn't that be overriden_test [10:13] shadeslayer: shouldn't what be overriden_test? [10:13] shadeslayer: bug 1289600 [10:13] bug 1289600 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289600 [10:20] erm [10:20] I meant overriden_command [10:24] $(overridden_command) is correct [10:34] Riddell: right, but sgclark seems to be passing the actual command :) [10:34] oh hm, maybe overriden_command doesn't work with xvfb [10:36] ah you mean "xvfb-run -a dh_auto_test" should be "xvfb-run -a $(overridden_command)" ? [10:36] you could well be right, although it's not very important, but do tell her that [10:37] yep [10:37] shadeslayer: I do have this e-mail from her "ksysguard rev 3 in bzr needs review and upload Added sensors support and some cleanup." [10:37] http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=3&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 3 [10:37] but I /think/ using overridden_command with xvfb doesn't work [10:39] Riddell: I can't get plasma to crash in the 12.04.4 ISO [10:39] shadeslayer: just like the other person trying to verify, annoying when a bug disappears [11:06] Riddell: commented, so what do we do now? [11:08] shadeslayer: on the bug? get the ones which are verified in at least [11:08] and close the other one as disappeared if nobody can recreate it [11:12] Riddell: do you know sgclark's launchpad page? [11:26] it's... scarlett! [11:27] Riddell: morning :) [11:30] sgclark: there's no commits from you in oxygen bzr, where did you put your changes? [11:31] Riddell: still local due to the list-missing items I had questions on, I can commit what I have if you want [11:32] sgclark: go ahead and commit, easiest way to share I guess and revision control is easy to revert === jono is now known as Guest41797 [11:38] Riddell: committed [11:40] sgclark: groovy, I don't know if oxygen-settings5 is used but let's install it just incase [11:41] sgclark: the .so links in libraries are only used when compiling another programme against that library and I'm pretty sure nothing else uses these libraries [11:41] and it's usually not a good idea to install the .so and .h files which allow something to use it unless you know it has a stable ABI/API [11:41] ahh ok [11:42] I'm pretty sure these libraries are only some shared code between the window decoration and the qwidget style, but nothing outside the oxygen package [11:42] gotcha, then it looks good to me :) [11:42] sgclark: do you want to upload to experimental as reviewer? [11:42] sure! [11:48] sgclark: you know about bzr-buildpackage-ppa ? [11:48] Riddell: nope [11:50] sgclark: wee script in kubuntu-automation to build a source package from an unreleased bzr [11:51] it'll download the .orig, set UNRELEASED to trusty and add the ~ppa1 bit on the version number [11:51] then you can just dput ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental foo.changes [11:55] mh, i can use either external and internal mic or none at all. [11:58] Blizzz: sounds like a good set of choices [11:58] simplyfies things– [12:09] Riddell: I cannot find the source changes file. it fails at debsign, obviously because i am not you. [12:11] sgclark: debsign -k me@me.com foo.changes [12:11] I set this.. [12:11] >cat .devscripts [12:11] DEBSIGN_KEYID=jriddell@ubuntu.com [12:14] Riddell: worked! thank you [12:15] Riddell: oxygen uploaded! [12:17] yay! thanks [12:19] Riddell: Could I be taken off the Kubuntu Ninjas list? My "real job" is taking up too much time for me to be an effective tester. Sorry :( [12:22] mamarley: you mean the irc ping? [12:24] Riddell: That, and I have removed the secret PPA from my list. [12:24] Sorry, I just don't have time for it anymore. [12:27] mamarley: no problem, you're welcome back any time you're able to help :) [12:31] Thanks! [12:39] sgclark: are you going to make a doodle poll for your membership meeting? [12:41] Riddell: doodle poll? [12:41] sgclark: doodle.com easiest way of finding dates/times people can agree on [12:41] Riddell: also getting python errors trying to make wiki, should I make one on ubuntu as suggested? [12:43] sgclark: yeah just use wiki.ubuntu.com, it's the same wiki just different domain [12:48] Riddell: err emails to send this doodle to? [12:48] sgclark: none [12:49] sgclark: just send it manually to kubuntu-devel mailing list [12:53] sgclark: ping [12:53] shadeslayer: present [12:53] not a roll call :P [12:54] sgclark: any reason to drop qapt-batch from gwenview recommends [12:54] shadeslayer: ask debian [12:54] sgclark: no, that's ubuntu specific delta [12:54] since we ship with the kipi installation patch [12:55] * sgclark hates merges [12:55] I was told to go with debian so no I don't know. if it is wrong then change it. sorry [12:56] sgclark: you only go with debian if it makes sense to drop the ubuntu change [12:57] hm, somehow kget is missing 2 versions in the changelog o.O [12:59] Riddell: ^ ? [12:59] spooky [13:00] yofel: I use merge_changelog [13:00] I've always said I don't trust those merge scripts [13:00] sgclark: merges are hard. [13:00] nono, not that, it's 4:4.13.0-0ubuntu1 -> 4:4.13.0-0ubuntu4 [13:00] where's 2 and 3 ? [13:00] ScottK: I am seeing that [13:01] sgclark: can it be that you're using 'dch -i' to edit changelogs? Please don't use -i for UNRELEASED [13:01] Good way to learn stuff though. [13:01] also, tag is missing in bzr [13:03] yofel: oh, I was trying to upload to my ppa after fails but couldn't because it existed. Probably does not need to be 4. My fault [13:03] sgclark: for ppa's please add ~ppaX [13:03] that way the archive package will also be higher than the PPA package [13:03] ok [13:04] sgclark: also, in case you don't know what's up with all the : and ~ in our versions: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version [13:05] yofel: thank you, will read that! [13:06] Riddell: and please don't forget to tag the branch after uploading [13:08] sgclark: gwenview looks good apart from that qapt recommends, do you want to push your merge into bzr or should I? [13:09] yofel: I don't think I've ever manually pushed a tag, do we actually care about them? [13:09] shadeslayer: I would be grateful if you would :) [13:09] Riddell: well, they're handy to know what commit was actually uploaded. And our scripts and me add them at least [13:10] sgclark: ok [13:10] usually it's just running 'bzr tag' which will figure out the version itself [13:11] mgraesslin: I'm getting lots of XCB requirements from cmake output of oxygen (presumably window decoration), do you know if they're actually needed? (click show/hide by the orange oxygen here http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_4.96.0_trusty.html) [13:11] shadeslayer: looking at kdepim now, didn't get to it yesterday [13:11] yofel: cheers [13:11] yofel: I was thinking of just running the build in a lxc and then installing the packages [13:11] to make sure stuff didn't conflict [13:11] Riddell: my gut feeling is "no" [13:12] mgraesslin: thanks [13:12] shadeslayer: well, that will only find the conflicts for the order that apt decides to upgrade the packages in [13:12] the diff isn't that long [13:12] right [13:12] ok [13:14] yofel: IMO whoever uploads should push the tag. [13:14] sgclark: pushed to bzr, thx for merging gwenview :) [13:15] that's what I meant, though I see that what I said can be misunderstood [13:15] shadeslayer: thank you. I will get better at this! [13:15] sgclark: np [13:19] shadeslayer: btw. breaks/replaces versions should end with a ~ [13:20] if they have ubuntu in them [13:20] or really in general [13:23] sgclark: fwiw kalgebra merge wasn't required [13:24] * yofel is curious why not [13:24] it was on the list! [13:25] hm, they didn't change much yet indeed [13:25] yofel: last change was in 4.12.4 [13:25] which we have [13:25] ah true [13:26] sgclark: the list a list of all KDE SC packages which might/might not need a merge :P [13:26] Doesn't hurt. [13:26] ScottK: hm? [13:27] sgclark: I don't see amor in https://launchpad.net/~scarlett-7/+archive/kubuntu-ppa [13:27] or kget [13:27] shadeslayer: afaik Riddell: got those [13:28] ok [13:28] Even if the merge is only changelog entries, there's no harm in it. [13:29] ScottK: it's not even changelog entries :) [13:29] shadeslayer: kget at least is already in archive :/ [13:29] yofel: oh ok [13:31] Oh [13:31] * shadeslayer starts on kdepimlibs [13:32] I am trying to apply for memebership, if any kind souls could give me testimonial or cheers here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScarlettGatelyClark#preview pretty please [13:33] shadeslayer: I uploaded amor but forgot to put it in bzr, done now [13:36] Riddell: I had to fix depends in systemsettings, pushed to bzr if you could review and push [13:36] again with missing version in changelog -.- [13:37] with tag though, Riddell++ [13:49] shadeslayer: kdepim r359 up [13:50] I removed the breaks/replaces for the mobile stuff, I didn't see anything getting moved there [13:56] sgclark: could you maybe put up a new doodle poll that has actual times in it? We live all over the world, with our respective work times so the poll should also allow us to find a time to meet, not just a date [13:56] would be nice [13:56] yofel: exactly, I have absolutely no idea what time to choose [13:57] I am in the US [13:57] sgclark: enable all times that you are available at [13:57] but can set my alarm to accomodate [13:57] i.e. you're not... sleeping/in town/work/school/drunk/whatever [13:57] I am flexible, usually up pretty early [13:58] well, then you can enable all 24h hours of the day, so we can put in the times when we have time [13:58] that is what I did [13:59] that resulted in there being one checkbox for the whole day :/ [13:59] oh I see, ok [14:00] /join #kubuntu [14:00] Death to the space bar [14:00] hehe [14:03] am I getting old or is it just incredibly hard to write sudo apt install instead of sudo apt-get install [14:05] why would you want to? [14:05] because colors [14:05] apt has arrived in the 1900's now \o/ [14:06] ooh ooh apt exists! [14:06] at last one simple to type command that can do what the other commands could with extra typing [14:06] today is a good day [14:06] heh [14:06] apachelogger: yes, you're getting old, here's your zimmer frame [14:06] apachelogger: you're old [14:06] It took me only 2 weeks to switch [14:07] I think I should have made aliases at some point and then reused those [14:07] apt also has progressbars! [14:07] <3 progressbars [14:07] though I agree with apachelogger :D [14:08] you must also be old then [14:08] ^^ [14:08] shadeslayer: GET OFF MY LAWN! [14:08] wow, colours! progress bars! [14:08] apachelogger: you don't have one old man [14:08] pfft [14:08] scru u old sport [14:10] now apt just needs short hand aliases and I'd almost be happy [14:10] apt in htop [14:10] would be so much better [14:11] Riddell: btw, did you try tarme.rb? [14:11] apachelogger: sorry, it's on the todo list [14:12] no rush, busy with other stuff this week anyway [14:35] Riddell: sorry my internet cut out and my systemsettings did not get get pushed, it is now though if you could review and push. [14:37] thanks sgclark [14:39] sgclark: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/workspace/systemsettings would be the correct homepage [14:39] also, it would be nice if the control files had the Vcs-* fields [14:42] Vcs- fields? bzr address? [14:43] right [14:43] like the sc packages do [14:43] ok [14:49] yofel: Riddell kdepimlibs merged as well [14:49] plz review when you have time [14:50] .gitattributes? ^^ [14:50] uf [14:52] looks fine though [14:53] yofel, Riddell: fixed homepage and Vcs systemsettings [14:54] sgclark: I've pushed kfilemetadata5 ready for review [14:54] thanks :) [14:54] Riddell: ok reviewing [14:55] Riddell: also missing Vcs-* entries [14:55] also, debian now uses wrap-and-sort, so we should do the same [14:55] Riddell; I can add them if you wish [14:56] yofel: wrap-and-sort? [14:56] sgclark: part of the devscripts package: [14:56] wrap-and-sort - wrap long lines and sort items in Debian packaging files [14:56] readability++ [14:58] shadeslayer: I think we should make wrap-and-sort mandatory for kde as maxy uses it now, right? [14:58] yep [14:59] is that a program? or setting in my text program? word wrap is easy enough, unsure on sort bit [14:59] shadeslayer: Also, please, run wrap-and-sort, that will create smaller diffs [14:59] sgclark: program [14:59] sgclark: just run it inside the debian/ folder [14:59] ahh ok thank you [14:59] sgclark: go ahead [15:00] yofel: or well, in the folder that contains the debian folder :) [15:00] ah right, that works too [15:01] I got confused as I always had to pass -d . for neon as those branches have no folder inside ^^ [15:01] wrap-and-sort gives me a unicode error, wasn't python 3 supposed to get rid of unicode errors? http://paste.kde.org/plmycnavi [15:02] mm yes wrap-and-sort is nice when it doesn't give a unicode error [15:02] python [15:02] * apachelogger giggles [15:05] python needs to have at least one unicode bug per release, otherwise it's boring [15:05] * Riddell wraps wrap-and-sort around apachelogger and squeezes the breath out of him [15:06] * yofel puts marble-mobile on him to finish the work [15:07] shadeslayer: will you do a big announcement of kubuntu at akademy? [15:07] apachelogger: maxy found something fun: [15:07] debian/marble-mobile.install:usr/bin/marble-mobile [15:07] debian/marble.install:usr/bin/marble-mobile [15:08] someone forgot to remove it from install [15:08] * apachelogger hides [15:08] yofel: nice catch [15:09] * apachelogger wonders why that can build [15:09] Riddell: need to co ordinate with akademy folks [15:09] that'll build fine, it just won't install ^^ [15:09] I think the major stake holders are all there [15:09] so I can go ahead and book the room [15:09] FYI Anyone attending akademy / who wants to attend akademy https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-akademy [15:10] yofel: in what scenario would two packages want to have the exactly same file though [15:10] my point is: things like that actually should cause a build failure [15:10] can't really think of one that can't be solved by a -common package [15:11] right, so it should fail :P [15:11] although [15:11] anyway, 30 lashes for apachelogger [15:11] we did have that case I believe while double-building kde-workspace, at least when it comes to file paths [15:12] I would appreciate a lintian warning though [15:14] err UnicodeDecodeError not sure where to go with this [15:15] wait you too? -.- [15:15] warrants a bug report I believe.. [15:15] you can just do wrap-and-sort -f debian/control [15:15] I don't think it cares about any other file does it? [15:16] it runs over all files, at least when it comes to trimming [15:16] esp. install file sorting is nice [15:16] rules maybe not now that I think about it [15:17] ok, checked the script, it runs over control[.in], copyright[.in], *.install [15:19] yofel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2014-May/000673.html [15:19] Quintasan: ^^ [15:21] ok, well I narrowed it down to copyright being the problem file, The little copyright symbols [15:27] aah [15:27] you don't need those really [15:27] but then wrap-and-sort shouldn't crash because of them [15:28] * Riddell runs wrap-and-sort on all of kf5 packages [15:28] * Riddell starts a shadeslayer for MOTU campaign [15:29] shadeslayer: are you hanging out in the motu irc channel? on the mailing list? is there even much of motu alive these days? [15:29] still crashing [15:30] Riddell: yes, yes, dunno [15:30] last email on ubuntu-motu is from 3 days ago [15:31] sgclark: I just did wrap-and-sort -f debian/control [15:31] and then fancy bash loops for the .install file [15:35] shadeslayer: I didn't write down anything there? [15:35] wtf [15:35] Quintasan: no [15:35] bad Quintasan [15:36] uh oh, running wrap-and-sort on kunitconversion it deleted two of the packages [15:36] Riddell: ok, I am not versed in fancy bash loops. I did dind the other hiccups, names that have international chars [15:36] ack [15:38] so yofel: it seems wrap-and-sort only handles en_* ? that will certainly be an issue on copyright files... [15:38] I never had it crash on me... [15:38] interesting [15:38] but it indeed doesn't like kunitconversion o.O [15:39] is it maybe that I only have en_US install on my computer? [15:40] currently I have fr_GB on my computer, which might not help [15:41] I usually only have en_US too, but I might also have de_DE [15:41] I am going to try and install some more languages, certainly won't hurt. [15:41] FWIW, it can handle '©' fine here [15:43] interesting [15:46] the locale does not matter, the encoding after the locale does [15:47] to that extent it is entirely possible that fr_GB.UTF-8 for example could be discard as invalid locale and C could be used instead and I think with C you always get iso encoding regardless of what might be configured elsewhere [16:07] apachelogger: there actually is a lintian warning for double install: [16:07] W: marble source: binaries-have-file-conflict marble marble-mobile usr/bin/marble-mobile [16:08] * yofel makes his way home [16:09] yofel: curious [16:14] shadeslayer: There you go. [16:28] Riddell: Added Vcs entries and wrap-andsort on all but copyright. kfilemetadata5 is good to go. I will have to fight with my encoding later... [16:29] Quintasan: cheers [17:32] Riddell: yofel kdepim-runtime up too [17:33] and with that I'm off for the day [17:33] night === cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox [19:45] valorie: sent you the invite [21:33] ::qt-bugs:: [1289600] Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1289600 (by Alexey Borzenkov) === kubotu_ is now known as kubotu === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok === valorie_ is now known as valorie === rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter [23:32] thank you ovidiu-florin [23:39] so i think tearing prevention is currently broken [23:39] it doesn't seem to want to vsync no matter what i do :P