
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
RAOFWhy, hello there lldb.05:23
RAOFYou would appear to have a *substantially* more featureful curses UI than gdb.05:23
RAOFAlso, you don't crash when trying to read debugging symbols from mir_unit_tests, so +1 there, too.05:24
* alan_g wonders if it should be concerning that he, alf_ and duflu are *all* abstaining on the same large MP.08:46
duflualan_g: I'm just clearing my plate. Already too full to finish everything before July ;)08:46
alan_gAh yes, the familiar whoosh of deadlines going past. ;)08:48
alf_alan_g: RAOF: perhaps discussing this in a hangout would help?08:50
RAOFalf_: Possibly, but not today; it's dinner time here.08:50
alf_RAOF: ok08:51
alan_galf_: Probably not. Perhaps we should land it and see if anything bad happens.08:52
alan_galf_: do you have anything to add to the review? Or a desire to look again?09:04
alf_alan_g: Not really. As mentioned I am OK one way or the other.09:07
duflualan_g: If you mean 1hz then land it. That will get us much closer to resolving enough regressions to roll 0.2.009:08
dufluAlthough, not close enough09:08
alan_gduflu: that was my thinking.09:09
Saviqgreyback, so... I managed to get past eglBindAPI, but now I can't get past eglGetDisplay - I rebuilt qtubuntu with that commented out, but something else must be calling it :|09:22
greybackSaviq: hmmm, this definitely used to work09:24
greybackSaviq: did you build qtubuntu with debugging on? eglGetDisplay is only a check in an assert call, should not be called in release09:27
Saviqgreyback, nope, dpkg-buildpackage09:27
Saviqgreyback, that's why I mean something else must be calling it09:27
Saviqgreyback, Qt, even...09:27
greybacknow i get you09:28
* Saviq tries with 5.209:28
Saviqbut have to reboot first, phone mount-loop again...09:28
greybackSaviq: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/apitrace/wrappers/egltrace.so:/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libhybris-egl/libEGL.so.1:/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libhybris-egl/libGLESv2.so.2  qmlscene redBox.qml --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/dialer-app.desktop09:38
greyback^^ try that. Seems the order of loading the libraries important for symbol resolving09:39
greybackand qtubuntu doesn't link directly to egl, which is suspect09:40
greyback(well I don't expect it to cause this fail)09:40
Saviqgreyback, ok will do in a sec09:41
greybackSaviq: here's hte Qt5.2 output anyway: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7496692/09:41
alf_alan_g: Any reason we are explicitly calling delete_endpoint() in atexit() and SIGINT/SIGTERM? The server should clean up properly on normal shutdown.09:51
alan_galf_: I don't remember a specific reason. Probably from overlapping attempts to avoid stale endpoints.09:53
alf_alan_g: ok09:57
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Saviqhey guys, we'll need your help on https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/132118912:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321189 in Unity 8 "Launcher is black on Qt 5.3" [High,Triaged]12:30
Saviqwe gathered as much info as we knew how to12:31
Saviqand will need help going forward12:31
alf_Saviq: how can we help?12:39
Saviqalf_, between Qt 5.2 and 5.3 QML ShaderEffect component stopped working12:40
Saviqalf_, but only on Mir+android12:40
Saviqalf_, Mir+desktop and X11 are fine12:40
Saviqnot sure about SF+android, but I doubt it12:40
davmor2sil2100: what image do you want testing and when?12:44
alf_Saviq: ok, I will look at the gl traces to see if I can find a hint there. How can I try Qt 5.3?12:44
Saviqalf_, see the description12:44
Saviqalf_, it's all in ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta212:44
Saviqalf_, just dist-upgrade from there and you'll see what's happening12:45
Saviqalf_, thanks, please let me know if you need any more data from us12:45
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alf_Saviq: should I use latest devel-proposed image?12:49
Saviqalf_, yes12:49
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alf_Saviq: greyback: Can we in any way change the shaders used by Qt internally?12:56
Saviqalf_, for these cases, yes12:56
Saviqalf_, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-shadereffect.html12:57
Saviqalf_, and http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-shadereffectsource.html12:57
alf_Saviq: thanks, I want to try a couple of things to see if it makes a difference12:58
Saviqalf_, yeah, just qmlscene http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492386/ and you can change the shader props as you please12:59
Saviqalf_, do you need to see the default shaders used?12:59
alf_Saviq: I want to change some bits in the default shaders so I guess I need to override them completely13:01
Saviqalf_, yeah, but you can see the default shaders in the trace or something?13:01
Saviqalf_, if not, you could probably print them:13:01
greybackalf_: yeah the shaders that Qt has internally are hardcoded in, but they can be overridden with some work (without patching qt itself)13:02
SaviqConsole.onCompleted: console.log(vertexShader)13:02
Saviqor so13:02
Saviqgreyback, in our case we're using ShaderEffect anyway13:02
alf_Saviq: greyback: I can see them in the apitrace logs, I will print them out to be sure and then override them to try some things13:03
Saviqalf_, thanks!13:03
greybackSaviq: right, but other shaders are being generated & used by the scenegraph too. Those are harder to change13:03
Saviqkgunn, ↑ we stole alf_ to help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/132118913:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321189 in Unity 8 "Launcher is black on Qt 5.3" [High,Triaged]13:03
Saviqgreyback, yeah, but we're not seeing problems with those actually13:03
kgunnSaviq: perfect!13:03
Saviqgreyback, i.e. the only place where we identified an issue are ShaderEffects atm13:04
Saviqalthough now I just saw system settings pages are empty, too, not sure where that comes from13:05
anpokSaviq: why is the ubuntu icon visible?13:22
anpokit is also part of the launcher?13:23
anpokis there are subtle difference like - it has no alpha channel?13:23
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Saviqanpok, it's not shaded14:31
Saviqanpok, the ubuntu icon is just displayed, the other ones are put through a shader14:32
mterryanpok, poke!  Do you have some minutes to help me profile Mir CPU usage in the split greeter?14:40
* mterry is unfamiliar with profiling mir like that14:40
anpokdo you want to come up with some numbers.. or figure out what mir is doing/spending time on?14:44
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mterryanpok, figure out what mir is spending time on.  I see about 9% idling15:13
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alf_tsdgeos: Hi! Any hints about building qt components easily for phone debugging? e.g. I want to rebuild lib5QtOpenGL with debug info and custom debugging code to investigate the transition to Qt 5.3 issue15:41
tsdgeosalf_: not much hint, i'd say get the qtbase package and then qmake += DEBUG in the opengl folder15:43
tsdgeosand make15:43
tsdgeoswait a bit15:43
tsdgeosand then some LD_LIBRARY_PATH magic15:43
tsdgeosand hope it all works :D15:43
tsdgeosit's what i usually do so it should work15:44
alf_tsdgeos: can I select to build only e.g. lib5QtOpenGL to gain some time?15:44
alf_tsdgeos: ah, sorry missed the "in the opengl folder"15:44
tsdgeosalf_: that should work yes15:44
alf_tsdgeos: thanks15:44
tsdgeosif not15:44
tsdgeosjust configure on the toplevel15:45
tsdgeosmake for a bit so that qmake and stuff is build15:45
tsdgeosand then do enter the opengl dir and make there15:45
tsdgeosit's a bit more manual15:45
tsdgeosbut should also work15:45
alf_Saviq: greyback: I am going to investigate the Qt5.3 issue deeper tomorrow, there have been some important changes in the way  Qt5.3 handles gl contexts15:57
alf_Saviq: greyback: I will keep you posted15:57
anpokmterry: have you already just tried enabling logs/lttng traces16:13
anpokif they dont show up things we need to add further reports/traces16:13
mterryanpok, I haven't yet no16:14
mterryanpok, I'll re-acquaint myself with how  ;)16:14
anpokbbiab, whats the silo again? I think I still have it configured16:14
mterryanpok, 00216:14
mterryanpok, yeah if you have time, would love a more knowledgeable look (I think it's Mir-related, but not 100% on that -- I took out everything interesting the greeter was doing and we still spun 10% of cpu)16:15
greybackalf_: thanks!16:16
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anpokmterry: re, grabbing some food now then will have a look too..17:19
anpokalf_: hm im seem to be confused by how asio uses timers17:19
anpoki tried to reduce timing related problems with the advanceable fake clock - so i run the main loop in a separate thread, schedule timers, then advance the clock, poke on the main loop by enqueing an action17:20
anpokbut it seems like the timers are handled independent of any posts on the asio io_service17:21
anpoki assumed that after a post it would check the amount of time passd since last call and recalc sleep time / execute expired timers..17:21
anpokmaybe I need to look into a different file for some time17:22
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anpokmterry: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-002/ <- this one?18:17
anpokthe spinner is gone?18:19
mterryanpok, yeah, it'll land separately18:19
mterryanpok, you should see almost no visible differences (indicators in greeter will be a little different though)18:19
anpokwhich process is spinning too much?18:20
mterryanpok, unity8-greeter18:20
mterryanpok, I'm not sure why.  Both it and unity8 have the same basic code.  They are both nested Mir servers18:21
mterryanpok, but only the greeter executable has this problem18:21
mterryanpok, I tried removing all the qml it loads, same problem18:21
anpokah now i see what you mean it seems to stay with 9% cpu18:24
anpoktogether siwth sensors .. and Binder_218:24
mterryanpok, yeah.  Bounces between 7-10 usually18:24
mterryanpok, I assumed those were unrelated, but maybe they aren't...18:24
anpokbut it did not happen when i first looked .. i mean it started after a few logins18:26
anpokok still behaves like that after reboot18:29
AlbertAwe need a plan to deal with stale frame content19:00
AlbertAduring display off/on scenarios19:00
AlbertAnow that the 1Hz branch has landed19:01
AlbertAthe old flash of old content issue is back19:01
kgunnAlbertA: this proves i didn't understand what its doing19:05
AlbertAkgunn: well now the "rendering" rate of a client will be 1Hz after power off19:05
AlbertAkgunn: and since the lifecycle kicks in at around 3s19:05
AlbertAkgunn: there's only around 3 frames drawn19:06
AlbertAkgunn: not enough to show the greeter19:06
kgunnbut can't we grow the hz to be something more like 10 hz ?19:06
AlbertAkgunn: we could yes, but I think we need a plan to properly address the issue19:06
kgunni never understood why we were picking 1 hz19:07
AlbertAkgunn: I'm not sure if you can get more granularity out of the timer19:07
kgunnits not _that_ much power savings19:07
AlbertAkgunn: maybe we can...not sure19:07
kgunnAlbertA: we should...i remember whining about this to alf & RAOF19:08
AlbertAkgunn: wait we should, 1HZ is a second19:08
kgunne.g. i thot you'd potentially see glitches19:08
kgunnfor things that are rendering off a clock19:08
kgunnor animated19:08
AlbertAkgunn: also the volume key during music playback will be a bit laggy19:09
kgunnin occluded cases, getting revealed quickly19:09
AlbertAkgunn: but I don't know if it was like that before19:09
kgunnthat was the other thing19:09
kgunnit was totally blocked before :)19:09
AlbertAkgunn: I mean with the old solution19:09
kgunnAlbertA: no, not laggy at all...e.g. its runnnig off the 60 hz panel vsync effectively19:10
kgunnimho, our time should be as close to panel vsynch as possible19:10
kgunnAlbertA: and we need to fix that before we promote...that regresses a definite improvement19:11
AlbertAkgunn: well the policy is overridable19:11
kgunni'll file a bug19:11
AlbertAkgunn: so usc can implement a different timeout19:11
AlbertAkgunn: but the right thing is to consider the lowest display refresh rate we are connected to19:11
AlbertAkgunn: and only enable the policy during display off/occlusion19:12
AlbertAkgunn: unless we want to drop frames due to compositor taking longer than usual (gpu load or whatever)19:12
AlbertAkgunn: which we probably don't want19:13
anpokmterry: it does not seem to render - still investigating (non invasively)19:14
mterryanpok, ok good19:14
mterryanpok, I caught it via gdb, which wasn't very helpful backtrace wise, but did show more threads than I expected19:15
mterryby caught I just mean I attached to it with gdb19:15
kgunnAlbertA: if you wanted to add anymore color19:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321886 in Mir "[regression] stale frame on seen on greeter when screen is unblanked" [Critical,New]19:17
AlbertAmterry: when you get a chance weigh in in this enhancement:19:22
AlbertAmterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/131885219:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318852 in Mir "[enhancement] support proper per-pixel alpha for alpha-enabled display framebuffers" [Medium,New]19:22
mterryAlbertA, noted19:22
AlbertAmterry: have you checked the alpha values you currently get? Because from what anpok and I discussed19:22
AlbertAmterry: with the prev version of mir you will get alpha^2 behavior19:23
mterryAlbertA, all I've tried to so far is alpha=019:23
AlbertAmterry: I see...19:23
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anpokAlbertA: i right now only look for load..19:35
AlbertAanpok: ?19:36
anpokah ... didnt see your premultiplied alpha MP19:37
AlbertAanpok: mterry: did you already check top with the per thread statistics?19:38
mterryAlbertA, 'H' mode?  It doesn't seem to provide much insight19:41
mterryanpok, memory use seems high too19:41
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
mterryI'm trying to set MIR_SERVER_INPUT_REPORT=log for the greeter, but it doesn't output anything.  Setting it for unity8 woks, but not for the greeter executable.  Does anyone have any idea why that might be?20:43
mterryanpok, you still around / any success?20:51
josharensonkgunn, if you checkout the glmark spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1aYbyh3BTVzjcxE1dO2IBEEtFbEDLeaEY-sqopkyM-uQ/edit?usp=sharing) you will see the last tab is graphs of performance over time.. currently filled with sample data20:52
josharensonkgunn, I have a script that will run as a cronjob on some ubuntu cloud instance that will pull artifacts from jenkins, parse them, and update those graphs daily (or however often you want)20:52
josharensonkgunn, to hold us over till there is a proper website of course....20:53
anpokmterry: you have to pipe stdout somewhere ..21:04
mterryanpok, it gets saved in /var/log/lightdm/mir-greeter.log21:04
anpokmterry: thats what I thought too..21:08
mterryanpok, if I choose lttng, where does that logging go?21:09
anpokbut writing it to a different file worked..21:09
mterryanpok, really?21:10
mterryanpok, yup..  odd21:12
anpokwrt lttng you can create traces with eclipse and it will be stored somewhere in tmp  or you create a session using the lttng tools..21:12
mterryanpok, "android-input: [InputDispatcher]Dropping event because there is no focused window or focused application."21:13
mterryanpok, does android have its own idea of where input should be focused vs mir's idea?21:14
racarr__mterry: Sort of, see: the_input_target_selector21:19
racarr__the default focus mechanism, makes the default surface of the focused sessio21:19
racarr__the input target21:19
racarr__(whom then receives all key events)21:19
* mterry takes a dinner break21:27
kgunnjosharenson: awesome!21:42
josharensonkgunn, the data is obviously fake for now... but should be a solid band-aid21:42
kgunnjosharenson: hey, so for the data you did run...is it right to compare ubuntu-offscreen to the android-onscreen run ?21:43
josharensonkgunn, with the frame dropping enabled, it seems fare21:44
kgunnjosharenson: so ubuntu-frame-drop vs android-onscreen ?21:45
kgunni mean...yeah21:45
kgunni see that it technically would be the closest thing21:45
josharensonkgunn, yes21:45
kgunnbut wow...21:45
kgunnwe kick the shit out of surface flinger21:45
josharensonI think alberta had a good explination for that...21:45
kgunnbinder ?21:45
josharensonkgunn thats 1 part21:45
kgunnwow...binder really creates that much traffic jam?21:46
josharensonkgunn, if we are just a few ms faster, it could help substantially21:46
josharensonkgunn also21:46
josharensonkgunn the compositor21:46
josharensonkgunn, thinking.. I know there is something there... the numbers might not actually be so far21:47
* josharenson can't spell fair, need more coffee21:47
kgunnjosharenson: yeah...ok, it does make those tests where SF is "better" then mir come much more into line in terms of comparison21:48
josharensonkgunn, I have a good explination logged in my chats somewhere... I'm looking for it21:49
AlbertAjosharenson: kgunn: right, take 393 vs 292 = 2.54 ms vs 3.42 ms21:50
AlbertAjosharenson: kgunn: I totally buy that being binder overhead21:50
kgunni forget the massive numbers have an illusion21:52
kgunnconverting into ms...not so bad21:52
josharensonkgunn, I guess the best test is mir vs mir.... 2nd best test is mir vs sf with frame dropping enabled21:53
josharensonkgunn, linaro _could_ make android offscreen happen, but, as we've discussed, its not really of value.. just let me know what you want to see in that spreadsheet.. its not so hard to change things...21:54
kgunnso i'm in column R & S for you looky loos21:54
kgunnjosharenson: yeah...i guess the mir w/ frame drop vs SF is as close as we're gonna get21:54
kgunnits interesting, they still beat us on a handful21:55
AlbertAI'd wager that's our hybris overhead...they are probably gl call heavy21:55
josharensonkgunn, also, the current test only shows overall score.... getting all the info from the actual mir test is easy, but putting it all in the spreadsheet would take a little work (hours, not days)21:56
kgunnAlbertA: eh, not so sure...21:58
kgunni mean, they beat us on kind of "lower frame rate"21:58
kgunngranted gl calling might be higher21:58
* camako thinks the differences are too big... 21:58
kgunnbut gpu load itself is higher21:58
camakothings should be gpu bound, no?21:58
kgunncamako: some are21:59
kgunni suspect21:59
kgunnlike jellyfish, terrain21:59
camakoso we should get more or less the same framerate21:59
camakobut CPU, and mem bw should differ by a lot21:59
kgunncamako: right...in about 1/2 the cases...the other 1/2 they're beating us by 20%21:59
AlbertAkgunn: camako: I suppose it depends on the gl call rate21:59
kgunnAlbertA: would hybris really add overhead perse ? isn't it just a function redirect?22:00
AlbertAkgunn: camako: could be a combination of decreasing gpu load with hwc + hybris overhead22:00
kgunnagreed on the hwc22:00
kgunnthat could be it22:00
kgunnor a portion22:00
AlbertAkgunn: right if we had a sense of the gl call rate we could speculate better22:01
camakoSo we don't have hwc fully enabled?22:01
* kgunn wishes we had something like pvrtune for adreno22:01
AlbertAkgunn: that would be higher fps I guess where it would show up22:01
kgunnkdub_: ^ anything like that exist? adreno-load-inspector ?22:02
AlbertAcamako: not currently no22:02
kdub_there's a bunch of /sys stuff22:02
camakoisn't this all going through hwc on Android?22:02
camakoI mean overlays?22:02
kgunnAlbertA: @higher framerate where it would show up...you mean hybris ?22:02
AlbertAkgunn: right22:02
kgunnAlbertA: right...so its counter the theory :)22:03
kgunnwe kick the crap out of them22:03
camakokgunn, doesn't make sense to me22:03
camakothey should be beating us by a large margin22:03
camakowith overlays22:03
AlbertAkgunn: heheh.... have you looked at percentages in millisecs?22:03
AlbertAcamako: well....it's only one surface though...22:04
AlbertAcamako: so I suppose the recomposite overhead?22:04
josharensoncamako, yeah I've only ran fullscreen tests22:04
AlbertAcamako: which surface flinger wouldn't have since it would just send the surface straight to hwc22:04
AlbertAcamako: we don't do that yet...kdub is working on it :)22:05
kdub_camako, right :)22:06
kdub_we can see in malta though22:06
* camako thinks something is not right22:07
camakotheir system is much better optimized..22:07
kdub_eh, also like hwc is sometimes power optimized22:07
AlbertAoh yeah....22:07
AlbertAjosharenson: did you fix up the cpu governor for this tests?22:08
camakoso again why are we seeing higher numbers?22:08
AlbertAwe could be seeing a case where the cpu was bumped to a higher Hz due to higher load :) and we end up better22:08
kdub_well, sometimes its even more than the governor22:08
camakoAlbertA, cpu shouldn't matter, it's a lot of gpu and mem bw22:09
camakoor rather, it should be..22:09
AlbertAcamako: for the high fps it would22:09
josharensonalberta, no....22:09
AlbertAcamako: since they don't seeem particularly gpu bound22:09
josharensonalberta, like force max?22:10
AlbertAjosharenson: usually we set it to performance22:10
josharensonalbera, that will only help our results22:10
AlbertAjosharenson: not necessarily, I mean if you have root access on android,22:10
AlbertAjosharenson: you do the same there22:10
camakoAlbertA: dunno specifics of these tests but generating gl commands is not CPU intensive... But it could be mem intensive...22:11
josharensonalberta, ok I'll rerun at some point... How does out power management policy compare to android?22:11
AlbertAjosharenson: should be the same kernel22:11
AlbertAjosharenson: so same governors22:12
AlbertAcamako: but it could be in the threshold of switching cpu modes22:12
AlbertAcamako: i.e. if android has lower cpu usage it could have switching to a lower mode therefore spending more cpu %22:12
kgunnAlbertA: thanks for bringing up cpu goveners...totally forgot22:13
camakoAlbertA: does it make mem bw?22:13
kdub_there's a lot of fun switches to push :)22:13
camakoAlbertA: does it make mem bw higher??22:13
kgunncamako: no22:13
AlbertAcamako: it could there's complex interplay there with the cores22:13
kgunncamako: well at least at ti, those were seperate22:13
AlbertAcamako: not higher22:13
AlbertAcamako: lower22:13
kgunnok guys...i'm gonna run22:14
kgunnfamily calling...back after a while22:14
AlbertAcamako: the scenario would be lower clock in android leading to lower total fps22:14
camakoAlbertA: yes, I meant for us...22:14
AlbertAcamako: and mir could have higher cpu load leading to slightly higher fps since it's running at a higher clock rate22:14
AlbertAcamako: we won't know for sure unless we fixed the clock rate on both scenarios22:15
josharensonill run at performance22:15
camakoAlbertA, cpu is not doing the heavy lifting... so lower/higher doesn't matter...22:16
AlbertAcamako: I'm not so sure in the cases where we are getting high fps22:16
camakocpu can saturate mem and/or gpu very easily at low cpu %22:16
AlbertAcamako: we are talking about 1ms differences there22:16
AlbertAcamako: very well could be cpu clock rates22:16
AlbertAcamako: in the low fps cases...that could be mir's compositor overhead over SF22:17
camakoAlbertA, I guess I am having a hard time believeing cpu is the bottleneck here22:18
AlbertAcamako: not a bottleneck but a load low enough that in android it kicked the cpu to a lower state22:18
camakoAlbertA, now we don't have full hwc, I guess things'll make more sense when it's more apples-to-apples22:20
camakoAlbertA, to me Android is operating at a much lower mem bandwidth (interconnect freq) than mir22:21
AlbertAcamako: right we can't make accurate comparison with a dynamic clock rate basically22:21
camakoA simple mem test should discover any discrepancy22:21
AlbertAcamako: I mean we saw that all the time in OMAP22:21
AlbertAcamako: the data doesn't end up making a lot of sense...and sometimes cpu governors are also tied22:22
AlbertAto other ip blocks22:22
camakoI guess it'd make more sense to me if cpu governor does affect mem bw22:23
kdub_yeah, it sounds like something I would have seen in the adreno world too22:23
kdub_and also, I thought it could hold the mem bw high if its set to performance22:23
racarr__kgunn: Hey...so...the deeper I get the more things I find I have to disentangle for glamor....its relatively coupled to GBM/DRM+Client buffer allocation+Mesa EGL...22:24
racarr__im developing a plan but I think I would be pretty lucky to get anything working in the next few days22:24
racarr__so maybe I should reprioritize?22:24
kgunnracarr__: is glamor a hard requirement for libreoffice?22:25
racarr__kgunn: No. only for it to not be slow on mobile devices.22:25
kgunnracarr__: mmm...i'm being summoned again by the wife...so is doing a demo of libreoffice w/o glamor cheap in terms of effort?22:27
racarr__on the desktop yes...unless we want menus to work in hich case it grows in to a bit of22:27
racarr__a project22:27
kgunnracarr__: might have a chat with RAOF when he's on...i gotta run...i kind of feel like yeah...i mean desktop is the target w/22:28
kgunnmenus of course22:28
kgunnok...back later22:28
racarr__RAOF: Ping?22:28
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=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
RAOFracarr__: Yo!23:46

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