
OvenWerkszequence: when does the LTS daily ISO start to appear? 00:50
zequenceOvenWerks: It is built daily, just like a development release. Latest updates. Once we get to 14.04.1, it freezes and is tested.07:44
zequenceelfy: Did you read the post in our devel list about testing?10:28
elfyzequence: I didn't - sorry - must have missed it - I'll reply later today when I'm back from work properly11:57
zequenceelfy: No hurry at all. Just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it12:25
elfyyep - I've read it now - there's a bunch of stuff that I'd want to reply with - but if you want to start ball rolling with anything - yes I'm cool with QA lead for at least this cycle - if you want I can talk to Nick Skaggs re tracker etc, but I suspect I will need to be in a studio LP team to make that work (not sure)12:28
elfyoff to work again - bbl12:28
zequenceelfy: Anything you need.12:31
ethermonkoh wow13:22
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elfyzequence: I sent a mail to the list now :)17:16
zequenceelfy: Great. I'll respond tomorrow probably. Need to look more into the ubuntu QA part of it.19:06
elfyzequence: did what I said make sense?19:20
elfywhen I login to the package tracker - I do so as a member of ubuntu-testcase and xubuntu-release19:21
elfyit might be that there needs to be an LP team that has access to the tracker admin side - balloons will know19:22
zequenceelfy: I think so, yes. It's the same with the qa iso thing19:29
zequenceWe have ubuntustudio-release team for that19:29
elfyyea - it will be the same team19:30
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zequenceelfy: Ok. Good. i'll have a look tomorrow on that, and get back to you.19:43
elfyok 19:44
elfyzequence: to be frank - this is mostly going to work or not work depending on how many people are willing to pitch in19:44
elfythere's been a couple of people pitch up on the m/l looking for something to do - if they've not got specific skills - perhaps point them in testing/testcase directions19:47
zequenceelfy: That's what I'm thinking too. Good way to learn how development works20:18
zequenceelfy: Unfortunately, very few of the people who want to help actually end up doing so. 20:19
elfyI know that one well ;)20:19
elfyduring the last cycle - we had 40 people testing (both packages and images)20:19
elfywe've a lot more on the m/l 20:20
zequenceelfy: In either case, i will make sure we at least have the infrastructure for it this cycle20:20
elfyI'm fairly positive that if nothing else it's going to be further forwards than it is now :)20:20
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