
bluesabreOh, right. Words. :(00:00
bluesabresaxx_: cool, how do you like it?00:01
saxx_I've always loved it, but finally made the move and started using is as main OS00:01
Unit193ochosi: I don't use it, so I'd not be the best example.00:01
Unit193ochosi: I think we could likely spruce up bluesabre's file a tad?00:02
ochosisounds good00:02
bluesabresaxx_: awesome, welcome to full-time xubuntu usage :)00:02
ochosiwe just need an assignee to be able to track it00:02
saxx_Thanks blue :) I'll be on here a lot for sure :)00:03
brainwashwe switch to compton in 14.10?!00:03
ochosicool, welcome saxx_ :)00:04
saxx_Thanks ochosi :)00:04
ochosibrainwash: no, but considering to provide a default config for ppl who wanna use it00:04
ochosibrainwash: weren't you one of the compton advocates? :)00:04
brainwashwell, yes and no00:04
ochosipeople don't seem to wanna decide today00:05
brainwashwhat kind of default config? hardware differs and demands special configuration options00:05
Unit193brainwash: So easier usage, but not shipped.00:05
brainwashor you mean shadow settings and so on?00:05
ochosiexceptions for xfce4-notifyd and tabwin00:06
ochosiwhatever can be generically pre-configured00:06
ochosithat's why we need a person in charge of that00:06
ochosii'm happy with anyone stepping up to do that tbh :)00:06
brainwashI don't like the fancy stuff00:06
brainwashso I don't feel like messing around with it00:07
ochosibluesabre: fwiw, the stuff i pushed to your phone wrt the lid-lock bug was relevant :)00:08
ochosii can repeat it here though, if you wnat00:08
bluesabreochosi: I got it00:08
ochosiok cool00:09
bluesabreI'll try to hack on that a bit tonight00:09
ochosibtw, caveat: could be that the xfconf variable isn't working so great even in the current patch00:09
bluesabreneed to sit down and really hack on this00:12
bluesabreI wish the issue affected me so I could verify :D00:12
ochosihah, you wish?! :D00:13
ochosijust get your old computer from the drawer00:13
ochosianyway, i gotta hit the sack now00:14
bluesabreseeya ochosi00:16
ochosinight bluesabre 00:16
ochosioh btw, there's still a parole branch (goto-feature) waiting for your review in case you're bored or something ;)00:16
bluesabreor yeah00:17
bluesabreI need to stop slacking!00:18
knomeheh, first one to complain about desktop wallpapers on login screen ;)08:31
ochosinah, there is even a bugreport about that08:32
knomeaha, haven't seen that08:32
knomewhat'cha gonna do?08:32
ochosiand we have a branch with a fix, i.e. an option to disable it08:33
knomesounds good08:33
ochosiso in 14.10 ppl will be able to switch it off08:33
knomei now have way less hair08:33
ochosiwe should probably get the greeter-settings UI installed by default08:33
knomejust FYI08:33
ochosiyou mean then before you became XPL?08:33
knomemhm, sounds sane08:33
knomenah, since yesterday ;)08:33
knomeit's literally so *cool*08:34
knomewhat's up with the black screen fix?08:35
ochosiwell bluesabre returned a bit late last night, so we couldn't work on it together08:35
knomewasn't there one ready already?08:36
knomeor didn't that fix it?08:36
ochosiyeah, but one with drawbacks that was mostly a proof-of-concept08:36
ochosiit should test whether not inhibiting logind solves the problem08:36
ochosi(and it does)08:36
ochosidoing a proper fix is (as always) more work08:36
knomeof course08:36
ochosithe main issue being not breaking xscreensaver08:37
knomeis it completely triaged now though?08:37
ochosii dunno, i'm less worried about the bug status then about fixing it08:41
ochosialso the comments are still flowing in for it (which is annoying and a bit useless), so i stopped checking the bugreport08:41
knomeheh, well, it's not really about the bug status08:42
knomei'm worried about fixing it too, and being completely triaged is a good thing for that08:42
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ochosiomg, i wonder how ppl can think this is a good thing... http://worldofgnome.org/running-gtk-applications-different-themes-per-app/15:42
elfyochosi: no chance of that in xfce then :p16:37
ochosiwell you can do that already anyway16:38
ochosiit's just a very silly thing imo16:38
ochosi(even in gtk2)16:38
elfywell I'm glad I've never seen it ;)16:41
GridCubeochosi, why would it be silly? don't the themes reside already in the system? is loading the themes for each applications counter productive?16:46
knomewhy would you implicitly want to make your system not look consistent/integrated?16:57
GridCubebecause not everyone like things to look the same all the time?17:07
GridCubebecause some people might want to visually differentiate some applications from others visually?17:07
GridCubei don't know17:07
GridCubei used visually twice17:08
ochosiwell anyway, ppl could and did always do this, i still think it's the worst17:11
elfylost the sound indicator :(17:43
ochosielfy: how did you lose it?19:27
elfyno idea ochosi 19:28
elfythe others are there19:28
elfynot got around to checking updates19:29
elfynothing apparent19:30
ochosichecked any logs yet?19:30
elfyjust checked apt history log for today19:31
ochosiso it just happened today?19:31
elfyyea - was there last night19:31
elfyI know that - had recoccurence of the last 20% vol change making no difference19:31
elfyI'll check I didn't cause it19:32
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elfyochosi: I guess that it did cause it :p19:38
ochosiso it's back nowß19:38
elfycurrent choice is vol control that works from 20% -100% or no indicator19:39
ochosierr, what?19:39
elfyI've got this again bug 132148519:40
ubottubug 1321485 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "No change to volume in lowest 20% of control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132148519:40
ochosioh :/19:40
ochosii wasn't aware of such a bug19:40
ochosihw related?19:41
elfyI had it some time ago - for time read couple of years - came back19:41
elfyochosi: same hardware I have had since I started using ubuntu in 2007 :p19:41
ochosiand the ignore_dB does what exactly?19:41
elfyI have no idea what it does exactly software wise but it allows the vol keys to work properly down to mute19:42
elfypossibly something not matching in alsa and pulse19:43
ochosihmyeah, shrugging would also be my reaction :)19:44
elfyI ought to really check in 14.04 19:45
elfylow volumes via keyboards isn't something I often do 19:45
knomepleia2, cool, xubuntu talks19:57
knomewell. almost19:57
elfyshall I remove (TODO: Link to docs for it). from the lightlocker article :p19:58
knomegood job reviewers!19:59
* knome looks in the mirror19:59
pleia2knome: haha, just a little xubuntu19:59
knomescreenshots and all!19:59
ochosihehe, indeed19:59
elfydone that then20:00
knometa elfy 20:00
ochosifwiw, is there a docs-link now?20:08
knomehttp://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/guide-keeping-safe.html#lock-your-screen ?20:14
ochosimm, sounds okay to me20:19
* knome tries to squeeze any sound of the URL but in vain20:19
Unit193Clearly not using espeak.20:19
ochosion a more serious note, is anyone here (apart from me) interested in setting up some sort of bug-bounty programme for xubuntu?20:33
knomeit's not a bad idea, but the bounty and target will be clearly defined and generally accepted by the team20:35
knomewhat would the bounty be? some of the mag money?20:35
elfyI've just got some vague unease that's very hard to put into words20:35
elfyapart from a vague sense of unease ;)20:36
brainwashway too much work to set it up and maintain such a system20:36
knomedoes it need a high-leve bureaucratic system?20:37
brainwashit should be fair and transparent20:37
knomein what sense fair?20:37
knomeif the target is to fix a bug, it isn't fair for people who only have artistic talent20:37
brainwashpeople should not abuse the system20:37
knomewhich is why i said the bounty and target should be clearly specified20:38
ochosii think that elementary are using a third party site20:38
knomei don't understand what kind of "system" we need here20:38
knomejust list things we want to be fixed, set bounties, and go20:38
ochosiso i think there it is up to  the users that can pledge bounties20:38
elfyochosi: like a "I want this fixed - here's x £'s" ?20:39
knomesocial bounty then?20:39
ochosielfy: pretty much20:39
ochosiknome: nope, $$$20:39
knomei mean,20:39
elfymmm 20:39
knomesocial in the way that the xubuntu team isn't participating in paying the bounty20:39
knomei'd imagine there to be sites that allow doing that20:40
ochosiyeah, i can find the elementary site...20:40
knomejust pick one that seems to work well, create a xubuntu tag or sth and announce it being "official", as far as there is anything official...20:40
ochosiyeah, that could already be sufficient20:40
ochosiand we can still advertise it as a team20:40
knomethat would be much better than getting involved with the system itself really20:40
ochosii mean "advertise"...20:41
knomeyeah, as much as we advertise other social media outlets etc20:41
elfyone downside being - with a finite amount of people looking at bugs - the emphasis could shift from xfpm to some random thing 20:41
ochosiit's very democratic20:41
knomeif people want silly things.. who cares?20:41
knomeas long as it doesn't involve "by default in xubuntu"20:41
ochosibut generally speaking it could also be that we lose interest in the fix and just give up on it :)20:41
knomewhich i guess is something we should make a statement about20:42
elfyhang on20:42
elfythat's a bit premature 20:42
knomewhat is?20:42
elfyknome> which i guess is something we should make a statement about20:43
knomewell, i obviously meant if we set something up20:43
elfythat just assumes that ochosi> on a more serious note, is anyone here (apart from me) interested in setting up some sort of bug-bounty programme for xubuntu? is going to happen20:43
knometo state that there is no guarantee that pledges like "please install libreoffice by default in xubuntu" are not really valid...20:43
ochosithis is an example ^20:43
brainwashso we stop fixing bugs until this bug bounty program goes live :)20:44
knomeone option is a system where the team can approve/decline any possible pledge20:44
elfyI think we should install libreoffice-calc and -writer by default20:44
ochosiand this is how they do it in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementary/+bugs?field.tag=bounty20:44
ochosibrainwash: hehe, or we pledge team funds instead of fixing annoying bugs ourselves ;)20:44
ochosii guess we need to vote on me registering the xubuntu project on that page20:45
brainwashhowever, most/many bugs are Xfce upstream ones20:46
ochosioh, we can actually use "our" facebook account (in case we have one) for logging in20:46
knomei think we should have a broader discussion before that :)20:46
ochosibrainwash: yeah, sure, but we can always push them upstream20:46
brainwashmaybe get the Xfce devs and maintainers involved too?20:47
ochosias another example20:48
ochosibrainwash: which xfce devs? :D20:48
knomeochosi, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/community-announce20:48
knomeochosi, ^ subscribe PLZ, it's a *very* low-traffic list20:48
knomeochosi, last email in february20:48
brainwashall of them.. show them some $$$ and they will start working again :P20:48
ochosiknome: what for then?20:48
knomeochosi, before that, november20:48
knomeochosi, uds announcements and such20:49
ochosibrainwash: unfortunately i doubt that...20:49
brainwashbut these people are usually the ones who can "easily" fix bugs in their software20:50
brainwashwe'll see, maybe they'll notice the bug bounty program and start fixing some bugs20:52
ali1234the thing about bugs is that bugs are easy to fix20:52
ali1234figuring out how to reproduce them is hard20:52
ali1234and getting upstream to commit a patch is hard20:53
ali1234so i think that a bug bounty site should roll over at each of these steps20:53
ochosiali1234: well the most effective way is becoming an upstream contributor20:53
brainwashor fork20:53
ochosior talking to upstream devs directly somehow20:53
ochosimeh, forking is meh20:53
brainwashbut it works.. sometimes20:54
ali1234so for a new bug, the bounty would go up as people donate. once it can be 100% reproduced, whoever figured that step out gets the current bounty20:54
ali1234then the counter starts again at zero until someone submits a patch20:54
ali1234then it starts again at zero, whoever commits the patch upstream gets that bounty20:54
ochosiright, i'm not sure users get that...20:54
ochosimost ppl have no idea how these processes work20:55
brainwashkeep it simple20:55
ali1234well you know what they say about fools and money20:55
ochosiand they'd be frustrated to see their money go away without a fix20:55
ochosiali1234: there's a lot of both? :p20:55
* ochosi actually doesn't know what they say about them...20:55
ali1234they are soon parted20:55
ali1234anyway the point is that this system rewards the actually hard part20:56
ali1234if a bug is hard to reproduce and easy to fix, then whoever reproduced it gets the most reward20:57
ali1234if it's easy to reproduce and hard to fix, the counter will go higher during the fixing stage20:57
ali1234it's also intended that this is a system where anyone can donate to any bug at any time20:58
ochosiyeah, but why wouldnt the person doing the hard part also do the simple part of fixing the bug?20:59
ochosithat's a sort of logic that is over my head...20:59
knomeunable to?20:59
ali1234maybe, but in that case they won't get any donations for the fix20:59
ali1234only for reproducing it21:00
knomeali1234, wouldn't *that* open room for playing the system?21:00
ali1234if they try to game it by posting the reproduction steps and not the fix, then someone else can snipe them21:00
knome"i reproduced it, now i'll wait until more pledges land until i fix it"21:00
knomeali1234, except that the fixer "wouldn't get any donations for the fix"21:00
knomeas you said21:00
knomeso why would somebody *else* fix it? immediately?21:01
knomethis sounds like things are going to slow down21:01
ochosiali1234: i dunno what bugs you have in mind specifically, but those you were working on lately are *technically* so hard to reproduce that i agree, that was the hardest part...21:01
ali1234that will always be a problem with bounties21:01
knomewhile it's not always fair, there should be just one bounty, for landing the final fix21:01
ali1234that will result in many bounties never being paid21:02
knomepeople who are experiencing the issue are most probably also willing to help debug/reproduce21:02
knomewell, too bad...21:02
ochosiyeah, i guess that's okayish21:02
knomeit's not like people *want* to part with their money21:02
ochosianyway, i think that in the bountysource.com programme you can't set such finegrain control21:03
ochosibut i can ask kalikiana, he has obviously used it21:03
ali1234the problem with requiring landing the fix is what happens when someone posts a bounty that the upstream project will never accept?21:04
ochosiwell that's where xubuntu comes in imo21:04
ali1234those bounties will just clog up the system21:04
knomethat's why i said something about the team accepting/rejecting new pledges21:05
ochosiif it's a distro patch that gets applied in xubuntu and the money was pledged in the xubuntu project...21:05
ali1234and if landing the fix gets the bounty, then project owners can game the system, by rejecting patches from others and fixing it themselves21:06
ochosii'd suggest we ask ppl who have used this system21:07
ochosior: one of these systems21:07
ochosialso, note that the bounties mostly have symbolic value21:07
ochosixubuntu will never draw so much attention that we get substantial bounties (i guess)21:07
ochosigetting 50$ for a fix is not a great incentive to "play the system"21:08
ochosialso, you'll know as a maintainer that you'll probably never get a patch again from that person if you trick them out of their bounty21:08
ochosi(it's like falsely attributing a patch to yourself in vcs)21:08
Unit193What about bugs with no bounty?  Won't those get ignored?21:08
knomeali1234, err, are you suggesting we will create a system to be able to play it?21:09
knomeif anybody in the team did that, they should kicked hard in the lower back21:10
ali1234money does weird things to people :(21:10
knomelike we are all here to make money :P21:10
ali1234just look at bitcoin21:10
knomeyes... but that hardly changed people who were working on things *already*21:11
knomei don't really understand the argument21:11
knomeif xubuntu developers just wanted to make money out of xubuntu, they would have found a way already21:11
knomeor got lost21:11
Unit193Some of us are very lost...21:16
ochosiUnit193: they won't get ignored more than they do now i think21:20
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ochosibluesabre: so let me summarize again...23:22
ochosiwhat happens is this (as far as we know)23:22
ochosi1) user closes the lid23:22
ochosi2) xfpm notices the event and handles it23:22
ochosi3) it fires off xflock4, which calls light-locker23:22
ochosi4) light-locker initiates a VT switch by locking23:23
ochosi4) system goes to suspend23:23
ochosiso as you can see, there are two 4)s23:23
ochosithat is not accidental, but actually the problem23:23
ochosithese two things aren't handled well by a "stupid" bash script as xflock is one23:24
ochosilogind always seems to handle the VT switch + suspending correclt23:24
bluesabreok, so that's part of the story, now for the patch23:25
bluesabreit introduces a new xfconf-setting inhibit-logind23:25
bluesabrewhich does what, exactly?23:25
ochosiso, we can mitigate this problem by *not* inhibiting logind in terms of handling the lid-close event (but only if 1) lid-close > lock settings is true in xfpm and 2) light-locker is in use)23:26
ochosithe patch introduces a BIG logind-inhibit killswitch. so you can only decide whether logind handles all or none of these events: power-button, suspend-button, hibernate-button, lid-event23:26
ochosiso we only want to make it take effect on the lid-event23:27
ochosithe rest should be controlled by xfpm, because there's at least a settings UI for it (which there isn't for logind)23:27
ochosiand last but not least, xscreensaver...23:28
ochosixscreensaver *needs* the xflock4 call from xfpm before suspending on lid-close, it doesn't listen to logind's lock signal (which light-locker does, if it's started with --lock-on-suspend)23:28
ochosiall "clear"? :)23:30
ochosiit's really quite the kerfuffle...23:30
bluesabrewhich is why I feel like light-locker should in fact be a bit smarter and toggle the setting itself23:30
ochosii only hope that we don't create a new problem with this23:31
ochosi1) light-locker is set to lock the session on suspend23:31
Unit193And for all purposes, gnome-screensaver == xscreensaver?23:31
ochosi2) xfpm is set to lock the session on suspend/lid-close23:32
ochosiso if the lid-close event is inhibited i guess xfpm should also *not* actively lock the session23:32
ochosiUnit193: no, i think gnome-screensaver actually *does* listen to the logind lock signal23:33
ochosi(btw, don't hit me with the rod if it's not logind sending the dbus lock signal but something else)23:33
Unit193Ah.  I take it newer xscreensaver still doesn't?23:33
ochosixscreensaver only does something if you call it specifically (or the timeout runs out)23:35
bluesabreI'd be in favor of the string option23:35
bluesabreor multiple bools23:35
ochosiyeah, i think the string option is the sanest23:35
ochosimultiple bools have the advantage of not having to evaluate the string...23:35
bluesabreand then each of the possible settings there23:35
bluesabrethis seems more painful than ripping mate's display dialog out of mate23:36
ochosiyeah, mostly because there are so many actors that need to react to one another23:37
ochosiif only light-locker wouldn't have to switch VT23:37
ochosii wonder though23:37
knomeactors like hugh grant?23:37
bluesabreis eric around?23:37
ochosiwould it all be solved by using late-locking?23:37
* knome hides and laughs23:37
bluesabrelate-locking still locks on lid-close I believe23:38
ochosiyeah, true, it doesn't apply in this case23:38
ochosisilly ochosi23:38
ochosieric is only around at very specific times of day, much like yourself ;)23:38
ochosiaround 3-5PM UTC23:39
bluesabreso, how would you like to proceed, or knome/Unit193, thoughts?23:39
knomewell, fix it..? :)23:39
ochosisuper-constructive as always :)23:40
knomewell, what do you expect from a non-technical guy at almost 3am? 23:40
knomebools sound sane to me23:40
knomebut i'm unable judge if there are drawbacks or not23:41
Unit193kI think he's tired, he asked me too.23:41
knomeand whether they are bad enough to make the option not viable23:41
ochosibluesabre: the bools are easier to handle in settings-editor23:42
ochosifor those that need to re-enable logind-inhibition for xscreensaver23:42
ochosior actually23:42
knomeand easier to understand on the code level as well.23:42
knomeand no wondering what the possible options are23:42
ochosilogind can still be switched to ON in xfpm with xscreensaver23:43
knomeor syntax, in some cases23:43
ochosiit just needs to call xflock in this case23:43
ochosii got it23:43
ochosiok, listen up23:43
knomeyes sir!23:43
* ochosi hopes he'll make sense now...23:43
* ochosi feels his hands are getting sweaty23:43
knomeprobably not sir23:43
ochosiok, so the problem is not logind in a way23:44
ochosiit's the lock signal23:44
ochosilight-locker -> logind23:44
ochosixscreen-saver -> xflock423:44
ochosibut, for xscreensaver it doesn#t matter whether logind sends the lock signal23:44
ochosiit doesnt listen23:44
* knome faints with "xscreen-saver"23:45
ochosiso we can *always* uninhibit logind if the lid-close event is set to suspend and lock on suspend is on23:45
ochosiin xubuntu, that is23:45
ochosiupstream it'll be a different story23:45
ochosibut i'll think about that tomorrow after multiple hours of sleep23:46
bluesabresounds promising23:46
ochosiwell it should make things less compley23:47
bluesabreless compley would be good23:47
ochosibluesabre: so, we need xfpm patched that if (lid-close-event=suspend && lock-on-suspend=TRUE) { !inhibit_logind }23:49
ochosiand we need to re-enable --lock-on-suspend in light-locker(-settings)23:49
ochosiwell the latter you've already done, no?23:50
bluesabreI think yes23:50
bluesabrethis whole thing has been very confusing for me23:50
ochosii know, i'm sorry. it *is* confusing.23:50
ochosifor me too23:50
ochosii guess you'd want me to point you to the portions of code that are relevant?23:51
bluesabrethat would be helpful23:51
ochosithat is the part that handles the lid23:53
ochosii'd add a check there for those two variables i mentioned above23:53
ochosi(gah, i'm really a bit tired ...)23:54
ochosithis is the code for inhibiting systemd: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/tree/src/xfpm-main.c#n19823:54
ochosiit'd be best to replace the const "handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key:handle-lid-switch" with just "handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key" i guess23:55
bluesabreok, I'll try to get started with that tonight23:56
ochosithis is eric's concept patch: https://github.com/EricKoegel/xfce4-power-manager/commit/21b8e5abf4e5f93c28cb964b4618b9b50978095123:56
ochosithis fixes things with light-locker ^23:56
ochosibut breaks it with xscreensaver obviously, cause it relies on logind sending the lock signal23:56
ochosiwell, "breaks"... it just doesnt lock the session on suspend23:57

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