
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK
=== lordieva1er is now known as lordievader
soeegood morning06:15
=== serverhamster is now known as alvin
=== vinay is now known as Guest7190
Riddellhola amigos09:35
BluesKaj'Morning all10:13
BluesKaj \o10:21
=== thelionroars is now known as thelionsleeps
=== thelionsleeps is now known as thelionroars
Riddellhmm plasma git now needs qt 5.3, wibble11:45
ScottKRiddell: That's why I wrote ubuntu-devel saying we'd need it.12:00
RiddellI know, it's just sooner than is comfortable12:01
RiddellMirv: mitya57: any packages in sight for 5.3?12:01
ScottKRiddell: They've started uploading to Debian experimental.12:03
Riddellooh interesting12:03
Riddelland some rc packages in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-daily12:05
ScottKI think we ought to just merge from Debian and upload.  In the meantime, lisandro in Debian could probably use some help.12:08
Riddellshadeslayer: still needing merge reviews?12:08
MirvRiddell: ugly ones in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2 - not for faint-hearted packaging wise. I'm (slowly) working on more packaging in parallel, but this is just to get as much information of the 5.3 issues as possible early on12:21
kubotuMirv meant: "Riddell: ugly ones in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2 - not for faint-hearted packaging wise. I'm (slowly) working on better packaging in parallel, but this is just to get as much information of the 5.3 issues as possible early on"12:21
RiddellMirv: how do you mean in parallel?12:22
MirvRiddell: like in different PPA and on the code branches (of which not everything is currently up-to-date). the beta2 branches don't have symbol updates, abi bumps etc. so I'm currently using one another PPA https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-005/+packages for slightly more quality packages12:26
Mirvqtbase has tests disabled though which could need a lot of work, and qt3d is failing tests on i38612:26
RiddellMirv: lovely, thanks, good luck!12:28
Mirvthanks, it's needed :)12:36
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah12:43
shadeslayerRiddell: kdepim-runtime12:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://www.daftpunk.com/daft-punk-logo-belt-buckle.html13:04
shadeslayergood god13:05
apacheloggeroh oh oh13:05
apacheloggerdat 80's style merch is the best I say13:05
shadeslayergoes well with Quintasan's current facebook picture13:06
* ScottK wonders if apachelogger was aware of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unicorn13:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh my don't remind me of that13:07
apacheloggerScottK: someone may have mentioned it at some point13:07
Riddellshadeslayer: kdepim-runtime looks good, unnecessary space here http://paste.kde.org/pgycn5hr213:28
shadeslayerRiddell: is that space not present in debian?13:30
Riddellshadeslayer: not from running a diff between debian git and our bzr13:31
Riddellit's hardly very important :)13:32
RiddellQuintasan: ping?13:32
ScottKI think we should reconsider using a PPA for plasma5/next/whatever.13:42
shadeslayerScottK: oh?13:43
shadeslayerScottK: why?13:43
ScottKIf we use alternatives to the archive to make it easier for us to update stuff that's going to be proof to upstream that this KF5 non-maintenance plan works.13:43
ScottKMasking problems now is going to bite us later.13:43
shadeslayerif we use the archive then we provide a sub par first experience with all the bug fixes and what not13:44
ScottKWhen people whine we point them upstream.13:44
shadeslayerupstream will probably just say ask your distro to update13:45
ScottKThen we get to have the argument over about support and does upstream care at all about distros and users.13:46
ScottKSooner the better.13:46
shadeslayerat the cost of having users running potentially buggy code13:48
ScottKNow or later.  No different.13:48
ScottKLater it's just harder to fix.13:48
ScottKBTW, all software is buggy, so it's not much of an argument.13:49
Riddellshadeslayer: did your milou package get uploaded?14:18
shadeslayerI thought you uploaded it14:18
shadeslayerbut then I recall ScottK saying he didn't see one14:19
shadeslayerso I guess not14:19
Riddellshadeslayer: where can I find it again?14:19
shadeslayerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/upload/milou/milou_0.1-0ubuntu1.dsc14:20
Riddellweird text message du jour "hello I am a boy in sri lanka.  I want informations of ubuntu"  phoned twice as well but hung up14:23
Riddellgeeks are cute sometimes14:24
apacheloggersounds scary to me :O14:24
shadeslayerpeople still text14:25
Riddellshadeslayer: milou uploaded!14:26
Riddellphoned again, "hello, I no speak english"14:31
Riddellhard to know what to say to that14:31
Riddellanyone know the Sinhala for "join the mailing list"?14:31
shadeslayerRiddell: could try tamil 14:32
apacheloggerthat made me think of tamriel14:33
Riddellapachelogger: I can't work out how to use tarme.rb, how do you set options like what branch to use?14:45
apacheloggerRiddell: you don't you use origins14:47
apacheloggerfor now anyway14:47
Riddellapachelogger: what does that mean?14:49
shadeslayerRiddell: libkdegames needs review14:50
santa_I would like to ask you if you have any packaging of milou14:50
santa_couldn't find anything14:50
santa_if not, may I package it?14:51
Riddellsanta_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/upload/milou/milou_0.1-0ubuntu1.dsc14:51
shadeslayerwaiting for ScottK to approve now :)14:51
santa_Riddell: thanks, what about the alternate baloo kcm?14:51
shadeslayerno packages for that yet14:52
* shadeslayer couldn't be bothered about that14:52
santa_I did one for siduction14:52
santa_could be adapted to ubuntu easily14:52
santa_(I guess)14:52
apacheloggerRiddell: --origin trunk|stable14:55
QuintasanRiddell: pong14:55
apacheloggerRiddell: http://i.imgur.com/A20kVz1.png14:57
apacheloggerRiddell: whatever is configured on projects.kde is what drives releaseme's origin14:57
apacheloggernote the xml output box and the i18n trunk/stable branch settings14:57
santa_shadeslayer: wrt milou cmake complains about missing optiona x11 and nepomuk core libraries when built here15:02
santa_maybe you want to add nepomuk-core-dev and libx11-dev to build depends?15:03
apacheloggerno one uses nepomuk anymore15:06
Riddellapachelogger: ah, but if I'm not an admin of a project, I can't set them15:07
apacheloggerRiddell: should get that fixed then otherwise you can't manage releases very well ;)15:08
apacheloggernamely if the administrators set a shitty branch the l10n will be broken15:09
shadeslayersanta_: IIRC the X11 stuff is not really required15:17
santa_and nepomuk not being used, ok15:17
shadeslayerI don't see any output wrt nepomuk15:18
shadeslayersince milou is exclusively baloo15:18
=== greyback is now known as greyback|afk
kdeuser56yofel: will utopic be supported by neon soon?15:50
yofelshadeslayer: ^15:50
kdeuser56oh damn sorry15:51
shadeslayernot really15:51
kdeuser56whats the rationale behind it?15:51
shadeslayerkdeuser56: usually we start after the first alpha/beta15:51
shadeslayersince there are not enough people running dev to justify bootstrapping it for dev15:51
shadeslayerthe 14.04 stack is reasonably up to date, so no issues there too15:52
kdeuser56shadeslayer: yeah but the kernel is not the latest and I need 3.15 :-( and mainline ppa is no option15:52
shadeslayerkdeuser56: and why do you need 3.15?15:53
kdeuser56some btrfs testing I do and other stuff15:53
shadeslayerthen please wait for first alpha/beta15:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^ do you want to bootstrap utopic?15:54
kdeuser56shadeslayer: same for kubuntu updates ppa?15:54
shadeslayerkdeuser56: for kde 4.13.1? that's blocked on pending merges15:54
shadeslayerwe started them shortly before 4.13.1 was released15:54
kdeuser56shadeslayer: is bootstrapping that stuff much work? what does it involve?15:55
shadeslayerfor starters you'd have to build Qt5 on utopic15:55
kdeuser56I mean for neon ...15:56
shadeslayeryes, that's what I'm talking about15:56
shadeslayeryou'd have to build Qt5 for neon on utopic15:56
shadeslayeralso, since we've moved off stuff onto a Blue Systems server to do package uploads, we'd have to setup orchrestration to build for utopic15:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: can builder handle 2 releases?15:57
Riddelldudes: I'm away shortly and will only be around a little tomorrow then away until monday evening15:59
shadeslayerRiddell: cheers15:59
shadeslayerhave fun15:59
Riddelltext me if I need to save the world15:59
ScottKshadeslayer: From what I've read, we want the alternate baloo KCM in the archive and maybe for default.16:01
* Riddell skeptical of this16:04
shadeslayerwhy for default? I haven't heard any complaints apart from a vocal minority16:04
=== greyback|afk is now known as greyback
shadeslayerand baloo works well enough on 2 of the computers that I use16:04
Riddellthe upstream kcm has an off button now which should keep the vocal people happy16:04
shadeslayerit does? well then, there we go16:04
shadeslayerI'm still on 4.13.0 :P16:04
kdeuser56shadeslayer: just my two cents: it seems very weired that you have to have the stable release to try the latest stuff and the dev version lags behind (not even having stable updates ppa) :-(16:04
shadeslayerbecause the majority of the users will be using stable, and we can't satisfy everyone16:05
shadeslayerso we have to make sacrifices16:05
kdeuser56yeah I can accept that, but on what studies is that based? the majority of users wont even try project neon I guess16:06
kdeuser56and running the build server against utopic wouldn't hurt the stable users, it would only consume more ressources16:07
shadeslayeractually, I think Project Neon is quite famous, especially since it was mentioned in the plasma next release announcement and people are using the ISO and what not16:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: why?16:07
kdeuser56they are using the stable base because the iso has a stable base 16:08
apacheloggerI assume the bootstrap was also in reference to neon16:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: it was16:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: the why was for why does builder have to support 2 releases?16:08
shadeslayerbecause kdeuser56 wanted to use utopic + neon16:08
apacheloggerdoing two releases is an undesirable hassle16:08
kdeuser56apachelogger: could you elobrate on the hassle? after all the servers are running the builds automatically once set up16:09
ScottKshadeslayer: Your debian/copyright for milou needs fixing.  Those LGPL 2+, GPL 2+ files are mostly GPL 2 or 3/LGPL 2.1 or 3 or what KDE e.V approves.  That's not the same as 2/2.1+16:10
shadeslayeraw :(16:11
ScottKshadeslayer: Try grep -irc KDE\ e\.v *|grep -v 0 on the source package for a list of relevant files.16:11
* shadeslayer used copyright helper16:11
ScottKshadeslayer: Helper scripts don't relieve you of the responsibility of getting it right.16:12
apacheloggerkdeuser56: until it breaks16:12
apacheloggeralso everything takes twice as long16:12
* shadeslayer thought it was good enough, but ok16:12
shadeslayerScottK: will fix16:12
shadeslayerstupid legal shit, I hate it :/16:12
shadeslayercauses so many headaches16:13
ScottKshadeslayer: I won't reject for it since the list of licenses KDE e.V has approved matches the list that currently exists, but it needs to be fixed for the next upload.16:13
kdeuser56apachelogger: then build stable first and after the completion build the other release? the idle time would of course be shorter16:13
shadeslayerScottK: ok16:13
apacheloggerkdeuser56: if you write the code for that, sure16:13
shadeslayerwill fix in the next upload16:13
kdeuser56apachelogger: where are the sources of the script?16:13
apacheloggerbuilder/builder is probably what you need to adjust16:14
apacheloggerto a) dch force utopic into low urgency mode b) upload only once trusty has built16:15
apacheloggerppa/sync.py should have logic WRT finding out when stuff built16:16
ScottKshadeslayer: Accepted.16:17
shadeslayerScottK: suitable to request for backports16:18
ScottKAfter the binary New.16:18
shadeslayerok, I need something other than merges for today16:21
ScottKshadeslayer: Go help lisandro with Qt5.16:24
shadeslayerkwin has 64 crashers in just one day16:28
shadeslayerScottK: can you also move kde-workspace to updates16:28
shadeslayerbeen in proposed for 2 weeks I think16:28
shadeslayerScottK: nvm16:29
ScottKDidn't think so.16:29
shadeslayerright :)16:29
shadeslayercould always go and read the make manual :P16:34
lordievaderGood evening.16:56
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1322290] KDE Launcher, Advanced Mode: Removing item from "Favorites" makes "Favorites" submenu to d... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1322290 (by GeorgeCA)18:27
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1322292] KDE Launcher, Advanced Mode: Removing item from "Favorites​" makes "Favorites​" submen... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1322292 (by GeorgeCA)18:27
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1289600] Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1289600 (by Alexey Borzenkov)19:36
santa_Riddell: hey, some time ago you pointed me to this kf5 packaging  https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages thank you, where are the bzr repositories of the source packages?21:50
Riddellsanta_: in lp:~kubuntu-packaging/kubuntu-packagers/package22:02
Riddellapachelogger: I'm an admin now but I don't see any settings tab on projects https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/workspace/kmenuedit22:06
valorieRiddell: still need the kubuntu-devel list password if you want me to help kill the spam22:46
Riddellvalorie: voila22:51
valoriedanke schon22:51
valoriewill add it to my listadmin.ini pronto22:52
valorieRiddell: one question in pm23:00

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