
cjohnstonwgrant ^01:21
=== caryhartline_ is now known as caryhartline
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
cjwatsonwgrant,stub: Hm, it would be quite helpful if the necessary packages for PostgreSQL 9.3 were in ppa:launchpad/ppa.10:51
cjwatson(I can grab the binaries from CAT, I guess, but that's not the point really.)10:54
wgrantcjwatson: Oh, we normally copy them in from pitti's PPA. But that seems to be deprecated.11:00
timrcwgrant, Is there a way for you to unsubscribe me from all bugs on the somerville project?  I'm apparently directly subscribed to a bunch of bugs and have no interest in being spammed (and it's probably a violation of company policy for me to see these sorts of things anyway)12:57
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk
stubcjwatson: I'd be jumping to trusty myself...13:06
wgranttimrc-afk: Hum, that sounds Joey's script isn't being very thorough.13:06
stubcjwatson: pitti's PPA has been replaced by apt.postgresql.org13:06
stubwgrant: ^13:06
cjwatsonI don't really want to have my main test setup running a full LTS newer than production, in case I introduce dependencies by accident.13:08
=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc
timrcelmo, wgrant Thanks15:34

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