
ianorlinis this a new hard disk?00:25
ianorlinlike you bought it from a store or online DutchC6400:25
DutchC64hey...sorry for the late response, the harddrive isn't new...01:21
wxlso changing the NetworkManager.policy settings.modify.system to allow_active yes allows all users whether admins or not to connect to different wifi access points. this is good, but is there not a gui way to do this?02:34
cristian_cI've purchased a Rii mini i8 bluetooth keyboard07:42
cristian_cHow can i enable the keyboard in lubuntu?07:42
cristian_cAny ideas?07:42
cristian_cI've paired it07:42
cristian_cThe server has disconnected me09:29
cristian_cHas anyone answered to me?09:30
hateballcristian_c: Sadly no09:36
hateball(and I don't know)09:36
=== dzho_ is now known as dzho
wllrtAnyone know of a good screenshot tool? Running Lubuntu 13.10.15:33
ianorlinw11rt scrot works from the command line still and is installed and you can put a slight delay on with the d optoin if you don't want the terminal or run dialog15:42
wllrtianorlin: Thanks. I was just reading about scrot. I am googling on how to select area for screenshot.15:44
ianorlinscrot -s15:44
ianorlinif you want a place to look back to type man scrot15:44
wllrtThank you. Much obliged :).15:44
wllrtAlright. I will.15:44
sadfasdfsadfhello, can someone help me autostart a graphical application at login17:54
ianorlintry using default apps for lxession under prefrences in the menu18:02
sadfasdfsadfianorlin: added an entry there, rebooting18:07
sadfasdfsadfawesome, that works perfectly18:08
sadfasdfsadfthanks so much18:08
raalexI am experiencing problems with the Keepass autotype feature.19:40
raalexMeaning, that it often misses letters, which of course leads to passwords/usernames being incorrect.19:40
raalexDid anyone in here run into that problem already and figured out a solution?19:41
silverlionhey raalex i did. re-installed the xdotool and everything works fine since then19:42
raalexCool, thanks. I'll give it a try.19:42
silverlionraalex: kk19:43

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