
=== nslu2-log_ is now known as nslu2-log
=== piscodig is now known as discopig
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== PaulePan1er is now known as PaulePanter
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== iserantes_ is now known as iserantes
=== yang__ is now known as yang
rootedam ready to install install ubuntu on beaglebone black , any warnings i should know about ?11:54
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
rootedwhat is the best arm version for ubuntu suites beaglebone black ?14:38
ogra_depends what you want to invest :)14:57
ogra_the best one is probably an X-Gene board14:57
ogra_(which is supported by default)14:57
rootedorga_ i want to install ubuntu on beaglebone black , what version should i download ?15:25
ogra_rooted, not sure i think trusty netinst should work ... ppisati might know15:28
rootedhello , ive installed ubuntu arm version 13.04 , its in the terminal mode, but how can i set the wireless dongle , password for access point ?16:09
=== Tassadar is now known as helicopter0130
ogra_rooted, try https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#WPA-PSK_and_WPA2-PSK16:10
rootedorga_ your a life saver did you know that ?16:11
rootedits says here after the settings, DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 port 67 interval 10 , dhclient.c error 1996 : failed to send 300 byte long packet over wlan0.. any hint  ?16:36
rootedgot it , its seems , from the wifi dongle , there is a problem with it , just change it16:41
=== heathkid|2 is now known as heathkid
=== akp_ is now known as akp
=== helicopter0130 is now known as Tassadar

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