
=== elky_ is now known as Guest7782
=== Guest7782 is now known as elky
mhall119belkinsa: ping (when you're around)06:57
mhall119hi smaboshe 07:20
smabosheI'm researching starting a LoCo for Zambia: http://loco.ubuntu.com/about-loco/setup/07:20
mhall119that would be awesome07:20
smabosheStep one is to create a team.07:21
smabosheI understand the naming convention is to use ubuntu-CC.07:21
smabosheI'm having trouble because it seems the Zambia CC is taken but is not associated to a LoCo.07:22
smabosheAny advice?07:22
mhall119ah, yeah, that's an individual's account07:22
mhall119so the ubuntu-CC rule is flexible, you should be able to use ubuntu-zm-team if you wanted07:23
smabosheAwesome. I think that should work just as well. THank you, mhall119.07:24
smabosheIs the ubuntu-CC rule flexible for mailing lists as well? (Step 2 on http://loco.ubuntu.com/about-loco/setup/)07:46
BobJonkman1smaboshe: Our local chapter in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada is mostly known as ubuntu-ca-kw but our launchpad ID is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-waterloo-region 08:20
BobJonkman1No-one has objected to the inconsistency08:20
smabosheThank you.08:27
rsaoungoumibjr à tout le monde09:16
rsaoungoumipour ceux qui n'ont pas encore check leur mail, juste une mise à jour informationnelle:09:17
rsaoungoumila Release Party initialement prévu le Samedi 24 mai 2014 au Campus Numérique Francophone de Ngaoundéré aura lieu à l'Institut Universitaire de Technologie  de l'Université de Ngaoundéré  le même jour à partir de 13h00.09:18
belkinsamhall119, pong, what's up?12:30
mhall119belkinsa: hi, I'm planning for the Ubuntu Online Summit (next UDS, plus open week and more) and I was hoping you'd be available to help us as a track lead13:09
belkinsaFor what, mhall119?13:09
mhall119for http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/13:10
belkinsaNo, which tract.13:10
mhall119oh, Community/Advocacy13:10
mhall119wonderful, thank you13:11
belkinsaNot a problem.13:11
mhall119I'll send out an email to all track leads once I finish getting confimation from them pointing to what needs to be done and who can do it13:12
belkinsaAlright, sounds cool.13:12
mhall119jose: PabloRubianes: read the scrollback please, I'd like to ask you both to be track leads too13:12
PabloRubianesmhall119: I am working at the time of the UDS :(13:13
PabloRubianesthat's why I always ask for a saturday day of it13:13
mhall119PabloRubianes: we still need help in the leadup to it finding people and sessions and getting them scheduled, can you do that?13:14
PabloRubianesyes doing organization stuff before the event is ok13:14
mhall119great, thanks13:15
PabloRubianesI can't be part of the actual event but I can help with other staff13:15
mhall119we're going to ask the session proposer/speaker ot run their own hangouts, so there should be less work for track leads during the event itself13:15
mhall119I'm getting 5 track leads for community too, so if one or two aren't around that's no problem13:16
PabloRubianesmhall119: I think jose is in class ATM, I'll talk to him later about this13:16
josemhall119: jono asked a month ago, I'm glad to help wherever I can :)13:18
PabloRubianesso he is not at class :P13:19
mhall119thanks jose :)13:19
josesmaboshe: send us an email to loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com and we'll make sure we release it for you :)13:19
josePabloRubianes: exam week this week, I actually just woke up :P13:19
joseI only have to go to university for two hours a day! \o/13:19
PabloRubianesjose: I am getting ready the email for the other day problem13:20
josePabloRubianes: sounds good to me :)13:21
PabloRubianesand mhall119 thanks I was able to run the loco portal after the daker's fix, I already filed a bug and a fix for it13:23
belkinsaCan this blueprint be re-brought up at the next vUDS: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1311-loco-projects ?  I think it would really help the LoCo community if we had other projects other than the App Dev Schools.13:47
PabloRubianesbelkinsa: +113:54
PabloRubianeshaving set events is great for Loco Organization 13:55
belkinsaIt seems that dpm himself forgotten about it or got too busy with other thungs.13:58
belkinsaThough these projects sound like Global Jam projects.13:59
smabosheThank you jose.15:00
josesmaboshe: no problem :) also, if you have a link for the launchpad team of the now-dead Zambia team, that would help speed up the process15:00
smaboshejose: The link on launch pad that I found was launchpad.net/~ubuntu-zm and I've created launchpad.net/~ubuntu-zm-team. I'm happy to have whichever you decided is redundant deleted.15:04
josesmaboshe: I mean for the old team. there was an old team but I cannot find it on LP15:05
smaboshejose: Thanks. I did not know there was an old team. If you find it first let met know so I can get in touch with them.15:56
mhall119belkinsa: feel free to propose it if you can run the session19:42
belkinsaSure, but I think I want to ask dpm first.19:42
belkinsaAnd e-mail sent.20:04
smaboshejose: Managed to find this forum thread requesting a LoCo for Zambia. Hope it helps - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145967520:32

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