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AskUbuntuHow to manually download Ubuntu Touch Image for Ubuntu emulator? | http://askubuntu.com/q/47045004:46
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jdstrand_balloons: ah right-- saw your backscroll, yes we should talk. grab me at your convenience06:42
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balloonsjdstrand, elopio will be back in 20 mins; let's chat then, I'd like to include him07:00
jdstrandsounds fine07:01
kenvandineElleo, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/content-hub/charge-downloaded07:16
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davmor2Guest98379: Hey James check your nick out dude :)07:53
nik90_mzanetti: hey, as of image #43, bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1321746 seems fixed :)07:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321746 in Ubuntu Clock App "can't set alarm for tomorrow if its past that time already" [Undecided,New]07:55
davmor2nik90_: \o/08:05
nik90_davmor2: ?08:06
davmor2nik90_: for the fix08:06
nik90_davmor2: ah that..it was the SDK devs really..but u r welcome :)08:09
balloonsjdstrand, what does the fully qualified path look like, for say calendar?08:19
jdstrandballoons: for what, the Exec line?08:21
balloonsjdstrand, ohh.. I can just use something like /run/user/32011/autopilot08:22
jdstrandballoons: right08:22
jdstrandballoons: you might want to use 'id -u' to get the userid (32011)08:23
balloonsjdstrand, but I'll need to create the autopilot subdir in /run/user/3201108:41
balloonsjdstrand, I guess I was expecting something more like /run/user/32011/confined/com.ubuntu.calendar/autopilot/tmpdir08:42
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balloonsjdstrand, I'll also note it doesn't seem to isolate properly :-(08:53
ogra_duct tape should help ...08:54
ogra_balloons, use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/autopilot  btw ...08:55
jdstrandlet me think a moment08:55
ogra_(so you dont hardcode a user ID08:55
jdstrandballoons: so, putting it in /run/user/32011/confined/com.ubuntu.calendar/autopilot/... would overlap with the existing ruleset08:56
jdstrandrules are additive, so the applied policy might be different in the test environment than the live environment08:57
balloonsjdstrand, looks like I'm still getting errors apparmor errors on my current implementation08:57
balloonsjdstrand, I'm happy to put it elsewhere; it's simply the fact /run/user/32011/autopilot doesn't exist; we can't create directories08:58
ogra_why not ?08:58
jdstrandthat is why I liked /run/user/32011/autopilot08:59
loolbeuno: New frameworks are ubuntu-sdk-13.10.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev1.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10-html-dev1.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10-papi-dev1.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev1.framework08:59
loolsorry, listed ubuntu-sdk-13.10.framework there08:59
balloonsogra_, that dir creation requires root08:59
loolbeuno: ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev1.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10-html-dev1.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10-papi-dev1.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev1.framework08:59
ogra_it requires the user09:00
jdstrandballoons: the phablet-test tool (or whatever it is called) does run commands. eg, it runs aa-clickhook with the appropriate args. could it not create that dir?09:00
balloonsunless I'm crazy :-)09:00
* balloons checks again09:00
ogra_it is owned and writable by the respective user09:00
balloonsjdstrand, I noticed loading the rules file, I'm getting an erro09:00
ogra_and only by him/her09:00
jdstrandballoons: granted, that tool is run as root-- this dir needs to be owned by the phablet user09:00
ahayzent1mp, ping09:00
balloonsogra_, seems you are correct09:01
ogra_balloons, adb shell sudo -u phablet -i mkdir $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/autopilot09:03
ogra_that should work fine09:03
ogra_(module fixed quoting perhaps)09:06
loolbeuno: the 14.04 frameworks with -dev1 dropped might be good to add at the same time: ubuntu-sdk-14.04.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.04-html.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.04-papi.framework ubuntu-sdk-14.04-qml.framework09:11
ogra_lool, oh, we will drop that ?09:12
beunolool, so deprecate the 14.04 -dev's?09:12
* ogra_ will need to update all his apps then09:12
ogra_(and i bet a lot of other people too)09:12
popeywe didn't agree that in the meeting yesterday?09:13
popeywe agreed to leave the 14.04-dev1 ones around09:13
beunolool, and we're adding .framework to all the strings?09:13
beuno(they are not there for all the other)09:14
loolbeuno: sorry I was super unclear, I mean the names with -dev dropped from the names09:14
loolbeuno: we aren't dropping the -dev1 frameworks, but we want to add the new 14.04* names (without the -dev1); my wording was unclear09:14
loolbeuno: I was just saying, while you're adding the 14.10-dev1 names, add the 14.04 (without dev1) names09:15
beunolool, right09:15
beunoand about the .framework part of the string?09:15
loolbeuno: oh no, it's just the filenames09:17
loolso 14.04: ubuntu-sdk-14.04 ubuntu-sdk-14.04-html ubuntu-sdk-14.04-papi ubuntu-sdk-14.04-qml, 14.10-dev1: ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev1 ubuntu-sdk-14.10-html-dev1 ubuntu-sdk-14.10-papi-dev1 ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev109:18
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WellarkSaviq: how is that split greeter going?09:21
Wellarki need to land a MP that enables translations on indicator-network09:21
Wellarkrequested a silo.. would not want to force a rebuild on you guys if you are really close to land09:22
beunolool, done09:22
WellarkI only have one MP09:22
beunodavmor2, ^^^^^09:22
ogra_Wellark, splig greeter is more likely something for next week09:22
davmor2beuno: thanks09:22
beuno(not to staging though, FWIW)09:23
davmor2sil2100: ^09:23
ogra_Wellark, it is on the phonedations team list to have it done next week09:23
loolbeuno: thanks09:24
Wellarkcould that be statet on the landing sheet comment section?09:24
Wellarkit touches so many components that others might have the same question :)09:24
loolbeuno: store and review tools?09:24
Wellarkogra_: ^09:24
ogra_Wellark, that landing goes on since several months ... if everything within that timeframe would have been added to the comments you would have a novel09:25
ogra_its is very big and dangerous enough to leave it til the sprint where everyone is in reach to quickly fix bits09:25
beunolool, just store, looking at review tools now09:25
beunojdstrand, re ^^^^^^   https://code.launchpad.net/~beuno/click-reviewers-tools/new-frameworks/+merge/22059209:34
jdstrandbeuno: I'll look at it, but there will be more for apparmor. I'll handle that when I review your MP. I am getting click-apparmor and apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu prepared now for the new frameworks and will review the review tools after09:36
beunojdstrand, thanks09:36
Mirvrsalveti: I'm updating qtdeclarative (packaging only) but it does not seem to affect the -gles variant at all so not uploading at the same time09:48
SaviqWellark, just told sil2100, you're good to go09:59
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oSoMoNogra_, hey, I can’t remember wether you had filed a bug for this bug whereby the activity view takes forever to show up?12:21
ogra_oSoMoN, hmm, not sure, let me dig12:22
ogra_but i think i didnt since wiping the old data fixed it12:23
oSoMoNogra_, ok, just a heads up that I’m working on it, I actually have a branch up for review that fixes the issue and other performance related issues on the activity view, I tested with your history, it’s been very useful12:24
ogra_i can only find bug 1317866 from that conversation (which actually might be a "feature" nowadays)12:24
ubot5bug 1317866 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "text in browser URL bar is vertically off" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131786612:24
ogra_ah, great :)12:24
oSoMoNogra_, right, I don’t think that should be considered a feature, I’ll grab the UITK folks and sort it out12:25
ogra_oSoMoN, btw, what do i do when i closed a tab ? i can find no way to make the X go away, so all tabs get closed when i tap them after closing the first12:25
oSoMoNogra_, long press again on any tab12:28
oSoMoNogra_, the closing mode is a toggle12:28
ogra_not really intuitive ...12:28
oSoMoNogra_, but it’s going away with the new design anyway12:28
ogra_the X'es should just go away after closing the first one imho12:28
ogra_ah, k12:28
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AskUbuntuUbuntu emulator throws "FrameBuffer::post eglMakeCurrent failed" error | http://askubuntu.com/q/47061313:14
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dobeyhmm, so the network on my mako is really weird. seems it can talk to internal hosts on my network just fine, but getting to the outside is extremely slow or not working at all. :(13:21
dobeyand dns seems to be generally slow as well13:22
dobeywould wifi interference cause that?13:22
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mterryricmm, heyo!  You are knowledgeable about sensors?14:40
Wellarkwhy do we only have so few languages available on the touch image?14:51
Wellarkthere are like gazillion of different versions of English, German, Spanish and French14:52
Wellarkbut the most important is missing14:52
WellarkFinnish! ;)14:52
Wellarkdpm_: ^14:54
rsalvetiMirv: thanks14:58
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thomijdstrand: sphinxcontrib-youtube15:12
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ricmmmterry: whats up?15:41
mterryricmm, I'm looking at a bug with the split greeter, where it's consuming ~10% cpu when idle15:41
mterryricmm, it seems to also keep a sensor daemon at ~10%15:41
ricmmsensor daemon?15:42
ricmmwhat device?15:42
mterryricmm, mako.  The processes that also have high idles are sensors.qcom and  Binder_215:42
mterryricmm, this seems to only be triggered because the executable name is unity8-greeter.  If I copy it over to unity8 and run it that way, the idling problem goes away15:43
ricmmmterry: this a known mako issue15:45
mterryricmm, oh?15:45
ricmmprocesses dont close sensors effectively, they remain alive in the qcom module15:45
ricmmunity8 has a workaround to disable sensors altogether15:45
ricmmfor the process that is15:46
mterryricmm, where is that code?15:48
mterryricmm, I saw something like that in qtubuntu, but it doesn't seem to be run15:48
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oSoMoNMirv, sil2100: can I haz a silo for line 44 ?16:03
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MirvoSoMoN: there's 1 silo free and boiko did a request before you, but I'll let sil2100/robru to decide the order. we're anyway not publishing anything before we get a new image with fixes out.16:10
oSoMoNMirv, that’s ok, no urgency on this one, let boiko go first16:11
robrumterry, hey did you get that reconfig you pinged about? I can do it now if still needed16:14
mterryrobru, I did thanks!  sil2100 got my back16:15
ogra_ted, *sniff* ...16:16
ogra_theer goes the shiny upstart name16:16
tedogra_, Yeah, but we'll always have the acronym ;-)16:17
nik90_charles: hey,16:24
nik90_charles: I have a MP in the clock app which adds alarm sounds support. However it also requires you to add that support in indicator-datetime16:24
nik90_charles: can you remove the hardcoded default alarm sound16:25
nik90_charles: basically, if the clock app does not provide an alarm sound, then the indicator-datetime will set a default tone. If the clock app does provide a sound, then use that16:25
nik90_charles: I would need your branch to land first before pushing mine.16:26
zz1_Does anyone knows if these instruction can be trusted or if they're deprecated? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation#Which_versions_of_Android_does_dual-boot_work_with.3F16:29
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charlesnik90_: I'll try to look at it tonight but can't promise anything. I'm doing a dozen things today before I fly out in the morning18:32
dobeyeep, unity8 is using lots of cpu on my mako18:32
charlesnik90_: is there a datetime ticket for this already?18:32
dobeyon 4418:34
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mterryricmm, you mentioned workarounds in unity8 to disable sensors -- do you know where that code is?18:47
mterryricmm, actually inside unity8?18:48
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mivoligomzanetti: hi, it's me, Michał. About that tower defence graphics and stuff. I tried to run ubuntudefence.pro in qtcreator but got errors19:19
mzanettimivoligo: hi, what kind of errors?19:19
mivoligomzanetti: /usr/include/c++/4.8/utility:68: error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory19:20
mivoligo #include <bits/c++config.h>19:20
mivoligo                            19:20
mzanettihmm... strange19:21
mzanettimivoligo: do other projects work for you?19:21
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mivoligomzanetti: just tried the clock and it works19:22
mzanettihmm... I don't think the clock needs to compile anything...19:23
mzanettimivoligo: btw. lets move to #ubuntu-app-devel, maybe there someone has seen this already19:23
mivoligomzanetti: ok19:23
dobeymivoligo: what version of gcc? are you missing libstdc++-4.8-dev?19:24
mivoligodobey: 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu619:27
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nik90_charles: yes there is a ticket already19:51
nik90_charles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/131899720:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318997 in Ubuntu Clock App "Provide a way to change alarm sound" [Wishlist,In progress]20:22
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ricmmmterry: qtubuntu20:34
mterryricmm, aren't you dying?20:34
mterryI'll look into it20:36
ricmmmterry: pain receded, kidney stone is a 3-4 hour episode, maybe more tomorrow20:37
ricmmkinda like giving birth20:37
mterryricmm, :(20:37
mterryricmm, so qtubuntu has a bit of code that does check if process is "unity8", but that code doesn't seem to be used anymore?20:37
ricmmit is used20:37
ricmmisShell is used to disable the sensor20:37
mterryricmm, I put a qDebug comment in there and I don't see it in the shell output...  I would have expected I would20:40
ricmmdid you build with debug? ;)20:41
mterryricmm, qDebug() isn't stripped by build flags eh?20:42
ricmmI think qDebug() does nothing if QT_NO_DEBUG is set20:42
ricmmbut I might be wrong20:42
* mterry switches to std::cerr20:44
rsalvetiyeah, qDebug is only useful if qt was also built with debug20:49
mterryStill don't see the output...  I'll try putting  a crasher in there to confirm  :)20:50
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taiebotHey all there is certainly a promotion blocker missing. i definitely cannot get gsm working anymore on r26 and r44 on my nexus 4. When i go back to r15 it is all working ok. Appart from  reporting a bug what should i do to help you debugging i will certainly downgrade back to r15 as i really need gsm to work21:21
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ubot5Ubuntu bug 1322356 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "GSM does not work on r44" [Undecided,New]21:45
rsalvetiawe_: ^21:57
rsalveti    Model = Fake Modem Model21:57
rsalvetitaiebot: for some reason your sim is not even recognized21:57
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rsalvetiwell, fake modem model is fine, problem is ril_0 not showing much21:58
rsalvetiit seems it's failing to recognize your sim card21:58
rsalvetitaiebot: can you stop ofonod and start it with -d ?21:59
rsalvetiofonod -d -n -P stktest,provision,sap,udev,dun,smart22:00
rsalvetiand then paste your syslog22:00
rsalvetithe output of /system/bin/logcat might be useful as well22:00
taiebotSorry downgraded to r15 pasting at the moment the same logs with r15.. did not think you would be that fast :-)22:03
nik90_rsalveti: ping22:06
rsalvetinik90_: pong22:07
taiebotOn r15 it also show fake modem https://launchpadlibrarian.net/176138598/list-modems22:07
nik90_rsalveti: I saw that https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/platform-api/hw-alarms-api/+merge/210592 has been released. Does this mean alarms will show up even when the phone is in deep sleep?22:07
nik90_rsalveti: I thought we needed charles's branch to go along with that in the silo22:07
rsalvetinik90_: not yet, but we're close, that means the platform-api side of it is done22:08
rsalvetinik90_: yeah, we need charles's mr now22:08
* nik90_ looks at charles's branches22:08
rsalvetitaiebot: yeah, I forgot that this was always the case, but see that it was now able to find your sim card22:08
rsalveti Present = 122:08
rsalvetiprobably a regression in ofono22:09
rsalvetimigrated the bug to ofono22:09
rsalvetiawe_ should be back later today, he might be able to help you with that22:09
nik90_rsalveti: I suppose we are waiting on https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/hw-alarms-api/+merge/21716922:09
rsalvetibut ofonod log + logcat would be mostly everything he needs atm I'd guess22:09
rsalvetinik90_: exactly22:10
nik90_rsalveti: hmm..I am too impatient to wait...we are so close :P22:10
rsalvetiyeah, not sure what is currently blocking charles22:11
taiebotrsalveti: Well it would be better if someone tells me exactly which output they want in the bug report. i am sticking to r15 for the moment as i really need my phone to work.22:12
nik90_rsalveti: charles was sick last week..so I think that was the delay, but I think it should come in soon enough I suppose22:12
rsalvetitaiebot: sure, but ofonod with -d should be more than enough, let's wait for awe_22:13
awe_rsalveti, I'm back...22:32
awe_rsalveti, taiebot, I'd really prefer to wait till we promote an image.  The last debugging we did on taiebot's phone involved a rootstock image22:32
rsalvetiawe_: 44 was promoted today22:33
awe_rsalveti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/android/+bug/126627522:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1266275 in android "Vectone Mobile (UK) Not Included in apns-conf.xml" [Undecided,New]22:34
awe_so one problem is that his carrier ( a MVNO ) is not included in any of our dbs22:34
rsalvetiawe_: right, but in his case the modem is not even recognized22:34
awe_I filed the bug above against Android22:34
awe_is it being powered properly?22:35
rsalvetisee https://launchpadlibrarian.net/176137080/list-modems22:35
awe_I saw at least one case last week where urfkill didn't online the modem properly22:35
awe_and couldn't reproduce22:35
awe_yup, same problem22:35
awe_ignore the hfp modems22:35
rsalvetiyeah, but he just reproduced it with image 4422:36
awe_those are created due to desktops having BT on/visible22:36
awe_and should be harmless22:36
awe_although maybe they're confusing urfkill?22:36
awe_cyphermox, ^^22:36
awe_the modem is offline22:36
awe_although when this hit me, I'm pretty sure I didn't have BT on/visible on my desktop, nor where there any hfp modems in the list22:37
awe_rsalveti, also abeato filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/urfkill/+bug/132116422:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321164 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "MTK modem is not onlined on boot" [Critical,In progress]22:38
awe_which has a patch ready for review...22:38
awe_when we switched from an include plugin list, to an exclude plugin list, I asked that hfp not be included22:38
taiebotOk i am back on r44 do you want any output or stuff to try?22:39
awe_but I was pushed to leave it out of the exclude list22:39
awe_taiebot, can you try to manually online the modem?22:39
awe_online-modem /ril_022:39
awe_ignore the hfp modems22:39
awe_cyphermox, if you're online, can you please review abeato's MP?22:40
awe_and also verify that hfp modems won22:40
awe_won't confuse urfkill?22:40
awe_cyphermox, seems we still have modem online problems lurking22:41
cyphermoxyeah I already know about this bug22:41
awe_seems like this could affect mako too22:42
cyphermoxwell, it could, but it's unlikely to actually happen22:42
awe_come on22:42
taiebotI have some python 3 error.22:42
awe_taiebot has a modem that's offline on a mako22:42
awe_and it hit me at least twice last week22:42
awe_it's a race condition22:42
cyphermoxyou're actually seeing this bug on mako?22:43
awe_so the only way we can catch things like this, it to add stress testing to our test-plan22:43
cyphermoxwhy didn't anybody tell me earlier?22:43
awe_taiebot you have a mako, correct?22:43
awe_cyphermox, I *did* tell you about this last week22:43
awe_but I only hit it twice22:43
rsalvetibug says it's a mako22:43
awe_and then rebooted another 20+ times and couldn't reproduce22:43
awe_that said, abeato's bug describes a race condition22:44
awe_which sounds like it could happen on any device22:44
cyphermoxawe_: yes22:44
awe_he also happens to have a bunch of hfp modems22:44
cyphermoxi'm not saying it shouldn't be fixed22:44
awe_which may just be red herrings22:44
cyphermoxjust that there's no guarantee *this* is what you were seeing22:45
taiebotI have mako yes. I tried with a different sim did not work either22:45
awe_dude, the modem is offline, not sure what else we could be seeing?22:45
cyphermoxI see a lot of reports about various things, and very little data to substanciate and describe what might in fact be broken / how22:45
awe_we have a known race condition, and at least one user affected22:45
awe_we also have a MP22:45
cyphermoxwell, we only just fixed a bug in NM22:45
awe_let's fix this22:45
awe_rsalveti, ^^22:45
rsalvetipython3 failing is quite weird22:46
cyphermoxapproved, I'm making this into a commit on git22:47
taiebotIt all started after r16 for me. I started to have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/131875522:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318755 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Missing cellular settings " [Undecided,Fix released]22:47
awe_cyphermox, thank you22:47
rsalvetibasically a dbus failure22:47
awe_well... the ofono scripts are kinda fragile when it comes to error conditions22:47
rsalvetiright, but in this case it didn't find the org.ofono bus22:47
awe_they output backtraces instead of sensible errors22:47
cyphermoxawe_: that's a pretty big error condition though22:47
awe_that means ofono probably crashed22:48
taiebotDo you need anything else from me on r44 i have to put back my phone on r15 to have it working?22:48
cyphermoxbacktraces are fine for these scripts, there it's actually broken for some reason22:48
cyphermoxawe_: ofono would get respawned by upstart, no?22:48
cyphermoxso to be completely off like this it would need to be reproducible/repeatably crashing22:49
awe_taiebot, have you made any changes to your image, or are you running a pristine u44?22:49
cyphermoxor taiebot you were just very unlucky22:49
rsalvetibut list_modems worked fine, so something else happened it seems22:49
awe_also taiebot, can you check for crash files in /var/crash?22:49
cyphermoxrsalveti: wait22:49
cyphermoxif list_modems crahes ofono...22:50
awe_one thing at a time22:50
taiebotI told you before i edited the old list of modems .xml file as my provider was not listed22:50
rsalvetiif that was the case, it should have a crash file22:50
cyphermoxNM, urfkill, etc they also go list modems ;)22:50
awe_taiebot, right and in the bug above I suggested a better way to do this22:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1266275 in android "Vectone Mobile (UK) Not Included in apns-conf.xml" [Undecided,New]22:51
awe_did you change *anything* else in the image?22:51
awe_taiebot, you did say last week you liked to hack on the android side of things...22:51
taiebotyep you did but it works on r15 the .conf xml never worked22:51
awe_so changing the system files is not the right way to do this22:52
awe_we're trying to get the APN UI built22:52
awe_but unfortunately that's not my team22:52
awe_you're much better off changing the ofono gprs settings file per my comment22:53
awe_and using a pristine image22:53
awe_can you check for any other ofonod errors in your syslog?22:53
awe_grep 'ofono' /var/log/syslog22:53
awe_and also maybe pastebin the contents of your gprs settings file?22:54
awe_also...were there any crash files in /var/crash?22:54
awe_cyphermox, I assume this bug can be marked FixReleased: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/132024922:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1320249 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Manta has no network connection by default" [High,Confirmed]22:55
cyphermoxyes. I thought I had22:56
taiebotsyslog is attached to the bug for both r15 and r4422:56
taiebotthere is some /var/crash file.22:57
awe_taiebot, can you post the new bug #?22:57
awe_are any of them ofono?22:57
awe_taiebot, seems this is hfp related.  Can you disable BT on your device and reboot?23:00
* awe_ predicted this...23:00
awe_cyphermox, I'm going to ask ogra_ to add hfp back into the -P list until we get to the bottom of this.  It's not like anyone can do anything with hfp now anyways...23:01
taiebotI have some IMSI but with no gprs file in them23:01
cyphermoxhow is it hfp related?23:01
awe_because we're running code that we've never fully tested, and apparently when there are multiple hfp devices ( like Ubuntu desktops ), ofono tries to work with them, and if it can't, it Terminates23:02
awe_this is why I originally wanted hfp in the exclude list, as we hadn't fully tested all the scenarios23:03
awe_and it seems to be biting us in the ass now23:03
awe_taiebot, is your image write-able?23:04
awe_if so, any easier fix would be to edit the file /etc/init/ofono.override23:04
taiebotYes it is write-able23:04
awe_and change the ofono command line to include 'hfp' in the plugin exclude list23:04
awe_which is a comma separated list that starts with "-P"23:05
cyphermoxawe_: this is particular to the device though23:05
cyphermoxI've had the hfp modems show up on phone and desktop with ofono running without crashes23:05
cyphermoxI'm totally not against disabling it though, that plugin is useless23:05
awe_it's not crashing, it's exiting23:06
cyphermoxdo you want me to do it and upload lxc-android-config?23:06
cyphermoxit's crashing23:06
cyphermoxofonod[2972]: plugins/hfp_hf.c:hfp_connect_reply() Connect reply: No route to host23:06
cyphermoxyou shouldn't be getting this for a paired device23:06
awe_ofonod[2972]: Terminating23:06
cyphermoxI can't believe ofono isn't intelligent enough to gracefully handle this failure23:07
awe_anyways, sure if you can do an upload to lxc-android-config to disable hfp, that'll save me an email to ogra_23:07
cyphermoxIt's as if that part of code was never testing23:07
cyphermoxI can do it now23:07
awe_let's wait and see if this fixes the problem for taiebot23:07
awe_it wasn't thoroughly tested... ( at least not by me )23:07
cyphermoxmeh... disabling the ofono bt modules is safe, and they don't belong enabled anyway23:08
awe_then go for it23:08
cyphermoxI looked at both, couldn't find anything we'd want to use in the near future in any way23:08
awe_I'd still like to see confirmation that this works for taiebot23:08
cyphermoxdo you remember their little names? :)23:09
cyphermoxas I recall it wasn't just hfp23:09
cyphermoxoh wait23:09
awe_the other plugin is just plain old "bluetooth"23:10
cyphermoxwe want that one though23:11
cyphermoxthat's what allows ofono and bluez to talk for telephony IIRC23:11
awe_then by all means leave it there...23:11
taiebotI cannot get the file to save?23:12
taiebotsudo nano ofono.override after putting hfp ctrl x yes file name to write23:13
taiebotmaybe its not write able.23:15
awe_taiebot, you could adb pull the file to your local machine23:15
awe_edit it23:15
awe_and then adb push it back to /etc/init23:15
awe_then reboot23:15
awe_taiebot, your ofonod cmd line should look like this: exec ofonod -P stktest,provision,sap,udev,dun,smart,hfp23:18
* awe_ knows that was obvious, but just in case... ;)23:18
taiebotyep done it rebooting now23:18
cyphermoxawe_: could you try just hfp_hf on your end?23:19
taiebot\o/ yeah23:19
taiebotit worked23:20
awe_cyphermox, not sure what you mean?23:20
awe_cyphermox, ah you mean just the hfp_hf plugin?23:20
cyphermoxas the pplugin name yeah23:21
cyphermoxI´m having a hard time parsing what ofono expects the plugin name to be23:21
awe_cyphermox, if hfp works for taiebot, let's got with that now, and we can adjust if necessary one we have some more time23:21
cyphermoxah, there it is23:22
cyphermoxyeah, hfp is fine23:22
taiebotOk thanks for your help i suppose it will be solved pretty soon my bug :-D have a good night23:22
awe_yw, g'nite!23:23
cyphermoxawe_: was there a bug for the plugin stuff?23:26
awe_cyphermox, well we could use the new bug taiebot opened23:33
cyphermoxwasn't that for the apn?23:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1322356 in ofono (Ubuntu) "GSM does not work on r44" [Undecided,New]23:33
cyphermoxaye, good enough23:33
cyphermoxah shoot23:36

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