
xubuntu904hi is anyone a xubuntu 14.04 lts user?00:01
Azelphur?anyone | xubuntu90400:02
Azelphur!anyone | xubuntu90400:02
Azelphuroh, this bot has different factoids, that's boring :(00:02
Azelphurxubuntu904: many questions start with "does anyone", why don't you ask your real question instead? it's fairly obvious most people in here are running xubuntu.00:03
ochosi!ask | xubuntu90400:06
ubottuxubuntu904: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:06
xubuntu904hi mate ok well I ve grabbed the 14.04 lts and make it to be bootable via usb drive so after I restarted and boot in to xubuntu to try it out I wanted to format a partition to be compatible with xubuntu and in the Ubuntu soft center was said that the Gpared was installed but I couldnt find so Ive removed it but after I clicked to install it back the xubuntu crashed only textmode was avaible00:08
David-Axubuntu904: you un-installed and installed gparted in the live-system? (the system running of the usb-stick)00:10
xubuntu904yes because there was no other option let me tell you I search twice for gparded soft to make sure but it wasnt there - so is that any new bug that can accor in LTS versions?00:11
Azelphurxubuntu904: gparted doesn't show up in the menus I've noticed, you can access it by running gksudo gparted in a terminal00:11
xubuntu904hi azelphur thank you00:13
xubuntu904have a good week00:13
Azelphurxubuntu904: also you don't need to make a partition, the installer can do that for you.00:13
xubuntu904ok and azelphur u think the virtual box on xubuntu is stable? Id need xp and photoshop to run00:17
Azelphurxubuntu904: virtualbox runs fine on xubuntu, Running XP is a bad idea (Have you been living under a rock?), I don't know about photoshop in a virtual machine.00:18
xubuntu904well you see I would need to run the graphic program on xp for some tasks nothing serious00:19
Azelphurirrelevant, XP is abandoned and has major security vulnerabilities.00:20
David-Axubuntu904: there are websites that lists alternatives for windows-only-programs that you may use in linux. have you looked there?00:21
xubuntu904hi yes there is inkscape and gimp but I m used to Illustrator, and PS ... so00:22
xubuntu904thank you guys00:23
xubuntu904see you later00:23
havenstancewhy does it have to be so hard to dual boot win8 and xubuntu?00:39
havenstancenvm figured it out.... Windows is a gigantic piece of malware....00:40
Azelphurhavenstance: hard? doesn't the installer...just do it for you00:40
havenstanceAzelphur, sure if I wanted my setup like everyone elses00:40
havenstanceI want xubuntu on the Ext HDD00:41
havenstanceWindows takes over every single time00:41
Azelphurah, if Windows is nuking your boot partition, a good tool is boot-repair00:42
havenstanceAzelphur, the problem is that once I install Xubuntu on it, I choose the Ext to boot and it only gives option for UEFI boot. If its empty windows sees it as a regular drive.00:45
AzelphurI see00:45
havenstanceDon't understand it lol. Oh well, I'll keep going and eventually get it. I just wanted to gripe a bit about how im still forced to dual boot because certain game manufacturers refuse to port to linux00:46
havenstanceIt might be that I need to turn off AHCI when I want to Boot to Nix, then back on for Winblows00:48
=== koegs_ is now known as koegs
gainhi all, I'm new to xubuntu and just installed the 140407:32
gainsome days ago the lock screen worked like a charm, locking screen with ctrl+alt+canc or from the button in the main menu07:33
gainnow I have no lock screen, button and key binding do nothing at all07:34
gainhow can I check if the screensaver process is up and running? `ps faux | less` show nothing about screen and `dpkg -l | grep xfce | grep screen` shows only xfce4-screenshooter (that is not the lockscreen imho)07:36
gainany help would be appreciated07:36
koegsgain: then you do not have xscreensaver installed07:52
gainkoegs: when it worked it not seemd xscreensaver07:52
koegsgain: light-locker is used in 140407:53
koegsand then it is "light-locker-command -l" to lock the screen07:54
gain$ light-locker-command -l07:56
gain** Message: light-locker is not running07:56
gainlaunching it manually works... why the hell is not started at boot anymore?07:58
gainin settings > start applications screensaver is checked...07:59
gainbut there's no command associated!!!07:59
gainI can't edit it... where is the associated file?08:00
koegsthere is light-locker-settings, check if it is enabled08:15
gainkoegs: it was not enabled... thanks08:28
gaingotta go, thanks again08:33
xubuntu582this is a test10:03
Philippa_assuming I don't want to use Crouton, what's the recommended way to install xubuntu 14.04 on a samsung arm chromebook? (1st gen, in case the 2nd gen's out anywhere yet)12:57
Philippa_hrmm. Given the images that are/aren't available, I assume it amounts to "whatever you're supposed to do for mainline ubuntu and then install xubuntu from your package manager of choice"13:03
notwistI love the feature in XFCE where you can tile windows to left and right with keyboard shortcuts, but is there any way to tile windows into corners? I.e. show four windows on a screen, one in each corner.13:04
dovahhey does somebody know why i cant run a xscreensaver as a desktop wallpaper by doing savername -root13:09
dovahi killed the xfdesktop it still wont show13:10
aliensbrahProbably a really dumb question but I just install Xubuntu 14.04 and I saw an image of a desktop from 13.10 I believe: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JoWhpj9zET4/UrTUqFeK0BI/AAAAAAAAB_c/ZvrvSa2HoRo/s1600/desktopwithmenu.png14:23
aliensbrahI really want to make a application panel like the one at the bottom of that image, so I attempted it and it came out like: http://i.imgur.com/y3UqtH2.jpg14:24
aliensbrahHow can I go about getting it like the 13.10 one?14:24
koegsyou have to put a space with automatic size on the left and right side14:26
=== bezet is now known as x6c756c7a
aliensbrahOkay koegs, the other thing I couldn't figure out though is the opacity, when I change the opacity of the bar it makes the icons see through as well as the bar, I want them to be solid like in that screenshot14:27
=== x6c756c7a is now known as bezet
aliensbrahkoegs, oh derp, I just needed to change the Alpha setting, not opacity - I appreciate the help :)14:29
koegsaliensbrah: yep :)14:29
xubuntu526how do i upgrade to the latest version by terminal?14:29
koegssudo do-release-upgrade -c14:29
xubuntu526i mean for xubuntu not ubuntu14:31
cfhowlettxubuntu526 same same command14:31
z4nD4RHi all, I have trouble with message indicator in notification area.. simply it doesn't work (desn't show me when I recieved mail or pidgin, doesn't indicates new article from liferea..) any advices can be helpful, thx (xubuntu 14.04)14:45
xanguado you have pidgin-indicator installed z4nD4R¿ once installed do you have the plugin enabled¿14:55
z4nD4Rxangua: no and I can't find it in standart repo14:56
z4nD4Rxangua: but I can place my pidgin icon on panel14:56
xangua!info pidgin-indicator14:57
ubottuPackage pidgin-indicator does not exist in trusty14:57
z4nD4Rxangua: I have to go.. maybe latter.. (I hope so)14:58
xanguasorry is pidgin-libnotify14:59
xangua!info pidgin-libnotify14:59
ubottupidgin-libnotify (source: pidgin-libnotify): display notification bubbles in pidgin. In component main, is optional. Version 0.14-9ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 16 kB, installed size 104 kB14:59
aliensbrahAlright - another stupid question.  It seems that the default terminal in xubuntu 14.04 can't have transparency settings?14:59
ElderDryaspidgin>preferences>interface>show system tray icon has 3 options, if that's what you're looking for (came into channel late :)15:00
TheSheepaliensbrah: it does have transparency15:00
TheSheepaliensbrah: you just need to enable the composer15:00
TheSheepaliensbrah: in the last tab of window manager tweaks15:00
aliensbrahI have compositing enabled in Window manager tweaks15:00
TheSheepthen in second tab of the terminal settings, "Appearance", you can select transparent background and transparency levels15:01
aliensbrahRight after I ask a question I find what I'm looking for15:01
aliensbrahYeah, thanks TheSheep - in a few of the posts I found online people said it was in the colors tab so I kept looking there15:01
notwistanyone here use the compton composer? I use it to solve screen tearing issues and I can't understand why it's not the default15:09
xubuntu228network connections is not working in xubuntu 14.0415:30
xubuntu228wired and wireless connections15:30
xubuntu228someone help me15:30
slickymasterWork!hi | xubuntu25915:58
ubottuxubuntu259: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:58
xubuntu259upgraded from 12.04 to 14.0415:58
xubuntu259upgraded from 12.04 to 14.0415:58
xubuntu259now the wired network connection itself not working15:59
xubuntu259anyhelp with the network connection will be appreciated16:01
xubuntu259anybody here16:05
xubuntu259please help me with the wired network connection16:05
xubuntu313hi everyone16:32
xubuntu313I got my keyboard on PT but when I type accents it doesn't go over the letter16:32
xubuntu313´e like that16:32
slickymasterWorkxubuntu313: that's strange xubuntu313, mine is also setup to PT and I can easily use all the accents16:33
xubuntu313it's a fresh install 14.04 that I did yesterday16:34
slickymasterWorké ã è16:34
xubuntu313´e ~a `e16:34
xubuntu313can u tell me your keyboard model ?16:35
xubuntu313currently I'm using Generic 105-key (intl) PC16:35
slickymasterWorkxubuntu313: can you open a terminal window and run the following -> locale | pastebinit16:36
slickymasterWorkand paste back here the url it will provide you16:36
slickymasterWorkhmm, your locale seems to be correct16:37
slickymasterWorkand I'm also using a Generic 105-key (intl) PC16:38
xubuntu313when I press ´ it should wait until I type another letter, but it just doesn't.16:39
xubuntu313the key ´ is working like any other regular letter key, instantly typing.16:39
* ElderDryas assumes you're both using the same key strokes?16:39
slickymasterWorkdo you, by any chance, have the Use system defaults option ticked in the Layout tab of the Keyboard dialog xubuntu31316:40
* slickymasterWork also assumes it ElderDryas 16:40
xubuntu313yes I do16:40
xubuntu313I tried that16:40
xubuntu313logged off16:40
slickymasterWorkif you have xubuntu313, untick it16:40
xubuntu313and didn't fix16:40
xubuntu313I ticked it to test if it would fix16:40
slickymasterWorklog out and log in again xubuntu31316:41
xubuntu053still the sam16:42
slickymasterWorkxubuntu053, give us a sec16:42
oneof3hello. I have noticed that when i use the volume slider a second volume pop up comes up behind it. how can i disable it?16:42
slickymasterWorkxubuntu053: do you have Compose Key enabled?16:46
slickymasterWorktry enabling it16:47
xubuntu053to which ?16:47
slickymasterWorkbefore that xubuntu053, let us try something16:49
slickymasterWorkxubuntu053: hit AltGr+; the E16:50
slickymasterWorkxubuntu053: it should produce é16:51
slickymasterWorkthat's [AltGr]+[;] then [E]16:51
xubuntu053altgr + e = €16:52
xubuntu053altgr + ; + e = € as well16:53
slickymasterWorkxubuntu053: I confess I ran out of ideas16:53
xubuntu053it's okay16:53
slickymasterWorkxubuntu053: I'll leave these links though16:54
slickymasterWorkxubuntu053: boa sorte ;)16:54
xubuntu053vou maze instalar kde e ver se fica bom16:54
xubuntu053isto eh so pc para programar, por isso, deixo sempre aqui no trabalho..16:54
xubuntu053mas obrigado slickymasterWork !16:55
slickymasterWorkok, good luck16:55
aliensbrahSo I made a panel with a bunch of launchers, and when located at the top of the screen, windows won't maximize over/under it: http://i.imgur.com/5EzUBuKl.jpg17:37
aliensbrahI want it on the left side vertically, but then when I maximize windows they go underneath of it, does anyone know how to fix this: http://i.imgur.com/XQUrsiss.jpg17:38
aliensbrahoops second screenshot didn't work, sec17:38
aliensbrahThis is how I created the panel, up top and limiting windows that maximize: http://i.imgur.com/LBsBhHw.png17:41
aliensbrahI'd like it on the left side but as you can see things maximize under it: http://i.imgur.com/jNbweQJ.png17:41
atsukisamacan someone help me here ?17:43
TheSheepno, unless you explain your problem and then if someone knows the answer, they will tell you17:44
atsukisamaok, then here my problem17:44
=== MTwister is now known as ManiacTwister
atsukisamaactually my login screen isn't at the right scale17:44
atsukisamabut when i log in it go back to normal17:45
atsukisamahow do i change the login screen resolution ?17:45
atsukisamabecause it's alway lower than normal17:45
atsukisamaand here i am not talking about grub17:46
atsukisamajust the xubuntu login screen17:46
atsukisama(note it only happen when i change my graphic card driver)17:46
atsukisamagoing to X xorg to Nvidia17:47
atsukisamaso someone got an idea ?17:52
ElderDryasatsukisama: I have noticed that (on my machine/screen) that the nvidia driver default resolution appears to be be 120dpi (see nvidia x-server settings), while the normal nouveau (?) resolution appears to be 96 dpi.  I only guessing, but I'd say that the nvidia 120dpi is replaced by the 96dpi settings once you log in.17:53
ElderDryasSee Apearence>Fonts>DPI (usually 96dpi)17:55
atsukisamai am going to check that out17:55
atsukisamahowever i quite don't understand why would my resolution only be fixed when i log in17:55
ElderDryasbecasue the nvidia driver (120dpi) is active before you login, then the settings in Apearence>Fonts>DPI tyake over...this is all a guess remember.17:56
ElderDryasBased on what I see on my machine.17:57
atsukisamaoh i see mmm17:57
atsukisamawell i' try to change the parameter17:57
atsukisamathx for the help17:58
ElderDryasIf you cahnge the DPI, you probably need to change the font size also (I did)17:58
atsukisamaah well i guess i'll see when i'll face those parameter17:59
atsukisamahowever at first i though it might be lightgm problem18:00
ElderDryasand it could be that too, I don't use it (auto login, and turned off)18:00
atsukisamaahah lol18:00
atsukisamawell i tried to fix lightgm however nothing changed18:01
atsukisamai set my screen resolution for it but well18:01
atsukisamalook like he don't care or it just might not be that18:01
ElderDryasOk, I'll refund your deposit...but only in store credit :)18:02
atsukisamagood luck, lol18:02
xubuntu572hi guys Im currently selecting the partttion to use it as root for booting the xubuntu but I dont know what the options like : use it as ext4 journal system or psychisal volume partion means19:33
z4nD4RHi all, I have trouble with message indicator in notification area.. simply it doesn't work (desn't show me when I recieved mail or pidgin, doesn't indicates new article from liferea..) any advices can be helpful, thx (xubuntu 14.04)19:34
atsukisamaxubuntu572 : will you use dual boot with windows ?19:35
xubuntu572atsukisama: no only xubuntu19:36
atsukisamaxubuntu572: choose ext4 and then install the root partition on it19:38
atsukisamaxubuntu572: at mount point choose /19:38
atsukisamado not forget to select format parition19:39
xubuntu572atsukisama: hi ok but which option to choose for USE AS, in the edit partion menu http://imgupload.sk/viewer.php?file=o2lzezbphk0vv2jlcb4w.png19:41
atsukisamaxubuntu572: check "Format the Partition" & don't write "/root" just "/"19:43
xubuntu572atsukisama: so the option psysical volume encryption is ok? or I need ext4 journal system file19:45
atsukisamaxubuntu572: ext4 journal system file is all you need19:46
xubuntu572atsukisama: ok have a good week19:46
atsukisamaxubuntu572: good luck and have a good week too19:47
InokiYo all20:09
InokiCan anyone suggest a way to get the old indicator back? The new  indicator applet is just terrible, as now one can't even pick which to  show and which not, as all of them are put under "Application  Indicators" within the indicator and if I tick to hide them, none of  them display anymore in the notification area plugin.20:09
z4nD4RHi all, I have trouble with message indicator in notification area.. simply it doesn't work (desn't show me when I recieved mail or pidgin, doesn't indicates new article from liferea..) any advices can be helpful, thx (xubuntu 14.04)20:30
xos14Hello? Can someone help?20:48
z4nD4RAnyone? :)21:00
elfyz4nD4R: I did something about liferea not working with indicator-messages - not just in Xubuntu, can't find that now though21:03
elfythere does appear to be an issue with it and thunderbird too - not able to pin that down21:04
z4nD4Relfy: so result is.. it simply doesn't work/21:13
elfyatm - I'm not sure about pidgin to be honest21:15
elfyis this a new install or upgrade?21:15
z4nD4Relfy: new21:18
atsukisamadoes someone installed nvidia driver with xubuntu ?21:22
z4nD4Ratsukisama: jop me21:22
atsukisamaz4nD4R: can you tell me if you have login screen resolution issue ?21:23
z4nD4Ratsukisama: no .. Even when I use 2 monitor.. there is no issue with login screen resolution.. some blicking.. after login.. (when I have 2 monitor) but no problem.. have you tried if nvidia driver is installed rightly?21:24
holsteinatsukisama: what issue? i have nvidia and login screen21:25
atsukisamaz4nD4R: i do believe that my driver installation is ok, however my login screen resolution is low21:25
atsukisamalogin screen resolution is lower than normal, however after login it go back to normal resolution21:26
z4nD4Ratsukisama: I believe != it is :) try glxinfo | grep vend21:26
atsukisamaserver/client/Open GL all are NVIDIA21:28
z4nD4Ratsukisama: so it looks like issue with lightgdm21:28
atsukisamaguessed so too21:29
atsukisamai creater a script21:29
atsukisamabut look like it's not working either21:29
z4nD4Rwhat's the idea of that script?21:30
holsteinatsukisama: there really is no "normal"21:30
holsteinatsukisama: are you able to login? if so, thats really all i require of my login screen.. the resolution is likely different21:30
atsukisamaz4nD4R: the idea of the screen is to apply a certain resolution for a certain screen21:32
z4nD4Ratsukisama: throug xrandr?21:33
atsukisamaholstein: well i can actually log in (thanks god, since it's not a off range resolution) but it buzz me off to see that this login screen resolution isn't right21:33
z4nD4Ratsukisama: don't you have nvidia with optimus technology, do you?21:34
atsukisamaz4nDAR: yup, with xrandr "xrandr --output VGA-0  --mode 1600x900"21:34
z4nD4Ratsukisama: and it doesn't help? .. when do you started it/21:35
holsteinatsukisama: sure.. but, whats "right"?21:36
atsukisamaz4nD4R: mmm i have a NVIDIA GT 630M (laptop)21:36
z4nD4Ratsukisama: another question.. are you sure you have wrong resolution or wrong DPI... 'cause DPI you can change in conf files21:37
holsteinatsukisama: there really is no "correct".. or "right".. its just whatever you want to configure it to be.. i typically just login, and set my desktop resolution, and move on.. is that not acceptable?21:37
atsukisamaholstein: my 800x600 login screen on a 1600x900 screen XD21:37
holsteinatsukisama: sure.. and thats not "wrong"21:37
holsteinatsukisama: they are just different.. is that not acceptable?21:37
atsukisamaholstein: well sure it's acceptable i guess but i still want to see if i can get the 1600x900 resolution on the login screen21:38
holsteinatsukisama: just set it21:38
atsukisamaholstein: yeah, but how ?21:38
holsteinatsukisama: http://askubuntu.com/questions/320518/change-login-resolution-in-xubuntu-13-04 suggests the lightdm.conf.. thats where i would start21:38
holsteinatsukisama: set it as you please.. if its not configured, its just running as default, which is not incorrect in any way, just different from your desktop resolution21:39
atsukisamaholstein: could you tell me the exact step ?21:39
atsukisamaas i am seeing 2 lightdm different21:40
Unit193Changing the init?21:40
holsteinatsukisama: i would just open the file, and edit, according to the info i found at that link21:40
holsteinatsukisama: i would use the particular file that i referenced, at least to start.. have you tried?21:41
holsteinatsukisama: i have no done this.. i literally put my password in and hit enter and get to work.. didnt even notice/care that it was different21:41
atsukisamaholstein: I have tried the files in that directory /etc/lightdm/21:41
holsteinatsukisama: http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution21:42
holsteinatsukisama: youll need to find lightdm.conf, to make some changes21:42
xubuntu356I've just installed xubuntu for the first time and the is a problem with the wifi. It drops the connection after around 2 minutes, initally it is very fast but then it disonnects completely. I'm not very experienced with linux, please can someone help.21:44
atsukisamaholstein: lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf ? or lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu.conf ?21:45
z4nD4RI'm affraid.. there is no resulution option.. only dpi21:45
atsukisamaz4nD4R: sigh :/21:46
atsukisamawell i'll try to make it work out and i'll see21:46
holsteinatsukisama: the link i gave states a specific file, and how to edit21:47
atsukisamaholstein: i would love to have the same file, trust me :/21:47
holsteinjust keep track of the defaults, no how to edit with a live CD or from tty if something breaks, and experiment21:47
holsteinatsukisama: add the file21:47
holsteinatsukisama: just put one there, as stated21:48
atsukisamaholstein: well then i shall create the lightdm.conf file and see how it will work out21:49
holsteinatsukisama: i assume you have already referred to http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/lightdm.1.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM but there they are..21:50
atsukisamaholstein: only that file is missing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf21:52
atsukisamahowever i do believe that they are" remplaced by lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf & lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu.conf21:53
holsteinatsukisama: ok..21:53
holsteinatsukisama: confirm that, by reading some documentation, or, experimenting.. or, just put that file in place..21:53
atsukisamathe only thing i didn't tried is to put the file in place21:53
xubuntu418The problem is something to do with authentication, as it requests me to retype my password. Does anyone know what May 22 22:48:53 Rick-LAPTOP NetworkManager[787]: <warn> Connection disconnected (reason -4) is?21:53
xubuntu418full log: http://pastebin.com/qxexkdpx21:54
holsteinatsukisama: yeah?21:54
z4nD4RBtw anyone? -> Trouble with message indicator in notification area.. simply it doesn't work (desn't show me when I recieved mail or pidgin, doesn't indicates new article from liferea..) any advices can be helpful, thx (xubuntu 14.04)21:54
atsukisamaz4nD4R: sorry i never tried those option i am kind of new on Ubuntu/Xubuntu21:55
z4nD4Ratsukisama: ;)21:56

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