
=== SamB__ is now known as SamB
=== c74d is now known as Guest20784
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga-remote
SamBhmm, I guess I can't push to launchpad's Debian branches, not least of which because how the heck is launchpad supposed to know if I'm allowed to mess with a given Debian package ...20:55
jelmerSamB: nobody but the importer can push to the "official" branches21:07
jelmerSamB: but you can create other branches in the same namespace21:07
SamBany advantage to that rathe than just using the normal namespace either on launchpad or alioth?21:09
jelmerSamB: I don't think alioth would appreciate mass pushing of bzr mirror branches :)21:12
SamBI mean, I'm looking to get pkg-create-dbgsym uploaded to Debian for people to play with21:13
jelmerSamB: also, predictability and integration with the rest of launchpad21:13
SamBI figure branching from the ubuntu branch is the way to go there21:13
SamBbut I'm not sure where I should host my branch21:14
SamBor what name it should have21:14
jelmerSamB: personally, I'd host it on alioth if it was a debian branch21:14
SamBhmm, can bzr automatically rewrite URLs for pushing to?21:15
SamBlike, I have this for git:21:16
SamB[url "git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/"]21:16
SamBpushInsteadOf = "git://anonscm.debian.org/"21:16
SamBpushInsteadOf = "git://git.debian.org/"21:16
SamBhmm, looks like no21:22
jelmernot in that way21:23
jelmerthough it supports different push and pull urlds21:23
* SamB grumps about how they only did a half-assed implementation for lp: URLs21:24
SamB(plus the authentication config stuff, which lets you skip a lot of URL parts but doesn't handle the scheme or anything)21:24
SamB(and anyway I do that part in my SSH config)21:25
jelmerSamB: how do you mean?21:27
SamBjelmer: I set the default username for alioth's hostnames in my SSH config file21:28
SamBso it seems like there is nothing in "bzr help authentication" for me to do21:28
jelmerSamB: I don't understand how this is related to lp:?21:30
jelmerI can just push to bzr+ssh://bzr.alioth.debian.org/bzr/pkg-bazaar/bzr/unstable for example21:31
jelmerno further config necessary21:31
SamBoh, the lp: thing? I'm just figuring they'd be more likely to have bothered to add a general feature like git has if they hadn't already got the "lp:" scheme that allows both authenticated and unauthenticated users to work with the same URLs21:32
jelmerSamB: there are some other things you can do, like have the remote URL be derived from your local URL - and that can be different for push and pull URLs21:33
jelmerI don't know from the top of my head what the syntax is21:33
jelmerand a rewrite thing like git has is probably more powerful in some situations21:33
jelmerbut lp: URLs are a relatively late addition, and there are/were lots of people working with non-lp URLs (including devs)21:34
mgrandican anyone enlighten me on the correct behavior of MutableTree.smart_add() ? It says its supposed to take a relative path but its defenitly not working correctly23:57

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