
bachi rick_h_.  otp, but what's up?00:00
rick_h_fyi, I talked to arosales about quickstart and it's not going anywhere for this cycle00:01
bacsix month cycle?00:01
rick_h_bac: we'll work on introducing it to the guys on eco some, arosales would like to setup a meet sometime to run them through the basics00:01
rick_h_bac: but we won't hand anything off until Oct00:01
rick_h_bac: rgr00:01
rick_h_14.10 cycle kind of thing00:01
rick_h_so we want to get the idea on the table, but not actually move for now. So just a heads up that we can continue our current plans as they are00:02
arosalesrick_h_, bac, I am going to talk to a few guys on my team to check interest in transitioning. I'll get back to you guys once I have done so, and perhaps we an do some knowledge transfer00:24
arosalesbac, rick_h_ apologies we won't be able to dedicate time to dev on it this cycle. Perhaps some items will move faster than we think (I guess that happens sometimes right :-)00:26
kadams54huwshimi: you around?06:14
huwshimikadams54: Hey!06:15
kadams54I ran into a potential bug earlier today and Jeff said you might be working on a fix…06:16
kadams54Here's how to reproduce on comingsoon.jujucharms.com:06:17
kadams54 1) Deploy the Mediawiki bundle, then drag-n-drop a second mysql charm. It also gets the name "mysql" which means it will fail when you try to deploy it.06:18
kadams54But if you try to rename it, there isn't a button anymore to save the changes to the ghosted charm's config.06:18
kadams54If there's a fix in progress for that, great. If not, I'll create a bug report.06:19
huwshimikadams54: Oh yeah, I'm not working on a fix, but we discussed in a call this morning and Rick said that the inspector needs be updated to auto-save those config changes.06:19
huwshimikadams54: There are some broader changes on the ghost inspector, maybe it'll be done as part of that.06:20
kadams54Ah, excellent.06:20
huwshimikadams54: I guess a bug report at this stage would be prudent.06:20
kadams54Yeah, will do.06:20
kadams54Don't want to lose visibility06:20
huwshimikadams54: Just so we don't release mv without fixing it.06:21
huwshimikadams54: But yes, that is my fault :)06:21
kadams54Meh, we all knew the button in the inspector was going away.06:22
kadams54Alright, with that, I'm off to bed :-)06:26
kadams54Have a good rest of the day!06:27
rogpeppemornin' all07:17
frankbanmorning rogpeppe: I'll start migrating filetesting to github.com/juju/testing/filetesting08:21
rogpeppefrankban: cool.08:21
rogpeppefrankban: i could work concurrently on other related stuff if you feel it would speed things up08:21
frankbanrogpeppe: sure, I guess the next thing is handling juju/osenv, e.g. decoupling utils from juju/osenv08:25
frankbanrogpeppe: the goal is to have a github.com/juju/utils project08:26
rogpeppefrankban: a lot of osenv looks quite core-specific08:26
rogpeppefrankban: the only thing that isn't is the proxy stuff, i think08:27
frankbanrogpeppe: ok, so I guess it makes sense to have utils/zip and utils/set outside juju-core08:29
frankbanrogpeppe: charm depends on both, and also on utils itself, but AFAICT only for stuff like ReadSHA256, ReadFileSHA256 and ReplaceFile. Perhaps a good path is to move juju-core unrelated stuff to github and change charm to only depend on the github project08:31
rogpeppefrankban: i think there are (at least) two splits that should happen08:31
rogpeppefrankban: utils/osenv should split out the juju home stuff08:32
rogpeppefrankban: (or perhaps split out the proxy stuff)08:32
rogpeppefrankban: and utils itself should be split into coherent packages containing related functionality, rather than being a grab-bag of stuff08:33
rogpeppefrankban: i'll try and come up with a coherent scheme for that08:34
frankbanrogpeppe: great, thanks08:35
frankbanrogpeppe: uhm, it seems juju is not using the latest revision of github.com/juju/testing. this is the missing change: https://github.com/juju/testing/commit/83bf0cdc931b7556c93e8d496978b3f010d50ab5 . Do you think it's safe to include that? 08:55
rogpeppefrankban: yeah, i do08:56
rogpeppefrankban: i'd propose a CL with a single change to the dependencies.tsv file to update that08:57
frankbanrogpeppe: yeah, that's what I was thinking08:57
frankbanrogpeppe: ah, feel free to create a kanban card in Project A for what you are working on08:58
frankbanrogpeppe: I need a review for https://codereview.appspot.com/100740044 (trivial)09:36
rogpeppefrankban: LGTM09:37
frankbanrogpeppe: have you ever seen this? fatal: reference is not a tree: a99ca0f5b8d5b7ad608fd7214e8ba3d7b6279f63.09:54
rogpeppefrankban: i think i might have - was that printed by git?09:54
frankbanI think so, godeps in tarmac reports this error from git I guess09:55
frankbanrogpeppe: do we need to pull from github/juju/testing in tarmac?09:55
rogpeppefrankban: i *thought* it pulled automatically09:56
rogpeppefrankban: am asking in juju-core - someone might know09:58
frankbanrogpeppe: unrelated: in the process of updating testing, I'd like to go get my fork in a separate GOPATH, and run the tests/verify dependencies. Is it possible to go get a github named branch? I guess no. So maybe this can be done with 1) export GOPATH=... 2) go get github.com/frankban/testing 3) checkout the branch with the updates and 4) go get -u ./...10:06
frankbanrogpeppe: at this point I'd be inclined not to start the filetesting migration, and tackle that on Monday. I can start working on breaking utils/set, what do you think?10:46
rogpeppefrankban: seems ok to me. i'm currently factoring out apt from utils.10:47
frankbanrogpeppe: so juju-core/utils/set -> juju-core/set, how does it sound?10:48
rogpeppefrankban: that seems a bit odd to me10:48
rogpeppefrankban: why move it?10:48
rogpeppefrankban: i thought it should probably go to github.com/utils/set10:49
rogpeppefrankban: oops10:49
rogpeppefrankban: i mean github.com/juju/utils/set10:49
frankbanrogpeppe: IC, right, so 1) we move the juju-core related stuff from utils to their own packages and 2) we migrate utils to github, correct?10:51
rogpeppefrankban: yeah10:51
rogpeppefrankban: i don't think we have to migrate all of utils to github - i think juju-core can probably still keep its own utils dir10:51
frankbanrogpeppe: yeah that's reasonable10:53
frankbanrogpeppe: so, after you split apt, the remaining osenv stuff in utils is file (osenv.Home, osenv.SetHome). Those functions in osenv/vars_* seem to be generic. We can either 1) move vars_* into utils (or perhaps utils/os), or 2) break the file stuff in into a separate pkg11:06
rogpeppefrankban: i think all the proxy-related stuff should move out of osenv and into utils/proxy (httpproxy?)11:10
rogpeppefrankban: i think osenv.Home() should move out of osenv too11:10
rogpeppefrankban: and SetHome too11:10
rogpeppefrankban: which would leave osenv with just juju-related stuff11:10
frankbanrogpeppe: yeah, ok so I'll start with osenv home stuff. What do you thing about osenv.(Set)Home --> utils/os.(Set)Home?11:12
rogpeppefrankban: tbh they're trivial enough that perhaps they could go into utils itself11:13
rogpeppefrankban: utils already depends on os and has os-specific files11:13
frankbanrogpeppe: ok so just osenv.(Set)Home --> utils.(Set)Home, correct? and later osenv.Proxy* -> utils/proxy.Proxy*, correct?11:15
rogpeppefrankban: sgtm11:15
frankbanrogpeppe: cool, thanks, I'll start with the first one11:16
rick_h_morning all11:20
rick_h_morning rogpeppe can you add a card to the board for the apt refactoring you mentioned please? We've got a card in the ready to code lane for "migrate juju utils package" but sounds like we're doing parts of that so maybe just a new card?11:27
rogpepperick_h_: will do. that occurred to me earlier but didn't make it as far as motor action :-)11:28
rick_h_rogpeppe: hah, TGIF 11:28
rick_h_redir: when you get settled this morning can we catch up on where we're at for the demo prep stuff?11:30
frankbanrogpeppe: moving Home to "utils" causes an import loop, it seems I am blocked on your apt change, unless I use a submodule e.g. utils/env11:54
rogpeppefrankban: i've proposed my apt change: https://codereview.appspot.com/10073004411:55
frankbanrogpeppe: cool I'll take a look after lunch11:58
rogpeppefrankban: it's just been LGTM'd11:58
frankbanrogpeppe: even better11:58
rogpeppefrankban: i'm about to approve it - it should hopefully have landed by the time you've finished lunch11:58
frankbanrogpeppe: sounds good11:59
* frankban lunches11:59
rogpeppefrankban: it's now merged12:20
bacthanks for the review frankban.  good suggestions.12:32
bacfrankban: as an aside, i notice the quickstart tests have a failure if JUJU_HOME is set.12:34
frankbanbac: yw12:41
frankbanbac: confirmed, the expected error in test_no_admin_secret_found should use settings.JUJU_HOME12:41
bacfrankban: ah, that's a simple way to fix it.  you want me to roll it into my branch?12:42
frankbanbac: yes please12:42
bacreally freaked me out last night when lbox failed b/c i'd inadvertantly run it in another terminal...12:43
* rogpeppe goes for lunch12:54
redirrick_h_: sure13:01
rick_h_redir: cool, how goes? It looked like you had mongodb conflict between the state server and mongodb for charmworld yesterday?13:01
redirand rick_h_ I don't know that it is a conflict13:01
rick_h_ok, but we suspect? 13:02
redirI can't start it with service but can by calling the command from the service config as the correct user 13:02
redirso I don't know what is preventing it.13:02
rick_h_redir: I was going to suggest can we test it out on two machine then? put the gui on the bootstrap node, but all of charmworld on a second13:02
rick_h_redir: to clarify if the dual mongos is the issue?13:02
redirso quickstart and then deploy CW to a separate instance?13:03
redirthis makes using AMIs more difficult13:03
redirbut not impossible13:03
redirand I would like to know why it isn't starting13:03
redirbac did you have a chance to look?13:04
bacredir: i did not13:04
rick_h_redir: well, let's get the process and the ami thing might not work out13:04
bacfrankban: i did a 'make clean' in quickstart and now unrelated websocket tests fail, even in trunk.  have you seen that before?13:05
bacredir: i'm about to wrap up this task and then can help13:05
frankbanbac: no, trying13:06
bacfrankban: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7505527/13:06
frankbanbac: confirmed and weird13:06
bacfrankban: so some package shifted beneath us?13:07
frankbanbac: we specify the version for each requirement, looking at the test13:08
frankbanbac: but not for the websocket client, which is a dependency of python-jujuclient13:10
bacfrankban: websocket's connect is never called in that test.  self.sock remains None.13:13
frankbanbac: jujuclient 0.17.5 has install_requires=["websocket-client"], without the version :-/13:14
frankbanbac: and a new version of the websocket client has been released recently13:15
frankbanbac: newer versions of jujuclient fix it, but we must depend on  0.17.5 which is the trusty release13:15
bacfrankban: they 'fix it' by specifying the websocket version or a code work-around?13:16
frankbanbac: install_requires=["websocket-client==0.12.0"],13:17
frankbanbac: which is correct, 0.12.0 is the trusty release13:17
bacfrankban: can we add that to quickstart?13:17
frankbanbac: so, the easy fix is to add websocket-client as a dependency in requirements.pip, even if it's not a direct dependency13:18
frankbanbac: setup.py automatically adds the requirements listed in requirements.pip13:19
bacfrankban: verified that works13:20
frankbanbac: cool13:20
bacfrankban: i'll XXX to remove it when we go to a newer version of jujuclient13:20
frankbanbac: sounds good thanks13:21
rick_h_frankban getting some <3 in the comments http://hackingdistributed.com/2014/05/22/hyperdex-on-aws/13:27
bacfrankban: created new module quickstart/platform_support.py .  it is a little unwieldy but i could not shadow the stdlib platform module.13:28
frankbanrick_h_, jcastro: cool!13:28
redirthere's no juju noop command is there?13:29
redirone that prints what it would do but doesn't actually do it?13:29
frankbanbac: platform_support sounds ok, I suggested platforms but I agree is too similar to the stdlib one. from PEP8: "Underscores can be used in the module name if it improves readability.". I think this is the case13:32
frankbanredir: I am not aware of any dry run mode13:32
redirfrankban: tx13:43
bacfrankban: requested changes made and ready for review at https://codereview.appspot.com/99410054/13:44
frankbanbac: looking13:45
redirfrankban: tx13:46
frankbanredir: yw yw13:46
bacrick_h_: standup shouldn't go long today, should it?13:50
rick_h_bac: nope13:50
rick_h_bac: just normal run through and we've got two weekly review13:50
bacgood.  going to tour CG cutter at 11:4513:50
rick_h_bac: will try to move fast today13:51
redirI'd like to find a way to fail faster:/13:55
frankbanbac: done13:57
redirwhat does: An error occurred while deploying the bundle: error() takes exactly 2 arguments (4 given) mean14:02
redirin jujugui14:03
rick_h_redir: it means something didn't go according to plan. I bet the deployer doesn't like some error handling code14:03
rick_h_redir: want to hangout and see what's up? 14:04
redirjust started different bundle... but I htink I can reproduce14:05
bacredir: i'm available now to help.14:05
redirI prolly have something wrong in some bundle14:05
redirI am here14:05
rick_h_redir: yea, but we probably have something wrong is surfacing that error to the user behind the gui14:05
redirok gimme about 10 minutes to see if this deploy succeeds14:06
hazmatredir, found it14:06
hazmatredir, the bundle had an invalid placement  fwiw14:07
hazmatredir, can you pastebin the bundle14:08
redirhazmat: sure14:11
redirhazmat: 14:15
hazmatredir, so for placement onto another service.. you have to specify for each unit the remote service unit.14:16
hazmatyour syntax looks sane though14:17
hazmatredir, try with to: [mongodb]   14:18
redirhazmat: I have modified it about 100 times14:18
hazmatredir, you mean you've already tried that suggestion?14:18
redirso rerunning to verify14:18
redirhazmat: I believe so14:18
hazmatredir, like 10 and 1914:18
hazmatredir, that works14:19
redirhazmat: that one works to put all services on one machine "0" if previously bootstrapped14:19
redirbut mongo doesn't start14:20
hazmatredir, and the log says?14:20
hazmatfor mongo that is14:20
redirso I am now trying to deploy the 3 services in the bundle to 1 other machine14:20
redirmongo the log says nothing no log created in /v/l/m/m.log14:20
hazmatredir, also check /var/log/upstart/mongodb.log14:20
redirdoesn't start using service ... start either14:21
redirhazmat: doh, forgot about that other log location:/14:21
hazmatthe whole charm world deploy and ingest world to support the gui is kinda of bogus14:23
redirhazmat sadly that time the bundle didn't get the error14:23
hazmatredir, why so glum chum ;-)14:23
hazmatsledgehammer to cut cheese..  style14:23
rediryou've pointed me at that upstart log dir before and I forgot about it14:24
redirAn error occurred while deploying the bundle: read tcp i/o timeout14:25
redirdoesn't look ideal14:25
frankbanrogpeppe: are you available for reviewing https://codereview.appspot.com/98510043 ?14:26
rogpeppefrankban: looking14:26
frankbanrogpeppe: thanks14:26
hazmatredir, its juju state server on the fritz, it comes back. but the deploy needs to be reattempted14:34
hazmatredir, your running two mongodbs, juju state server, charmworld trying to ingest the universe.. its quite a heavy workload for a single machine14:34
hazmatoh.. and java elasticsearch14:35
redirhazmat: on that deploy there are two machines14:35
hazmatredir, to=0 ?14:35
redirthe one with the 37017 i/o fail is on m0 and es/cw/mongo are on m114:36
redirbut es failed to show up on that one14:36
redirhazmat: bac I'd be glad for eyes on these two envs I have running14:36
hazmatredir, are you using canonistack?14:36
redirhazmat: uh probably not14:37
hazmatredir, cool14:37
redirhazmat: bac invites sent if you are free14:38
rick_h_jujugui call in 1014:50
hazmatredir, sorry stepped away.. no one was there14:50
rick_h_jujugui call in 2 kanban and such please14:58
rick_h_frankban: rogpeppe Makyo ^15:01
Makyojujugui Review/QA: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/34015:06
bacredir: i'm running an experiment on ec2 to see if i can manually deploy mongo to machine 015:10
hatchanother week almost down....man these weeks fly by15:21
rick_h_yea, no kidding15:22
frankbanhatch: its seems Y.merge is shallow and clone is deep copy: http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/YUI.html#method_clone15:23
hatchsorry everyone!15:24
* hatch sulks away15:24
hatch^ jujugui15:24
frankbanhatch: :-) np, I was just wondering why my Y.clone fix worked two weeks ago15:25
bacrogpeppe, redir: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7506019/15:28
hatchok....what's it going to cost me to get someone to write these tests.....?15:32
hatchrick_h_ btw - maybe I like the token widget now15:34
rick_h_hatch: hah, just a matter of time :P15:40
* rick_h_ is going to get a t-shirt made up "Jeff says 'maybe..mabye rick was right" :P15:41
hatchrick_h_ I can now reproduce Makyo's bug - We need to ignore the inflight response because the 'store' abstraction doesn't return the actual XHR pointer15:52
rick_h_hatch: right, I think we chased that before15:53
hatchthe 'proper' fix would be to fix the store abstraction I think - but we can do a workaround for now, I'll do it in a follow-up15:54
rick_h_hatch: cool, yea I think a sanity check to just have the response come back and note the container is gone, halt, would beok15:54
rick_h_hatch: it's almost same effect as inflight ignoring because it's not like the server stops 15:55
* redir orders some lunch then wants to chat with rick_h_ to work out plan for this and handoff/knowledge transfer15:55
rick_h_redir: ok, are we chatting before lunch or after it?15:55
hatchright right - it would be nice though from the destructor to be able to call something like 'inflight.cancel()' though15:55
rick_h_hatch: right, but then it needs access to the store internals 15:56
rediryour choice rick_h_ 15:56
rick_h_hatch: it's a bit dirty15:56
hatchrick_h_ well no, the store calls could return a reference to the call15:56
hatchjust like the env does15:56
rick_h_hatch: k15:56
rick_h_redir: let's do before then while it's fresh in our heads15:56
hatchthis might be one of those 'just' things which turns into a big job hah15:56
* rick_h_ is going to be shutting down after lunch friday ugh15:56
hatchso workaround first15:56
rick_h_hatch: I have a feeling like I chased that down before and hit that wall 15:57
hatchtis possible15:57
redirlet me make a biobreak and I am ready15:57
rick_h_hatch: this has the smell of promises causing doom to it15:57
rick_h_hatch: I think that's what I hit, some of the store calls are wrapped with promises that have specific return values already15:58
hatchhaha I thought we got rid of promises, or are they still in there?15:58
rick_h_and getting at a reference to the ajax call isn't easily done15:58
rick_h_we stopped creating more, we never cleaned out the old ones15:58
hatchoh I thought we did15:58
rick_h_and more15:59
hatchohh boy16:01
hatchpromises - the gift that keeps on giving16:01
redirrick_h_: ready and in daily HO16:01
rick_h_hatch: ok otp16:01
redirrick_h_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7506167/16:05
* rick_h_ goes to get food16:11
hatchrebase is nice when you want to re-order commits16:12
rick_h_yep yep16:19
rick_h_redir: woot, that bundle came up for me16:37
hatchugh edge case17:15
hatchfor the amount of pixels this takes up on a screen there are sure a lot of cases17:15
redirrick_h_: with ~cs:charmworld?17:16
rediror with bac's branch?17:16
rick_h_redir: both17:16
rick_h_redir: I used your bundle first as it was17:16
redirrick_h_: failed for me with bac's branch17:16
rick_h_and I've just finished a second pass with the source set to lp:charmworld17:16
redirI must have the spelling wrong17:16
rick_h_redir: I downlaoded it and then just passed it to juju-quickstart17:17
rick_h_redir: so not sure17:17
rick_h_you pasted it right :)17:17
rick_h_redir: have some basics for the local charm docs? I'll try it out on my env I've got here17:17
redirrick_h_: actually I need some local charms:)17:18
rick_h_charm get XXX17:18
rick_h_using charmtools17:18
rick_h_will fetch them down and such17:18
redirrick_h_: how can I be sure it would deploy my charm rather than one ingested?17:18
rick_h_redir: you're not tryuing to deploy it17:20
rick_h_this is all eye candy, to get a charm into charmworld and then the gui will show it in the top left of the sidebar17:21
bacredir: how goes the battle?17:23
rick_h_hey bac side note, do you still have hte apache log info on the mjc traffic? IS asked me to get an RT filed to investigate the traffic and get it corrected and I want to make sure to fill in the fact right17:24
bacrick_h_: i have anonymized apache logs from the other day. thedac just got it for me with no RT.  is that what you want?17:25
rick_h_bac: yes, I just want to get the facts together. Knowing thedac helped look is good info. 17:25
bacrick_h_: i can paste some representative entries or give you the whole 22M compressed file17:26
rick_h_bac: a couple reference points will be good. Mainly I want to make sure we are positive where the traffic was from before filing the RT and how we figured out what was up17:26
rick_h_bac: or I was going to rope you into sumitting the RT and copying me on it if you don't mind/have time17:27
rick_h_bac: but on the bundle front I've had two good deploys from quickstart the colocated bundle redir put together and we're getting ready to test the local charm ingestion part17:27
bacrick_h_: it was positively identified by the user-agent being gsa-crawler.  thedac then looked at the non-anon IP address and saw it was internal.17:30
rick_h_bac: ok 17:30
bacrick_h_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7506455/17:33
rick_h_bac: thanks, appreciate the details17:33
bacrick_h_: but IS already took some action to scale back the load caused by the crawler.  would be worth a check to see if it has helped.17:34
bacrick_h_: do you want me to file an RT?  if so, what are we requesting?  that they look at the log files to see if they are causing excessive load or that they not index the sites at all?17:41
rick_h_bac otp, I'll file in a bit17:41
rick_h_bac: they want to see why it's crawling at all17:41
bacah, best plan17:41
* rogpeppe is done for the day17:42
rogpeppesee y'all tuesday17:42
rick_h_have a good weekend rog17:42
rogpepperick_h_: and you. and happy weekends to everyone else too!17:43
redirlater rogpeppe 17:48
redirrick_h_: otp?17:53
rick_h_redir: yea on the phone17:55
redirbac got a sec?18:02
baci do18:02
redirregualar channel or should I start one?18:02
bachatch: thanks for the tip about iterm2.  urwid works fine on it.18:02
bacredir: regular18:02
hatchyeah it's by far the most popular terminal client on osx18:02
rick_h_redir: how we doing? I've got a 15min break here18:42
redirwanna follow up after your call or have a look?18:45
rick_h_redir: sounds good18:46
rick_h_oh, follow up after hte interview 4pm ish (hopefully a bit earlier)18:48
rick_h_sorry, read that as "after your call have a look"18:48
rick_h_come on friday!18:48
redirI  shouldhn't ask compound questions18:50
hatchI wish YUI had a deep comparitor18:59
hatchedge case.....SMASHED19:07
hatchboo yeah19:07
hatchoh that just broke everything outside of il19:11
hatchapparently this render editorial and sidebar business is ingrained into the browser deeper than I had thought19:17
redirrick_h_: I have to run two errands before things close. I should be back by 419:26
hatchThe Witcher 2 is only $4 and avail on Linux19:27
rick_h_hatch: cool or need to chat?19:28
rick_h_redir: cool, I'm free when you get back19:29
hatchrick_h_ all good - I just need to add a bunch of code back in which is causing cascading test failures19:29
hatchand tackle them in a follow-up19:29
rick_h_yea, smaller is better in this process19:29
hatchrick_h_ I can also just put a patch in and break non il19:32
hatchactually I can just fudge these tests19:35
hatchrick_h_ no wonder this didn't work out going whole hog on it heh19:43
hatchit's all so intertwined in ways that aren't immediaately apparent until you break it :)19:43
rick_h_yea, I make bad decisiosn so you don't have to19:43
rick_h_decisions that is19:43
hatchexcellent, back to where I was 2h ago19:48
rick_h_heh, baby steps19:48
hatchheh it's funny when tests pass but the code their testing doesn't exist19:49
hatchtoo much stubbing19:49
rick_h_yea, I'm nervous with the level of stubbing we're getting to19:49
hatchonce we go to a folder based, test hierarchy it will be a lot easier to see where our tests are and how they integrate 19:50
redirrick_h_: I am back20:02
rick_h_redir: cool20:02
rick_h_redir: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqvoo43tsgwyvpgcdtinfcjdema?authuser=1&hl=en20:02
redirrick_h_: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7386012/cw-2instance-demo.tar.bz220:40
redirrick_h_: lemme know when you grab it20:41
rick_h_redir: rgr20:41
redirI'll remove after20:41
rick_h_redir: got it, extracted and can read the readme20:41
rick_h_redir: thanks again for working on that and getting your juju crash course in :)20:42
hatchpassing tests.....victory20:46
hatchnow to see if it still works20:47
rick_h_hah I was going to ask if it'll pass review and qa20:47
redirrick_h_: want me to leave that stuff running in aws?20:48
rick_h_hatch: I will say let's see next week if this is still a problem if we can start a parallel path vs refactor20:49
rick_h_redir: nope, you're good thanks20:49
redirOK rick_h_ then I am going to destroy that environment.20:49
rick_h_redir: sounds good20:50
hatchrick_h_ which problem?20:50
hatchrick_h_ https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1322744 maybe we want to make luca aware of this bug20:50
_mup_Bug #1322744: Entering a text search query after selecting category restricts search to that category silently <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1322744>20:51
rick_h_hatch: this refactor, if we can't get the stuff to work with flags on and off we build a diff code path 20:51
rick_h_hatch: we've talked about it. It'll go away soon20:51
hatchthe filters?20:51
rick_h_that's an existing bug actually, /me looks for it20:51
hatchohh ok20:52
rick_h_hmm, no luck. Well yes it's a know ux failure that will go away but we live with for now20:52
hatchrick_h_ ok so doing the QA after I have it working properly under il the charmbrowser now no longer works without il20:52
redirrick_h_: also leaving that card in the code column if you are working on it still20:52
rick_h_redir: ok thanks I am20:53
rick_h_hatch: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/mark-rick?authuser=120:53
bacredir: how goes the battle?20:55
redirthanks bac, rogpeppe, and hazmat for all your assists navigating the juju/quickstart/deployer/bundle jungle20:56
redirbac done I think20:56
redirbac rick_h_, is adding a couple more things to it 20:56
redirbac I updated your doc a little to. To reflect using juju scp -- -r ...20:57
redirand also to use local-charms directories with valid series names20:57
bacredir: thanks.  that knowledge came afterwards and i forgot to update20:57
bacredir: i think we need to file a juju-core bug about mongodb on node 020:57
redirbac and one about controlmaster:)20:58
hatchrick_h_ in case you were interested here is the branch with all the new tests and whatnot https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/34221:00
rick_h_hatch: k, I'll probably not peek until monday to be honest21:01
rick_h_brain fry setting in21:01
hatchyeah np, it's almost a 1000 line diff but a big chunk of that was the removal of the original search results list test suite21:02
bacredir, rogpeppe: bug filed -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/132274721:02
_mup_Bug #1322747: Deploying mongodb to machine 0 fails <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1322747>21:02
hatchrick_h_ oh ok I know why it doesn't render now - just looking into how much work it'll be to fix it21:04
* rick_h_ runs off to get the boy from day care. Have a good weekend all if I don't see you alter21:05
hatchnice....fixed it21:09
hatchjujugui looking for two reviews and qa's on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/342 plz and thanks21:26
hatchanyone still in?21:48
rick_h_Makyo: email on the way21:49
rick_h_hatch: don't think so, TGIF21:49
hatchhaha, well my branch is finished and up for any takers if they want over the weekend21:49
hatchI'm going to continue on it for the next card21:49
hatchon a new branch from it that is21:49
rick_h_dude, go enjoy the weekend :P21:49
hatchI still have an hour!21:50
rick_h_we'll catch up on monday and I'll help review/qa it21:50
hatchand it's +30C, way to hot!21:50
rick_h_then go slack or play with go or the python stuff 21:50
rick_h_or take a nap21:50
rick_h_those are good when it's hot :P21:50
hatchgo put on some SPF 110 and head outside21:50
rick_h_there you go21:50
rick_h_mow the lawn!21:50
hatchyeah it does need some mowing21:51
hatchok gong to mow the lawn21:51
hatchyou convinced me21:52
rick_h_and with that, the invites out, ty Makyo for the assist, and I'm going to run away as well21:52
rick_h_glad my feedback works on lawns21:52
rick_h_(that I can't see)21:52
hatchhaha - enjoy your weekend21:52
* redir heads to pack. This time tomorrow I'll be sitting on a beach with a margarita or something... see you all in a week.22:16
rediror so22:16

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