
bigjoolsmwhudson: did you manage to check my fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/130777901:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307779 in MAAS "fallback from specific to generic subarch broken" [Critical,Fix committed]01:09
mwhudsonbigjools: no01:09
mwhudsoni've more or less given up on armv7 :/01:10
bigjoolsmwhudson: well hopefully if it doesn't work now I can blame the simplestreams data :)01:10
mwhudsonbigjools: do you want me to try?  i can probably dig up the relevant details01:10
bigjoolswell if it's important to you, sure01:10
bigjoolsbut not a big deal, I already checked the use case I was fixing01:10
mwhudsoni'll leave it for now then :)01:11
bigjoolsno worries01:16
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rvbaallenap: arg, your new lease parser didn't make it into 1.5.1 :/08:11
rvbaallenap: I think it would have made the DHCP bug less severe.08:12
allenaprvba: How very annoying :-/08:23
rvbaallenap: If we get good feedback from the field about that fix, I think it's worth pushing for a 1.5.2 release.  The proper fix for the DHCP problem is going to take time and if the new parser alleviates the problem (and I think it does), it's worth releasing it.08:26
allenaprvba: Is that something we talk to lutostag about?08:53
rvbaallenap: yeah, probably.08:54
rvbaAnyone up for a tiny review? https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/packaging.trusty-upstream-rev/+merge/22076508:54
jtvI'll take it.08:59
jtvBeing nasty to someone might cheer me up.08:59
gmbAah, to https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1322336 is basically because we do the keyring writing in the wrong place… damn. I’ll get on that now.09:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1322336 in MAAS "import_boot_images crashes with KeyError on 'keyring'" [Critical,In progress]09:04
jtvallenap, remember that occasional lock-related startup failure?  Any opinions on my guess as to the cause, i.e. ordering of decorators?09:06
allenapjtv: I need to reread your analysis. Sorry I haven’t replied sooner.09:07
jtvallenap: I can sum it up very briefly right now if that makes it easier to digest.09:12
allenapjtv: Sure :)09:13
jtv"One decorator makes the function synchronous, another makes it grab a lock; but the ordering suggests that this means 1. grab lock, then 2. run synchronously."09:13
jtvAnd so maybe the reactor goes on to run other tests during 1.09:13
jtvOr wait, I mis-stated that.09:14
jtvMaybe the reactor _already was_ running another test.09:14
jtvOr maybe it just arbitrarily chooses to yield sometimes even though the lock is available.09:14
jtvAnd so the test continues without actually having run that 'synchronous' function.09:15
allenapjtv: I think the already-running-another-test hypothesis is the most likely of those.09:17
jtvEither way, I guess we just can't expect the _call to_ that function to run synchronously even if we do have a right to expect _the function_ to run synchronously.09:17
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rvbajtv: thanks for the review.  Sorry that branch was so tiny; you didn't have much room to unleash your reviewing wrath ;).10:25
jtvYeah.  I'm all pent-up now.10:26
rvbagmb: meanwhile, if you put your branch up for review, I'm happy to have a look at it while the test is running in the lab.10:32
gmbrvba: Thanks. I’ll have the MP up presently.10:32
gmbrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/bug-1322336/+merge/22078310:35
rvbagmb: on it10:35
gmbjtv: Did you get a response from Alexis re: LXC?10:39
jtvgmb: she forwarded, and there was one reply saying "that's easy innit," and I said I'd like to know from a real-life example of a problematic setup.  Nothing more.10:40
rvbajtv: what's stopping us from deploying stuff on canonistack (with LXC) and testing the firewall ourselves?10:42
jtvrvba: only the risk of not reproducing the real problem setup, as far as I know.10:43
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gmbrvba: Thanks for the review.10:57
* gmb -> out for an early lunch.10:57
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gmbjtv, allenap, rvba: A review for someone, if you have a sec… all code-removal: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/bug-1322606/+merge/22080013:01
jtvI'll take it.13:01
jtvAh, lovely conflicts coming.13:02
jtvBut I'll manage.13:02
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rvbagmb: did you figure out what the problem was?  With the import task I mean.14:01
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designateddoes MAAS support aggregating NICs for using LACP, and VLAN tagging yet?19:49
designatedi remember reading it in the blueprint last year sometime19:49
AskUbuntuHow we can define more than 2 DNS server (IP) in MAAS? | http://askubuntu.com/q/47130223:44
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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