
dogmatic69anyone got some ideas for a cheap, reasonably quick linux based thing I can use for a dev web server00:52
dogmatic69Looking to replace my blade as its loud and eats electricity like its the 1950's00:53
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=== JamesTait is now known as Guest55712
MooDoomorning all08:01
davmor2MooDoo: How do08:08
MooDoodavmor2: how are you?08:46
bashrcI read that Jono Bacon is leaving Canonical08:48
DJonesThis is true08:52
MooDoobashrc: yes indeed, moving to xprize09:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:04
MooDoohello brobostigon how goes the way?09:12
brobostigonthe war is fail.09:13
cocoa117when you using ProxyCommand to jump through hoops, you have to have authendication to those hoops machine on your local machine (public key wise), otherwise you can't get on to next one. Is there anyway to allow the machine connect to it authendicate this rather then the local machine initialised the connection?09:26
daftykinsnew shirt arrived :D09:57
MartijnVdSdaftykins: Pat went postal? :)09:59
daftykinshe went Breaking Bad!09:59
MartijnVdSAh yes :)10:00
daftykinssubtoe enough a reference to enjoy10:00
MartijnVdSwell, going postal would've worked ;)10:00
daftykinsheh subtoe, subtle too10:01
daftykinsah this macbook is looking a lot healthier now i've cleaned it up a bit10:01
daftykinsdid you catch my nude macbook shots yesterday? :)10:02
MartijnVdSI think i saw one yes10:02
daftykinsthat was the dirty one :>10:03
daftykinsactually that's the whole series in one10:06
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=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)11:12
daftykinshallo bigcalm11:15
MooDoohello bigcalm11:19
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== JamesTait is now known as Guest29384
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trilitheusHi there - when loggin into Ubuntu Server, if it needs a reboot it tells you  - does anyone know if this is queryable?  Flag set in a file somewhere?13:49
diploCheck for the presence of /var/run/reboot-required13:52
diploHmm that's 09 actually13:52
diploso maybe old13:52
trilitheusdiplo - awesome many thanks14:14
trilitheusdiplo, still valid on 12.04 at least14:16
diploGlad to hear it, Sure I looked at many moons ago14:21
diploAnd that was probably 12.0414:21
=== JamesTait is now known as Guest61139
diddledanSOLAR FREAKIN' ROADWAYS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlTA3rnpgzU16:45
diddledanthen of course there's this: http://popwatch.ew.com/2014/05/22/morgan-freeman-on-helium/16:50
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
mappsHEY all20:01
diddledanmornin mapps20:11
diddledanI really should listen to my answerphone - got 7 messages that I haven't listened to yet20:12
mappshey diddledan :)20:35
daftykinsdiddledan: i'm sure they're nothing major ;)20:51
mappsjust started watching motive20:54
daftykins                    chronometer (750ml bottle)22:05
daftykinsclawed through a thin shirt D:22:06
dogmatic69is it easy/possible to run vista/win7 etc virtualized on a ubuntu server (headerless)22:35
daftykinsthat's an edge-case and a half22:38
dogmatic69daftykins: what would be the best way to run virtualised windows on ubuntu?22:38
daftykinswith your headless caveat?22:39
dogmatic69I guess it does not have to be headerless22:39
daftykinshang on, when you said headerless that sounds like 'without kernel headers installed' ? :)22:40
dogmatic69without a screen in my eyes :D22:40
daftykinsi don't really understand X stuff enough to know if virtualbox would let you fire something up without somewhere to direct an image to22:42
daftykinsassuming you can even create a VM and start it under vbox on the command line22:42
dogmatic69so generally its a case of running virtualbox?22:42
shaunovbox should, that's what Vagrant uses22:42
dogmatic69ye. vagrant uses vbox22:43
daftykinsah, not familiar with that22:43
dogmatic69I would like said windows 'box' to be as if it was just on the network IRL22:43
daftykinsi guess there's nothing to stop you setting one up on a box with a head, then throwing it over to the one without?22:44
dogmatic69so I could from my pc use remmana to access it on the server doing the virtualising stuff if you know what I mean22:44
daftykinsonce it's up and has any necessary RDP access, it should start up happily22:44
dogmatic69ubuntu server vs desktop, is it just the GUI difference?22:45
daftykinsnowadays it is yep22:46
daftykinssame kernel, afaik22:46
dogmatic69ok, I could use desktop then.22:46
dogmatic69planning to get a new mini-itx based rackmount job22:46
dogmatic6932Gb ram, i3/i5, ssd for boot and 4 3TB22:47
dogmatic69something like that22:47
dogmatic69daftykins: ?22:48
daftykinssorry just raising an eyebrow22:48
daftykinswhat's it gonna do? :)22:49
shaunothe virtualbox package provides /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless and VBoxManage .. it looks like they'll be where you should be looking22:49
daftykinsand the reason for Windows? :D22:49
dogmatic69well work has lame domain server for remote desktop which I cant make work22:49
dogmatic69so need windows to remote into work22:49
dogmatic69daftykins: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/3PwU222:51
daftykinswould you not be putting your workplace at risk by hosting such a box out there in the wild? :)22:52
dogmatic69in the wild?22:52
dogmatic69this is at home22:53
dogmatic69so I can access work22:53
daftykinsthought you meant rackmount for in a data centre22:55
dogmatic69daftykins: I was looking at this chassis http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111277489673?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l264922:55
dogmatic69nope, got a 24U case in my garage :)22:55
dogmatic69got a HP Dl360 + DL380, but too noisy, hence the mini-itx22:55
shaunoah, garage makes more sense.  I was about to choke at 1U @ home22:55
dogmatic69shauno: I do web-dev from home, hence the servers.22:56
dogmatic69got a NAS for storage etc. New pc should replace it all22:57
shaunodo they have to be server-shaped though?22:57
dogmatic69well its out the way like that22:57
daftykinswhat do you run that kind of gear at home for? :)22:58
shauno1U get hellish noisy just because they demand "angry midget" fans.  almost any other form-factor will be much quieter for the same load22:58
daftykinsi just made up a standard kind of PC in a big coolermaster stacker case22:58
daftykinsand suck less power, i had a P4 era Xeon that was getting given away by the local power company22:58
dogmatic69daftykins: well like I said I do webdev. I got it set up with bind routing all *.dev domains to the webserver so I can access from any device for testing etc.22:58
daftykinsomw that thing22:58
dogmatic69if my actual pc dies it does not matter as it is almost like a dumb terminal22:59
dogmatic69just have browser, ide etc22:59
dogmatic69daftykins: the DL360's suck power too, £60 pm each :/23:00
dogmatic69the itx should be closer to £10/15 pm23:00
daftykins:O do you know in watts?23:01
daftykinsmine sucks 75W now since an upgrade23:01
daftykinsspeaking of whom my RAID controller just email'd me that it's beginning its' weekly verify :D23:02
dogmatic69according to pc parts picker this new one will be around 20023:03
dogmatic69atm I am too tight to power up the blade, so doing the dev on rpi :D23:04
dogmatic69slow as heck23:04
shaunoheh, I do that with my xeon box.  it gets turned on for 30 minutes, and then killed again.  too loud, too much juice23:41
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet

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