
sendakDoes dpkg not have the similar capability as rpm?00:00
sendakI want to find which package has the source code for a binary command.00:01
SchrodingersScatsendak: dpkg-query ?00:01
xboxtem alguem ai00:01
xboxfuck you00:01
rwwubottu: pt | xbox00:01
ubottuxbox: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:01
rwwand be nice, thanks :)00:01
trndrOerHeks, alami pasted this log some time ago http://pastie.org/920058900:02
xboxfuck you00:02
trndr*history dump00:02
dw1sendak: might help: http://nicholaskuechler.com/2011/02/10/debian-ubuntu-equivalents-of-yum-whatprovides/00:03
jcstarkendoes any one now how to get websites to see firefox or chrome as if they where ie, and I am not going to install wine00:03
SchrodingersScatjcstarken: like a user-agent that matches IE? there's probably many add-ons for that00:03
OerHeksuser agent plugin/addon indeed00:04
jcstarkenSchrodingerScat: I tried the one for firefox and could not get it to work00:04
SchrodingersScatit's built into curl and wget though, shows you the superior tool00:04
sendakSchrodingersScat: dpkg-query sounds similar.00:05
SchrodingersScatjcstarken: hmm, define 'work' was your user agent not different? Or just didn't get the desired results from your webpage?00:05
SchrodingersScatjcstarken: if they look at more than useragent, like all data that's leaked by browser, you might need to cover more.00:06
jcstarkenSchrodingerScat: still could not get in the website00:06
jcstarkenSchrodingerScat: I will keep looking thank you00:06
EiGhTy3any way disable keyboard page that comes up on boot?00:09
trndrEiGhTy3, as in disable grub-menu?00:10
kingbeowolfwhen i use the binary driver for my computer one of my monitors isn't recognized00:13
kingbeowolfit just blinks rainbow colors00:13
kingbeowolfits an nvidia 63000:13
EiGhTy3trndr, no it comes up as desktop loads.00:18
EiGhTy3it shows shortcuts, etc...00:18
EiGhTy3key layout00:18
EiGhTy3i'm new trying 2 explain this hope u understaind00:19
trndrEiGhTy3, ahh that thing, thought it only showed first time 14.04 booted, have'nt rebooted since upgrade.00:20
EiGhTy3trndr, yes i have maybe 6-7 times00:20
EiGhTy3odd thing is00:21
EiGhTy3outta 6-7 times came up maybe 400:21
EiGhTy3kinda annoying but not a big deal00:21
EiGhTy3so it should go away? huh i wonder00:22
trndrI don't know, but there appears to be a hints overlay option in ccsm unity00:23
EiGhTy3hey ty will look00:24
EiGhTy3like i said not big deal00:25
EiGhTy3jus curious00:25
dequeuedI'm on Ubuntu 14, what's the best way to install Firefox 26?00:25
trndryea, i'm just sitting here hoping I won't see the thing again, but I can't be bothered rebooting00:25
jcstarkenplay on linux or wine I do not really want either but need to have ie for work00:25
dequeuedI was going to download the binary from mozilla.org00:26
oni7anyone use chntpw?00:26
oni7i am trying to get it to work on a VM for testing but it doesn't clear the password out00:26
trndrjcstarken, send a nasty email to the site maintainer ;)00:27
jcstarkentrndr:lol I wish I could but it is TxDot and they listen to no one00:28
trndrI would use play on linux in stead of just flat wine, it was less frustrating last time i attempted to run dos programs in linux00:30
jcstarkentrndr:ok I will give it a try thank you00:31
trndrnp, and good luck00:32
sendakWhy does trying to pull grub-common pull grub instead is the grub-common package inside the grub package?00:32
sendaktrndr: good luck, playing a game?00:33
sendaktrndr: What is the game?00:33
trndrsendak, jcstarken is going to run IE in linux, he might need some luck00:34
jcstarkentrndr:to true00:34
sendakWhere does luck come into play?00:35
sendakjcstarken: Why run it on linux?00:35
jcstarkensendak: for work when I am at home and did not bring company laptop home and there are no winbloze machines in my house00:36
sendakIs Kevin on channel?00:37
sendakjcstarken: What is winbloze?00:38
jcstarkensendak: micro soft operating system "Windows" I misspelled it00:39
sendakDoesn't wine come with IE?00:39
IamalinuxnoobI would appreciate assistance with setting up a new usb wireless adapter and disabling my old one if someone is able to assist me on it. It looks like my wireless adapter came with some linux drivers I just dont know how to run the .sh file00:39
jcstarkenI dont know I have not used it till now I have had now reason to00:40
IamalinuxnoobI havent seen IE in my wine but I could be wrong00:40
IamalinuxnoobHow do I run an .sh file?00:41
Iamalinuxnoobdo I just point terminal to the file?00:42
trndrchmod +x first00:42
Iamalinuxnoobchmod +x  path/to/file.sh   ?00:42
colinshenhi...my usb headphone can not hear anything,but the controller can adjust value...00:43
trndrIamalinuxnoob, yes, then run the file00:43
IamalinuxnoobThank you sir :D I hope this works I have been having extreme difficulty with my wifi for the past 2 weeks in linux -_-00:44
sendakWhy does trying to pull grub-common pull grub instead is the grub-common package inside the grub package?00:44
Iamalinuxnoobit said something about it being read only, should I copy it to my HD first Trndr?00:45
IamalinuxnoobI will just do that trndr then ask again if it doesnt work xD00:46
sendakWhy does trying to pull grub-common pull grub instead is the grub-common package inside the grub package?00:46
trismsendak: if you mean pull the source, grub-common is a binary package, grub2 is the source: apt-cache show grub-common; see the Source: attribute00:48
Iamalinuxnoobif I am running the install.sh should anything come up after I hit enter to run it?00:49
sendakTHey are screwing with the FM signals again.00:49
trndrIamalinuxnoob, most likely. can you give a link to where you found the driver?00:50
sendaktrism: What about the attribute?00:50
IamalinuxnoobI got the driver from the install disc of the USB wireless adapter00:50
trismsendak: the Source attribute tells you the source package for a binary package00:51
Iamalinuxnooboh maybe If I copy it over it messes with the script trndr00:51
IamalinuxnoobI will try again :D00:51
trndrIamalinuxnoob, what device is it? perhaps I can find the driver on the web00:51
sendakThey are fucking with the FM transmitters.00:51
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sendaktrism: Where is the attribute shown?00:53
sendaktrism: stop hiding the sourcecode00:53
trismsendak: apt-cache show package; if one isn't listed then the source and the binary package have the same name00:54
IamalinuxnoobRosewill RNX-MiniN2 trndr. it popped up right away as an option for my wireless to use but didnt work once I "connected" to router (before I went to look on CD for the drivers) I am hoping if I install the drivers and disable my other wifi adapter it will work00:54
sendakdpkg-query -S filename said grub-common00:54
trismsendak: that is the binary package, the source package grub2 generates grub-common, plus other packages00:54
sendakwell it showed it00:54
sendaktrism: Where is the source within that for grub-common?00:55
sendaktrism: is it possible to make a small modification or is it all intertwined to compile everything00:56
trismsendak: yeah you'll probably have to rebuild all of them if you want to rebuild grub-common00:58
henry-I'm trying to remotely reboot a laptop through ssh, it works when the laptop lid is up, but not when it's down00:59
xupwhere's klogd?01:00
trndrIamalinuxnoob, there should be 2 linux drivers for that wifi adapter, the newer one might work for you. What you need to do is extract the entire zip to disk, then chmod the install.sh and run it. It will at least say something about instalation script.01:04
henry-(the laptop reboots but goes instantly to hibernation)01:04
roy_for give me I am here by mistake I think.01:04
Iamalinuxnoobahh ok  thanks trndr.  Looks like the people that made this were not english so the readme's and such were no good. I have a tar.gz file is that what i need to extract?01:05
roy_new at this ..by for now01:05
trndrnot if the readme is outside it. then you need to copy that entire directory01:05
Iamalinuxnoobahh ok thanks01:06
arooni-mobilehey folks;  i have an android 4.4.2 phone; is there a way to connect it to ubuntu 14.04?01:07
trndrhenry-, check under systemsettings power01:07
henry-I've set the lid close options to ignore the event, but I think those settings don't load soon enough in the reboot process01:09
SachiruIs it possible to use Ubuntu and Samba4 to completely replace a Windows Server administering Active Directory on a network?01:11
Stardusterticker --market all01:21
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr - should I try using this? https://github.com/dz0ny/rt8192cu01:21
IamalinuxnoobWow my net is like 1/10 of the speed it should be on Linux D: hopefully this fixes it ^_^01:26
Ashimai want to install ubuntu onto my new windows 8.1 computer, can you help?01:28
abakAshima, what do you need help with?01:30
Ashimadoes it install any differently?01:35
IamalinuxnoobHey, what is that thing that lets me see what devices are on wlan? wconfig or something?01:35
abakAshima, differently from what? from windows?01:36
trndriwconfig and ifconfig01:36
Ashimaanything differently as in setting BIOS to change from windows 8.101:38
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abakIME you won't need to mess with the BIOS, Ubuntu comes with GRUB which allows you to choose between windows and linux at startup01:39
abakHowever, since you have windows 8.1 you MIGHT have a secure boot which can make things a bit hairy, maybe somebody else here has first hand excperience with it?01:40
catsdjhola soy de chi;e01:40
IamalinuxnoobQuestion- How do I tell which internet adapter is which if I have a USB one and a PCI one? Also will wnat to disable the PCI one01:41
Ashimathank you01:44
trndrIamalinuxnoob, I would unplug the usb one, then run sudo ifconfig device down on the remaining then replugging the usb one01:45
IamalinuxnoobThanks trndr I will do that :D so just do sudo ifdown wlan0 ? (figured out wlan0 is the integrated)01:46
trndrIamalinuxnoob, yes, keep in mind that should only be temporary01:47
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limpci just did a fresh reinstall of xubuntu a few days ago and have been having a major problem with it since.  whenever it locks the screen,  and I want to return to my desktop, I get the password dialog immediately, but after entering my password and the lock screen disappears, the entire desktop acts frozen for a very long time (sometimes up to several minutes)01:49
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr when I ran "sudo ifdown wlan0"   it said  "ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured"01:49
Bashing-omAshima: Have you prepared a install medium for ubuntu ? You can pastbin the hard disk layout and we can offer better advisement on a method to install ubuntu.01:50
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trndrIamalinuxnoob, don't know why ifdown dosen't work, but ifconfig wlan0 down worked for me01:52
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr I was able to have it go down with ifconfig but apparently this USB one is not working or cannot connect let me try something and see if it helps quick. (just gonna do the ifconfig up thing to wlan1)01:58
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IamalinuxnoobDang it.   it is not connecting to network properly. Idk why the desktop keeps having these issues when my laptop I am using now works fine02:02
trndrIamalinuxnoob, could you try to replug the usb adapter and pastebin dmesg|tail ?02:05
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Iamalinuxnoobtrndr should I do the ifconfig down again to wlan0 ?  I put it back up to see if it worked02:06
trndrIamalinuxnoob, naa, it shouldn't clutter the log02:06
AshimaBashing-om: not yet02:11
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr how do I get all of it? my terminal doesnt go back all the way to before i did dmesg tail02:13
trndrIamalinuxnoob, dmesg | tail should only be 10 lines02:14
Bashing-omAshima: Ya got any ieas of how to procedd ? .. Dual booting with Windows 8 is a whole new ball game.02:15
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr I can look but it said something about retrying.  what is that middle character? I dont know how to do the line in the middle you did02:15
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr I typed " dmesg tail"02:17
trndrIamalinuxnoob, what keyboard layout are you using? The | character is quite important in linux. So locating it is key02:17
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr I am using a normal Qwerty keyboard02:18
trndrIamalinuxnoob, no I mean language, they move it arround depending on language02:19
INeverMorehow do I fix a broken ubuntu install?02:20
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr ahh I am using US keyboard layout afaik. sorry i forgot about the install option so was confused xD02:20
Bashing-omINeverMore: Depends, how it is broke, and what is broke. details please.02:21
INeverMoreI turn it on and nothing happens02:21
limpci just did a fresh reinstall of xubuntu a few days ago and have been having a major problem with it since.  whenever it locks the screen,  and I want to return to my desktop, I get the password dialog immediately, but after entering my password and the lock screen disappears, the entire desktop acts frozen for a very long time (sometimes up to several minutes)02:22
trndrIamalinuxnoob, on US keyboards it appears to be at shift+\02:22
Bashing-omINeverMore: so far sounds more like hardware issue, rather than an ubuntu situation.02:22
INeverMoreIt'll show the option for boot menu, but then won't load ubuntu02:24
Bashing-omINeverMore: OK, making progress. In the grub boot menu is "advanced options" within "advance options" is a kernel marked "recovery" .. what results when you select this option ?02:26
INeverMorewhat is a grub boot menu?02:26
Bashing-omINeverMore: The grub boot menu is ubuntu's means of booting a operating system, You have never seen it ?02:28
INeverMorenot sure02:28
trndrINeverMore, when you boot do you see a text menu with a number counting below?02:29
Bashing-omINeverMore: OK, what results when you cold boot your machine, and as soon as the bios screen clears, depress and help the right shift key ? hope you see the grub boot menu.02:29
INeverMorelet me get back to it.  I have it upstairs right now02:30
trndrBashing-om, does it actualy say grub? I think I can remember me using ages to find out what it was called when I started using linux02:32
Bashing-omtrndr: Yeah, at the top of the screen is the word 'grub' and the version number.02:33
IamalinuxnoobSorry trndr I unplugged my laptop by accident. I had to copy over the text to my laptop since the net connection on desktop was too unstable to use02:33
trndrBashing-om, ahh, then I should probably look at my pc douring boot sometime :D02:34
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr http://pastebin.com/pZnaWMjg02:34
budi_hai-hai hai02:35
Bashing-omtrndr: It's them little things that mean a lot, huh ?02:35
IamalinuxnoobI will do it again in case I messed up something02:35
infinity__ HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 800MHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.8GB, 80.3% free ** Disk: Total: 21.5GB, 74.3% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI02:37
infinity__ Express Fast Ethernet controller ** Uptime: 33m 50s **02:37
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr pastebin.com/mtTrVGxR       was me doing it again in case I tainted the first one02:38
Iamalinuxnoob http://pastebin.com/mtTrVGxR02:38
INeverMoreOkay, I got it down here02:41
trndrIamalinuxnoob, well mate, the good news is that your network card appears to be working. The bad news is that it seems like your network manager isn't02:41
INeverMoreGive me a couple minutesto get it plugged in...02:41
Iamalinuxnoobahh thats good :D  how can I fix network manager?02:41
Bashing-omINeverMore: Patient.02:42
BlasterHi 1) why does my whole system freeze requiring a restart when I plug my iphone in while having rhythmbox running on 14.04, and 2) what video cards have the best support in Ubuntu?02:44
trndrIamalinuxnoob, try killall wpa_supplicant02:44
SonicPenguinfor 1) we should see your /var/log/syslog02:45
trndrBashing-om, the devil is in the details02:45
SonicPenguinfor 2) nvidia all the way02:45
Iamalinuxnoob"wpa_supplicant(811): Operation not permitted  wpa_supplicant: no process found"02:45
Bashing-omtrndr: OH Yeah ! ... and headaches too !02:46
IamalinuxnoobRunning sudo killall wpa_supplicant just led to next line with no output02:46
BlasterSonicPenguin:  Hmm didn't seem to happen this time, when I want to test it.   It last happened yesterday and the syslog looks to only have entries from today.02:47
BlasterI will have to report back when it happens again.02:47
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr "wpa_supplicant(811): Operation not permitted  wpa_supplicant: no process found"  Running sudo killall wpa_supplicant just led to next line with no output.  sorry I forgot to tag you in case you needed that :P02:48
INeverMoreGive me a couple minutesto get it plugged in...02:48
Bashing-omIamalinuxnoob: No reponse to a command is the system doing what you told it to do, and no back talk.02:48
INeverMoresorry, wrong keyboard02:49
INeverMoreI got it loaded, grub did load, I selected Ubuntu...02:49
INeverMoreand then nothing02:49
trndrIamalinuxnoob, if you run dmesg | tail 2 times does the output look the same, and does the number on the bottom line stay the same?02:49
Bashing-omINeverMore: Once more, try the "recovery" kernel from " advance options" .02:50
SonicPenguinBlaster, ok so if it happens again make sure to save your syslog02:50
IamalinuxnoobBashing-om I wasn't sure since before it meant it didnt run my install script right xD  Contextually I am ignorant of when it  works/doesnt work so I just report the outcome ^_^02:50
BlasterToo bad there's no Photoshop or iTunes for Ubuntu.   I only like Windows more because it has those apps.   And don't tell me about Wine because they're buggy when ran under Wine.02:50
SonicPenguinok for photoshop. but itunes...?02:51
SonicPenguinah ok02:51
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr I just ran it 2x in a row and everything stayed the same02:51
Bashing-omIamalinuxnoob: np, none of us were born knowing, this is still a process of learning for all of us.02:51
SonicPenguinyou said you have an iphone :D02:51
trndrIamalinuxnoob, good, now try the network manager02:52
INeverMoreinit: Failed to spawn friendly-recovery pre-start process:unable to execute: No such file or directory02:52
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr what do I try with it? :D02:52
SonicPenguini solved the problem with a windows xp installation in virtualbox02:52
INeverMoreinit: Failed to spawn friendly-recovery post-stop process:unable to execute: No such file or directory02:52
trndrIamalinuxnoob, connect to anything02:52
BlasterI have Windows 7 installed in Virtual box but Photoshop usage sucks without some type of graphics card passthrough.02:52
BlasterLots of little bugs.02:53
IamalinuxnoobBashing-om unfortunately I know that all too well. it's an ongoing joke with my friends that I find a way to get the weirdest errors out of scripts/programs/linux xD02:53
SonicPenguini see02:53
INeverMoreinit: Failed to spawn startpar-bridge (friendly-recovery--stopped) main process:  unable to execute: No such file or directory02:53
BlasterGuess I might have to try VMWare Workstation some day.02:53
diamondstrying to make space on partition on /02:53
SonicPenguinwell, there is not much more to do for now, for adobe apps02:53
diamondsI only made it 14gb :/02:53
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr it changed now and is searching for signal or something. it was fine for awhile idk what made it change02:53
diamondsshouldn't have done that02:53
INeverMorehow do I fix it?02:54
SonicPenguinyes, its 3d support is better02:54
diamondsanyway I'm wondering about the significance of the files in /usr/lib02:54
Bashing-omINeverMore: Humm,, strange, considering..02:54
SonicPenguinbut dont expect anything useful...02:54
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asimovWhy does apt-get source grub2 download both an unzipped directory and a tarball while other packages have only the tarball?02:55
diamondsI uninstalled what happens if I delete directories in /usr/lib02:55
diamondsare they relied on on an ongoing basis?02:55
Bashing-omINeverMore: How many hard disk are installed in that box, and do you have the liveDVD that you used to install ubuntu handy ??02:55
INeverMore1 and no02:55
SonicPenguindiamonds: some programs wont' even start, or the entire system02:56
* diamonds nods02:56
diamondsty SonicPenguin02:56
SonicPenguindiamonds: np02:57
lotuspsychjemorning to all02:59
asimovHi lotuspsychje03:00
Bashing-omINeverMore: Welp. I know of no way to see what is going on with out being able to: a) boot the system, or b) have a liveDVD on hand to try and see what is going on. At this point ya need to burn you another copy of the install medium; same same as the version that is installed onto the hard drive.03:00
INeverMoreand then what?03:00
Bashing-omINeverMore: Then we see what it is going to take to boot the install.03:01
trndrIamalinuxnoob, it appears you have stumbled apon a bug which is caused by N/wpa/ipv6, perhaps this can help you get a stable connection http://askubuntu.com/questions/54153/my-wifi-gets-deauthenticated-every-few-minutes-or-seconds-reason-703:01
asimovWhy does apt-get source grub2 download both an unzipped directory and a tarball while other packages have only the tarball?03:01
Bashing-omINeverMore: I will be away from the keyboard, please make any responses starting with my nick (tab completion completes) so I can find the reply.03:03
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr do you suggest using WICD?   I mean is it good.03:03
* asimov throws lotuspsychje into the ball pit03:04
trndrIamalinuxnoob, tbh I have no idea if it's good, or eaven usable03:05
lotuspsychjeIamalinuxnoob: if network-manager doesnt work there has to be a reason for it, think its better to make nm work03:06
lotuspsychjeIamalinuxnoob: can you tell me what chipset your wifi card has?03:07
asimovWhy does apt-get source grub2 download both an unzipped directory and a tarball while other packages have only the tarball?03:08
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Iamalinuxnooblotuspsychje RTL8192CU03:09
lotuspsychjeIamalinuxnoob: maybe go check the realteks website for latest wifi drivers, mostly its a driver problem acting weird on your connection03:10
lotuspsychje!realtek | Iamalinuxnoob03:10
ubottuIamalinuxnoob: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b03:10
Iamalinuxnoobtrndr dang. hmm I know I had issues with either card before. the reason I was trying to use a different one was because the other was dropping signal constantly and it was uber slow when it did work03:10
trndrlotuspsychje, he is using the driver from https://github.com/dz0ny/rt8192cu the propper one has issues03:11
lotuspsychjeIamalinuxnoob: you can check your current loaded driver with lshw -C network shows after driver=03:11
Bashing-omINeverMore: A consideration, will be much faster to (RE-)install at this point than to troubleshoot your issue. If you have the hardware now is a good time to install release 14.04. Your call, good learning experience to fix what is.03:11
HappyNewYear13hi, in Ubuntu 14.04 with unity environment, how many second does it take, average, for the desktop to appear from the moment you log in? mine takes like 10 seconds; i find it too long03:11
INeverMoreIt already was 14.0403:11
holsteinHappyNewYear13: depends on many factors, and hardware support03:12
lotuspsychjeHappyNewYear13: there is a way to troubleshoot unity speed, but forgot how :p03:12
HappyNewYear13lotuspsychje, how's that?03:12
lotuspsychjeHappyNewYear13: think some unity log that shows whats lagging03:12
HappyNewYear13holstein, how many seconds does your unity bar to appear?03:13
lotuspsychjemaybe someone else know wich one?03:13
Iamalinuxnooblotuspsychje yeah I was using the one from that github after the normal one wasnt working. I do seem to have the same issue with my first card as well which was why I was trying the 2nd03:13
Bashing-omINeverMore: Wow !, a freash install and what happened ?03:13
holsteinHappyNewYear13: try and determine what is the issue.. test with live CD's test without unity03:13
INeverMoreI installed more and it broke03:13
HappyNewYear13holstein, how many seconds does your unity bar takes to appear?03:13
INeverMoreI just  tried to fix it...and got a whole new issue03:13
holsteinHappyNewYear13: depends on the hardware, friend03:13
INeverMoreNow I can't  login03:13
lotuspsychjeIamalinuxnoob: try realtek latest driver from their site03:13
holsteinHappyNewYear13: its an acceptable amount of time, considering.. when i feel its too much, i use XFCE or something more appropriate for the hardware and the use case03:14
HappyNewYear13ok, thank you holstein & lotuspsychje03:14
INeverMorehow do I fix being unable to login?03:14
lotuspsychjeHappyNewYear13: check also your startup items list03:15
holsteinINeverMore: test if you can login in TTY please.. and report03:15
INeverMorehow do I log in in tty?03:15
INeverMorewhat is tty?03:16
Bashing-omINeverMore: The error you relayed is some kind of strange. We can try and boot from the grub menu and see what results, maybe get a better idea of what is not taking place.03:16
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution03:16
lotuspsychjeHappyNewYear13: maybe lightdmlog will show relevant stuff too03:16
HappyNewYear13thanks lotuspsychje03:16
lotuspsychjeHappyNewYear13: i remember graphics card drivers can lag the login also, so also try switch to a better driver maybe03:16
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holsteinINeverMore: can you login in tty?03:18
INeverMoreis it considered logged in when it doesn't ask for a username or password?03:18
holsteinINeverMore: please switch to tty, and try and login03:18
INeverMorei did03:19
holsteinINeverMore: and? can you login?03:19
INeverMoreIt didn't ask for a username or password03:19
holsteinINeverMore: so, no then? do you see a promt?03:19
[asimov]Curious, for a certain file why does gedit show a newline while cat does not nor does cat show a newline char?03:19
holsteinINeverMore: try *all* tty's.. control alt 2 through 6, please03:19
INeverMoreubuntu@ubuntu: /home/ubuntu#03:19
INeverMorethat's what I see03:20
holsteinINeverMore: sure.. try logging in there, please03:20
INeverMorehow would I log in?03:20
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Bashing-omINeverMore: I am not looking over your shoulder, so you must tell what is taking place. as to logging in, depends on if you set the system to "auto login" .03:21
INeverMoreI don't remember if I did or not03:21
holsteinINeverMore: do you boot up to the desktop?03:22
INeverMoreI go to tty and see: ubuntu@ubuntu: /home/ubuntu#03:22
holsteinINeverMore: or, are you prompted to login?03:22
INeverMoreit's asking for a username and password on graphical desktop03:22
INeverMorenothing on tty03:22
holsteinINeverMore: so, you did *not* set auto login, then03:22
holsteinINeverMore: you have tried *all* tty's?03:23
holsteinINeverMore: what do you mean by "nothing" on tty? the screens are black?03:23
INeverMorethe others all say ubuntu@ubuntu:~$03:23
holsteinINeverMore: thats what i would expect from a live system03:23
Bashing-omholstein: -> INeverMore :: are we looking at a "root" prompt ? "ubuntu@ubuntu: /home/ubuntu#" ???03:23
* [asimov] throws Bashing-om in the ball pit03:24
holsteinINeverMore: your username is not ubuntu, correct?03:24
INeverMoreno it is not03:24
holsteinINeverMore: are you booted into a live CD?03:24
[asimov]This looks to be done intentionally to disrupt automation.03:24
INeverMoreno, holstein03:24
INeverMoreIt only happens on tty03:24
holsteinINeverMore: what only happens on tty?03:25
INeverMoreon graphical it asks for username and password03:25
holsteinINeverMore: i asked you to loing via tty to address when you said you could not login.. is that true? you stated you could not login03:25
Bashing-om[asimov]: Sink or swim !03:25
INeverMoreI can't on graphical03:25
INeverMoretty it doesn't even prompt for username/password03:25
INeverMoreit just shows ubuntu@ubuntu:~$03:26
meccoollummm looks like LiveCD, INeverMore  what happens when you try to log in via TTY7 graphical?03:26
INeverMoreit asks for a username and password03:27
meccoollTry username: ubuntu password <blank>03:27
INeverMoreI did03:27
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holsteinINeverMore: that looks like a live CD03:27
[asimov]Bashing-om any clue as to why the newline shows in gedit but not while using grep or cat?03:27
holsteinINeverMore: did you try making a persistent live CD?03:27
INeverMorewhen I tried that it took me write back to the login screen03:28
INeverMoreno, I used a livecd to install the OS03:28
INeverMorethat's it03:28
HappyNewYear13is mark shuttleworth married? wikipedia says nothing about it. maybe he's gay?03:28
holsteinINeverMore: can you login as guest?03:28
ianorlindoes whoami at a tty say root03:28
holsteinINeverMore: have you tried removing or renaming your configs for the desktop environment?03:29
ADW suppp003:29
INeverMorewhoami says ubuntu03:29
holsteinINeverMore: have you tried booting an older kernel?03:29
Bashing-om[asimov]: Not right off the top of my head. maybe some setting in gedit as to how it represents the new line ?03:29
INeverMorehow would I do that, holstein?03:29
holsteinINeverMore: you should not be in user ubuntu if you dont have a user ubuntu03:29
holsteinINeverMore: you seem to be booted into a live CD03:29
INeverMoreI have no CD in the drive03:30
INeverMoreI have no usb stick inthe computer03:30
INeverMoreThere is nothing that it could boot from03:30
holsteinINeverMore: im stating facts.. did you make an ubuntu user?03:30
holsteinINeverMore: then, thats what ubuntu users are on.. live environments03:30
holsteinINeverMore: you have something seriously odd about your install, that i think is not properly installed03:31
trndrsimov], could be gedit handles carage return?03:31
holsteinINeverMore:  i suggest backing up your data, and fresh install.. you can try the recovery kernel03:31
holsteinINeverMore: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:31
INeverMorerecovery kernel failed last time03:31
holsteinINeverMore: last time?03:31
INeverMoreWe discussed this liek 30 min ago, yes03:32
holsteinINeverMore:  i have no frame of reference for "times", so share any details03:32
INeverMoreI was having issues, so I fixed it03:32
holsteinINeverMore: i just got here..03:32
INeverMorerecovery mode gave:03:32
INeverMoreoops, lost the buffer03:32
[asimov]It shows as a space in cat and a newline in grub.03:32
INeverMoreNo file or directory in several key parts basically03:32
holsteinINeverMore: reboot the machine, and try an older kernel.. then, try the recovery mode.. note errors and share them03:33
Iamalinuxnooblotuspsychje this install process is confusing what exactly am I supposed to do? apparently running the main install.sh doesnt work right03:33
holsteinINeverMore: sure.. yet another thing i would expect on a live environment03:33
holsteinINeverMore: what did you fix? and how?.. could be you broke your system into this state..03:33
ianorlinInevermore did you change your boot order after install03:33
ianorlinand did you leave a usb in?03:33
INeverMoreno, and no03:33
holsteinINeverMore: still, your a booting a user you didnt make.. that is present on live environments.. so, something is "wrong".. what did you fix? and hos?03:34
INeverMoreI copied some files from the DVD to the HDD03:34
holsteinINeverMore: ok.. why? and what files?03:35
holsteinINeverMore: could be, taht has broken your system..03:35
INeverMoreit was already broken03:35
INeverMorebefore that it just hung at book03:35
holsteinINeverMore: sure.. so, it could be, that didnt fix your system03:35
holsteinINeverMore: what are the errors from the recovery kernel?03:35
holsteinINeverMore: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:36
INeverMoreinit: Failed to spawn friendly-recovery pre-start process:unable to execute: No such file or directory03:36
INeverMoreinit: Failed to spawn friendly-recovery post-stop process:unable to execute: No such file or directory03:36
INeverMoreinit: Failed to spawn startpar-bridge (friendly-recovery--stopped) main process:  unable to execute: No such file or directory03:36
holsteinINeverMore: thats what i would expect from a live CD.. could be, you have broken your system badly doing whatever you did before03:36
holsteinINeverMore: a reinstallation should take about 8 minutes.. thats what i suggest..03:36
INeverMore8 minutes?03:37
INeverMorelast time it took over an hour03:37
holsteinINeverMore: shouldnt.. still, thats much less time than you will spend potentially pinpointing whats happening.. and maybe or maybe not fixing it03:38
INeverMoreI just rebooted03:38
INeverMoreand got new errors03:38
holsteinINeverMore: sure.. no doubt your system is messed up.. if you are seeing the ubuntu live user, and you didnt make an ubuntu user. thats bad03:38
INeverMoreKernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x000010003:39
holsteinINeverMore: you still havent stated what you copied, or why.. but i suspect that was bad03:39
INeverMoreSame when I try to load in recovery mode03:39
mpooleanyone know a bunch about ifenslave and bonding interfaces?03:41
mpooleI'm having a problem (using LACP) where if I manually bond the interfaces using ifenslave and ifconfig upping bond0 it works fine03:42
mpooleif I try and do it via /etc/network/interfaces it's a big fat fail03:42
mpooleI think it's trying to bring up the interfaces too fast03:42
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[asimov]mpoole: sounds like bs03:44
INeverMoreWhat does my new error mean?03:45
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mpoolethats my interfaces conf03:46
holsteinINeverMore: just what it says.. kernel panic.. thats not good.. why is that happening? did you copy something in that broke your system? what did you copy? and why?03:46
[asimov]mpoole: rub your face in it03:46
holsteinINeverMore: reinstallation is the shortest path to fix.. you can mess about with your system now and maybe never get it back to functioning properly03:47
[asimov]yep bazhang03:47
[asimov]mpoole: Can you tell me what you are trying to accomplish?03:48
[asimov]I am looking for a scriptwriter to help out with password files.03:49
[asimov]What is the point in bonding interfaces?03:49
INeverMoreso then I'll have to spend another 30 hrs customizing crap and hope it doesn't break this time?03:49
INeverMoreSo I'm doing a reinstall03:51
INeverMoreActually faster this time, not bad03:51
[asimov]Is ^peter^ an ubuntu user?03:52
Deihmoswhat happened to the hibernate option03:53
[asimov]I have mounted the military radio signals.03:53
[asimov]Ready to roast em?03:55
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* [asimov] pulls abadon out of anus03:56
INeverMoreI don't even know how, but I think it's broken again03:56
[asimov]Where did that angel come from?03:56
[asimov]Looks at the AI hmm, they owe me.03:57
Beldar!ops | [asimov]03:57
ubottu[asimov]: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!03:57
[asimov]All of this computer technology and they haven't fixed my guitar or delivered fresh bread to my door.03:58
Flannel[asimov]: please stop that.03:58
INeverMoreWhat does "error: file `/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic' not found. mean?03:59
INeverMoreis there a fix for that besides another install?03:59
dauntl3sshey guys, I'm trying to install Squirrell mail on my postfix setup which seems to be working as I have been able to recieve mail from my website. However, when I install squirell mail, and try to get to it from mail.mysite.com, it takes me to my website. here's my apache vhost setup: http://laravel.io/bin/4BeDw03:59
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Guest40877Is flash in Ubuntu 14.04 fixable?04:00
BeldarINeverMore, Did you remove kernels and not run a grub-update?04:00
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INeverMoreI don't know how to remove kernels04:00
umbpHello. Noob question.. how do I right click on a Mac Book Pro with Ubuntu? Control Click doesn't work, and the touch pad has no right click...04:00
BeldarINeverMore, What is the context of that error showing?04:01
[asimov]The password is in my anus.04:01
INeverMorenot sure what you mean, Beldar?04:01
BeldarINeverMore, You have an error, how did you get there?04:01
INeverMoreI rebooted the computer04:01
BeldarINeverMore, And when you chose that kernel you got this error?04:02
BeldarINeverMore, This was a working kernel?04:03
INeverMoreI assume so04:03
Beldaror an update04:03
INeverMoreI went into recovery mode to get that error04:03
INeverMoreon normal boot I just got a black screenwith no error or anythign else04:03
BeldarINeverMore, This is taking to long, I can't help you I don't have the patience, other do though. ;)04:04
INeverMoreI just reinstalled the OS04:04
INeverMoreran a couple scripts to install some stuff04:04
INeverMoreand got that error04:04
Guest40877Is flash fixable in 14.04 lts04:04
BeldarGuest40877, Fixable? can you describe what that means?04:05
Guest40877Doesen t work in chr omium04:05
Guest40877Please install flash player04:06
BeldarGuest40877, Chrome has it's own flash, have you tweaked it, has it ever worked?04:06
Guest40877Never worked I don't think HTML 5 works in something04:07
BeldarGuest40877, HTML 5 and flash are not related, two different systems.04:07
Guest40877Does chromium browser have its own flag player04:07
Guest40877flash player04:08
BeldarGuest40877, chromium uses the repos flash, however I belive one can load the chrome flash, not real sure however.04:08
BeldarGuest40877, Are you aware that adobe does not support the flash for linux?04:10
whynawtmeinstalled php5 and removed it and trying to install it again getting this error:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:16
whynawtme php5-fpm : Depends: php5-common (= 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4) but 5.5.12+dfsg-2+deb.sury.org~precise+1 is to be installed.  i assume this has to do with my sources.list?04:16
allenhey folks, is it possible to make a "shortcut" on my desktop to load an app that uses Wine, instead of having to go to the folder its in, finding the exe file and right clicking it, then selecting run in Wine?04:20
SweetLovingsHow do you run multiple network connections on xchat?04:21
IamalinuxnoobI am such a retard04:21
IamalinuxnoobAll this time i couldnt get the script to run since I didnt have the directory changed because I just was running it with the filepath to the script -_-04:22
AvadaKedavrahow to use sqlmap04:23
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en16m4666xset led named "Scroll Lock"04:28
whynawtmehow do i downgrade to php 5.3 instead of 5.5?04:47
somsipwhynawtme: what version of ubuntu?04:48
whynawtmei just upgraded to 14.04lts04:50
somsipwhynawtme: php for use in apache or cli?04:51
allenanyone know why i can't right click on the desktop and "create a launcher"04:52
allenthe option isn't there04:53
somsipwhynawtme: you can try this, but my recommendation would be to setup 12.04 in a VM and use that https://github.com/phpenv/phpenv04:53
whynawtmedamn i just upgraded from 10.04 all the way up to 14.04 and booted into 12.04 at one point too04:54
owhallen: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64222/how-can-i-create-launchers-on-my-desktop04:54
alleni don't have gnome installed owh04:56
alleni am running unity only04:56
owhallen: Try this then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles05:00
allenthanks owh, looking through it now05:03
owhallen: I'm not sure if actual desktop icons are supported any longer.05:03
Beldargnome does not have a right click create launcher, this has been gone for awhile05:03
Beldareasy to make though05:03
owhBeldar: Does Unity still support actual icons on the desktop, allen is asking.05:04
Beldaractual in what context?05:05
owhBeldar: As in, an icon displayed on the Unity desktop surface, outside the launch bar.05:05
Beldarallen, You have to turn on the show05:05
Beldaryou can drag and drop and build your own05:06
allenBeldar, how do you mean turn on the show05:07
IamalinuxnoobHow do I make this work without errors? http://pastebin.com/wYgUDCza I am installing the latest Realtek driver from their site05:09
mcrist0set timestamps = OFF05:09
Beldarallen I use the gnome shell it has a icons on desktop show button on the gnome tweak tool, probably one in the unity tweak tool, not sure been awhile since I used unity. This does not make a right click for launchers tough.05:09
owhIamalinuxnoob: RealTek makes lots of drivers. Which one?05:11
owhIamalinuxnoob: Also, which version of Ubuntu?05:12
IamalinuxnoobLTS 14.04 trying to fix the RTL8192CU driver. Apparently the normal one is bugged.05:13
owhIamalinuxnoob: What makes you say that it's bugged?05:13
Iamalinuxnoob@ owh 1 it didnt work for me. insanely hard to connect and keep getting dropped 2. google search xD05:14
Iamalinuxnoobowh and 3. I asked help earlier to even get to this point -_- may not fix it but I am hoping if i get the new drivers installed it will work like it did for other people in the other linux versions with this driver05:15
owhIamalinuxnoob: This appears to cover the full instructions: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-705:15
someHumanWhy isn't there a box that shows when I try to click and drag my mouse to select stuff like in Windows?05:16
IamalinuxnoobThanks owh! I wil ltry that. :D05:16
owhIamalinuxnoob: I'm still looking to see if there is a PPA with the correct stuff in it. Hang on for a bit.05:16
owhIamalinuxnoob: My google-fu appears to be broken. I cannot find a PPA. Try the instructions from the link I sent you.05:19
owhsomeHuman: It does on my desktop.05:19
qinsomeHuman: it fuels procrascination...05:19
duckchatplease don't mind me.  i'm testing something...05:19
owhduckchat: This is not a test channel. Use #test05:20
qinsomeHuman: Do you use Unity or Gnome Shell?05:20
duckchatowh: sorry, just joined the test channel05:21
duckchatanyone here have any experience with dual monitors?? radeon05:21
meccoollduckchat, yes but not a good one05:22
duckchatI have two identical cards. HD 5450 running ubuntu 14.04.  monitors are picked up ok. resolution good. but...05:23
allstarsnorks2Hi guys. I'm installing Ubuntu Mini now. Apparently, all the archives that are stated in the installation are bad archives. How do I solve it?05:24
duckchatlatency when using chat program on second monitor and mouse flickers and disappears all the time...05:24
Iamalinuxnoobahh ok owh05:25
allstarsnorks2anyone knows what's wrong?05:25
owhallstarsnorks2: How old is that installer?05:25
meccoollduckchat, glxinfo | grep render05:25
Beldarallstarsnorks2, what release?05:25
casaAre you like to ubuntu?05:25
duckchatubuntu 14.0405:26
* owh isn't aware of a current "mini" install05:26
somsip!minimal | owh05:26
ubottuowh: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:26
somsip!md5 | allstarsnorks205:27
ubottuallstarsnorks2: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:27
somsipallstarsnorks2: that would be the first step I think05:27
duckchatso, i pulled one of the cards and used a DVI adapter.  the problems I was having seemed to go away, however, now I cannot get a resolution higher than 1024x768 on one of the monitors...05:27
allstarsnorksThe installer I'm using is 12.04 and 14.04 both gave me a bad archive message05:27
owhsomsip: Something new every day ;-) I thought it was depreciated. Thanks.05:27
meccoollduckchat, glxinfo | grep render05:27
somsipallstarsnorks2: you mean the place you try to download from, and not the archives already present on the iso?05:27
owhallstarsnorks: Does your internet connection work when the installer is running?05:28
allstarsnorksYeah, apparently05:28
somsipallstarsnorks2: which archive? Try accessing it manually. Maybe it is just down05:28
* owh had issues yesterday with Australia's largest/fastest mirror. Sometimes stuff just breaks.05:29
allstarsnorksSingapore, Malaysia, Australia, US, Romania and Belarus archives05:29
duckchatxrandr --addmode VGA-0 1680x1050 will give me the resolution i need.  how to make it permanent for reboots, etc.?05:29
owhallstarsnorks: How do you know the Internet connection is working?05:29
somsipallstarsnorks2: are you behind a proxy?05:29
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allstarsnorksNo proxies05:30
allstarsnorksMy internet connection is working. I'm using the same WiFi network for the chat and install.05:30
somsipallstarsnorks: and is the installer finding and settng up the wifi card ok?05:30
owhallstarsnorks: I understand, but are you running the minimal cd to talk to us, or something else?05:30
allstarsnorksYeah. Should be. I'm actually using VirtualBox to install Ubuntu Mini.05:31
ElPastorOmarUbuntu Studio05:31
nf7I've got a headless install of Ubuntu 14.04 in VirtualBox (OSX as host). Is there a way to change the resolution to something larger?05:31
somsipallstarsnorks: so you're bridging to a host? Is it set to bridged or somethig else?05:31
owhallstarsnorks: To make sure. You're running an OS. You're using it to chat with us. Inside that OS, you're launching VirtualBox and want to install Ubuntu using the mini cd?05:31
duckchatnf7: yes, there is a way.  i have to look it up...05:32
owhnf7: How does resolution matter if it's headless?05:33
allstarsnorksYep. I'm running Vbox to install the OS while on my Windows Phone device to talk to you guys.05:33
nf7owh: It's running in a virtual machine, I could SSH into it with an OSX terminal but I don't want to05:33
owhnf7: That's the definition of headless.05:33
owhallstarsnorks: Can you please explain your environment. I do not understand what you're describing. Before we start troubleshooting, it helps to know what we're actually attempting to fix.05:34
owhnf7: What do you actually want to do?05:34
nf7owh: I want to make the virtual box console larger05:35
duckchatnf7: if you want higher resolutions on virutalbox, then, you need to install guest utilities, extension, etc.05:35
owhnf7: Headless means that it doesn't have a screen. If you want to see more, use a bigger ssh window.05:35
cfhowlettnf7 this ^^^05:35
owhcfhowlett: I suspect you don't mean my comment right?05:36
duckchatnf7: sorry, it is guest additions...05:36
cfhowlettowh lol.  right.  lag ...05:36
* owh understands that there are now two meanings for headless, one with a monitor, and one without.05:37
stemidhey I used avconv to concat two mp3 files but there's a sound skip between them that isn't heard when they're played in my phone.05:37
cfhowlettstemid see the avconv man - doubt you'll get a lot of help here as avconv is NOT an ubuntu product, it's an included app05:38
owhstemid: mp3 files can technically not be concatenated. Some tools try to do this and sometimes it works. An mp3 file generally has meta data at the very end. You're better off opening them each in Audacity and glueing them together.05:38
stemidyes but ubuntu specifically recommends avconv over ffmpeg so I was hopeful05:38
cfhowlettstemid as owh suggested - audacity05:39
* owh has been playing with mp3 files for many years.05:39
cfhowlettowh  I didn't appreciate that mp3 could NOT be concatenated - food for thought.05:39
qinnf7: or, in unlikely case you may want to look into console-setup if you want to change font size and type05:40
qintoo late...05:40
owhcfhowlett: Some people even use cat to do it, but often it ends in tears.05:40
cfhowlettowh I used ffmpeg a bit for video conversions  ... not so much audio.  fun science projects05:41
owhcfhowlett: Symptoms include incorrect playback speed, incorrect lengths, artefacts and player crashes.05:41
cfhowlettowh ... sounds like so many of the complaints we see here!05:41
owhcfhowlett: Well, if you transcode with something like ffmpgeg, that is, load the file(s), concatenate the streams and then encode them again, you'll be achieving a similar thing to using audacity, but just a back to back glue of the file is not cool.05:42
cfhowlettowh I think it's time for you to hold an avconv AMA on reddit - or an ubuntu class ...05:43
owhcfhowlett: pass05:44
stemidyeah I guess audacity would be easier05:44
cfhowlettowh :)  ok then05:44
someHumanHow do I make Google Drive as my backup location?05:45
someHumanIs is in either FTP or SSH?05:45
owhsomeHuman: Neither.05:45
owhsomeHuman: If I recall correctly, there is a fuse module05:45
someHumanowh: fuse?05:46
owhsomeHuman: It's a mechanism to support weird systems and make them look like a mounted drive. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/mount.fuse.8.html05:46
Macerhaving an issue with bind9 in ubuntu spitting out "working directory is not writeable" anbyody know where the dir is exactly or where it is set in the conf?05:48
owhsomeHuman: https://github.com/jcline/fuse-google-drive05:49
owhMacer: Have a hunt through /etc/default/05:49
Maceri did already05:50
Macer/etc/default just has the flags.. and -u is the flag05:50
Maceri'm not chrooting since i'm running it within a container05:50
Macerso is /etc/bind the "working directory" ?05:50
owhMacer: Just having a look at the ServerHowTo. The configuration files themselves seem to live in /etc/bind/ are there any paths inside any of those files?05:51
Macerah ok05:51
Maceri think i just set the directory flag wrong05:51
Macerok that wasn't it05:53
Macerthere are but not anything that would scream "working directory"05:54
Maceri'd expect a var somewhere in there heh... no idea where it is setting the working directory05:54
owhMacer: Is there anything in /var/log/query.log, or are any messages being inserted into syslog?05:55
owhMacer: I'm reading this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto05:55
Maceronlythe part where it says workign directory is not writeable.. i'll check again05:56
Macerah ok. seems that my old config just doesn't jive05:58
Macerok that did it heh... i guess the rest of the files other than the .conf stuff should be in /var/cache/bind05:59
Maceri'll figure out hte exact structure soon but thanks :)05:59
MacerMay 23 00:43:40 ns named[2461]: the working directory is not writable06:00
MacerMay 23 00:43:40 ns named[2461]: the working directory is not writable06:00
Maceroops. sorry about that06:00
owhMacer: Cool, good luck.06:01
digi0psWhats the default root password for su?06:03
owhdigi0ps: Use sudo -s.06:03
digi0psHmm thanks.06:04
digi0psBut su is not accepting the same password as my user account. whats the password for that?06:04
=== corey_ is now known as Guest26264
owhdigi0ps: What user are you trying to become?06:05
digi0psusing su06:06
owh!root | digi0ps06:06
ubottudigi0ps: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:06
Guest26264i need help aircrack06:06
qindigi0ps: sudo -i; and good luck.06:06
owhqin -i?06:07
qinGuest26264: sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng06:07
=== Guest26264 is now known as ^^-|-VaMpiro-|-^
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo06:08
digi0psubottu: Oh. Sorry. I am new to Linux. So sudo is the command which grants the root previleges.  But  which password will su accept?06:09
ubottudigi0ps: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:09
qinowh: somehere near the bottom of that help page is evn's comparision, apparently -i is bit "better"06:10
trap_exitdoes ubuntu have a headless live cd?06:10
owhdigi0ps: The su command accepts the password for the user you are trying to become. If you are trying to become root that will fail, because you cannot type that password. Use sudo.06:10
trap_exiti.e. something where it boots up, opens up ethernet ,then opens up a ssh server?06:10
digi0psubottu: Okay.06:11
qintrap_exit: you could install server on usb, and set it to your liking06:11
digi0psowh: Why cant we do that with su?06:11
trap_exitgin: hmmmm; interesting06:11
owhdigi0ps: Because the root account has purposefully been disabled.06:11
digi0psowh: Only on ubuntu or in all other linux distributions?06:12
qindigi0ps: coz su wants root password and unfortunately root do not have password in Ubuntu06:12
owhdigi0ps: On Ubuntu and IIRC on Debian.06:12
digi0psqin: Oh. But in Backtrack I was able to become the root user through the su command!06:13
qindigi0ps: you funny.06:13
digi0psowh: So the only way to become the root user in ubuntu is to use the sudo command?06:14
owhdigi0ps: Yes.06:14
digi0psqin: Sorry. But I am new to Linux and Ubuntu.06:14
owhdigi0ps: Read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:14
digi0psowh: Okay06:14
trap_exitdamn it, is the replacemnet lamp on http://www.amazon.com/ViewSonic-PJD5533W-WXGA-Portable-Projector/dp/B00511ITEM/ as expensive as the projector itself?06:15
qindigi0ps: Maybe reading help page would be benefitial, it shows many aspects of sudo and root.06:15
dhavalI want to create a user in ubuntu 12 with root previledges which can create directories in other users's home folders.06:15
dhavalPlease help me06:16
qindhaval: add user to sudo group06:16
trap_exithi! I have osx computer. On osx computer, I have virtual box, which has ubuntu installed. Using this virtual-boxed ubuntu, I want to create a usb-ubuntu-live-cd ... where the usb-ubunbu boots up, connects to network, and opens up a ssh server.06:16
dhavalI've added it using sudo adduser username sudo06:16
trap_exitHow cna I do this? Please point me at docs.06:16
dhavalBut still it's not able to create directory in other users's home folders.06:16
qindhaval: use sudo comamnd to achive it06:17
qindhaval: sudo mkdir ....06:17
bazhangtrap_exit, try #vbox06:17
trap_exitbazhang: the question is how to make a ubuntu live usb06:18
trap_exitwhat does it ahve to do with virtual box?06:18
trap_exitdo you english?06:18
bazhangtrap_exit, lose the attitude06:18
dhavalqin: in the shell script I am using they are using su username -C command.06:18
* Kartagis didn't know english was a verb06:18
qintrap_exit: "do you english?" looks wired.06:18
trap_exitqin: it was meant to be humor06:18
trap_exitgiven that the naswer had nothing to do with the question06:19
trap_exitthe questino is not how to use virtual box06:19
trap_exitbut how to create a live-usb in a ubuntu inside of a virtual box06:19
trap_exitit might as well as have been insdie parallels or inside vmware06:19
owhtrap_exit: http://askubuntu.com/questions/172570/how-can-i-create-a-livecd-livedvd-liveusb06:19
bazhang!usb > trap_exit06:20
ubottutrap_exit, please see my private message06:20
trap_exitowh: so basically, I want to use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ ?06:20
digi0psowh and qin thanks for you help! :)06:20
trap_exitbazhang: this looks useful, thanks!06:20
qindhaval: where script takes password from?06:21
dhavalIt does not take any password.06:21
qindhaval: su needs password, me thinks06:22
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
dhavalOk. I am executing the script from a user using sudo ./install.sh user itself. Now that script has something like su username -C "command". And that command is basically trying to create directory in the current user.06:23
Yelutrap_exit, inside a Ununtu Desktop vm is the regular "Startup Disk Creator" available. - You only need an usb stick and the iso accessible inside your vm to create it.06:24
qindhaval: instad of su, you can chown06:25
dhavaltrap_exit: did you try Netbootin?06:25
dhavalqin: Hmm. I don't want to modify the script. I think I've to create that directory manually.06:25
digi0pshow to take a screenshot in ubuntu?06:28
bodhi32whats up guys06:28
Yelutrap_exit, forget it. - Didn't read the auto-ssh requirement :(06:28
trap_exitYelu: noted06:28
trap_exityeah, I think usb creator is the way to go06:28
qindhaval: It is strange to change to user from superuser to make directory, since you already run script with sudo (or root shell) you can use simple tool to control script flow, lifelong hints: *babysteps* and /j #bash06:28
bazhangdigi0ps, the printscreen button06:28
bodhi32new to linux, just installed bodhi linux06:28
trap_exithow else am I supposed to get my public key into authorized_keys06:29
bodhi32but ever since i installed my dvd rom keeps opening and closing06:29
qinbodhi32: Pitty that you not running Ubuntu...06:29
bodhi32had to disconnect power06:29
bodhi32i wish my dvd player would work06:29
bodhi32so i can re install ubuntu06:29
bodhi32i enjoyed it more than bodhi06:30
owhbodhi32: Do you have any data on the machine you care about?06:30
dhavalqin: Thanks man. Since I am just using it for testing. I can live with this. However I wanted to see if there is any proper solution or not. But it seems the flow of the script requires to be changed.06:30
owhbodhi32: Shut down the machine, insert a Ubuntu CD, boot from the CD, done.06:30
bodhi32ya have to buy some blank cds.. my copy of ubuntu is on blank dvd currently06:31
bodhi32but that would be easiest fix06:31
owhbodhi32: Or install it on a USB thumbdrive.06:31
qindhaval: yes, it is: mkdir /home/$SomeUser/$SomeDir; chown $SomeUser:$SomeUser $SomeDir; more-less06:32
dhavalqin; Yes, Got it.06:32
bodhi32ya i thought of that but when i put it on usb drive, this 15 year old dell im trying linux on doesnt allow me to boot from usb i believe06:32
bodhi32i dont think it is an option in the bios06:33
owhbodhi32: How is the data stored on the DVD?06:33
bodhi32an iso i burned on my mac06:34
owhbodhi32: So, is it bootable?06:34
owhbodhi32: Boot from it and install Ubuntu.06:34
bodhi32but dvd stop working since i put bodhi.. it keeps opening and closing.. never seen something like this before.. but i will put it on cd later tonight after i buy blank cds because cd rom is still working06:35
afrokarlssonok give me some chat channel06:35
owhbodhi32: Turn the machine off, insert the DVD, turn it back on, boot from the DVD.06:35
afrokarlssoni need sex06:36
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!06:36
bodhi32owh.. just curios, what flavor of ubuntu to you use.. regular ubuntu? excuse my terminology06:37
owhbodhi32: Yup, plain vanilla.06:37
elkyafrokarlsson: this is not a channel help service.06:37
Takanenbodhi32: Vanilla & installed gnome06:37
afrokarlssonare you all blonds width big boobs, and 2 tail?06:38
trijntjeHi all, what determines wether a device gets sda,sdb etc? I only have one harddisk in my pc, but my external disk is sdf, not sdb06:40
Beldartrijntje, have you had it plugged in and used flash usbs or any other usb devices?06:42
trijntjeBeldar: no, this is straight after booting06:43
Beldartrijntje, not sure06:44
owhtrijntje: I have seen cases where the usb stick itself had multiple volumes which caused all manner of weirdness. What does dmesg say?06:44
* owh wonders if there might be a UUID mapping in ftab06:45
trijntjeBeldar: thats weird, it says "[    3.130543] sd 6:0:0:1: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk"06:45
owhtrijntje: You haven't got any firewire devices or in-built card readers?06:47
trijntjeowh: I do have a build in card reader, not sure if its attached06:47
owhtrijntje: Likely it's a device on the USB hub with several "drives" to handle different formats.06:48
Beldartrijntje, What does sudo fdisk -l show, give us a pastebin.06:49
owhBeldar: If it's a card reader, that is likely to fail.06:49
trijntjeowh: cool, that explains it. Now that you mention it windows also shows several drives06:49
owhtrijntje: Geen probleem ;-)06:50
Beldartrijntje, windows would not pre dispose your linux sdb naming06:50
* owh accuses trijntje of at least being associated with something Dutch, with a combination of "ij" in the name ;-)06:51
trijntjecorrect ;)06:51
owhBeldar: No, but a built-in device would boot before an external one.06:51
owhtrijntje: owh == onno was here06:51
Beldarowh, Only if first bin the bios06:52
owhBeldar: I'm not aware of any BIOS settings that set the order of USB hubs.06:52
Beldarowh, I did not see your answers, so I did not see a usb hub mentioned.06:53
owhBeldar: Most of these card readers are simple USB things that connect via the internal USB hub. I might be wrong, but that's pretty common.06:53
Beldarsomething is up yeah. ;)06:54
=== dante is now known as dantesun
owhhookEcho: Welcome to the Ubuntu IRC live helpdesk - now with real humans, how may I direct your query?06:55
=== Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur
majodcan i somehow make hdd turn off when idle for 20 minutes?06:58
SwedeMikemajod: yes.06:59
jackbrowndoes it worth to install Linux in UEFI mode on my laptop instead of legacy ?06:59
vltmajod: There’s "hdparm". (But your system hdd most certainly hardy ever idles.)07:00
owh!uefi | jackbrown07:00
ubottujackbrown: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:00
owhjackbrown: That's a whole lot of information about UEFI.07:00
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
majodvlt: yeah, i need it for secondary hdd...07:00
jackbrownowh: thanks I just was asking if it worth or I'll not notice any changes07:01
SwedeMikemajod: http://info4admins.com/tips-to-spindown-your-hard-disk-in-debian-or-ubuntu/ the hdparm.conf part.07:01
owhjackbrown: The last time I read that URL, there was lots of detail about the how and why either way.07:01
majodSwedeMike: thanks!07:02
=== dante is now known as list
outerkomanyone know anything about Asterisk?07:03
owhouterkom: It comes when you hit shift-8, also, it's a PABX ;-)07:04
owhouterkom: Also, he's got a friend, Obelix.07:04
owhouterkom: Ask your question.07:05
mahesh_j/ beagle07:05
outerkomI'm getting Got SIP response 480 "No Routes Found" when putting  outbound calls onto a trunk07:05
outerkomwhat's going on??!?!07:05
owhouterkom: Internet connectivity working properly?07:06
owhouterkom: You've read this I presume: http://community.acmepacket.com/t5/Operations-and-Management/SIP-Response-codes-and-their-meaning/td-p/16107:07
outerkomowh, yip07:07
arebenti_buntu_bonjour :)07:08
=== list is now known as dantesun
owhouterkom: Digging into the dregs of my memory, the last time I played with Asterisk was a decade ago, turn up the logging level, look at the log. IIRC it will tell you exactly what it was trying to do and failed to achieve.07:08
outerkomthat is from the logs07:09
owhouterkom: Increase the logleve.07:09
owhouterkom: Basic logging will just give you the error. You should be able to get increased detail.07:09
abdelhello, all please am getting pissed with 14.04 ubuntu07:10
owhabdel: Well, that's a shame.07:10
Beldarabdel, minus the emotional state tell us the issue.07:10
abdeli use transcoder to convert my media file but now i can't use it anymore, i keep getting The requested plugins are:07:10
abdelGStreamer element ffdeinterlace07:10
outerkomowh, set verbose 99999907:10
bazhang!details | abdel07:10
ubottuabdel: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:10
abdelhow do i install GSTreamer element ffdeinterlace07:11
abdelwhen I go to software center, it recognises GSTreamer but i can't install it07:11
owhouterkom: http://www.asteriskdocs.org/en/3rd_Edition/asterisk-book-html-chunk/Monitoring_id264504.html - the big yellow box07:11
Beldarabdel, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/arista/+bug/1306592  this may seem familiar07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1275556 in gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1306592 [MASTER] Apps using gstreamer0.10 do not support all available formats because gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg was removed" [Medium,Triaged]07:12
owhouterkom: Basically the error you're showing is "I tried to do something and it failed." you need to get more detail to debug the problem.07:13
abdeli get its not available in my current software resources07:13
=== Beldar is now known as wilee-nilee
owhwilee-nilee: Should that not be wille-coyotee?07:13
wilee-nileecould be, it's a joke on the way I roll07:14
phyzlocNow it's one week I've been strugeling with to get the right nvidia drivers for Ubuntu 14.04. It's just not working right07:14
wilee-nileeowh, I like my facts empirical generally and detailed.07:15
owhwilee-nilee: You mean, made up?07:15
abdelthis what i get: Package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:16
abdelThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:16
abdelis only available from another source07:16
abdelE: Package 'gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg' has no installation candidate07:16
wilee-nileeowh, never, just the facts if possible here, in research empirical.07:16
Ben64abdel: use a pastebin if you want to show us anything that spans over 2 or more lines07:17
owhabdel, the bug that Beldar showed you indicates that gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is obsolete.07:17
owhabdel: That bug also shows one user with a work-around that works for them. YMMV07:19
=== Guest38584 is now known as bitnumus
owhatma_: Welcome to the Ubuntu IRC live helpdesk - now with real humans, how may I direct your query?07:22
* owh needs a !welcome tag ;-)07:23
wilee-nilee!cookie | owh hows about this07:23
ubottuowh hows about this: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:23
owhwilee-nilee: Yeah, but that doesn't work for people who come into the room saying "hi".07:24
phyzlocowh: Don't like Hi's? :-)07:25
owhphyzloc: Sure, most who do that are new around here, so I like to welcome them in with open arms ;-)07:25
owhphyzloc: That's why you didn't get one - you've been here for a week ;-)07:25
phyzlocI like Hi's.. it reminds me that there are people behind all these texts :-)07:26
owhphyzloc: Some of them are also human ;-)07:26
=== Senix is now known as watson
=== watson is now known as Senix
ofaswhat could be a problem, the system clock is getting slower and slower, now it's 20min behind the actual time07:31
=== Senix is now known as watson
owhofas: Virtual machine?07:31
=== watson is now known as Senix
owhofas: Virtual Time != Real Time. You need to sync the guest.07:32
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
owhofas: Either using ntp, or virtual guest tools.07:32
owhI'm currently running Ubuntu 10.04.4 as my desktop inside a VMware Fusion 4.x machine on an OS X 10.6.8 Macbook with 4 external monitors. This works great. I've been unable to make any later version of Ubuntu work. Best case it's slow. Worst case, it crashes VMware. Any ideas on how to figure out what's happening?07:33
Yeluofas, open port 123/udp (for ntp time sync), in case your firewall is blocking outgoing traffic07:33
owhYelu: While that may be correct, opening a port as a start to troubleshooting would not be my first suggestion, not even my tenth.07:34
fa7adowh, is 10.04 still supported?07:35
=== silas is now known as Guest69259
owhfa7ad: Technically, no.07:35
Yeluowh, right, but you wanted to let him use ntp, I added just a hint for a possible issue ...07:35
owhYelu: What triggered my concern was that there was an instruction to open the port, rather than: "ntp may need to have the port opened".07:37
Yeluowh, peace on earth07:37
owhYelu: You becha!07:37
Yeluowh: guests 0 : ubuntu support 107:38
owhfa7ad: Actually, it is still supported according to the wiki.07:38
owhfa7ad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS07:38
Ben64owh: not for desktops07:38
owhBen64: Heh. (I'm running a server, really ;-)07:39
owhBTW, I'm not really running a server. I want to get off this unsupported desktop ;-)07:39
owhBen64: My purple on purple detector is clearly on the blink.07:40
Ben64then do so, but the problem likely lies with vmware or osx07:40
owhBen64: It appears to be a video issue, rather than a VMware issue. I can make xubuntu, kubuntu and gnobuntu work fine.07:40
owhBen64: None of those use Unity ;-)07:41
owhCan I change the window manager beneath Unity?07:41
Ben64i don't use unity, not sure07:42
owhBen64: What are you using?07:42
wilee-nileeowh, unity is a plugin in compiz07:42
owhwilee-nilee: And compiz doesn't work under VMware. That, or I'm not smart enough to make it work.07:43
owhBen64: Does gnome-fallback use compiz or metacity?07:43
* owh fires up the installer in another window.07:43
owhBen64: This is under 14.04?07:44
wilee-nileeowh, Hmm, works in virtualbox, I have never used vmware is all. fallback has use of either07:44
Ben64owh: i'm on 12.04 still07:44
=== sillywilly4__ is now known as sillywilly4
Ben64theres a similar thing on 14.0407:45
* owh is installing now.07:47
ofasYelu, how could i check if the port is open for ntp to get the right time07:54
superjoe_hi guys07:59
AndChat219225hello world08:00
* superjoe_ slaps AndChat219225 around a bit with a large trout08:00
afrokarlssoncan you tell me some chat channel08:03
=== max__ is now known as Guest67855
jmhodgeshey, i changed my system's hostname and when i ssh into, my home directory is not auto-mounted. any ideas of how to fix that?08:04
jmhodgeswell, and rebooted08:04
afrokarlssonjou must take two blowjobes in one times, and that fixes your brain08:05
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!08:05
owhThat's the second time today.08:06
superjoe_what just happened here?08:06
owhsuperjoe_: Someone was asked to leave, forcefully.08:06
k1lowh: i am having a look at. but you can always report that in #ubuntu-ops if no op gets that attention08:07
jmhodgessorry, my ecryptfs encrypted home directory is not mounted08:07
superjoe_ah nice08:07
owhk1l: No, it was sorted the first time that I saw it. Just thought you might want to know.08:07
digi0psbazhang: Thanks :)08:08
=== Guest6152 is now known as xBytez
musshanhello people :) ubuntu rookie here ;)08:12
superjoe_hi musshan!08:12
musshancan anyone help me with sharing files with other users on same computer?08:13
musshansuperjoe: hi :)08:13
musshansuperjoe: can you help me with my query?08:13
superjoe_sorry, i cannot, i'm drunk08:14
superjoe_as a matter of principle, i don't do linux drunk08:14
musshansuperjoe: enjoy mate08:14
musshancan anyone else help me with sharing files with other users on same computer?08:15
Ben64musshan: whats the problem? put the files anywhere where everyone has permissions08:16
MasterOf1isastersuperjoe_: drunk ircing might be detrimental too, not just drunk linuxing :-P08:17
musshanBen64: i have installed lubuntu 14.04 and have 2 users on the computer. I want both of them to access and modify each others entire home directories and their contents08:17
=== MasterOf1isaster is now known as MasterOfDisaster
Ben64thats not a good idea, home directories should be for each individual user08:18
Yeluofas, run something like "sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org" (takes a little time, returns 0 as exit code, if time sync has been successful), maybe you want read "man ntpdate", i "sudo ufw status" gives "inactive" => ok08:18
musshanBen64: okay i want to them to access each others videos, music, downloads folder08:18
musshanBen64: is that possible?08:19
Ben64possible, yes. not a great idea08:19
jmhodgesah, ah, it was actually just my ssh key login being set up, not the hostname change08:19
superjoe_MasterOfDisaster; oh drunk ircing is the best!08:20
* superjoe_ becomes supertroll08:20
icest0rmhi all08:20
Ben64superjoe_: please don't08:20
bazhangsuperjoe_, wrong place for that08:20
icest0rmis there someone that can assist me on problems with nvidia-x setup?08:21
* superjoe_ is just joking08:21
musshanBen64: why is that? i just want to copy the movie from the other user where i downloaded the movie.08:21
MasterOfDisastericest0rm: just ask your question.08:21
icest0rmi'm using a laptop08:22
Ben64musshan: then use "sudo cp" or a communal download location08:22
icest0rmwith nvidia+intel integrated cards08:22
bazhangsuperjoe_, please take *all* chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic08:22
icest0rmubuntu 14.0408:22
icest0rmdriver nvidia-33108:22
icest0rmall was working correctly till last days08:22
icest0rmit is always on docking station08:22
* superjoe_ slaps icest0rm around a bit with a large trout08:22
icest0rmand i could drive my 34 external monitors08:23
DJonessuperjoe_: Please stop that08:23
icest0rmlast day08:23
MasterOfDisastermusshan: Ben64 is talking about a real multi-user system - with actual people logging in as said users.08:23
icest0rmi removed it from docking station08:23
icest0rmand config screwed up08:23
musshanBen64: i am a rookie with terminal can you give me an example of how to use sudo cp?08:23
icest0rmand now i cannot setup back as it was08:23
icest0rmso i mean08:23
icest0rmone central monitor with unity dock08:23
icest0rmand one monitor left and one right08:23
icest0rmwhere to place windows08:23
icest0rmactually central monitor seems to have panning enabled always08:24
musshanMasterofDisaster: but here i am the actual owner of both the accounts.08:24
Ben64icest0rm: try fitting more words into one line. its very hard to follow what you're saying when you have a few words every other second08:24
icest0rmeven if i try to disable it with randr08:24
Ben64musshan: "sudo cp /path/to/source /path/to/destination" will copy a file08:25
hydeHi, can anyone suggest alternative small GUI programming text editors, other than gedit or kate (I'll not get into why I don't want those), with nearly-zero learning curve (which rules out vim/emacs)? basic syntax highlighting is needed, as well as decent autoindent handling. Purpose is to edit C and Makefiles, mostly.08:25
icest0rmanyway...it seems i cannot set back the config as it was before last day that i removed it from docking and placed then again in it....i mean i want one central monitor with unity dock and two lateral monitors (one on the left and one on the right) where to place windows08:25
musshanBen64: and to move? is there a place where i can study these commads?08:25
hyde... and "GUI" basically means, opens in it's own window and supports mouse selection08:26
icest0rmactually the central monitor seems to have panning enabled because if i go to the right with the cursor, image shift08:26
MasterOfDisasterBen64: won't using sudo here reset ownership of the new file to root:root?08:26
icest0rmand i can't disable it...i've tried using randr, nvidia-settings, xorg.conf...nothing works...08:26
Ben64MasterOfDisaster: yep, which is why i suggested a communal download location08:26
Ben64!terminal | musshan08:26
ubottumusshan: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:26
hyde...and available with apt-get install in 14.04, of course (I wouldn't be asking in this channel otherwise)08:26
musshanBen64: also let me know how to create a common directory and set permission for it to be shared08:27
musshanubottu: thanks mate :)08:27
ubottumusshan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:27
wilee-nileehyde, leafpad?08:27
icest0rmno ideas?08:28
icest0rmis there a dedicated chan for x-config/graphic card problems?08:28
hydewilee-nilee: misses syntax highlighting08:29
musshanBen64: can you pls let me know how to create a common directory and set permission for it to be shared08:30
musshanMasterofDisaster: can you pls let me know how to create a common directory and set permission for it to be shared08:30
hydeI suppose I could go into why I don't want gedit or kate: gedit sometimes seems to enter some kind of buggy mode where it misses every 8th keystroke or so. could be gtk or virtual machine issue too. and installing kate would bring in 100 megs of dependencies, including stuff like gstreamer, which I don't want into this VM image...08:31
Ben64musshan: make a new group, add your two users to that group, make a directory, make the directory owned by that group, chmod g+s the folder, and done08:31
Ben64musshan: oh, and you might need to chmod g+w the folder too08:32
musshanBen64: thanks i will try it and get back if unable to work it out.08:33
musshanThanks you all :) have a great day08:33
vashidudo you want to build a snowman08:33
Yelumusshan, other solution, only as an alternative, don't do this one AND Ben64's, okay? 1. open a terminal with [ Ctrl ] + [ Alt ] + [ T ], 2. "sudo adduser <user1> <user2>", 3. "sudo adduser <user2> <user1>" (<= this is only a quick solution and not properly insight to security)08:34
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hyde...well, I guess I'll use Qt Creator also as simple text editor, even if it is a bit lacking in some more esoteric text editing features.08:35
musshanYelu: okay thanks. but what does this command do?08:35
vashiduYelu: couldnt you just make a folder in like /usr/share/groupname and then create the group and then usermod -a -G group user108:35
vashiduand repet for each user08:35
agent_whitehyde: Check out gvim :)08:35
hydeagent_white: I'm not totally helpless with vim, but yesterday I managed to type something funny and destroy some tedious changes I hadn't saved, so I'm giving vim a timeout at the moment ;)08:36
vashiduoh youd have to chown root:groupname to the folder too08:36
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Yelumusshan, this will add <user1> to the group of <user2> and vice versa, this way the both users have access to the files in both home directories08:37
Ben64he's gone08:37
agent_whitehyde: Ah! Well that's why I recommended gvim!  No need to use any keybindings at all!  Though if you are interested in learning them, I would recommend vim-adventures.com. I used vim for a year without utilizing the bindings until I played that game for ~1hr.08:37
hydeagent_white: I'll have to check that out, thanks!08:38
vashiduyelu the way i posted could work riiight?08:38
agent_whiteNow I'm addicted to anything and everything vim-bindings... they feel very natural. Literally, only after playing that game. NOt to mention it's quite fun :)08:38
ofasYelu, really stupid question, how can I know if a program returns exit status 008:38
Yelumusshan, read about "/etc/group" and "man useradd" or "man adduser"08:38
ofaswithout some if statements in shell programming08:38
agent_whitehyde: Cheers! :)08:39
hpxecho $?08:39
hydeagent_white: I've had learning vim properly on my todo-list for a while, but I guess I've never quite managed to cross the line where I'd prefer it over "normal" editors...08:39
hydemaybe that game link you gave will help me do that08:40
vashiduhyde: once you get into using vim bindings in your browser08:40
vashiduit all makes sense08:40
Yeluofas, right, friend. - This is only the exit code, that you can check if you use the command in a script. - But you use the comand in the command line, you'll see some output (statistical values), if it succeeded, okay?08:40
agent_whiteAh I see! And it will most definitely!!! I cannot thank it enough for helping me out, and I was a vim user before hand... only really knowing ":w, :q" to get me around :P08:40
Yeluofas, ... But ^if you ...08:41
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agent_whitevashidu: Indeed! Vim bindings are addictive... I use vimium in chrome, and bound all my keys to vim-bindings in i3.08:42
hydemy main motivation is, Qt Creator has (supposedly pretty good) fake vim mode, and sometimes it'd just be good to have the power (or the subset allowed by that mode, at least)08:42
agent_whitehyde: How about Sublime text?08:42
agent_whiteIt would be my personal runner-up to vim if I didn't have the option of a console editor.08:42
somsipvashidu: frivolous off topic joke: http://is.gd/UrMXoX08:43
hydeagent_white: I'm addicted to to a parsing C++ autocompletion. I doubt sublime text has that. Also, it's not free.08:43
agent_whiteNot sure if Qt Creator is an IDE or text-editor... but Sublime is a text editor as well.08:43
agent_whitehyde: Fair enough!08:43
vashidusomsip: thats funny08:43
vashidupost that in /g/'s irc08:43
vashiduyoull get some laughs08:44
agent_whitehyde: Maybe say screw it to switching editors. Sounds like Qt Creator works for you well enough!08:44
somsipvashidu: very naughty of me to do it here so I'll leave it at that08:44
hydeagent_white: it's IDE. Great for C++, almost as good for C (has trouble with some C99/C11 features) and Javascript, decent for Python.08:44
vashidui hate whenever i get on a new os and all they have is vi08:44
vashiduits like death08:44
vashiduit doesnt recognize my keybindings08:44
Yeluvashidu, yes, this is one proper way to do it.08:44
vashidui like being proper08:45
Yeluvashidu, :)08:45
vashiduyelu post your desktop08:45
vashidulets see it08:45
Ben64take all this to #ubuntu-offtopic08:45
agent_whitevi always feels like vim on crack. I type something and it assumes the next step... like hitting a key in regular mode acts like replace.08:45
agent_whiteToo intense.08:46
agent_whiteBen64: Roger that!08:46
SeveasBen64: discussions about vim could by considers ubuntu psychological support :-)08:47
vashidutheres a offtopic channel? whats this? the support channel Ben64 ?08:48
Seveasvashidu: correct08:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:48
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:49
Yeluvashidu, not possible, sorry, friend (too much "unproper" stuff on it ;) )08:49
vashiduim not even using ubuntu08:49
* agent_white agrees with Seveas08:49
Seveasvashidu: you should be ashamed :)08:49
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vashidui use ubuntu at work on servers08:49
vashiduim very versed in it08:49
vashiduagent_white: i know what your talking about by that, typed in :wq and then hit escape, was like thanks for the help vi08:52
YeluBen64, => Ben64> he's gone => thank you, they are just too fast for me08:53
agent_whitevashidu: Exactly! It runs faster than you can type!08:53
Ben64Yelu: that was 16 mins ago08:53
vashiduYelu: i sent you a pm08:55
vashiduBen64: this channel is so lively o.O i thought id poke some fun, but so straight to bidness08:57
ice9I'm using headphones with laptop with single audio output, can I use the buitin speakers and headphones at the same time?08:58
k1lvashidu: this is a 1700 user technical support channel. please stick to support in here. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for the chitchat to keep this channel focused on support. thanks08:59
Seveasice9: that depends on the laptop. Most laptops don't allow you to do that.09:00
vashiduice9: the only way im aware of doing it is using pulseaudio to take care of it, i know in alsa you have options to do such, but not split up what goes where, you would need to take charge of an audio server to do that.09:01
ice9vashidu: when I connect the headphones, "speakers" is showed as unavailable in pactl list  so may be it's controlled in the hardware?09:01
k1lice9: often that is controled from the bios/hardwarewise09:02
vashiduice9: mightbe, also might depend on the kernel/modules as that interacts with the hardware, i might have to spin up ubuntu on a spare disk09:02
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ElectricPrismCan someone recommend their favorite GIT GUI Tool for noobs?09:07
MasterOfDisasterElectricPrism: eclipse + git plugin :-)09:08
agent_whiteElectricPrism: You know git comes with gitk built-in?09:08
ElectricPrismagent_white: no I didn't know that, thanks09:08
ElectricPrismim new @ git09:08
SeveasElectricPrism: gitg09:08
agent_whiteElectricPrism: Also, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1516720/git-gui-client-for-linux has TONS of comments.09:08
ElectricPrismMasterOfDisaster: great, thanks09:08
agent_whiteElectricPrism: It's very handy to see nice flowcharts of what is going on in your project.09:09
SeveasI also like gource :)09:09
ElectricPrismSeveas: thanks, I'll give it a look :)09:09
agent_whiteThough, don't rely on a git gui... use it as a tool, but know how to do everything in git if need be. Not to mention, eventually you may find yourself preferring the terminal :)09:09
agent_whiteElectricPrism: ALSO!! `gitk` is different from `git gui`... check both out :)09:11
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ElectricPrismagent_white: noted, the thing is I have like 6 tools installed so I'll be glad to narrow it down09:11
agent_whiteElectricPrism: Good deal :) Try out both the ones I mentioned above, they are extremely handy!09:12
agent_whiteAnd built-in, which is a +++09:12
cristian_cI'd like to delete all the content on my mp3 player to replace it with my backup folder content09:14
cristian_cHow can I do it?09:15
cristian_cAny ideas?09:15
vashiducristian_c: what kind of mp3 player is it?09:16
cristian_cvashidu, gogear raga09:17
vashidudoes it pop up when you plug it in to mount it?09:17
cristian_cvashidu, yes09:18
vashiducristian_c: theres a post about it on the forums09:22
prabhuHi, I need help in setting up ssh tunnel09:22
cristian_cvashidu, my problem is different09:27
dp_wizprabhu: what kind of tunnel? have you tried gSTM?09:29
prabhuits a simple tunnel I have 3 servers that is "test-deploy03.pool.sv2.247-inc.net","nexus-repo01.pool.pub.sv2.247-inc.net","shell01.cell.sv2.tellme.com", I want to establist the communication between nexus-repo to test-deploy via shell0109:32
airtonixoh yeah .... witcher 2 sort of "native" on linux09:32
dp_wizprabhu: if you want a persistent duplex connection for multiple ports you should consider openvpn instead. otherwise, for unidirectional single-port connections you can use ssh -L or -R (depends on the direction) to forward a port.09:37
nevynprabhu: that's not a simple tunnel.09:44
morph-could anyone here help me with my ubuntu server? i ended up somehow installing a bunch of kernel images and headers and now i'm stuck booting into this one particular kernel. I just want to revert back to my old one but its a remote server so I can't actuallly see grub when it comes up09:44
nevynwell maybe09:44
prabhu@nevyn I'm not shure with that09:45
Aroffor ubuntu have kloxo ?09:46
Arofweb kontrol?09:46
Arofor i can install kloxo?09:46
Aroffor ubuntu have kloxo ?09:47
YeluArof, as far as I know, kloxo is not supported in Ubuntu (CentOS, Red Hat bound).09:48
Arofi find alternatif09:49
Sohronmorph-: try editing the grub configuration09:49
Arofyelo i want alternative09:49
YeluArof, try Zentyal.09:49
morph-yea i edited /etc/default/grub09:49
morph-changed it to GRUB_DEFAULT=saved09:50
Sohronmorph-: then what's the problem?09:50
morph-then cahnged grub-reboot to 3 for example09:50
morph-but it still continues to boot into this kernel09:50
Arofthanks yelu09:50
Arofbut what is system requirements  ?09:50
YeluArof, you're welcome ;09:50
Aroffor zentyal?09:50
Sohronjust set the default kernel there morph-, reckon it's possible09:50
Arofi use vps09:50
Arof512mb ram have me09:51
YeluArof, http://www.zentyal.com/09:51
morph-Sohron http://pastebin.com/LEr1Rs5P09:51
Sohronmorph-: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/43471/how-to-configure-the-linux-grub2-boot-menu-the-easy-way/09:54
morph-no GUI Sohron09:54
morph-just command line09:54
Sohronoh yeah :D09:54
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Sohronwell, i'm sure you can change the default kernel for grub, google it, i'm not in the mood :D09:55
Sohronmorph-: ^09:55
Sohrondoes that help?09:58
vatsalhaving dual graphics. amd+intel with amd drivers installed. switched to intel graphics for battery saving and less overheating.. still having fan spinning crazy. anyone having idea?10:00
morph-not sure10:00
morph-let me try10:00
vatsaloutput of fglrxinfo vatsal@royal:~$ fglrxinfo10:00
vatsallibGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/fglrx/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/fglrx/dri/i965_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)10:00
vatsaldisplay: :0  screen: 010:00
vatsalOpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center10:00
vatsalOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile10:00
vatsalOpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 10.1.010:00
unopastevatsal you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:00
vatsalno one? :/10:04
greg5hi, i have just install ubuntu 14.04, ubuntu see only my gpu radeon 7650, but intell 4000 doesn't. I have install drivers intel 1.0.5 for linux, but nothing happend. Can anybody help me?10:05
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Sohronmorph-: great :)10:19
morph-never woulda guessed 2>110:19
morph-i did like10:19
morph-did 2>1 then used apt-get remove to get em all gone10:19
morph-thanks Sohron10:21
morph-a ton10:21
morph-i was too tired to think critically10:21
Sohronno problemo morph- :)10:21
morph-3.8.0-41-generic #60~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 16 00:18:00 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:22
morph-very nice to see that10:22
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wooosh_soundsHi! I'd like to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 now. Sadly that fails! --> sudo do-release-upgrade  … Checking for a new Ubuntu release … No new release found10:31
wooosh_soundsso: where is trusty thar?10:31
TakanenHi, I am trying to boot linuxmint via PXE but kernel goes to panic after the following line: Mounting root file system.. /init: line 250: divide by zero. Any ideas how to fix it?10:31
p5yxMy connection died yesterday, so i have to ask again: I'm using Ubuntu Server which seems to have module signing enabled. if i load a self written module i get the message: "module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel". I didn't even know, Linux now supports signed modules. How can i get rid of error without recompiling the kernel?10:32
TakanenI have checked that paths on the server are right10:32
dbuggerHey guys. runinng 14.04. Wasnt ImageMagick in the repositories of Ubuntu? I cant seem to find it...10:32
TJ-!mint | Takanen10:32
ubottuTakanen: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:32
TakanenSure thing. Thanks :)10:33
ice9how to use ALSA directly without pulseaudio?10:33
TJ-p5yx: It's a warning not an error; your module will work but the 'taint' tells kernel dev's receiving bug reports there's some unverified code in the kernel, so they'll likely ignore the bug report10:33
wooosh_soundsDoes anyone have an idea what's wrong with do-release-upgrade?10:36
Yeluwooosh_sounds, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade10:36
p5yxTJ-: Ok, thx for the info. Anyways, is there a way to get rid of the warning...10:36
ki7mtWaiting on the point release I think.10:36
jribwooosh_sounds: nothing?10:38
jribwooosh_sounds: check your upgrade settings to make sure you have it checking for upgrades10:38
wooosh_soundswell i use 13.10 - but i get " No new releases found"10:38
jribwooosh_sounds: pastebin /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades10:39
wooosh_soundsthanks - will do that, jrib10:39
wooosh_soundsjrib: there is only one option not commented: Prompt=lts10:41
wooosh_soundseverything else is commented10:41
justme123Guys, I have narrowed down my Ubuntu server 14.04 installation problem a little more.10:41
jribwooosh_sounds: change it to "normal" if you want10:41
wooosh_soundsjrib: thanks10:41
ice9how to disable pulseaudio?10:41
justme123I replaced monitors and on the new monitor I get a better description of the probem.10:41
wooosh_soundsthis will be it hopefully :)10:41
jribwooosh_sounds: yes, I think there is also a gui way to change this by the way10:41
justme123The message I get is that the input timing is not supported on my monitor and that I must change the input timing10:42
justme123I use a modern Dell monitor and have tried different monitors all with the same error message10:42
justme123All I want to do is to install a command line version of Ubuntu server 14.04 on my server without any graphics displayed anywhere.10:43
wooosh_soundsYay, it starts! :)10:43
wooosh_soundsthanks for help! :D10:43
justme123Is there a place in the the install setup where I can tell the installer to install Ubuntu without any funny modes and just give me a root command line?10:43
ThatGuyanypne here know anything about netcat?10:45
justme123When I boot to Ubuntu after install completed, everything gets stuck becuase the timing from my video card is not compatible with the monitor. The strange thing is that I can install Windows 7 without any problems.10:45
jribjustme123: define "funny modes"?10:45
jribjustme123: if you're installing ubuntu server then you won't get X (I haven't installed 14.04 but I doubt that has changed)10:46
SohronThatGuy: what about netcat?10:46
ThatGuySohron, Do you know how to keep my laptop to keep trying to connect to my desktop even though my desktop not listening. So when i listen the connection starts?10:47
justme123jrib, X is not installed by default. But for some reason a standard install of Ubuntu server installs it in such a way that the timing of my video card is not compatible with my monitor (any monitor I tried)10:47
jrib!nomodeset | justme12310:48
ubottujustme123: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:48
jribjustme123: try that10:48
ki7mtIf ya want a slim install, boot up server image, hit F4, select minimal install.10:48
justme123I need to somehow specify to the installed to install it with a basic display that will work on my montor. I tried the nomodeset option, but will look at the link again that you mentioned.10:48
jribjustme123: what are you seeing when you boot?10:49
SohronThatGuy: i guess that's not about netcat, you have to do some kind of "x=true; while($x); do { if (nc host); then { x=false } else { continue} fi } done10:50
justme123On the one monitor "Cannot Display This Video Mode" and on another "The input timing is not compatible with this monitor. Please change the input timing to a compatible number"10:50
TJ-p5yx: See https://lwn.net/Articles/588799/10:51
jribjustme123: does it still continue to boot and show you a login later?10:52
ThatGuySohron, yeah i was thinking that but how to create the script :S10:52
SohronThatGuy: with a text editor?10:53
greybrdhi guys.. restarting networking service in ubuntu messed up my gtk windows and panel. is that a bug?10:53
ThatGuySohron, I think i know how :D10:54
SohronThatGuy: what were you asking then?10:54
Sohron13:52 < ThatGuy> Sohron, yeah i was thinking that but how to create the script :S10:54
xflameHi Guys, wanted to know if there is a way to set dns for PPP clients like gnome-ppp ?10:55
justme123jrib, no it is stuck at that error message. Once out of frustration I slammed several keys on teh keyboard and suddenly the boot continued to the command line. I have since tried to replicate the "slam" that I did but I could not get the combination of keys right again for it to contiunue. It is just something that makes it stuck there. I am busy reading through the link pasted above.10:56
Vladislavwhat is appendonly?10:56
jribjustme123: have you tried just hitting enter?10:56
ThatGuySohron, yeah created he script now thanks for you help :). works well :D10:56
TJ-ThatGuy: "man nc" ... "-w timeout ..."10:56
jribjustme123: reading through some threads, it seems like some people have luck with just changing grub display settings10:57
justme123If I press F6 and select nomodeset, do I then just press enter and it will apply the nomodeset for the install?10:57
Vladislavimmutable means you cannot delete or change file but what is appendonly?10:57
SohronThatGuy: np, and yeah, man nc is a good start as TJ- suggested10:57
justme123I cannot get to grub10:57
nonubyodd issue, whenever i start parcellite either via startup items or even alt+f2 (if not running) it opens with the context menu show on the desktop?10:57
jribjustme123: the thought is that grub is there but you don't see it10:57
jribjustme123: haven't you installed already?10:57
justme123If only there was a way to edit grub settings without getting to the command prompt I think I will be able to change the grub settings10:57
jribjustme123: you could ssh if enter doesn't get you past it10:58
jribjustme123: or boot a live cd10:58
justme123enter does not work10:58
jribjustme123: ok10:58
justme123Ist there a live CD for Ubuntu server 14.04?10:58
justme123I used the ISO that I burned to DVD.10:58
jribjustme123: you don't need a live server cd, you just need any live cd10:58
justme123O ok. I will try that as well.10:59
VladislavWhen it comes filesystem security, what does AppendOnly mean?10:59
TJ-justme123: The 'slam' probably caused the pause at "Waiting for mount ... press M for manual, S to skip, or C to continue" message (which you couldn't see) to continue10:59
justme123jrib, thanks for your advice. I will try these options and see if I come right.10:59
jribVladislav: i would guess that one could only write to a file by writing to the end of it11:00
justme123mmm, m then s and then c? I will try that combination as well.11:00
Vladislavjrib: like in the text file?11:00
jribVladislav: any file?11:00
Vladislavjrib: thanks man=)11:00
justme123thanks again.11:01
TJ-justme123: Any one of them, usually11:01
jribjustme123: good luck11:01
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alcidesguys, I have a computer with Ubuntu and I have a router with a cron command to wake it up in the middle of the night using wake-on-lan... it is working pretty fine, but after shutdown it at morning it wakes up again... seems that somehow the magic packet for the wake up still alive in the network, how to fix that?11:08
CatKilleralcides: packets don't "stay alive on the network" like HPVA in your spine11:10
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CatKilleralcides: Somebody sent another packet maybe11:10
alcidesCatKiller after I have the computer off?11:10
CatKillerOr the machine woke up for an entirely different reason11:10
CatKillerI would log all wake on LAN packets at your switch level (if it can do that)11:11
CatKilleror use a hub (if you have one) and put the machine that monitors the network *before* the machine that needs to be woken up11:11
alcidesHow can I monitore the magic packets in my network?11:11
CatKillerIt's not simple11:11
CatKillerBut you could use Wireshark11:11
CatKillerSounds like overkill though, maybe see if you can log wake on lan11:12
alcidesCatKiller I see... since it is going by broadcast11:12
CatKillersee if you can see whether it was really a wake on lan packet, and who it did originate from11:12
CatKillerI don't think it broadcasts actually11:12
alcidesmy cron: 0 0 * * * root /usr/sbin/wol -i -p 7 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX11:12
CatKillerSorry I stand correct it is a broadcast packet11:12
alcidesyes, it is11:13
TJ-alcides: I'd be checking that the BIOS/Firmware Wake-up settings don't include, alongside WoL, some other wake-up such as based on RTC, Alarm, or a USB device11:13
CatKillerMonitor for the packet using Wireshark then, see who is sending it and when11:13
CatKillerand what TJ- has been suggesting too11:13
Sohrontcpdump can do traffic analysis also and is a little more lightweight that wireshark11:14
Sohroni think it comes with ubuntu base11:14
TJ-alcides: Does the PC always wake up at the same time in the mornings?11:14
Sohronwell, not traffic analysis, but network traffic dumping to terminal11:14
alcidesTJ- it has an asus motherboard, it only says something like "alow pcie wake"11:14
alcidesTJ- I also have an app in my mobile... when I use it to wake up and shut it down after a time it also turns on again11:15
TJ-alcides: How long after the system does shutdown, does it wake up again?11:16
alcidesTJ- no... it turns on after shutdowns (when it was turned on by WOL)11:16
alcidestj- few seconds11:16
alcideslet me get the log11:16
TJ-alcides: I think you're got a failed to suspend to RAM issue, then11:16
TJ-alcides: Check "/var/log/kern.log"11:16
Sohronalcides: what is the shutdown command and it's parameters?11:16
Sohronhope it's not reboot :p11:17
alcidesSohron shutdown -h now11:17
alcidesno its not11:17
Sohronalcides: that is correct :D11:17
alcides5   6   * * *   root    shutdown -h now11:17
alcideshere is it11:17
alcidesin my cron Sohron11:18
linuxthefishhi, there is big bug in ubuntu key server...11:18
linuxthefishsome security issue11:18
TJ-alcides: Use "shutdown -P" ... "-h" leaves the choice of halt or power-off to the system11:18
TJ-linuxthefish: what is it?11:19
Sohronyeh indeed, -h can make it even reboot after halt11:19
YamakasYhow can I make my mirror smaller ? it's 200GB!11:19
Sohronpress any button to reboot11:19
alcidesMay 23 00:00:32 MediaBox kernel: [   16.448339] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.1111:19
alcidesMay 23 04:20:32 MediaBox kernel: [15616.200770] perf samples too long (2525 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 5000011:19
alcidesMay 23 06:05:38 MediaBox kernel: [    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset11:19
alcidesfrom today11:19
TJ-alcides: Sohron: Indeed, I've seen many systems reboot from "shutdown -h", especially if the firmware ACPI implementation is buggy11:20
alcidesafter few seconds of the shutdown it started again11:20
alcidesTJ- wow11:20
alcidesI have a problem in acpi11:20
alcidesI have logs of it11:20
TJ-alcides: As I said above... Use "shutdown -P" ... "-h" leaves the choice of halt or power-off to the system11:20
OS-elementoanybody to help on playonlinux and wine?11:21
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SohronOS-elemento: go to a wine support channel if one exists11:25
mosheBom dia, pessoal sou novato no ubuntu e tenho um problema11:28
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.11:28
geirhaOS-elemento: If it's about getting a certain windows program/game to run with wine, then #winehq will likely be a better place to ask11:30
landauhello i can't write on a disk partition...how to correctly set the right permissions?11:32
ice9how not to mute speakers when plugging headphones?11:32
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Aucdroneanybody know anything about overlayfs? it fills up when i add stuff to it, but doesnt empty when i delete stuff (according to df Use% column)11:39
Aucdrone80% used, +140mb file = 85%, delete 140mb file, still 85%11:40
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TJ-Aucdrone: How do you create the FS? How are you adding/deleting the data?11:42
AucdroneTJ-, it's persistent storage on a liveusb, just download a file then delete from file manager and its not in trash either11:43
duckprohow do I start a service I defined in systemd on Ubuntu 14.04?11:43
TJ-Aucdrone: It sounds like the file is moved not deleted... I'd recommend testing the same operation from a terminal.11:45
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AucdroneTJ-: wow i've been trying to figure it out for a while, thats exactly right, it deletes fine if i just rm from terminal11:49
Aucdronenow to find where all the stuff that didnt get deleted went :p11:50
TJ-Aucdrone: haha... I get very annoyed by that kind of obfuscation. best best is to do "du -h /path/to/upper_dir" and see where that 140MB lives11:51
jackbrownis there anybody that can help me to enable HDMI sound output on last UBUNTU 14 ?11:54
nevynjackbrown: go to sound settings select hdmi audio output?11:56
jackbrownthere's not hdmi audio autpu11:56
nevynis there a hdmi device connected?11:56
nevynis there a hdmi output in /proc/asound/cards ?11:57
jackbrownnot now but when it used to be connected I didn't find any HDMI output option into audoo setting11:57
nevynok is there a hdmi device in /proc/asound/cards?11:57
jackbrownnevyn: how can I check ?11:57
nevyncat /proc/asound/cards11:57
jackbrownnevyn:  0 [PCH            ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH11:58
jackbrown                      HDA Intel PCH at 0xf7a10000 irq 4511:58
nevynwhat's your videocard?11:58
jackbrownnevyn: I have 2 video card on this system but just once HDA-INTEL is displayed here11:59
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jackbrownit's a laptop with optimus ASUS N56VZ with Nvidia GT650M and Intel HD400011:59
nevynso it's pretty common for the hdmi port to be wired to the nvidia rather than the intel12:00
jackbrownnevyn: ok so what should I do to enable it ?12:00
nevynso did you display something on it?12:01
simpleuserHi. Is there a program to highlight logs (like apache2 logs) or at least make them more readable?12:02
jackbrownnevyn: what?12:02
MACscrhow do i find out what app on my ubuntu system is listening on port 53? I need to install pdns-recursor, but i dont know what app is already instead to handle that stuff12:03
nevynso did the hdmi display have something display on it?12:03
SeveasMACscr: sudo netstat -plun12:03
nevynMACscr: netstat -npl as root ?12:03
MACscrthanks Seveas!12:05
geirhasimpleuser: Have you tried (GNOME) System Log Viewer?12:06
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simpleusergeirha: I’m using LXDE (Lubuntu).12:08
mansorquestion :) .... cam a wireless or bluetooth pci device be fused from the other side of motherboard (backside)   and run the device in background not showing in front ??????????????12:08
mansorad deamon12:08
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mansorquestion :) .... cam a wireless or bluetooth pci device be fused from the other side of motherboard (backside)   and run the device in background not showing in front ??????????????12:10
mansorquestion :) .... can a wireless or bluetooth pci device be fused from the other side of motherboard (backside)   and run the device in background not showing in front ??????????????12:10
abhinavmehtaHow to overcome this access error: https://dpaste.de/n2Yw ?12:10
abhinavmehtasimple git clone issue12:10
nevynmansor: huh?12:11
mansoryeah = i was like huh but i think you can do it some how12:11
amigamagichi, someone knows why I cannot found anymore my samba shares in ".gvfs" folder? With nautilus I can see them, when I explore the network, but in the ".gvfs" folder in my home dir I cannot access them anymore.12:12
abhinavmehtaanyoe on git clone error?12:12
nevynare you talking about doing malicious hardware modification.12:12
Seveasabhinavmehta: don't be impatient12:12
Seveasabhinavmehta: you're cloning as www-data but are trying to read /home/deploy -- set $HOME correctly.12:13
rmd_1      yeahgrrr12:14
mansori need to locate a device on a dell 745 .. its aether under mother board or somewhere in fan12:14
nevynmansor: sure. I could attach a usb bluetooth dongle under a motherboard without it being visible on top12:14
mansorok good what about sending data - it would show some where in sys12:15
rmd_1use binoculars12:15
nevynwell it'd still show in lsusb and stuff12:15
mansorits not showing  sockets or with lshw or lsusb12:16
fxguy1337420hello, can you recommend a good RSS reader with bubble notification that compatible with 14.04?12:17
nevynmansor: the chances of someone perpetrating this kind of attack are pretty unlikely12:17
nevyndo you mean physically locate?12:18
rmd_1lsusb is retarded12:18
Seveasfxguy1337420: I like liferea12:18
fxguy1337420Seveas: does it support "bubble notifications"?12:20
Seveasif you mean the popups in the top right corner, then yes12:20
nevynrmd_1: this is true.12:20
k1l!guidelines | rmd_1 please be helpful in here12:20
ubotturmd_1 please be helpful in here: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:20
fxguy1337420Seveas: thanks, thats what i am looking for12:20
asdofindiasalut samir_12:26
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p5yxhow can i recompile my kernel without having module signing enabled?12:33
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rp2hello word ... I'm looking for a supported way to permanently re-enable apache in Ubuntu 12.0412:50
rp2I'd use chkconfig, but it is not installed - is it deprecated?12:51
lestradaset nick LnrdStrd12:58
Aussie_mattHi all: Im having mdadm trouble. As far as I can tell the arrays are assembled and active, but I cannot mount them or access them. Can anyone help?13:00
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morpheus7hi - i've disabled ldap client from a ubuntu install, by editing /etc/nsswitch.conf. however i still see this for sudo fails [sudo: pam_ldap: ldap_simple_bind Can't contact LDAP server]. where can i stop sudo from trying to talk to ldap?13:03
napcoderp2: something like "sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 enable" should do the trick13:04
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hyperrealDoes anybody know if the rumor is true that Ubuntu will switch to systemd eventually?13:06
napcodehyperreal: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/131613:07
hyperrealnapcode:  Thanks.13:07
WerkenaHow do I make sure that when a service e.g. apache stops to restart whenever it stops13:11
striggahowdy. I am trying to launch a Java Programme and it throws the error message "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"". That module is installed. Any idea where to look at?13:12
striggaU 14.04 LTS13:12
diamondsI just put 14 on my box13:14
diamondsit was 1213:14
daftykinsdiamonds: please type on one line13:14
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diamondsI have an SSD which I put 12g into swap & the rest as EXT4 primary partition (left default) installed 14 via unetbootin.  I also have an HDD with Windows on it, Grub was managing this.  Now I boot to the main disk & nothing.13:15
WerkenaHi, How do I make sure whenever a service/daemon stops by some reason to get restarted13:15
diamondsis it because the first partition I made was swap? maybe that's it13:15
daviswhich file contains the list of runlevels?13:16
gestahltI have a rather generic question13:17
gestahltI like to set up a mail server (POP, IMAP, SMTP)13:17
gestahltNow i like to have proper tls support for SMTP13:18
gestahltWhat is the correct way to issue certificates and sign them?13:18
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striggahowdy. I am trying to launch a Java Programme and it throws the error message "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"". That module is installed. Any idea where to look at? (14.04LTS)13:20
davistelinit 1 results in this ubuntu box showing the ubuntu x window progress screen, but never switches to just single user mode13:23
robcsihi. has anyone succeeded in installing Artha on Ubuntu 14.04? I get an error like this "Unable to correct missing packages. E: Failed to fetch http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wordnet/wordnet-base_3.0-32_all.deb  Hash Sum mismatch"13:24
darin_1Got an issue driving me nuts. 2 machines ( formerly Barracuda 310's). Installed Zenryal on one. runs fine. Installed Ubuntu 14 on other. When it gets to log on screen or just after opening desktop, system freezes with screen full of diagonal dashed lines. Have to kill power to recover. Has anyone dealt with that before?13:25
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abhinavmehtaSeveas: thank you mate13:27
abhinavmehtaSeveas: for user like www-data or nobody, who has no $HOME, where should I point to?13:27
leexhi my do-release-upgrade fails with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7505633/ trying to upgrade 13.04 to 13.1013:31
leexdoes anyone have an idea?13:31
Beldardarin_1, This occur first thing on reboot after install, or is the a cause and effect you know of?13:33
KGM70 G'Day13:34
desimalCould some one already have good config for cs1.6 on steam ( Linux Mint)13:35
darin_1Happened since both initial installs. First time tried Ubuntu Gnome desktop. Thought maybe that was issue. Tried the other Ubuntu desktop. Same thing. Did notice that if I can get to TTY2 before it freezes I can work from shell but then desktop is not there afterwards13:35
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:35
Beldarleex, Do you have any PPA's? If you tweak ubuntu enough this can happen.13:35
leexBeldar: I guess, let me check13:35
diamondsI think my issue was making swap the 1st partition13:36
diamondscaused it to not want to boot13:37
KGM70diamonds, it makes no difference where you place the swap file13:37
leexBeldar: only google music manager13:38
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KGM70err partition13:38
diamondsKGM70, well whatever happened, I went back with unetbootin & did the same install process, flipping the partition order....13:38
diamondsmaybe I marked the swap a `primary`? I forget exactly13:38
Beldar!bootinfo | diamonds13:38
ubottudiamonds: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).13:38
diamondsbut it would *not* even laod grub before13:38
diamondsthanks Beldar !13:38
KGM70unetbootin can be unreliable diamonds, I know from personal experience13:39
Beldardiamonds, THat is not a fix, just a script to run to generate a script for diagnosing, copy and paste all of it to a pastebin.13:39
Beldarleex, Ah, any other 3rd party installs of the web?13:40
desimalThank you )13:41
leexBeldar: nope13:42
leexBeldar: I hand an .un~ file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ deleted it and now it works :)13:44
leexBeldar: thanks :)13:44
Beldarleex, Cool, you the hero here, I just pointed, look it's elvis!!!13:45
WerkenaHi, How do I make sure whenever a service e.g. apache stops to make sure it be restarted again.....apart from using cron to check on a timely basis.13:46
esdeWerkena, have you checked google?13:48
BeldarWerkena, THere is a #ubuntu-server channel as well, just info. ;)13:49
Werkenaesde: yes, but still not successful.13:49
Werkenabeldar: Thanks I have added it now.13:50
Krishnamurtihow to use the newsgroup?13:51
WntWerkena: usually it's not a good idea to autorestart services: http://serverfault.com/a/50621113:51
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esdeWerkena: http://bit.ly/1me0Eoj13:52
WntWerkena: but I think one could use puppet to make sure a service such as apache is always running13:53
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WerkenaWnt: I know that but there are also instances where the sysadmin wants to ....e.g. just unpluging a wifi usb AP and replugging it would make hostapd to freez/stop....so I have to restart it ....or if some how the usb wifi is pluged after the hospad already started, it wouldn't restart itself.....so I wanted it in such like scenario....13:54
WntWerkena: I think I read somewhere that puppet can also manage service dependencies in that kind of scenarios13:55
harrymy system speaks whatever i do13:55
WerkenaWnt: can you detail me when you say "using puppet..."13:56
WntWerkena: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppet_%28software%2913:56
harrywhenever i change directory or so anything ubuntu speaks that, can anybody help me to stop that13:56
WntWerkena: there are also other tools similar to puppet, but I think it's the most popular choise13:57
digi0psEverytime  I boot into Ubuntu it directly takes me into my account without my password! I want to disable this and make it ask the password everytime.13:59
digi0psAnyone help please!13:59
Seveasdigi0ps: in the system settings, edit your user account and switch off automatic login14:00
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BeldarHi harry can you restate that a little more clearly?14:09
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harryBeldars: ystem speaks whaterer i do  ex.when i increase the volume it speaks volume 90%14:12
harryBeldar: ystem speaks whaterer i do  ex.when i increase the volume it speaks volume 90%14:13
churchillHi. Anyone using vsftpd?14:13
WerkenaWnt: I think I have to use "respawn" in the upstart (init.d) of the scritp (hostapd) https://forums.plex.tv/index.php/topic/109449-respawn-on-crash/14:13
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KvaksWhat's the right ubuntuforums subforum to post about RAID and filesystems?14:14
ddssssuddenly html5 audio on youtube in firefox and chrome play 2x as fast. why?14:15
ddsss^ I don't have flash plugin installed.14:15
harryhello, my ubuntu is giving(speaking) commentary of whatever i do, like when i open terminal it says terminal window opened14:17
harrycan anybody help me14:17
compdocharry, heh. Never knew it could do that14:18
Beldarharry, Is english your first language?14:18
bcveryharry, sounds like your 'Screen Reader' is on, you can turn this off under settings Universal Access, Seeing14:18
heropon_55harry: Your computer has become sentient. I suggest making friends14:19
harrylet me check14:19
compdocpull the plug - its Skynet!!14:19
Beldar!ot | compdoc14:20
ubottucompdoc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:20
compdoc<Beldar> lol  <- uh huh14:21
asdofindiaof course, skynet is not ubuntu-related.14:21
Chofmanhello, I have a problem with DNS servers on Ubuntu Server.14:21
digi0psOkay. I got it working.14:22
asdofindiaHello Chofman, what is your problem with DNS servers?14:22
ChofmanWhile "nslookup ubuntu.com" works, "ping ubuntu.com" doesn't. Contents of /etc/resolv.conf are "nameserver" and nothing else.14:22
asdofindiaCongrats digi0ps!!14:22
ChofmanI am confused of where else can Ubuntu take dns address from, or if maybe nslookup uses TCP / the other UDP. It can be the case with this, since firewalls are quite restrictive here.14:24
ikoniaChofman: nslookup = name server looking, ping = libresolve14:25
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ikonialibresolve is normally the name servers too, but can be other things14:25
ikonialibresolv (not sure from memory if it's libresolve or libresolv)14:25
Chofmanikonia: so where should I put my dns address so libresolve can find it?14:26
Chofmanor how can I debug this libresolve more closely?14:26
ikoniaChofman: what are you actually trying to resolve ?14:27
Beldarhj, Hi, do you have a clear issue we can help with?14:27
ubottuluigi888: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:28
dw1luigi888: http://www.ubuntu.com/download14:29
Chofmanikonia: I want to be able to ping any domain that I am able to find on my DNS server (which I established I have connection to and is working with nslookup)14:29
ikoniaChofman: what is your dns server14:29
Chofmanikonia: I used ubuntu.com as an example.14:29
Chofmanikonia: it's in my company's intranet, is also placeholder.14:30
ikoniaChofman: ok, so what is in /etc/swwitch.conf14:30
TJ-Chofman: what does "grep  '^hosts' /etc/nsswitch.conf" report?14:30
TJ-Chofman: firstly, how does 'ping' fail? Unable to resolve hostname? Connection times out?14:31
Chofmanthese are contents of /etc/nsswitch.conf14:31
ikoniayeah the ping error message would be useful14:32
TJ-Chofman: You have no dns on there, the hosts line that used it has been commented out, and there is a comment about it being removed14:32
ikoniawhich is why nslookup works, but ping doesn't14:33
TJ-Chofman: Instead there is only "hosts: files" - End result means entry in "/etc/hosts" or failure14:33
ChofmanTJ-: thanks, I noticed, unfortunately MJ is no longer working here - but dead DNS lookups shouldn't be an issue anymore14:33
Chofmanping shows14:33
Chofmanunkown host14:33
TJ-Chofman: I'd suggest simple reverting that change14:33
scottyk scotty^14:37
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anlI have a really big tar file on my ubuntu box. Can I extract it so that its destination is a different directory?14:41
Coreyanl: Yes you can. man tar explains how.14:41
harryi have downloaded java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh from oracle site, when i install it it gice error that "no suitable jar found"14:43
harrywhats the solutions14:43
Beldar!java | harry14:44
ubottuharry: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:44
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BrandanoGood afternoon. I am trying to install Ubuntu (server, 14.04) on a machine, but the installer seems to have placed the /boot partition on the usb stick I used for the install, even though the system is properly installed in /dev/sda. Is there a way I can move the boot partition and still have a working system or should I just bite the butllet and let the installer re-partition sda?14:46
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BrandanoApparently reusing partitions does not quite work as intended, at least as far as detecting /boot14:47
compdocBrandano, thats an odd thing14:48
Brandanoyep. maybe my image isn't properly set on the USB drive. But rebooting with the liveusb does not prompt me for the live options and gives me a login screen14:49
Brandanowhere the user and password set during install are recognized. Booting from sda gives me a file read error14:49
BeldarBrandano, Boot to the cli using the usb and we can load grub from there.14:50
BrandanoBeldar: right now the machine is booted and I have it in ssh in another terminal14:50
Beldarotherwise it is a chroot14:50
BeldarBrandano, The HD sda?14:51
Brandanoit's a server distro, so there's only the CLI14:51
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BrandanoBeldar: yep. that's the odd thing14:51
darin_1Brando, rerun the installer and before you finish go back into the grub part and tell it no and specify /dev/sdb    just had that same issue14:51
BeldarBrandano, sudo grub-install /dev/sda ; sudo up-fate-grub   no sudo if you are in root.14:51
Beldarsudo update-grub  doh14:52
BrandanoBeldar: thanks. I am glancing at fstab to see what actually is meant to be mounted as /boot14:53
BrandanoSince I do have an entry for it, which seems a tad odd14:53
BrandanoThinking about commenting it out14:53
ChofmanTJ-: ikonia: a weird thing happened. I have two ubuntu servers which were in this situation and made these changes to. One started working after changing hosts: line to files dns, the second still doesn't work.14:55
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j2daoshwhat is the term for timezones in the format America/New York?14:56
j2daoshwhen i search for timezones, it just gives me the codes and offsets, not the region definition information14:56
Chofmannslookup works on both, resolv.conf is identical on both, changes to /etc/nsswitch.conf helped one of them, the other is still the same.14:56
Beldarj2daosh, what are you trying to change the time with?14:57
j2daoshdate time14:57
Picij2daosh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones14:57
j2daoshmarvelous. that was exactly what i was looking for. Thank you very much for that info pici14:58
ChofmanI know that at this time it looks like I made a typo on one of the machines, but checking all the time I don't see a difference.14:58
speaker1234I'm looking for a way to create accounts on multiple machines. I'm looking for a distributed/non-centralized way of doing something like the old NIS service.14:59
Chofmanis there maybe a way to check logs for DNS lookups made? Are there some kind of error messages somewhere, e.g. syslog?15:00
sysop3hi how can I tell which process is sending out emails?15:00
speaker1234The back story is I have a network of about 30 or 40 machines. About 10 of them are stable the rest are test boxes are currently being destroyed and reconfigured. I would like to get away from running add user all of them and still be able to keep the user ID group ID pairing the same on all machines15:01
bahzhi ... do anybody know if there are a channel on IRC abot IRC ?  I have some problem register a nic15:01
speaker1234Chofman: It depends on what DNS server you're using15:01
speaker1234susundberg: The simplest ways with  netstat -natp15:02
speaker1234 15:02
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Guest40989Can someone help me with generating an SSL certificate? I am presenting an error. // Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS15:03
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Guest40989139784729020064:error:04075070:rsa routines:RSA_sign:digest too big for rsa key:rsa_sign.c:127:15:04
Guest40989139784729020064:error:04075070:rsa routines:RSA_sign:digest too big for rsa key:rsa_si15:04
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JHOSMAN_Can someone help me with generating an SSL certificate? I am presenting an error.15:08
JHOSMAN_~$ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr15:09
JHOSMAN_139784729020064:error:04075070:rsa routines:RSA_sign:digest too big for rsa key:rsa_sign.c:127:15:09
PiciJHOSMAN_: don't use 512-bit RSA key.15:09
juanjoalguien quye hables español???15:10
Pici!es | juanjo15:10
ubottujuanjo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:10
JHOSMAN_juanjo: que necesitas?15:10
juanjobajar un programa, se que ya biene instalado un programa como el torrent para bajar cosas de int pero no lo encuentro15:11
JHOSMAN_Pici: i use 256 bits15:11
PiciJHOSMAN_: thats way too little. You need at least 1024 or more.15:11
KGM70!es | juanjo15:11
ubottujuanjo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:11
JHOSMAN_ Pici  156  openssl  genrsa -out server.key 25615:12
JHOSMAN_Pici: ok a moment please :)15:13
harry$ sudo sh java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh  Extracting the installer archive... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 214: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer runtime... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 242: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer resources... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 244: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin15:15
harrygetting this error while installing oracle jdk JavaEE15:15
harry$ sudo sh java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh  Extracting the installer archive... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 214: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer runtime... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 242: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer resources... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 244: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin15:16
JHOSMAN_juanjo: ?15:16
Beldarharry, Dis you look at the bot's java link?15:16
harrybut it was for .tar15:16
Beldarharry, It gives you an install.15:16
harrytried that15:17
JHOSMAN_Pici: Thanks!15:17
harryBeldar: no luck :(15:17
Beldarharry, what happened when you tried, the tar is failing as well.15:17
harryactually i am installing JavaEE jdk and on oracle  site there is onlly .sh file for that not tar15:18
jhutchinsharry: The problem is that sudo only works for the initial command.  Commands launched by the script do not have root permission.15:19
Beldarharry, Could have sworn it was sdk before.15:19
jhutchinsharry: You need to open a shell as root to run the script.  There are several ways to do so.15:19
harryso how can i login as root, i am new to linux15:20
Rory!sudo | harry15:20
ubottuharry: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:20
jhutchinsharry: Other people may object, but I just do sudo bash.15:21
Beldarharry, sudo -i for a root terminal.15:22
Beldarharry, "Root Login" is a trigger here we don't do that unless that is the only option, just a syntax error.15:23
Beldarlanguage syntax that is15:24
harrysame error even wint root15:25
harrysh java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh Extracting the installer archive... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 214: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer runtime... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 242: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer resources... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 244: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Pe15:25
juanjonecesito bajar un programa "vivard" se que hay un programa que ya trae instalado linux torrent, como hago para bajarlo de hay??15:25
cfhowlettharry sudo sh java...yada yada yada15:25
ubottujuanjo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:25
Beldarharry, Pastebin thew whole terminal info.15:25
harry sh java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh Extracting the installer archive... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 214: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer runtime... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 242: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: Permission denied Extracting the installer resources... java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: 244: java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh: /usr/bin/jar: P15:26
sysop3how can I tell which script is sending out emails?15:26
Beldarsysop3, Context?15:26
harryBeldar: did u see it15:27
speaker1234sysop3: netstat -natp15:27
sysop3beldar ok I have some acienct automated process that is sending emails every few minutes.15:27
speaker1234look for the program that is connected to :2515:27
sysop3ok speaker will try that.15:27
Beldarharry, I meaqn when you run the commands you are and get info in the terminal copy and paste all of it to a pastebin.15:27
Beldar!pastebin | harry15:28
ubottuharry: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:28
harryubotta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7506023/15:29
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Beldarharry, Just a guess but no cd?15:30
harrydid no get it15:31
Beldarharry, Anyway, that might be more helpful to the others looking.15:31
BrandanoThanks Beldar, reinstalling and re-configuring grub seems to have worked just fine without me messing about with fstab15:31
analoganyone use -DOSREL=blah in their automount configuration on ubuntu?15:31
analogmine seems to be ignoring the -D options complely15:32
BeldarBrandano, Cool, yeah that fstab info was a bit confusing as is without knowing the partition setup, at least for me.15:32
* Brandano had to recover broken grub installs ages ago with the chroot "trick"15:32
harrybeldar: what next?15:32
analogalthough it does see it: /usr/sbin/automount -DOSREL=2.615:32
BrandanoBeldar: well, I had /boot mapped to an ext2 partition identified by UUID, but it did match sda15:32
Beldarharry, Not an area I can give you an exacting answer, the other two helpers know this better, point that url at them, ubottu is a bot, it is not sentient. ;)15:33
* JesseH wondering why he has choppy framerate playing an opengl game15:33
BrandanoBut at least it's not downright idiotic as some people :)15:34
BeldarBrandano, Really a boot partition, I thought that went out with the charleston. ;)15:34
harryubottu cfhowlett : http://paste.ubuntu.com/7506023/15:34
ubottuharry: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:34
BrandanoDon't know why. But there's good reasons for it, for broken bios support of large drives, for examlpe15:34
Brandanoin this case drives are fairly small, but there's a fakeraid controller in teh way15:35
harrycommon guys, don't embarrass me15:35
BeldarBrandano, True old enough setups will only read so far on a HD.15:35
Brandanoon my home machine I have several different partitions for different parts of the filesystem to make good use of an SSD15:35
cfhowlettharry get out of root.  run the command with sudo15:35
Brandanocfhowlett: just make sure you have some sort of root prompt if you are installing bind9...15:36
xeonidBrandano: i've one question , is there any way to mount /home and /usr/ on one partition ?15:37
Brandanoif the machine can't resolve its own name sudo breaks. In a nasty way15:37
Beldarharry, no embarrassment here, we all have been there at some point. ;)15:37
harrycfhowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7506059/15:37
Brandanoxeonid: both on one partition?15:37
Brandanoxeonid: but separated from other parts of the filesystem?15:38
xeonidBrandano: yep, because i want to have this directories on larger partition15:38
cfhowlettharry download the package again and hashsum check to verify integrity15:38
xeonidBrandano: yep15:38
BrandanoWell, you can have each on its own partition, but not two paths on the same level on the same partition15:38
Brandanoyou can play with symlinks, though15:38
TJ-Brandano: Or use btrfs with subvolumes15:38
xeonidBrandano: thanks ,15:38
Brandanothough that might cause trouble in some cases15:39
harrydownloaded two times, same result15:39
harryits ubuntu 14.04 BTW15:39
cfhowlettharry so you did NOT verify package integrity?15:39
Brandanosymlinking might cause trouble. btrfs I have to look into15:39
cfhowlettharry ...15:39
harryhow to do that15:39
cfhowlettharry go to the download page.  somewhere should be SHA/HASHSUM/MD5SUM15:40
Brandanoharry: generate a checksum and compare it to the one on the download page.15:41
ctmjrharry:sudo chmod +x java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh then  sudo ./java_ee_sdk-7-jdk7-linux-x64.sh15:41
Brandanobtrfs apparently is still marked as experimental. Probably perfectly fine to use on an home desktop, though15:42
TJ-harry: The issue is "Permission denied", and the current working directory is "/media/harish/Educational". Directories under "/media/$USER" are usually mount-points for some external device. If that device is read-only, or is mounted read-only, then "Permission denied" when trying to extract and create files from an archive would be expected15:43
harryTJ: may be, where should i move it15:43
Brandanoxeonid: I think the simplest option for you would be to boot on a live distro, shift the files about and replace the paths with symlinks. it's an ugly hack that will probably work15:44
harryTJ: but once i ran command using root,15:44
Brandanoxeonid: the proper way would be to have separate partitions for them, and eventually resize them if the need arises15:45
TJ-harry: You'd best read the installer instructions for that15:45
BrandanoThis also allows you to choose a filesystem according to the task15:46
Joeldo init scripts log somewhere? I see a log_daemon_msg being called15:46
BrandanoJoel: syslog?15:47
BrandanoI think it depends on who wrote the script15:47
harrymissing windows here15:47
* Brandano misses windows so much that he prefers to run irssi in a puttyterminal when using windows 715:48
boy_wandershello, I'm having a sound problem in Ubuntu 14.0415:49
Beldar!sound | boy_wanders15:49
ubottuboy_wanders: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:49
killerHey , I m trying to format a usb and it fails to do so in gparted and disk utility and the error it gives  is daemon is inhibited .15:51
boy_wandersah thanks Beldar, turns out the headset I'm using stops emmitting sound at like 20% max volume15:51
speaker1234this is ndirectly ubuntu.  Does sshd support putting public keys for all the accounts in one directory?15:51
speaker1234Specifically the public keys15:51
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:52
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Brandanooh, talking about sound, is there some component for xubuntu-desktop that will handle multimedia HID inputs? like the volume tumbler from my keyboard and headphones?15:53
Beldarkiller, Is it mounted?15:53
terraformer_hey guys, anybody has experience with installing openvpn and/or cyberghost vpn on linux?15:54
killerBeldar: No it is n't mounted15:54
honganhanyone help me please15:55
honganhi can not empty trash15:55
Beldarhonganh, THis a root trash?15:55
jhutchinsterraformer_: Lots of people use VPN on linux, what's your actual question?15:55
honganhno, local trash15:55
honganhat ~/.local/share/Trash15:56
cpinedhello..world cup coming up...any ideas how to get Hauppauge 850 to work on ubuntu?15:56
jhutchinshonganh: Which desktop?  What release?15:56
honganhi using ubuntu 14.0415:56
Brandanoterraformer_: actually, I got OpenVPN installed on OpenWRT, which is in itself rather cool, but probably not what you need15:56
terraformer_jhutchins, I don't know how to install it - says in network manager or what's its name :), that I have only PPTP, i dont have OpenVPN, and cyberghost requires OpenVPN15:57
terraformer_jhutchins, on the Ubuntu support there is the terminal command with other things to do after for setting a bridge and so on, I don't know if I need to do that15:58
Brandanoterraformer_: if you only need to have it installed rather than actually configured to do something useful you can run an "apt-cache search openvpn" and see what package provides it15:58
TJ-terraformer_: first you'd need to install the networkmanager-openvpn package15:58
brunimHello guys, sorry to interrupt. I hope you don't mind me asking some help with dual booting, specifically making windows 8 boot after I've installed ubuntu 14.04. I've got the paste and everything.  I'm sorry if this is not how these things are done, first time here.15:59
TJ-terraformer_: "sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome" will pull in the GUI applet and the core dependencies necessary15:59
Beldarbrunim, paste of?16:00
brunimMy boot repair16:00
Beldarbrunim, Lets see that. ;)16:00
=== stoned is now known as stoned-
terraformer_TJ-, doing that right now..16:00
brunimI hope it's helpful?16:01
jhutchinsbrunim: What's the actual problem?16:02
Brandanoprobably missing grub16:02
brunimjhutchins: It won't let me boot into windows16:02
Brandanooh, misconfigured grub, then16:02
brunimI can log into ubuntu just fine16:02
brunimIn fact, I'm here :D16:02
brunimBut I'd like if I could keep my windows for just a bit longer xD16:03
terraformer_TJ-, is only apt-get install network-manager-openvpn sufficient to create a OpenVPN connection type or I have to install something else?16:03
Brandanoheh, I don't know much about Windows8. I remember that in the past you had to repair and resize the MBR16:03
brunimBrandano, it is misconfigured yeah. Last time I did this the Bootrepair fixed it ,not   sure why it didn't work.16:04
TJ-brunim: Brandano nothing to do with grub; this is an EFI system... the firmware boots each OS directly16:04
Brandanobut so far I never had to fight with stuff like UEFI16:04
JHOSMAN_Pici:  You know as add the certificate SSL at Alfresco?16:04
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JHOSMAN_(service Tomcat)16:04
brunimTJ- yes, it's an EFI system16:04
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TJ-brunim: what, precisely, happens when you try to start in Windows. Are you allowing the firmware to choose its default boot option and it starts Ubuntu, or something else?16:04
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brunimTJ- When I enter grub, it lets me choose Windows Boot Manager, but when I select it... it does nothing.16:05
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brunimTJ- It's weird, doesn't even get off GRUB. Just stands there staring at me, until I select Ubuntu16:06
TJ-brunim: On EFI, to start Windows, you shouldn't be using GRUB... use the EFI boot manager, that's the correct place16:06
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:06
bipul I want to swap an external flash disc in ubuntu.16:06
TJ-brunim: on most EFI system's there's a key-combo you can press at boot-time to bring up the manual boot menu, where you can select all the boot options written by OS installers, plus removable devices discovered by the firmware16:07
brunimTJ-, ubottu, last time I could choose on the grub menu which system I wanted to boot. I was expecting this time to be similar16:08
Beldarbrunim, ubottu is the bot16:08
brunimThanks guys, I'll try rebooting and pressing the boot key.16:10
Beldarbrunim, I would copy and paste that script to this thread, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191716:10
brunimThanks you, I will do just that16:11
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Beldarbrunim, Best help around on this area there, and quick responses, they actually read the script. ;)16:11
Beldarno guessing16:11
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winterpkCan anyone suggest a good Ubuntu web server virus scanner?  My webserver seems to have become compromised...16:16
jhutchinswinterpk: Unlikely to be a virus.16:17
TJ-winterpk: do you mean you suspect your server is hosting malware?16:17
winterpkI beleive that one of my wordpress sites has a malitious php script. Do you have any suggestions on how to identify the violating script?16:19
Beldarwinterpk, Load the backup off line change the security access and call it a day.16:20
Brandanowinterpk: if you know the nature of the script you can run a plaintext search for it16:20
winterpkFirst suggestion won't work16:21
winterpkPhp is run by the apache user, I can't lock out apache from my websites16:21
winterpkPLain text search won't work because its likely an encoded string16:22
Brandanout locking out Apache from the rest of the OS might be a good idea, especially when serving Wordpress16:22
jhutchinswinterpk: Clean install or restored backup prior to infection, install tripwire to catch future problems.16:22
winterpkWell apache is locked out from teh rest of the OS.  But the malitious script is in an apache folder16:22
winterpkwhat is tripwire?16:23
jhutchinswinterpk: Tripwire detects changes in system files.16:23
BrandanoI think there's no system files affected, just web content16:24
winterpkThats a good idea.  I'm not really sure rolling back to pre infection is possible though.16:24
winterpkYeah no system files get changed, just files in my webroot.16:24
Brandanowinterpk: do you suspect that the DB content is compromised too?16:24
winterpkAnd since php is in there, it can do a lot16:25
winterpkNo, I think my DB is ok16:25
Brandanothen reinstall only wordpress and its plugins and keep the same DB16:25
Brandanouploaded files might be more bothersome16:25
winterpkwell uploaded files won't be php files and they don't have executable16:26
BrandanoBetter test it on another machine first16:26
winterpkMy server is a multi wordpress environment as well as some other platforms.  So it could have spread to other wordpress sites. So you guys don't know of any VS program that could detect mailitous code in PHP scripts?16:27
BrandanoSince all content is dynamic, a fersh WP ibnstall should behave as the old, as long as settings are the same16:27
winterpkI actually did find a bad plugin called timthumb in on of our WP sites.  I've since cleaned it, but the symptoms still remain.16:28
Moony22How can I get that plymouth theme?16:29
Moony22Currently just a text theme is shown16:29
Brandanowinterpk: there's some links from wordpress.org for malware detection plugins. Never had to deal twith this sort of situation, YMMV.16:29
winterpkOh I did not know about those.  I'll look into them asap. Thanks!16:30
BrandanoFrom what I can see Wordpress seems a security liability. I believo some run each instance in a separate chroot just because of that16:30
winterpkThats a really good idea16:30
winterpkWordpress is definitely a liability16:30
makarahi. how do I shutdown 14.04?16:30
makaraMoony22, #wordpress16:30
Moony22makara: what?16:31
Beldarmakara, Since you can't what is the issue causing you to ask, this a X or just cli setup?16:31
Moony22makara: I mean, the plymouth boot16:31
Moony22for ubuntu16:31
ragggdoes anyone here keep their config files under version control? is there an easy way to do it like keep them all in one dir and use links?16:32
Piciraggg: Have you looked at etckeeper?16:32
y4h0hi all16:32
Beldarraggg, Depends on the configs, but there is .config in home, mixing all together makes no sense.16:33
makaraBeldar, I just installed standard 14.04 desktop on my Lenovo laptop and now it hangs on shutdown both from unity and "sudo shutdown now" / "sudo shutdown -P now" / "sudo poweroff"16:33
ragggPici: no, i will look it up, presumably is can handle the files in my home dir too?16:33
Piciraggg: I'm not sure.16:33
makarathere is no "wake on LAN" option in my BIOS like I've seen mentioned as a possible cause16:33
ragggBeldar: but there is also .bashrc, .emacs etc etc all over the place... was just wondering if anyone else had a nice solution16:34
makarait's driving me crazy. It won't suspend either16:34
Beldarmakara, Strange, not sure myself, just wanted to see more details for help in general. ;)16:34
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Brandanomakara: probably power management issues16:36
Brandanosuspend is always flaky16:37
BrandanoAnd messing with power management is a good way to break an install16:38
NikesOnMyFeethello all :)16:38
Brandanomakara: does it behave the same if booted on a live distro?16:38
BrandanoAt least that would give you a safe way to mess about16:39
alazare619i have a problem where only 1 user can read/write to a cifs share is there a way to force a fstab to allow any user of a group to be able to RWX from a cifs share?16:39
makaraBrandano, thanks but i wouldn't go any further than typing in a custom command. This is just something Canonical should fix pronto if they want to be considered a viable desktop alternative16:41
* Brandano has no say in what Canonical should or should not do since he does not work for them16:41
ragggmakara what lenovo model? I have hibernate and suspend both working on lenovo thinkpad here...16:43
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makaraBrandano, B57016:44
ragggalso have you tried 'sudo shutdown -t secs now -h'16:45
Moony22how can I get hwinfo?16:46
Moony22or a similar tool that shows me supported res's16:46
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OerHeksMoony22, lshw / lspci / lsusb / lscpu16:47
SchrodingersScatIamalinuxnoob: A benefit of irc is that we almost can't help but see your message, you can just ask your question.16:47
Moony22OerHeks: What command could I use as an alternative to hwinfo -framebuffer16:48
Moony22hwinfo --framebuffer*16:48
Brandanomakara: can't find it here: www.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Lenovo/16:48
BrandanoIamalinuxnoob: it's the button on the left, right above the one with the arrow16:49
lmatI just installed Ubuntu 14.04. I see an application on the launcher called "Amazon". How do I get rid of it ? (A link is sufficient ^_^)16:49
bipulhello I want to make a swap on an external memory. That is Flash disc.If it possible then can i shift my whole RAM work load to my 8 GB pen drive16:50
lmatdpkg --get-selections | grep -i amazon ; returns nothing.16:50
bipulI hope my processor will works fine. It does not have any issue when it get interacted with my cheap External memory.16:50
lmatbipul: wow16:50
Moony22lmat: right click "unlock from launcher"?16:50
IamalinuxnoobOk SchrodingerScat.  I just feel so impolite just asking like I am a debbie downer or something xD  I have been trying to reinstall and do what I can for a couple weeks in my offtime and I asked for help yesterday and it didnt work but I feel like I screwed it up. I have the issue laid out here16:50
lmatMoony22: I want to uninstall it...is that possible ?16:50
Brandanolmat: Ah, that's the Unity integration with amazon search services, and personally one of the first things I disable. Might not be an appropriate topic for an official ubuntu channel, I suppose16:50
lmatBrandano: You think it's not appropriate to ask how to disable it here ?16:51
Moony22lmat: It's not an application, it's just a launcher to the ubuntu web browser directed to amazon website16:51
lmatMoony22: Okay, that's what I wanted to know ;)16:51
OerHeksMoony22,  don't know about -framebuffer16:51
BrandanoMoony22: actually, there's a bit more than that, and some serious implications in erlation to privacy. and something for which Canonical has not been roasted nearly enough16:51
lmatMoony22: So just "unlock" is good enough then...16:51
IamalinuxnoobSchrodingerScat I also am having an issue with rtl 8192ce. those are both my net adapters and at this point I am pretty desperate to get it to work since I spent several hours with help yesterday and still didnt get it to work yet D:16:52
lmatWhen I click the spinny-looking ubuntu icon and type something, it gives web results and shopping results. How do I disable that ?16:52
Moony22Brandano: Are you talking about that launcher or the unity dash integration with amazon etc?16:52
lmatI want to only search for things on my computer. If I want to search for things on the internet, I can handle that through a web browser :)16:52
lmatoh, I found something... unity-webapps-common  and unity-lens-shopping.16:52
BrandanoMoony22: both, but mainly the integration16:52
Moony22lmat: Open the "security & privacy" application, then on the search tab there is a way to disable16:53
bipullmat, is it possible ?16:53
Brandanolmat: yep, that's it. http://lifehacker.com/5953180/how-to-remove-amazon-ads-from-ubuntu-121016:53
Moony22lmat: you can also uninstall those I guess16:53
lmatbipul: Sure...16:53
lmatMoony22: Thanks.16:53
lmatBrandano: thanks.16:53
Brandanoit is possible, and easy. But it should at the very least be an option deselectable on install, if not just an opt-in rather than opt-out scheme16:53
SchrodingersScatIamalinuxnoob: ah, well, if you were following that guide, then you should be able to pastebin any errors or problems you run into16:53
lmatWhere can I get a description of each of these unity lenses ?16:55
lmatwin 516:55
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IamalinuxnoobSchrodingersScat my only problem with that is that I still have the same issue after doing it.  I am on my laptop right now and the issue is with my desktop i took a screenshot of my output of the last checking step hopefully so someone could check it as apparently I am unable to accurately myself.  I will upload it within 5 minutes. I have to transfer it to laptop first16:56
[wilhelm]Why isn't the rc.local running at boot?16:59
lmatSo um... what does unity-lens-friends do ? Does it search social networking sights, etc?17:00
lmatThank goodness! http://askubuntu.com/questions/288958/what-do-the-listed-unity-lenses-do17:02
lmatMoony22: Welcome back!17:02
Moony22My monitor is completely ruined :p17:02
Moony22well, that's a lie17:02
lmatMoony22: oh, that's sad :(  Too much wayland, not enough X?17:02
Moony22My resolution is fixed at 1280x102417:02
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Moony22I don't know how to change it :/17:03
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Moony22I'll give you something, I've been messing around with grub and plymouth resolutions17:03
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:06
Iamalinuxnoob_I am back. If someone would be so kind as to check this for me.   http://i.imgur.com/GPjoGBE.png https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-717:07
Iamalinuxnoob_To clarify it is the LAST step I need checked17:07
rannohi folks. i have a lenovo thinkpad x1 carbon with internal sd card reader running ubuntu 14.0417:08
Red-XIIIhi guys17:08
rannounfortunately the sd card reader does not work. it does not recognize the sd card whatsoever17:08
rp2does anyone here have experience with Tartini? I have a few questions17:08
Red-XIIIi got no audio on my ASUS S56C with Ubuntu 14.04 from headphones... :(17:09
Moony22Please can I have assistance with this issue?17:09
jrtappersMoony22, issue?17:09
Moony22jrtappers: my screen res is stuck at 1280x102417:10
jrtappersMoony22, What monitor do you have?17:10
Moony22jrtappers: a hp monitor? res 1440x90017:10
Moony22hp w1907v17:10
Moony22It was working earlier17:10
jrtappersMoony22, what changed since then?17:11
jrtappersAnd how much earlier17:11
Moony22like, 15 min ago17:11
Moony22jrtappers: I was messing around with the plymouth theme17:11
Iamalinuxnoob_SchrodingersScat ---  http://i.imgur.com/GPjoGBE.png https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-7 just if it is using the "fixed" driver17:11
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Moony22jrtappers: it also made grub very small and black and white17:12
Moony22does anyone know how i can fix this?17:14
jrtappersMoony22, can you run the Xorg list thing (Xrandr I think)17:15
Moony22shall I screenshot the output?17:16
jrtappersMoony22, pastebin.ubuntu.com17:16
Moony22jrtappers: when running xrandr17:16
rp2messing around with the plymouth theme he stole my heart away17:17
jrtappersMoony22, What files did you edit?17:17
rp2btw I have another question: 15 years ago I used to run X at 2000x1500 resulution ... Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't offer that as an option ... how can I add it back? surely graphics cards have advanced since then?17:18
Moony22jrtappers: /etc/default/grub and I used plymouth-manager and super-boot-manager (gui tools)17:18
jrtappersCan you see if Xorg.conf has been changed recently?17:19
[wilhelm]How may cat be used to show the hidden newlines?17:19
Moony22_how do I do so?17:20
Moony22_whoops really sorry need to go check something out I'll be back17:20
lmat[wilhelm]: What's an hidden newline?17:21
lmat[wilhelm]: If you want to see bytes that don't print well, use hexdump (1)17:22
Iamalinuxnoob_How do I create a file in linux?17:22
Iamalinuxnoob_*create a file in root areas17:23
rp2why do you want to do that?17:23
ciscoftwcan somebody please set me straight regarding java plugin for chrome... java version returns; Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b13) the path for symlink i've added has been '/opt/java/64/jre1.7.0_55/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so'17:23
SeveasIamalinuxnoob_: you'll generally want to not do that17:23
Iamalinuxnoob_rp2 to attempt to fix an error with my wifi adapters.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/414974/realtek-rtl8192ce-wireless-slow-intermittent-access17:23
rp2well, something like 'sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8192ce.conf' should do the trick17:24
rp2for 'gedit' substitute your favourite editor17:24
Iamalinuxnoob_rp2 thanks :D hopefully this works :D17:25
rp2you need a terminal first so you can type the command17:25
rp2do you know how to get one?17:25
rp2there are probably other ways, too, but I don't use the GUI for this sort of thing17:26
Iamalinuxnoob_rp2 yep I a tad bit of experience in linux but not enough to do much outside of the simple stuff in terminal  the troubleshooting has given me fits but its well worth it if this thing can fix it now :D17:26
rp2join the club :)17:26
rp2i still regularly have fits over linux audio configuration ... it keeps breaking, or I keep breaking it, because the audio system is a lot bigger than my poor brain17:27
rannoi have an internal SD card reader which does not work in ubuntu 14.04. it seems to be connected to pci because the lspci command returns the following:17:27
ranno02:00.0 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd MMC/SD Host Controller (rev 07)17:27
rannodo you guys have any idea how to get the card reader working ?17:28
rp2Iamalinuxnoob_: try never to edit an existing file that requires root permissions, and if you do, at the very least copy the original before you do17:29
trismciscoftw: chromium/chrome won't load npapi plugins anymore so you can't use the java plugin with it17:30
DaghdhaHi. When i go to network settings i cannot edit the options. The button is greyed out. When i go to Network Connections there are no connections listed. I am however connected to the internet via wired cable. Any idea what cuases this? This machine has been migrated from 10.x up to current version 14.04 LTS Desktop Ubuntu17:30
Iamalinuxnoob_rp2 that really sucks D: I actually never had any issues with linux before the latest stuff I have been doing (basically reinstalling it) Had nothing but fits for the past several weeks in regards to linux lol my desktop is lightyears ahead of my laptop but yet my desktop is the one having the errors D:17:30
Zomousdid anyone here had good experience with an NVIDIA 730m on Ubuntu 14.04?17:31
ceblueHello Ubuntu experts. Do you know of a runners' gps watch that can sync with Ubuntu? (like Garmin Forerunner but that is only for PC)17:31
ciscoftwtrism: no? i'd really like to avoid the icetea java -perfer orcle version17:31
jmaderohi all - http://pastebin.com/0Bad0TBF17:31
trismciscoftw: no you can't use icedtea either17:32
jmaderoI have a weird problem where my server is exporting to directories via NFS but on my client - both folders that I have mounted lead to the same (one) of the exports17:32
jmaderopastebin above17:32
ciscoftwtrism: did this recently change? seems like it did with upgrade to v3517:32
trismciscoftw: you have to use firefox until somebody makes a ppapi plugin, if it ever happens17:32
trismciscoftw: yes they just disabled npapi with 3517:32
ciscoftwwow, this is pretty giant fail.17:32
Fuchsjmadero: err, yes, because both poin tto
ciscoftwthanx trism17:32
Iamalinuxnoob_rp2 I will do that xD I am very reluctant to do anything with sys files as root but unfortunately this reqs me to do so lol17:32
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Fuchsoh, wait, wut ...17:33
rp2Iamalinuxnoob_: I've had that feeling for 15 years now :)17:33
Fuchsoh, these are two files, silly me. Sorry.17:33
jmaderoFuchs: that's not the problem that's just sharing to all machines on the network17:33
jmaderosee example: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo17:33
Fuchsjmadero: yes, sorry, I thought that it is one file, not two. So I was confused for a moment, thee17:33
_2_Wuendy Español17:33
jmaderoFuchs: it's very weird, "LittleMan" is being mounted to both /media/LittleMan and /media/MEGAMAN on my local machine17:34
jmaderothe client17:34
rp2jmadero: so what do the mounts and the exports look like?17:34
Iamalinuxnoob_rp2 haha xD dang seems like my issue is not fixed I am currently suck with a speedtest of .16 download .72 upload my connection should be around 13.00 -_-17:34
jmaderorp2: check log ;)17:34
jmaderorp2: http://pastebin.com/0Bad0TBF17:34
ciscoftw...in case anyone is following... https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=37590917:34
jmaderostrange right?17:35
jmaderoa similar (if not identical) setup worked before17:35
jmaderooh more input is that same problems happens on a different client with not exactly the same /etc/fstab - so it must be the server17:36
ceblueI've just installed Lxde (apt-get install lxde) on a headless trusty server. I remember being told `startx` was not recommended on Trusty but not what I was supposed to do instead.17:36
jmaderoor very much suspect it is the server I suppose17:36
rp2jmadero: can you pastebin the putput of mount | fgrep nfs ?17:37
jmaderorp2: client or server?17:37
rp2or /msg it to me :)17:37
rp2ah ...17:37
Moony22_I'm back17:37
rp2it is already in that pastebin right?17:38
jmaderonot the exact command, but same output17:38
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rp2what does the command output say?17:38
jmaderorp2: http://pastebin.com/506CwQxY17:39
rp2perhaps the configuration changed after the mounts were made? it won't magically discover that17:39
rp2I don't see the problem, they're two different diectories right?17:39
ceblueShould I install lightdm or use startx?17:40
jmaderoyes and on the server I can confirm that they both are fine17:40
Moony22So, ubuntu has issues detecting my screen res17:40
jmaderothey are two separate hard drives completely ;)17:40
rp2then what is wrong on the client?17:40
ayoub_lbmysql question if possible?  i'm trying to partition a 34GB+ table. altering does nothing. i created a new table with partitions, and did an insert into X select * from y; but when done, select count shows 22 million record missing..17:40
jmaderoon the client it's mounting one directory in two places17:40
rp2which one?17:40
jmaderoso the server has /media/LittleMan and /media/MEGAMAN, I mount to the same directories on client (media setup), /media/LittleMan is being mounted to both /media/LittleMan and /media/MEGAMAN17:41
jmaderooh even better - if I comment out /media/LittleMan and try to restart the nfs server I get errors17:41
Moony22I don't know if anyone saw my issue before17:41
jmaderowhich leads me to think even more server problem17:41
rp2very strange17:41
rp2and when did you last change this configuration?17:41
jmaderorp2:  I was forced to upgrade when raspbmc pushed an update :(17:42
jmaderoit broke a lot of things, this is the last remaining17:42
Moony22should I reinstall ubuntu?17:42
jmaderoMoony22: no that won't solve the problem, reinstalling usually isn't recommended in Linux world17:42
rp2what does exportfs say is exported?17:42
Moony22jmadero: surely it'll solve the issue...it'll reset everything to how it was!17:43
jmaderosure - if you want to do it that way17:43
jmaderorp2: claims both are exported17:43
jmaderoright . . . wth17:43
Moony22I just don't know how to fix this - I think I broke a lot of things17:43
Moony22for example both grub is messed up and also my screen resolution17:43
jmaderoMoony22: fair enough, reinstall :)17:44
ceblueMoony22: What is problem?17:44
Moony22along with plymouth17:44
Moony22ceblue: the main problem is my screen res is stuck17:44
Moony22at 1280x102417:44
x1gamal*luvs* ubuntu17:44
rp2so the client is claiming it mounted on /media/MEGAMAN, but when you look at the files in /media/MEGAMAN, you see files that are not in /media/MEGAMAN on the server?17:45
ceblueMoony22: And what about grub and plymouth?17:45
jmaderorp2: exactly17:45
rp2and really is the server? and the files are really different there?17:45
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jmaderolol yes17:46
jmaderoI can screenshot them if yo'ud like ;)17:46
rp2verify it. it must be something stupid.17:46
ceblueHello Ubuntu experts. Do you know of a runners' gps watch that can sync with Ubuntu? (like Garmin Forerunner but that is only for PC)17:46
rp2have you tried umounting and then remounting them on the client?17:46
Moony22ceblue: er, well I've been changing the plymouth screen and also changing screen res in /etc/default/grub17:47
jmaderorp2: a ton of times17:47
jmaderoalso restarting server17:47
rp2I'd say there's nothing wrong with your two config files, so it must be something stupid, like, not realizing te contents of /media.MEGAMAN are really those of /media/LittleMan on the server17:49
jmaderorp2: https://plus.google.com/photos/117397839011853181951/albums/5893637671592409297/6016679360750891026?pid=6016679360750891026&oid=11739783901185318195117:49
jmaderothat one is showing server on left, client on right of LittleMan17:49
jmaderorp2: https://plus.google.com/photos/117397839011853181951/albums/5893637671592409297/6016679367374996898?pid=6016679367374996898&oid=11739783901185318195117:49
jmaderothat one is showing server on left, client on right, of MEGAMAN17:49
cebluesays i need to sign into g+ to view your screencaps17:50
jmaderorp2: right!?17:50
rp2now I really don't know what else to try17:51
jmaderodid I blow your mind?17:51
phyzlocHi! Can someone assist me to revert my ubuntu 14.04 xorg to its default state?17:51
jmaderomy mind is blown17:51
rp2yes, pretty much17:51
rp2I want to go home *sob* :)17:51
jmaderoI want my home server to work right again :(17:52
jmaderodouble dob17:52
XipHi I can't find my usb stick, what could be the reason? It's formatted on Windows FAT32.. and works fine on it..17:52
ceblueAre you sure you havent symlinked anything by mistake? or the export is itself mounted on the server?17:52
phyzlocI tried to install nvidia drivers suggested from nvidias home page for my graphics card but it scewed up everything17:52
rp2phyzloc: I'm not sure but maybe the dpkg-reconfigure command can help. I'm scared to use it though17:52
jmaderoceblue: indeed nothing is symlinked - literally I just directly export the foloder17:52
phyzlocrp2: thath command doesn't to anything17:53
jmaderoand the screenshots show clearly that the server and client are seeing different things:(17:53
phyzlocrp2: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or lightdm just returns me to the prompt17:53
cebluejmadero: and that folder is not a network mount from somewhere else? also i cant see your screenshots due to being asked to login to g+ when i click them17:54
jmaderoceblue: if you have somehwere else for me to upload I will17:54
rp2phyzloc: I've been doing similar kinds of things to get OpenGL working, but that was with a different brand of graphics card17:54
jmaderoceblue: and no the folder is not a network mount to somewhere else - they are literally just two different hard drives17:54
jmaderothat are connected to my raspberry Pi17:54
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cebluejmadero: imgur? doesnt need a login (from you either)17:55
rp2sometimes it would also help to uninstall the driver packages and install an alternative bt I've never done this for NVidia17:55
jmaderoceblue: http://imgur.com/a/IziZf17:56
jmaderoserver left/client right17:56
phyzlocAny nvidia experts in here?17:57
cebluejmadero: ok so megaman is the wrong folder17:57
jmaderoceblue: yes on the client17:57
votlonhello all17:58
rp2jmadero: what does showmount say?17:59
cebluejmadero: wow17:59
rp2if you have that17:59
jmaderorp2: server or client?18:00
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jmaderosorry not a network expert ;)18:00
cebluejmadero: r.pi is arm jsn't? Have you checked the arm implementation of NFS bug list?18:00
rp2it's been 10 years since I've used NFS, sorry18:00
jmaderoceblue: I haven't - I should I guess18:00
jmaderowas hoping it was human error not bug18:01
jmaderobecause this is my entire media setup :(18:01
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jmaderoshowmount gives this clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered18:01
rp2so I suppose /media/* is mounted from elsewhere on the server?18:01
cebluejmadero: it may be human error, i am not too familiar with nfs complexities, i can get it working but this is an unusual case18:01
jmaderorp2: /media/MEGAMAN is just an external hard drive - that's just the mount point18:02
cebluerp2: i asked that already, i was thinking that too. it's good to know we are following the same debugging path :-) makes me feel like, perhaps, mine works!18:02
sam__error while installing eclipse t http://paste.ubuntu.com/7506603/ any hint???18:05
rp2jmadero: is this useful? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/82290/linux-clnt-create-rpc-program-not-registered18:06
jmaderorp2: lol I have to do that already (restart rpcbind and then restart nfs) -- really annoying18:08
rp2can't you just use CIFS?18:08
jmaderoum if I have to - I'm comfortable with nfs and have been using it for years :(18:09
jmaderowhat a pain in the butt18:09
rp2yeah, but this is crazy18:09
ceblueIt is crazy. does only 1 share at a time work? test each share singly18:10
jmaderoindeed it is - I was forced an update that broke half my stuff18:10
jmaderowoke up one morning and boom - update and broken media box18:10
rp2that's even crazier18:10
jmaderoceblue: the crazy thing is if I comment out LittleMan the server spits out errors when I start up nfs18:10
rp2the *server*18:10
jmaderolet me get that error really quick18:10
jmaderoit's literally like it doesn't see MEGAMAN at all18:10
rp2the server is hiding something from us18:11
jmaderowhen trying to share - but then claims it is sharing it18:11
cebluejmadero: if you comment out the other, it's fine?18:11
Kerry-Anne18 Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://bit.ly/S0CEdA18:11
jmaderoceblue: testing now give me 1 minute18:11
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DaghdhaCan anyone h elp get me my interfaces editable inside the settings screens? I now always have to go to interfaces files in /etc/network18:12
jmaderoLITERALLY INSANE - so LittleMan is commented out - I restarted nfs server fine - but when I try to mount all on client I get: "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting"18:13
jmaderobut LittleMan is commented out!18:13
cebluejmadero: The next thing to do is rename the folder/share to a not-before-seen name and see if that fixes it, case of weird old config data.18:13
jmaderookay I'll try that right now18:13
jmaderoone minute18:14
jmaderooh that's going to be a pain actually as the drives are labeled18:14
ceblueoh ya, that will annoying18:14
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jmaderookay going to continue blowing your minds - removing LittleMan completely (disconnecting)18:15
rp2jmadero: wait ... is it commented out on the server, on the client, or on both?18:15
jmaderorp2: just server18:15
cebluejmadero: i think you have a bug related to broken config, and purging or using new names, might fix18:15
jmaderogoing to try that now18:15
jmaderothis is literally insane18:15
rp2then no wonder the client is complaining it can't mount it18:15
jmaderobut thanks for dealing with my antics ;)18:15
rp2ddid you umount both first??18:15
magikarpalesis anyone here running chrubuntu on an old cr-48 chromebook?18:15
jmaderorp2: but it shouldn't be trying to mount it - usually if LittleMan is turned off then my client only mounts MEGAMAN18:16
jmaderono complaints18:16
ceblue99% sure it's a corrupted config18:16
ceblueor nfs broke in the new patch18:16
jmaderoI'll take door #118:16
jmaderobecause door #2 makes my media center useless18:16
jmaderookay - so commenting out LittleMan on both server and client - MEGAMAN mounts fine18:17
cebluewell, if you are sure it is a corupt config, purge it and remake it18:18
rp2now comment out MEGAMAN en uncomment LittleMan on both?18:18
jmaderorp2: doing now18:18
jmaderothat was comment out on both + unmount LittleMan on server18:18
ceblueI thought I told you to try 1 share at a time already and you had?18:19
jmaderoceblue: I had only commented out on server not client18:19
ceblueok sorry18:19
gavin_need help installing Ubuntu18:19
gavin_have a dell inspiron 531 with windows xp18:20
jmaderorebooting Pi so give me a few18:20
gavin_have formatted the drive and when I boot from cd it says no operating sys18:21
jmaderogavin_: then you aren't botting from cd18:21
jmaderoit's trying to read from the hard drive18:21
jmaderogavin_: are you sure you have a bootable CD?18:22
gavin_the cd opens on my new computer18:22
rp2gavin_: maybe booting from CD is disabled in the BIOS settings18:22
jmaderogavin_: and are you sure this other machine is same architecture?18:23
rp2check the boot configuration on startup18:23
Jordan_Ugavin_: How did you burn the CD?18:23
ceblueif the cd works on other pc, it is a bios setting-enable boot menu etv18:24
gavin_it says no boot device available  sata0 installed, sata 1 installed, sata2 none, sata3 none18:24
jmaderoceblue: rp2 - yes same works for LittleMan18:24
rp2gavin_: there must be an option to select which devices it tries to boot from18:25
rp2that is not the list of devices, it's a different list18:25
gavin_i selected cd18:25
* Moony22 reinstalls ubuntu18:25
bah__ /msg nickserv register bah!!! just.for.questions.and.stuff@gmail.com18:25
rp2you must put CD before hard drive18:25
rp2you can order them18:25
ceblueI think trusty used hybrid images that detect as hdds now. Unsure as I have nothing with Bios anymore.18:26
rp2jmadero: so what happens if you reverse their order?18:26
rp2first on one, then on the other18:27
jmaderorp2: tried that first - same problem18:27
rp2I know this is stupid but I can't think of anything else to try18:27
jmaderothat's not stupid - I was lost for ideas yesterday18:27
rp2was it still LittleMan being mounted as MEGAMAN or was it reversed?18:27
jmaderoum - I think it was still LittleMan18:28
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rp2and the problem reappears after you reboot both server and client? that is the crazierst part18:29
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rp2do they really need to be mounted under /media?18:29
rp2if not, a workaround is to mount both to a common directory on the server, NFS export that, and mount it in the client18:30
jmaderorp2: new findings - neither is commented out on server, commented out MEGAMAN on client, did a mount all and MEGAMAN on client shows LittleMan content18:31
rp2coult choosing /media as the client location be the problem?18:31
TEhello everyone, I wonder if there is a way to re-install/compile the alsa-drivers with 3.14 kernel as I've accidentally removed the kernel modules.18:31
jmaderotrying to figure out if it's client or server18:31
jmaderorp2: maybe I'll try a different mount location as a test18:31
rp2jmadero: are you sure neither were mounted before you issued the mountall???18:32
TEI've tried the basic stuff such as reinstalling the packages, but obvious those don't do anything with the kernel modules18:32
jmaderorp2: indeed - I made sure18:32
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rp2so nothing on the client tells it to mount /media/MEGAMAN, but it still does??18:33
rp2is there another part in /etc/fstab or somewhere else that still tries to mount it, e.g. through the automounter?18:33
jmaderoopposite but yes - nothing says to mount what server sees as LittleMan18:33
jmaderobut it's mounting it on /media/MEGAMAN18:33
jmaderoI'm 99% sure it's server18:33
rp2isn't /media controlled by a a special mounting service rather than /etc/fstab? I'm guessing now18:34
jmaderohonestly no clue - I just know this worked before updates18:34
rp2can you change the mount directories in /etc/fstab to somewhere else and retry?18:34
jmaderobut let me try a temp directory18:34
jmaderoyeah I'll mount to home folder18:34
jmaderotemp1 and temp218:34
rp2 /mount is traditional18:34
rp2 i mean /mnt18:35
rp2or issue the mount command manually instead of using mountall18:35
jmaderorp2: mount all - to temp folder in home - same problem18:35
rp2after all, if it's a bug it can be a bug in fstab parsing18:35
rp2so don't mount all, mount them manually one by one18:36
jmaderorp2: all righty another test :)18:36
ceblueremind me nkt to walk by your window, i would not like to be hit by a thrown r.pi18:38
jmaderoceblue: trust me - the raspbmc room didn't like me for awhile because all I said was "why did you push this STUPID update on me!"18:39
jmaderoit corrupted my db18:39
jmaderoscrewed up my shares18:39
cebluemorale of story: Auto-updates suck. Also, I really do hope you can isolate the problem.18:42
ceblueHeading out now: bon chance.18:42
magikarpaleshey guys. i have a spastic wifi driver. running chrubuntu on a cr-4818:42
rp2magikarpales: sorry I've never used a chromebook18:43
magikarpaleswifi consistently connects and reconnects18:43
TEif you're on the 2.4Ghz band then it might be overloaded18:44
magikarpalesrp2: should i go on ask ubuntu? i didn't see any cr-48 specific wifi driver issues18:44
magikarpalesrp2: AskUbuntu18:44
xeno__What's the best remote desktop client to access windows from Ubuntu?18:44
rp2magikarpales: does it only happen with that device?18:45
rp2i mean the chromebook18:45
rp2xeno__: I prefer grdesktop18:46
rp2but I don't think I've tried them all18:46
rp2and it doesn't do remote drive mapping or sound18:46
rp2not sure if any of the others do18:46
xeno__Thank you rp2.18:47
rp2rdesktop has more options i think but the same limitations18:47
RAZ0REDGEhttp://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/143/c/8/freebsd_10_0_openbox_with_plank_0_5_0_and_lxpanel_by_ipodpunker-d7jfmug.png i got plank to work on freebsd ;)18:49
magikarpalesrp2: i don't have another chromebook with chrubuntu installed. if figured it was because it's circa 2009 it would be spastic.18:49
xeno__It appears rdesktop got installed when I installed grdesktop18:50
dinnelson.login admin18:50
RAZ0REDGEi'm using EOS unstable on this box though :) i was just wondering is OpenSSL is patch and all.  I did however update/update the ubuntu base18:51
RAZ0REDGEupgrade i meant18:52
magikarpalesoh wait. i think i found something relevant on Ask Ubuntu. thanks rp218:52
rp2magikarpales: good luck ...18:53
RAZ0REDGEEOS is using a roughly a old ubuntu base :S18:53
RAZ0REDGEbeen using ubuntu since it first came out about in the early 2000 lulz i have stop because of the unity shell i was like YIKES what the H*LL man ? ?  ? but i must say 14.04 is quite stable ... i just like the shell and EOS shell of gnome 3 the base is not really my cup of tea.. a BSD base would be much prefered18:55
RAZ0REDGEmaybe ubuntu should switch to FreeBSD base ;P18:55
RAZ0REDGEanyhow i know i'm extremely off topic, and i'm sorry for that.. take care people i'm just happy i got bamf sorted and plank is now working :D18:56
jmaderorp2: new label and mount point no god18:56
jr__hola buenas18:57
rp2I've always liked Unity ... there's no accounting for taste I suppose. I liked FreeBSD a lot back when I was using it.18:57
jmaderoI just came up with a stupid solution that will work I think18:58
rp2jmadero: have you tried the manual mount commands?18:58
jmaderoah that was the one I forgot let me try that18:59
jmaderorp2: if not - I might just symlink18:59
jmaderoall folders in LittleMan into MEGAMAN18:59
jmaderoLOL rp2 same result with manual19:01
kingbeowolfhow do you guys control your raid?19:07
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vmusrany ideas how to fix ubuntu 12.04 not detecting an blank cd-r?19:13
astropirate_hello guys19:14
astropirate_i am trying to connect to my server via SSH and RSA keys, but this is in my ssh client output:19:14
astropirate_"Offering RSA public key: /home/mansoor/.ssh/id_rsa"19:14
astropirate_why does it offer id_rsa and not id_rsa.pub?19:14
astropirate_any ideas?19:15
xeno__And what do you all use for skype?19:16
magikarpalesxeno__: jabber?19:17
magikarpalesxeno__: sorry i came in late on this. are you wanting free open source alterns to skype? correct?19:18
OerHeksastropirate_, They're a key pair: id_rsa is your private key -- it should be kept secret, so that only you can use it; and id_rsa.pub is your public key -- you give it out so that others can verify that a given signature came from your private key19:18
astropirate_OerHeks, right19:18
OerHeksastropirate_, now you are logged in as rootaccount, you can see both19:19
astropirate_OerHeks, but, why does it offer the private key and not the publickey?19:19
OerHeksit does not know what you are going to do, encrypt, or decrypt, i guess19:20
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fixmypc956guys i am having an issue trying to connect to my server motel19:24
xeno__I just want to use what everyone else is using.19:24
xeno__It doesn't need to be fancy.19:24
xeno__It appears there are apps on Ubuntu related to Skype, but perhaps I am just supposed to use their app?19:25
fixmypc956myip gives me a dynamic ip address19:25
fixmypc956so i set up with dnsdynamico sooht i can have a DDNS connection19:26
fixmypc956i was previously able to connect remotely with Putty19:26
rp2xeno__: I think I installed it from a special package repository, and keep it up to date that way.19:27
rp2also I need to start it with some exotic environment variable setting in order to get video to work19:27
rp2I'll go home now where I did this, so I can check it19:27
rp2in about 20 minutes19:27
fixmypc956my set up is a primary router and the serveris connected to an access point19:28
rp2Skype that is.19:28
xeno__Wow, that's a lot of work.19:28
fixmypc956i can connect to my server locally19:28
xeno__I mean going home.19:28
fixmypc956but not remotely19:29
fixmypc956can anyone help19:30
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caigparted on 14.04 won't format anythign as fat32, only ntfs and ext, dosfs tools in on by default on ubuntu19:31
DammitJimwhat am I supposed to do with a message like this: W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_multiverse_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch19:32
DammitJimI can't update any of my servers19:32
DammitJimthe following line is: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-security/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:32
DammitJimis there a different server I should be using for my updates?19:32
DammitJimI'm in Florida19:32
willwhDammitJim: did you apt-get update?19:33
willwhI assume that you are getting errors from that19:33
willwhor, did you just apt-get upgrade?19:33
DammitJimwillwh, that's when it happens19:33
willwh'cause if you did the latter, it's likely that your apt cache is out of date19:33
DammitJimsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:34
DammitJimlet me see.. .I'm doing the former19:34
DammitJimok, sudo apt-get update gives me the 40419:34
jstrongI have a Radeon HD 6670 I am attempting to run with ubuntu. I've followed all the steps to install the correct drivers for AMD, including those that are available on AMD's support center - no problems during installation. When I boot my machine always boots into "low graphics mode" and I cannot get past that point.19:34
DammitJimErr http://security.ubuntu.com precise-security/multiverse Sources19:34
DammitJim  404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:34
jstrongAll the help on the net that I've found say I need to run "sudo aticonfig —initial" but i have already run this command several times to no avail.19:35
ElenchHi, I'm looking through the setup and can't see how to hide the bar thingie at the top, any hints?19:35
jstrongAny suggestions or ideas are helpful.19:36
DammitJimwillwh, do I need to remove that source?19:36
willwhit shouldn't stop you dist upgrading19:37
willwhoh, you're just package upgrading19:38
DammitJimI would like to dist-upgrade, though19:39
DammitJimmy sources list19:40
ElenchOh, and if there's an easy way to hide title bars then that too please :)19:43
willwhDammitJim: maybe give this a shot on one box? http://askubuntu.com/questions/297757/why-after-fresh-ubuntu-12-04-installation-update-arent-being-installed19:44
DammitJimsudo apt-get install linux?19:45
DammitJimthat sounds rather strange!!!!19:45
DammitJimare you sure you aren't trying to trick me?19:45
AcidRain2012DammitJim, you have to install the linux package19:49
AcidRain2012ubuntu comes shipped without linux19:49
AcidRain2012sudo apt-get install linux will add the packages19:49
DammitJimoh gosh19:50
DammitJimok, here goes nothing19:50
AcidRain2012i was jk19:50
DammitJimI mean, what the heck?19:51
Jordan_UAcidRain2012: When helping in this channel, be sure to actually be helpful. Pranks are not appreciated.19:51
EvelynFirst time here and I see someone saying sudo apt-get install linux...I was seriously doubting the ubuntu community haha19:51
DammitJimso, is that link bogus?19:51
AcidRain2012Jordan_U, ill be sure to obey by the CoC19:52
AcidRain2012DammitJim, honestly, im not sure19:52
kingbeowolfhow do you guys control your raid?19:53
ElenchHi, I'm wondering how I hide the title bar and that funny bar at the top of the display, I can't find a way :/19:54
duttHi, I’ve been having issues with my graphics drivers sometimes(like 1/4-1/6 of all boots) not being detected at boot since I updgraded to 14.04. now i tried to fix that…and it seems to detect it all the time. but my display is messed up. resolution is way low and i only get one screen active.19:55
LjL-LapletElench, those are meant to let you know which application you're using and who you are, respectively. you need them.19:55
ElenchLjL-Laplet: I know those things19:55
ElenchI don't need to be reminded19:56
LjL-LapletElench: let me stay skeptical19:56
ElenchScepticism is good, but I have a finite display size19:56
DammitJimanybody else? is this for real?19:56
ElenchSo I'd rather not waste it19:56
LjL-LapletElench: i'd keep in mind that as long as your window is maximized, given that the combined title+top bar also doubles as menubar (and you probably want to keep that one?), you are technically wasting no vertical pixels at all19:57
ElenchLjL-Laplet: No, I don't want the menubar by default19:57
ElenchI only want the thing I'm using :/19:58
LjL-LapletElench: uhm, i think it is generally tricky to convince many applications not to show their menubar at all... (although that's becoming a lot more common)19:58
OerHeksElench, just checked, unity-tweak does not have such panel option, only the sidebar19:58
ElenchLjL-Laplet: at least where I can I should be aboe to get rid of the bar thingie19:58
ElenchOerHeks: so it's a bug in Unity itself?19:59
ElenchOh well, thanks anyway :/19:59
OerHeksElench, no, just not an option yet.19:59
OerHeksit might be valuable enough to put it on a wishlist, not sure that still exists.20:00
ElenchThanks anyway :'(20:00
duttanyone know how to restore the xorg config? ubuntu figured it out perfectly when I installed it, so I’d just like to do the same thing again.20:02
igiihi! I am new on ubuntu, can someone help me please about installing? I have few questions.. Thanks!20:06
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duttigii: what?20:06
igiiHey! In windows i made unallocated space (50 gb) but when i go to install ubuntu, he view whole HDD as unalocatted space? Why?20:08
Jordan_Uigii: Because you have an invalid partition table.20:09
Jordan_Uigii: http://www.rodsbooks.com/fixparts/20:09
igiiwhat should i do? I dont understand this.. i am new but i love ubuntu and linux...20:09
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alkethi , how to make a software backported onUbuntu ?20:09
Jordan_Uigii: "sudo parted -l" will tell you the exact problem with your partition table, and fixparts should be able to fix it.20:10
mjuszczakWhat's the easiest way to get all of my mp3s out of ubuntuone since I can't install the app anymore?20:10
mjuszczakI'm on Mac OSX and didn't realize I couldn't install the app anymore and got rid of my old laptop20:10
igiiwill i lose data on my D disk?20:10
Jordan_Uigii: No.20:10
igiii will try20:11
Jordan_Uigii: Though no matter what you're doing, you should always have backups of any important data.20:11
igiiis there easiest way? i dont know how to do this...20:13
qinmjuszczak: web?20:13
qinmjuszczak: apparently ftp too: http://askubuntu.com/questions/452524/how-to-download-all-files-from-ubuntu-one-in-14-0420:15
rp2xeno__:  I'm logged in now.20:17
igiiis there easiest way? i dont know how to do this...20:18
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rp2xeno__: and it turns out I just use the Skype from the Ubuntu partner packages20:19
streulmahello, my iSight webcam is not working, together with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Nvidia 331. I read it's related to the Nvidia drivers. iSight firmware is working...20:19
rp2igi: what exactly did you do when in windows you 'made unallocated space' ?20:19
rp2the Ubuntu installed should definitely see your Windows installation. if it doesn't, then don't proceed because installing will destroy your Windows installation20:20
streulmamaybe it will work best with 12.0420:21
igiii open disk managmet, click od disk D and shrink volume20:21
igiiUbuntu not see Windows installation, only whole HDD as unalocated space, i am now in Windows and all working but i want to solve this problem and install Ubuntu alongside Windows20:22
Seveasigii: are you using some kind of full disk encryption software under windows?20:22
rp2it's odd, normally the Ubuntu installer should show you the WIndows partitions20:22
phyzlocWhat can cause Unity not to start after login?20:23
igiiits now showing Windows partitions, only free space (and whole hard disk - 500 GB)20:23
[[lutchy]]Ubuntu shouldn't see that as unallocated space ...20:23
Jordan_Uigii: Please boot from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB, open a terminal, run "sudo parted -l", and post the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com (then share the link to the output with us).20:23
igiiand i cant browse files from Ubuntu...20:24
[[lutchy]]The Drive is partitioned ... Either, IIRC, GPT is the only one I can think of right now20:24
rp2phyzloc: many different things. if you played with setting resolutionms, maybe your X config got screwed up (e.g. selecting a resolution that won't work)20:24
igiihow can i login again here on Ubuntu? Just type my username or?20:25
phyzlocrp2: I installed nvidia drivers20:25
rp2phyzloc: on some machines I had a problem with compiz, I had to disable it (switch to unity2d) before I could use those machines, but that was only a problem with RDP20:26
phyzlocrp2: Now any driver I load or even when I remove the drivers Unity wont start20:26
rp2as I said, video drivers can have a big impact too20:26
Jordan_Uigii: Yes, just use the same username so that there's no confusion on our side about who you are when you return :)20:26
phyzlocrp2: How do you switch to 2D?20:26
lotuspsychjephyzloc: did you try recoverymode from grub?20:26
igiithanks, i am going now to do this.20:26
rp2after you remove the drivers you may need to install some replacement20:27
phyzloclotuspsychje: try what?20:27
phyzlocrp2: And how do I find out what?20:27
lotuspsychjephyzloc: hold shift during boot and try recoverymode/failsafeX or fix broken packages from there20:28
phyzloclotuspsychje: The problem is that I don't know what packages to fix20:28
rp2I got OpenGL to work on my card by installing the xserver-xorg-core package20:28
lotuspsychjephyzloc: fix broken packages will try to automatic fix20:28
rp2I don't know what it did, it's all pretty much black magic to me20:28
lotuspsychjephyzloc: its an option on recoverymode20:29
phyzlocrp2: I doubt it's that packes since I'm inside X right now but without the Unity part20:29
rp2oh and xserver-xorg. apparently I was using X before without having that installed. that's what puzzled me. this is on 12.04 BTW20:29
phyzloclotuspsychje: In that case I have already tried it without success20:29
rp2ok ...20:30
phyzlocAnd I thought 14.04 was supposed to be much better20:30
rp2is the unty package installed? and the unity-2d package?20:30
lotuspsychjephyzloc: trusty is better, but it all depends on hardware20:31
lotuspsychjephyzloc: whats your grafix card chipset?20:31
phyzlocrp2: Yes, Unity is installed20:32
phyzloclotuspsychje: It's Geforce 8600 GT20:32
WACOMaltHow can I see the largest files/folders on my computer? (via terminal)20:33
lotuspsychjephyzloc: http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/install-nvidia-geforce-driver-in-ubuntu-12-10-12-04-using-ppa/20:33
phyzloclotuspsychje: I've already tried that .. didn't help20:34
lotuspsychjephyzloc: did you upgrade or clean install 14.04?20:34
igiihi, i am in Ubuntu now. What to type in terminal?20:34
phyzloclotuspsychje: Clean install20:34
lotuspsychjephyzloc: with updates during install and third party software internet enabled?20:35
phyzloclotuspsychje: No. After installation I installed nvidia drivers manually20:36
lotuspsychjephyzloc: its recommended to install ubuntu with internet connection20:36
lotuspsychjephyzloc: so you know wich driver ubuntu loads by default20:36
igiiwhat to type in terminal?20:36
Jordan_Uigii: sudo parted -l20:37
joelmoI installed i3 and using this instead of gnome, my upstart jobs don't run any more and when i start them manually they cant be found, do  you know how to fix this?20:37
phyzloclotuspsychje: Why can't I do that now?20:37
igiicommand not found20:37
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lotuspsychjephyzloc: can you try recovermode and root terminal, maybe try nvidia-current20:38
phyzloclotuspsychje: I'm on nvidia-current right now20:38
lotuspsychjephyzloc: thought you said you install manually?20:38
phyzloclotuspsychje: lshw show configuration: driver=nvidia latency=020:38
WACOMaltaccording to munin, my server has high postfix activity, but I have no mail features set up on my server20:39
WACOMaltshould I be worried?20:39
[wilhelm]Lore Ant Hill is getting released.20:40
phyzloclotuspsychje: yes, first I downloaded the suggested driver from Nvidia home page. that made everything black, didn't work at all. Then I removed it and ran apt-get install nvidia-current20:40
lotuspsychjephyzloc: so after ubuntu install, have you been able to login to unity?20:40
phyzloclotuspsychje: That's where I am right now20:40
phyzloclotuspsychje: From the begining yes. But that was Ubuntus drivers not nvidia20:40
Jordan_Uigii: What was the exact output?20:41
lotuspsychjephyzloc: did it not work properly at start? whats the reason you installed manually after?20:41
phyzloclotuspsychje: If I could list all graphics drivers I could tell you which one was used. Is there a way to list?20:41
lotuspsychjephyzloc: best way is check your additional drivers list first20:41
phyzloclotuspsychje: I wanted hardware acceleration for XBMC20:41
lotuspsychjephyzloc: in software sources20:41
Jordan_Uigii: Copy and paste if needed.20:42
igiisudo: parted: command not found20:42
lotuspsychjeigii: did you not forget the -l20:43
Jordan_Uigii: What is the output of "lsb_release -d"?20:43
igiii not forgeted20:43
phyzloclotuspsychje: Are you talking about apt sources? I don't see any additional drivers there20:43
igiiisb_release-d: command not found20:44
lotuspsychjephyzloc: software sources icon/last tab additional drivers20:44
lotuspsychjephyzloc: or extra drivers icon20:44
phyzloclotuspsychje: Hmm.. problem is I don't see any icons :-)20:44
icerootigii: lsb_release -d20:44
Jordan_Uigii: Please copy and paste the commands given to you to be sure you don't mistype them.20:44
igiidescription: elementary OS Luna20:45
lotuspsychjephyzloc: i would try recovermode, or clean reinstall20:45
igiiwhat to do :(20:46
lotuspsychje!elementary | igii20:47
ubottuigii: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.20:47
phyzloclotuspsychje: Ok found it. Right now I'm on nvidia 173.x. The default driver that worked from the begining was Nouveau. Question is if I can select the old one from here20:47
igiisorry friends, i am new in this20:48
phyzloclotuspsychje: There is a revert button but it's greyed out :-/20:48
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-17320:48
ubottunvidia-173 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-173): NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 173.14.39. In component restricted, is optional. Version 173.14.39-0ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 6451 kB, installed size 37695 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)20:48
phyzloclotuspsychje: Yeah it's a legacy driver since the card isn't supported in the latest20:49
igiithere is no one on they channel, can you help me with this problem20:51
Jordan_Uigii: If you'd like our help installing Ubuntu, you need to actually be installing Ubuntu, not another distribution.20:51
lotuspsychjephyzloc: this card is bit older right?20:51
droidsomeone can help me install spotydl for linux ubuntu 14.0420:52
phyzloclotuspsychje: I guess since it's on legacy..20:52
Jordan_Uigii: Please come back when you're booted into an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB environment. I Recommend using Ubuntu 14.04 (or Lubuntu 14.04 if you have a very old computer and want a lightweight desktop environment).20:52
phyzloclotuspsychje: I'm going to try selecting the default driver from Software & updates program20:53
lotuspsychjephyzloc: my best bet would be default driver that ubuntu loads by default20:53
phyzloclotuspsychje: So if I stop writing you'll know why :-)20:53
lotuspsychjephyzloc: good luck, dont forget you can enter recoverymode aswell20:53
phyzloclotuspsychje: I'll try that if this doesn't work.20:54
lotuspsychjephyzloc: i saved a few boxes on grafix issues with 'fix broken packages' from recoverymode20:54
lotuspsychjedroid: whats spotydl?20:55
phyzloclotuspsychje: gotcha20:55
phyzloclotuspsychje: rebooting now :-)20:55
droida tool for record songs of spotify20:55
serverhorrorhello, (asked this in #debian since no one seems to be active reposting here, it’s not restricted to a specific distro and I don’t know better places) — I’m looking for image based deployment options (not necessarily block based). can someone give me pointers as to what to use. I know there’s SystemImager but beyond that I don’t know of any software that achieves this20:56
Beldarserverhorror, clonezilla? This is ubuntu support however we don't generally answer beyond that.20:57
serverhorrorwow times have changed20:58
Beldarthere is ##linux serverhorror you have to be registered however with freenoded20:58
serverhorrorBeldar: any experience with it or just ‘heard of it’ (like I have with SystemImager)20:59
Beldarserverhorror, I use clonezilla but not for that just a an imager, it has deployment though.20:59
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droidnevermind i search on browser21:00
RugHowdy all21:01
Rughttp://paste.debian.net/101472/    I have a workstation that cannot ping a second NIC on a Virtualbox guest.  Any suggestions?21:01
serverhorrorRug: what network mode is the nic using?21:02
Rugserverhorror: network mode?21:03
serverhorrorRug: bridged, nat, nat network, host-only — AFAIR only bridged allows to access the vm nic without further ado21:04
Rugserverhorror: bridged.21:05
streulmawhich Nvidia driver for 14.04 is useable? Is 331 the best ?21:05
serverhorrorRug: since you talk about a second nic, is the first one bridged, and if so can you ping that one?21:06
ceblueReporting a bug: I don't know how to work the bug tracker, and in any case it's probably upstream. Trusty. Type 'usermod' (no args). Help comes up. 'remove' is mispelled as 'remvoe' on several occasions.21:06
Rugserverhorror: yes I can ping eth0 but not eth121:06
Rugboth are bridged21:06
serverhorrorRug: does eth1 have an ip and is it really up?21:07
streulmaRug: eth1 must have no gateway !21:07
askonHello everyone, my computer is after a repair, it had some water split on it, everything works fine but not sure about the internal mic, using latest ubuntu, pulse audio, when on skype hearing noise only, is there a way to check it for sure, whether it is physical or something skype-ubuntu related?21:07
Rugstreulma: correct21:07
serverhorrorRug: and the ip is routable from you host? (btw. does eth1 ping from eth0 inside the vm)21:07
bish0p_Hey, so I finally got around to installing skype on my netbook, and for some reason it won't recognize my webcam.21:09
Rugserverhorror: the server has 2 IP's ( &  my worstation can ping both (route is working both ways)  my server can only ping eth0 on the Vbox guest ( not eth1 (10.0.0.x)21:10
bish0p_Is there any way to fix this? The webcame booth thing works, and other programs can see it. Just not skype.21:10
Ruggive me a second for a more detailed config/post on pastebin21:11
IuliaHello everyone! Does anybody please has a link with some help for the classical error ...lower resolution than normal in Ubuntu 14.04 ...Mine is 1440x900 and the one wich is set now 1024x768 :(    Many thanks21:11
sparsamwho have experience with ubuntu server cloud?21:11
askon<Iulia> try to play around with ARandR it helped me some time ago21:12
guntbertsparsam: what is your real question? - serve is better discussed in #ubuntu-server genrerally21:12
Iuliathanks, I will try to find what is that...I tried thousands of things21:13
jstrongthe default ATI driver open source gives me refresh problems21:14
sparsamtanks askon21:14
jstrongthat is to say that the screen doesn't automatically refresh unless I do things like drag windows21:14
jstrongI'm using a Radeon HD 6700 card21:14
jstrongany ideas?21:14
habanany1fellows i need help, im installing mint 17 to replace mint 16 on a dual boot mint/ubuntu , right now im on the partition editor step, which option should i use ? (use as )21:14
daftykinsRug: yeah a diagram would be good21:15
ceblueThere used to be a tool to minify a samba smb.conf for faster execution. I don't see mention of this in Trusty. Is this no longer required?21:16
daftykins!mint | habanany121:16
ubottuhabanany1: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:16
wadWhen I ssh into an Ubuntu machine, it tells me what updates are available. Can I run a command from the command line to do this?21:16
cebluewad sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:17
IuliaIt suposes I manually added 1440x900 in xrandr but when I open ARandR displays 1440x900 (1920x1080) and changes it to 1920x1080 instead of 1440x900.    Anyone understands why ? Please and thanks a lot21:17
wadceblue, not so much, that asks me to upgrade. I just want to output the same thing that shows up when I ssh to the box.21:18
cebluewad: use the part before the && only then21:18
daftykinsthat won't output a status21:19
wadI'm digging through the scripts, such as .bashrc, to find where it's doing this....21:19
wadnot finding it so far.21:20
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wadLooked in /etc/bash.bashrc .... what other stuff gets run on login?21:20
daftykinsit's the motd you want to work out what does21:20
askon<Iulia> it probably reads the resolutions from a config file, search something on that, how to change the resolution in the config file manually21:20
wadWhere is the motd invoked?21:21
daftykinsbut then, you don't want it to be too easy?21:21
* wad is finding it....21:22
ceblueetc motd? etc update-motc ?21:22
phyzlocCan someone explain this please.. I run apt-get --purge remove xorg xserver-xorg ubuntu-desktop lightdm...and then install them again, but the desktop seems to be the same. Shouldn't it revert back to default???21:22
JMichaelXhave decided to upgrade a server from 12.04 to 14.04. upon trying to run 'do-release-upgrade', i get No new release found. could someone tell me what i might be overlooking?21:22
IuliaOk, will try so. Thanks again21:22
ceblueJMichaelX: add a switch to that; trusty wont count for upgrade until the .1 service release21:23
k1lphyzloc: you didnt rest unity or compiz21:23
quadHelixJMichaelX, I had to DL the 14.04 iso and perform an upgrade on 12.04.21:23
wadYeah, that's it! Thanks!21:23
phyzlock1l: How do I do that?21:23
ceblueJMichaelX: -d21:23
k1lphyzloc: and with reset i dont mean apt-get purge21:23
phyzlock1l: My whole problem is unity.. can I reset that from console? since the gui doesn't work21:24
wadAnd, for the curious, here is the answer: sudo /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available21:24
cebluequadHelix:  JMichaelX  `sudo do-release-upgrade -d`21:24
k1lphyzloc: doesnt work means what?21:24
z1hazeHi, can someone please help me out with adding a virtual host on my server? its already setup, someone had done it for me a long time ago, I just need to add another one, but I'm not sure how to do it21:25
quadHelixceblue, ty sir.  I will tell the others in the shop21:25
JMichaelXso it is recommended to wait until the first point release.21:25
JMichaelXmany thanks.21:25
z1hazethe host files i believe are in the /etc/apache2/ there is /sites-available and /sites-enabled21:25
phyzlock1l: I've had nvidia drivers problem where after installing it Unity and the whole window managment stoped working (I only see the background picture)21:25
quadHelixJMichaelX, no need to wait for point release21:25
z1hazei basically just copied the host files and edited it to make new ones, but in the sites-available folder, there is like symbolic links or something.. im not sure what its for21:26
k1lphyzloc: http://askubuntu.com/a/202020/3126021:26
phyzlock1l: Since I can't get that to work I'm trying to revert back to default. Now even with default drivers I get the same behaviour21:26
k1lphyzloc: but that sounds more like a driver issue (not loading the driver etc) then a desktop issue21:26
DaghdhaWhy do my wired connections don't show up in Network Connections?21:27
ailani have ubuntu 10.04 installed .... i have a problem with ubuntu 10.04 and the target: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG...  i do not have connection and don't recognition the interface..21:27
phyzlock1l: Now I've configured Ubuntus drivers which I had from the begining. Unity still doesn't start up21:27
phyzlock1l: What is that link? I can't click on it since I'm on console21:27
k1lphyzloc: 14.04?21:27
phyzlock1l: yes21:28
k1lsuao apt-get install unity-tweak-tool21:28
phyzlock1l: installed21:28
k1land then "unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity"21:28
trndr!eol | ailan21:29
ubottuailan: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:29
k1lphyzloc: did you make any attempts with startx so far? that could have ruined your file permissions. take a look at "ls -al " in your /home if all files belong to your user:user21:30
phyzlock1l: the reset didn't help :-/ I'll check the files21:30
phyzlock1l: with all files, you mean . and .. too?21:32
k1lno, . and .. can belong to root21:33
phyzlock1l: then it's correct21:33
k1lphyzloc: is that a dual video card setup?21:33
k1llike nvidia and the intel one in the cpu?21:33
Rugserverhorror: http://paste.debian.net/101490/21:33
phyzlock1l: when I installed nvidia drivers I ran nvidia-xconfig maybe that did something21:33
z1hazecan someone please help me with virtual host on my server?21:34
phyzlock1l: I've never used the internal one21:34
k1lphyzloc: so its a hybrid one?21:34
k1lphyzloc: you could remove the xorg.conf in /etc/X11/21:35
phyzlock1l: don't know exactly what you mean but the motherboard has a built in card but I'm using and external nvidia card21:35
k1lphyzloc: ok.21:36
DaghdhaAha! apparently any interface managed in /etc/network/interfaces is not shown in the network settings in the GUI anywhere. 'Solved' :P21:36
cebluephyzloc: if thats a desktop, you're ok, continue. if a laptop it's an optimus setup.21:36
phyzlocceblue: it's a desktop21:36
phyzlock1l: I don't seem to have xorg.conf21:36
phyzlock1l: only see different backupts21:36
k1lls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt list21:37
phyzlock1l: isn't that a surprise hehe21:37
phyzlock1l: can it be regenerated?21:38
k1ltry a "sudo apt-get purge nvidia*"21:38
cebluecan i set permissions that allow delete but not write. a user needs to manage a download folder by deleting undesired ones, but has no reason to be able to add or modify them21:38
phyzlock1l: Ok, it removed bunch of nvidia files21:39
k1lgood. then reboot21:39
phyzlock1l: what about xorg.conf?21:39
k1lits not needed21:39
phyzlocok.. rebooting21:40
cebluei dpnt thonk it's possible with the regular permissipn system?21:40
cebluesorry, using phone keyboard21:41
phyzlock1l: It's the same thing :-/ After login I only see the mouse pointer and the background picture.. nothing else21:42
Bundestrojanergood evening21:43
BundestrojanerWhen I create/modify /etc/asound.conf, what do i have to do to make the changes active?21:43
phyzlock1l: I don't now how the GUI works but it feels like it's the window manager on top of X that is the problem21:43
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, i think sudo alsactl restore21:44
SonicPenguinor sudo alsa reload21:45
k1lphyzloc: hmm, then look at ".xsession-errors" if that brings something new21:45
phyzlock1l: doesn't say much. Three lines starting with Script for ibus/auto/default21:47
IuliaBye everyone! Have a great weekend21:47
ceblueThere used to be a tool to minify a samba smb.conf for faster execution. I don't see mention of this in Trusty. Is this no longer required?21:48
phyzlock1l: So the system thinks everything is ok21:49
k1lphyzloc: sorry i am not to familiar with further digging21:49
phyzlock1l: Yeah.. I just don't like reinstalling the whole OS because of this :-/21:50
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: from alsactl --help, i guess reload is right.21:53
Bundestrojanerbut it didn't work...21:54
BundestrojanerIs there an error-log from alsa? or something similar21:54
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, restore or reload?21:54
SonicPenguini think alsa reload si rightER21:55
SonicPenguinit restarts alsa completely21:55
Bundestrojaneri tried both21:55
SonicPenguinwere the settings reloaded?21:55
Moony22What do people mean when they say unity is slow21:56
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: I've defined a LADSPA-Filter as virtual soundcard, like described here: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/.asoundrc21:57
Bundestrojanerbut it doesn't apear in VLC, so it was not reloaded or my code doesn't work21:57
Bundestrojaner(for testing, i've just copied the code from the wiki)21:57
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/.asoundrc#Filter (this code)21:58
phyzlock1l: You mentioned compiz before21:59
SonicPenguin  ok22:00
ceblueWhat does an 's' mean on file permissions? I see `drwsrwxr-x`.22:00
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, it was /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart22:00
SonicPenguinphew, 3 different commands to restart the same thing22:00
k1lphyzloc: dpkg-reconfigure compiz22:01
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: thx22:01
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: alsa-utils doesn't exist22:02
Bundestrojanerneither global nor in /etc/init.d22:02
phyzlock1l: That gives me a list of things not found22:02
phyzlock1l: backend, integration, plug-ins etc..22:03
zykotick9Bundestrojaner: alsa-utils is a package, i don't think it's an executable...22:03
jribceblue: setuid22:03
k1lphyzloc: hmm, dont know :/22:03
phyzlock1l: can I reinstall compiz?22:03
k1ldont know. i think that is more drivers issue. missing 3d or something22:04
SonicPenguini know, but it installs an init script name alsa-utils22:05
phyzlock1l: Allright.. I think I'll give up hehe thanks for you help!22:05
SonicPenguintry to install alsa-base and alsa-utils22:05
lucas-arghey guys anyone knows how to tab windows in irssi?22:05
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: alsa-utils is already installed22:05
Bundestrojanerbut: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart -> sudo: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils: command not found22:06
phyzloclucas-arg: I use alt+win22:06
phyzloclucas-arg: that is window number22:06
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, what ubuntu version?22:06
lucas-argBundestrojaner: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils alsa-base22:07
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: Kubuntu 14.0422:07
FaTonyhi, my 14.04 laptop freezes when waking from suspend, how to fix this?22:07
zykotick9SonicPenguin: you're right, i do have an alsa-utils in init.d... TIL22:07
Bundestrojanerlucas-arg: both is already installed22:08
lucas-argBundestrojaner: what are you trying to condifure?22:08
Bundestrojanermy target is upmix 2.0 -> 2.122:08
lucas-argphyzloc: that did the trick, how do i open a new window to enter a different server? so i dont have many terminals open22:08
SonicPenguinok so22:09
SonicPenguinin debian package alsa-utils, this init script is present22:09
SonicPenguinbut not in ubuntu one22:09
Bundestrojanerlucas-arg: but atm, i only copied the config from http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/.asoundrc#Filter to asound.conf to test it22:09
zykotick9lucas-arg: you are aware that irssi, can connect to multiple servers, with multiple channels in a single window right?22:09
lucas-argzykotick9: i know dont know how to open a new windows thats all22:10
SonicPenguinreading the script, it actually does alsa restore <sound card>22:10
SonicPenguinso maybe you should do alsactl restore <sound_card>22:11
SonicPenguinrestore <card #> load current driver setup for one or each soundcards from configuration file22:12
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: i found exaclty your last quote in alsactl --help22:13
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: but i tried alsactl restort and alsa reload - nothing worked22:13
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, i pasted from it lol22:13
SonicPenguindid you specify the sound card?22:14
Bundestrojanerno, i thougt not doing it reloads all?22:14
SonicPenguinwell, it doens't say anything about that22:14
SonicPenguinso if it asks for the sound card, you should provide the sound card22:14
SonicPenguinin fact, in alsa-utils script, this command is in a for loop22:15
SonicPenguinbecause it accepts one card at time22:15
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: alsactl: load_state:1757: Cannot find soundcard 'lowpass'...22:16
Bundestrojaneralsactl: load_state:1757: Cannot find soundcard 'test'...22:16
SonicPenguintry with the number22:16
Bundestrojaneri don't know their number?22:16
Bundestrojanerwhere can i found a number of a virtuel soundcard?22:16
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, aplay -l22:18
superbootHi all. Is there a way to get a 'dpkg -L' type output from apt-cache?22:18
SonicPenguinit can be a card or a device22:18
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jribsuperboot: why?  What do you want to accomplish?22:19
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: none of them is in the list, but the title is "list of Hardware devices"22:19
hyprvxI'm trying to execute a .SH script, but it keeps opening in gedit. How can I make it actually execute?22:19
jribhyprvx: what is this script for?22:19
hyprvxI've done chmod -x, and set it to "Allow Executing File as Program"22:19
hyprvxjrib, it's a visual novel22:19
mitasI'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 with an LVM Logical Volume that contains a RAID1 array. Using the mini iso the installer somehow fails to install it's bootloader after install. Using the Live CD, Ubuntu recognizes all my LVM volume except the one that I planned for my home drive.22:19
jribhyprvx: +x not -x22:19
* hyprvx facepalms22:19
LuqmanHi! I wanted to know if there any plans on fixing the whole situation with multiarch and -dev packages. Right now a lot of -dev packages end up conflicting i.e libxi-dev vs libxi-dev:i38622:19
hyprvxthank you jrib22:19
SonicPenguinsuperboot, if the package is not installed you should use apt-file22:20
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, none of your virtual devices?22:20
geniihyprvx: Does it have a shebang?22:20
geniiOh, they left now :-/22:20
mitasLuqman, probably not a question for this channel, try ubuntu-offtopic instead22:20
superbootSonicPenguin: Thanks!22:21
AndChat|268400mitas: see the ubuntu wiki raid guide for how to install onto a mirror22:21
SonicPenguinsuperboot, np22:21
Luqmanmitas: ok thanks22:21
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: no, the file asound.conf didn't exist yet, i've created it...22:21
Bundestrojanerthat's why i asked how to get alsa to read it22:21
Bundestrojanermaybe alsa didn't read the file yet22:22
mitas!raid | mitas22:22
ubottumitas, please see my private message22:22
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, ooh ok i get it now22:22
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hyprvxAfter running chmod (yes, as sudo), it's still not executing, just opening gedit22:22
zykotick9hyprvx: try opening a terminal and running it...22:23
SonicPenguintry to reload every device anyway22:24
hyprvxIt says "Permission denied"22:24
SonicPenguinevery doc points at this alsa-utils initscript to reload asoundrc22:24
geniihyprvx: Does it have a shebang at the beginning of the file?22:24
SonicPenguini think you will end up restart the pc lol22:25
AndChat|268400hash bang #!22:25
geniihyprvx: Yes, it is that line you see that starts something like: #!/bin/bash22:25
mitasAndChat|268400, I read the Wiki, it mentions nothing useful about installer compatibility. Mind you, the RAID1-array is recognized after install, only during the install procedure I cannot get it to mount /home to that LVM volume.22:25
hyprvxthe first line is #!/bin/sh22:25
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: this is not windoze^^22:25
Bundestrojanerand if the file didn't exist, i'm not sure if it won't be just ignored22:25
Busybyeskii just realized the default font is called Ubuntu.  it's pretty beautiful22:26
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, i know, but this is an extreme case22:26
SonicPenguinthe file doesn't exist for sure22:27
yujiThis Ubuntu help or no?22:27
SonicPenguinit's ubuntu packaging different from debian's22:27
zykotick9hyprvx: is this on a fat/ntfs partition?  if so, POSIX's executable bit will have no effect.  is it a bash/sh script or something else?22:27
geniihyprvx: What does ls -l  say for it?  eg: same owner as that trying to run it?22:27
k1lyuji: yes, this is the ubuntu support channel22:27
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: but i don't know anything better than rebooting. i asked in #alsa too, but noone answered. They should rename their channel to #afk22:27
hyprvxzykotick9: I'm not entirely sure, it's a Ren'Py package22:28
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, i told you, restart for this time22:28
yujiAh. Well, any way I can remove all those dash plugins attempting "results" and fix audio being too low? Pulse audio works but the default snd control doesn't properly work.22:28
SonicPenguinthen, when the devices are discovered, you can reload them as usual22:29
AndChat|268400mitas: are you usinf the server install iso?22:29
chrisssohey guys, I cant put files from /home into trash. only immediately delete. with files from /data its no problem. Why is that?? I dont get it?!?!22:29
mitasAndChat|268400, So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here. The Live CD installer recognizes all of my LVM volumes, except the one I intended to use as my home drive The Mini ISO recognizes my LVM setup, but fails to install Grub2 (works without problems on the LiveCD installer).22:29
* yuji attempts to find a way to default to performance in cpu governor.22:29
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: i'll try it22:29
hyprvxgenii: it's the same owner as the user22:29
mitasAndChat|268400, no, I'm using the Mini CD ISO, which should be sufficient for complex setups like mine.22:29
chrisssohyprvx: how do i check that?22:29
chrisssohyprvx: i have only one username/loginname22:30
mitasAndChat|268400, except it fails miserably on installing Grub2, rendering the system unable to boot...22:30
hyprvxchrissso: ?22:30
AndChat|268400mitas: The only time I have done it was with the server iso which is able to install onto a raid 1. I can't help with the mini ISO22:30
chrisssohyprvx: I dont know how to check the owner of a partition or directory22:31
yujiAnyone know how I can force ubuntu to always boot into performance mode instead of ondemand?22:31
hyprvxchrissso: ls -l AFAIK22:31
geniihyprvx: It's conceivable the "denied" message is it actually executing but  some element within the script is trying to do something to a file or location the user running it doesn't have permission for.22:31
hyprvxI tried running it as sudo22:31
chrisssohyprvx: ok its all the same name22:32
geniichrissso: Partitions are always owned by root, it gets set every boot in udev. If you chmod the root of a prtition it always reverts22:32
mitasAndChat|268400, thanks for the suggestion, but does the server ISO recognize LVM as well?22:32
geniichown, rather22:32
yujiLovely support, no wonder Debian is the preferred distro. Quite frankly Ubuntu is appalling. *gutmann's method deleting Ubuntu*22:33
AndChat|268400mitas: Yes. And you could also setup the mirror *after* installation if you find that easier.22:33
chrisssoif I check "ls -l" everything shows the same username22:33
chrisssoso its all owned by me22:33
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: I've rebooted, neither aplay nor vlc lists more than the hardware-soundcards22:34
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, wow...22:34
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, im clueless now22:35
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: is there no error-log or something like that?22:35
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chrisssowhere can I check if the /data and /home have different rights regarding deleteing files?22:35
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, yes, you can find boot time log in /var/log/syslog22:35
z1hazesomeone please help :( im trying to add another website to my dedicated box but i dont know how.. i see all the individual sites in /home/www/ but they are not file folders, they are reading as MS-DOS Applications.. how do i make those?22:36
hyprvxpardon me, a friend stole my laptop for a minutes22:36
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: but their's no alsa-log?22:37
z1hazeis there a better channel i can join to get help with a webserver on ubuntu?22:37
mitasAndChat|268400, if you know of a reliable way to clone a home drive to another volume and mount it instead of the initial /home partition, I will happily try it. both cp -Rp /home /homenew && vi /etc/fstab to substiitute the mappings for /home and /homenew and the rsync variant failed. The cp/ rsync action shows no error messages, but after restarting the system, any other user/group other than $USER and root will not be able to access the22:38
mitas partition, i.e. Firefox can't write to the home drive and fails to start.22:38
geniiz1haze: Possibly #ubuntu-server  ...?22:38
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, i dont think so22:38
SonicPenguinby the way syslog gathers quite a few logs22:38
SonicPenguinanyway, check yout /var/log folder22:38
mitasAndChat|268400, if you know of a reliable way to clone a home drive to another volume and mount it instead of the initial /home partition, I will happily try it. both cp -Rp /home/* /homenew && vi /etc/fstab to substiitute the mappings for /home and /homenew and the rsync variant failed. The cp/ rsync action shows no error messages, but after restarting the system, any other user/group other than $USER and root will not be able to access t22:39
mitashe partition, i.e. Firefox can't write to the home drive and fails to start.22:39
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: maybe alsa is still built without ladspa-support and that's why my virtual soundcard is not created :(22:40
mitas^sorry for repeat, the cp line was not complete22:40
Bundestrojanerbut i have no idea how to check that22:40
daftykinsmitas: do it from a liveCD / different user instead of from an active session maybe22:40
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, that's would be strange22:40
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, check if you miss some ladspa related packages22:41
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, i rember installing some packages just to acitvate a system wide equalizer22:41
BundestrojanerSonicPenguin: the wiki where i found the filter-config says, the latest Ubuntu has alsa compiled without ladspa-support. but that was ubuntu 10.1022:42
mitasdaftykins, performing the copy as another user would make no sense since that user will typically reside on the same home drive, except maybe from a remote system or indeed a LiveCD. Thanks for the hint.22:44
Praxitrying to boot up a server to the ubuntu server installation cd.  If I put the CD in, the server hangs and just shows a blinking cursor.  I have tried the same disk on a workstation and was succesful.22:44
daftykinsmitas: it made sense to me in terms of not locking any /home content for that user :)22:44
PraxiDo I need to be trying to find some alternate installer, or mashing a key or anything?22:45
SonicPenguinBundestrojaner, i dont know, trusty has some packages that contain ladspa plugins22:45
daftykinsPraxi: anything exotic about that system?22:45
SonicPenguinsome maybe it is compiled with alsa support22:45
Praxiits an older server system with adaptec raid, nothing I would consider exotic daftykins22:45
daftykinshow about the graphics hardware?22:46
Praxisome old xeons, 4gb memory if I recall22:46
Praxijust onboard, so intel22:46
OerHeksxeon without PAE ?22:46
mitasdaftykins, not while cloning the *entire* home partition. doing so from another user on that system (except root) would garble the active user's home drive. I guess I can do it as true root, while in single user mode.22:47
daftykinsmitas: single user mode doesn't exist22:47
Praxinot sure OerHeks22:47
mitasdaftykins, not anymore? runlevel 1?22:48
daftykinsubuntu doesn't use runlevels22:48
daftykinsPraxi: wouldn't hurt to try editing the boot parameters to watch kernel messages22:48
PraxiShould I be hitting a key somewhere to make that happen, or is that a modification of the files on the CD daftykins ?22:49
mitasdaftykins, you are of course right, serves me right to try to tackle this situation with a general linux method using systemV22:49
daftykinsmitas: recovery boot should work however :) dropping to a root shell22:51
daftykinsPraxi: hmm not too familiar with the server boot menu from memory, but it may well have options there22:51
PraxiI never see the boot menu22:51
Praxijust goes to a blinking cursor22:51
agnorhello, can you guys help me? i'm trying to connect my laptop to TV via VGA to DVI on my new xubuntu 14.04 but i get no signal on my TV22:51
Praxipop the disc and it works on a PC, so I know the disc is good, also tried replacing the dvd drive on the server to no effect22:52
tbergmanHi all.  What's the avai;ai;ity for a distro of ubuntu for a galaxy phone?22:53
mitasdaftykins, I'm always keen on alternatives, I'll give it another try then22:53
daftykins!touch | tbergman22:54
ubottutbergman: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch22:54
tbergmanthanks daftykins22:54
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Busybyeskii can't get java applets to work again. :( what do i need beyond the icedtea plugin?22:55
Busybyeskichrome://plugins doesn't show the icedtea plugin, how can i get them linked?22:59
mitasBusybyeski, did you install icedtea proper? The plugin won't be much use without it...23:00
Busybyeskiicedtea java web start?23:01
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Busybyeskiit was working last week, now it appears not to be starting up with chrome23:01
brainwashBusybyeski: http://askubuntu.com/questions/470594/how-do-i-get-java-working-on-google-chrome-3523:01
mitasdid you open chrome from a terminal, so you can see any errors that might appear while trying to launch your App?23:02
Busybyeskibrainwash: bummer. thanks23:02
Busybyeskihow can i lock upgrades?23:03
Busybyeskithey broke both android chrome and ubuntu chrome for me in this 35 update23:04
daftykinsBusybyeski: i wonder if that's something to do with the post which says chrome is starting to change compatibility when it comes to add-ons.23:08
Busybyeskidaftykins: it looks like their change from gtk223:08
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speaker1234need help with getting a lsi 3ware 9750 card working23:17
mitasIs there any way I can switch the filesystem to full read/write mode when booting to a recovery terminal? I don't need training wheels.23:18
DaveyGHi all,   I would like to learn the basics of linux, considering a college course if i have too. However i tend to learn best by trying stuff and breaking it. I guess i have a short atention span.  Any tips about what i should understand as a basis would be greatly recieved.23:18
jimi_My gnome is missing a menu that lets you lock/logout etc.. after dist-upgrade23:18
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daftykinsmitas: just remount / as rw23:19
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"23:19
jribDaveyG: play and break inside a virtual machine23:19
DaveyGAnyone know how i can backup a ubuntu system via cli.23:19
jrib!backup | DaveyG23:19
ubottuDaveyG: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:19
mitasdaftykins, the alternate Install CD does sadly not exist anymore...23:19
jribDaveyG: but for playing and breaking just use a virtual machine and snapshots23:20
daftykinsmitas: my bad, that bot trigger didn't have what i was after23:20
mitasdaftykins, never mind, thank you for trying :-)23:20
daftykinsmitas: mount -o remount,rw /23:20
daftykins^in the root shell23:21
enavhello, if i create a local repository for a school with no internet, a kid install for example gimp from that local repo and then it connect to internet later, will this kid get updates from the ubuntu repos for that app??? or this app will only look for new versions on that local repo ???23:22
mitasdaftykins, yes that works. it just seems silly that the default for the rescue system is to remote read-only, does anyone know the reason for that?23:22
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speaker1234Figuring out how to make a 3ware 9750 card work?23:23
speaker1234 23:23
matjuIf I need to troubleshoot whether a disk "read error" and random filesystem damage are caused by the CPU, the motherboard or the hard-disk's own board, how would I do that ? Is there some kind of CPU stress-test tool that can detect damage ? (I've already done a hd surface test and a RAM test)23:23
mitasdaftykins, remote should be mount (spelling checker acting up)23:23
daftykinsmitas: well, you know the old one about 'with great power comes great responsibility' ?23:24
daftykinsmitas: anywho i'm afraid nobody policy setting lurks here so it's solely support ^_^23:24
daftykinsspeaker1234: ooh 3ware... i have several but not under Linux. what distro are you trying to use?23:25
speaker1234ubuntu 14.0423:25
speaker1234tring to set up a zfs array23:25
DaveyGI thought i would put this out there, ive been looking into vpns and ive found proxpn. seems very good. found it via the twit network. However if you use code AGTX40 you can get 40% off rather than 20.23:25
mitasdaftykins, I know that saying, but imro. Rescue mode should be without training wheels. It should not be started by someone who doesn't know the command line23:26
daftykinsok, let's try to avoid the preaching in here though23:27
speaker1234What's weird is it sees the card but doesn't see any of the attached disks23:27
daftykinsyou can discuss policy in #ubuntu-offtopic23:27
daftykinsspeaker1234: have you created a unit yet?23:27
mitasdaftykins, but I'll keep my inquiries focused on support questions from now on.23:27
daftykinsgood to hear :)23:27
speaker1234daftykins: Not going to. Using it strictly as a jbod23:28
DaveyGGui's in my opinion should be avoided when it comes to linux.  Cli is a bit of a pain but after a little while you start to understand and from then you are much better off.23:29
daftykinsspeaker1234: right, but i think you have to specify single disks as JBOD in the controller firmware23:30
daftykinsspeaker1234: when you get the 3ware screen on bootup, do you see the message "3ware BIOS installed succesfully!" ?23:30
speaker1234I broke the raid set apart. That's not sufficient? It lists all of the drives as visible in the BIOS23:30
enavhello, if i create a local repository for a school with no internet, a kid install for example gimp from that local repo and then it connect to internet later, will this kid get updates from the ubuntu repos for that app??? or this app will only look for new versions on that local repo ???23:30
speaker1234no, it does not install the bios23:30
daftykinsif not you're probably not going to see proper functionality, but i can't remember 100% as i don't JBOD on mine23:30
daftykinsok well go in and select a single disk and see what you can do with it23:31
daftykinsi might be wrong but it's my best idea23:31
LjL-Lapletmitas: for a start, you don't mount read-write if you're starting a system so you can fsck it23:31
speaker1234it is better than my ideas :-)23:31
nith1210enav: yes.23:31
nith1210enav: He will get updates from the ubuntu repos.23:32
speaker1234k in bios now23:32
enavso repos are just list of sources and the updater will try to find the latest verrsion in the available sources right ?23:32
speaker1234i see all the drives23:33
nith1210enav: Yes.23:33
Bashing-omenav: The base of "updating" is from the "/etc/apt/sources.list" file. Whatever is set within this file determines where the updates cvome from.23:33
nith1210enav: Basically, grab all the sources, go fetch all their packages, concatinate the list and check for the highest version.23:34
mitasLjL-Laplet, yes, that makes sense. I just miss old runlevel 1 where a couple of services might not be loaded, but the system itself is in a pretty normal state.23:34
nith1210enav: sorry, to clarify23:34
LjL-Lapletmitas: uhm well if you just don't want X to load, i think you can pass "text" to the kernel to achieve that23:35
nith1210enav: go fetch all of their "Packages" files, which are the list of packages that repository has and their versions.23:35
enavim between 3 beautiful mountains and internet here is limited, i would like to create a full copy of the ubuntu repo in english and spanish for this town, a lot of kids have laptops, what is the best approach i should try23:35
daftykinsenav: it's huge, get shipped a disk of it23:36
nith1210enav: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors23:36
enavhow much is huge23:36
nith1210enav: basically you're asking how to set up a Mirror, that page should tell you what you need23:36
daftykinshundreds of gigabytes23:36
zykotick9daftykins: i'm unaware the ubuntu makes the repo available on disks...23:36
nith1210enav: according to that page, 642GB as of 2013-04-0423:37
daftykinszykotick9: *they* don't23:37
DaveyGI would be more concerned about the hardware your installing it on, rather than the download size.23:37
enavi see23:37
daftykinszykotick9: also the company is called Canonical23:37
enavthere is a way to only select some of the software and create a repo with those just easy?23:37
enavthis is more like community service23:38
zykotick9daftykins: really?  Canonical you say... ;)  i'm well aware.23:38
enavi cant spend months on this23:38
nith1210enav: Yes, you can using apt-ftparchive and a bit of tweaking23:38
daftykinszykotick9: just teasing your inaccuracy ;)23:38
speaker1234nith1210: or apt-mirror23:38
nith1210speaker1234: can apt-mirror do partials?23:39
enavi will research about those23:39
zykotick9enav: will this be a local connection to your mirror, or across the internet?  if it's local, check out apt-cacher-ng.23:39
mitasLjL-Laplet, that's not the same, runlevel 1 used to be single user mode, Oh well, never mind.23:39
enavit will be a local wifi connection23:39
nith1210speaker1234: awesome; enav: as speaker1234 says.23:39
daftykinsi agree with the apt-mirror idea ^23:39
daftykinsdownload once, share23:39
speaker1234daftykins: just found out that the 9750 will not do jbod23:40
daftykinsspeaker1234: are you sure? that seems ridiculous23:40
nith1210enav: Also, if you also have custom packages, I recommend mini-dinstall for those.23:41
daftykinsspeaker1234: are you sure that doesn't just mean that inside the BIOS it's called 'Single Disk' when you select one and say create?23:42
speaker1234This is really frustrating because I've got 16 4 GB drives and there's no way I'm going to raid them without ZFS level data integrity checking23:42
speaker1234I mean 4 terabyte drives23:43
daftykinswow you're foregoing the functionality of the 3ware and trying to just use the 3ware as a dumb SATA port extender?23:43
daftykinswhy on earth D:23:43
speaker1234daftykins: Because it's what I have and I don't have to buy anything else23:43
* zykotick9 doesn't understand the hype around ZFS, but if you want to use that filesystem, i'd suggest an OS that supports it natively (and that can never be linux)23:44
speaker1234zykotick9: Read the research papers on ZFS and why it's very important. And it's already natively supported on Linux.23:45
zykotick9speaker1234: ZFS's restore reminds me a lot, of Windows feature - only at the file system level.  but i wouldn't use it with gnu/linux myself.23:45
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zykotick9speaker1234: ZFS will NEVER be in the linux source...23:46
speaker1234zykotick9: look deeper and Who cares if it's not in the Linux source. It's an independent package for multiple platforms23:46
Tilo15Hello, I was wondering if there was any way at all to get the latest Ubuntu touch on the 2012 Nexus 723:47
speaker1234It's like saying bind is no good because it's not the Linux source23:47
mitas!touch | Tilo1523:47
ubottuTilo15: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:47
speaker1234daftykins: Looking in the control information, it has 16 drives discovered but no active drives.23:48
Tilo15Thanks mitas, it says the nexus 7 2012 is deprecated. I was just wondering if there was any other way of getting the latest verson23:48
daftykinsspeaker1234: don't you only have 4?23:49
speaker123416 4tb drives23:49
speaker1234and a drive bay good for another 6023:49
mitasTilo15, the sources are there, you can cross-compile them for your particular system, but you do need a proper toolchain for the platform you are going to compile for.23:50
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speaker1234daftykins: bleck.  I'm giving up for tonight.23:52
daftykinsspeaker1234: i'd be very curious to see that controller BIOS :)23:52
Tilo15mitas: Is there any help on how to do that?23:52
daftykinsspeaker1234: latest card BIOS i assume?23:53
speaker1234don't know23:53
speaker1234bios is be9x
speaker1234fw version fh9x
daftykinsjust visit the LSI site to find out23:54
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ikoniagot to make sure the card's bios is not to low/high for the kernel module23:55
speaker1234looks like i need to upgrade the bios23:56
mitasTilo15, it should be explained in the README file that comes with the source, though not specific for your platform, just in general. You might find the tools and support linked on on xda-developers.com or some other similar place.23:56
Tilo15Thank you mitas, I'll have a look at that23:57
speaker1234all the code dates from 201223:58
ikoniathat's not a bad thing23:58
ikoniathere is normally a range that the bios must be in for the kernel module23:58
ikoniatoo new/too old can be bad23:58
ikoniaso don't do it blind23:58
speaker1234I probably need a new card for jbod support23:59
ikoniaerr n23:59
ikoniaa raid card that doesn't support jbod would be very very rare23:59
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