
Joe_knockthere was no other word to use.00:00
=== Attww is now known as Atttwww
=== med is now known as medberry
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Guest67771Hi running Ubuntu 12.04 server at home, and I recently switched static IP addreses. Since that time, Webmin won't work - it just shows unable to connect. Would anyone have troubleshotting tips for me - the internet is all good?01:28
pmatulis_Guest67771: webmin isn't supported by ubuntu01:31
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:31
Guest67771Ok....is there another tool to manage scheduled cron jobs?01:32
dw1crontab -e will load a text editor02:10
dw1crontab --help02:11
dw1man crontab02:11
dw1oh he left. wups02:11
hellinterimWhat does ubuntu server normally assign the dev device name to usb externals?05:17
sarnoldhellinterim: /dev/sd* -- perhaps the biosdevname package changes the names..05:19
hellinterimi just installed fuse. Was that needed lol because I see sdc now.05:24
sarnoldthe /dev/sdc block device should have existed without fuse; but perhaps the filesystem that is on the block device needed fuse to be mounted05:25
hellinterimit's ext305:26
hellinterimhmm well anyway. thanks. cya05:26
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
lordievaderGood morning.07:40
lordievaderHey achab, how are you?07:44
achabfine thanks, and you?07:46
lordievaderDoing well here too.07:46
Macerwhere exactly does lxc get its address from when using dhcp?12:17
Macerbecause i am getting an old dns that i no longer wish to use when the container starts12:17
Macerbut the old dns seems persistent even tho i have no idea where it is grabbing it from12:18
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pmatulis_Macer: by default, from dnsmasq13:42
pmatulis_there is a network bridge set up (lxcbr0), viewed with 'ip addr show lxcbr0' and 'sudo brctl show'13:44
Macerpmatulis_: yeah i disabled that15:21
Maceri figured it out tho. thanks anyways ;)15:21
Macerso far i have set up quite the little ubuntu server15:22
Macerthe contianers are great15:22
pmatulis_Macer: yep15:42
pmatulis_using them now myself15:42
=== RaptorJesus_ is now known as RaptorJesus
Macerwell. this ubuntu server is coming along quite well :)18:25
Maceri even have tv tuners in it lol18:25
=== zz_swebb is now known as swebb
luttermann84So... While trying to provision a server using MaaS, apt complained that the Packages file was gone! And it seens to be right, only Packages.bz2 and Packages.gz are avalible! What to do now?!20:24
Patrickdkrun apt-get update20:34
luttermann84Patrickdk: it's kind of hard in the pxe booted environment, it shuts down becaouse of the error from apt.. and it properly wouldn't solve the problem that apt is looking for a nonexistent file.20:36
Patrickdkoh, in there20:36
hxmi want to send emails using smtp, does not exists a script for do that with TLS support?20:50
hxmi dont mind which programming language it is20:50
hxmi just found many that wont work20:50
bekkshxm: So setup a mail server.21:01
hxmi did but I want send authed21:01
bekksSo configure your mailserver to do so.21:02
luttermann84hxm: what is it you want to achieve?21:02
hxmbekks: you didnt understand what I said21:03
hxmluttermann84: send an email from a background process with a smtp with tls21:03
bekksI perfectly did. But you didnt answer my question.21:03
hxmthe mailserver is working, I can send emails from any mail desktop client, is all these scripts I found which fail with tls21:04
luttermann84The best way is proberly to use the local mta on the system to relay the messages, if you are connecting to the local machine you don't need tls, and you can use the mail command.21:06
hxmyea, but is the backup server, and I wanted to use the main server as a normal client, but surely I will need to do that21:09
hxmbtw goal real madrid21:09
luttermann84hxm: what?21:10

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