
Unit193There you go, you have mail.00:03
ochosity :)00:04
ochosisergio-br2: hey, i think we should pull in the new system-software-update and the new ubiquity icon00:06
ochosisergio-br2: obviously there are still a few sizes missing for either...00:06
ochosiUnit193: it sounds ridiculous, but it could be that we also need to add shimmer-themes00:20
ochosior we need to fix something in xubuntu-default-settings00:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1322305 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfc4-settings needs shimmer-themes as a dependency" [Undecided,New]00:21
ochosii would actually prefer to fix that somehow other than adding shimmer-themes as a depends00:21
Unit193ochosi: https://sigma.unit193.net/xubuntu.utopic/core-d.html#_other xubuntu-artwork deps on shimmer-themes, I made sure they were installed.00:22
Unit193I also quite agree that xfce4-session shouldn't have that as a dep.00:22
ochosi-session? you mean -settings?00:25
ochosieither way, yeah, -artwork should depend on it00:25
ochosiand we should probably look into the xfce session this cycle00:25
ochosii.e. whether it really makes sense to distinguish between the xubuntu and the xfce session00:25
ochosiwanna look at that too, Unit193 ^ ?00:25
ochosisince you're already dealing with a similar problem-set with -core00:26
Unit193ochosi: Unless you want to lose the Xubuntu panel, power manager settings, themes, and stuff, you want to keep the Xubuntu session.00:27
ochosino, i mean in the standard iso we have a xubuntu and an xfce session00:29
ochosii wonder whether the xfce session really makes sense00:29
ochosiwe haven't really taken very good care of it during the last cycles, frankly, i've rarely started one and when i did, it always felt somewhat "broken"00:30
Unit193The xfce session comes from upstream.00:31
Unit193xfce4-session: /usr/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop00:32
ochosihumm, right :/00:33
ochosistill, that doesn't necessarily mean we can't or should't get rid of it00:33
Unit193Hmm.  So 'tasksel' method installs indicator-application but not xfce4-indicator-plugin, thus no nm-applet.00:38
ochosibut nm-applet also has a fallback trayicon, no?00:50
ochosiso why would we need indicators in -core?00:50
Unit193It seems it 'detects' indicator-application..00:51
ochosiso that pulls in the whole indicator stack i presume?00:51
Unit193The ISO/--no-install-recommends is fine, so that method you still won't get indicators, but tasksel has the problem so I've got it so tasksel will also pull in the plugin, see?00:51
Unit193Meh, it's not so bad.00:52
Unit1933 packages*00:52
ochosihow is the overall comparison of -desktop vs. -core atm in terms of size and packages?00:57
Unit193tasksel'd core is 2.3G all installed.  Seed is not bad in terms of diff (seen the link?)  Booted up my utopic Xubuntu, and it's 3.2G but I've removed abiword, gnumeric, gmusicbrowser, and others so isn't a good thing to compare to.01:02
ochosii think it'd be nice to have a comparison in terms of iso-size, installed size and ram-usage01:11
ochosihm, indicator-power can't go?01:13
ochosior is it just because our default settings hide the trayicon that that's still there?01:13
ochosi(fwiw, i hope we can get rid of indicator-power with the next xfpm release...)01:13
ochosistarted to look at the diff now, makes sense to me01:14
Unit193Erm, not trying to turn that into an indicator are you? :/01:14
Unit193And yeah, I can drop that one too.01:14
ochosino, xfpm will have a panel-plugin instead of a trayicon01:14
Unit193Yey! \o/  (I like the mouseover, indicators don't get that.)01:15
ochosiimo indicator-messages should also go01:15
ochosiwhat would it be used by?01:15
Unit193Done and done.01:15
ochosiif pidgin and thunderbird arent01:15
ochosithat's kinda usesless too, as the panel's clock plugin does all we want/need now01:16
ochosiwe don't even use it in our default panel layout anymore01:16
Unit193So basically how it works, we get two for the price of one.  We get a core barebones with --no-install-recommends, and we get a minimal one with tasksel.  I keep forgetting that the clock one is built in, click for calendar right?01:17
ochosiyup, both open a calendar on left-click01:17
Unit193So, done.01:17
ochosiah, so -core barebones is everything in the list (including the ones in brackets), tasksel is without the ones in brackets?01:18
Unit193Reverse that.01:19
ochosioh , right, whoopsie :)01:19
ochosii also wonder if we need appfinder when we have whiskermenu in -core...01:20
Unit193Thought I'd just dropped that one..01:20
Unit193appfinder is also alt+f2, soo...01:20
ochosimaybe you did, i'm looking here: https://sigma.unit193.net/xubuntu.utopic/core.html01:20
ochosiyeah, but whisker also executes commands01:20
Unit193That's the right link.01:20
ochosijust saying, it's not a huge problem if we install appfinder too01:21
ochosiit's tiny01:21
ochosilibasound2-plugins does what?01:21
Unit193I'm not really sure, so I left it.01:22
ochosii see01:22
ochosifrankly, if we're not shipping indicator-sound, we should install xfce4-mixer01:22
ochosisince we're not using pulseaudio, it should work fine, but it might pull some gstreamer stuff...01:22
Unit193barebones doesn't, minimal gets pulseaudio.01:23
Unit193FWIW, volumeicon is great for alsa. :P01:23
ochosiyeah, but if minimal has pulse, we need *some* mixer for it01:24
ochosii'd really love to replace pavucontrol somehow01:24
ochosibut i fear we'll have to write the replacement ourselves..01:24
ochosiand i think it's a rather complicated thing to do01:24
ochosi(the panel plugin for pulseaudio is already kinda written, so maybe we can at some point get rid of that indicator too)01:25
Unit193So for minimal I can add pavucontrol, or even indicator-sound+pavu01:25
ochosiwhy screenshooter?01:25
Unit193"Some screenshot application is handy" --I don't know. :P01:25
ochosiwithout screenshooter, what happens when you hit the PrintScreen button?01:26
Unit193Remember, that only gets into minimal.01:26
ochosiright, true01:26
Unit193But can remove it too, no big deal.01:26
Unit193xfce4-places-plugin can go right?01:27
ochosinah, it's kinda fine i guess01:27
ochosiyeah, we don't use that by defualt01:27
ochosiand imo it's an additional feature01:27
Unit193Yeah, it's weird and unused IMO. :P01:27
ochosiok, i think libasound-plugins is pulled because it depends on libasound01:28
ochosiwhich is basically alsa support 01:28
ochosi(as far as i understand)01:28
Unit193So you end up with pavucontrol in minimal?  Without indicator?01:29
ochosikinda okayish, although the indicator doesn't hurt if we have indicator-application anyway01:30
ochosihumm, can we get rid of plymouth for !minimal?01:31
Unit193You can't get rid of plymouth in Ubuntu.01:31
ochosilooks good to me then01:32
ochosithanks for this!01:32
ochosigotta get some sleep now01:32
Unit193ochosi: Thanks a ton for the review!  Everything's been refreshed now.01:34
ochosilooking forward to this in .1001:34
ochosithis should be our answer to all the "install libreoffice" requests from then on :p01:34
Unit193Well huh, less depends on plymouth than it used to, but you still lose some core things. :P01:38
Unit193Erm, zenity is worse than I thought.  (Also, core and minimal ISOs up.)03:26
brainwashelfy: just read the forums thread about pkexec, maybe we could provide 1 policy for a general wrapper which could be used like gksudo09:53
brainwashfor 14.1009:54
brainwashif this idea does not cause any negative side effects09:55
knomenot being able to distinguish what needs the permission?10:03
knomealso, wouldn't it pretty much defeat the purpose?10:04
brainwashwhich purpose?10:07
brainwashto see in the password window which app really needs the permissions?10:07
elfybrainwash: I've been mulling that business over10:12
elfyclosest I've got is to doing one for those that we decide - mousepad/thunar - things that a *normalish* user might find they need10:15
elfyor - seed gksu :)10:16
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
drcpleia2: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/xubuntu-trusty.html  Here, as requested.15:26
brainwashyour review?15:36
drcno. dedoimedo's15:37
drca while back she requested news stuff to be mentioned here, as she will read the backlogs here :)15:39
* drc is assuming that she has not been "shot while trying to escape in the latest coup" :)15:40
drcSorry...how come everything sounds funnier in your head than it does coming out of your mouth (or fingers)?15:54
drcI meant to say "assuming she still has the responsibility for such things."15:55
Unit193elfy: Yes, I like that idea.  Lets seed gksu.16:29
* pleia2 adds dedoimedo link to press page and resumes day off17:45
elfyty pleia2 - I guess I could have done that - I forget I've the key too18:41
Unit193ali1234: Hello.  Have you noticed it xfwm git master whenever you alt+tab you get 'xfwm4-Message: (nil)' in the terminal output (or .cache/upstart/startxfce4.log)?18:53
ali1234no i haven't noticed that18:54
ali1234i do not use alt-tab18:54
ochosibluesabre: so far no negative reports on the xfpm/lls patch. i suggest you go ahead and push that towards utopic so we can SRU it back to trusty18:57
bluesabreyeah, I'll be sure to do that today18:58
bluesabregot a few things going on, looking at getting a new car/place to live18:58
bluesabrealso, glade-gtk2 is oficially unusable in 14.0418:59
bluesabre*as far as I am concerned18:59
ochosioh wow19:01
Unit193ali1234: OK, only asked since you've done the most with xfwm so know it better.  Thanks.19:01
ochosiyeah, same here, glade-gtk2 is totally messed up19:01
ochosibluesabre: i'll try to work on the devices tab a bit tonight so i can hopefully get you that screenshot i promised yesterday19:02
bluesabreoh good, wasn't going to say anything about that19:02
ochosiwell the devices tab still needs tweaks tweaks tweaks19:02
ochosimostly packing though19:02
elfybluesabre ochosi bug 132238419:03
ubottubug 1322384 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole Media Player fails to play audio CD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132238419:03
* bluesabre hides19:03
ochosifwiw, i think all patches we're carrying in xubuntu are in xfpm master now19:03
elfylinked it 19:03
bluesabreelfy, I'll take a look at it19:03
ochosielfy: i guess bluesabre screwed that up when he fixed the dvd support ;)19:03
bluesabregotta find an audio cd19:03
bluesabreor burn one19:03
ochosibluesabre: i don't remember right now, did we wanna work on something specific this weekend?19:05
Unit193ochosi: That's great, does that bother the BSD folks? :P19:05
ochosiUnit193: no, as eric made suspend without systemd work again19:05
bluesabreochosi: nothing specific, got some hacking going on and need to get releases to utopic/trusty19:06
ochosiso the next xfpm release will be quite a treat i think19:06
ochosibluesabre: yeah, and we need to get you upload rights...19:06
bluesabreyeah, need to get to that19:06
bluesabreand need to apply for tech lead19:06
ochosiyup, not so many days left ;)19:06
ochosieven though there hasnt exactly been a flood of applicants :p19:07
elfydid mine get lost? 19:08
ochosielfy: re-send please ;)19:08
Unit193micahg has been offline entirely a week, should we be worried?19:08
elfyonly had one stamp ochosi 19:08
Unit193elfy: I got it for you, let me send it in. ;)19:08
ochosiUnit193: he told me he got promoted @work, so i guess he'll be busier than before19:09
bluesabrealso, thanks for the monday mtg ochosi, I should be able to make it (holiday in the states)19:09
Unit193Yey!  And boo.19:09
elfyI read that in channel somewhere I'm sure19:10
ochosibluesabre: cool19:10
Unit193I think I did too, elfy.19:10
ochosii guess cycling meeting-times isn't such a bad thing then19:10
ochosibluesabre: we still have a few greeter branches to review btw19:12
bluesabreyeah, I know19:13
ochosioh, and my parole branch :p19:13
bluesabrehey elfy19:29
bluesabrecan you add my to the trello board?19:29
elfybluesabre: done :)19:30
elfywelcome ;)19:30
bluesabreochosi, elfy, are we interested in tracking development on there as well?  Should it have a label, or go with community/new features?19:32
elfyran out of labels - and given that there appeared to be an enormous interest I didn't worry too much :)19:33
elfyif you think that it'll help to track development I'm all for it 19:34
bluesabreyay, now I'm @bluesabre on there19:34
Unit193elfy: Anything you'd like me to put on there or update?19:34
elfyochosi is an admin on there - I guess that any leads can be too 19:34
elfythen they can add boards - not sure a 'user' can do that 19:34
elfyUnit193: just use common sense - if you think it should be there - put it on - certainly for any QA stuff go ahead19:35
elfybluesabre: try and add a board19:35
elfylist 19:36
bluesabreelfy, added a "Dev 14.04" list19:36
ochosiso we keep an overview per team?19:37
ochosiand the team updates the blueprints so the XPL and everyone else have the grand total overview?19:37
Unit193elfy: OK, I didn't think I had anything, but trying to do the "Annoy elfy as little as possible." task.19:38
elfyochosi: that's was how I'd initially set it up19:39
bluesabreI think this will work well19:39
elfyochosi: but then you wanted my QA stuff there - and I'm greedy and have a bunch 19:40
elfybluesabre: well I did too :)19:40
ochosielfy: yeah, then let's go back to that, a huge overview board doesn't make any sense19:40
ochosiunless you can conditionally show/hide stuff19:40
elfyyou can filter labels 19:40
elfyochosi: a general board for everything is how kubuntu do it19:42
ochosioh, they also use trello?19:43
elfyyea - that information is on our spec ;)19:43
elfynice to see the XPL read that lol19:43
elfypersonally I think if we were all to have to do/doing and done - it'll be a nightmare19:44
ochosithen let's stick with per-team management19:44
ochosii'm fine with that, just means more power/trust to the leadas19:44
elfyif we are going to use it - we need to think about labels now 19:45
elfythen have one to do list, 1 doing, 1 done19:45
elfythen the 'team' can filter the label to see there stuff or any other lists they want to see19:45
elfyif you add dates to things - you can toggle the calendar sheet19:46
ochosielfy: well you're the trello expert, i've never used it for anything serious... what would you wanna do?19:46
elfywell - knowing that at least one other person/team is interested in using it I can invest a bit more time in it 19:47
Unit193I try, and I'm trying to look at it more than last time.19:48
elfyI know that Unit193 :)19:48
ochosiwell for artwork it doesnt make too much sense as i'm more or less a one-man show19:49
elfyit's not quite what I mean though :)19:49
ochosiand sergio-br2 and me are mostly using github to track issues/bugs in the icon-theme19:49
ochosiand gtk themes are also in port/bugfix mode19:49
ochosinot much else to do there19:49
elfyochosi: yea I agree - but as XPL you'd be able to catch more detail perhaps there than on blueprints19:49
ochosiyeah, but as i'm also the artwork lead...19:50
ochosii'm just sayin, i see the value where we're really working collaboratively19:50
ochosiso for dev/features i think it can be quite good19:50
elfyis there value in people knowing what QA plans are?19:51
ochosiwell i'm not saying i want to *hide* my artwork workitems... :)19:52
Unit193ochosi: abortx in #xubuntu has something about indicator-plugin.19:52
elfydo we need a label for every team - or could art/web have one to share - as there's not going to be much in it?19:52
ochosielfy: yeah, maybe they could19:52
ochosiUnit193: he just joined, you know more than i, i presume?19:53
bluesabredev could drop some items into -qa19:53
Unit193"Hi, I use Xubuntu 14.04 fresh install. Indicator Plugin keeps crashing. It seems to happen because of the application menus (?) Any ideas?"19:53
Unit193There you go.19:53
Unit193ochosi: Thought you were looking to fix that?19:54
elfyochosi: we have 7 blueprints - which more or less = teams - we have 6 labels we can use19:54
ochosiUnit193: nah, why did you think that? :) andrzejr was just asking about it, but then there seem to be some patches necessary and ... tedium19:55
bluesabreI'm finally able to get interested in 14.10 since we've started fixing the critical 14.04 bugs19:55
elfyochosi: tomorrow I will move the QA stuff into the general to do/doing/done lists after I've labelled them - have a look after that and at filtering19:56
ochosielfy: sounds good to me!19:56
ochosican we also link to the filtered trello page?19:56
ochosior will links always show everything19:56
elfythe link is the board 19:57
elfyI might want to see QA - you might want to see something else - so you'd filter that19:57
ochosiok, so no way of bookmarking filters/views19:57
elfynot that I know of 19:57
elfybluesabre: so perhaps don't do too much in your lists till we've come to some sort of plan 19:58
bluesabretrello has an api, we might be able to bend it to our will https://trello.com/docs/19:59
ochosimeh, we can always copypaste stuff19:59
ochosithat'd be awesome19:59
ochosihooking it up to launchpad19:59
bluesabrebut I'll investigate that myself when I have time19:59
bluesabreor if anybody else is interested ;)19:59
elfyif we did that I would guess 6 boards - 14.04.1 todo/doing/done and the same for 14.1019:59
ochosimaybe knome, pleia2 or someone else from the web side of the force19:59
elfyobviously uses a cookie - if I go and come back it's filtered to how I left it20:00
ochosii suggest that bluesabre still drops in all his stuff for dev, we can always juggle stuff around and it's not sooo much time that's lost with that20:00
ochosielfy: so we send ppl cookies instead of hyperlinks, problem solved!20:01
bluesabresend me two cookies20:01
bluesabrealso, trello irc bot https://github.com/oisin/trellobo20:01
elfyso - new features and dev share a label?20:01
elfybluesabre ochosi ^^20:02
elfydo we need a community label?20:02
ochosino idea what goes in the community blueprint, aren't  *we* the community? ---p20:02
bluesabrecommunity = social media?20:02
elfyI'd call that web20:02
elfybluesabre: I built this up against blueprints - so community was the increase devs type stuff last time20:04
elfyI'd say that QA/Doc/Dev& New Features will be the most full 20:05
bluesabrethat makes sense20:05
elfyart/website share one20:05
elfythere is one for roadmap - does that really need one - that's an overacrhing thing - trello would be more detail, so perhaps roadmap can just stay as blueprint only20:06
bluesabreyeah, roadmap and community I think would be fine as just blueprints20:06
bluesabrenot much active tracking needed there20:06
elfyso we can split dev and new features 20:06
elfyif that is of use to us20:07
elfyoh 20:07
elfyso if we kept the read for "DON'T LOSE TRACK HERE" type thing for everyone20:07
ochosii gotta run off for 1hr or so, i'll be back then though20:07
elfyso I could use green for qa - and green and red for urgent QA 20:08
elfydev could use blue and blue/red20:08
elfyI'll fiddle 20:08
bluesabreyour patience is unmatched20:08
elfybluesabre: would it better to have dev and new feature seperate?20:09
bluesabreI think so, they're related but not quite the same20:09
elfybluesabre: you still on there atm?20:10
elfyif you are add a random card to one of the dev boards - then you can add a label - the list will tell you which to use 20:11
bluesabrecool, looks good20:12
elfyok - so now in the sidebar - filter cards - just choose 'your' colour 20:12
elfythen you'll just see those 20:13
elfyif it helps to see what dates QA have include green20:13
elfythen if everyone wanted to see 'urgent' - filter red :)20:13
elfyonce things are set up - you can click the calendar at the top and everything is there 20:14
elfywhat *I'm* wanting to do is try and make it as easy and logical now - so I don't end up fiddling later on lol20:15
bluesabreyeah, just let me know if I need to switch gears with the dev-related stuff20:15
Unit193bluesabre: Sadly I found no terminal client.20:15
elfybluesabre: now for SRU stuff - would that be date sensitive? eg - got to be done by such a day? 20:16
bluesabreUnit193: for trello? :)20:16
elfyyou can put those in - they have to have dates to show on calendar 20:16
bluesabreelfy: perhaps by 14.04.120:16
elfyso if all my stuff that is date sensitive is there - you could filter and see exactly when I'm doing something - then you know *when* you can easily fit something in :)20:17
bluesabredoes 14.04.1 have any freeze dates, or is that something that will come up closer to release?20:18
elfybluesabre: I would imagine so - but the schedule is STILL draft and 14.04.1 isn't even on it :(20:18
bluesabreI set the date for two weekends pre-.120:20
bluesabreso that should be 20:20
bluesabreparticularly since I should have it done this weekend20:20
bluesabreor at least moving forward 20:20
elfybluesabre: now look ath the calendar for July and you can see that there's call for package testing the week prior - so you know I'm not planning anything for just prior to that20:20
bluesabreyeah, this should help with coordinating team efforts20:22
elfyis that making sense?20:22
elfycool - I'll do some work on that later tonight - so the dev stuff will end up moving into general boards - make sure they've got labels :)20:23
bluesabrethanks elfy!20:23
elfyI'll do 3 for 14.04.1, 3 for 14.10 20:23
elfyand leave the notes thing 20:24
bluesabregood deal20:26
elfybluesabre: done playing now :)20:54
elfyhi 21:03
ochosii see there are some updates in trello21:03
elfyochosi: yep21:04
elfyI think that this will be the best way for us21:04
elfy3 boards for 14.04.1 and for 14.1021:04
elfyif we keep to our label colour - we can filter 'our's stuff21:04
ochosicurrently i only see 1 board21:05
elfyif we use red for urgent/important etc then everyone can filter that with 'their' colour21:05
elfylists I meant21:05
ochosiah right21:05
elfysorry :)21:05
ochosidon't mess with the terminology!! :)21:05
elfyand then finally - if we date stuff that needs a date - everyone can see that on the calendar21:06
elfyso 21:06
ochosiwhat calendar?21:06
ochositrello or google?21:06
ochosihumm, >1 calendar...21:06
elfywell if someone can sync the 2 then \o/21:07
elfywhere was I ... 21:07
elfyso - if I use green and red (for urgent) and date where needed I can filter green and red and see my stuff21:08
elfyif you use the purple and red - I would not see the basic stuff - but anything that was red I would see as well21:09
elfydoes that make sense ?21:09
ochosiso urgent stuff cannot be filtered by tetam21:09
ochosiunless you can filter multiple colors21:09
elfyyea 21:09
ochosiwith AND not OR21:09
elfysorry meant to add that21:10
elfyso I could filter QA and say dev and know what was going on with those two 21:10
elfywhich is actually what I've done :)21:10
elfyso - now it's up to people to start using it - then we can make an informed decision on it's usefulness to us as a team21:11
elfyI hope that it does work - if it makes life easier for the whole of us21:13
elfyI expect that slickymaster will make a lot of use of it - he did last cycle21:13
ochosielfy: well i'd say let's try it and if it doesn't work we can always go back/forth during the cycle21:21
ochosii'm not too concerned as long as the big picture in the blueprints still works21:21
elfyyea 21:21
elfyI agree 21:21
elfythat's just going to be down to people doing it 21:22
elfyonce I started using it last cycle I found it a lot easier to keep on top of things that needed to be done by a certain date21:23
ochosiyeah, i agree that from the blueprints the individual progress/state of workitems is sometimes not easy to judge21:24
ochosibut in the end it'll always be the ppl knowing/using it21:24
ochosibluesabre: still around?21:24
bluesabreochosi: ish, brb21:24
bluesabrerunning to starbucks21:24
elfyochosi: what I am hoping for is that all of us can get a better picture of what the rest are up to 21:25
elfywhich *should* make things easier - I'm guessing that it'll help those that cross-over - like dev/new features/qa21:25
elfymore than - say artwork or website21:25
ochosifrankly, artwork as it is currently is wallpapers, icons and themes21:26
ochosiand those are mostly evolving slowly per cycle21:26
elfyit might be that in a month or so we could say - there doesn't seem any point in knowing when a wallpaper is changing21:26
elfyand website stuff could be all in a rush right at the end21:26
ochosiyeah, the wallpaper is probably most connected to the slideshow21:27
ochosior the screenshots for the release21:27
ochosibut those things usually always happen at the last minute, and that's also somewhat logical21:27
ochosiwebsite stuff, not sure, was never too involved in that21:28
elfyso slickymaster might like to see a date on there for wallpaper for instance if he's running docs21:28
elfybluesabre might like to know when I'm planning the next call 21:29
ochosii don't think the wallpaper is featured anywhere in the docs though21:29
ochosino imagery is in our docs, which makes the docs so resistant :)21:29
elfybut he got involved with slideshow and I guess will again21:29
ochosibtw, can we put the filter cards in a more prominent place?21:30
ochosithey're somewhat hidden but rather essential21:30
ochosior do you just never change the sidebar's content?21:30
elfynot sure I know what you mean21:31
elfyhang on - click on the top 14.04.1 card21:32
ochosiand then?21:32
elfythen see at the top - the current dev label - the + next to it21:32
elfyyou'll get the list of labels 21:32
ochosiyup, i rather thought the filtering stuff that is currently in the sidebar21:32
ochosiwhich was 1) hidden for me before (maybe i did that myself though) and 2) the most important view for me (filter cards) is yet another click away21:33
ochosijust wanted to say it would be nice to have that in a more obvious place21:33
ochosialthough i guess the learning curve for trello isn't so bad21:33
elfyyea - not sure we can do anything with that 21:33
ochosibtw, why would you keep 14.04.1 and 14.10 in one board?21:34
elfyand once you ARE filtering - then you get a box at the top - clicking on THAT - opens the filter list21:34
elfybecause it's current? 21:34
elfywe can keep the same board if we carry on - archive 14.10 - still have 14.01 ( or change title to 14.04.2) then add 15.04 to the board21:35
elfyI think at the moment the thing is to get people to try it - if it works then carry on, then we can look at if we want to do it differently21:36
elfydoes that make sense to you?21:37
elfywhat I don't want is for us to end up with a bunch of stuff in different places while we're seeing if it works for us as a team21:37
ochosiwell if it gets too confusing and we decide we have to axe trello, it'll have to be merged back to LP21:40
ochosibut it's still early in the cycle, let's try it21:40
elfynone of this is on LP though :)21:41
elfywell some is 21:41
elfybut all the different testing things here for calls is one line in LP not 15 seperate lines 21:42
elfyochosi: one last thing if you subscribe/join a card - then everytime something happens to that card - you get an e-mail21:44
ochosiyeah, that i've already tried/known :)21:44
elfylast cycle I didn't do that 21:44
elfyok - wasn't sure what you've done with it 21:44
elfyI've only been using it for a while myself 21:45
ochosiwhile we probably won't use scrum in xubuntu, this article looks interesting: http://www.civicactions.com/blog/2012/oct/10/five_tips_for_using_trello_for_scrum21:45
ochosithere is a bit of terminology that i'm unsure about still with trello21:46
elfydoing 14.10 list - the package testcases card - I've got a checklist in there21:46
ochosiit all looks very powerful (as long as ppl use it enough)21:47
elfyyea 21:47
ochosii'm wondering though, after skimming through the article above, whether 14.04.1 and 14.10 isn't TMI21:48
ochosidepends a bit on what we wanna get into 14.04.121:48
elfyI really don't want people to use it just because - and I wouldn't ask them to either21:48
elfyyou could just have one list  for 14.04.1 21:49
elfyif it's there then we ARE doing it for 14.04.1 21:49
elfyI guess21:49
elfyperhaps have one list for 14.04.1 - when it's done just archive it 21:51
ochosiwell i guess "doing"==inprogress no?21:51
ochosione thing i miss here is the easy way to add bugs and get their status synced21:52
ochosithat's a nice thing in blueprints21:52
elfyI agree 21:52
ochosiand the main reason why i guess for 14.04.1 ppl *will* have to look in two places21:52
ochosiand the -bugs blueprint will most likely also only stay in launchpad21:52
elfyI see no reason for that to be on this 21:53
elfyand would be a nightmare anyway21:53
ochosiwell, other than just use one platform to rule them all21:53
ochosinot necessarily, if it's a separate board21:53
elfyexcept the manual syncing21:53
elfyand why look at 2 lists that say the same thing?21:54
ochosielfy, Unit193: could you two get together and organize some feedback-testing for xubuntu-core? while i think that Unit193's seed file makes a lot of sense, it'd be nice to get some real feedback (most likely no need for specific test cases though, but just ask experienced users for feedback)21:55
ochosielfy: yeah, obviously i'm thinking of trello doing the syncing for us :)21:55
elfyochosi: :)21:55
ochosiif someone ever gets on this and hacks up the trello api21:55
elfyand yep - the -core thing is fine - we'll get together and sort something out soonish21:57
ochosigreat, thanks!21:59
Unit193Crap, right...21:59
brainwashUnit193: did you already see bug 1309849 ?22:21
ubottubug 1309849 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Xmir error message after login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130984922:21
Unit193brainwash: No I hadn't.22:24
brainwashbug 130246222:32
ubottubug 1302462 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "network icon disappeared in xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130246222:32
brainwashbug heat over 10022:32
elfynight all22:32
brainwashshould be added to the bug blueprint I guess22:33
ochosiright so upgraders have leftover desktop files for indicators...22:34
ochosiyeah, feel free to22:34
brainwashand what's the deal with bug 1322305 ?22:36
ubottubug 1322305 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfc4-settings needs shimmer-themes as a dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132230522:36
brainwashI suggest dropping the xubuntu patch22:37
* ochosi shrugs22:37
ochosifrankly, i've no idea why that patch was added22:37
brainwashquestion is, can it be fixed in 14.04?22:39
brainwashnot sru worthy or?22:39
Unit193There, I'll be annoyed no more.  Put in a domain redirect.22:40
ochosibrainwash: nah, actually that's one of the reasons i wanted to discuss what we wanna do with the xfce session we're shipping22:41
ochosimaking it more meaningful might be good (or dropping it)22:42
brainwashmore meaningful? it's the default Xfce session22:43
brainwashit's like the little brother22:43
ochosiyeah, but we havent really looked at it and taken care of it for a few releases22:44
ochosievery time i logged into the xfce session, it felt like a messed up xubuntu session22:44
brainwashbut that's the user's fault22:50
brainwashif he manages to mix default settings of both sessions22:51
brainwashpersonally I don't feel like a change is needed here22:52
ochosiplease comment on the bugreport22:52
brainwashand suggest to drop the patch?22:53
brainwashwe still don't know why it was added in the first place :D22:53
brainwash A vanilla Xfce session will use Xfce and Rodent as default themes, but22:56
brainwash they are not shipped anymore on our images, so replace them with existing22:56
brainwash themes in order to provide a better experience to people choosing the22:56
brainwash 'Xfce Session' over the 'Xubuntu Session'.22:56
brainwashbug 94760322:56
ubottubug 947603 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "missing default icon theme" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94760322:56
brainwashah lol22:57
brainwashso we a debian and a xubuntu patch22:58
brainwashlucky it's late already and I don't feel like bothering with this right now :)23:01
ochosiwell if you can come up with a good solution, i'd appreciate it23:02
ochosii can't look at every bugreport myself there23:02
ochosibrainwash: oh, i overlooked that this user is talking about an Ubuntu install23:07
ochosiso actually i don't care so much about this bug23:07
ochosibug-heat -100 :)23:07
brainwashwell.. ofc he wasn't talking about xubuntu :D23:09
* ochosi is tired + distracted23:09
ochosinight everyone23:47

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