
=== robert_ is now known as Guest29119
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rysiek|plhi all01:10
rysiek|plI just upgraded to Kubuntu 14.0401:10
rysiek|pland see Akonadi eating 7GiB of disk01:10
rysiek|pland growing01:10
rysiek|plin addition to what the mail itself uses01:10
rysiek|plwhat gives01:10
guest2859275I am hoping to get Ubuntu on my Asus EeePC 4G01:21
guest2859275It has 2GB RAM01:21
guest2859275I just don't know what *Buntu to put onto it01:21
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guest2859275I am mostly worried whether it's CPU is enough to run Ubuntu01:22
guest2859275It is an Intel Celeron M01:22
guest2859275I think 750-900MHz01:22
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lordievaderGood morning.07:10
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rysiek|plhi there08:50
rysiek|plI upgraded to kubuntu 14.04, now akonadi eats up ~10GiB of disk space (and chokes, as I do not have more free space)08:51
rysiek|plmy whole e-mail collection is 6GiB08:51
rysiek|pl(so, together these eat up 16GiB)08:51
rysiek|plhow is it possible for akonadi to use 1.5 times more disk space than the whole e-mail collection itself?08:52
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BluesKaj'Morning folks10:59
saleemhi, how do i fix these 2 issues? http://pastie.org/920964911:51
saleemim trying to install kde on precise11:52
saleembackports and kde updates ppa are enabled11:52
lordievadersaleem: Have you tried 'sudo apt-get install -f'?11:53
saleemyes and get same missing packages / dependencies error11:54
saleemim wondering if i should enable Kubuntu Beta Backports and kubuntu experimental ppas as well11:55
lordievadersaleem: What happens when you try to install 'kde-window-manager'?11:55
lordievaderNo, that seems like a rather bad idea.11:55
saleemagain a missing package11:56
saleemkde-window-manager : Depends: libkwinglesutils1 (= 4:4.11.6-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.4~ppa3) but it is not going to be installed11:56
lordievaderContinue with that package ;)11:57
saleemlet me try11:58
saleemthanks lordievader , this one missing package was the main culprit now i can install kde12:01
BluesKajsaleem, is kde-workspace installed12:01
saleemBluesKaj, i will confirm12:02
BluesKajsaleem, since you found the problem then it's most likely installed12:03
saleemyes installed and now i will install the rest i could not install but can now12:04
saleemkde installed will reboot to test it , bbl12:21
BluesKajfirst time trying puTTy from W7 thru the desktop from the laptop, seems to work fine12:28
draco_hi all12:58
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luckylucifer you ren me ?14:05
luckyluciferis there any one else14:06
BluesKajluckylucifer, what's your question?14:15
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aljosaany recommendations for encrypting files i plan to put in dropbox or similar? currently using truecrypt15:31
lordievaderaljosa: Encryption and dropbox is allways tricky. Truecrypt likes to think in volumes, if one file changes withing this volume the whole volume is reuploaded to dropbox.15:35
gregor3000i have a dummy ouput available as sound and the only ouput device available is camera (with a mic no speakers). the dummy output is availabel but the creative labs sound card is greyed out?!?16:09
gregor3000i tried reloading the modules but it doesn't help16:10
DarthFroggregor3000:  Install pavucontrol and play around with the Playback Devices settings.16:11
gregor3000i already did that but there is onyl dumm output device there.16:11
gregor3000the mic seems to be working tbhough.. weird16:12
DarthFrogSorry, don't know then.16:13
DarthFrogUnless the card is too new to have Linux support.16:13
gregor3000no card is old and it worked before in 12.0416:14
gregor3000alsamixer is also not available despite the fact that alsa-utils are installed16:15
arthurfiggishello :) just a quick question regarding 14.04, i was using ubuntu gnome before i switched over to kubuntu...before i did i used the automated backup tool that ubuntu gnome defaults with, does anyone know what the name of that package/program is so i can install it in kubuntu and restore my files? i probably should have just copied them onto a usb hard drive myself :(16:31
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veduhello. How to transfer files between android device and desktop17:35
lordievaderI thought mtp was used for that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Transfer_Protocol17:44
vedumtp doesnt seem to work17:47
veduI can browse files from desktop but cannot modify17:47
lordievaderSounds like a permission issue.17:54
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ubottuGuest4569: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:03
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BluesKajjigm, dias18:34
jigmaqui noches =)18:35
BluesKajit's afternoon here in this part of Canada18:37
jigmoooohhh ok,18:39
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metalushay algún canal en castellano?20:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:39
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