
=== jje is now known as Guest92102
lordievaderGood morning.07:12
=== Malinux_ is now known as Malinux
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:00
BluesKajhey penguin4211:29
penguin42Hey BluesKaj11:37
BluesKajpenguin42, ltns , how goes it?11:38
penguin42slowly - just got up11:38
penguin42I picked up a 2nd hand tablet yesterday and I'd like to try ubuntu-touch on it, but it's fighting getting it to boot off the sd card which is the 1st challenge11:39
BluesKajyeah, just having morning coffee out here enjoying the morning sun11:40
BluesKajfinally some summer weather11:40
penguin42ah, we had a few days of that and now it's gone11:40
BluesKajI'm enjoying it while it lasts :), was a cool spring here11:42
BluesKajwas looking at a samsung note, but didn't research whether it could handle kubuntu11:54
=== Guest92102 is now known as jje
=== a_muva is now known as 14WACZON0
=== penguin421 is now known as penguin42
=== emma_ is now known as emma
=== chris__ is now known as yeats
=== fred`` is now known as fred
=== fred is now known as fred``
=== sirderpsalot is now known as oxsyn

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