
OvenWerkszequence: It seems that xubuntu has the same problem with the xfce session we do. (lubuntu has extra sessions too)00:51
OvenWerksUnfortunatly the session is set up by xfce4-session rather than xfce4-settings. Otherwise we could replace xfce4-settings with ubuntustudio-settings00:52
OvenWerksFound one of my problems with the ISO build... Lack of space on this partition :P Time to change fstab02:00
OvenWerksBTW I am also downloading vanila and ubuntu-gnome to try our packages against02:50
elfyzequence: I've built a wiki - sent a mail to the list re that and getting people on board. 10:43
OvenWerkszequence: played some more with a local ISO build. It does not make an ISO image.14:43
OvenWerkszequence: the export line should just need BINARYFORMAT=iso added to it, but I get this: E: /usr/share/syslinux/themes/ubuntu-oneiric - no such directory.14:45
OvenWerkszequence: So something does not get set right. Ubuntu doesw not use that part of things anyway acording to: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/live-build/+question/200206 see answer $614:47
OvenWerkszequence: so I would guess they have not bothered to update something in there.14:48
OvenWerkszequence: also it may not make it EFI-able even if it did work.14:49

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