
OvenWerksochosi, brainwash: With regard to the two sessions xubuntu/xfce, I personally think this is a DE package problem with all the DEs. The DE meta should include a -settings package that a flavour could ommit. A flavour would supply it's own -settings package. I do not know which xfce package installs the xfce.desktop file for the session, but if it is a lite enough package it could be replaced with the xubuntu-settings package.00:21
OvenWerksmaybe that dumb.. feel free to tell me so :)00:22
OvenWerksFirst problem is that xfce4-settings is not the package that adds the session.00:27
OvenWerksxfce4-session does that. This makes enough sense that I hesitate to suggest it be moved to xfce4-settings. 00:45
grywould someone please only ship this distro with themes that support both gtk2 and gtk3? evince looks ugly with over a half of the themes03:40
Unit193gry: Very few themes should be shipped by default already, and all should support both.03:51
Unit193Can you name one of the themes that doesn't?03:52
gryUnit193: it did not nuke the extra ones during the upgrade then. 'Oxydgen' theme is in the list and it doesn't.05:58
Unit193Not sure where that one comes from, but sounds like the KDE one.06:03
gryUnit193: "dpkg -S /usr/share/themes/Xfce-redmondxp" -- "gtk2-engines-xfce: /usr/share/themes/Xfce-redmondxp". This one does not have gtk3 support either, or whatever else prevents it from theming evince properly.06:06
Unit193Yes, that'd be GTK3 since evince is a GTK3 application.06:07
gryso... it's shipped but it does not support gtk 3 ?06:36
bluesabregry: the themes that are shipped fully support gtk3: Albatross, Bluebird, Greybird, Numix, and Orion07:01
bluesabrethemes that are included in the xfce packages may not support gtk3 as upstream xfce is still not gtk307:01
bluesabrebut the only themes we ship are in the package "shimmer-themes"07:02
grycan I like remove gtk2-engines-xfce package then? it's odd, I didn't install it manually07:03
bluesabreyes, that should be fine. it will warn you if there are any packages that will also be removed07:04
gryI removed gtk2-engines-xfce but it didn't remove that theme. Odd - package problem?07:07
bluesabrehard to say07:07
bluesabreok, I need to go to bed07:09
bluesabrebe back tomorrow, night all07:09
Unit193bluesabre: Good night!07:26
elfyUnit193: is -core in a test worthy state?07:35
Unit193I'd say so.07:35
Unit193The more review the happier I am though.07:35
elfyok - so we'll sort out a call soon for that 07:36
Unit193Right, I'm going to have to figure out a way *to* test it...07:38
elfyUnit193: when I booted the utopic yesterday - installed the base system, but -core was not in the list to install?07:38
Unit193You'd have to add my repo, and tasks won't be there yet.07:39
elfyok 07:39
elfyso when we're at that state we'll be closer to getting people to test it I'd say07:40
Unit193I need someone to merge it in, then, also maybe upload.  So, vote on it before testing happens? :D07:41
elfyochosi: just so you know - I have tested the xfpm business with the power buttons on whiskermenu and on the panel action button plugin07:42
ochosimorning everyone08:16
ochosielfy: so for you it all works?08:18
ochosiwell i personally think there might be a few other quirks, maybe even a few more bugs in xfpm08:19
ochosiafter all, xfpm has been unmaintained for 2yrs or so08:19
ochosiso i'm not too concerned about all those other things that ppl sneak into their test-feedback08:20
knomebluesabre, ochosi: trello api? maybe, but what's the point of using trello if we need to modify it to our will ;)08:23
ochosithe point is it's already better than lp in some respects08:24
knomefurthermore, i'd first have to learn trello more to understand all the terms08:24
knomebut sure... i guess i can have a look at that08:24
ochosiwell, "learn trello"... :) it's really not all that complex08:24
ochosianyway, for the moment we're also fine as is08:24
knomewell i don't mean "learn trello", i mean actually understanding the technical terms in their api docs and how they are supposed to work08:25
knomeif we use the trello api, where are we pulling that stuff?08:26
elfyochosi: yea - all that works as expected for me 08:29
ochosiknome: not sure what the plan there would be08:29
ochosithe most interesting aspect would be support for updating bug-status from launchpa08:30
ochosibut that needs server-power or something08:30
knomethat sounds like maintaining work ;)08:30
ochosiso writing bug-status to trello cards08:30
knomeit would also need the trello cards to be using a very simple and strict markup to keep the script small08:30
ochosiwell i guess the bugs would just have the LP link in the title/description08:31
ochosiand the bugstatus could also be part of the description08:31
ochosiso it's easy enough to change it with a script08:31
ochosithen ppl can still use comments etc in the trello card and assign it to somebody etc08:31
knomethe issue i see here08:32
elfytrouble with that as it stands - a link in a comment is clickable - a link in a card title is not08:32
knomeis that i think we'd have to cron LP to probe for the bug changes08:32
knomeor set up something else that gets notifications form LP08:32
knomei don't know if they offer an API for output08:32
knomediscuss it, write a spec what you'd like to do, and then i'll look at it :)08:37
ochosielfy: yeah, but i guess that's solveable somehow08:40
ochosie.g. paste the LP link again in the first comment08:40
ochosiwe should discuss that with the kubuntu folks too, if they also use trello such a lot08:40
elfyI'm still not sure that this isn't trying to use a tool to do something that we've already got a suitable tool for tbh08:44
ochosiyeah, it's about having everything in one place, not about not having a suitable tool08:45
ochosibrainwash: say, just so that i know, are you looking into the xdg-screensaver issue?08:58
ochosiNoskcaj_: so you'll be around more regularly again now?09:08
Noskcaj_ochosi, yep09:08
Noskcaj_going to be a few day till i'm all set up though09:08
ochosielfy: say, does utopic already have gtk3.12?09:15
Unit193!info libgtk-3-0 utopic09:17
ubottulibgtk-3-0 (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.8-0ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 1884 kB, installed size 6753 kB09:17
ochosiwell done :)09:19
ochosii'll try to remember that syntax then09:19
ochosielfy: i put down some notes in -features wrt gtk3.12 that might also be of interest to you09:22
ochosiit's just something we should monitor09:22
ochosiand maybe ask the ubuntu-desktop guys when they plan on landing 3.1209:23
ochosii'm not sure what they're gonna do with respect to those gnome "technologies" like headerbar and menus09:23
ochosithey patched it all out in 14.04, would be important for us to know what the plan is in 14.1009:24
elfyyea 09:24
elfyI watch the m/l's for them I'm sure 09:25
brainwashochosi: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74534009:52
ubottuDebian bug 745340 in xdg-utils "/usr/bin/xdg-screensaver: "xdg-screensaver reset" does not reset DPMS timeout" [Important,Open]09:52
brainwashI still don't have access to my test system with xubuntu trusty right now09:52
brainwashso I did not do any experiments09:53
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ochosibrainwash: right, maybe link that bug-report to ours10:26
* ochosi takes off towards a BBQ10:26
ochosiwill be back later today/tonight10:26
elfybring back something nice for us :)10:43
knomeochosi, did you know about harvest.ubuntu.com?10:56
knomeMirv mentioned it before when we met, and now ubuntu women are working to improve it10:56
Unit193knome: Yeah, but ignore it now since it's not as useful.16:32
pleia2good day, my xfce loving friends16:43
elfyhi pleia2 16:44
pleia2saw trellobot mentioned, if we need to run one I'm happy to give a shell account for it17:20
pleia2which reminds me, I need to reboot that VM soon so we can get our ram upgrade (hooray)17:21
* pleia2 adds planning that to todo list17:21
elfywhich is where we differ - I'd be planning to add that to the list17:22
elfyand then get all Mediterranean about it :)17:22
pleia2planning is a thing, I need to define a maintenance window, inform all users..17:22
elfyconsider this one informed :p17:23
Unit193pleia2: I have it running now, deps are ruby+some gems if you're interested (it uses the cinch framework.)17:34
pleia2Unit193: well, do you need a server spot to host it on, or are you ok with running it?17:36
pleia2don't want to take it away from you if your server works :) just offering17:36
Unit193pleia2: I think I'm good, unless someone else thinks otherwise.  Thanks though!18:03
MIke11123Howdy,  I'm am having a problem getting some services started.   Initctl is giving me an error that com.ubuntu.Upstart doesn't exist 18:23
ochosiknome: no, never heard of harvest21:09
ochosiUnit193: wanna package up this plugin in a PPA? https://github.com/andrzej-r/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin21:10
ochosifor this kind of stuff and xfdashboard we really should get some sort of extras PPA21:11
Unit193I have one. :P21:11
elfyso that'll be 3 then ochosi :)21:12
ochosiyeah, that'd make 321:12
ochosiinitially i hadn't thought of making a distinction between the dev-ppa and -staging21:12
ochosibut the distinction between dev and extras/apps was always thought of21:13
elfycertainly makes sense21:13
ochosinot sure how many apps we'll really accumulate there21:13
ochosibut who knows, it might not hurt to have the opportunity21:13
elfydoesn't matter much I guess - just not having loads from different people will help :)21:14
Unit193At this point, it's just updating xfdashboard which is easy enough, if it doesn't involve Ubuntu. :P21:14
Unit193ochosi: See -> #xfce-dev21:14
ochosiUnit193: yeah, i read the backlog21:50
ochosii'm not very surprised xfdashboard won't make it into debian21:50
Unit193Mhmm, as I said, figured may as well ask.21:50
ochosiyeah, absolutely21:50
ochosibetter to know for sure21:50
Unit193Actually easy to talk to that time.  https://bitbucket.com/unit193/xfdashboard/21:51
ochosiknome: was there a specific reason you asked about harvest? are you proposing it for xubuntu in some way?21:51
knomewell, i thought it might be a useful tool for figuring out possible pledges21:51
ochosiwell, from my pov, i wouldn't personally even get involved in pledges21:52
ochosias long as -team doesn't have funds21:52
ochosior a way of receiving funds21:52
knomeand i guess it's generally a nice thing21:52
knomeif you want to find bugs21:52
ochosicrap, nobody ever noticed that indicator-power looks like crap with the normal elementary-xfce icons? (i.e. not elementary-xfce-dark/er)22:35
* ochosi switches back to elementary-xfce-darker quickly and forgets what he has seen22:36

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