
davecheneygood news everyone, save joyent, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7517545/00:08
davecheneyppc64el is passing00:08
wallyworlddavecheney: o/00:14
wallyworldi am fixing joyent this morning00:14
wallyworlddavecheney: have you seen the jenkins job? it fails with a compile error00:14
wallyworldwhat's your take on that?00:15
* davecheney looks00:15
davecheneyis there a bug raised for this ?00:15
wallyworldnot that i know of, i only just saw it this morning. there's a history of job failures we should extract bugs for00:16
wallyworldhow is the jenkins set up different to your?00:16
davecheneyit is possible that the gccgo fix has not landed in main yet00:17
davecheneyi am running the fix from the ppa00:17
davecheneycan you ssh tot he test machine and look at dmesg00:17
davecheneythe last 20 lines should be sufficient00:18
wallyworldi'll have to determine what the machine is00:18
wallyworldlet me get the upstream oyent fixes in the core first00:18
davecheney+ juju_version=juju-core_1.19.300:25
davecheney+ set -x00:25
davecheney+ set +e00:25
davecheneyI think this is wrong00:25
wallyworldwhere is the above from?00:39
davecheneythat link00:43
davecheneyyou posted00:43
davecheney+e turned off break on error afaik00:43
wallyworldwe can talk to curtis about the test scripts used00:44
wallyworlddavecheney: this will make the joyent tests go faster https://codereview.appspot.com/10174004300:44
wallyworlddavecheney: is this the ppa i would need to use to get the same gccgo as you? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ppa/?field.series_filter=trusty00:50
axwmorning all00:56
thumperdavecheney: juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/walk-unit-tests-ppc64el-trusty-devel/312/console00:56
thumperdavecheney: ec2 tests paniced00:57
thumperdavecheney: is this new or known about?00:57
thumperactually, that isn't ec200:58
axwlooks like it panicked in the go tool itself00:58
thumperis it joyent?00:58
thumperyeah, looks like compiling error somewhere00:58
thumperdoesn't seem like it gives good feedback as to which bit causes the problem00:58
thumperreminds me of the "internal compiler error" I used to get with gcc and hairy templates00:59
wallyworldthe gccgo on jenkins is old apparently00:59
wallyworlddoesn't have the latest fixes00:59
wallyworldthe one from the ppa is better00:59
wallyworldi'm trying it out now00:59
thumperthat makes sense00:59
wallyworldsee my above link00:59
wallyworldaxw: morning. if you have a moment, could you +1 this small mp. fixes the joyent tests. https://codereview.appspot.com/10174004301:00
axwsure, looking01:00
axwyay, they merged01:00
wallyworldyeah, finally :-)01:00
wallyworldthe tests still take a little too long, but much better01:01
davecheneythumper: we're just discussing that01:02
davecheneymy hunch is the gccgo fix hasn't landed in trusty-updates yet01:02
* thumper nods01:02
davecheneywallyworld: doko moves ppa's more often than the tide01:03
davecheneythat one will probably work01:03
wallyworldcool, trying it locally01:04
davecheneyGuest78498: trying the joyent fixes now01:20
Guest78498davecheney: sadly, i don't get a clean test run. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7517679/01:20
Guest78498a test failure or two and compile errors01:20
Guest78498that's with the ppa01:20
Guest78498but joyent tests pass :-)01:21
Guest78498still 3 times slower than maas tests, or 6 times slower tahn ec201:21
Guest78498but, it's a start01:21
thumperGuest78498: what have you don't with wallyworld?01:22
davecheneyGuest78498: can you send me the last 20 lines of dmesg from that host01:22
Guest78498thumper: computer crashed, and freenode takes way too f*cking long to drop the connection, so it won't let me back in01:22
davecheneycmd juju ran too long01:22
thumperGuest78498: ghost wallyworld01:22
Guest78498davecheney: i ran the tests on my laptop, you want dmesg from that?01:23
davecheneysignal: segmentation fault (core dumped)01:23
davecheneyFAIL    launchpad.net/juju-core/environs/simplestreams  1.552s01:23
davecheneyGuest78498: gotta be on ppc01:23
davecheneythat is where the bug is01:23
davecheneyskip the dmesg request01:23
davecheneyyou don't need to apply the ppa to gccgo on amd6401:24
davecheneyit is unaffected01:24
davecheneylooking at the rest of these tests01:24
davecheneylooks like they just took to long01:24
Guest78498what about the seg fault01:25
davecheneyno idea01:25
davecheneycheck dmesg01:25
davecheney(yes, I know i just told you no to)01:25
Guest78498davecheney: oh joy, lookie01:26
Guest78498  674.033377] CPU7: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 1921)01:26
Guest78498[  674.034391] CPU7: Core temperature/speed normal01:26
Guest78498[  674.034392] CPU3: Core temperature/speed normal01:26
Guest78498[  675.690153] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged01:26
Guest78498maybe that had something to do with it?01:27
davecheneyGuest78498: if I had to guess, 8 tests compiled with gccgo plus 8 mongodbs is causing you to swap01:27
Guest78498i have 16GB RAM01:27
Guest78498but no swap partition01:27
davecheneysome of the tests consume gigabytes when run under gccgo01:27
Guest78498i've never needed a swap partition till now with that much memory. sigh01:28
davecheneyadding swap won't help01:28
davecheneyprobably reducing the number of tests run concurrently will01:28
davecheneygo test -p 4 ./...01:28
davecheneygo test -p 4 -compiler=gccgo ./...01:29
Guest78498even if i don't have gomaxprocs set currently?01:29
davecheneygo test tries to start as many test jobs in parallel as you have cpis01:30
Guest78498ok, i'll try that after getting the jpyent branch landed01:30
Guest78498ffs, how long does freenode want to hold open my old connection for01:32
davecheneyok, good news and bad news01:33
davecheneygood news: ok  launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/joyent127.919s01:33
davecheneybad news: some other transient error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7517706/01:34
davecheneyusual unreachable servers bullshit01:34
axwGuest78498: I managed to reproduce the issue kapil had where kvm containers are leaking. I'll be looking at that today01:41
Guest78498\o/ great thanks01:41
axwI think it doesn't happen in 1.19.3, but I'd like to figure out what's going out to be sure01:41
Guest78498sounds good01:42
Guest78498davecheney: that replicset stuff has been so f*cking unreliable01:42
Guest78498it's been made more robust, but......01:42
Guest78498still can fail01:42
=== Guest78498 is now known as wallyworld
=== thumper is now known as thumper-otp
wallyworlddavecheney: much better with -p 4. the jujud watcher error occurs sometimes on amd64 also, but there's a fault in the openstack provider tests http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7517849/02:19
wallyworlddavecheney: here's the dmesg from the CI ppc machine used to run the tests every hour and for which i posted the output with all the faults etc earlier http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7517890/02:30
wallyworldthumper: have you run a local provider with kvm before?03:10
wallyworldian@wallyworld:~$ juju status03:11
wallyworldERROR failed getting all instances: exit status 103:11
wallyworldERROR Unable to connect to environment "local-kvm".03:11
wallyworldPlease check your credentials or use 'juju bootstrap' to create a new environment.03:11
wallyworldi just bootstrapped, no errors03:11
wallyworldhmmm, seems KVMObjectFactory.List() is sad03:13
wallyworldian@wallyworld:~$ virsh -q list --all03:14
wallyworlderror: failed to connect to the hypervisor03:14
wallyworlderror: no valid connection03:14
wallyworlderror: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied03:14
wallyworldthumper: could it be that we need sudo and it's not prompting?03:14
axwwallyworld: seems odd that "juju status" is trying to list providers; that implies your .jenv doesn't have a valid API server address cached03:31
wallyworldaxw: works fine for local with lxc03:32
axwwallyworld: you should add your user to the group that owns libvirt-sock tho03:32
axwthen you should be able to use virsh03:32
axwI think it's libvirtd03:32
wallyworldif we need that for local kvm to work, we should check for it03:33
axwit shouldn't be necessary, sounds like something else is wrong03:33
axwbut it's useful for using virsh03:33
wallyworlddoes local with kvm work for you?03:33
axwjust works03:33
wallyworldi'm trying to reproduce bug 132228103:34
_mup_Bug #1322281:  local provider deployment of mysql to kvm hangs in pending state <cloud-installer> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1322281>03:34
axwI am in the group, however all the important bits run under root anyway03:34
axwI tried that, it just worked for me03:34
axwi.e. I installed mysql in a kvm container and it worked fine03:34
wallyworldso my setup is screwed somehow03:34
wallyworldwe might need to ask for the cloud init log03:35
wallyworldfor the user of that bug03:35
axwyeah may be useful03:36
=== thumper-otp is now known as thumper
thumperGuest21046: crash again?04:18
thumperGuest21046: I have a branch where the only failing bit is tool selection and syncing04:18
Guest21046thumper: nah, had to log out and back in so a new group membership would stick04:19
thumperGuest21046: not sure why... perhaps you could take a look?04:19
thumperGuest21046: lp:~thumper/juju-core/enable-alpha-versions04:19
thumperGuest21046: I can't see where the version comparison stuff is different for tool selection04:19
thumperand since you most recently touched it, you may know more04:19
Guest21046sure, no problem04:20
=== jam1 is now known as jam
Guest21046thumper: just pulling your branch and looking without running tests, ottomh there are a number of tests which rely on minor version being odd to be a dev version. and that is now no longer the case in you branch04:24
Guest21046i'll run the tests though to conirm04:26
thumperalmost certain that'll be the problem then04:26
* thumper goes to enfixorate04:27
Guest21046let me know i you want me to do anything to help04:27
jamaxw: sorry I missed this a few days ago, but the fix here https://code.launchpad.net/~axwalk/juju-core/lp1321025-mongod-path-1.18/+merge/22054404:30
jamshould really be to default to juju-mongodb except for precise and raring (I think)04:30
jamotherwise everything will fail again when V is released.04:30
davecheneyjam: and raring is out of support04:31
axwjam: that is what it does, see the code above04:33
axwjam: it's using the result of MongoPackageForSeries, which was already doing the right thing04:33
jamaxw: ah, I see. It was just that we had a line that was using == trusty, gotcha04:34
=== Guest21046 is now known as wallyworld
jamI misread the diff given you added explicit "utopic: juju-mongodb" line04:34
jambut that was just in tests04:34
axwwallyworld: I think you put the wrong LP# in the replicaset card04:37
wallyworldsigh yes04:37
wallyworldbigjools was distracting me with drivel04:38
axwheh :)04:38
bigjoolshe's easy to distract04:38
bigjoolsI just throw a ball04:39
wallyworldball? where?? me fetch? can I? huh? huh?04:39
menn0hmmm... i'm trying to add a field to the FullStatus API response and everything hangs if I use a map keyed by int but it's fine if the map is keyed by string04:39
bigjoolsI am NOT rubbing your tummy04:39
menn0is this a known thing?04:39
* wallyworld tries so hard to be pc04:39
bigjoolsmakes a change :)04:40
menn0does our API serialisation only like string keys on maps?04:40
wallyworldas thumper says, it's a family channel04:40
bigjoolshello menn0, apparently you used to work with my brother in law at BATS04:40
menn0what's his name?04:40
menn0yep :)04:41
menn0I know Glyn well04:41
wallyworldunlike his brother in law, gyln is an awesome guy04:41
bigjoolsI've known him for 19 years, some say 19 years too many04:41
menn0Glyn is awesome... if a little grumpy at times :)04:41
menn0any takers on my question? what's our serialisation format for the API?04:42
wallyworlddavecheney: apart from replicaset shite, ppc tests on CI server now pass also http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/walk-unit-tests-ppc64el-trusty-devel/317/consoleFull04:43
menn0if it's JSON I can see how there could be a problem...04:43
wallyworldi think it is04:43
menn0that make ssense04:43
* menn0 will use strings04:43
wallyworlddon't ya love json for that stuff04:44
menn0it's not a big deal in this case04:44
davecheneywallyworld: w00t04:48
wallyworlddavecheney: i upgraded gccgo-4.9 from the ppa04:48
davecheneywe're just waiting for that to land in trusty-updates04:49
wallyworlddavecheney: did you see my local test run? fault in opestack tests http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7517849/04:49
davecheneywallyworld: have you run godeps ?04:50
wallyworldi did earlier04:50
wallyworldwhich dep in particular?04:50
jamwallyworld: did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/132100904:56
_mup_Bug #1321009: juju-metadata doesn't produce content that 1.19.2 bootstrap can use <landscape> <metadata> <regression> <juju-core:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1321009>04:56
jamhmm,, mail client shows me the old stuff, but not the new04:57
jamlooks like you already fixed it04:57
wallyworldjam: yes, fixed, it wasn't a simplestreams data format bug but rather bootstrap looked up the simplestreams data for supported arches before it was uploaded in the case the --metadatasource was specified04:57
wallyworlddavecheney: i've got rev 275 o mgo locally even though juju-core's dep file says 27305:09
davecheney... o_O05:10
wallyworldthat shouldn't cause the test failures though05:12
wallyworldlooking at the logs, it seems a mongo process is just dying unexpectedly05:12
davecheneywe had a bug a few days ago where our client was causing mongo to crash05:13
davecheneylooks like the replica set stuff is a bit fragile05:13
davecheneyas in, mongos'05:13
wallyworldand the test doesn't recover. it gets EOF, refreshes and calls Ping(), but tries to reach the process that has just died05:13
wallyworldyeah, i reckon mongo itself is fragile :-(05:13
wallyworldwish we didn't use it05:13
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
wallyworldjam: how detailed is you mgo ha knowledge?05:18
jam1wallyworld: I wouldn't say it is amazing, but I'm willing to tell you want I can :)05:21
=== jam1 is now known as jam
wallyworldjam: quick hangout?05:21
vladkjam: morning05:21
jamwallyworld: says the party is over..05:21
jammorning vladk05:21
wallyworldinvite sent05:22
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
* wallyworld -> school run bbiab05:58
vladkjam: hangout time06:01
dimiternmorning all06:27
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
axwfwereade: on closer inspection, my assumption about the keymanager test was correct; it's tested by TestImportKeys above. going to take that test back out again...08:04
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
wallyworld_mgz: standup?09:00
mgzwallyworld: lost you09:23
wallyworld_mgz: we're here09:23
wallyworld_you're muted09:23
mgzI.. can't now hear anything09:23
wallyworld_mgz: you dropped out and came back09:23
TheMuejam: I lost you. I can see you’re in, but muted and no video.09:24
jamTheMue: you're frozen for me as well, I'll reconnect09:25
TheMuejam: could it be that I’m not allowed to write into the team calendar?09:51
jamTheMue: fixed09:52
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
jamdimitern: fwereade: https://codereview.appspot.com/96600043 adds a caching layer to the srvRoot code so that all facades are now cached10:16
dimiternjam, looking10:16
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
dimiternjam, LGTM10:43
dimiternTheMue, fwereade, standup?10:45
jamdimitern: we lost you after "I almost"10:55
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
frankbanhi all, is anyone available for reviewing https://codereview.appspot.com/92610045 ? thanks!12:03
perrito666good morning everyone12:05
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
jamvladk|offline: we're done for now, don't worry about coming back12:20
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
fwereadefrankban, LGTM12:54
frankbanfwereade: thank you!12:54
jamfwereade: so for modelling "environ tag" as part of the data we store in the .jenv, we currently have a split of EnvironInfo.SetAPIEndpoint() and EnvironInfo.SetAPICredentials()13:17
jamI'm tempted to just put EnvironUUID into APIEndpoint informationd13:17
jamWhich currently holds Addresses and CACert13:17
jambut seems a decent fit13:18
fwereadejam, +113:18
jamk, thanks for confirming it was sane13:19
jamnow I just have to figure out the spaghetti mess to figure out how to hook it together... :)13:19
jamperrito666: wwitzel3  is natefinch gone today?14:02
perrito666jam: natefinch and wallyworld_14:02
jam1ah right memorial day14:03
* perrito666 goes again14:03
perrito666jam1: nate and wwitzel3 and voidspace are on holiday today14:03
jcw4bodie_: o/14:25
jcw4fwereade: I'm trying to gather my thoughts to ask you some questions about cleanup.go14:25
jcw4fwereade: are you going to be around for a bit?14:26
fwereadejcw4, let's talk now14:39
fwereadejcw4, if you can?14:39
fwereadejcw4, otherwise we can do the one in 80m14:39
fwereadejcw4, I have a meeting in 20m but if I can save you a bit of time I would be delighted14:40
jcw4fwereade: I've started working on cleanupDeadUnit14:42
jcw4fwereade: and it's unclear if it should be called in unit destroyOps14:43
jcw4fwereade: or in a new *Ops on the unit?14:43
jcw4fwereade: seems there should be some hook for EnsureDead14:43
jcw4fwereade: to call some *Ops fn14:43
fwereadejcw4, hmm, so, Destroy will go from alive to either dying or removed14:44
fwereadejcw4, if it's in fast-forward mode, we should add a cleanup there in destroy14:44
jcw4fwereade: I see... so EnsureDead is not guaranteed to run... makes sense.14:44
fwereadejcw4, wondering whether it makes more sense to tack it onto the remove ops14:44
jcw4fwereade: okay, so just add it as another op right after the cleanupDyingUnit...14:45
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
fwereadejcw4, the cleanups would not be guaranteed to run before the unit was removed anyway14:45
fwereadejcw4, not sure I follow you there14:46
jcw4fwereade: unit.go:32514:46
fwereadejcw4, nah, that'll run while the unit is still dying and not necessarily dead14:46
jcw4fwereade: ok. that's what I was stumbling against.  so removeOps... line 367...14:47
jcw4I see14:47
fwereadejcw4, I'd add it in Service.unitRemoveOps14:47
jcw4fwereade: okay.. that makes sense14:48
fwereadejcw4, sorry, removeUnitOps14:48
fwereadejcw4, cool14:48
jcw4fwereade: I'll start looking there and ping you with further questions as needed14:49
bodie_looks like the dirt in xeipuuv/gojsonschema is in sigu-399/gojsonreference15:23
bodie_I need to make sure there's not more in gojsonschema itself, but gojsonpointer looks pretty OK if not terribly beautifully written15:24
bodie_mgz, you around?16:00
jcw4fwereade: If we cleanup actions in removeOps it seems that we could miss actions added while the unit is Dying...16:03
perrito666hey what does it means when godeps yields "blah is not clean"16:05
perrito666where blah is a dependency path16:05
fwereadejcw4, I don't think so?16:08
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jamfwereade: should we be versioning the Admin api and not changing Login without a version bump?16:21
fwereadejam, ha, yes, good point16:21
fwereadejam, excellent testbed16:21
jam... :(16:21
jamtrue, though more work for me16:22
fwereadejam, we will probably notice of login fails16:22
jamfwereade: well, it is our entry point where we were going to tack on the compat stuff16:22
jamso it is a bit hard to get right16:22
jamfwereade: namely old servers will happily pay no attention to a "Version: 2" in the Admin login request16:23
jamis that good/ok ?16:23
jam(as in, you pass V2, but you just get login v1)16:23
jamwell, v0 at least16:23
fwereadejam, it's not ideal, but I think it's inescapable... trying to figure out the worst that could happen16:24
jamfwereade: well, we can just "Login", 2 and have it just work but not give us back the actual v2 of the call.16:39
bodie_okay this gojsonreference module is weird18:22
bodie_heh, discarding errors in the test....18:24
bodie_let's see how much of gojsonschema is broken once this is unbroken18:24
bodie_okay, implemented some much better testing in gojsonschema19:35
bodie_I'm pretty sure they just had some dumb typos, but it looks like there might be a problem with their implementation of gojsonpointer regarding URL scheme19:35
bodie_(fwereade, mgz, rogpeppe)19:36
bodie_sorry, implemented testing in gojsonreference, not gojsonschema19:36
bodie_the uglier of the dependencies19:36
jcw4bodie_: o/19:37
jcw4bodie_: you haven't pushed back up to github yet?19:38
bodie_I have, actually.  it's under a dev branch19:38
jcw4bodie_: I see now.. tx19:39
bodie_pushed up latest bits19:39
bodie_oy, just noticed Go playground is more verbose about errors than my vim plugin.19:42
bodie_that's very annoying.19:42
bodie_mine was giving me something like "expression expected"19:43
jcw4ah, but not the actual syntax error "unexpected comma..."19:44
bodie_urg.... found the really ugly bits of this20:08
hazmatjam, if you expect an echo/assert of the version in the response the client could handle appropriately20:39
hazmatwith absence -> v020:39
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
thumperfwereade: around maybe?20:43
jimmiebtlrAny hints as to where in the code I would find a machine tag being calculated, or how to get a machine tag from an id?21:10
jcw4jimmiebtlr: names/machine.go ?21:13
fwereadethumper, heyhey21:13
thumperfwereade: got some time to chat?21:13
fwereadethumper, 5 mins?21:13
jcw4fwereade: me next if possible ;)21:13
thumperfwereade: as in "in 5 minutes" or "only have 5 minutes" ?21:13
jcw4(after thumper )21:13
fwereadethumper, sorry, in 5 minutes21:14
fwereadejcw4, sure21:14
thumperfwereade: that's fine21:14
jcw4jimmiebtlr: yw21:18
jcw4fwereade: I know it's late there... I'll just post my question and you can respond at your convenience21:41
jcw4fwereade: https://codereview.appspot.com/92630043 is the WIP branch21:41
jcw4fwereade: all good except the cleanup test TestCleanupEnvironmentServices is now failing because somehow the actions cleanup is getting queued but not run21:42
jcw4fwereade: when I explicitly call Unit.Remove() and then Service.Cleanup() it works...21:43
jcw4fwereade: and AFAICT cleanupUnitsForDyingServices *should* call unit.Destroy() and trigger the actions cleanup, but I *think* the unit is gone before that line of code gets run21:45
jcw4fwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7524594/21:46
jcw4fwereade: I see that cleanupUnitsForDyingServices only processes Units that are Alive...21:49
fwereadejcw4, it's ok, I think: you clean up the environment services, but those cleanups schedule more cleanups because some units got removed; you then need to clean up *again* before there are no cleanups left22:05
jcw4fwereade, I think that's what I just came to22:06
fwereadejcw4, unit.Destroy will *queue* the actions cleanup but not run it22:06
jcw4I'm busy adding one more assertCleanupsRun to the test + comments explaining22:06
fwereadejcw4, assertCleanupCount is what I introduced last branch for exactly that reaosn wrt dying-unit cleanups22:06
fwereadejcw4, comments explaining why it's used will generally be appreciated, indeed22:07
jcw4fwereade: Okay, I'll plan on using assertCleanupCount too to make sure we're not succeeding accidentally22:07
fwereadejcw4, cool22:07
jcw4fwereade: tx22:07
jcw4fwereade: btw... do you have involvement in the ubuntu sprint in your neck of the woods this week?22:07
jcw4fwereade: I just saw niemeyers comment on G+ and thought it was an interesting co-incidence:)22:08
fwereadejcw4, not really, but I will surely pop down into sliema to say hi22:17
fwereadejcw4, it's client stuff really22:17
jcw4fwereade: i see :)22:17
jcw4fwereade: tests passing now.. .I think I'll do a real lbox propose now22:18
fwereadejcw4, cool, I need to do tidying up and stuff now, if I still have enrgy when I'm done I'll pass by and see what I can do22:18
jcw4fwereade: thx, no pressure :)22:19
jcw4fwereade, fwiw https://codereview.appspot.com/92630043/22:35
waiganiwhy does this test not run: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7524918 ?22:58
waiganiit is not inside juju-core, just an exercise to understand the testing setup22:59
wallyworld_waigani: you need to register the test23:10
wallyworld_func Test(t *testing.T) {23:10
wallyworld_not the test i mean, but you need to set up to run with gocheck23:10
davecheneywallyworld_: is ppc passing in ci yet ?23:24
wallyworld_davecheney: yes andno. intermittent mongo failures, not releated to ppc http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/walk-unit-tests-ppc64el-trusty-devel/23:24
wallyworld_there's a good run of blue there23:24
davecheneydo you think the mongo failure are because mongo on ppc is not well tested ?23:25
wallyworld_davecheney: it fails on amd64 too. mongo is not my favourite db, let's put it that way to stay polite23:32
waiganiwallyworld_: Thank you! so that is how gc stitches up to the standard go testing package?23:36
wallyworld_a lot of our packages have a package_test.go in them - that's the convention we use since there is often more than one test file23:37
wallyworld_and we only want to register once per package23:37

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