
=== Guest78498 is now known as wallyworld
dchemHello everyone03:44
=== Guest21046 is now known as wallyworld
AskUbuntuMaaS + JuJu on a single PC, MaaS as host for VM Nodes (LXC + KVM) | http://askubuntu.com/q/47223004:50
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
rvbabigjools: jtv:  I just installed MAAS 1.5.1+bzr2269-0ubuntu0.1 on a canonistack instance and the 'architecture' dropdown isn't populated ('power_type' is)… The result is that I can't add a node…08:11
jtvThat means RPC hasn't bootstrapped, doesn't it?08:11
jtvAh, no, arch is derived from boot images — power type is gathered over RPC.08:12
jtvSo... no boot images?08:13
rvbaAh, that's right, I thought the import had been done… but it failed for some reason…08:13
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
bigjoolsrvba: doesn't it say something about boot images?09:33
rvbabigjools: yes, it was the problem indeed.  I was messing with the import config (in the DB) and the import script failed.09:34
rvbaMy fault.09:34
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=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
jtvOh dear.  Got a bunch of spurious test failures in test_ucsm.py, and the setup is undocumented & hard to make sense of.13:23
jtvAnd when I say "spurious" I mean "one-off."  They may be justified or they may not be.13:24
jtvjhobbs: that looks like a bug in get_first_booter — I think it takes the alphabetically first item, when it's meant to take the numerically first item.  That test setup really needs some documentation, and if it matters at all, we need to test against this.13:33
jtvOrdering is tricky.13:33
jtvAdage: write your code as if it's going to be maintained by a lazy, irritable axe murderer who lives next door from you; write your tests as if the code is going to be written by a smartarse whom you'd love to prove wrong in any way you can.13:35
jtvThe worst things in humans can bring out the best things in programming.13:39
jtvjhobbs: filed 132330713:53
jtvBug 1323307, that is.13:53
ubot5bug 1323307 in MAAS "Spurious test failure: get_first_booter sorts lexicographically, test assumes numerically" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132330713:53
jtvrvba: thanks for that lint branch — I had the same branch written up, but got held up by that spurious test failure ^13:54
rvbajtv: heh13:54
jtvrvba: you have some reviews.  Blocked one on a question.14:07
rvbajtv: on it14:08
jtvrvba: I didn't tag that bug as "tests" because it may simply be a bug in the code which the tests occasionally expose.14:18
rvbajtv: I see; judging by your explanations, if seems likely that this is a bug in the test itself but you're right, it's probably too early to tell.14:19
jtvI'm really not sure which is more likely...  the function under test is clearly expecting an ordinal, as if it's trying to extract a number from the string.14:21
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
jtvSome very easy branches up for review:16:18
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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