
alesage_nik90_, ping08:27
nik90_alesage_: pong08:27
alesage_nik90_, hi, charles and I are investigating a clock-app-related bug08:28
alesage_nik90_, having some trouble getting the autopilot tests running though, wonder if you can advise08:28
nik90_alesage_: hi, yeah I just saw your comment on th ebug08:28
nik90_alesage_: so are you running the tests on the device or on the desktop?08:28
alesage_nik90_, on the desktop08:29
nik90_alesage_: ok. Can you check the version of qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin.08:29
nik90_alesage_: The last I checked, the SDK did have a function called click_action_button()...although the error log says otherwise08:29
nik90_I will run that test on my desktop and check now08:30
alesage_nik90_, thanks, my version is 0.1.46+14.04.20140408.1-0ubuntu108:30
nik90_alesage_: can you make sure you have 0.1.46+14.10.20140520-0ubuntu1~0trusty208:31
alesage_nik90_, are you on a PPA?08:32
nik90_alesage_: yeah, I am using the SDK PPA for 14.04 as recommended by the SDK team08:33
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
alesage_nik90_, are you able to run these clock-app autopilot tests on a device proper?  finding some setup errors http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7520055/09:43
nik90_alesage_: yeah I can run the tests on the device without any issue09:45
alesage_nik90_, you're using the phabet-test-runner, or from the source?09:45
nik90_alesage_: the way I run it is by, "phablet-click-test-setup" which sets up your deivce09:45
alesage_nik90_, ok new information thanks09:45
nik90_alesage_: then, "click-buddy --dir . --provision" from inside the clock app source folder which will install clock app tests on your device09:46
nik90_alesage_: then a simple "phablet-test-run -v ubuntu-clock-app" shoudl work09:46
alesage_nik90_, thanks09:47
nik90_alesage_: np09:47
alesage_nik90_, consider adding the above to the readme, eh?09:47
alesage_for the testing pleasure of future generations :)09:47
nik90_alesage_: true, I should do that..the thing is the instructions keep changing...but a readme is still a good idea09:48
=== charles is now known as Guest9722

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