
psusianyone know anything about g_udev_device_get_sysfs_attr?  it seems to cache the attribute the first time it is read and never re-reads it02:48
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pittiGood morning05:31
Logan_hey pitti05:32
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Logan_quilt patches that delete files make me (and bar) sad05:37
mterrystgraber, the lxc autopkgtests seem to be failing?05:39
stgrabermterry: they sometimes do that but usually end up passing, if they're now all failing, that's because something somewhere regressed05:41
mterrystgraber, I don't know about all failing.  I just noticed it holding up a cgmanager update: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html  - looks like the unpriv tests failed?05:42
mterrystgraber, if that's the sort of thing that might pass if retried, I can do tht05:42
stgrabermterry: hmm, no, retrying won't help with that one, we apparently switched to 3.15 and we need some upstream fix for that. I'll cherry-pick and upload in a bit05:43
mterrystgraber, oh cool, glad it's a known issue  :)05:44
stgrabermterry: yeah, the 3.15 kernel now prevents reading some files to non-root users...05:45
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infinity@pilot in07:16
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final released! | Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity
timchen119hi, I found lp:ubuntu/python-debian is not sync with lp:python-debian , anyone know how do I help? any wiki page describe this sync process?07:53
timchen119last commit in lp:python-debian is 2012-10-08, but it still not in Utopic.07:54
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zbenjamincjwatson: ping, is there any directory i can put a file that i can read from inside confinement? i get permission denied for /tmp08:27
sarnoldzbenjamin: hopefully this can help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement/Manifest08:38
cjwatsonzbenjamin: yep, security team for confinement questions :)08:40
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zbenjaminsarnold: thx08:50
zbenjaminsarnold: i'm working on debugging confined apps. What i need to do is run gdbserver inside a click package so i can connect to it08:56
sarnoldzbenjamin: I suspect the ptrace attach will fail; why not run gdb 'outside' the click package?08:58
zbenjaminsarnold: how should i connect to the application running inside then?08:58
zbenjaminsarnold: attaching is no option, it would make it impossible to debug the application startup08:58
sarnoldzbenjamin: that's a fine question.08:59
zbenjaminsarnold: also we need a way to connect to the qmljs debugger which always runs inside the app and opens a port so the IDE can connect to it09:00
zbenjaminsarnold: i guess we will need a debug policy that allows this stuff09:00
sarnoldzbenjamin: what kind of port? tcp would be currently unmediated, that ought to work fine today.09:01
zbenjaminsarnold: i think its tcp09:02
zbenjaminsarnold: thats basically the wrapper script that sets up the stuff inide the confinement : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7519903/09:02
sarnoldzbenjamin: ah, good. so that means qmljs ought to work ..09:02
zbenjaminsarnold: thats how it fails: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7519911/09:03
sarnoldzbenjamin: I think that script would work alright from outside confinement though09:04
zbenjaminsarnold: yeah but i was told we want to debug our apps in confinement because we need to be as close as possible to the real environment a app gets09:05
sarnoldzbenjamin: yeah, I can understand that desire. I'm not sure how well it'll work though.09:06
zbenjaminsarnold: so gdbserver will listen on a tcp port as well, the only thing that needs to be sorted out is the ptrace call you mentioned. Any idea how we can get there?09:07
zbenjamini'm actually not really sure if the failure i see is because of that, i get permission denied but the exception still happens in python.09:07
sarnoldzbenjamin: yeah, that's a simple denied for exec(gdbserver), they'll get worse and scarier once that execute is allowed. :)09:08
zbenjaminsarnold: can i allow that call somehow?09:10
sarnoldzbenjamin: if you edit the generated apparmor policy (in /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/) and then install that updated policy, you can probably get there09:12
zbenjaminsarnold: how about providing a debug policy ? The store would need to reject that of course09:13
sarnoldzbenjamin: you -might- get lucky if you add /usr/bin/gdbserver Ux, permissions to your policy09:13
sarnoldzbenjamin: yeah, that's a really good idea09:13
zbenjaminsarnold: can you help me put one together?09:14
* zbenjamin <-- app armor noob09:14
sarnoldzbenjamin: sure09:14
zbenjaminfor now we "only" need to execute gdbserver and be able to connect with tcp09:15
sarnoldzbenjamin: do you see a file in /var/lib/apparmor/profiles that cooresponds to your app?09:15
zbenjaminsarnold: no the app is uninstalled after executing it :/ the adk-launcher script is doing that automatically  but i can disable it for now09:15
sarnoldzbenjamin: oh nuts. well, okay...09:16
zbenjaminnow i have that file09:16
zbenjaminsarnold: best would be if i could just add "debug" to my policy list09:18
sarnoldzbenjamin: sure, that's a nice end goal :) but won't happen today, hehe09:18
sarnoldzbenjamin: if you can stand a bit of hackery in the meantime, try adding "/usr/bin/gdbserver Ux," to the file and reload it with apparmor_parser --replace /path/to/file09:19
sarnoldzbenjamin: -- this step will need to re-executed after package install but before the application is started09:19
zbenjaminthe problem the script does not run as root since we connect with ssh09:20
zbenjaminand we install to the local click database09:20
zbenjaminsarnold: gdbserver starts now, the app does not seem to come up and the ide does not connect ..09:24
sarnoldzbenjamin: woo, nice, can you grep DENIED /var/log/syslog  and pastebin those? (the pastebinit program can help here)09:26
zbenjaminsarnold: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7520065/09:27
zbenjaminsarnold: but looking at the timestamps they are not related09:28
sarnoldzbenjamin: some of them, indeed -- we shold probably file a bug or two for that, too09:29
zbenjaminsarnold: meh the time on the phone is not correct ;)09:31
zbenjaminsarnold: so they are related09:31
sarnoldzbenjamin: the [ dddd ] bits ar enormally 'seconds after boot'..09:32
zbenjaminsarnold: i was able to connect from the gdb cli tool on the phone, but when i try to continue i get SIGTRAP'ed and then SIGABORT'ed09:32
sarnoldzbenjamin: did you get any new DENIED lines from that?09:32
zbenjaminthere are a few more http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7520085/09:33
sarnoldjjohansen: is this one of those LSM calls that happens before the usual kernel security mechanisms? apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" ... name="/usr/lib/python3.4/__pycache__/shlex.cpython-34.pyc.3063768112" pid=5862 comm="qtc_device_debu" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201109:37
jjohansensarnold: yes09:42
Laneybdmurray: could you upload ubuntu-release-upgrader?09:48
Laneyrelease upgrades are crashing with the bug you fixed in https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-release-upgrader/trunk/revision/280809:49
bdmurrayLaney: will do09:50
sarnoldzbenjamin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click-apparmor/+bug/132323309:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1323233 in click-apparmor (Ubuntu) "debug policy group" [Undecided,New]09:53
zbenjaminsarnold: fyi this is the debug script for the official ubuntu sdk ;)09:53
zbenjaminsarnold: i'm part of the SDK team09:54
zbenjaminsarnold: and this is part of RTM so we really need that09:54
zbenjaminsarnold: because currently we use a bunch of hacks to provide debugging mechanism which fall apart every other day. We really need to replace this with something sane09:55
sarnoldzbenjamin: ah, I hadn't realized that was 'more official' :)09:55
zbenjaminsarnold: yeah sorry i should have mentioned that ;)09:55
sarnoldzbenjamin: I just thought it was a nice script that'd been hacked together in desperation, hehe09:56
zbenjaminsarnold: basically it is ;). I wrote it at the last week on the sprint. There is also the sdk launcher now that takes a click package as a argument and installs , executes and uninstalls after the application finishes running10:01
sarnoldzbenjamin: very nice10:02
zbenjaminsarnold: i can confirm tcp connect works at least for the qmldebugger. Now we "just" need the c++ side ;)10:05
sarnoldzbenjamin: did you have to add anything to the apparmor policy to get the qmldebugger to work?10:06
zbenjaminsarnold: i just added your gdbserver line10:07
sarnoldzbenjamin: was that necessary for the qmldebugger?10:08
zbenjamini can try to remove it10:08
bdmurraypitti: libc6-dbg did not improve the crash files10:08
pittibdmurray: ah, too bad; so the badness is in gdb itself then :/10:09
pittixnox: lp:~upstart-devel/upstart/upstart-jobs doesn't yet have the init scripts from your unreviewed branch, but I guess that's expected10:10
slangasekbdmurray, pitti: are we sure about the integrity of the core files themselves?10:11
pittislangasek: certainly not "sure", but I can't believe that we really get stack corruption on pretty much all the crashes, while they mostly work on x8610:12
zbenjaminsarnold: ok the line is not required. But the connection is slow, but that comes from qtc its waiting for some output from the app which it can not get of course10:12
pittimany that we looked at have two frames in libc (I suppose the usual "pass NULL pointer to string comparison" etc.), and then nothing else, just the "corrupted stack" error10:13
pittislangasek: ^10:13
slangasekpitti: have we tried native backtracing with gdb on armhf?10:13
slangasek(to rule out whether it's a gdb vs. gdb-multiarch problem)10:14
pittislangasek: that already was native, AFAIUI10:15
pittislangasek: i. e. it's gdb running *on* the phone at the time of the crash10:15
pittislangasek: so we ruled out foreign arch problems10:15
slangasekdoes gdb get a useful backtrace if you attach it to a running process on armhf?10:16
zbenjaminsarnold: would be nice if you could change the bug report so its clear that this is more official ;)10:16
zbenjaminsarnold: or should i just  comment on it10:17
sarnoldzbenjamin: I can fix it up some :)10:17
zbenjaminsarnold: awesome10:17
pittislangasek: I don't know right now, that's an interesting test; although it needs to happen on something which is actually busy, otherwise we'll just catch some poll()/select(); bdmurray, did you happen to try that already?10:17
GunnarHjHi pitti!10:18
pittihey GunnarHj10:19
GunnarHjpitti: People are asking for langpack updates. Any chance that you can press the button?10:19
pittiGunnarHj: for trusty?10:20
pittiGunnarHj: I can copy the current PPA to -proposed, yes10:20
GunnarHjpitti: Yes.10:20
GunnarHjpitti: Would that be an SRU?10:20
pittiGunnarHj: yes, they've always been10:20
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, I keep learning. :)10:21
pittiGunnarHj: meh, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive/ppa times out10:22
pittiGunnarHj: does this actually have recent trusty updates?10:22
GunnarHjpitti: Actually I haven't checked... Just saw the postings.10:23
seb128pitti,  language-pack-de 1:14.04+2014052210:23
seb128one example10:23
seb128you can try reloading, it didn't timeout here10:24
pittiah, that looks fine10:24
pittiyeah, I'm fine with uploading that10:24
bdmurraypitti: no, I have not10:24
pittiGunnarHj: we need a wiki page where testers mark the tested languages; would you mind setting that up?10:25
pittiGunnarHj: I think we haven't actually done that (updates) for a long time :/10:25
pittiGunnarHj: ah, on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA10:25
GunnarHjpitti: Hmm.. I may take a look, but it will have to take a while.10:27
pittiGunnarHj: so it's just a new entry on above wiki page and sending a call for testing AFAICS10:27
GunnarHjpitti: Is the purpose of that page to document tests before SRUing translations?10:28
pittiGunnarHj: the purpose is that people run these standard tests (desktop comes up, you can run updat-emanager, etc.) for a particular language10:29
pittiGunnarHj: and after the timeout we release the languages which got tested10:29
GunnarHjpitti: I see. Have to quit now. Talk to you later.10:30
zbenjaminsarnold: any chance we can get that in in the next days?10:31
sarnoldzbenjamin: could be, depends how much of jamie's time I can get :)10:31
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shadeslayerev: can usb-creator 0.2.57 be released for trusty too?10:54
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xnoxpitti: correct. Cause it's not in the archive yet.11:34
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pittixnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7520913/11:58
xnoxpitti: ^12:06
slangasekseb128, pitti: is bug #1289031 assigned to the right component?12:07
ubottubug 1289031 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "touchpad re-enables itself after suspend/resume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128903112:07
seb128slangasek, could be bug #128386312:08
ubottubug 1283863 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "disabling touchpad is not persistent" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128386312:08
seb128but if you run unity, unity-settings-daemon is the right component12:08
seb128(well, assuming the issue is with the settings daemon, and not xorg/synaptic driver)12:08
slangasekright; I think I filed that bug before u-s-d was a separate thing12:08
seb128slangasek, if you can reproduce, it would be interesting to see if that happens as well when unity-settings-daemon is not running12:10
slangasekit's intermittently reproducible12:10
slangasekif I killall unity-settings-daemon, does it stay dead?12:11
seb128it's an upstart job, just stop it12:11
* slangasek nods12:11
dobeyseb128: hey, can you approve or whatever needs to be done to unity-scope-click to get it from u-proposed into the archive? seems it's held for migration as it added a dependency on ubuntu-sdk-libs12:13
seb128dobey, "unity-scope-click/arm64 unsatisfiable Depends: ubuntu-sdk-libs "12:18
seb128dobey, you need to make ubuntu-sdk-libs available on arm64, or to make unity-scope-click not build there (or not depends on the libs)12:19
pittixnox: bug 132327412:19
ubottubug 1323274 in dovecot (Ubuntu) "Restore Debian's init.d script for insserv compatibility" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132327412:19
dobeyseb128: oh, ugh12:20
tseliotseb128: what are the plans on unity-settings-daemon? Are we going to rebase our changes on topo of the latest g-s-d? Also, where's the RCS?12:25
seb128tseliot, what is "RCS"?12:25
pittirevision control system?12:25
tseliotseb128: revision control system12:25
seb128oh, VCS?12:25
tseliotseb128: or is it a permanent fork that we should develop separately?12:26
seb128rebase ... we might, depends of how much work it is/the benefits/who has slots to work on that12:26
seb128it's a fork12:26
seb128but it doesn't mean we should backport commits that benefit us12:27
seb128or rebase on newer versions if it makes sense12:27
tseliotthey fixed a lot of use cases for wacom tablets and touch screens12:27
tseliotthat is why I'm asking12:27
seb128we are likely to update e.g the wacom code, not sure about the other plugins there12:27
xnoxpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7521117/12:27
seb128wacom needs to be updated in sync with the control center I think12:27
tseliotseb128: they introduced a new device mapper that requires a fair amount of work to backport and to hook into the plugins12:28
seb128in what cycle?12:28
tseliotI had a look at git master12:28
tseliotthose are changes from 2013-201412:29
tseliotseb128: g-s-d 3.12 includes all the fixes, except for one12:32
dobeyseb128: can i make a binary dep be used on all archs except for arm64?12:35
seb128tseliot, I'm not sure we are going to update that this cycle, somebody owning wacom hardware and having slots to work on that working on updating that code would be nice12:35
seb128dobey, you need to list the archs manually12:36
dobeyogra_: hi. what's keeping ubuntu-touch-meta from being built on arm64?12:36
dobeyseb128: but i can't do [!arm64] for binary deps?12:36
ogra_ no idea, doesnt it build ?12:36
seb128dobey, I don't think so12:37
dobeyogra_: i guess ubuntu-touch-meta has explicit archs listed. it's only built on i386, amd64, and armhf12:37
dobeyogra_: i'd expect it will build fine, but maybe all the binary deps don't build fine on arm64?12:38
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/packages/ubuntu-touch-meta-1.141$ grep amd64 update.cfg12:38
ogra_architectures: i386 amd64 armhf12:38
tseliotbdmurray: hi, can you have a look at LP: #1322212 please?12:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1322212 in xorg-server-lts-saucy (Ubuntu) "Switching to the Guest session results in a black screen" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132221212:38
ogra_it is explicitly disabled atm ...12:38
tseliotseb128: ok, I'll see what I can do...12:39
ogra_dobey, why do you need it on arm64 ? and 64 bit phones in sight =12:39
dobeyogra_: is there a list of what's keeping it from being built elsewehre?12:39
ogra_dobey, it was never enabled on anything else but the three arches my grep above lists12:40
sarnoldogra_: apple sells one :)12:40
ogra_and i assume the seeds are set up similar12:40
dobeyogra_: because unity-scope-click is architectue: any in the control file, and we just added a binary dep on ubuntu-sdk-libs, because it is what provides the list of frameworks12:40
ogra_sarnold, oh, you are planning to purt ubuntu-touch to an iphone ?12:40
sarnoldogra_: wouldn't that be a fun target? :)12:41
ogra_doanac, hrm12:41
dobeyso right now this makes the scope uninstallable on arm64, though otherwise it builds and installs fine there12:41
sarnoldit'd actually make more sense for us; apple sells content consuming devices. we've aiming for a converged computing device, and I haven't had < 4 gigs of memory on my computer in a very long time..12:42
ogra_dobey, hmm, i would actually prefer to have an override for the autopkgtest stuff in that case ... i suspect blindly enabling arm64 in the seeds and metapackages will open a big can of worms and cause a lot of extra work12:44
ogra_dobey, did you ask infinity or cjwatson if we could jet override it for now ?12:44
bdmurraytseliot: is that supposed to superceed the existing package in precise-proposed?12:44
dobeyogra_: and just have an uninstallable unity-scope-click on arm64?12:45
ogra_dobey, right12:45
ogra_until we have actually seeds for that arch12:45
dobeyi haven't asked, no.12:45
tseliotbdmurray: yes. I also included the previous changes in the diff12:46
ogra_switching the seeds on on this arch will likely mean we need to make the whole of ubuntu-touch ... or at least the whole of the sdk-libs installable in the end12:46
ogra_(or alternatively make the scope use [!arm64] but thats more ugly imho12:47
dobeyogra_: a good thing i think, but i do agree it might mean a lot of work. i wonder if there's an easy way we can test it12:47
dobeywell, it's ugly, but probably less ugly than a built package that can't be installed :)12:47
bdmurraytseliot: okay, could you add saucy tasks?12:48
bdmurraytseliot: I mean precise12:48
tseliotbdmurray: I think xorg-server-lts-saucy is only available in precise, isn't it?12:49
cjwatsonogra_: that's not autopkgtest12:49
cjwatsondobey: you can do [!arm64] in debian/control as long as it's not for an Architecture: all package12:50
cjwatsondobey: though in this context it would be more correct to do [amd64 armhf i386]12:50
bdmurraytseliot: While that may be true I'm pretty all the sru tools / reports want a task for the relevant release.12:51
dobeycjwatson: might be better to just not build on arm64 i guess, since unity8 isn't building there currently12:51
cjwatsonlet me check what rdeps are already there12:51
dobeywell, it's depwait12:52
cjwatsonbut it built before?12:52
dobeyi don't know12:52
cjwatsonmust've done12:52
cjwatsonotherwise it wouldn't be a proble12:52
cjwatsonok, there are no reverse-dependencies of unity-scope-click/arm6412:52
dobeyit shows depwait on trusty and saucy too12:52
dobeyso i guess it's always been that way12:52
cjwatsonno it doesn't12:53
cjwatson unity-scope-click | 0.1+14.04.20140410.1-0ubuntu1 | trusty/universe          | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i38612:53
cjwatsondobey: so, I can remove this, but you'll have to actually stop it building12:53
ogra_great :)12:54
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dobeycjwatson: ok, that's great. i'll make a branch to stop it building on arm64. and you'll override it for now to get the current package migrated?12:56
cjwatsonnot override, but remove12:56
cjwatsonI wouldn't just override this because adding uninstallable packages can make proposed-migration take bad decisions12:58
ogra_ah, i didnt know that12:58
cjwatsondobey: to be clear, if your branch doesn't land, the next upload will have the same problem :)13:00
dobeyoh ok13:00
dobeycjwatson: yeah, i will make a branch now(-ish)13:00
tseliotbdmurray: ok, let me fix that then13:27
tseliotyay, launchpad failed...13:28
bdmurraytseliot: hmm it oops'ed for me too. I'll just accept it then.13:35
tseliotbdmurray: good. I think we can add a task later13:40
mterry_stgraber, is there a bug for the lxc/kernel issue so I can subscribe?13:46
mterry_stgraber, ah I see you uploaded a fix.  But it still fails autopkgtest?13:53
mterry_But only two failures rather than three this time!  :)13:56
tseliotbdmurray: thanks13:59
stgrabermterry_: yeah, there's another kernel bug, jjohansen is on it14:04
jjohansenmterry_: if you revert to the 3.13 kernel from earlier, that should work until the 3.15 kernel with the fix lands14:05
mterry_jjohansen, I'm not concerned with testing it myself so much, it's just blocking a cgmanager update in utopic14:07
jjohansenmterry_: ah okay14:07
LaneyI've never noticed that quilt series colours patches based on applied/top/unapplied14:11
Laneyis that new?14:11
GunnarHjpitti: still there?14:12
evshadeslayer: if you want to go through the paperwork for an SRU, I'm happy to sponsor the upload14:22
shadeslayerev: heh14:22
shadeslayerthat's like the most annoying part of it :P14:22
shadeslayerev: anyway, I'll file the paperwork14:22
evI've got the branch queued up and ready for a bug number to inject14:23
shadeslayerev: 128902614:25
evshadeslayer: is that right? It's a regular bug not following the SRU format: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template14:26
shadeslayerev: yes, I'm fixing that14:26
evah right14:26
evI'll feed that into the branch14:26
shadeslayerev: done14:27
shadeslayerev: it's the bug that errors.ubuntu.com had linked to all the error reports14:28
shadeslayerthought I'd just repurpose it14:28
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n4uahis anyone can help with the ubuntu touch?19:32
rwwtried #ubuntu-touch?19:33
n4uahi think some of them works at canonical.19:35
rwwYep, and they also tend to hang out in #ubuntu-touch, hence me pointing you there. Have you tried it? :)19:35
n4uahnow at their..19:36
LLKCKfan How can someone who is almost 30 and never had a job get one? I have been applying just to be told I am not what they are looking for or they are not hiring.21:02
Noskcaj_LLKCKfan, I think you're asking in the wrong place21:08
LLKCKfanthen what is the right place21:08
geniiProbably some channel to do with employment21:09
Noskcaj_pitti, Is it ok if i merge flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound?21:36
LLKCKfanThere are none21:37
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