
michagogo15:17:00 <ogra_> better changeyour password now ;) <-- Why? What damianr accidentally sent in here isn't sensitive, and didn't include his password, email address, or anything else of concern.10:27
ogra_i could write a bot spamming as his account ;)10:28
ogra_and this channel is publically logged ...10:29
michagogoogra_: huh?10:32
michagogoThat wasn't an identify command10:32
michagogonot a register command10:32
michagogoNor a setpass command10:33
michagogoIt was a VERIFY REGISTER command, which is just the email verification token10:33
michagogoYou can't use that for anything10:33
damianrHi there once again, I have a doubt. When fixing bugs which are also present in the upstream. After Informing the upstream, the upstream package fixes not just that bug but couple of other bugs or introduce features do I have include those in the bug patch.?14:09
geserit depends: for a stable update: only the changes for that bug; for development versions: the new upstream version14:13
damianrThanks and one more, patch attached and branch avaliable in launchpad bug means the fix is commited by someone in different medium ie through a patch file and through a different launchpad branch ?14:16
arun_guys how do I use a pbuilder ?15:55
damianrarun_ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto16:13
arun_damianr: I didn't get the .deb file using "sudo pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --arch --debootstrapopts i38616:14
damianrI am new around here too.16:18
arun_damianr: ohh !!! thanks for the help though16:18
damianri think u should indicate the package u want to build16:19
damianrnormally i am guessing pbuilder works with dsc file16:19
shadeslayerdebfx: thx for backporting btw16:26
arun_how can I get 32 bit deb file from 64 bit VPS compiling in it16:27
shadeslayerarun_: use pbuilder16:27
shadeslayer!pbuilder > arun_16:27
ubottuarun_, please see my private message16:27
arun_shadeslayer: it seems really hard to do16:28
debfxshadeslayer: yw16:28
shadeslayerarun_: not really16:28
shadeslayerarun_: just read the wiki?16:28
debfxI'll approve anything that contains those beautiful unicode check marks ;)16:28
shadeslayer<3 unicode checkmarks16:28
arun_shadeslayer: no, I did, but didn't obtained the deb file16:28
shadeslayerarun_: well, depends on what was defined in BUILDRESULT16:29
shadeslayer( a var in pbuilderrc _16:30

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