
bazhang<Isvara> Actually, I said lvm, I really mean md.05:34
Ben64dweez in #ubuntu has an autoreponse for anyone saying "now you know", responds with "<nick>: And knowing is half the battle. G.I. JOE!!!"08:12
ubottuowh called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:14
popeycan someone help me with a channel redirect? #ubuntu-phone used to redirect to #ubuntu-touch but doesn't seem to anymore...09:40
* rww takes a look09:41
rwwpopey: /msg chanserv help set mlock09:42
popeywill take a look thanks09:42
rwwyou probably want to mlock +sntif #ubuntu-touch on #ubuntu-phone09:43
geniiI think I'm going to start using the word "redimensionate"23:03
valoriegenii: are you Calvin, all grown up?23:06
valorieCalvin & Hobbes ref23:06
geniivalorie: Hah, maybe sometimes23:06
geniiYes, the transmogrifier :D23:07
valorieI find your term excellent23:07
phunyguy^ yes23:07
valorieproblems often should be redimensionated into challenges23:07
valoriefor instance23:07
geniiWell, I lifted the "redimensionate" from a user in #ubuntu who meant to say something more like "resize" ... but it's definitely catchy23:12
valorieI'm stealing it from you in turn, for sure23:31
geniiLet's popularize it's use!23:32

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