
sunbirdthe instructions for installing on the nexus10 look pretty straightforward.00:10
sunbirdonce it is installed, will any software that works on ubuntu work on the nexus?00:10
sunbirdspecifically, i want to use scrivener, which i have working on my install of ubuntu 14.04 no problem.00:11
sunbirdbut that is on a lenovo laptop, not a tablet.00:11
Beldarsunbird, This is touch right?00:20
sunbirdthe thing is, i haven't bought the device yet. because i want to make sure scrivener will work on it or else it's useless to me.00:29
sunbirdwell, not useless, but not what i want to use it for.00:29
doflahertyYou *might* have number 2, because it uses QT, which is the supported Ubuntu SDK toolkit, but I don't know which version they are using or if they offer arm binaries00:30
pngowhy contacts.db from phone can not be opened by evolution in my computer?00:58
Beldarsunbird, If you do not use nicks we are not notified you are addressing us, you want to not expect we are al waiting staring at the screen for your answer. ;)01:05
BeldarI would if I was paid.01:06
sunbirdi'm not sure to whom i should direct my question.01:07
Beldarsunbird, If you address someone use their nick to preface, as you see my message to you. This is not that you know who to ask but to whom you may answer.01:08
sunbirdBeldar: thanks, i understand how irc works. since this is the first time on this channel, i have no idea whom i should tag to answer my question. do you have any ideas?01:11
Beldarsunbird, In general you ask the question and hope someone knows. ;)01:11
Beldarsunbird, If you are a regular here I would think it's okay to png friends01:12
sunbirdyeah, that's the same in channels where i lurk. :)01:17
Beldarsunbird, If I even still had a short term memory......uh now what was I saying?01:19
saidinesh5sunbird: they only give out binaries for Scrivener right?01:24
saidinesh5well if you had to run scrivener via. wine on your desktop ubuntu, chances are it wont work on ubuntu touch01:26
saidinesh5at least not until wine on arm is usable at least01:26
sunbirdno, there is a .deb01:26
sunbirdsaidinesh5: it installed really easy on my machine.01:27
sunbirdbut mine is not arm arch, so i guess i need to see if it's compiled for arm or if i can compile.01:27
saidinesh5sunbird: but desktop .debs can be tied down specifically to the intel architecture01:27
sunbirdwell, that's helpful. thanks saidinesh5.01:28
sunbirdhere's another curveball question - is it possible to partition the ssd? so one could encrypt using luks?01:29
saidinesh51) yes. 2) never tried encryption01:31
saidinesh5but ssds are no different than normal hard drives01:31
Macerso is nexus dev ending?01:40
Macerthought i heard something about that somewhere01:40
* saidinesh5 shrugs01:41
saidinesh5the multiboot works pretty well for me01:41
vin_hi all. :)01:57
vin_does anyone working to port ubuntu touch on LG G2 D802 international model?01:57
vin_i wan to try it on my phone01:58
vin_hi all. :)01:59
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vin_[09:57] <vin_> hi all. :) [09:57] <vin_> does anyone working to port ubuntu touch on LG G2 D802 international model? [09:58] <vin_> i want to try it on my phone02:03
KitojazzHello, i need help with adb command because does not recognize my android device, my device is a chinese tablet ..... i have put into a file this line : "SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="10d6", ATTR{idProduct}=="0c02", MODE="0600", OWNER="kito""02:10
Kitojazzin the file located in /etc/udev/rules.d02:11
KitojazzAnyone can helpme02:11
sunbirdanyone like or hate the nexus7? thinking about getting one. that or the 10. but i think i'd rather have the smaller one.02:20
Beldarsunbird, It is alright if ruuning android.02:28
Beldaran opinion yes sunbird02:28
Beldarsunbird, If I could get lubuntu or an even lighter linux I would use the nexus 7 for it.02:30
sunbirdBeldar: so ubuntu  touch on nexus7 = not great?02:33
Beldarsunbird, It is a bit rough, and for a phone, so really depends on your needs I suppose.02:37
Beldarsunbird, There is a multi booter app that allows you to run touch and android as many as you can fit in. So you can test without wiping.02:38
BeldarI would like a ubuntu phone that docks the full OS though.02:39
Beldarsunbird, At some point we probably will see the full ubuntu phone that docks with the desktop as advertised, at least I hope so.02:43
sunbirdBeldar: good info. guess i'll wait a bit then.02:46
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saidinesh5sunbird: i love the nexus 703:02
saidinesh5dont go for the nexus 1003:02
saidinesh5defeats the purpose of having a tablet03:02
saidinesh5and is also quite dated now03:02
saidinesh5nexus 7's best feature is it's really comfy to hold in 1 hand03:04
sunbirdso nexus7 running android. or dual boot?03:09
sunbirdmaybe dual boot would be best.03:09
pngoanyone has ssh problem?03:14
sunbirdpngo: can you be more specific?03:23
saidinesh5sunbird: android + ubuntu touch03:34
pngo<sunbird> well, I'm trying to ssh to my phone and I get error Permission denied (publickey).03:34
saidinesh5installation was such a breeze too03:34
saidinesh5sunbird: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=201140303:35
pngo<sunbird> it looks like addressAuthorize does not work in /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:37
pngo<sunbird>and addressAuthorize is set to yes in my configs03:38
pngo<sunbird>: it is: PasswordAuthentication yes not addressAuthorize. sorry03:40
sunbirdpngo: hrm. could you pastebin your sshd_config?03:53
pngo<sunbird> I already reinstalled ubuntu, but same problem. I will install stable ver. and see if that will help.03:55
sunbirdpngo: PasswordAuthentication yes should do it. :\03:56
sunbirdpngo: what error do you get on the client side?03:56
pngo<sunbird>  Permission denied (publickey)03:57
sunbirdi suppose you could put PubkeyAuthentication no03:57
sunbirdbut that shouldn't be necessary as it should try all methods if you have PasswordAuthentication yes03:58
sunbirdthere's not a # in front or anything, right? ;)03:58
pngo<sunbird> I changed that too and than I got error too saying that there was too may login error.03:58
sunbirdpngo: if there is a # in front, it tells sshd: Ignore this, it is a comment.03:59
pngo<sunbird> I just install new image of dev image and error is still there.03:59
sunbirdpngo: are you certain you know your password on the remote system?03:59
pngo<sunbird> I tried both ways04:00
pngo<sunbird> I uploaded public key to the phone and than login works04:00
sunbirdpngo: public key is better anyway.04:00
pngo<sunbird> but I want password04:01
pngo<sunbird> if I want to ssh from another computer that has no key, that will create a problem for me04:02
pngo<sunbird>I will install stable image and see if that helps04:03
sunbirdpngo: if you are failing at the password three times, the ssh connection is working fine. either there is something causing your pw to be incorrect when you type it in (like a keyboard problem with special characters?) or the pw is incorrect.04:03
pngo<sunbird> I'm trying to connect via my computer terminal04:04
pngo<sunbird> password is phablet.04:05
sunbirdpngo: you've got to be kidding me. don't post your password anywhere ever.04:05
pngo<sunbird> this is default phone settings. everyone knows that04:06
pngouser phablet password phablet04:06
sunbirdpngo: oh! sorry! i haven't ever installed touch.04:07
sunbirdjust thinking about doing it! :)04:07
pngooh ok.04:07
sunbirdi am mystified by your problem. sorry.04:07
pngo<sunbird> I just installed stable image and ssh works as expected.04:11
sunbirdpngo: ah, good. :)04:11
pngocan someone tell me where I can file a bug?04:11
pngoI think it is more ssh than ubuntu bug.04:12
ubot5If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:12
Beldarin de bot04:13
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pngowhy phone evolution (contacts.db) is not compatible with computer evolution?05:11
sunbirdokay, just bought a nexus7. :)05:25
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saidinesh5that was fast05:28
saidinesh5sunbird: which one? 2013 or 2012?05:28
saidinesh5oh cool05:28
sunbirdhad some gift cards and getting ready for an interational trip.05:28
sunbirdinternational that is.05:28
sunbirdalthough an inter-rational trip would be pretty fun too.05:29
saidinesh5define international :P05:29
saidinesh5hehe good one05:29
sunbirdwill have a couple long flights, so will be nice to have a tablet.05:29
saidinesh5mhm.... thats the one thing i really liked the tablet05:29
saidinesh5sunbird: btw. don't go for that weird foldable cover05:30
saidinesh5its worthless05:30
sunbirdhmmm good to know.05:30
sunbirdi hope it will just be usable as is. don't really want to spend any money on anything else.05:30
saidinesh5after a while it jjust wont even fold05:31
saidinesh5oh it is05:31
saidinesh5just bought a cover for it last week cuz i keep throwing it around and i dont quite trust the gorilla glass05:31
saidinesh5although i havent  seen a scratch on it so far05:31
saidinesh5but just for the dust and better protection i guess...05:32
saidinesh5this one05:32
saidinesh5the only usable cover i found so far05:33
* sunbird looks05:34
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sunbirdsaidinesh5: need picture, but where is more info about it?05:38
saidinesh5oh my bad05:38
saidinesh5i think its this one05:39
saidinesh5when i bought it it was around 7USD05:40
saidinesh5damn the pricess drop like anything05:40
sunbirdhaha, only if you want black. any of the colors cost $6.59.05:42
saidinesh5Ahh i bought the black one :|05:42
saidinesh5anyhow no regrets ... there were alternative costlier ones for around $20ish i think05:43
saidinesh5thankfully didn't fall for them05:43
sunbirdso the whole reason i came here is because i bought a surface pro for my spouse.05:45
sunbirdbefore you throw tomatos: she needs to run scrivener because she is a writer.05:45
saidinesh5how is it?05:45
sunbird_and_ she has an external keyboard that is usb powered that she has to use for health issues.05:46
saidinesh5i ve heard nice things about surface pro.. just not about its cost though05:46
sunbirdwe originally wanted an ipad because scrivener has a version for mac.05:46
sunbirdbut apple's stupied "no usb" policy means it won't work for us.05:46
sunbirdso we went with the surface pro. it was a NIGHTMARE!05:47
sunbirdout of the box, it basically was nonfunctional. super slow. running windose 8.0.05:47
saidinesh5meh @ ipad05:47
sunbirdonce i ran all the software updates (which took 8 hours), it was more functional.05:47
sunbirdbut the ui is awful!05:47
saidinesh5also sunbird i was quite happy with the bluetooth keyboard for my older nexus 705:47
sunbirdyeah, i like bt keyboards, but she needs a particular keyboard, and they only make a usb version.05:48
sunbirdwhich is too bad. :(05:48
saidinesh5nexus 7 even does usb05:48
saidinesh5i mean its linux afterall :)05:48
sunbirdanyway, i'm getting the nexus to experiment with and to see if i can get scrivener working... which i may not be able to.05:48
saidinesh5have to try out a usb variant though05:48
saidinesh5nope but there migth be some alternative webapp for that?05:49
saidinesh5or you can bug the sccrivener guys about the arm release....05:50
saidinesh5afterall its a qt app05:50
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elopioMirv: thanks for the link07:07
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thomijdstrand: a gentle reminder to review sphinxcontrib-youtube for me when you get a moment :)08:01
dobeycantstanya: chat is french for cat.08:06
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Saviqrsalveti, hey, could we ask you for a quick look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/qtubuntu/greeter-is-shell/+merge/220543 please?08:22
rsalvetiSaviq: sure08:30
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tiiongtsutarget thumb C++: libmedia_compat_layer <= ubuntu/libhybris/compat/media/decoding_service.cpp08:41
tiiongtsuIn file included from ubuntu/libhybris/compat/media/decoding_service_priv.h:22:0,08:41
tiiongtsu                 from ubuntu/libhybris/compat/media/decoding_service.cpp:25:08:41
tiiongtsuubuntu/libhybris/compat/media/surface_texture_client_hybris_priv.h:30:28: fatal error: gui/GLConsumer.h: No such file or directory08:41
tiiongtsucompilation terminated.08:41
tiiongtsumake: *** [/home/tiiongtsu/trusty/out/target/product/galaxysl/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libmedia_compat_layer_intermediates/decoding_service.o]error 108:41
tiiongtsuanyone faced this error when porting ubuntu touch08:41
piiramartiiongtsu: not porting but I sed that even in mako builds. I reverted the problematic component (in ubuntu/libhybris) to a version that's ca. a week older08:44
piiramargit checkout debian/0.1.0+git20131207+e452e83-0ubuntu1208:44
piiramar"I sed" = "I see"08:44
piiramarok just checked my notes, I don't see the /exact/ same error, but a similar one in the same source file08:47
piiramarubuntu/libhybris/compat/media/decoding_service.cpp:37:36: fatal error: gui/GraphicBufferAlloc.h: No such file or directory08:47
tiiongtsuyep ,both GraphicBufferAlloc.h and GLConsumer.h isn't exist in /frameworks/native/gui08:49
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piiramarjhodapp_: rsalveti: apparently there is something about libhybris commit 6b6aabfce58511d13ebeb68d207d8a75826e26a8 that breaks compilation (at least for tiiongtsu and me, and reverting it worked fine for both of us). Is that a genuine bug, or am I missing some step in the build setup or so?09:13
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jhodapppiiramar, no idea offhand, would have to check it out...what does that commit include from the log?09:16
mptcharles, where does bug 1320877 belong? I’m 99% sure it doesn’t belong to indicator-datetime09:17
ubot5bug 1320877 in Indicator Date and Time "alarm sound sometimes 'stutters'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132087709:17
piiramarjhodapp: it's "Add media-hub support (out of process video decoding)", which adds decoding_service.cpp, which causes issues09:18
charlesmpt: actually, for now it probably does belong in datetime09:18
piiramarjhodapp: as it uses several header includes that don't resolve09:19
charlesmpt, I'll annotate the ticket but short answer is i-datetime will be changing how it invokes the sound09:19
mptI am the One Percent09:19
jhodapppiiramar, that code is released, so it does compile09:19
piiramarjhodapp: I'm a total ubuntu touch newbie, and just following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Building (same goes for tiiongtsu). is it maybe a problem with the bootstrap or any other script then?09:20
jhodapppiiramar, are you trying to compile up to that revision, or up to the latest master branch revision?09:20
piiramarI just ran 'phablet-dev-bootstrap -v mako' and didn't touch any versions/branches/tags manually09:21
charlesmpt, after indicator-datetime fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1283065 changes from canberra to our own media API, if the play still stutters then it will be ricmm's problem ;-)09:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1283065 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Use the existing audio stack to play event sounds" [High,Triaged]09:21
piiramarjhodapp: and it's the only compilation error I get, solved by reverting libhybris a bit09:22
jhodapppiiramar, that's odd09:23
piiramarjhodapp: I sync'd last week so of course I can just try again. no idea how stable or volatile that source tree is supposed to be09:24
jhodapppiiramar, it doesn't change all that often09:24
jhodapppiiramar, go into the root of your android dir and type "repo sync"09:25
piiramaryes, I'll try09:25
mptcharles, so there will be two APIs for playing audio on the phone?09:29
javigonHi. Which kernel will be running in the ubuntu phone. Will it be support for LSM modules (e.g., apparmor)?09:41
charlesmpt, no; once we start using the media API we'll drop the canberra09:41
mptgood good09:41
popeyit uses apparmor by default, yes javigon, the specifics of what bits of apparmor it uses are a good question for jdstrand09:42
charleswhich reminds me, ricmm, what's the status of the media API? Can indicator-datetime use it now to play the wakeup alarm's sounds?09:43
javigonpopey: Thanks! I am interested in knowing the support that userland apps will get from the kernel. Apparmor was an example.09:43
jjohansenjavigon: the ubuntu kernel for a device, is a port of the android kernel for that device, so that the device drivers provided can be used09:43
jjohansenjavigon: we backport current apparmor to those kernels09:43
popeyjavigon: well, the device currently uses 3.4.0-509:44
jjohansenjavigon: so in apparmors case we are using the most up to date apparmor that we can for phones, I can point you at git backport trees in you are interested in them09:45
javigonIs there any plan for full kernel support, i.e., not android modified kernels?09:45
javigonjjohansen: I would love too.09:45
popeyjavigon: we need to use some android kernel drivers for hardware support.09:45
javigonjjohansen: what does it take to get a LSM inside of your tree base? I guess that you are using different mailin-list and patches that the main kernel.09:46
javigonpopey: makes sense :)09:46
jjohansenjavigon: okay, I tend to keep 2 branches for a given kernel, a backport presquash, with the individual changes for the backport broken out, and a squash of all the apparmor backport changes09:46
jjohansenjavigon: we try to keep the LSM that ships with the kernel. That may mean turning on the config09:47
jjohansenjavigon: so to get an LSM into the Canonical tree?09:48
jjohansenjavigon: that requires filing a features bug and working through the people who make the decision on whether it should be included09:48
javigonjjohansen: We are developing a LSM for trusted storage. We are testing it using the main kernel but need time to make a RFC commit.09:49
jjohansenjavigon: we try to stick to upstream, + a limited set of sauce patches. The goal being to not deviate more than necessary. For the phone kernels, that means we can't break the abi for the binary drivers09:49
javigonjjohansen: I was wondering which was the effort of porting it to the Canonical tree, and if it is possible to get access to the git repo to test directly in a mobile device using ubuntu09:49
javigonjjohansen: That's the way to go :)09:51
jjohansenjavigon: sure, we keep branches for the different devices we support. And you can patch, and build those kernels and manually install on a device09:51
javigonjjohansen: Can you point me to the repository? Also, which device do you recommend for testing?09:52
javigonjjohansen: To put you in context, we come from FPGA (zynq-7000) developer board, so we are looking for a platform that is likely to go mainstream09:53
jjohansenjavigon: so I have a tree at git://kernel.ubuntu.com/jj/ubuntu-trusty.git, look for branches like goldfish-aa3-backport-presquash09:53
jjohansen<android kernel codename>-aa3-backport-presuqash09:54
javigonjjohansen: Super, thanks!09:54
jjohansenthat shows how the backport is done09:54
jjohansenbasically the first patch is a snapshot of the apparmor dir, copied over that kernels apparmor09:54
jjohansenand then a series of backport patches on top to make it work09:55
jjohansenjavigon: note, I am in the process of working on updates for those trees09:55
javigonjjohansen: It is a perfect start, just what I was looking for. I will fetch regularly then :)09:55
jjohansenjavigon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/AppArmorForPhabletKernels09:55
jjohansenprovides a little more detail09:56
javigonjjohansen: thanks!09:56
jjohansenjavigon: if you are using utopic (devel) the x86 emulator works okay, and then you don't need a device, otherwise I would recommend sticking with nexus 4, or nexus 1009:57
jjohansenor uhm the newer nexus 7 (Flo)09:57
javigonjjohansen: Aiming at a demo, so hw is almost necessary. Awesome!09:57
javigonjjohansen, popey: Thanks a lot for helping! :)09:58
jjohansenthe older nexus 7 (grouper) and galaxy nexus (maguro) are not supported by current ubuntu images09:58
jjohansenjavigon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices09:58
javigongood to know!09:59
robotfuelHow do I set the performance overlay? (make the tap on the screen 4 times show data)10:01
javigonAny idea if TrustZone will be more accesible?10:02
tiiongtsufollow the porting guide ,I success build a zip,but after flash ,recovery no longer work,replace the boot.img with $out/android-boot.img ,recovery works,but get a bootloop,it can't boot into system10:03
tiiongtsuhow to do with this10:03
popeyrobotfuel: there's a funky environment variable for that. PERFORMANCE_OVERLAY10:04
popeyrobotfuel: PERFORMANCE_OVERLAY=1 in fact10:05
popey-> afk10:05
piiramarjhodapp: I synced, cleaned and rebuilt, and run into the same thing still: there are headers missing that decoding_service.cpp needs. One observation is that my source tree uses the 'native' headers from Cyanogenmod ( https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_native.git;a=tree;f=include/gui;h=8c279e9946e6c1da68dfd5921cfde84b44c539c5;hb=5d7499bc9ad4a7cf3bc2a03c2e4ae620daa3d719 ) ,10:09
piiramarwhich has a few files missing compared to AOSP ( https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/native/+/master/include/gui/ )10:09
piiramarjhodapp__: ^^10:11
oSoMoNMirv, hey, can I have a silo for line 34 ?10:40
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
MirvoSoMoN: done, landing-01110:58
popeyKaleo: how do you set PERFORMANCE_OVERLAY permanently on?10:58
Kaleopopey, add it to /etc/environment10:59
Kaleopopey, phablet-config writable-image10:59
popeyi dont want to go rw on this phone10:59
popeyoh, I can put it in ~/.profile10:59
dpmcharles, tedg, could one of you help me setting up the translations for indicator-location?11:00
dpmcharles, tedg, it shouldn't take more than a few seconds, it's about going to https://translations.launchpad.net/indicator-location/14.10/+link-translations-branch11:00
Kaleopopey, if that works brendand will be happy11:00
dpmand setting it to ~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-location/trunk.14.1011:00
popeyKaleo: sergio suggested also initctl set-env PERFORMANCE_OVERLAY=1 as the phablet user11:01
Kaleopopey, ok11:01
popeydidnt work here11:02
popeyKaleo: adding to /home/phablet/.profile works here11:03
popeythank you!11:03
popeygot something to play with today ☻11:04
Kaleopopey, once zbenjamin has fixed a few things in QtCreator we will try to sit down with each app dev11:04
Kaleopopey, to make sure QtCreator works for them11:04
Kaleopopey, and help profiling if needed11:04
popeybug 130271311:05
ubot5bug 1302713 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Set PERFORMANCE_OVERLAY=1 when running an app from QtCreator help debugging" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130271311:05
Kaleopopey, nice one11:05
popeythat will help11:05
popeyballoons: do you know if we can run calendar tests now?11:06
popeyI'd love to push a new calendar to the store after all the hard work the guys did last week - not least vomit removal11:06
zbenjaminKaleo: working on that, but there is still a blocker in apparmor that prevents me from finishing it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click-apparmor/+bug/132323311:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323233 in click-apparmor (Ubuntu) "debug policy group" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:07
Kaleozbenjamin, oki11:07
zbenjaminKaleo: fyi thats the last thing that needs to be sorted out, everything else seems to work fine.11:08
Kaleozbenjamin, beautiful11:09
Kaleozbenjamin, do you know who to push for getting the apparmor stuff resolved?11:09
zbenjamini was talking to sarnold11:10
zbenjaminhe said if jamie has enough time it might be sorted out in the next few days but he doesn't know exactly11:10
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ogra_cyphermox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7257464/12:19
charlesdpm, so all you needed was me or ted to go to https://translations.launchpad.net/indicator-location/14.10/+link-translations-branch and hit 'update'?12:29
charlesdpm, if so, done12:29
dpmcharles, excellent, thanks! Also, I noticed that the .pot file is not committed: I sent an e-mail about it, but essentially, all that is needed is to run 'intltool-update -p -g indicator-location' inside the po folder and commit the file. Could you help with that too?12:31
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rsalvetiSaviq: mind checking https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/unity8/workaround_no_scopes_emulator/+merge/220337 ?12:55
Saviqrsalveti, will to get through this today12:56
rsalvetiSaviq: thanks12:56
oSoMoNMirv, can I have a silo for line 35?13:12
Tassadarstgraber: hi, did you see comment #7 on bug 1286542?13:13
ubot5bug 1286542 in Ubuntu system image "keyring DuplicateDestinationError when updating from custom s-i server" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128654213:13
Tassadar(assuming you're not on vacation anymore)13:13
Saviqricmm, Kaleo, yeah, I wasn't there this morning14:26
Saviqricmm, and looks like there's a leftover "Application startup" in the Events calendar...14:26
Saviqprobably invalid by now14:26
Saviqjjohansen, hey, we've been told you were looking into the lxc test issues, do you have any ETA?14:27
jjohansenSaviq: hopefully, today some time. I've got to build a kernel and do testing so probably later into the evening14:28
ricmmSaviq I'll walk you through it14:29
jjohansenSaviq: then I need to push to the kt14:29
Saviqjjohansen, awesome, thanks14:30
Saviqmterry_, ↑14:30
* mterry_ hugs jjohansen14:30
Saviqricmm, now? where you at?14:30
ricmmSaviq: not now14:42
Saviqricmm, ok, lemme know14:44
dednickcharles: what's the state of the transfer indicator?14:46
Macerhm. can't really find much information on an actual ubuntu phone release date :/14:57
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
t1mpMacer: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2014/02/19/canonical-announces-first-partners-to-ship-ubuntu-phones-around-the-globe/15:00
t1mpMacer: that page says 2014, I don't think more specific dates are available15:00
Maceryeah i saw that. ah well. guess i'll just wait.15:10
Maceri'm sure they'll be sold out for like a year :/15:10
Maceri just hope someone makes one with a hw qwerty heh15:11
Macert1mp: plus that's on ubuntu.com.. could just be propaganda :D15:11
Macerit's like going to whitehouse.gov and trying to find an article that says obama did something bad hehe15:12
t1mpMacer: well, as long as a date is not announced by Ubuntu/Canonical, I would not even trust it when it is on another website15:15
Maceri know. i'm just joking.15:17
jgdxxare there any designs for feedback on tap for e.g. the back button in the bottom panel?16:00
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== Beldar is now known as frankleee
petohi, can you help me with edit manifest.xml for n7000 ?19:29
n4uahhello ineed some help at ubuntu-touch19:36
zach2825im so impressed with ubuntu touch!19:37
n4uahdid u tryed it?19:37
zach2825just right now. got it installed. what issues are you having?19:38
n4uahits about the device.19:38
n4uahwant to port the ubuntu-touch19:39
zach2825which device?19:39
zach2825galaxy s2? it looks like theys already been started on porting.. but, they can't get the phone calls to work19:41
n4uahthe s duos 219:42
n4uahthey didnt startd.19:43
petocan you help me with edit manifest on n7000?19:44
zach2825oh, sorry i googled it. it looks similar. i wish i knew more about that process19:44
=== gnu is now known as Guest11890
petocan i use revision stable/cm-11.0 ?19:54
petopls help19:56
meek_geeki want to wipe windows from a gifted laptop and install ubuntu20:18
meek_geekbut I do not like unity20:18
meek_geekSo i m wondering if Ubuntu has optimized Touch only for Unity or does it work very well with xfce/gnome as well ?20:18
Beldarmeek_geek, YOU are really mixed up for ubuntu use #ubuntu for touch use this chanel, do you know the difference?20:18
Beldartouch is a phone platform20:19
meek_geekBeldar, wtf ?20:19
meek_geeku send me from ubuntu to here!20:19
Beldarmeek_geek, Do not swear, you are mixing OS's I'm trying to understand you needs.20:20
meek_geekBeldar, I m talking about ubuntu on laptops with touchscreen20:20
meek_geekwhere would that go ?20:21
Beldarmeek_geek, #ubuntu20:21
Beldarsorry for any mixup ;)20:21
meek_geekBeldar, np do you have touch laptops ?20:22
Beldarmeek_geek, No not yet, just a nexus 720:22
* Beldar needs to cut back on the caffeine20:23
meek_geekBeldar, are you a dev ?20:24
Beldarmeek_geek, No just an arm chair user, a bit to much free tome is all.20:24
meek_geekdo you like unity ?20:25
Beldarmeek_geek, I use the gnome-shell, there are like 50 desktops to choose from20:26
meek_geekoh wow20:26
meek_geekWhat do you mean ? lol20:27
Beldarmeek_geek, unity is a desktop, so is xubuntu, openbox, lubuntu, kubuntu.......etc20:27
Beldarmeek_geek, If you had a linux server you would be just using the terminal, the dektop is the gui on top20:28
meek_geekSo you mean DE/WM ?20:28
meek_geekI love Gnome and Xfce20:29
Beldarmeek_geek DE is short for desktop, and some have a window manager yes20:29
Beldarmeek_geek, we are offtopic here try #ubuntu-offtopic20:29
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dakert1mp: hi22:40
dakert1mp: do you have any docs/spec for the new header ?22:40
t1mpdaker: these are the most up-to-date specs that I have from design: http://design.canonical.com/2014/03/new-apps-header/22:45
t1mpdaker: and here is the qml API that we are discussing for Ubuntu.Components https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1wUUKtPmRmwbUELC1BUB9l0VOAwS_zAPRSCqMopUxR1c/edit#heading=h.yv1xue68vkeu22:46
dakert1mp: ok, that doc will be very helpful22:47

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