
mhr3tsdgeos, where can i find you guys?07:58
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tsdgeosmhr3: we are in08:17
tsdgeosmhr3: Studio 2 B08:18
tsdgeosmhr3: at least me, Saviq's laptop is here but he isn't08:18
mhr3tsdgeos, i'll need to pick your brainz later08:21
tsdgeosmhr3: sure, drop by whenever you want08:21
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Saviqpaulliu, I can test the logout branch for real on desktop09:17
Saviqpaulliu, but also, if unity8 desktop session doesn't work for you, you should try and solve that this week (with Mir folks and/or bregma)09:17
paulliuSaviq, ok09:17
Saviqmterry, fixed the i-network build issue09:24
Saviqmterry, build is running now09:24
mterrySaviq, thanks09:31
tsdgeosmhr3: have a sec?10:14
mhr3tsdgeos, sure10:17
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Saviqmzanetti, can you have a quick look at bug #1323241 and bug #1323273 if they look like dupes of the one you have a fix for?12:34
ubot5bug 1323241 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132324112:34
ubot5bug 1323241 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1323273 unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132324112:34
mzanettiSaviq: ack12:36
Saviqwhoa we're getting inline comments in LP!12:51
Saviqbug #609297 !12:54
ubot5bug 609297 in Launchpad itself "need ability to do in-line reviews" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60929712:54
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CimiSaviq, should be better now13:12
Cimiwho can review?13:12
Cimimterry_, what did we need to do with the wizard to get it working with split greeter?13:15
mterry_Cimi, mostly just some upstart changes.  I have a branch, let me see13:15
mterry_Cimi, lp:~mterry/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard.wifi.split (has the very simple upstart change plus a bunch of cleanup)13:16
Cimimterry_, does it work?13:17
Cimimterry_, Saviq told me the wizard.wifi wasn't after latest mir changes13:17
mterry_Cimi, I'll have to retest, but it was working.  Though now that there isn't a boot animation on the device, there is a "black gap" between closing the wizard and the greeter showing13:17
mterry_Cimi, it also needs some work because it sets the "has run" file in the greeter's home directory13:18
mterry_Cimi, but that is not persistent across boots (we can make it so, but we just have to do that)13:18
Cimimterry_, let's ask to put everything in a silo13:19
Cimithen we test13:19
mterry_Cimi, well the persistence setting is in the lxc-config package, which I don't think is silo'd up13:19
mterry_Cimi, but making that folder persistent may have some knock-on-effects -- we probably want to make sure that logrotate is being run for the greeter13:20
mterry_Cimi, but sure, we should get a testing silo anyway13:21
Cimimterry_, I usually put a rm /home/phablet/.config/ubuntu.../wizard-has-run in rc.local13:21
Cimito help testing13:21
mterry_Cimi, right.  But I'm saying that the $HOME for the greeter is tossed every boot, so unless we fix that, users will see the wizard every boot13:22
Cimiah I see13:22
mterry_Cimi, but fixing that means we should make sure that logrotate is being used etc13:23
Cimimterry_, first thing first though, make sure the wizard runs fine with mir etc13:23
Cimimterry_, maybe just a system side setting instead a file13:25
mterry_Cimi, side setting?13:25
Cimisince we set the wifi and other settings13:25
Cimilet's set as well the flag wizard has run13:25
mterry_Cimi, you mean in AccountsService?13:25
Cimimterry_, gsettings or so13:26
mterry_Cimi, gsettings is stored in $HOME too13:26
mterry_Cimi, AccountsSettings isn't, but such settings aren't really what it was designed for (not that we couldn't abuse it, but it would be an abuse  :))13:26
mterry_Saviq, all branches in silo 002 are approved, I believe13:50
mterry_Saviq, only missing piece is the lxc update that will unblock the cgmanager crash fix13:50
mterry_Saviq, we *could* land without blocking on that.  But about 1 in 40 boots will not work (and about 1 in 20 boots will report a cgmanager crash file)13:50
mterry_The lack of booting I imagine would screw up all our QA labs13:51
mterry_As well as be annoying  :)13:51
mzanettitsdgeos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/132331814:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323318 in Unity 8 "Recent apps category not collapsing properly if 2 rows of apps are closed at once" [Undecided,New]14:26
tsdgeosmzanetti: it only happens on phone, right?14:28
mzanettitsdgeos: can't get the recent apps category to show up at all with the fake stuff14:28
mzanettitsdgeos: I think that's a bug in the MockApplicationManager tho14:29
Saviqrsalveti, would unity8 taking *ages* to start (or at all) in x86 emulator be related to the CPU speed detection?14:37
SaviqMirv, hey, you'll be landing the Qt silo soonish will you? should we wait with anything unity8?14:37
rsalvetiSaviq: that's one issue that delays the startup for every app that uses libpgm14:38
rsalvetibecause of the benchmark it uses to calculate the cpu mhz14:38
rsalvetiwhen testing it locally it's quite faster when the cpu mhz are correct14:39
rsalvetior when the env var is available14:39
Saviqrsalveti, I wonder then if we should do that even earlier than in unity8 job?14:39
rsalvetiSaviq: I thought about adding it as a generic system env var, which could be part of touch session, but as the unity8 is the first client using that code, that was already enough14:41
rsalvetiI can give it a try and move it to the ubuntu touch session scrip14:41
Saviqrsalveti, yeah, so you tell me, I will accept it, but just have a think whether it makes sense to have it earlier?14:42
rsalvetiyup, will give it a try, I thought about this some weeks ago and I had some reason for it to be in unity8, but can't remember right now14:44
tsdgeosSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1319907 https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/132331815:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1319907 in Unity 8 "Carousel overlay not always shown" [High,Triaged]15:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323318 in Unity 8 "Recent apps category not collapsing properly if 2 rows of apps are closed at once" [Undecided,New]15:03
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